My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Aug 21, 2001


The usual discaimer applies: don't read this if you find m/m situations offensive, this is illegal where you are, or you are underage. Also, I am in no way associated with NSync and since this is a work of fiction it is not meant to imply anything about any of people mentioned.

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Chapter 5:

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Goddamn alarm clock, whoa, hold on a sec, my alarm clock doesn't beep...

I sat up quickly in bed, not my bed either, as the alarm clock began a second rep of five beeps. I heard someone sigh and look down to my left to see JC. JC? Oh yeah... I remember now, we were going to his place. Hold on a sec... we didn't... did we? Oh God, all that alcohol last night must have caught up with me after we got here, I don't even remember coming here. I do remember the car ride home, I was fighting to keep my eyes awake as JC said something about some movie, then he asked me if I was awake. I think I mumbled a response. That's about it though. I also remember that he drives a Mitsubishi of some sort...

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

Goddamn it man, why have an alarm clock if it doesn't wake you up? Might as well shut the fucking thing off. How the hell do I do that? There's no off button. Oh well, thing can't work without batteries.

I clicked the removing panel from the bottom of the alarm clock and took out the two batteries, then set them and the clock on the floor next to me and tried to get back to sleep.

I awoke again, I dunno how long after the alarm clock dilemma, but it was probably noon by now. I rolled over and found JC propped up on his right arm, looking at me.

"Do you always watch your houseguests this closely?" I asked.

"Just the ones I'm worried will steal something from me," he answered.

"And what, am I gonna steal?"

"My heart," awwwww, now he's got me. Like a fly in a spider's web there is no way he could lose me now. He looked into my eyes and again found myself speechless. After a moment of silence, a silence that was strangely warm and tender, he leaned in closer to me and closed his eyes. Our lips met for the third time and our tongues danced around. I felt something run through my body, a spark of excitement and joy, but mostly passion. He and I clicked in just THAT way, a way that bonded us beyond imagination.

Finally the kiss broke.

"JC, I..." I began to say.

"Shh," he put his finger on my lip, "call me Josh." He whispered so quietly that I could barely hear him.

When he lifted his finger that sweet silence remained. We leaned in again and kissed, this time much more forceful and erotic than the last. Our tongues intertwined as we pull each other closer together. The sexual energy was so high between us that it was almost tangible. We continued to make out, my right hand found his chest as I slowly traced one of my fingers down along his tight abs and back up his spine. My fingers wrapped around his left shoulder as the fingers on his left hand sifted through my hair. He was so gentle... it was if he was afraid of breaking me.

I felt that same hand slowly make its way down my back, underneath the elastic of my boxers it brushed against the top of butt, and make its way around, reaching my pubic hairline. My right hand moved from his shoulder, guiding his hand away and intertwining our fingers.

As the passion between us slowly calmed itself, I sucked on his lower lip, still hand-in-hand. When we finally broke he looked at me, I knew what he was thinking...

"Is there something wr...?" he questioned.

"Not right now," I whispered in his ear. He kissed me lightly on the cheek again and I did the same.

"What time is it?" he asked as he sat up in bed, taking his hand from mine. He swung his legs over the bed and stood. I noticed he was shirtless, and DAMN! did he had a fine body. He wore only jogging pants to cover his lower body, and I found myself wearing the same along with a white-beater.

"Probably noon," I replied as I lay back down. He spun around and looked at me.

"NOON?!" he screamed. Oh fuck. I guess the alarm clock went off for a reason, huh?

"I'm just guessing..."

"Where's my alarm clock," he looked around. I picked it up from the floor and handed it to him along with the batteries.

"Well," I tried to escape the father-like scorning look he was giving me, "it went off and you didn't hear it so I assumed that it wasn't important, then I couldn't figure out how to shut it off, so I took out the batteries."

He walked over to a dresser and picked up a watch, my watch I noticed, and he set it back down.

"Well," he smiled from across the room, "it's one, not noon, one and I'm late for my flight to Orlando."

"Whoa!" I shouted as I got out of the bed, "were you planning on waking me this morning? Or just leave without notice since you didn't get any? Was this supposed to be a one-night stand?"

He didn't say anything.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as I picked up my clothes from a nearby chair, nicely folded, might I add. I stormed into the bathroom, after making sure that was the right door, and changed. I walked out and didn't even look at him. "Here." I threw his jogging pants at him and searched for the exit.

"Wait..." he followed me as I opened a door, bingo! Exit. "Please, come on, please hold on, I can explain!"

I stopped, slowly half-shut the door behind me. He finished closing it.

"No one needs to know we're gay," he looked into my eyes, the whole melting-thing has passed, and he noticed it. "I'm sorry, but I have a concert tonight, I was going to tell you last night, but you fell asleep in the car. I had to carry you up here, and it's lucky that only one person works the front desk at three-thirty and that he's easily paid to keep his mouth shut or there would be a juicy rumor in the Enquirer today..."

I didn't move or respond.

"I want to get to know you, I feel this instant attraction to you, I know you feel it too, I can tell," he pleaded with me. He was right. I was SOOOOOO attracted to him, and I did feel this instant connection with him.

"Why did you say your name was Jerry?" after a moment of thought I asked that from out of the blue.

"I was really attracted to you and I when I found out you were at MTV I stopped by to see you, but you didn't know me," he explained, "I was hurt, and I did something dumb. I need to get to the airport and make a new flight because we have a show to do tonight at 7:30, leaving me about six and a half hours to book a new flight, get there, explain why I'm late and get in costume..."

Remember to mail me: :)

Author's Note: Starting this week I'll be posting twice a week, I'm sending in Chapter 6 Friday, so look for it Saturday, it's a milestone chapter. Thanx, RBD :)

Next: Chapter 6

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