My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Aug 14, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage (it's not like that gonna stop you tho), if this is illegal where you are (the librarian might stop if your reading this in a public place), if you find m/m situations offensive (why are you here?), this is a work of fiction and not meant to imply anything about the members of the group NSync or anyone else mentioned. All original characters are original and any similarities to anyone living or dead are a coincedince.

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Chapter 4:

"Hi Jerry," I said sarcastically.

"Um, Michael," he said sheepishly, "we're in an alleyway at midnight outside a club in New York. Aren't you a bit scared?"

"No, Jerry," I pressed the name again.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but..." JC began to say.

"Hey, Jerry, it's no big deal. I mean, you just flirted with me, led me on, laughed at me, and told me the wrong name."

"You think I was flirting with you?" he asked.

Oh fuck. He's straight. And a celebrity. If he said a word ... God, I can see the headlines now: Michael Sexually Harasses NSync member.

"I thought so," I said rather sheepishly.

"So I take it you're gay..."

I didn't reply.

"And you're probably attracted to me..."

I didn't need to reply the guilt, confusion, and remorse, along with the other twenty-five emotions I was feeling answered for me through my facial expression.

"Well, then," JC laughed, "you were right..."

WHOA! Need to check those ears, Mike, make sure they're clean. Did I hear him right?

I picked my head up and looked into his eyes, I could still see them perfectly, even through the dark alley.

He walked over to the shadows, where I had sunken into, and he brought his hand to my chin and lifted my face to meet his. His soft lips touched mine and I was lost in a world of mixed emotions.

He obviously wanted to go a bit further, but didn't dare, so he broke off the kiss and waited for my response.

As he pulled his head away from mine I instinctively put my hand behind his head and pulled him closer to me, again we kissed. This time I was the daring one as my tongue crept inside his mouth and his tongue began to massage my own. My eyes fluttered open as we broke for the second time.

I looked around the alley to make sure no one was there, but even if they were they wouldn't be able to distinguish who we were, if they could see us at all, that is.

"My name isn't Jerry," he said softly, almost a whisper.

"I know," I smiled, but I doubted he could see it. For some reason I realized that I hadn't felt safe in the alley before, but now I did.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" I returned his question with a question.

"What should we do now?" he asked.

I felt like saying `get naked and fuck', but decided against it.

"I think we should go back inside before Eminem writes a song about us..." I laughed.

"Seriously," he said as he grabbed my hand, stopping me from reentering the club.

"Meet me before the end of the party at my table, I'll give you my cell and home numbers..." I explained as the two of us went back inside.

The party started to wind down in the wee hours of morning, more specifically, around three. Finally it officially ended around three-thirty when the DJ said he was tired and I let him go. Everyone said it was great as they were leaving. I said my goodbyes to Gwen, Marshall, Carson, Ben, Ryan, and Mark (with my sister in tow), to name a few.

I too was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see JC standing there. I was immediately as shy and clumsy as a sixth-grader with a crush.

"Hey," I finally spoke up.

"Hey," he replied. Oh my God, something has to be wrong, he's going to tell me he was drunk before when he kissed me or that he's straight and playing a joke or... "Do you wanna come to my place?"

Aw, fuck. How do I answer that? If I say yes then this possible relationship will probably revolve around sex, which may not be a bad thing considering this guy's body. STOP STARING! If I say no then he may feel rejected and I may never here from him again. What the hell do I say?

I opened my mouth and couldn't believe what was coming out... "Sure..."

I noticed that we were the only two left in the club. God, these janitors are gonna have fun tomorrow. I took him by the hand and we walked towards the entrance together. Suddenly I heard a door close and the shuffling of feet as Nick came out of the bathroom and saw me with JC. JC didn't notice, but I did and Nick smiled and gave me a thumbs-up sign. He hid by bathrooms until we were out of club and JC led me to his car.

"What kinda car?" I asked. I not an expert on cars. I only know about the ones I own.

"2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder," he said with a smile and I noticed that the roof was retractable, of course I wouldn't recommend putting it down at this time in the morning in New York...

As we reached the intersection the red light turned green and he shot off.

Send me your opinions on whether I should start posting twice a week or make the chatpers longer. Write me: :)

Next: Chapter 5

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