My Introduction to Leather

By Michele Cross

Published on Jul 5, 2023


I was kneeling before Sir's front door , naked with a leather hood over my bald head. The sun was beating down on me. My anxiety was slowly rising. I was wondering if I made a mistake. It was 5:00 pm. I rang the doorbeel with my right hand trembling.

After a few minutes, the door opened to my new world. Sir was standing in his black t-shirt with leather pants and boots. He had a big smile.

" I see you can followed directions like a good boy. Welcome to my home,now your new home. Crawl inside now,boy"

I got on all fours,crawling inside like I was ordered. Sir closed the door behind me as I entered, awaiting his next order. Sir placed a dog collar with a leash around my neck. Sir grabs the leash and tugged the leash to follow him. I followed behind him on all fours.

As I was been led, I noticed a maid cleaning the floor. I was taking in the scenery as I followed Sir. My emotions was running high. I was filled with fear and anticipation. We arrived at his office.

Sir took the collar off from around my neck. Sir ordered me to sit at his desk. Sir removed my leather hood from my head, feeling the cool air hitting my semi bald head. We both took a seat at his black walnut desk.

"Michael, we are going to over a few rules that you must abide or the consequences will be severed."

"Yes Sir."

" The first rule is you will addressed myself or any other dominant as Sir or Ma'am."


"The second rule is no fucking the maid. I know you noticed the maid. The maid is off limits. The maid's duty is to clean and served us. Do you care to hear why,that way you don't suffer the same fate?"


"The maid was in the same predicament that you was in this past week. For the first couple of months, everything was great. The maid paid her rent on time and served Jim and me. Then,one day, I noticed certain items was gone.

I searched the house,but no luck finding the items. I checked the apartment you will be living in during the week. I found a reciept from a pawn shop for selling an item in a drawer.

I called Jim up. He went to the pawn shop. The owner gave the item back as soon as he found the item was stolen. I was mad and devastated.

I waited till he got home. I questioned him. He told me he was casing my house to be clean out. The rent money was from the things he stole. He explained to me that he doesn't work and he dont care to work. He told me to go fuck myself. He was leaving.

I knew he had no family left. Jim cuffed him and dragged him to the dungeon. I called up one of the members,who happened to be a plastic surgeon. He turned my thief into a female. The only catch was I made the maid keeped her cock to remind her of her punishment. The maid never leaves the house. Do you understand?

"Yes,Sir. I promise not to betry you and your trust. "

"Good. Your rent is 200 a month. You must keep a job or you will suffer the same fate as the maid."


"The third condition is you served Jim and me on your weekend, unless you have a hockey game or plans for family. I won't get in the way of your family or playing and watching hockey. All I asked is let me know ahead of time. Agreed?"

"Yes,Sir, I agree."

We shook hands on our agreement like gentlemen used to do business. Sir told me Sunday through Thursday I would be staying in my apartment. I was allowed to wear either my normal clothes or my fetish clothes. When I served him, I am to be wearing fetish clothing.

Sir ordered me to follow him. He led me down another hallway to a wooden door. He opened the door. I followed him down the dark stairwell. The stairwell led to his dungeon.

The dungeon was equipped. There was a oak St.Andrew cross against one wall. There was a x rack against another wall. There was a stock next to the dressing room. There was a jail cell with a small bondage bed inside. In the center of dungeon was a bar that hanged from the ceiling with an eyehook in the cement floor. There was a latex vacbed in one area next to a bondage chair. Sir led me to the dressing room he had in the dungeon.

The dressing room had a long closet with toys and fetish clothes. There was a makeup table. There was a black leather couch for sitting. The other door in the dressing room led to the bathroom.

"Before we get you properly dressed, I want to cleaned you out. You will cleaned yourself out daily after you wake up."

"Yes, Sir."

Sir and I walked into the bathroom. The shower was beautiful. The walls were granite tiles. The floor was a smooth non slick material. Sir put on his rain gear as I kneeled by the shower. Sir unlocked my chastity device to wash my cock.

Sir ordered me to step in the shower. He ordered me to kneel in the shower. I felt the cold floor beneath my knees. Sir picked up a can of shaving cream. He sprayed the shaving cream over my head, leaving my face bare. Sir slowly pick up the straight razor, shaving my head strip by strip. I felt the cool air hitting the bald skin as he shaved my head.

After Sir shaved my head bald again, he rinsed me off with the shower head. He ordered me to stand up and bend over at the waist. I obeyed as Sir took the dilator,slowly pushed into my rectum. Sir turned the hot water on. My rectum filled with water, causing my stomach to bloated.

After a minute, Sir ordered me to release the water out of me. I squat and let the water shoot out of me. Sir repeated the process one more time. He was satisfied the second time.

Sir told me to take a quick shower and rinse the shower afterward. Sir stepped out of the bathroom to remove his raingear. Sir lit himself a Marlboro Red, smoked as he waited for me to finish.

I let the hot water streamed down my body. The hot water felt good against my skin. I grabbed the bottle of soap and lather my body up. I rinsed myself off, noticing my body hair fell off. I rinsed the shower area before I turned off the shower. I dried myself off. I felt relaxed but empty in my rectum.

I exit the bathroom. Sir was waiting for me. Sir laid out an leather gimp suit out for me. The boots was even laid out.

"You will be in this suit til we go to the club tomorrow night. I want you to get used to wearing leather and latex. Jim and I talked. You will be pierced tommorrow night in front of everyone."


Sir handed me the suit. I slowly stepped into the suit, pulling the leather over my hairless legs. I shivered with pleasure. I noticed my cock and ass was exposed. Sir helped me with the top part of the suit. I slowly put my arms into the sleeves. I felt the leather engulfing my body. The feeling felt good and felt right.

Sir ordered me to ball my fists up. Sir took a leather mitten,pulling the mitten over my right fist. The mitten kept mu right hand into a fist. He repeated the left fist the same way. Sir pulled the straps tight around my wrists.

Sir helped zipped the back of the suit up to my neck, leaving room for my hood. Sir pushed me to my knees. Sir smiled. He pulled out his cock and impaled the hood on his cock through the mouth hole.

"You know what to do,boy"

I opened my mouth as Sir took the leather hood,pulling the hood over my head. I sucked on his cock as Sir pulled the zipper down,causing the leather hood to tighten around my head. He pulled the zipper up on the back of suit to touch the hood zipper. Sir took a small lock and clasped both zippers together. Sir picked up a leather collar as I suck his cock deeper. He moaned in pleasure.

"That is right,boy. Suck your Master's cock. You are my cockwhore."

Sir placed the 2 inch leather collar around my neck. He placed the lock through the clasp and locked the collar around my neck. At the same time, Sir shot his seed down my throat. I cleaned Sir's cock with my tongue.

Sir had me standed up. He placed the boots in front of me. I put on the black socks first. I stepped into each boot, completing the transformation from Michael to leather gimp.

"You look like the slave you was meant to be. I have been waiting all week for your complete transformation. Time for the acceptance of being my slave."

Sir led me out of the room. He led to the bar in the center of the dungeon. Sir ordered me to raise my arms above my head. He clipped each mitten to the bar,causing my arms to form a y.

Sir kicked my feet apart. He picked up the spreader bar he laid out and strapped the bar between my ankles. Sir chained the bar to the eyehook in the floor.

I felt streched out. I was filling with anticipation. I know what his plan was now.

" Boy, I know you dipped. I prohibit that habit,due to spitting is a nasty reaction. For your tobacco assumption, you will smoke. The way for you to smoke is with a hood on. "

I don't dip a lot. I would go through a can a week. I don't have a probelm with smoking, due to a lot of people around me smoke. I replied with a Yes,Sir.

Sir walked in front of me. He placed a Marlboro Red between my lips. He lit the cigarette for me to smoke. I pulled a drag from the cigarette and blow the smoke out of my mouth and nose. The cigarette calmed me down.

As I am smoking, Sir lubes his cock up. He lubes my rectum up. He slowly penterate my rectum with his cock as I moaned in pleasure. Sir slowly start to fuck me as he light a cigarette for himself.

We both are getting into the mood that was set. The smoky air was thick as we both smoke. Sir started to fuck me faster. I moaned for Sir to fuck me deeper and harder. After 2 more cigarettes between us, Sir and I came. He shot his seed into my rectum as I shot into a bowl underneath my cock.

He placed an anal plug in my rectum as he removed his cock. He removed the finished cigarette from my lips as Sir had me drink my own cum out of a bowl. Sir wiped my mouth and kissed me. Sir smiled.

"Boy, great job. I am looking toward more sessions. Time to fit you with a leather cage tonight. "

Sir fasten around my waist a belt with a leather cage for my cock. He adjusted the cage to fit my cock and balls. He pulled the strap tight over my anal plug. I moaned in pleasure in my tired and worn out state.

Sir unclasped me from both bars. I kneel before him. Sir called the maid down with my liquid diet for the night. The drink was a banana strawberry smoothie and a cup of chicken broth. Sir had me drink the chicken broth first out of the cup.

Sir took a straw and placed the straw inside my smoothie. I suck the smoothie down greedily, filling my belly for the night. Sir led me over to the bed inside the cell.

Sir ordered me to laid on the bed. The bed had four posts to secured my cuffs. Sir started with my wrists first. Sir uses cuffs to secure my ankles. I was in a spread eagled position. Sir kissed me on the lips again.

"Since this is your first night in my house, you have a choice. Do you wanted the blindfold and ballgag or the gas mask?

"Sir, I would like the gas mask. It is up to you, Sir."

"Excellent choice, boy! I will used the gas mask."

Sir slipped the gp5 gas mask over my leathery head. Sir connected a tube to where the filter screws on. Sir lights a cigar and blow the smoke in the tube. I couch at first, but I enjoyed the smell,breathing in the cigar smoke. After 5 minutes, Sir put out the cigar.

Sir opened the valve on the gas mask for me to breathe clean air I breathed in the cool air. Sir slowly twisted a filter to my gas mask. Sir kissed my forehead.

"Good night,Boy! We have a busy day tomorrow."

Sir shutted the cage door. Sir turned out the lights. I was in total darkness. All I can hear is the noise in my head. I slowly fell asleep in my bounded position with a big smile.

The next morning, I am woking up as Sir and Jim pulled off my gas mask and unclasped from the bed. Both of my new Masters was dressed in latex hoods. They both was wearing black latex muscle shirt, showing their abs in the tight latex. Their legs was covered in black latex pants and their feet in black combat boots. Their outfit was complete with black latex gloves.

They helped me up off the bed. I was unsteady for a moment. My legs was weak from being strapped down. They led me to the bondage chair. They strapped me into the chair. Jim strapped my wrist as Sir strapped my ankles. Jim gagged me with a cock gag as Sir speaks.

" You did an excellent job last night. We were impressed. Tonight, at the club we are going to pierced you. Don't worry, we promised to be gentle.

But that is later. We have new business at hand. Jim caught the maid going through your things in the apartment. I told Jim we had an agreement you would settle in on your own. The maid confessed to trying to steal from you. She found your lockbox with your cash saved. She was planning to leave.

We figured this would be a good lesson for you. Don't betry our trust or this will happened to you."

Sir moved out of my view to show me that the maid hanging in the middle of the dungeon like I was last night. The maid was naked with a gag in her mouth. Her long blond hair was draped over her face. Jim went over to her and twisted her nipple hard. She screamed in a pain, muffled.

"It is time to break her spirit. "

Sir turned to the maid. Jim wheeled over a silver tray with hair cutting equipment. Sir and Jim light a cigarette a piece. Sir smoked as Jim started to cut the maid's hair with the scissors. The maid's beautiful blond locks fell to floor as she was crying.

After 5 minutes, the maid's hair was short enough to be shaved. Sir took the clipper and shaved her hair as Jim put the maid's breasts into a clamp to hold both breasts tight. Jim twisted the handle til the breasts are being smashed. The slave screamed into her gag.

"Your insolence behavior won't be totalled no more. We are making an example of you. "

Sir grabs a can of shaving creme. Sir sprayed all over the head of the maid,including her face. The maid look like a snowman. My cock was getting hard in my leather cage. Sir noticed that and smile.

"Don't worry,boy. Your attention is coming tonight. Enjoy the show."

Jim slowly shave the maid's head with a straight razor. You could hear the scraping of her head. Sir wiped her head cleaned as Jim finished with the shaving her head. The maid was bald. Jim speaked as Sir prepared for the next phase.

"Robert, I think it is time to cut your loss with this maid. I know a warden at a prison who could use a maid. She would be taking care of by the warden and a few convicts. "

" No, Jim. This bitch is mine. Besides, I know I told the boy no fucking the maid, but I think it would be appropriate for our gimp here to fuck her raw. Her hole hasn't been used in a year with no cocks or plugs. She should be nice and tight. "

" Robert , I liked this idea better. That will show her where she is at in this food chain. "

The maid's eyes filled with fear. She realized she fucked up this time. She tried to squirm, but no avail. The bonds was too strong for her. I was getting excited over this proposal. I was feeling horny. I wanted to fuck her bad.

Jim and Sir walked over to me. They smiled as I was unstrapped from the chair by them. They noticed my hard cock in my cage.

" Boy, she is all yours this time. Fuck her good. "

Jim removed my gag as Sir clipped a leash to my collar. They led me over to the maid. She was struggling in her bonds to get free. Sir positioned me behind her. Her eyes pleaded with the Masters,but they wouldn't budge.

"This is your punishment for your insolences. You continue to show disobedience even after you signed the contract to keep you out of jail. Boy,fuck her."

Sir removed my leather cage, causing my cock get rock hard. Jim put lube on my cock. I slowly started to fuck the maid. Her asshole is tight. I slowly fuck her hole, exoanding with each thrust. Jim removed her gag to hear her begging. Her pleads and screams go on deaf ears.

I finally loosen her up when she started to moan in pleasure. She started screaming to fuck me harder as her eyes rolled back into her head. I started to fuck her harder. She was back her ass on my cock. The masters was watching and smoking as I fuck the maid. Jim even walked to give me a Marlboro. I smoke as I was drilling the maid.

After 20 minutes, we both came. I shot my seed in the maid as her she cock shot into a bowl. Sir ordered me to slowly pulled out as he put a 2 inch plug in the maid's ass. The maid collasped in her bonds. She mumbled no more, you win.

Sir ordered me to my knees. Jim and Sir removed the bonds from her. They removed the clamp from her breasts. She went to all fours as she started licking their boots.

" Good, you know your place in this house. If I find out that you tried to steal or being disobedience again, I will sell you to my friend in Brazil. You know which friend. "

I can see the concerned look on her face. Jim placed a weird type of collar with a small box around her neck. Jim led her to the dressing room as she crawled behind him.

"You did a wonderful job,boy. She don't like her ass being fucked, but she needed that lesson. Time for you to paid for your treat."

Sir pulled his hard cock out of his latex pants. I slowly impaled my mouth on his cock. I slowly suck up and down like a good gimp. Jim walked in. He pulled his cock out of his pants.

" Robert,let put him in the stock, that way we can use both ends."

Sir pulled his cock out of my mouth. They led me to the stock as I crawled on all fours. They directed my head and my hands into the stock, bending me over for their usage.

Sir reentered my mouth with his cock. I sucked on his cock greedily. Jim lubed his cock up. He removed my plug, slowly penterate my ass with his cock. I moaned in pleasure as I was stuffed at both ends.

They both fucked in rhythm as they both smoked at the same time. I suck Sir's cock hard as I was backing my ass on Jim's cock. They was ravaging my holes, getting me worked up again. My cock was getting hard. Jim slided the bowl under my cock. We all shot our cum at the same time.

Jim filled my rectum with his seed as Sir filled my stomach. I shot my cum in the bowl. I collasped in the stick after Jim pulled out. Sir pulled his cock out.

" You did a good job, boy. I can't wait to have you pierced and tried out your new hardware. "

Jim and Sir released me from the stock. They led me to the dressing area. The maid was finishing getting her new outfit on. Jim picked up a cage and fitted around the maid's cock. The metal cage covered her cock and balls. Sir ordered the maid to lick all cum out of the bowl. The maid obey as she sucked down the cum in the bowl. Sir ordered her to straightened up the dungeon and continued her duties.

Sir unlocked the collar around my neck,then proceeded to unlock my suit and hood. Jim unzipped my hood to remove my hood. Sir unzipped the suit as Jim removed my mittens. I helped Sir pulled the suit down as I stepped out of the boots. I was naked now.

" You will go take a shower. We are going to get your outfit ready for tonight's festivities. Make sure you cleaned yoursel out"

I replied with a "Yes,Sir " as I went into the shower. I turned the hot water on as the hot water trickled out of the showerhead. I let the hot water soaked me, feeling good to my aching muscles. As I was showering, I placed the dilator in my ass. I turned the valve,letting the warm water filled me.

I waited a minute,then released the water from my ass. I feel drained. I repeated the process once more. I felt drained and exhausted. I finished my shower as I rinsed down the shower. I grabbed a towel and dried off.

I exited the bathroom as Sir was setting down. Jim left for the moment. Sir ordered me to kneel on the rug before him.

"We decided to have you wear latex for the first time tonight. You will be our rubber gimp til it is time to for your piercing."

Jim came back in the room. Sir got up and help Jim gathered the outfit I was wearing. My hands was sweating with anticipation. Jim walked over to me.

" Before we dressed you, let's get you fed first."

Jim hand me a glass of pineapple-strawberry smoothie. I drink the smoothie down. The drink had a sweet and sour taste. My face gave my expression away to Jim.

" I put vitamins in your smoothie to keep your strength today. You are going to need it."

Sir came over to me after I finished my drink. He ordered me to open my mouth. As I opened my mouth, Sir placed a black mouth guard in my mouth.

"Boy, we wanted you muffled for tonight til your initiation as our slave."

I nodded yes. Jim slowly pull a red latex hood with holes for my nose and eyes over my naked head. I felt the latex engufled my soul as Jim pulled down the zipper, causing the hood to tightened against my head. I felt a stir in my cock. My cock was getting hard. Sir smiled.

"I see the boy likes latex. Good,boy. I was afraid that the latex would not turn you on. Jim, get the chastity latex short for the boy. I want to see him squirm."

Jim smiled as he grabbed the red latex chastity shorts. Jim walked as Sir directed me up. Sir held my arms behind my back as Jim pulled up the shorts over my hairless legs. As he pulled the shorts up, I felt the plug invading my rectum. I moaned in pleasure.

I was turned on. My mind was melting into becoming a slave. I finally realized this is what I have been craving. This was domination at its finest.

"Jim, did you put the cock hardening pill in his smoothie?"

Jim smiled and said," Yes, Robert. I did that, so we can have a horny boy. He looks like enjoying it."

Jim placed my hard cock in the sheath of the shorts,forcing my hard cock to point outward. Sir smiled. Jim ordered me to pick up my right foot as he pulled the black latex boot over my foot. I could feel the baby powder inside. The powder was to keep my feet dry. He repeated the process with the left foot.

Sir let go of my arms. He pushed me to my knees. Sir placed a metal collar with a o ring in the front around my neck. As Sir placed the pin and lock to secured the collar, Jim fitted a gas mask around my rubbery head. Jim pulled the straps tight, forming a tight seal.

The gas mask had two filter on each side. There was a place for a tube to be connecting in the front. Jim connected the tube as he lit a cigar. He blew into the tube. I smell the smoke coming slowly breathing the smoke in. I cough as the smoke dispel from the filter.

" Jim, it looked like your idea worked. The boy is getting his tobacco fix. Good, we are ready to go. Let's place an armbinder on him. That way the boy can't touched himself."

"Excellent idea,Robert."

Sir pulled my arms behind me. Jim slowly pulled the black latex armbinder over my arms. My fingers was forced together. Jim and Sir took turns fasten the four straps tight. Sir clipped a chain leash to my collar.

" Our boy look like a proper slave now. Let's head to the club."

Sir and Jim led me upstairs. I followed my Masters to the motorcycles outside. One of the harleys had a sidecar. Sir and Jim helped me in the sidecar. They clipped my armbinder to the seat. Jim pulled the safely belt over my chest to keep me in the sidecar. Sir smiled as he placed my helmet on my head.

" It is 5 minutes ride to the club. Enjoy the ride,boy."

They both go on their bike. We left for the club. I feel the cool air hitting my skin. I was enjoying being bound as Sir was riding.

We arrived at the club. Sir and Jim parked their bike in their spot besides the building. I noticed a lot of cars and bikes. My anxiety was kicking in full gear. I get nervous around people. Sir picked up on my body language as they pulled me out of the side car.

" Don't worry,boy. We are going to the office first. I will get something to relax you. "

Sir cilpped the leash. He tugged in the leash to follow him. I followed behind my Master as Jim and Sir entered the hallway. We went to the office. Sir sat down at his desk. He ordered me to kneel beside his desk. I kneeled as Jim clapsed the clip from the floor to my armbinder. Sir made a phone call to the bar about the business for the day. Jim sit on the couch, enjoying a Marlboro red and a beer. I struggled to see how tightly bound I was. I felt the bonds was tight. Sir smack me on the ass.

"Don't struggled,boy. Let the slave take over."

Jim walked over to me. He connected the tube again. Jim placed the other end in a bottle. I breathed in the sweet smell. I was slowly feeling relaxed. I was wishing my Masters would fuck me.

"That is right,boy. Breathe in. These poppers will relax you."

Sir answered the phone as Jim was preparing me. The bartender told Sir that the piercer was here and that he had a visitor. Sir told the bartender to show the visitor in as the piercer was to set up in the club area.

The visitor walked in. I was shocked who it was. My boss was dressed in a leather hat with a leather vest and black leather pants with his boots. I didn't realized my boss was gay.

"Robert, I have brought my slave to pierced your slave. You don't have to paid me, I would like to use your slave's mouth tonight."

"You are welcome to use his mouth, Daniel. You might be surprised who is underneath the mask when we pierced him."

"Robert, I can't wait. See you in the club."

Sir hooked me my leash as Jim unclasped the clip. I stood up, with the help of Jim, as Sir tugged in my leash. Sir led me through the bar to the club in the back. I felt hands over me. I feel hornier by the minute. My skin was sensitive to touch. Sir smiled.

We walked in the club. The bouncer shut the door behind us. There were about 40 Masters with their slaves in the club. I looked around as the domination of the slaves going on in my vision. I watched as slaves get flogged, bounded to the equipment, or servicing a Master.

Sir led me to the stage. Jim and Sir led me to the two poles like last week. They removed all my clothing off. I was naked before the crowd. My face was turning red. I felt embrassed. I want to hide. Jim and Sir cuffed each of my wrist to the post.

"Boy, have a smoke while we prepared for the piercing."

Sir placed a Marlboro red between my lips. He lit the cigarette as I took a drag. My nerves was calming down. Sir made a speech as the piercer was setting up.

"Today, the boy is giving complete control to Jim and me. We are going pierced him. Boy, these piercings will mean you are owned by Jim and me alone. You will do what we ordered. "

I looked at my boss as his face told the story. He was shocked one of his best workers was a slave. I am thinking to myself, there goes my promotion.

The piercer pulled my tongue out and slowly use the hollow needle to pierce my tongue. The pain was sharp,then the pain was dull. The piercer placed a barbell piercing in my tongue. I could feel the piercing in my tongue as it clicked against the roof of my mouth.

The piercer got my right nipple hard before he pierced my nipple. He pushed the needle through the nipple as I seered in pain. He put a silver ring through my nipple and clasped the ring. He repeated the left side the same way.

Sir came up on the stage with a small case. The piercer opened the case. It was a frenum chastity device. The piercer prepared my cock for piercing. He sprays a cool,numb agent on my cock to force me limp. Sir looked at me as he speaks.

"Boy, you will wear this as a sign of your devotion to me. Wear it proud. "

Sir slide the device over my cock. The piercer use three piercing barbells through the top of my shaft to hold the device in place. The piercer pierced the head of my cock. He placed a 1 inch solid silver ring in the head of my cock like a Prince Albert piercing.

Sir examined my cock as I was breathing hard. I was in pain,but it felt good as the same time. The piercer gave Sir directions on how to care for my piercings. The crows cheered as Sir announced the piercing was over. I stood before the crowd, naked, pierced and collared.

Jim and Sir uncuffed me from the post. Sir clipped my leash to my collar and led me to the one of the stocks. Jim placed my red latex hood on again. As they secured me in the stocks, Jim placed an O ring gag in my mouth,forcing my mouth open.

Sir walked before me as Jim positioned behind me. Jim lubed his cock up as Sir slowly entered my mouth with his hard cock. I felt his cock slowly dragged in and out over my piercing. Sir moaned in pleasure. I suck harder and deeper as Jim slowly started to penterate me.

I let Sir's cock slide in and down my throat. I relaxed my gag reflex. Jim was thrusting deep in my ass. I was working myself into frenzy, servicing my Masters. I want to please them as I am being split roasted.

My thoughts were racing through my mind. This felt right. In my mind, this is one of the reasons I am different than "normal" people. I never realized I was bisexual. I accepted i am a born slave,made for this. I started to match the rhythm to my Masters.

Sir and Jim both smiled as my reaction. Both Masters lit up a cigarette and smoked as they ravaged me. I breathed in the smoke as I serviced them. I want a cigarette as they ravaged me.

After 15 minutes,both Masters came in me. I came on the floor. I swallowed Sir's seed down as Jim filled my rectum up with his seed. I feel used and drained. I felt in a wonderful place. Sir and Jim had two slaves cleaned their cocks as my boss came up to me.

" I didn't know you was into this,Michael. I was shocked. I talk to your Master about using your mouth at work. He agreed as long as I promoted you and give you two weeks vacation with paid that way your piercings can healed. I agree. Time to earn your promotion,boy."

My boss unzipped his pants. He pulled his 9 inch hard cock out in front of me. My boss slowly entered my mouth. He started to fuck my mouth. I suck his cock deep in. I want my promotion. I pleasure my boss by using my piercing to lick his shaft. He moaned in pleasure as he grabbed my rubbery head.

My boss continued the assualt on my mouth as Sir allowed the piercer to fuck me. Oh,lord. Here we go again. Use me like a whore was running through my mind.

After 15 mintues, my boss and his slave filled me up with cum. As my boss's slave pulls out, Sir fitted a 2 inch plug in my rectum to keep the cum in. I swallowed every drop. My boss was happy.

"Michael, you got the promotion as my night manager of the warehouse. You will come to my office weekly for our 'meeting'. I will have a leather hood for you to wear."

Jim and Sir helped me out of the stock. Sir removed the gag. Jim gave me a Marlboro red cigarette to calm my nerves. I took a drag off my cigarette as I felt full and satisfied.

The rest of the night, I served Jim and Sir's every whim from serving them drinks to servicing other Masters with my mouth. Finally the party was over. Sir and Jim led me to the office. I helped Sir with counting of the money and paperwork.

"Boy, I would like to hear your feelings."

"Sir, it was like waking the beast inside me. The serving of you and Master Jim awakening my true self. I was meant be to a slave. I crave cocks now. Being in a slave's mindset felt good"

" I heard you got the promotion,boy. Congratulations. The next two weeks, you ca. .n get settle in your new home. You have plenty of time to serve Jim and I."

Sir hugged me. Jim hugged me too. Jim handed me a pair of red latex shorts to put on. I pulled the shorts up. Sir handed me a black latex tank top with slave in red lettering to put on. I pulled the top over my head and pulled the top down. The latex was tight against my torso. You could see the rings outline in the top. I feel the warmth and the tightness surrounding me.

I followed Sir and Jim out to the bar area to inspect the cleaniness of the bar. The bartender smile and winked at me.

" It makes you glad you stopped here in the first place. I know you will be a good slave."

Sir told the bartender good night as we walked out in the darkness. I got in the side car and buckled up as Sir and Jim started their motorcycle to warm up. We all enjoyed a smoke before leaving the club.

We left and arrived at home in 5 minutes. Jim hugged me before he left for home. Sir walked me to my apartment and let me in.

" Welcome home,boy"

The apartment was beautiful. The kitchen area was decorated in blue. The kitchen had a white refrigerator and a yellow stove. There was a microwave on the counter.

The living room had a nice black carpet with a leather couch in the middle of the room. My Tv was taken out of storage and sit on a Tv stand.

My bedroom was to the left of the living room. The bed was queen sized. The beautiful blue wall set off the yellow comforter on the bed. I had a mini bathroom to the right side of the bed.

The bathroom for guests was to the right. I was amazed at my new home. Sir smiled as he can tell I was happy.

I kneeled before Sir and pulled his cock out to service him for the last time tonight. He moaned jn pleasure as I sucked his cock hard.

"Boy, you are throwing yourself in your new role. Suck me dry,boy."

I sucked his cock deep and hard. Sir came in my mouth after 10 minutes. I swallowed his cum down. He collasped onto the couch. I wiped my mouth.

"I am glad you found your trie self. I am looking forward to what is next. I am going now. I might come over tomorrow night and fucked you in your bed. I might have you dressed as a girl."

Sir kissed me goodnight as he handed me the key to the apartment. I saw my journal on the table. There was a note to the journal.

"Boy, I have read your journal. I have read the part of you dreaming of being a crossdressing slave. I am willing to indulge any your darkest desires. Let me know. Robert"

I smiled as I walked through my new apartment. I was taken in the memories of this last week. I am glad I have found my true self.

I went to the bedroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I see a latex slave ready to serve. I noticed the closet is opened. I see there is a vibrating wand laying out the shelf next to my fetish clothes.

I picked up the wand and laid the wand on the bed. I am horny as hell. I went to the kitchen, retrieved a bowl out of the cupboard.

I went back into the room. I noticed a pack of Marlboro Red on the dresser for me. I packed them and pull out a cigarette out. I lit my cigarette as I turned the wand on.

I moaned in pleasure as I watched my slave self pleasuring themself in the mirror. I was getting turned on by the smoke and the vibrating from the vibrator. I let out a primal scream after 10 minutes of pleasure. I shot my cum into the bowl. I lick the bowl clean. I was satisfied and drained. My poor cock was hurting from the piercings.

I went ahead and clean the piercings before I went to bed. I stripped down to my hood and collar. I noticed there was a blindfold and a ball gag harness on the nightstand. Sir is trying to indulge my slave self.

I placed the ball gag between my lips as I fasten the straps around my head. I slowly put the blankets back to entered the bed. I pull the covers over me. I placed the blindfold over my eyes to go sleep. The thoughts of last week danced in my head through my dreams. I am going to like it here, I thought to myself as I fell asleep.

The author's note.

I appreciate to whom read my stories. I had a lot of people asking for a new chapter after the first story. I wrote this trilogy. It took me awhile but I hope you enjoyed it. Drop me an email at if you like. I appreciate all comments and feedback. Thank you again - Michele Cross

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