My Italian Roots

By Lambodara

Published on Mar 17, 2023


My Italian Roots Chapter 4

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Capitolo Quattro


The job offer came the next evening, on Monday. I arranged with them to start in two weeks. So, I had to fly back to the US and shut down my life there. I felt like it was going to be a tight schedule, but Tom and Mia are going to help with getting all the necessities set up for the apartment. They are going to get all our utilities separated from the main house for us. When I called Paolo to tell him I had to go back, he was not happy, but I explained why I was doing it and assured him I'd be back to him as quickly as possible, and he was elated. He said he already had bedroom furniture picked out, he would rent a truck and bring it from Pescara. I booked a flight and Tom dropped me at the train station in Sulmona to begin my journey. I'll spare the details, but I arrived jet lagged as hell and slept most of the first day back. As soon as I got up, I started working on breaking the lease on my apartment and putting stuff up for sale. I only had a month left on the lease before I was due a renewal so that was no problem. I put a sign in the hallway of my apartment building and had a sort of indoor flea market. I also put my car on craigslist; I got way more than it was worth due to the crazy car market. It also sold a little faster than I was hoping, which left me taking Ubers wherever I needed to go, but at least it was one less thing to worry about. I was only keeping my personal stuff; I shipped about 10 boxes out to Tom. As all my stuff was going out the door, my bank account was growing; I felt like I'd have enough to keep me going in Italy for a while even if the tech job didn't work out. By the end of the first week, much faster than I thought, I was down to just a couple of chairs and my bed. I called Goodwill to come pick them up and went ahead and booked my return ticket to Italy. Waiting in the airport a kind of melancholy hit me. I was leaving here for what might be the last time, it was kind of sad. On the other hand, I thought about what I was going back to. If I had any luck with me, I was going to have an actual life instead of just being alive.

The flight arrived in Rome in the wee hours of the morning. I sent Paolo a text to let him know I was back in country, there was no answer, but then, I figured he was still asleep. I went to the train station to see when I could leave for Sulmona. First trip was not for two hours so I settled on a bench and nodded off. The announcement woke me up and I boarded the train and immediately went back to sleep on the way to Sulmona. I texted Tom and let him know I would be in Sulmona soon. He said he'd be there. When I got off the train, Tom was actually there to meet me, unlike last time. As we started out of town, I saw a car with a `vendi' sign on it; it was an older model Fiat Panda. I got Tom to stop, and we looked it over, not sure why, neither of us knows jack about cars. I saved the number in my phone so I could get Paolo to come look at it with me. (Sulmona is a very short drive from Introdacqua)

When we got home, I was knocked out by the difference in the looks of the apartment now that Tom and Mia had cleaned it up. We would still have to find some furniture, but we had a perfect blank slate to begin with. Paolo had arranged the truck rental to bring the furniture with him Friday evening when he got off. I asked him if the place where he got the bedroom had any desks so I could set up my office; he said he would check with them. I set the new wifi up on my phone to test the speed and it was more than adequate. Over the next few days I bought a few things in Sulmona, mainly a sofa and chairs and a few other small items.

Wednesday morning, I received more information about the job and things I'd need; I actually hadn't thought about needing a computer. I'd sold my computer I'd had in the US, so I ordered an iMac online (since I'd be doing Apple tech support for this company); the company was paying half the cost for it so I got a very nice iMac Pro. It would be shipping from Rome, and I paid extra to make sure it I would get it Friday. I caught a ride with Mia as she was going to Sulmona, I still needed to find a headset. She was glad to have me along since I could help her carry bags and load groceries. It was very distracting on the ride back as Paolo had taken his lunch break and he kept texting me pictures of his dick. I put the phone on silent and stuffed it in my pocket. Back at the house we unloaded the car and started preparing dinner. While Mia was preparing dough for fresh pasta, I took a trip to the bathroom and snapped a few pictures of my own parts and sent them off to him. A message came back shortly: Ti riempirò venerdi sera! (I'm going to fill you up Friday night!) I had to run it though an online translator, I was pretty sure I didn't want Mia to translate it and boy, did I turn out to right! After dinner I went to my bedroom and studied some of the procedures for the job on my iPad. What was nice is that I qualified for what they called the first escalation, which meant I wouldn't be taking incoming calls; I would be getting them after the level one person was not able to help the customer. I fell asleep reading the material.

Thursday, I called the number about the Fiat Tom and I had seen, the man who answered gave me a price and told me a little about the car (which Tom translated). I wasn't sure what to ask so I told the man that if it was all right, I was going to get my `friend' to call him. I texted Paolo the number and asked him to call and ask questions for me. He called back in a half hour or so and advised me to not buy it; it apparently had too many problems. He said he may have one for me to look at, he would let me know for sure later. Then he started telling me what we were going to be doing Friday night which not only made me turn red but made my pants become uncomfortable. It took a long time to get to sleep after that conversation.

Friday morning, shortly before lunch, my computer arrived, and I took it into the apartment to hook it up and make sure everything was working. The internet speed was really good and as soon as I got it set up, I started downloading the tech interface for the job. Once I had everything ready to go, I went back over to the main house to wait until Paolo got home. I was bored and probably in Mia's way too much as I sat around anticipating his return. It was getting dark outside when he came in and told me to come help. Tom got up and came with us as well. The bedroom set was pretty but very heavy and it took us several trips to get it all up the stairs. There was a bed, naturally, but also a large, wall length wardrobe in several pieces that matched. We thought that was bad until we started moving the desk Paolo had found. It was a big, office desk with a return which contained a file cabinet. By the time we got those pieces and the chair upstairs we all needed some Advil. Tom and I went back down to the main house, and Paolo went to park the rental truck as there was nowhere near the house for anything that big. When he came back in, we had dinner and afterwards Paolo and I went back to the apartment to finish setting up the bedroom and office. As we started out the door, Mia handed me a set of sheets to put on the bed and some towels. We told them goodnight/buonanotte and went to spend our first night in the new quarters. It took us an hour or so to set up the wardrobe and get everything fastened together, but it was stunning once complete. The bed didn't take as long, and Paolo suggested we not put the sheets on until he was done with me. Once again, right on cue, I turned red as a beet. I went to the bathroom to clean out. One thing I'd learned from the internet was tidbits like that.

When I walked back into the bedroom Paolo was laying on the bed on his back, buck naked on a towel with his dick standing up obscenely from his lap. On his nightstand was a small tub of petroleum jelly. I started to sit on the bed, and he shook his head no and said, "No clothes", although the way he pronounced it was more like "No cloth ess". I smiled and pulled off my shirt. He pointed to the light, and I got that he was telling to turn it off before we got started. I turned on a small lamp beside the bed and came back over to kick my shoes off and then start wiggling out of my pants and underwear and let them all drop to the floor. I climbed on the bed, and we kissed while I slowly stroked his dick. He broke the kiss and started rearranging me, pulling me up onto my knees with my butt toward him. He popped my ass once then pried my cheeks apart inspecting my cleaning job. I guess it was good because he buried his face between them and started licking me in a place nobody had been but me since I was in diapers. At first, I was thinking it was kind of gross, but the more he sucked and tongue-fucked me, I was about to go insane from the way he was making me feel. I kind of tensed up when the first finger started entering me, but his free hand started rubbing my back to calm me. He pulled the finger out and got up to get the tub of Vaseline and pushed a gob of the grease into me, first with the single finger, then it was joined by a second one. I was shaking like crazy. Just the thoughts of what was about to happen, even though I'd been wanting it forever, it was still scary. Three fingers started in, and I tensed up and pain shot up my back. He rubbed my back again and was whispering to me that it will be okay, just trust me. I tried my best to relax, and he was able to get the intruders all the way in to his hand.

"It's time" he growled. I braced myself, expecting the worst, but he was so gentle with me, and I was so ready that it was nothing. It definitely felt better than the three fingers, the thickness was less. He slowly worked it in; any time I started to tense up he stopped. A little later, I felt his fuzzy balls touch mine and I knew he was all the way inside. He slowly pulled out and had me turn over onto my back and arranged the towel under me to protect the new mattress. This time as he slid back into me, he locked eyes with me and when he was all the way in again, he leaned down and started kissing me. His kissing caused my flaccid dick to start puffing up despite the cucumber sized intrusion in my ass; my dick began tapping him on the stomach and leaving a spiderweb of clear liquid connecting the hair on his stomach to the head of my dick.

"I think he wants me to get started" he whispered with a smile.

He went very slow at first, watching my face for any signs of pain. I'll admit, it hurt like hell at first, but as he continued to stroke in into me, it started feeling better and better. When I started to push my hips up to meet him the game was on. He went into beast mode and started to pump me hard enough that his sack was slapping on me on every inward thrust. He picked my legs up under the knees and pushed them up toward my chest giving more access for a few minutes, then released them again. He more or less lay down on me and we kissed as only his hips kept pumping. In this position, my dick was sliding repeated though the forest of hair on his stomach which was now slick with my precum. We'd been at it about fifteen minutes when he started pinching my nipple and sucking on my earlobe like before. I let out a moan and seemed to put him into overdrive. He was pounding the hell out of my poor ass now, then he slammed into me and started cumming; I grabbed my dick and jacked it only once or twice and unloaded a huge load of watery cum between us as I spasmed for minutes. It was probably the best orgasm of my life. We were both panting like we just finished a marathon. It was a good thing he had the foresight to put the towel down because when he pulled out his cum just flowed out of my ass onto it. To say the least, we were a mess. We lay there catching our breath for a few minutes, punctuated by kisses, then he got up and pulled me up too so we could go get a shower. I grabbed the cum towel and let it fall to the floor.

We gently washed each other in the shower, still kissing, then dried each other off. We made the bed naked and collapsed into it right after. I reached over and turned off the lamp. Paolo opened his arms and I rolled into them.

"Sei mio" he said to me in his deep whispering tone (You are mine).

"Anche tu sei mio" I said back in my best attempt to emulate his sexy whisper, then the words came out of me of their own accord, "I love you". It was only a whisper; I wasn't even sure he heard me until he pulled my face to his own and said "Ti amo di più" (I love you more). I snuggled up, trying to get as close as I could, to bury myself in his hairy chest. He wrapped his arms around me and the last thing I remember before falling asleep was the silhouette his face made against the moonlight coming through the window.

*DING!* The cellphone woke me up. I sleepily reached over to see who was texting me. The clock on the phone said it was 7:30 but the rain outside made it look much earlier. Tom asked if we wanted to come down for breakfast. I texted back that Paolo wasn't awake yet.

"Damn! You must have worn him out" he texted back. I texted back a shrugging emoji as the red spread down my face and neck; at least he wasn't here to see it.

"I bet you're red as fire right now" he texted. Damn. Can't hide anything from him.

"We'll see you guys later on" I texted and lay the phone back down just before the arm underneath me started pulling me back to him. I rolled toward him, and his left arm moved down my body until his long fingers burrowed themselves between my cheeks. I could feel his middle finger caressing my slightly sore hole. He kissed me, filling my mouth with his tongue, then rolled onto his back and greased himself up with the Vaseline. Apparently, I was to be on top for this round. I got up on my knees and straddled him and his greasy finger found its way onto my hole to do its job. I reached back and positioned him in the right place and slowly started sitting on his cock while forcing myself to open up. Oh my gosh, when I got to the bottom it felt like he was in me deeper than last night! I leaned back and started jacking myself which caused my hole to tighten, causing me to make a little squeaking noise. That seemed to turn him on and he flexed his hips upward, jamming the thick cock farther into me.

"I'm gonna cum" I said.

"No" he said, pulling my hand off of my throbbing dick, "too soon." He stopped moving at all until I'd calmed down, even then the tingling feeling in my lower stomach kept buzzing. He took my hands in his and locked fingers, then pulled me toward him. Another kissing session started. I was probably being completely irrational, but I felt like I loved this man more than anyone I'd ever loved at this moment. He finally started stroking in me again, very slowly. My dick started throbbing again after only a couple of minutes. I went to jack myself and he shook his head `no'. Instead, he took me into his hand and started stroking me in time with his slow movements in and out of my back door. It felt like he was going glacially slow but the feeling in my stomach and in my ass were intensifying exponentially every second he dragged it out. After what felt like an eternity, but was probably really about 5 or 6 minutes, I was shaking or more like vibrating. He pulled my foreskin all the way back and gently ran one of his fingernails across the head and I exploded covering him with cum for the second time in 8 hours. The powerful contractions of my hole caused Paolo to explode as well, and I could feel the hot juice shooting inside me. I fell forward, my head next to his, squishing my cum all over us both. I could smell his musk and despite the intense orgasm I'd just finished, my dick throbbed again.

"I wish we could stay like this forever" I said. He didn't seem to understand. I searched for the words in Italian -- "Rimaniamo cosi per sempre" I said.

"Come uno" (as one) he whispered back. I nodded and kissed him again.

I tried to keep my hole closed as his softening pene started sliding out of me. I got up and ran to the bathroom to evacuate about a quart of semen and he soon followed and started running water in the tub for a bath. We settled into the water and washed each other, then I sat back with my back to his chest and leaned my head back on his shoulder.

"God, I love you so much" I said softly.

"I been-a wait for you...tutta la mia vita" he said wrapping his arms around me.

Now that we were sated for the moment, we finally got dressed and ready to go out. I glanced at the phone; it was already 9:30. I guess our honeymoon night had made us run late. I gathered up all our dirty clothes and put them in the basket and figured out what we could do today -- shop for a washing machine!

Lambodara 3/12/23

"Lasciate ogne Speranza, voi ch'intrante"

Next: Chapter 5

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