My Journey

By Eric B

Published on Aug 16, 2013



My Journey

I was feeling full as I settled into my aisle seat in the plane. My stomach was full of knots. My cock wanted to get full of blood, but the plastic chastity device prevented it from swelling, as it had for the past two weeks. My balls were full, desperate for release. My ass was full of a nice sized plug too, which I had slid home--following orders--just before leaving my rental house of the past few years and turning over the key to the landlord. As I took a cab to the airport, checked my bags, and settled in the gate lounge for my flight to be called, my caged dick was been dripping from all the stimulation my prostate was getting. I had taken several trips to the restroom to mop up the precum with a paper towel, but now that I was on the plane, I was worried that the dampness would become visible on my khaki shorts. I had been told to get an aisle seat, and I worried now that having to get up to let my seatmates out would call attention to my situation. So my mind was full of concerns, too.

I just graduated with my PhD from a scientific program at one of the US--s leading universities, located in a small Midwestern city. I was heading out on a world tour, a vacation that I was rewarding myself with after four years of hard work. I was lucky--I had found a job at a good university in Chicago; most of my fellow students were still looking for work. I had finished and defended my dissertation back in January, so I had been able to use the spring to do a lot of work getting ready for the courses I had to teach in the fall, publishing a couple of articles, and working with my mentor to develop some grant proposals. I could spend eight weeks on vacation, free of most cares, wandering across Europe and Asia as I heard about interesting places to visit. I had wrapped up my loose ends in my college town, sending my furniture on ahead with movers to be held in storage for the summer. I said goodbye to my colleagues--no close friends really, given how busy I had been--and promised to post some photos on Facebook. My parents had come down for graduation. We weren't really close, but I promised to call them when I got back and settled in Chicago.

After the graduation ceremony, my mom had made her regular comment about that maybe now I'd have time to find a girl and settle down. Little did she know. I hadn't told her I was gay. My folks were evangelical Christians, and they wouldn't understand. It had taken me nearly eight years of living away from home to overcome the baggage of that upbringing. Most of the people I worked with I knew--it's not something I tried to hide. When we talked about our weekends, I sometimes mentioned that I had spend a Saturday night at one of the local clubs, that is when I took time away from the lab. I never had time for a boyfriend. But it would have been hard to find someone who was as kinky as I was anyway.

I never really had any trouble finding someone to hook up with. My stress relief--and trust me, I needed a lot--was to go the gym and work out hard. After four years of grad school, I looked great. I could find someone to pound my hole and help me get off through the hookup apps and the clubs easily enough. There were enough hot guys around from the university that I had my choice really, though the undergrads didn't have the great cockmanship I liked to keep my ass happy. It was harder to find someone who was kinky though. A few guys were open to cuffing me or slipping my hood over my head, but most were scared away. I tried to hook up with those who were open to it more often, but invariably they found a boyfriend or some other excuse not to give me what I so badly craved.

I guess my other big stress relief was jacking off. I had a suitably discrete profile on a popular fetish website, and I spent too many hours browsing profiles and occasionally chatting with guys. There weren't many guys in my area though--lots of folks that flaked out about actually getting together, too many subs like myself, and too many guys that were old or just plain weird. So I was excited when, about six weeks before I was going to leave, I noticed that a dom in New York City I had long admired from a distance said he was hosting a fetish party the weekend I was planning to leave the States. I had a round-the-world open ticket, and I had been planning to fly from London, my first stop, through New York. I sent him a message asking if I might come to the party. After we exchanged a few messages, he agreed. I made arrangements, and now I found myself on the plane, off to fly to NYC for a weekend of bondage before heading out on my world tour.

The dom and I had kept exchanging messages as the date approached. He asked me about my limits and my fantasies. I asked him what he liked to do to guys and what his parties were like. I told him I was feeling apprehensive about being a sub at a party with lots of doms, but he laughed and said not to worry--he'd take me under his wing and watch out for me, but it was usually pretty low key. Fun and full of sex, but low key. He sent me some photos of himself and guys he had worked over. Both got my juices boiling. He was hot, a classic tall, dark, and handsome guy. We were about the same height, but he was more muscular than my trim though still defined frame. He had some facial scruff the way I liked it. The pictures he sent of his subs showed them bound in intricate rope work, or in straight jackets, or restrained over the several pieces of dungeon furniture he appeared to own, always with hoods, gags, tit clamps, ass toys, and electro devices binding and teasing their bodies. When I told him how often I was jacking off over the photos, he laughed and said that maybe he should lock up my cock to increase my level of anticipation before the party. I said that that wasn't a terrible idea, and in a few days he had sent me a CB6000 chastity device. He made me put it on while he watched over a webcam, laughing as I slipped the padlock through the hasp and locked myself up. He, of course, kept the only keys with him in NYC. He told me to report to him nightly online to prove that I was still locked up. When he verified, he had me play with my hole and tease my nipples. By the end of the two weeks, the chastity device had me going nuts. I could think of little else than getting off. My graduation ceremony and celebrations near were a fuzzy, indistinct memory--in addition to being locked up under my robe, he had me wear a plug up my ass and clothespins on my nipples. It was great, but it was hell too.

Three days later, he had given me the final instructions for the weekend. I was to wear light colored shorts, a t-shirt, and flipflops. The chastity device, of course, was locked on. I was to make arrangement for an aisle seat on the plane. And the plug was to be seated firmly up my ass again. I was terrified about being discovered by the TSA, but that worked out without any problems. Now I that I was on the plane, I remembered the rest of his instructions: a friend of his would pick me up at the airport. He'd have a waiver I'd have to sign releasing the dom from liability--a kinky lawyer friend of his thought it was a good idea, he said, just in case someone caught an STD or something at a party; safe sex was each guest's decision, and the waiver made clear that my dom friend wasn't responsible for any consequences of those decisions. Then we'd get to the dom's place, and the fun would begin.

The flight was delayed by an hour for some reason, but I found the friend without too much hassle, and we settled down in the car for the twenty minute ride. I was feeling a little nervous--who wouldn't be, going to a stranger's house for a bdsm orgy where you were one of the guys getting tied up--so I didn't say much. The guy asked me a bunch of questions though, about what I did for a living and how I found the dom and whatnot. I answered, and asked the necessary questions back to seem like I was interested, though my stomach was in knots worse than ever. But my cock was still dripping. As he slipped the transmission into park, my chauffeur reached behind him and pulled out an envelope with the liability form. It was three pages long, but he told me just to flip to the last page and sign it--we were late, and the party had already started. I signed, he grabbed the form, and led me to the side door of the house.

He opened the door for me and motioned me in. I walked in, curious what I'd see. Would guys be fucking all over the kitchen? Would the living room be full of bound subs? But inside the door was just a small, dark landing with stairs leading up and down. The driver gestured me up the stairs. I went up, hoping to see the dom. I opened the door at the top of the steps, when I felt multiple sets of hands grab me. My shoulders, upper arms, wrists, and ankles were firmly held. Someone moved in behind me, grabbed my neck, and covered my mouth with a gloved hand just as I began to shout. Before I could struggle much, several pairs of powerful hands bent my arms behind my back, and I felt steel cuffs pinning my wrists together. Pressure was applied to my shoulders while other guys pushed my knees forward, and I sank the ground. Steel shackles quickly cuffed my ankles together. Someone grabbed my forehead and twisted my head back, and a ball gag was forced in my mouth as the gloved hand was removed.

I struggled a bit, but the situation was obviously useless. I didn't know whether to scream or cream my shorts. As my eyes refocused, I calmed a bit, for there was my dom host standing in front of me. He looked as great as, maybe even better than, he did in his pics. He was wearing tight leather pants, boots, and a chest harness. His scruff was neatly trimmed, and his muscles filled out his body in all the right spaces; it looked like he had just left the gym. If it had been possible, my cock would have surged. He stared at me for a moment, and then he started to speak.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up. My new slave. You're going to have the time of your life this weekend boy. You have no idea. But first we've got to get you ready." With that, he grabbed a knife off the counter. I'm sure my eyes must have got huge, but I didn't have enough time to get really concerned before he pulled at my shirt and swiftly made a cut in the collar and sleeves. He quickly tore the rest of it off and threw the remnants on the floor. My shorts were next to go. I was nude. The dom smiled and said, "that's better. You won't be needing any clothes this weekend, or for a while. Still a lot to do before you can start being trained though."

I wondered what could be coming next. I hadn't counted on starting things this intensely, but there was no harm done, and I was sure that I would be jacking off to this scene for months. The dom put the knife back on the counter and picked up something in front of him. I heard a click and a buzz, and my heart sank. I had heard that sound in bdsm porn I had watched, and this scene was playing out a little like a clich‚. Hair clippers. Sure it was hot to see a struggling sub bound and shaved in porn, but there's no way I wanted to start my vacation with a bald head. I started to twist and pull at the hands that were holding me, but between the cuffs and guys I wasn't going anywhere.

"I asked you what your limits were boy, and you didn't say anything about haircuts. Bet you wish you had now, don't you! Not that it would have made much a difference." I tried to get away, panicking with the way this was going, but I wasn't going anywhere. Additional hands grabbed my shoulders, and someone put me in a headlock. I felt the clippers touch my forehead and bite into my hair. My brown curls started to fall away, falling across my eyes as the dom--holy crap! I don't even know his name, I realized with a sinking heart--methodically took my hair. I saw the crotches of the guys in front of me swell as I struggled--one even took out his cock and stroked it as the clippers buzzed on my skull. After a couple minutes, my head was pushed forward and the dom started getting the back, and I wondered if it would be wet shaved too, to complete the porn film scene.

Thankfully, it appeared that I would be spared that. As soon as the clippers were done, the dom turned to put them down and came back toward me with a leather blindfold which he quickly pulled over my eyes. No light could get through it, and I could see nothing. Someone put foam earplugs in my ears. The straps of the ball gag were loosened, and a tight fitting neoprene hood was stretched over my head, feeling odd as it slid over my newly denuded head. The hood had a large opening for my mouth and nose, but the gag stayed in place while the straps were refastened over the hood. Within the span of ninety seconds, my head was effectively isolated from the world, with my sight, hearing, and ability to speak all taken from me.

I felt hands start pulling my shoulders up, and I took the hint and stood. The same hands turned me around, and I was guided down the stairs I had just walked up, all of ten minutes ago. I was guided to the basement, where I felt cool tile underfoot. The hands guided me deeper into the basement until we stopped. Two sets of hands grabbed my arms while someone else uncuffed my wrists. One arm was forcefully twisted up and around and then bound with what felt like a rubber cuff. Once it was secured high in the air, the other wrist experienced the same. My ankles were unshackled, spread apart, and secured. I was spread eagle, tied wrist and ankle, unable to see a thing or protest. I was scared to death, but I still had to admit that parts of this were hot.

I was left standing there for a few minutes, and I wondered what was going on. Suddenly, I felt someone grab the plug which had been up my ass for hours now and ease it out. I yelped into the gag as the wide part stretched my ring and gasped in relief as the discomfort swiftly faded.

Quickly though, I felt something else inserted up my tender chute. It felt like it had a couple of hoses or something dangling from the back. The guy back there grabbed one of the hoses, and soon I felt the plug start to inflate. After a few seconds, it was uncomfortable, but it didn't get worse. The hands fiddled some more, and I felt some cool water start to flow into my ass.

I didn't have time to dwell on the water gushing into my colon though, as I felt two sets of clippers start working their way down my body, removing my body hair. My pit, chest, arm, and leg hair were quickly gone. I felt someone grab the chastity device and take off the little padlock, removing the plastic cock cover and its rings soon after. Despite everything that had happened in the past half hour, I immediately became fully erect, my hard cock pointing out from my crotch. It was shaved of its hair quickly enough too.

While the pressure in my ass didn't seem to be getting worse, I was starting to feel cramps. I never liked giving myself enemas--it's a dirty, long, inconvenient, unpleasant, but necessary task--but I had no choice now. Soon enough, however, the cramps were relieved when someone opened a valve and let the water flow out. I didn't have much time to be thankful for that relief, however, for suddenly I felt a warm liquid applied simultaneously to my left arm and my right pit. It was hot enough to almost burn. I didn't realize what it was at first, but then a strip of fabric was applied over top of both spots, patted down for a moment, and then ripped off. I bellowed in pain, my mind hardly able to process either the pain or the fact that they were waxing all the stubble off my body. I started to struggle, but someone grabbed my balls and squeezed, and I realized that I had no more choice about it.

By this time, my erection had finally gone down. I no longer wanted to be here. If I could talk, I would have been shouting to let me out and let me go. This was far more painful and much less erotic than I had thought it would be. As soon as I could, I'd be getting out of here, spending the weekend in a hotel nursing my wounded pride before my flight to London on Monday afternoon. But they never gave me the chance to speak. My gut was cleansed three more times, each time with a little more water. All of my hair below the neck was waxed off, right down to the few hairs on my fingers and toes. Cold water blasted my tender skin, washing away the remnants of wax and hair. I was absolutely miserable.

I breathed a sigh of relief when the waxing was done and I was roughly towel dried. My skin was tender, but in three days I was sure I'd be okay for my flight out. I didn't know how long my hairless condition would last, but maybe some guys on the way would find it hot. I needed some uncomplicated, vanilla sex after this.

I felt my captors uncuff my ankles and slip my feet into what felt like leather boots. Shackles went over top. Someone grabbed my flaccid cock--I didn't know why at first, but I realized eventually he wanted me to pee, so I let go, not caring at this point where this piss ended up. The chastity device went back on. After that, my arms were released one at a time. I tried to resist, but they had fallen asleep by now, and whoever was manhandling me had no problems bringing them down and cuffing them to a belt which had been placed around my waist. Clamps held together by a chain were roughly attached to my nipples. I was pushed down to my knees.

Suddenly I felt someone start to loosen the strap which held the ball gag in place. My jaw had long ago started to ache, and I looked forward both to being able to exercise my jaw and ask to be released. It took me a moment after the ball was pulled from my mouth with a long strand of drool to start protesting.

"Let me go, this is more than I thought it would be! I want...." I was suddenly silenced as someone brutally grabbed my balls and another hand yanked the chain between my nipples. I vaguely heard someone shout through the ear plugs and hood, unable to make out what they said. I had a pretty good idea, though, and I shut my mouth. Now I was really scared, though--I had thought it would be easy enough to get out of here once people heard this was too much for me. While the pressure on my balls and nipples let up some, whoever had control of me made it clear that my cooperation was demanded. There was little I could do as a thick leather hood was slid over the neoprene one I was already wearing, complete with a gag that thoroughly filled my mouth. I was thankful for small mercies though--I could feel already that this gag would be easier for long term wear, and I was starting to realize that I wasn't going anywhere for the time being. The hood was tightened, and a wide collar was secured around the base of the collar and my neck. I felt something probing around my hole, and suddenly a long, thin object penetrated me several inches. I felt a cool, thick gel ooze into my hole. Clearly, I was being lubed up. The nozzle was removed, and a finger, then two, roughly replaced it, spreading the gel around my hole and coating everything thoroughly. My cock started to reharden against the chastity a bit, but I was still scared and angry.

Before I could worry about why I needed to be so thoroughly lubed, I felt someone attach something to a ring on the front of my collar and use it to pull me to my feet. I was guided across the basement and then back up the stairs I had come down only an hour before. I was pulled through the kitchen and then further into the house. I felt hands grabbing me, pulling at my chained tits and mauling my balls. Someone even stuck his finger up my ass.

We quickly stopped moving though, and I bumped into something in front of me. My wrists and ankles were uncuffed, and the leash on my collar was used to guide me to crawl onto a padded platform in front of me. I quickly realized what I was on, as hands strapped me down. I had seen the dom's photos of guys strapped down on a bondage platform or fuck bench, and I had no doubt that's where I was as my wrists, forearms, calves, and ankles were tied down. Longer straps went across my back, and the collar was secured too, preventing my head from moving much. My ass was accessible off the end of the bench.

I could hear a dull murmur of conversation through the ear plugs and the two hoods, but I couldn't hear anything distinctly enough to understand what was being said. Things quieted for a moment, and I wondered what was going on. Suddenly, I felt a large, erect dick at my hole. Whoever it was laid it across my ass for a moment, then teased the entrance of my hole with his cockhead. By now, I was still pissed off about what happened, but my horniness had also returned. If I could have, I would have pushed back against it. I didn't have to wait long though. He pushed in forcefully, causing me to gasp into the gag and pull at my bindings. I could hear the crowd going wild.

I'm not sure when or if I'll get to any subsequent parts of this story--I've outlined what I think might happen, but the writing takes a long time. This chapter works pretty well on its own though. Feedback always welcomed. I've also thought it would be fun to retell the story from the perspective of the dom--if you'd like to do that, you're more than welcome to. Otherwise, all right reserved; please don't repost elsewhere other than Nifty, which can always use your support.

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