My Jc

By Really Bigdreamer

Published on Sep 15, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, this is illegal where you are, or you find m/m material offensive. I don't know and am in no way affiliated with NSync, this is pure fiction and not meant to imply anything about any mentioned.

Thanx for all the mail the last chapter got! Keep sending the feedback:

Chapter 12:

"Oh my God..." I yawned yet again as we made our way through one of New York's many malls, another reason to love this city. "I think that our little exercise after breakfast took a lot out of me." I chuckled as Josh scanned over a rack of clothes.

"Which exercise?" he asked. "The sex or the jog?"

"Josh!" I chided him, "we're in public!"

"We're in full incognito, no one's recognized us and no one heard me anyway," he reasoned, "besides I don't care if people know I think it's true..."

"I think so too..." I smiled. Since this morning when he said he thought he loved me and I said I think I'm falling in love with you too' saying to each other I think it's true' and I think so too' has become our I love you' and `I love you too' without possibly being understood.

"I still can't believe you got me to jog!" he laughed. "You are NOT going to turn me into a health nut like you!"

"I'm not a health nut!" I replied with a giggle. "I like some junk food and I like to drink sometimes, but I still think people should keep themselves healthy. That's not being a nut, Mr. Chasez!"

"Mike!" he was the one scolding me now. "Those girls over there are wearing NSync t-shirts! What if they had heard you and made a scene?"

"Well, no one ever said they had taste..."

"Shut up!" he joked.

We made our way out of the store and down the mall's large halls. We stopped by next at a CD bargain place and picked through their selection. I chuckled as I looked at the CD cover pics of people I knew. I lost where Josh was, but soon found him in the R&B section. I noticed that a Britney Spears CD was out of place there.

"I heard that she's a total bitch," I stated as I picked up the CD.

"She is," Josh confirmed, "she has Justin totally whipped and he can't even see it."

"Speaking of which, didn't you tell me that the rest of the guys are getting here today?" I asked.

"I think they are," he suddenly realized, "I think they said their flight was coming in at three, it's only one now, so we have plenty of time..."

"At least four hours since the flight will almost indefinitely be late," we laughed.

"Well, I don't see anything I like," he stated. "I'm ready to go, you?"

"Alright," and with that we headed out to his car and took off.

When we got back to my place I noticed that Josh seemed to be deep in thought. I reached deep inside my pocket and flipped a penny in the air, it landed at Josh's feet as he down in one of the chairs.

"What's this for?" he asked as he picked it up.

"For your thoughts..." I smiled as I sat down in the chair opposite him. "Care to share?"

"Well...alright," he agreed rather hesitantly. "I was just thinking that I'd have to get a hotel with the guys so they wouldn't think of anything. Then I thought that I didn't want to leave you...I was thinking...I was thinking that... Well...should I tell them?"

"Josh," I said as I slid out of my chair and kneeled on the floor in front of him, taking his hand in mine, "it's your call. If you wanna keep this closeted I'll play along, but you can't lie to your friends forever."

Wow, now I feel hypocritical. Ben Affleck is one of my closest friends, and he doesn't know. Very few do, Nick and Ryan (Phillippe) know, one of my cousins knows, Rebecca (my manager) knows, Chris Revanche (a music producer and longtime friend) knows. That's about it, maybe a couple others that I'm forgetting, but I don't think so.

"I'm gonna tell them, tonight," he said assuredly as he stood up. "We'll go out to dinner as a group, wanna come?"

"No, hun," I said playfully as I stood up too, planting a small kiss on his cheek, "this is something you need to do on your own..."

"Alright, listen I'm gonna get going now, traffic was a monster getting here and probably worse at the airport so I'll get there just in time..."

"Ok..." I smiled as he kissed me on the forehead and left.

I sprawled out on the couch with a yawn and turned on the TV, not much was on so I flipped that channels repeatedly. Several hours later I woke from a short catnap that I had fell into about 9 p.m. by the opening of the door and Josh's entrance thereafter. At least he had remembered to take a set of keys with him.

"Well?" I asked as I stood up, noticing that my nap must have lasted longer than I thought since the whole apartment was bathed in darkness.

"M-Mike..." he stuttered, "...we n-n-need to talk." I noticed the emotion in his voice, he had been crying.

"Josh?" I asked quietly as I walked up to him and we embraced lovingly.

"Lance and Joey took it fine, Justin already knew...but...but Chris called me a sissy fag and left..." Josh burst into severe sobs as I cradled him in my arms.

"Come on, Josh," I tried to sooth him, "let's go to bed. Was it raining?" I noticed his wet clothes.

"Has been for an hour, down-poured for a few minutes..." he explained.

I peeled Josh out of his wet clothes, which clung tightly to his body and he gave a small cough.

"You could have caught something while you were out there..." I tried to keep the subject away from what had happened, noticing the clock now read 10:23. I threw him a pair of dry boxers and dropped his soaked clothes into the bathtub before checking to make sure the apartment door was locked and headed back to the bathroom. Josh stood there, naked.

"We need to fuck..." he said as he kissed me.

"Josh!" I said as I pushed him back. "You're upset, and angry sex won't help anything. Let's just go to bed..."

With that I stripped off my clothes, except my boxers, threw on a tank top and crawled into bed with Josh.

Thanx for reading. WB soon ;) RBD

Next: Chapter 13

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