My Island in the Sun.

Published on Aug 9, 2004



This story is a figment of my imagination and it didn't happen as far as I know.It contains sex between older teenagers and a young pre teen, if this isn't your cup of tea then please leave now, if you are under age please leave now and if it is illegal to read such literature in your area please leave now. Your comments and ideas gratefully accepted, all emails answered but flames extinguished on receipt. Please send your comments to

My Island in the Sun,


I was 12 years old that summer when my parents took me with them to the small island off the North Queensland Coast, it was known as the Jewel of Capricornia. The area was a mass of islands mostly owned by big corporations, which ran huge expensive resorts catering to the wealthy and foreign tourists. The island we visited was primitive no toilets or running water, no hotels or resorts just a virgin unblemished island inhabited by breeding terns and a few people who knew where it was and who enjoyed roughing it and had a boat to reach it.

The weather was idyllic, a true tropical paradise the temperature around 28c in the day time and low 20's in the night, the climate was conducive to light or no clothing and me being only 12, I ran around virtually naked all the time. I was not yet into puberty my balls were still small like sparrow's eggs and my uncut dick was only 2 inches in length with nearly another inch of foreskin hanging from the tip. I loved to play with my dick and get it to turn into a stiffy when it grew to 3 inches of pulsing hot flesh, I used to play with it till I felt like I was going to pee then I'd stop and wait a while then pull it again till I got that same feeling.

It was awesome and the only reason I stopped was I didn't want to wet my bed, now I was roaming free around the verdant island I felt I could take the next step and stroke myself to see if I did piss. The other visitors to the paradise were scattered about through the island but no camp was in site of another so privacy was great, I used to sneak through the thick jungle to watch the other people and it was an eye opener. The next camp site was occupied by a family who never wore clothes at all, I got to see my first naked girl and woman but what really got me excited was the son, about 17 years old and the father. The sight of these two guys with their hairy groins and big hanging dicks and balls held me entranced, I longed to touch those big fat cocks to feel and run my fingers through their thick bushes of pubic hair. The son was blonde like his mum and sister but the father was black haired and his chest and stomach were covered in thick hair, I nearly drooled at the sight of his almost ape like appearance.

I was blonde haired like my dad and he was very smooth with only a little bit of very fine gold hair in his arm pits and around his dick and being blonde it was not very noticeable, his legs and arms had a fine dusting of light blonde hair that glistened in the sunlight and contrasted with his dark bronze suntan. I loved it when he sat me on his lap and I could stroke the fine hair on his hugging arms, he seemed to enjoy my stroking because he would hug me tighter and I sometimes could feel him getting harder and hot under my bum. When he hugged me tighter I'd lean up and kiss him saying, " I love you daddy."

He would kiss me back saying, "I love you to my little champ."

We had been on the island a week when I walked into the jungle and was watching the son at the next camp, he couldn't see me as I was hidden in the thick undergrowth, he was lying on a towel stretched out in the sun. I looked around and he was on his own, I don't know where the rest were, he was lying there and I watched him begin to play with his cock. It started about 4 inches long and as he played it grew and grew till it was about 7 inches and it looked too thick for me to get my fingers around, he stroked it and spread his legs apart with the soles of his feet touching. I was nearly having a heart attack as I played with my hard dick like he was, his hand was flying up and down his shaft rolling over his red knob. Every now and then he would bring his hand to his mouth and spit on it then he would rub his spit allover his swollen red knob. He began to arch up and he was making grunting piggy noises as he stroked himself harder and faster, suddenly he went rigid and his cock began to spurt white stuff out of his pee hole. I was frightened he had hurt himself, but his grunting and groaning seemed to be pleasure not pain.

His body shook and jerked as he kept pulling on his spurting cock until it stopped spurting and began to dribble then stopped all together, the guy lay there puffing hard as he slowly stroked his hard cock. Then he sat up and licked his hand and began scooping up the white creamy goo off his body and eating it all, he seemed to enjoy the taste and my mouth was watering as I watched. I had stopped playing with my dick as he started spurting the stuff so I started to pull my dick again as it was as hard as a rock, I pulled and pulled then I dribbled some spit onto my cock as I pulled on it. The feeling was unreal my hand was much more slippery and the feeling on my dick was awesome, I began to feel weird as I got that piss feeling but I kept pulling then I thought I was dying as my whole body felt like I was going to explode like a balloon.

I kept pulling and then my mind went into overdrive I began to shake and twitch and I got this excruciating feeling of release as my body tensed and my little hard dick pulsed and spasmed until I fell back onto the ground trembling like I was freezing but I felt so hot it was as if I was on fire inside my guts. I thought I'd had a fit or something like my friend who was epileptic but after a few minutes I felt ok so I knew it was something else maybe it was what the boy felt when that white stuff jetted out of his cock. I know I loved the experience and wanted to feel it happen again soon, but I didn't know how soon I could do it.

I lay there feeling great although a bit tired and finally I decided I would get up and go for a prowl through the jungle, I set off and after some time I reached a small cliff about 15 feet high. The jungle ended and there was a grassy strip between the trees and the cliff, which dropped down to a small-secluded beach, I walked to the edge as I heard voices. I crept to the edge and lay on my stomach as I peered over the edge and saw two guys who looked to be in their late teens, they were naked from the waist down. Their swim trunks lying on the sand and I could see their hot cocks balls and lower tummies as their t-shirts ended above their belly buttons.

They were very sexy boys, one was very dark skinned with jet black hair while the other was well tanned with straw blonde hair, they both had nice cocks without foreskins and they were quite fat in shape although they were not hard yet. Their big knobs stood out the dark guy's was deep red while the blonde's was pinkish and looked cute against his dark tan and honey blonde pubes. They both began to slide their hands over one another's chests and they began to kiss one another on the lips, they seemed to enjoy this as their cocks began to thicken even more until they stood out at right angles to their bodies. Their kissing and hugging got more excited as their cocks grew bigger until they were moaning into one another's mouths. They turned towards one another and began to rub their big fat cocks against each another as they swiveled their hips and hugged tighter.

I was leaning further and further over the overhang as I watched them until with a cry I slipped over the edge and fell arms and legs wind milling as I dropped. I hit the sand with a big thud and knocked the wind out of myself as I lay there looking up at the two guys who were shocked and staring at me like two frightened wallabies, their legs tensed ready to run at my sudden appearance. They saw that it was only a kid and they relaxed but their eyes were locked on my hard little dick, I was still hard from watching their sexy kissing. The blonde boy squatted down and looked at me, I was as red as a beetroot with embarrassment, and he said, " Are you ok matey?"

I looked up into his blue laughing eyes and nodded my head, he placed his warm hand on my knee and squeezed it gently as he looked down at my rigid prick, and his mate squatted on the other side and felt my shoulder then slid his fingers onto my chest. I trembled with both fear and excitement at the thought of these two hot older guys touching my scrawny little body. My 3 inches was twitching and the blonde boy slid his warm hand up my thigh till the edge of his hand contacted my excited little balls, I gasped as the dark boy squeezed my nipple and my cock flicked. The blonde guy took my limp hand and lifted it from the sand placing it round his hard smooth cock shaft I was too frightened to close my fingers but he coaxed me to close them with his hand. I loved the feel of his warm pole and I could feel it pulsing to his heartbeat as I slid my hand up and down over the smooth velvet skin.

His head arched back as I began to stroke him and the dark boy bent down pulled my foreskin back to uncover my knob and put his lips on my dick, I nearly died from fright but the feeling of his wet lips on my knob then he sucked my whole dick into his hot mouth I couldn't believe the feeling the warm wet slippery tongue sliding around while his hot breath swamped my quivering little virgin dick thrilling my body to utter fever pitch as I bucked up into his mouth while my hand clenched and pulled on his mates throbbing cock. His friend began to push into my grasping hand and then he grunted and whined and I felt hot splatters of the same white stuff I'd seen come from the boy's cock that I'd watched before. It was awesome and frantically exciting then my dick did what it had done earlier and I nearly blacked out in utter pleasure as I bucked into the guy's mouth.

I lay there squirming as he kept sucking my tormented dick my head thrashed around and my vision was blurred as my whole body felt as if it was trying to pump out my little pulsing wiener. I trembled and twitched with my eyes rolled right back into my head the blonde guy pulled his mate from my crotch and said, " Shit dude the kid's having a fucking fit look at him, he must be sick or something."

The dark dude looked at me and said, " Chill out dude he's just climaxing, little kids don't cum they just have real heavy orgasms, the kid's really out of it eh?"

Blondie was still worried and was stroking my rigid stomach feeling my six-pack trying to relax my tense body, it took a minute or two before I began to relax and take notice of my surroundings and the gentle stroking on my abs was tickling me a bit. I giggled and the dark guy said, " There you go dude he's fine now he was just high on sex, he's back to normal now."

He bent down and began to lick the claggy white stuff from his mates cock off my chest, he moaned happily saying, " Geez dude your cum is like a fine wine it tastes grouse, I could eat it all day."

He looked at me and said, " Do you want to try some little buddy?"

I looked at him and nodded uncertainly and he lifted a string like piece up on his finger and brought it dangling from his finger to my lips, I stuck my tongue out and touched the slimy stuff and found it wasn't nasty so I licked it off his finger and rolled it around on my tongue. The blonde dude sat there on his knees watching me eat his stuff and he said, " Geez do you like my cum youngun? I hope you don't throw up after eating it."

I smiled at him and opened my mouth to see the pearly stuff on my tongue and he laughed saying, " We've got a little show off here Neil, look at him playing with my spoof."

I turned to the dark guy and showed him as well, he shocked me by clasping my face and diving his tongue into my mouth and licking the stuff off my tongue. I was amazed and then found his tongue on mine felt really good so I kissed him back and stole the cream back. We began tongue wrestling with the sperm as the prize and soon my little dick was sticking up hard again.

The blonde guy watched Neil and I kissing then he lay on the sand and began licking my dick and he lifted my legs up and turned my bum skywards, he then started licking my sandy arse spitting the sand from his mouth as he licked. He reached my crack and tongued into it till he found my poop chute and I was horrified to feel his tongue touching my hole. I wriggled about trying to stop him but he had a good grip on my legs and his probing tongue started to really make me feel hot and sweaty, I started moaning into Neil's mouth as we kissed and I saw his eyes go up to see his friend licking my bum.

He pulled away from my mouth and said, " Oh geez Brian you will drive the kid insane doing that to his little cherry."

Brian just grunted and began to work his tongue tip into my hole like a rabbit going into its burrow, I squeaked loudly as my arse opened up to his tongue and I felt him slide wetly into my bum. The feeling of his wet hot tongue wriggling inside my pooper was impossibly exciting my heart was pounding and I was having trouble breathing with Neil's tongue in my mouth as I began to pant and puff with pleasure. I jerked hard as Brian stuck a finger in beside his tongue and he started to work it in and out with his wet tongue wriggling deeper into me. I was a moaning shaking mess as my body went bezerk, I was gone to the world as this guy stretched and slobbered in my little hole making it wider and wider. He removed his tongue and now had three fingers deep as he could in my hole as he stretched me more and more the slight pain was not worrying me compared to the pleasure he was giving me.

Neil stopped kissing me and licked his way up my cramped stomach till he reached the bone mound at my dick's base, where one day I would grow hair like theirs. The feeling of his tongue licking me there with my dick rubbing on his nose was so thrilling I was getting that feeling again as if I wanted to pee. Neil licked down the edge of the little mound and along the edge next to my bent leg until he found my little purse of eggs; he sucked them into his mouth and began to suck them pushing my little marble like balls around with his tongue.

Neil was watching Brain stretch my pooper and he said, " Geez look how big that tiny hole is now dude you could stick your fat cock in there with ease now."

Brian laughed and said, " That's exactly what I want to do, and do you think he will take me ok?"

Neil nodded and said, " Yeah Brian I think it is way big enough I reckon we could both get in there at once. Look how crimson and shiny it is inside his arse it looks really horny."

Brian stood up and lifted my arse higher then with my shoulders scrunched into the sand and my hole pointing to the sky he straddled me and pushed his big fat cock head into my hole. I cried out in fright and pain as he pushed firmly into my body as I quivered in pain, he kept poking into my hole until with a shuddering lurch I felt him tear through something inside my hole I squealed in pain then Neil bent down and covered my trembling lips with his mouth to muffle my screams.

Brian began to root my hole slowly and I felt the sharp pain recede to a dull throbbing, which eventually passed to an electrical tingle each time he poked into me. I began to pant and moan so Neil left my mouth and sucked my steel hard dick, I was getting exquisite pleasure at both ends and I was delirious with joy as these two guys worked my body between them. I felt that unreal tingling begin in my groin again as Brian started to hump faster and deeper in my pooper, he was gasping as badly as I was then as I erupted internally he swelled up in my bum and I felt his cock sink deeper into me then it pulsed again and again as he groaned and pushed me down into the sand my neck getting sore from the pressure.

I was moaning with Brian and Neil was sucking my cock frantically as I felt something totally different in my groin. Neil pulled off my twitching dick shouting, " Shit little dude you just shot some cum in my mouth, I tasted your first juice it was unreal you are a man now."

I was unable to comprehend what he was saying as I was away with the fairies, I was as high as a kite and I couldn't hear him clearly with the roaring sound in my ears and Brian's loud moans. Brian pulled his slimy cock out of my stretched hole and lowered me down to the sand and I felt warm wet stuff dribble from my hole onto the sand, I said, " Shit I'm not bleeding am I? You haven't ripped me open have you?"

Brian knelt there puffing and peered between my thighs then laughed and said, " It's mainly my cum little man but there is a small amount of blood mixed with it."

I began to cry as I thought he'd damaged me, I was wondering how I would tell my parents what I had done to get my bum hurt. Brian said, " Don't worry you wont bleed much maybe a little bit for a couple of days when you have a shit."

Neil was rubbing my chest gently saying; " You had your first real orgasm little buddy, if Brian hadn't fucked you while I sucked you it wouldn't have happened so you are really lucky he did you."

I lay there sobbing quietly as the two guys comforted me and they told me they loved me and were so glad I had had my first orgasm with them. I began to calm down as they talked quietly and sexily to me as they cuddled and stroked me. I began to think that what we had done was ok and I really had enjoyed most of the fun except when Brian had first put his stiffy into my bum.

The rest of the holiday I hung out with Brian and Neil and they had fun with my body and by the time the four weeks had passed I was producing cum every time, sometimes 5 or 6 times a day. We really had a lot of fun, I learnt heaps and I wish I knew where they are now that I'm older.

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