My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on May 29, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 8

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Capitolo Otto


The shop had been open about a week now, and despite Paolo's efforts he still hasn't been able to find anyone to run the non-mechanic part of the business. So, I agreed to step in and take it over for him temporarily. I've basically been taking appointments for him in the morning, setting up their day with repairs, then leaving at lunch and going home to do my real job for the call center. By the time Paolo comes home I'm usually exhausted. I'm increasingly thinking about quitting the call center and just working for Paolo full time. The only thing is, we don't know if his business will stay steady enough to warrant me doing that. Much to Mario's dismay, Paolo was right about it being too busy for playing around. At least initially, it looks like having a repair shop in town was a good idea.

"Paolo, can you replace a busted drive axle?" I asked, the customer was on the phone I had in my hand.

"Yes, but not before Thursday. We're just too backed up already" he said.

I relayed the message to the customer, and he said to go ahead and book it. I got the make and model of his car so we could order the parts and typed him into the computer. That only left a few hours on Friday, and we'd be completely booked out for the week.

"I may have to hire another mechanic" Paolo told me.

"You should hire some kid to do the oil changes and tire rotations, that would free you and Mario up for the bigger jobs" I said.

"Hey Mario! What's Nina's kid up to these days?" Paolo shouted across the garage.

"Renni?, not much, probably sniffing some girl's bicycle seat, why do you ask?" Mario asked.

"You think he could handle oil changes and small stuff?" Paolo asked.

"Maybe, if you could put up with him. Kids these days are not like when we were young. Lazy." Mario said.

"Ask him for me. And if Nina's okay with it, we'll train him" Paolo said. "Thanks for the business help" he said to me.

"Prego" I replied. I looked at my watch and it was already after 1:00pm. I was going to have to run to be able to eat a bite before my shift started at home. I handed Paolo the phone handset and took off.

It was after 10:00 when Paolo got home. I know because I had just logged out of my shift. I could see he was exhausted.

"Renaldo starts Monday. If he works out, it will help me and Mario a lot" Paolo said. I brought him a glass of wine and asked if he was hungry.

"No, we ordered take out so we could finish the cars we were working on" he said. "Book me light the first of the week, so I can train Renni and get him up to speed."

We went to bed just before 11:00, Paolo was falling asleep sitting on the sofa.

Renaldo was one of those Italian rarities; red hair is only present in .57% of Italians, but he was one of the lucky/unlucky recipients. Mario told me Renni's mother Nina was a red head, so that must be where he got it. Just to be clear, Renni's hair wasn't Irish red, it was more of what you would call `auburn', the color of rust. At the ripe old age of fifteen, he was a very attractive young man. Paolo decided that Renni should know how to help me in the office too; that way when I left to do my shift at home, he could take over answering the phones and scheduling. So, we started him out shadowing me in the office and he'd go out with Paolo after I left for the day. I started off speaking to him in Italian, but from trips to the States with his parents he was fairly good in English, so we swapped back and forth.

During a lag between calls, I asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said he did, I had a small feeling of disappointment. "He'll make that girl very happy I'm sure" I thought to myself after stealing glances at the bulge where his legs met up. After that, we got down to business and I showed him how to schedule the work, how to take payments and issue receipts and the filing system I'd set up. By the time I left I was fairly confident that he could handle at least the basics, so I sent him on his way to learn from Paolo and Mario and I went home to start my other job.

I had finished up my shift and was wondering where Paolo was when I heard knocking at the door so I went down to see who in the world would be knocking at 10pm. I found Renni standing there. He said that Paolo and Mario were stuck putting an engine back in a car that was due out tomorrow and since they wouldn't be able to take him home, Paolo told him to come over and stay at our place. I waved him inside and he went upstairs and plopped on the sofa.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked.

"A glass of wine maybe?" he asked.

"Sure" I said. I figured by now he's had wine. The culture here is okay with younger folks having a glass of wine. I went into the kitchen and poured him a glass from the bottle we opened last night. He took a few sips and leaned his head back on the sofa. I sat across from him in the chair. He kind of seemed to be quietly studying me or something.

"You want to suck it, don't you?" he asked quietly out of the blue.

"Do what?" I asked, was he calling me out?

"I saw you keep peeking at him back at the shop" he said.

"Well, I...uh...that's just your imagination" I stammered.

"Oh, really. I was going to let you" he said.

"You were? I thought you had a girlfriend?" I said.

"I do, but Lucia is a good Catholic girl, she doesn't do anything. Saving herself for marriage" he said. "I tried to get Mario to suck it, but he said he doesn't do that with family."

"I'm taken. I'm in a relationship with your cousin" I said.

"Too bad, anyway, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, just a hot, wet mouth for a few minutes" he said winking, "besides, Paolo wouldn't have to know."

"Wait a minute, did Paolo put you up to this? Is this some kind of trap?" I asked feeling wary but excited at the same time. I really wanted to know if that auburn hair kept going in other places besides Renni's head.

"No trap, just horny Renni" he said smiling. I just sat there not sure what to do in this situation. Renni started unbuttoning his 501s and I saw the bright red bikini briefs appear. I was getting butterflies in my stomach. When he pulled it out, it was really big and looked even bigger on a 15-year-old. I figured it must be close to eight inches and indeed did have a carpet of that auburn hair at the top of it. I found myself on my knees in front of him. He put his hand on the back of my head and started pulling me down toward it. I resisted at first, but once the head broke free of his foreskin and his scent hit me, I knew I had to have it. I willingly went on down and took about half of the flagpole in my mouth. He was both longer and thicker than me or Paolo. At first, I couldn't get it all in my mouth. I had to get it really wet all over, then I forced myself to swallow it as it hit the back of my throat. He put both hands on my head and held me down until I started gagging. I came up for air and then went back down all the way into the rust. When I glanced up his head was tilted back, and his eyes were closed. I worked on his meat for about ten minutes, and he was squirming around the way only a horny teenager can do. The only warning sign I got before he came was the extra swelling of the battering ram in my mouth. I could feel the pulsing from the tube on the bottom and I pulled up enough to catch the cum in my mouth; I wanted to taste him. It was sweet, not as much bitter as older guys. I sat straight up on my knees and swished the cum around in my mouth before swallowing. Renni was already tucking everything back in his pants and re-buttoning. I hadn't any illusions that he was going to reciprocate in any way.

"Where do I sleep?" he asked, as if nothing ever happened.

"You can either sleep on the sofa or on the futon in my office" I told him.

"I sleep naked, so I better take the futon" he said.

I showed him the way and found him a blanket and pillow. He started pulling off his shirt; I saw a flash of rust under his arm as I turned to go back into the living room. My dick was so hard it could explode. Paolo was going to get it when he got home. I went in kitchen and poured myself a small glass of wine; I figured I better wash the taste of Renni's cum away since Paolo could be home any time. I turned the overhead light in the living room off and turned on just a small lamp on the side table and leaned back to drink my wine. After my recent activities I was tired and must have dozed off.

I woke up when I felt Paolo drop onto the sofa next to me. I sat the empty wine glass on the table and went over to kiss him. He was so tired there wasn't much response. By now you all know that I love the musk of a man, but my Paolo was reeking from struggling with the motor for hours, so I got up and pulled him up and herded him into the bathroom where I undressed him and got him in the shower so I could wash him and get him ready for bed. As horny as I was, it wasn't going to happen right now; he was just too tired. I dried him off and we got into bed.

I woke up way later, it must have been just before dawn, when I felt his pole trying to bore a hole into my tailbone. I fumbled around in the nightstand and found the bottle of lube and put some on myself and on his peg and pulled it down, so it met my hole. I wasn't sure if he was even awake or not, so I started pushing back onto him. I felt when the ridge popped inside my ring and kept pushing. About halfway he must have woken up because the dick suddenly slid all the way in until I felt his hips against my ass. He stroked very slowly for a few minutes, and I was quickly back at full mast, back where I was after the experience with Renni. Paolo carefully lifted my right leg almost straigt up and turned me onto my back without pulling out. His favorite position was missionary, so he wanted me where he could really plow my ass. In one motion he came up onto his knees, pushed my legs up and sunk in till his balls slapped my ass. I reached down and cupped his balls when he paused for a few seconds. The sack felt tight, he must really be horny too. He set up a rhythm that had the headboard slapping against the wall. In the back of my mind, I was wondering if we would wake Renni up with the noise. The thought didn't last long as Paolo slammed particularly deep, and I let out a loud groan. That only turned him on more and he increased his level accordingly. As he was getting into the short strokes, I grabbed my bloated dick and started flogging away on it. Paolo's cock jabbed my prostate and a stream of clear precum oozed out of me making my dick get slick. Now we had the sound of the headboard slapping, the sound of Paolo's balls slapping my ass, the sound of me moaning, and the sound of my hand on my slick cock all making noise. I was so close, and my head was rolling around from the passion. My eyes happened on the open bedroom door, and I saw the shadow of Renni standing just outside. That was all it took to trigger me; I began shooting a huge load all over my stomach with the first shot almost hitting me in the eye. Seconds later Paolo grasped my thighs and pulled me toward him forcefully as he buried his cock and began to unload inside me. He continued to cum for what seemed like a long time before he finally pulled out and rolled over back beside me. I laid my hand on his chest and felt the pounding of his heart as he tried to get his breathing back to normal. He turned toward me, and we kissed between his breaths. It was still dark outside, so we gradually fell asleep again.

When I woke up, he was already gone. I was beginning to dislike his shop. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling for a while until I heard footsteps. Renni came into the room about eight inches after his hard dick. He was naked as the day he was born. He stood next to my bed with his harpoon pointing at me.

"After that show this morning, I feel like you owe me some relief" he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Rather than argue, I sat up on the edge of the bed and took hold of his dick and pulled the skin back until it had to be almost painful, then started to lick it like a lollipop. He kind of swooned a little so I turned him around by the dick and sat him on the bed beside me. He scooted up onto the bed and I moved around into what should have been a 69 position if I were with a real partner. I took the mutant dick in my hand and started jacking it, but he wasn't having any of that.

"I can jack off by myself, I want your mouth" he whined.

I relented and started sucking on him; I could tell it wasn't going to last long this time -- he was still horny from watching us fuck this morning. I'd just managed to deep throat him when he grabbed my head and shoved me down onto him as he grunted "I'm cumming!" and started shooting his cream straight into my stomach. Once again, when he was done, he pushed me away, got up and went back to the office. I was left with another hard-on, so I jerked myself off quickly and then got into the shower again to wash all the fresh and dried cum off and get ready for the day. I got dressed and went into the living room and I could hear the shower in the second bathroom running. I was making some breakfast when I caught a glimpse of naked boy walking from the bathroom into the office. A few minutes later, he came into the kitchen fully dressed and poured a cup of coffee -- well, more like a half a cup of coffee, which he then filled up with milk. It was almost 8, so we were already late for the shop. We ate a bite as fast as we could and took off for work; not a word was said about the morning blowjob, it was as if it never happened.

"Hello lazy people" Paolo shouted from the farthest bay.

I just waved as Renni and I went into the office. I gave him a stack of papers to be filed and picked up the ringing phone. It was Gianni wanting to know how everything was going; more to the point, he wanted to know what our profits were going to be this week. I ran a report and told him it looked like total income was going to be around $5200. After expenses, that would put us at around a 20% profit margin; that's right where Gianni wanted to be. I asked if he wanted to talk to Paolo, but he said not to disturb his little money maker -- he'd talk to him later on. I didn't really have a lot for Renni to do in the office, so I let him go on out and start trying his hand at oil changes. Mario and Paolo had gotten him a matching jumpsuit like theirs from a mail-order uniform place, it even had his name embroidered on the chest. While the phone had stopped ringing for a while, I went out to check on the guys. Paolo said that Renaldo was picking up the mechanic part of his job fast. I told him he picked the office part up fast as well.

"Soon, we won't need you to come in" Paolo said. I kind of felt a little sad at that thought.

By the time lunch time rolled around, Renni had managed to do 5 oil changes and when I left Mario was showing him how to balance and rotate tires. I started into the house when I heard Mia calling me so I walked around and she asked me to come in and have lunch with her since Tom had to go out of town. Paolo and I hadn't seen much of them since the shop opened up. I caught her up on everything with the shop and she gave me a lot of neighborhood gossip. When I looked at my phone, I only had a couple of minutes before I had to login in for my shift, so I told her ciao and ran around and upstairs to the office. When I sat down to login to my work account a porn video popped up. I had to clear that off the screen and toss the hardened paper towel in the trash (after giving it a quick sniff).

By the time my shift ended, I was exhausted. It was after 10pm and Paolo was still not home. I found myself getting pissed off. I know he wanted his own shop and all that, but I was getting tired of being alone so much. I turned the television on and started streaming some movie on HBO/Max but not really watching it. I guess I fell asleep. When I woke up, Paolo's head was laying in my lap and my neck was so stiff it felt like my head might break off. I carefully scooted out from under his head and tiptoed to the kitchen to find some ibuprofen. Paolo was sleeping so soundly I just left him where he was and went on to bed.

It was very much daylight when I woke up. I walked into the living room and Paolo was gone, of course. I jumped in the shower and got dressed to go down to the shop. Today was going to be a showdown. He's going to have to hire more help or something, I'm sick of this shit.

Lambodara 5/29/23

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