My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on Mar 17, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 5

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Capitolo Cinque


I was going to have to stop spending money soon, I wanted to keep something to fall back on. So, we found a used washer and had it installed in the bathroom, as is usual here. Then, Paolo took me to Pescara to look at the car he'd found for me. It was a blue 2017 Fiat Panda a friend of his was selling, very similar but several years newer than the one Tom and I had found. He said he knew it was in good condition because he had always done maintenance on it himself. Before we left, I measured the doors to the cantina (188cm wide), still hoping to find a car that would fit inside, and we set off to look at it. The price was right, it was priced at only about half of what I got for the car I sold back in Lansing, so the rest of that money would be to put back in the bank. We took it for a drive, and everything seemed to work fine. I got out and measured it and it came in at 165cm; it would be tight but still might fit. The actual door frame was a little wider, so we might have to change the swing doors to a roll up type. All in all, I was pleased with it, but Paolo wanted to haggle and managed to get his friend to come off the price an additional €500. I got his account information so I could wire the money directly to his account and we told him we'd come pick it up as soon as the transfer went through. Paolo knew of a business in Pescara who sold roll-up doors, so we stopped by and priced those before heading back.

It took two days for the money to get into Antonio's account, and we went to pick up the car the following day. Nicky gave us a ride over so we could come back together. In return, we took him to lunch for his trouble. We went to a small bar that he and Paolo knew about which was run by a younger guy who really seemed to know what he was doing in the kitchen. Nicky said he could give Nonna Anna a run for her money. I wasn't sure about that, but it was good. Around the third beer, the conversation at the table was getting really interesting. For once, I got to see somebody else blushing.

"Paolo, it's good to see you getting the train in the tunnel again" Nicky said. Paolo's face went red.

"Non è cosi" Paolo muttered.

"What you mean it's not like that? You have a virile young man here to pump you full of happiness" Nicky told him.

"Io sono quello in cimo" Paolo said, looking around to see if anybody was listening and keeping his voice low.

"YOU on TOP?" Nicky said laughing, "You always loved it on bottom when we were kids!"

"Sta' zitto!" Paolo said through his teeth. By now I had the jist of the situation and as amusing as it was, Nicky was being embarrassing.

"What you mean `be quiet', Paolo. That's no way to speak to your elder" Nicky taunted him.

"Why don't you act like an `elder' then, instead of a ten-year-old bully" I interjected.

"You see, your man takes up for you. That's good" Nicky said laughing. He slapped me on the back and said "I like you. You look out for Pipi." He leaned in closer and started telling me things.

"Me and Pipi -- Paolo -- figured out a lot of things together when we were kids" he whispered, "Well, until I figured out the ragazze liked me as much as Pipi did. Niccolo has a big cazzo, you see. Your friend there used to ride it like a circus pony."

I looked at Paolo and he had his head in his hands trying to rub the blush away.

"I would have told you" he whispered, "it was just play between brothers. We were just stupid kids."

"It's no problem to me, just means we have more ways to make each other happy" I said softly. Then I turned to Nicky, "So, you're gay or bi rather?"

"I haven't been with a male since we were young" Nicky said, what he didn't say is that he wouldn't again. "Would you, if the opportunity came up?"

"I don't know, I'd have to see how good the opportunity was" he said.

After that, the conversation turned to other things. He wanted to go look at my car. Paolo looked relieved. I opened the car, and he sat down and looked it over.

"It's nice. If Paolo says it's good, you can count on it. Pipi knows his cars" Nicky said. Paolo had brightened up at Nicky's praise, there was definitely a weird dynamic in play between these two. Nicky stood up from the car and shut the door.

"I have to go, boys. Gina is waiting for me" he said. We walked him over to his car and said Ciao, and he was gone.

"Wait till I get you home...Pipi" I said.

"Non chiamarmi così" he said.

"Why can't I call you that, Nicky does" I said.

"It means what it sounds like in English" he said, "Pee pee."

"Why does he call you that?" I asked.

"Sometimes when he would put his salciccia in me, it would cause my pipi to come out. We always kept a towel close by" he said, turning red again. I couldn't wait to see if I could cause that to happen, but I let it go since it seemed to still embarrass him.

We jumped in the car and took off, he wanted to go to for a ride so will filled up the tank and went back home by way of Caramanico Terme and Pacentro. The scenery was beautiful, but in the back of my mind I wanted to get home and test out the new data I'd been given. When we pulled up to the house, Paolo jumped out and opened the doors to the cantina and I quickly found out that while 23cm sounded like a lot to my American measurement based mind, it was not a lot. Due to the tightness of the street, it would have had to be much wider to allow clearance from the turn you had to make. Paolo closed it up and went inside and I took the car down the hill to a spot many of the locals parked and walked back up.

When I got inside, I didn't see Paolo in the soggiorno or the kitchen, so I went on upstairs to the second level. As I walked into the bedroom, he walked out of the bathroom with only a shirt on.

"I knew after Nicky's talk what you would want" he said, "so I prepared myself for you."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded.

I wasn't sure where to start. I was still a virgin on this part of the equation. He coached me on how to loosen him up, though I remembered part of it from what he did to me. When we thought he was ready I put a little Vaseline on him and started squeezing myself into him. I could feel my heart beating in my temples, and I was shaking again. I only barely got in past the head when it felt so good, I just exploded. I came and came hard inside him.

"That was fast" he said kind of chuckling.

"It's not over" I told him. I had not, even slightly, gone soft. I pushed the rest of the way into him until my bush was rubbing his cheeks and started to stroke. It was going to take a while since I just had such a strong orgasm, but we settled in for the long ride.

"How does it feel to have the train back in the tunnel, Pipi?" I teased him in my best imitation of Nicky's voice.

He didn't answer but reached down and picked up his towel from the clean-out and pushed it under him.

"Just in case" he said.

I quickly got into my stride and by 10 minutes in, my first cum was turning into foam and I could feel from the tingles in my stomach that it wouldn't be long before I blasted him again.

"At 15 anni Nicky was as big" Paolo said, referring to my size.

I don't know why but just thinking about that tripped me over the edge and I slammed into him like I was trying to push my whole body inside him. As I started cumming again, he made an `oof' sound. I stopped and just let my cum flow into him. When I pulled out, he jumped up and took the wet towel into the bathroom to throw it in the laundry basket.

"It still makes you pipi?" I asked. He gave me an embarrassed look and nodded yes. I got up and hugged him and got into the shower. He sat on the bidet and cleaned up, then joined me. I washed him like a little boy. What he said when we were in the midst came back to my mind.

"Have you seen Nicky's...uh, stuff...recently?" I asked him.

"He pulled it out as a joke on me one day" he said, "It's much bigger now." I let it drop, but I couldn't help but wonder how much bigger.

We got dried off and dressed again, it was still only around 7pm. We decided to go out for a drink and maybe a snack. I hadn't really explored Introdacqua despite living here. Paolo led the way through the narrow winding paths up to a little piazza where a bar/ristorante was situated. He said he used to come here a lot when he was younger. From the noise inside we could tell they had a soccer game on. We went in and got a beer and sat at one of the tables outside to drink them. Paolo was telling me about what it was like growing up here and where he went to school and miscellaneous things about the town when a guy walked up, obviously drunk.

"Paolo - il frocio" he said, "Succhi ancora cazzi in bagno?" (Paolo -- the faggot) (Still sucking cocks in the bathroom?)

"No, Non vorrei che tuo padre rimanesse disoccupato" Paolo replied. (No, I wouldn't want your dad to be unemployed)

I wasn't sure what was going on, but the drunk guy took a swing at Paolo. Paolo ducked and the guy tripped and went down nearly face first on the ground.

"Vai a casa, Francisco, la tua mamma sta chiamando" Paolo told him. (Go home Francis, your momma is calling you)

"An old schoolmate" he said to me. Francisco didn't appear to be moving.

"Is he dead?" I asked. Paolo leaned over him and checked him out.

"No, but how you say? Dead drunk" he said, "fottuto maiale!" (fucking pig) We decided to call it a night after that and went back home. Paolo said he didn't want to run into any more old school chums. On the way home I drilled him about what was said in that conversation and, of course, after hearing what was said I had to ask if he used to suck boys off in the bathroom. He looked like I'd slapped him, and I started apologizing for asking but he waved me to stop.

"Solo one time. After...I am-a always "il frocio" he said dejectedly. I should have just let it drop, but I'm stupid that way.

"Who was the boy that one time?" I asked.

"Il maiale -- Franciso -- Frankie -- back there" he said pointing over his shoulder, "Il maiale, he tell everybody."

"Spiacente" I say. (Sorry) I reach down and take his hand in mine, and we quietly walk back along the cobblestone path under the pretty streetlights back to our house. It still feels weird to say, `our house', but it is. We get upstairs and I ask if he wants to watch TV for a while. We turn the TV on but neither of us is really paying it any attention. The encounter with `Frankie' has put my man in a `down' mood. After a while, I turn the TV off and tell him to stop worrying about it. I put out my hand and place it palm down over his heart.

"What happened a long time ago doesn't matter to me. Tu sei il mio uomo. I love you." I whisper.

"Anch'io ti amo" he said with his eyes boring a hole into my soul. I put my arm around his shoulders, and we just sat quietly for a while. I looked at the clock and it was already 10pm. He had to get up early to get to Pescara and I started my new phone job in the morning as well, so we went up and went to bed. Paolo had to be at work by 8:30 and my first shift started at 9:00 so I set the alarm for 7am and we settled in for the night. It felt like the alarm went off right after I set it, but it was already 7am.

The new job was working out pretty well and I worked a couple of long shifts during the week since Paolo stayed in Pescara while he was working. I mostly stayed around the house or over in the main house with Tom and Mia. Tom could sense how much I was missing Paolo. Partly from my body language, but partly the twin thing. I ate dinner with them Thursday night and the three of us emptied a bottle of chianti. Mia asked if I thought it was going to work out with Paolo.

"Paolo è come il mio pezzo mancante" I told her. (Paolo is like my missing piece)

"Oh, poverino. He'll be home tomorrow" she said.

"I know. It's just that time with him is so short" I said.

"You could have gone to Pescara with him" Tom said. I had thought of it, truth be told, but our place was so nice and these two had done so much to make it possible.

"Paolo should come home and start his own shop" Mia said, "There are plenty of spaces free for an auto shop."

"That takes start-up money" Tom said.

"I know, I just hate to see these two apart" Mia told him. Something suddenly dawned on me. This whole conversation had been going on in Italian and I followed it all with no problem. I think they saw my face lighten up. I explained what I just realized, and Tom said he knew if he could learn it, I could.

"I think I'll talk to Paolo about some solution when he gets here" I said. I stayed a little longer, but I was getting tired, so I said my goodbyes and went around the corner to my place.

I'd anxiously been watching the clock all day. I was just finishing up my shift when I heard the door being unlocked downstairs. I logged off, dropped my shorts, grabbed the Vaseline and got on the bed on my knees. When Paolo saw me waiting, it took seconds for him to be naked and hard. He spent a minimal time preparing my hole before taking the plunge all the way to his balls. He lay down on my back and whisper/growled in my ear "I missed you so much". I turned my head, and he craned his neck around to kiss me. He took me this way for a few minutes, but then pulled out and flipped me over. He liked to see my face when we did it. When he shoved it back in aggressively, he kind of jabbed me directly on the prostate and made a little burble of precum come out of me. He took it on his finger, pulled out and coated the head of his dick with it, using it as a kind of extra lube. He leaned down and kissed me again then set up a rhythm while simultaneously beginning to stroke my iron bar as well. As he got closer and closer to his release, he sped up his actions on me. He panted "are you close?" and I nodded. He pumped even faster, both in my ass and on my dick. We came within seconds of each other. When he pulled out and rolled onto his back one last squirt of cum rolled down his dick. I got up and sucked it up and shared it with him in a kiss. He handed me his work shirt and I cleaned the huge load of cum off my stomach.

"God, I'm glad you're home, baby" I said to him. He gave me a broad smile.

"I've missed you too" he said, then a thought hit him, "You're speaking in Italian now?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's like some switch just flipped in my brain" I told him, "After all my studying I'm even thinking in Italian now."

"We have 48 hours to do more of this" he said grinning.

"About that. We need to do something different" I said. "Should I just move to Pescara with you?"

"Pescara is okay, but I prefer the family home" he said.

"Have you thought about opening your own shop?" I asked.

"Gianni asked me several times if I thought a shop would do good here, he's thinking of branching out to increase his business" he said, "Maybe we could look around, maybe ask people at the commune what they think?"

"Sounds like a plan" I said, but my mind wasn't completely in the conversation. I kept smelling a workday worth of funk coming from Paolo's pits and it was making my dick hug my stomach again already. He leaned over and took me in his mouth, and we were off to the races again. I looked down and saw his cock was in much the same state so I pulled on him to get him to turn around and we fell into a beautiful 69. I took him all the way until my nose was pressed into his tight ball sack and I worked my tongue on him in the tight space I had. He swallowed my dick repeatedly, intermittently taking me to the root. Damn! I was already getting close again! I started jacking him and sucking just on his head. I could tell from the way he was squirming; it wouldn't take long. I took his balls in my left hand and forcefully pulled them away from his body, then I let the fingernail on my left hand scratch along his taint. Suddenly, he bucked and shoved his dick deep in my mouth and unloaded. That was all it took for me and I flooded his mouth with my juices. I kept gently sucking him until he pushed me away, too sensitive to continue. He turned back around and I reluctantly jumped up and turned off the lights and we were asleep in minutes.

Lambodara 3/15/23

Tentar non nuoce

Next: Chapter 6

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