My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on Mar 23, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 6

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Capitolo Sei

`Alti e Bassi'

I'd gone over my finances a hundred times now, trying to figure out how I could help Paolo finance a shop, but it was just not possible. Even if we used every cent I had put away it still wouldn't be enough, but it would expose me to a lot of risk if anything went wrong with my job. The irony is we'd found the perfect place. The shop used to be an auto repair place before. It was a long time ago, but with some updating it could work out fine. The old lift would have to be replaced, it was installed in the 1950s, other than that the building was in good condition, just needed a little paint. The problem was the owner wanted €100,000 for it. Gianni didn't have that much for a new branch. He told Paolo that without a partner to go in on it he wouldn't be able to do it. We asked the owner about leasing it, but he didn't want the hassle of dealing with that either, so we were stuck. As we were having dinner with our siblings, we told them about the whole situation.

"Did you ask Niccolo?" Mia asked.

"No. Out of the question" Paolo told her.

"Perchè?" she asked.

"You know how Nicky holds things over your head. I'd never be out of debt to him in one way or the other" Paolo said.

"Paoli, you create your own problems to be unhappy about" Mia said, aggressively stabbing the meat on her plate.

Paolo didn't answer and the table got very quiet. After dinner I helped Mia with the dishes and then we said goodnight and Paolo and I went around back. Paolo plopped down on the sofa and sighed.

"What's the deal with Nicky?" I asked.

"Nicky inherited money from Nonna Teresa, our mother's mother, when she passed. Nicky was always her favorite" he said, "Mia and I got nothing from her. It's okay though, Nonna Anna likes me and Mia more, so one day it will all equal out."

"What you're saying then, is that Niccolo has money" I said suggestively.

"He wouldn't give it to me anyway. I wouldn't debase myself to ask for it" he said with a face that seemed to be daring me to continue this line of conversation. I didn't care, I was seeing a possible solution to a problem. However, he didn't stop until he'd forbidden me to ask for help from Nicky either, so that was that.

Sunday came and was over just as fast, then came Monday and Paolo was gone again for another week. Wednesday, I worked a late shift and didn't get free until close to midnight. Thursday morning, I had just woke up when I got a call from Paolo. He was pissed to the nth degree.


"Paolo..." I started to no avail.

"How can I TRUST you if you go behind my back and do SHIT like this" he yelled, "I don't want to be beholden to that asshole forever..." he went on and on and I couldn't get a word in edgewise until I finally had enough.

"PAOLO!!!!" I screamed into the phone, finally getting him to stop, "I haven't spoken to Nicky at all! Take your hatefulness out on somebody else!" I yelled and punched the button to shut off the phone. "It is too early in the morning for this shit, I haven't even had my coffee, fucking cocksucker..." I muttered to myself. The phone started ringing again and I sent it to voicemail. I was too pissed now to talk to him right now. I went and made coffee and sent his calls to voicemail two more times before he stopped. I took my mug and sat in the living room. I'd drank about half the cup when I heard somebody banging the knocker on the door downstairs. I pulled on a shirt and padded down the stairs to find Tom standing outside in his bathrobe. I opened the door and he told me that Paolo called and they had a conversation this morning. I could tell from Tom's face it was probably about like the one he and I had earlier.

"Anyway, he said to tell you he's sorry. He knows it wasn't you and for you to please call him" Tom said.

"It was you, wasn't it?" I asked.

"Oh, hell no! I'm not inserting myself in the family matters between those three" he said. That left Mia. "Mia's catching an earful right now as we speak. You might want to wait a few minutes before you call him. Lots of colorful language going on, I think I learned some new Italian curse words a while ago."

My phone was ringing again upstairs so Tom went back, and I locked the door and ran up to get it. I didn't recognize the number.

"Ciao" I said.

"Hello, almost brother-in-law" came the voice of Nicky across the line, "I was told by a little birdie that my brother needs an investor." Following my brother's wise assessment, I said "I'll let you talk to Paolo about that, I'm not inserting myself in that situation."

Nicky laughed and said "Ahhh, a diplomat, I see."

"Call it what you will, if you want to discuss it, call Paolo" I told him.

"Okay, fair enough, I'll try him again. He wouldn't answer the first three times I tried him" Nicky said. "If at first you don't succeed, etc., etc." he said, "By the way, have you two consummated your relationship yet?"

"Goodbye, Niccolo" I said, punching the END button; I was on a roll today so far as hanging up on Paolo and family. I slid on my sandals and went around to the main house to have another coffee with the kin. When I walked in, Mia was still on the phone with Paolo, but from the sound of it she had managed to calm him down and was in the process of trying to make him see the sense of the proposition. I gave her a little wave and went in the soggiorno and sat with Tom.

"What the hell have we gotten ourselves into big brother" I said with a chuckle.

"Passione...dramma" he replied.

The conversation volume had toned down considerably and we weren't hearing any off-color language anymore, then finally Mia came in to join us.

"You had to know you were starting something" Tom said to her. She just smiled.

"I know how to handle my brothers" she said, and I believed she did. My phone started ringing again, I pulled it out of my pocket and checked the number, Paolo again. I waved at Mia and Tom and took the call back home with me.

"Spiacente. I'm sorry, love" were the very first words, then "Hello...are you there?"

"Yes, stronzo, I'm here" I said.

"It was Mia, love. She is the one who brought it up to Nicky" he said.

"And..." I asked.

"Well, she may have come up with a workable solution" he said.

"I thought you said it was out of the question" I reminded him. He ignored my jab and continued.

"It would be set up like a loan. He will be like a landlord, and I will pay him rent every month, which will be applied to the purchase price. Every extra cent I get will go to pay off this loan as fast as possible, so he won't have this over my head" he said.

"You accepted his money?" I asked incredulously.

"Sì, you can tell me what an idiot I am now" he said.

"That means you can start your own shop!" I said, "You can be here with me!"

"Well, kind of my own shop. Gianni's d'Introdacqua, but I'll be manager" he said as if he hadn't thought about it before. "Nicky and Gianni are going to negotiate with Mr. Remini. They were calling him as soon as Nicky and I hung up."

"Awesome" I said. My alarm went off on the phone and I had to get off and go start my shift. "I'll see you tonight when you get here" I told him.

"Ti amo" he said.

"Ti amo di più" I said. I grabbed my headset and logged in and ran to the toilet for a quick pee before my first call came through.

My final call of the day put me into overtime, only a few minutes but kind of irritating still. I signed out and was standing up to stretch when I was grabbed from behind and I instantly knew from the smell it was my man.

"What happened with Mr. Remini?" I asked.

"The old bastard's price was less when they flashed the cash at him. They got the place for €80,000" he said excitedly.

"That's still €40,000 from Nicky for you to deal with" I said.

"€30,000, Gianni put in €50,000 and the rest of the deal was that Remini has to get the car lift updated, included in that price" he said.

"I'm glad Mia told Nicky" I said.

"At least he's good at business, even though he's a stronzo" he reluctantly agreed. "I'll still work at original Gianni's until the place is ready, so I'll need you to get things done for me."

"Like what?" I asked, I had no knowledge of cars or car shops.

"Mr. Remini will be handling the lift upgrade, so I need you to get a sign made and flyers for advertising" he said.

"Oh, okay. I think I can handle that. What are you calling it?"

"Gianni's Auto d'Introdacqua" he said. "Maybe put a little cartoon me out beside the name? Phone number and web address."

"Let me see what I can come up with" I told him. I had Adobe creative suite on my computer, it was one of the programs we provided support on. He pulled a kitchen chair in to sit by me while I worked on it. I went into Illustrator and pulled in some clip art, did a little customization and showed him the rough sketch.

"Sì, like that but it needs work" he said.

"Yes, I know. I'll work on it some more" I told him. I worked on it a few more minutes. When I looked up from the drawing, Paolo had his pants pulled down under his ball sack and his dick was standing straight up. He waved his hand like a magician does when he says `Voilá' and seemed so pleased with himself. I reached in my desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of hand lotion, dropped my shorts to the floor and applied a little lotion to my soon-to-be affected area, then straddled him and impaled myself on his waiting dagger. I bounced up and down on him a few minutes, but it sounded like the chair might not be up to that level of excitement, so we abandoned it and went upstairs to the bed.

As usual, when we hit the bed, he insisted on me being on my back so he could see the expressions on my face. He was feeling content and playful tonight and was taking it slow, almost too slow for me. I wet a finger and stuck it in his ass, but he slapped my hand away. I thought he was punishing me when he pulled out. He laid his sack on mine and his cock on top of mine, then grabbed both of our cocks and started to stroke them together. Not only was I feeling his hand stroking, but the sensation of my dick sliding up and down on his. It was so good. When he got tired, I took over and spit in my hands and stroked us fast and tight. I heard him suck in air, so I knew I was doing something right. I was getting close, and it seemed he was too. I was the first to blow, drawing white lines across my stomach. A few minutes later he exploded making even a bigger mess on me. When he came, he just dropped down on me and squished our cum between us and we were pretty covered with the mess. We lay there catching our breath and managed to fall asleep. We must have slept deeply, I woke up needing to pee, the clock said it was 3:02am and I was covered with crusty dried cum. I decided to take a warm shower and rinse off the cum. My noise must have woken Paolo, he came in and joined me.

We slept later than usual after our midnight shower. It was around 8:00 when I woke up. Paolo was still asleep, so I pulled on my shorts and shirt and went downstairs to make some coffee. The morning sun was bright in the soggiorno window, so I sat in the chair near it to take in the sun. I drank some coffee and leaned my head back on the chair and dozed off again. I woke to the sound of Paolo in the kitchen getting his own coffee. I started to take a drink, but mine had gone cold so I got up and refilled the cup. When I went back in the living room Paolo was on the sofa, so I went and sat beside him. Neither of us said anything while we sipped at our coffee and looked out the window at the sun shining on the church tower across the way. The bells from the old church started up marking the hour, I counted nine chimes -- nine o'clock already. Paolo's head was laying on my left shoulder. I looked down and his eyes were closed again. I reached over and gently stroked his face, feeling the rough stubble there. His eyes opened and the light from the window seemed to illuminate the toffee brown magically. I kissed him on the forehead. We stayed there until our coffee was gone, then we got up to get ready for the day. We hadn't made any plans for today, but we could always find something to do.

Paolo's phone rang and it was Mia asking if we wanted to go to the market in Sulmona with them. Every Wednesday and Saturday there was a market at Piazza Garibaldi. All kind of things were offered for sale, produce, meats, cheeses, clothes, household goods. He asked if I was interested, and I nodded -- we needed some fresh food. We went and got dressed and met Tom and Mia downstairs; we decided to take Tom's car, it had more room to carry goods. Wow! Sulmona was crowded today. We found a place to park and walked to the square. We entered the piazza walking under the arches of the aqueduct. It was beautiful on a normal day with all the old buildings around it and the mountains in the distance, but today was even better. The sights and smells of the market were amazing. We bought fresh zucchini, garlic, cherries, figs from an old nonna who told Mia she just turned 91. At another booth we bought prociutto, pancetta and salcicce. At another we procured several cheeses. Just before we left for home Tom found a vendor selling pork sandwiches -- panini al porchetta -- and we sat at a table in the square and had sandwiches with a local wine. That's when Lorenzo showed up.

Lorenzo and Paolo had apparently been childhood friends before Lorenzo moved with his parents back to Palermo. Tom and I politely said our `bongiornos' and went back to eating our sandwiches. Mia and Paolo on the other hand seemed to be enraptured with `Lolo' as they called him. There proceeded a long session of `remember when' stories and finally Tom started picking up bags to load the car; I got up and helped him. When we came back to the table, I caught the tail-end of what Paolo was saying, which was telling Mia that she and Tom could go on back and that he and I would catch a ride with Lolo after we finished; unfortunately, I didn't get to hear what it was we were supposed to be doing. Lorenzo was kind of short but built like a gymnast. I don't know if he could have found pants that would fit any tighter without popping a seam around his tight ass and thighs. He and My Man® were hanging all over each other and I was feeling a sickly feeling I didn't know I had in me. Part of me was wanting to create a scene, start a fight, right here in the piazza. I fought it back, and went along with them, mainly to see what the hell was going on. I didn't want to leave Paolo alone with Mr. Perfect Ass, that much I knew for sure. They started to walk toward a bar on the opposite side of the square, I followed along three steps behind, my jealousy building to an internal rage.

"Tommaso, cosa c'è che non va?" (what's wrong?) Paolo whispered, finally seeming to notice I was still there.

"Nothing" I said between my gritted teeth. He shrugged and went back to his conversation.

At the bar Lolo ordered three beers, I took a sip and then stared at my phone, seething, while the two continued reminiscing about old times. We'd been sitting there for what felt like forever. I just wanted to get away. There was a lapse in the conversation which made me look up as a woman with a chest to match Lolo's ass walked up with two small children and both hands full of bags from the market.

"Marissa, this is my old friend Paolo and his significant other, Tommaso. Gentlemen, my wife Marissa and our children Davide and Chiara" Lorenzo said. I immediately felt like a complete asshole. I stood and pulled up a chair for Marissa.

"Spiacente" I said to Paolo. He looked confused. "I'll explain later" I told him.

The conversation turned to how Marissa and Lorenzo met and what had gone on since Lorenzo moved to Sicily. In the meantime, I'd apparently become an adopted uncle to the kids, and I had little Chiara in my lap and Davide leaned up against me on the bench I'd moved to when they came up. Once everybody was caught up and the beers were gone, we helped Lorenzo and Marissa get all the packages and kids into their car and saw them off. We'd figured out already there was no way all of us would fit in the car. Paolo called a taxi and while we waited for it to come, he asked me what the apology was about. I explained to him that I thought Lolo was an old lover and I had gotten very jealous, I was sorry being an ass.

"I knew there was something. I was wondering what I did to make you mad" Paolo said. "Lorenzo and Mia used to be "boyfriend and girlfriend" when they were 9 years old. Lorenzo decided that he like hanging out with Mia's little brother better than his pre-adolescent crush, but we all became good friends for a couple of years."

"You never tried anything with him?" I asked, a small tinge of jealousy still lingering.

"No, love, I was afraid to, you didn't just do that when I was a boy" he said, "Although, that ass of his was very tempting, I must admit. But, he was always chasing after the girls."

The taxi came and we climbed in and made our way back home. Mia saw us get out and motioned for us to come and eat with them; she'd made a meal with some of the fresh produce we picked up at the market. While she and Paolo got everything ready, I explained to Tom all that Paolo had told me. Now, he was the one with a little jealousy. I quickly told him that Lorenzo had a wife and two children, so he didn't have anything to worry about.

After a great dinner, Paolo and I excused ourselves and went back to our place. We had `things' to handle before he had to go back to Pescara.

Lambodara 3-22-23

Next: Chapter 7

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