My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 3, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 7

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Capitolo Sette


It's been another boring week with Paolo gone to Pescara, but according to Nicky, things are speeding along with the shop renovation. The new lift was installed over Monday and Tuesday. I'm working an early shift today and going over this afternoon to help paint the place. The professional will be there to paint the sign, but I'll be inside with another of Nicky and Paolo's cousins getting the office and mechanic bays cleaned, painted and ready to use. My morning is passing very slowly and to be honest, I'm only doing a perfunctory job, not really interested in these people's problems today. I logged in at 6am local time and I took my last call at 1:50 and ignored a ring coming in right at 1:57. I logged off at 2pm and changed into a pair of old coveralls I'd found in the cantina and headed down to the shop. Nicky and Gianni were outside supervising the painting of the sign and the window decals, but Nicky broke loose to take me in and introduce me to Mario, who I'd be assisting.

Cousin Mario was going to be hard to work with. He was fucking hot. Same toffee eyes as Paolo, wide very hairy chest barely covered by the wife-beater he had on, faint smell of deo and musk. He bent his six-foot frame over to stir paint and his chino work pants molded to his gorgeous, muscled ass. I made myself stop looking and reminded myself that Paolo would be home Friday. Due to the effect he seemed to be having on me, I made the choice to take my paint tray and work on the opposite wall from him, which worked okay until we met up on the wall between. The last section, I stepped back and ran into him. When he put his arm out to keep me from falling, I caught a glimpse of the gold band on his left hand; that kind of helped to chill the feelings. With the office finished, we moved into the bays and started with a light gray color on the walls. The job was going pretty fast. I kept thinking that if I really wanted to and tried hard enough, I could probably be swallowing Mario's cock right now. Stop it I told myself. We finished up the painting around 10pm. Nicky and Gianni had left when the sign painter did, so it was just the two of us. Mario asked if I needed a ride home. I told him it wasn't that far from here, so I'd just walk. I didn't trust myself in close quarters with him. We said `buononotte' and parted ways. I had a fast, intense, shameful masturbation session when I got in, but at least I got it out of my system. I was cleaning the cum off my stomach when I got a text alert.

"Ciao, amore, come stai?" he texted.

"Buono, just cleaning up a little mess" I texted back.

"Gianni says the shop may be ready early" he texted, "I've been training the new guy all week."

"We got most of it painted this afternoon" I texted him.

"Who helped you?" he asked.

"Your cousin, Mario" I said. The texting stopped and the phone rang -- he was calling me now.

"Ciao" I said.

"Watch out for Mario" he said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, "He's got a ring."

"Yeah, he's had that ring forever. He fucks anything that moves and some things that don't" he said.

"You mean he's bi?" I asked.

"I guess you could call it that. Pansexual might be more accurate" he said, "Like I said, he'll fuck anything."

My mind was racing, no wonder I was catching a vibe from him.

"What was he wearing?" he asked me.

"A tank type undershirt and kind of loose chino work pants" I said, "He's got your eyes."

"That's it. Mario is off limits to you" he said. I laughed, "He has a big, wide, hairy chest too."

"Wait till I get there; I'm going to get you" he said.

"I can hardly wait" I told him.

Nicky called early Friday morning asking if I can go over to the shop and wait on some workers coming in to finish up the shelves in the parts room. I really needed to get my shift in early because Paolo would be in tonight and I want my time free to spend with him, but Nicky said Mario couldn't go and he had a business meeting. I agreed to, but I knew that meant either my time with Paolo would be cut short or I'd be short on payday. On the way over, Gianni called and asked if I knew anybody who he could hire in to answer the phones and pull parts for Paolo at the new shop. I said I didn't at first, but then I asked how much the job would pay. When he told me the amount I asked if I would be okay; what he was offering was €1 more an hour than what I was making online. He said he didn't know if having both of us together would work; too much temptation to play and not get work done. I said I understand and that I'd look out for anyone wanting a job. I asked if he'd found a second mechanic for the shop yet.

"I think Paolo found a guy, ask him," he said.

I made my excuses and got off the phone. Paolo didn't say anything about finding anybody.

The workers from the shelving place were sitting in the truck waiting for me. I got out and punched in the code to get into the office area and walked through to open one of the bay doors for them. It took them almost all day to install the rows of shelves in the big storeroom. It was after 3pm when they finally left. I was a little bummed at missing an entire day. I locked up and went back home since Paolo was due any minute.

When Paolo came in, he hugged me and said that Gianni sent me something. He reached in his shirt pocket and pulled out €150.

"He said it was for your hours of work missed today" Paolo told me.

"Hey, when I talked to Gianni this morning...he said you already hired somebody as a second mechanic..." I mentioned.

"Oh, yeah. Didn't I tell you?" he said, know full well he didn't.

"Who is it?" I asked.

" know it's hard to find help you can trust...and he has the skills...and" he went on and on.

"And his name is?" I prodded.

"Mario. Don't be mad" he said.

"So, you don't trust me with Mario, but you expect me to trust you with that hunk of man working side by side with you all day." That's how my rant started off and it went on for about 15 minutes. When I finally stopped, he calmly said "Nothing to worry about."

"How's that?" I asked.

"Nicky tried him back when we were kids. He'll do a lot of things, but he won't do family" he said, sounding somewhat disappointed.

"I thought I might have a job there, but Gianni thinks having us both in the shop would cause problems, too much play and not enough work" I told him.

"Do you want me to talk to Gianni for you?" Paolo asked.

"I don't know, he might be right. If I wasn't after you, I might try Mario" I told him, he gave me one of those looks.

"I think you and Gianni underestimate the amount of work, we wouldn't have time to play with each other" he said, "I'm going to see what I can do, after all, it's my shop." We left it at that since he grabbed the zipper pull on the old coveralls and was gently pulling me into the bedroom by it.

Standing by the bed we were a tangle of arms as he pulled the zipper down on the coveralls and I simultaneously pulled at his shirt first, then started unfastening his belt. He pushed the coveralls off my shoulders, and they fell to my waist, being held on now mostly by my hard dick. I pushed his work pants down and found a surprise -- a bright red pair of micro briefs packed full of the kind of Italian sausage I like most. I grabbed them with a couple of fingers on each side and shimmied them down his legs until they fell on top of the pants. Paolo stepped out of the pile of clothes and then pushed me back onto the bed. I landed on my back and scooted up toward the headboard, he followed. He took me in his mouth and started to playfully pull on the tip of my foreskin with his teeth while grinding his dick into my shin. He moved up a little and rolled the skin back with his lips and rolled his tongue around the head several times causing me to stiffen.

"I missed you a lot this week" he said with that erotic growling whisper, then went back to sucking and taking more and more of my cock into his mouth until I could feel his throat constricting around the tip. Then, he stopped and got up to fetch the lube. I parted my legs to get ready, but he shook his head as he rubbed the gob of lube between his own cheeks and pushed my legs back together and sat on top of me. Now that the game was clear, I was all in. He kind of stood on his knees over me while I guided my dick into the furry crevice above it. When it fell into the right spot, he started to sit on it and impale himself. He didn't stop until he was sitting on my lap. I took his dick in my hand and started to stroke it, but he pushed my hand away.

"Too close" he said. He sat like that for a minute as my dick pulsed in him. After he calmed down a little, he began riding me slowly. He did all the work for the first few minutes, then he got his knees back under him and lay down chest to chest to kiss me and I began to really work his ass over. I made a tunnel with my hands and as I fucked him, he was fucking it, and it was becoming a slick mess from the precum being expelled. He paused kissing me and laid his head on my shoulder and started to suck on my earlobe, knowing it was one of my hotspots. I reacted by slamming into his ass which caused a chain reaction of my hands being filled with hot cum, followed by him accidently biting my earlobe, followed by my exploding into his ass to the point cum was running out onto my balls and down my taint. I guess it was sheet washing night again. He lifted his ass and my dick popped out and rode up his crack toward his back. I released his dick from my cummy hands and wrapped my arms around him as we kissed over and over. We weren't worried too much about the cum, it was a surety that we'd have to hit the shower in a minute anyway. We lay there until the passion passed and the fluids started getting cold, then he got up and pulled me up to get cleaned up. We washed each other in the shower and dried each other off, then started talking about what to have for dinner.

We put the sheets in the washer, got dressed and went to the little market in town and getting a few things to make dinner at home. We decided that we'd rather spend our time together tonight alone. We worked together making a simple pasta dish Paolo knew and we ate on the balcony. I opened a bottle of wine, and we just enjoyed the view of the mountains.

"If you want the office manager and parts job, it's yours" Paolo said, "I explained to Gianni that there would be no time for playing; I expect to be busy here."

"We might get tired of being around each other all the time every day" I said. He shrugged.

"I leave it up to you, amore" he said.

After cleaning up the dishes, we hit the sack. Our plan tomorrow was to advertise for the new shop and leave flyers in local businesses. After lunch, we planned to go by the shop and make sure all the last-minute things were done. Finally, dinner with Mia and Tom tomorrow night.

What we didn't expect was to run into Nicky at the print shop. Apparently, we'd all come up with the same plan. We paid for the flyers and other promotional items and went out of the shop where we ran into Mario. Nicky said he and Mario were going to distribute flyers too, so we ended up cutting the area in half. Nicky and Mario would take the south part of Introdacqua and towns to the east - Ponte d'Arce, Vallepescara, Case Iommi, etc. and Paolo and I would take the north side of Introdacqua as well as the towns north -- Bugnara, Paccucci, Torre del Nolfe and Torrone. We split the goods and took off in our separate directions. The next surprise was when we stopped for lunch back in town and found Nicky and Mario had beat us there once again. Nicky insisted that we all sit together. The table was a 5-top and from where I was sitting, I had a perfect view of the big lump formed by Mario's pants because of the way he had his foot on the empty chair. Very distracting to say the least.

When we finished lunch, I was expecting Nicky to say they were headed to the shop but was pleasantly surprised when he called it a day. However, when Mario heard what we had planned he wanted to tag along with us.

"There's not really that much left to do" Paolo said, trying to discourage him.

"It's okay, I really didn't have anything else to do" Mario said persistently.

We swept and mopped the floor and Paolo worked on the track of one of the overhead doors which had gotten bent. While he was busy doing that, Mario and I ended up in the bathroom together; it was the last place in need of cleaning. The first couple of times, I thought it was an accident that he bumped into me. I mean it was a cramped space. It was just too much coincidence that it was always his thick lump brushing against my ass; the last time it felt more like a flashlight than just a lump. I finished wiping the sink down and exited the room, joining Paolo in the garage area. I heard Mario close the bathroom door and I had an idea of what he was doing in there, but I acted very interested in Paolo's repair job. Paolo finished up and put the tools and ladder up and Mario finally came out of the bathroom.

"I had to finish cleaning behind the door" he said. His face was flushed, and it was easy to make out the outline of something in those chinos.

"Are we all done?" Paolo asked.

"I think so" I said, "What about you, Mario, all you all done?" I asked very sarcastically. He just made a kind of grunting noise and went outside.

We dropped Mario off at his place, then went back over to dinner with Tom and Mia. Mia had made a dish she said was called Spaghetti alla chitarra and Tom had bought a bottle of very good Abruzzo wine to go with it. Tom not-so-innocently asked how it was going with me and the two studs.

"Comico" Paolo said, motioning his thumb toward Tom.

"Instigator, more like" I said.

"What are you talking about -- two studs?" Mia asked.

Tom explained that Mario was making eyes at me.

"But Mario has a girlfriend, that girl Annaliese" she said.

"Oh, sister, you're way behind. Annaliese was several weeks ago. He's free again now" Paolo told her.

"Oh my. In that case, you better put a chastity belt on Timo" Mia said giggling.

"Un'altra comica" Paolo muttered.

We left after dinner and went for a walk, through town up to the old tower at the top of the hill. We stood looking down on the town and I felt obligated to tell him nothing was going on with me and his cousin. The moon was almost full and the town looked beautiful bathed in the moonlight.

"In this light, you remind me of Mario Ermito" I told him.

"Your guilty conscience is making me a supermodel now?" he said with a laugh.

"No amore, you are beautiful to me" I told him.

"I don't compare to Mario. He has the body of a renaissance statue" he said.

"But you have the body of my fiancé" I told him. He leaned over to kiss me and the moonlight made him look like a statue himself. One thing led to another and all I can say is what happened by the tower that night was probably not strictly legal, but it sure was fun.

Lambodara 4/2/23

Why don't we do it in the road?

Why don't we do it in the road?

No one will be watching us

Why don't we do it in the road?

Next: Chapter 8

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