My Introduction to Leather

By Michele Cross

Published on Jun 10, 2023


When I wrote My Introduction to leather story, I wasn't planning to expand on the story. A certain Dom wrote me and asked me to write more chapters. I decided to obligated him.Thabk you,Sir. I can guarantee at least one more chapter after this one. So, i hope enjoyed the next chapter of my Introduction to leather.

My introduction to leather Ch.2 - Sorting things out

I woke up from my stupor in my leather outfit the next night. I can't believe what a good time I had with Robert for my birthday.

I got up and look at myself in the mirror. I saw a leather clad boy looking back me. I am wondering to myself, do I truly wanted this type of life or do I run away from it like everything I want? The more I look at this leather figure, the more I want that life.

I decided to go downstairs to get my clothes out of my saddlebag. I walked outside to my Harley and retrieved my clothes. Lucky for me, I live in a rural area with hardly any neighbors. I have noticed a letter was in the back pocket of my jeans. I quickly take my clothes and the letter inside.

I tremble with anticipation as I hold the letter in my leathery hands. What does it say? is the thought running through my head. I decided to take a shower first before I read this letter.

I removed the leather hood first. The cool air hitted my bald head. The cool air felt good against my skin. I laid the hood down on my bed. I took off the gloves and wrist cuffs next. I pulled off my leathery top,feeling the cool air hitting my nipples. My nipples was getting hard. I wondered this is normal. I hung up the leather top in my closet.

I undid the straps and slide the boots off my feet. I took my white socks off. I threw them in the basket. I went undid my belt and slowly slide the leather pants, leaving the gates of hell left on my body. I felt naked and uncomfortable outside. I am thinking more to myself, this is something I want in my life.

I slowly reached down to my leathery cage cock and slowly removed the gates of hell off my cock. I removed the plug for my ass. My ass feel sore. I felt empty and naked now. I went downstairs,naked and alone. I didn't have much more time in this house. I know I accepted Robert's offer to move in,but the conflict in my head about our relationship was raging.

I know I told my parents I would let them know where I moved to ,but they wouldn't accept this relationship. In fact, they were old school way of thinking. I figured out everything when I across that bridge.

I turn the showers on. I felt the hot water beaded down my bald head and body. I contemplating everything running through my mind. Am I going to run away or am I going to run into this unknown life?

Right now, I know I am alone. I have no girlfriend,my parents moved and I have no place to live. I went turned off the shower and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my waist.

As I exit the bathroom, I saw the letter lying on the counter. I thought to myself, what the hell, open the letter and read it. If I didn't like what the letter say, I will burn the letter and returned the leather gear back to Robert.

I opened the envelope. I pulled the letter out. The letter read as follows:

"Michael, After the events that took place tonight, you must have many questions running through your head. Let me assured, I will do my best to help you compartment your feelings. I know you are confused and lost. I feel bad that I might have taken advantage of you during a dark time in your life. I will understand if you decided to walk away. I have one question for you to ask yourself before you decided. What do you want or desire? Think about it. If you wanted to move forward with this relationship, show up Friday at 5 pm with only your leather hood on. You will kneel before my door and ring the bell 3 times. If you need a storage unit for your belongings, go to ###### Storage and tell them Robert send you. I hope this letter helps you decided. I hope we will talk soon.


I was taken back by the letter. I put down the letter as I looked at the leather hood on my bed. What I am to do? I felt the urge to put the leather hood again. If I put this hood on, then I will followed this path. If I don't, then I will returned these items and go about my life.

I picked up the leather hood in my hands. I look into the hood's eyes deeply. I could feel the power of the hood calling to my submissive side. If I am going to decide, let me do this right. I opened my tote and pulled out my spike leather collar.

I unlaced the hood enough to pull the hood over my head. I felt the leather engulfed my bald head. I slowly pulled the strings tight,forming a tight seal around my head. I felt my cock getting hard from this action. I tied the hood's laces into a bow. I picked up my leather collar,strapping the collar around my leathery neck.

I picked up the anal plug. I went downstairs with the plug in my hand and washed the plug clean. I grabbed the vaseline off the bathrrom counter. I went back upstairs,lay the towel down on my bed. I lube the plug up and slowly pushed the plug in my ass. The plug filled my ass up with ease.

I looked at myself in the mirror, hooded,collared,plugged, and naked. I took my cock in my hand,slowly stroking to feel the hardness. I moaned in pleasure as I imagined Sir having me tied up and teasing me.

I started to fuck my hand harder as I imagined Sir's huge cock in my ass, fucking me hard. I pumped my cock in rhythm as I imagine Sir's cock filling my ass with his cum,forcing the plug deeper in me. At that moment, I shot my seed all over the mirror. I kneeled before the mirror. I used my tongue to clean up the cum off my mirror.

After I was done, I collasped on my bed. That feeling felt good and awesome. I decided that I would take a step into this unknown life. I composed myself and cleaned myself up with my towel.

I walked downstairs when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly took off the hood and collar. I wrapped the towel around my waist. I opened the door, looked around with no one around. I looked down and saw my white nikes with a package underneath them. I quickly picked up the package and went back inside of the house.

I dropped my shoes next to the door. I examined the package. There was a letter on top of the package. I opened up the letter.

The letter read as followed:


You left your shoes behind last night. I had a member,who is a cop, dropped your shoes and package off. Open the package up and take a hard look at your possible future. Follow the directions if you decided to go down this path. I hope to see you soon.

Robert "

I opened the package. I took the directions out first. The directions were as follows :

" Boy,

If you opened the package, you have decided to take a step into the unknown. Enclosed is a chastity device for you to put on. I am willing to bet you probably have pleasure yourself again. This device will prevent you from jacking off. You are also to put the plug in your ass to keep you ready for anal sex. Make sure you cleaned yourself out before putting the plug in.

I want you to take your Polaroid camera and take a picture of with the leather hood and chastity device on every night. You will placed the picture in the mailbox for the cop who dropped off your stuff. Page this number -* when you completed this task every night til Friday. This is a test to see if you run away or you are willing to move forward.

Master Robert"

I moved the packing bubble to the side to see the chastity device with an opened lock and a pack of Marlboro red cigarettes with a yellow sticky note on the pack that read : "You can smoke with your hood on.This is the only way you can smoke. NO EXCEPTIONS!"

There was a 8 inch dildo inside with the instructions for the usage. A bottle of lube was the last thing in the package. I knew what that was for. A list of items was on the piece of paper in the bottom for me to purchase.

I placed the items on the counter. I made a list of items I would need to start this adventure. I went upstairs. I decided to put on a white t-shirt with the leather pants and boots. I got dressed and went out to my 79 blue Chevy pickup to go to the store.

Thank god, it was late in the night. Meijer was empty except for the overnight workers. I went down the aisles,picking out groceries for my diet I was on. I was on a strict diet for my offseason to keep in shape.

I went to the medical aisles. I found an enema kit that was reusable. I placed the kit in the cart under the vegatables so I ran into somebody I knew, they won't noticed the kit.

I wakled over to men clothing. I remember seeing a slave wearing a thong at the club to hold his plug in his ass. I went to the underwear section. I looked til I found men thongs. I grabbed 3 pair of men thongs and placed them in the cart. I grabbed a pack of black socks before I exited the aisle.

I went to the checkout lane. I placed the items nonchalantly on the belt. I was praying the old woman wouldn't asked me no questions. She rang up the items and bagged them for me. I paid the items and quickly got out of the store. I wondered if what that old woman was thinking ringing me up. My face turned red with embrassment.

As I pushed the cart to my truck, a police officer pulled up besides my truck. The officer got out of his car. He offered to help me put my bags in the truck. I accepted his help. After he helped me, he gave me a wink as I thank him.

I am thinking that was weird. But,then again, this has been a weird weekend for me. I headed for home.

When i got home, I had an idea. I would go inside and get undressed. I put my leather and collar on,then unloaded my truck. No one is going to see me in the dark naked.

I stripped myself naked. I picked up the leather hood. I placed the hood over my head, tightening the laces into a bow. I strapped the collar around my neck. I kept the plug in my ass. I was getting used to the plug being there.

I went out to my truck and carried one bag in at a time. I ended up make 5 trips. I set the bags on the counter. I put the groceries up except for my salad and soup. I put the thongs, socks, and the kit in the bathroom for now.

I fixed my soup and salad for dinner while I was in my gear. I placed my dinner on the small kitchen table that my parents left behind for me. I took off my hood and collar, that way I didn't get anything on them. I sat down naked at the table with my plug in me. I moaned in pleasure as I sat down.

I ate my dinner,thinking about what the future held for me. I know I like women, but at the same time, I found out I like men last night. Everything was confusing. I told myself to go into this relationship with an open mind. I finished my meal and cleaned up.

That was the first meal I ate in over 24 hours. I went ahead to the bathroom. I read the directions on the kit. I prepared myself for the cleaning out. I slowly push the tube in my asshole. I squeezed the bulb slowly, injecting the water in my rectum.

I felt my belly swelled like a pregnant woman. I held the fluids for 5 minutes. I squat over the toliet and let loose the fluids. I repeated the process two more times to make sure I was clean.

I pick up all the items I need for bedtime. I went upstairs with the items. I went ahead and digged my camera out of my totes. I laid all the items out on the bed.

I look at the items hard. Doubt crept in my mind again. Do I want this? Is the right thing to do? I stepped back for a moment. I took a breath in and out before I took my next move.

I stepped forward and pick the chastity device up. I look at the device. The device was metal. The device had a ring to go around the base of the cock behind the balls. There was a tube connected to the ring for my cock.

I placed the ring behind my balls. I picked up the lube and squirted a drop of lube into the tube. I slide the tube over my cock til the head of my cock popped out. I picked up the lock, pushing the lock together when the tube and the ring connected. I heard the clicking of the lock to seal my fate.

At that moment, the weigh on my shoulders was lifted. I told myself to continued the process.I lube the 2 inch plug, then slowly push the lubed plug into my asshole. I moaned in pleasure as the plug filled my rectum. My cock tried to get hard,but no avail.

I picked up the black thong, stepping into the thong. I slowly pulled up the thong over my hairless. I pulled the thong up to my waist. I adjusted the front as the string pushed the plug bit more into my ass.

I felt full. I picked up the leather hood,sliding over my bald head. The hood felt good over my head, causing me to lose myself. I took the collar and strapped around my neck to complete the look.

I look at myself in the mirror, seeing a leather hooded slave chastised. I was feeling horny, yet missing something. I packed my Marlboro red cigarettes. I opened them up,removing a cigarette from the pack.

Before this day, I never smoked a cigarette. I smoked plenty of weed,but never smoked a cigarette. I have watched members of my family smoked. I had girlfriends that smoked. I watched Robert smoked last night. Watching everyone smoking around me cause myself to have a smoking fetish. I don't know to this day what attracted me to smoking.

I put the cigarette betw÷n my lips. I lit the cigarette and took a drag. I slowly exhale the smoke. I put the cigarette between my lips, looking at myself in the mirror. I felt relaxed and comfortable as I smoke.

After I finished my cigarette, I went ahead and took a picture of me before bed. I set up my Polaroid camera. The camera took the picture after a 5 second delay. The picture came out perfect.

I went down the stairs all the way outside to the mailbox. I put the pictue in an envelope that I grab off my dresser. I place the envelope in the mailbox. I went inside to the phone in the kitchen. I page the number with my phone number.

After 2 minutes, my phone rang. The voice on the other end asked if the photo is in mailbox? I said, "Yes,Sir" to him. The phone went dead on the other end. I hung the phone up.

I went up back to my room. I look at the dildo. I started to crave cocks. I picked up the dildo,slowly opened my mouth. I start to suck on the dildo like it was Sir's cock. I started to choke as the dildo hit my gag reflex. I figure out to relax my gag reflez to slowly let the dildo slide in and out.

I went ahead,lighting me a cigarette. I suck on my cigarette, then slowly suck on the dildo as the smoke engulfed the cock. After a few minutes. I snubbed out the cigarette. I put the dildo down on my endtable.

I picked up the ball gag. I placed the ball between my lips. I tightened the straps behind my head,forcing the ball deep in my mouth. I laid down and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up. I slept good for a change. I took the ball gag out of my mouth. I pick up my glass of water, slowly drinking the water to quenched my thrist.

I took off my hood and collar, laying them down on the table. I picked up my jogging outfit and put the outfit on. I proceeded to run my normal 2 mile morning run.

While I was running, the thoughts were running through my head of me serving Sir and images of the last two days. My cock tried to get hard, but no avail again.

I returned to the house with the phone ringing. I picked up the phone. It was Robert on the other side.

" Good Morning, Michael. I did get the picture. Thank you,boy. I loved the picture. I take it you will be here on Friday. "

"Yes,Sir. I will be at your doorstep as planned on Friday."

"Good,boy. Practice suck on the dildo. You can remove the plug during the day. "


" One last thing before I hang up is if I send someone to see you, you will be of service to them. Understand,boy?"

"Yes, Sir as you wish."

"Good, boy. I will see you on Friday at 5 pm. Don't be late."

I hung the phone after the line went dead. I pour a bowl of Wheaties before I started my day off. I ate my cereal. I made a list of what I had to do for the next couple of days.

Over the next couple of days, I moved my possessions into the storage unit. The only things I keep out was my clothes, normal and leather, and my gear.

By Thursday night, the house was empty. I took in the memory of the house one last time. The phone rang.

It was my parents. They finally arrived at their location. They asked me if I found a place to stay. I told them I got an furnished apartment near work. They were worried that I didn't have a place to live. What they didn't know Robert has a small apartment above his garage to be my own place for apperances.

I didn't tell them what happened on my birthday beside my bike ride. They told me after tonight, the phone will be turned off. I told them I will call next week after I get settled into my new place. I hung up the phone and disconnected the phone for the last time.

I made a final sweep of the house before I left. I walked out of the house for the final time to go lead my new life.

I started my truck up with my motorcycle and my clothes in a duffle bag in the back. My gear was in my back pack up front. All of the sudden, my pager goes off. I didn't recognize the number. I drove to the corner party store to use the payphone.

I called the number. It was Robert.

" I called your phone. The operator said the phone was disconnected. Where are you at right now?"

I told Sir where I was at and I was planning to camp out for the night at the park off Rawsonville Rd.

" Instead of you camping out, I get you a room at a motel. "

"Ok,Sir. I accepted that."

Sir told me to call him back after five minutes. During that time, the sky darkened. It was looking like rain. I put the tarp over my bike and bag. I thought to myself, I dodged a bullet camping out and getting wet.

I called Sir back. Sir told me which hotel to stay at. The room was booked in my name. He told me to relax and get prepared for my new life tomorrow.

I pulled up to Hampton Inn. I checked in for the night. I threw my backpack on my bed to help prepare for tonight's sleep. I put the dont disturb sign on the door. I was preparing to put my hood on when I heard a knock. I quickly put a towel around my waist to cover my thong.

I look through the peephole. It was the cop that helped me the other night at Meijer. I opened the door.

"Yes,Officer, is there a problem?"

"Robert sent me to check on you. Let me in."

I let the cop into my room.

The cop introduced himself as Jim. He noticed my gear on the bed.

" I see you are getting ready for bed. I talked to your new Master. He gave me permission to use you tonight. I was at the bar,watching you with Robert."

"Yes,Sir!" came out of my mouth as I kneeled before him.

"Good boy! You learned fast. Let me put the hood on you. "

Jim picked up my leather hood,sliding over my head. Jim tighten the hood around my head with the laces. Jim placed my spike collar around my neck.

"Remove the thong,boy."

I took off my thong while I was on my knees. Jim reached into my backpack and laid out my wrist cuffs. He pulled out of his pocket a pair of ankle cuffs.

" Hold your hands out,boy!"

I obey as I raised my arms up toward Jim. Jim placed the cuff aroubd my right wrist,tighten the strap to hold the cuff in place. He did the same with tge left wrist.

"Lay on the bed as I put the cuffs around your ankles."

I got off my knees and laid on the bed as Jim placed the cuffs on my ankles. Jim smiled.

Jim removed his uniform to reveal his leather pants underneath. Jim was standing before me, with his chest bare and leather pants with boots.

Jim reached into his uniform pockets and pulled out a leather hood with a pair of leather fingerless gloves. Jim put his hood over his head. He pulled the gloves over each of his hand.

Jim ordered me to kneel again on the floor. Jim stood before as a leather god. My cock tried to get hard in my device,but no avail.

"Your Master and I are best friends. He and I talked. He is willing to share you with me. He and I agreed you will served us and us alone."

"Yes Sir. I understand."

" Good,boy. You showed your respect by sucking my cock."

Jim pulled his cock out of his leather pants. His cock was 8 inch hard. I slowly impaled my head on his cock. Jim moaned in pleasure. I suck up and down on his cock. Jim placed his right gloved hand on my leathery head to hold my head as he fucked my mouth.

I suck his cock in rhythm with his hips thrusting his cock in my mouth. I was feeling like a cock whore craving cock. I greedily suck his cock, deep throating Jim's cock.

As I was sucking,Jim lit up a cigarette. He smoked as I sucked him. Jim blows smoke in my face as I sucked his cock. I was getting hornier and more determined to suck Jim's cock dry.

Jim took his cigarette,then he put the cigarette between my lips. I took a drag off his cigarette and slowly blew smoke over his cock as I continued to suck his cock. He moaned in pleasure. All of the sudden, Jim shot his cum down my throat.

I licked Jim's cock clean. Jim smiled.

"I can tell someone has been practicing. You will get better with serving both of your Master and me over time"


"I am going to prepared you for the next lesson. "

Jim pulled the ballgag out of my backpack. He ordered me to open my mouth wide. I opened my mouth as he placed the ball in my mouth. Jim tightened the strap behind my head.

He ordered me to bend over the bed. I bent over the bed like he ordered me. Jim opened a drawer and pulled out the ropes. He tied one strand of rope to my right cuff,then he tied the rope to the bedframe. He repeated the process on the left side.

Jim kicked my feet separated. He took a spreader bar out of the drawer, clasping the bar between my ankles. He sat down for a moment to have a smoke. My anticipation and anxiety was high at this time. I tried squirm, but I couldn't move.

Jim picked up my leather belt. He smacked my ass hard with my belt. I yelped into my gag.

" A lesson you will learned is pain can become pleasure. You will learn the difference of punishment and pleasure. Right now, you are not being punished. I want your ass red before I ride you."

Jim proceeded to hit my ass nine more times. With each hit, I yelped. After he was done, my ass was red and I can feel the heat coming of my ass. Jim smiled.

" You took that beating like a champ. You are ready to accept my cock now."

Jim placed a bowl under my cock. Jim took the lube out of my backpack. He squirted the lube over his cock. He put on a rubber glove over his right hand. He stroked his cock over and over til his cock was lubed up.

Jim took what excess lube he had left and wiped my hole with the lube. I moaned in pleasure.

"Anxious slave. I like it. "

Jim slowly slide his cock in my ass. I moaned in pleasure as my eyes rolled to back of my head. Jim slowly fucked my ass as I moaned in pleasure.

"I might talk to Robert about piercing your nipples,cock and tongue. The sooner you realized we own you, the better you will be off."

Jim picked up the pace with his thrusting of his cock in my ass. I moaned into my ball gag wiith each thrust of Jim's cock. I was moaning like a whore in heat. Jim lit himself a cigarette as he fucking me.

I moaned as i feel myself getting ready to cum. Jim realized what was happening.

"Boy, do you wanted to cum? Nod your head twice."

I nod my head twice.

"Go ahead and cum,boy. This will be the only way you can cum unless you are told otherwise"

I shot my cum out into bowl as Jim empited his cum inside my ass. I moaned in pleasure as the cum ran of my cock, emptying my balls. Jim slowly put out his cock, then slide the plug into me to hold his cum.

Jim untied me from the frame. Jim removed the bar from between my feet. He removed the ball gag out of my mouth. I was drooling bad with my mouth hurting. Jim ordered me on all fours on the floor.

I obey Jim. He kicked the bowl lightly before me, ordering me to lick the bowl clean. The bowl was filled about a quarter way up with my cum. I licked the bowl clean as I sucked down my cum.

Jim sat down and smoked as he watch me lick the bowl clean.

"This is the only way you will be forced like a dog to eat out of a bowl like this."


Jim patted my head like good boy. Jim finished his cigarette. Jim ordered me to laid on the bed. I obey him as I laid on the bed. Jim opened the drawer one last time and pulled out a blindfold for my eyes.

" I am going to put you in a hogtied position. I will be back after my shift to release you."


Jim took my arms and pulled them behind my back. He clasped my wrist cuffs together. I couldn't move my arms. Jim bent my knees and clasped my ankles together. He bent my legs to my wrists and clasped my wrists to my ankles.

I couldn't move. Jim moved me onto my left side while I hogtied. He pulled the blindfold over my eyes. He ordered me to open my mouth for the ball gag. His reasoning was he didnt want the hotel staff to hear me. He fitted the ballgag between my lips and tighten the straps behind my head. I was immobilized and under Jim's control. Jim kissed me on my lips.

"Good night,boy. See you in the morning!"

Jim removed his leather clothes and put his uniform back on before leaving me alone in the room. I tried to struggle, but no avail. I accepted my fate and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the ball gag being removed from my mouth. Jim took his cock and slowly fucked my mouth. I suck his cock hard. Jim moaned in pleasure as I was sucking him. After a few mintues, he shot his cum down my throat. I swallowed every drop.

Jim released me from my prison. He rubbed my arms and legs to get feeling back into them. Jim helped me remove my gear and placed everything in the backpack.

Jim picked up the equipment he used on me and place the equipment in my backpack.

"You are make sure Robert get this backpack.Do you understand?"


Jim ordered me to showered and get dressed as he was taking my backpack to my truck. I took a hot shower as the events was running through my head. I told myself I have made the right choice.

After I showered and get dressed, I check out of the room. Jim invited me out to eat at Big Boy. I followed him to the restaurant.

We sat down and ordered our food. Jim and I was talking about me and my feelings on this journey up to this point. I explained to him how I felt and explained to him how I am looking forward to serving both him and Robert now.

Jim and I finished our meal. Jim hugged me and told me I will you see tomorrow at Robert's house. I said "Yes,Sir" to Jim. I watched him drive away as I looked at my swatch watch. It was 2 pm. I had three hours to kill before I have to be at Sir's house.

I went to the Summit in Canton to work out for two hours like I normally do on Fridays. I ran the track,lifted weights and relax in the water area. I looked at my watch at 4pm. I got a shower and got dressed in my blue t shirt and black leather pants. I slid my boots over my feet. I was lucky no one I knew saw me leave.

I get in my truck and drive to Robert's house. I am thinking to myself about the situation as i filled with anticipation and anxiety. I turned down the dirt road that lead to his house. The road is covver overhead by the trees. After a couple of minutes, I came up to Robert's house.

He owned 4 acres with a fence around his property. The blue and white house was in the middle of the property. The garage was next to his house. I puller my truck into the garage.I got out of the truck. I noticed by my backpack,laid a paper bag beside my backpack as I grabbed my backpack

I opened up the bag. There was a note and a leather hood with only a mouth hole. The note told me to put the hood on when I get to the front door.

I walked slowly to the front door to make sure I was kneeling by 5 pm like he ordered. I took a last look at the sky before I put the hood on. I tell myself it is time. I pulled the hood over my head. I pulled the zipper down,tightening the hood to block my vision. I feel the cool air on my lips.

I managed to ring Sir's doorbell three times. I kneeled before the door and put my hands behind my back. I waited patiently for my new Master to show.

To be contunied......

Next: Chapter 3

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