My Jockboy

By Asd Vasd

Published on Jul 20, 2023


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Michael had been avoiding me for a few days. My guess was that he was freaking out a little, but I wasn't worried. I knew he would be back, if for no other reason than he wouldn't be able to cum without me. Patience was key. I had planted a seed, and it needed time to grow. Sure enough, a few days later, he texted me.

`Sorry. Been busy, haven't been avoiding you. Can we talk?'

`Sure. My place. 7 pm'

He was perfectly punctual, and quite well dressed, almost like he was going on a date. I showed him in and sat him on the sofa while I pulled up a chair. He stammered a little and tried to make small talk. But I cut to the chase. "So, you want to talk about what happened last time?"

"Yeah. Look - I'm not gay. I don't think. At least I've always liked women, and never thought of guys sexually before. But what's been happening lately, I don't know. Ever since you hypnotized me, everything has been different. Almost like you flipped a switch or something."

"You know hypnotism doesn't work like that Michael," I lied.

"I know man. And even it if did, I know you. You wouldn't do anything like that to me. It must be something deep down that you uncovered. But, the weird part is, part of me thinks it was worth it. I feel so much better because of the hypnotherapy you gave me. I really want to be hypnotized again, so you can help me more. It's changed my life!"

More than you know, I thought.

"First of all Michael, I think that is a very brave and perceptive thing for you to say. You're a good boy." Michael shivered in pleasure when I said the words, and a bulge in his pants developed almost instantly. Either he had taken that trigger remarkably well, or he was just incredibly horny from five days of abstinence. "You're a good boy, and my friend. If I can help by putting you under again, I will.

"But - it's awkward now. I still haven't been able to cum since last time. When I try to. . . " He paused as a his face turned beet red. "Before, I was always the dominant one in bed. I'd go at it pretty rough if a girl would let me. That would be what I fantasized about when I jerked off, just pounding a hot chick. But now, well, all I can think about is . . . you. Your body. All the stuff that happened last time. You you controlling when I could cum," Michael confessed. "It made me feel . . . safe? I don't know if that's the word.

"I know exactly what you mean, Michael. We've known each other for a while now. You've known that I was gay. But have you ever heard me talk about a boyfriend?"

"No, I guess not."

"That's because I don't really have boyfriends. I have pets. They get exactly what you are looking for. They get to feel secure, be controlled, and learn how to let go and just feel good. And I get to show them affection, teach them how to please, and how to gain pleasure from pleasing me. I can be demanding, but always fair and loving." Michael's jaw had dropped at the word `pet', but I could tell that the rest of the explanation resonated with him. "Michael, would you like to be my pet?"

He sat silent. I could see the gears in his mind turning. He was still processing all of this. I decided to break it down for him.

"Do you trust me Michael?"

"Yes. You're my friend."

"Would I ever do anything to hurt you?"

"No, of course you wouldn't."

"Do you think I might know what is better for you sometimes?"

"Sure Jim. I mean, you're smarter than me. And you've helped me out a lot."

"And pleasing me seems to make you happy, right?"

"Yeah, I like to help my friends out."

"That isn't what I meant Michael, and you know it. Pleasing me made you very happy the last time we were together, didn't it?"

"Y . . . yeah."

"I will never order you to do anything. I will just tell you what I want, what I hope for. If you like to please me, you can do it, of your own free will. That's how it works with my pets. They trust me. They strive to make me happy. Now, it would make me very happy if you were to get naked right now."

That seemed to hit home for him. He slowly stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt, slowly revealing his well-built frame and his blond fur. He unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down around his ankles, showing off his american flag boxers. "Good boy." The boxers tented out nicely, and even developed a wet spot. Unfortunately, Michael had neglected to take his shoes and socks off, and so the momentum faltered a bit while he tried to kick off his still-tied shoes hidden inside his pant legs. Finally, his boxers were all that was left. As he slid his flag boxers down his thick, muscled thighs, his cock bounced up, standing at full attention.

"Good boy." His body shook again, and pre-cum started to glisten on the end of his cock. "Now, I would like it if you got on your knees and jerked off for me. You don't have permission to cum yet though."

He complied instantly. He stroked himself very slowly, using his hips almost as much as his hand. His fingers seemed to focus on the base of his penis, his thumb lightly playing with his head at the top of each stroke.

"So tell me Michael, what have you thought about when you tried to jerk off lately?"

"You. I thought about . . . what we did last time - mostly."

"So you liked sucking my cock?" I said as I started stroking it through my shorts. "What did you like about it?"

"I had never done anything like it before. I liked feeling you inside my mouth, feeling you pulse, knowing that you were enjoying me. I even . . . I even liked the taste."

"What did I taste like?"

"It tasted bitter, but also a little sweet I guess?"

Michael's hands were moving faster now. He was clearly getting close. But he would never be able to finish without my say-so.

"And how did it feel needing permission to cum?"

"I . . . I liked it. It was like you were controlling something deep inside me. I didn't need to think, or decide, so I couldn't make a mistake. I couldn't disappoint you even if I wanted to. I felt very safe, and very close to you."

"How would you like it if you became my pet, and I made sure that you never came by your own hand again? I would have complete control over your orgasms."

"I - I think I would like that very much Jim."

"Even if you knew I might ask you to wait quite a long time for an orgasm sometimes?"

"Well, I've always heard that if you hold out for a while before getting off, it becomes much more intense. But I've never had the willpower. So, it would be for my own benefit really. I would trust your decision."

"Good boy," I said, genuinely impressed. Michael started breathing heavy and his hand moved at a blinding pace. He really did enjoy being called a good boy. "Hands behind your head please."

His cock twitched as his hands left it, clearly eager for more attention. With Michael's hands behind his head, he was a thing of beauty. His knees were spread shoulder width apart, allowing his heavy balls to hang down freely. His burly arms displayed proudly, even in the submissive pose. His check was rising and falling rapidly as he struggled to regain his breath. Hips thrust out, his cock was painfully erect, jutting out from his reddish pubes. Pre-cum leaked from the tip. I decided to see how far I could take this.

"Do you want to cum for me now Michael?"

"Yes Jim."

"It would turn me on, if you called me Master."

"Ok Master."

I could tell the words felt awkward in his mouth, but I pressed on quickly. "You have permission to cum."

Michael's hands leapt towards his cock. "No!" I scolded. "Hands behind your head until I tell you otherwise." He put his hands back behind his head, confused. "You still have permission," I explained, "But you can't touch yourself just yet. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Master."

"Good boy." Michael let out a heavy sigh as the pleasure of the trigger overtook him. "You want to be a good boy, don't you Michael?"

"Yes Master."

"Good boy." The phrase seemed to be building on itself. Michael's hips were thrusting back and forth in the air slightly, and he let out a moan. "How do you get to be a good boy Micheal?"

"By pleasing you Master."

"That's right, good boy." The trigger work was doing it's work. Michael shut his eyes in ecstasy. "That's what being a pet is all about, isn't it Michael?"

"Yes Master."

"Good boy." Michael was breathing heavily now. He was moaning quietly now as the trigger overtook him and pleasure flooded his body. "Would you like to be my pet Michael?"

"Yes Master."

"Good boy. Very good boy." His face flushed and his body tensed accentuating his muscles as he grew ever closer to the edge. "Is there anything you wouldn't do to please me Michael?"

"No Master"

"Good boy. Then be a good boy and cum for me now. Good boy, very good boy!"

Michaels cock started twitching violently, and his moans grew in pitch and volume. He threw his head back as cum spewed forth from his bouncing dick, landing in a thick white puddle on the hardwood floor beneath him. As his moans subsided, he looked a little shaken, his head and body slouched forward, his legs trembling with fatigue. But his cock was as hard as ever.

"That was perfect." I was very careful not to call him a good boy. "Come here." He scooted towards me, not taking his hands from behind his head. I chuckled. "You can take your hands down now." I pulled him towards me and kissed him deeply. He was surprised, likely never being kissed so aggressively before, and certainly not by a man. Then, I let him rest, laying his head on my lap. We sat in silence for a minute.

"So, I'm your pet now." Michael said, trying the concept on for size, still a little dazed by his hands-free orgasm. .

"Yes, you are. And I think you'll need a new name. I think I'll call you jockboy."

"Thank you Master. Master?"

"Yes Jockboy?"

"Will you still hypnotize me?"

"Yes Jockboy. I think you've earned it. Trance!"

To be continued. As always, tell me what you think. I enjoy your appreciation and feedback. I can be reached at

Next: Chapter 3

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