My Introduction to Leather

By Michele Cross

Published on Jun 7, 2023


I was lost in a big way in 1996. I lost my girlfriend . My parents moved. Reading back through my journal, I finally to decide to tell of my thoughts and experiences for once. So please enjoy! Any comments


The 90's- what a confusing time for me. Growing up in a small rural town as the weird kid sucks. People look at you different. You wonder why what is wrong with you? Why I am so different?

The one thing growing up that I developed was my leather fetish. With my dad being a biker, I grew up around leather. I got my first leather jacket at 17. The smell and the touch of the leather overwhelming me. I felt myself getting hard.

I started to stroke myself. I was having visions of myself being dressed in leather and being dominated by a leather hooded figure. I started to look in my long standing mirror on the wall

I saw myself stroking my cock while dressed in my greaser style leather jacket. As I watched myself, I felt something was missing. I saw my black balaclava ski mask lying on my end table next to my spike leather collar. A light bulb went off in my head.

I picked up the balaclava ski mask up and slowly the mask over my head. The sight of me masked and wearing leather was drive me more horny,causing me to stroke harder.

I reached for my black spike collat. I went ahead and clasped the collar around my neck. I look in the mirror and saw a slave dressed in a leather jacket with a ski mask and collar around his neck. I stroked my cock harder and faster.

Finally, my cock shot out my cum for the first time. The pressure was so great, that my cum hitted my mirror. I dropped to my knees and slowly lick the cum of the mirror. I felt relieved and comfortable dressed like this. For the next year and a half, I would dressed like this when I would jack myself off.

I buried that part of my self right after I graduated high school. My best friend talked me into going into the Marines. Due to an unfortunate accident, I was sent home from boot camp. When I got home, I left my slave persona stay buried. Back then, it was frown upon and unheard of hearing about bdsm and leather.

1997 came around. Only a few months before, I broke up with my girlfriend due to her nose candy habit and her cheating on me. It was my birthday and I was lonely. All my friends were either working or on a vacation at the time. I said to myself, " Let's go for a ride." I got dressed and left.

I went and got on my 1979 Harley Fat boy . I started my motorcyle and left. I ride for awhile,letting the roads take me whatever they led. I eventually stopped a bar in the middle of nowhere.

The bar was is in a small brick building. The doors was covered in black. I took my helmet off and placed the helmet on my bike. I got off my bike and walked to ths door. My hands was sweating in fear and anticipation.

I opened the door and was in shock to what I saw. Men dressed in leather walking by me. I noticed a leather gimp in the corner. I was wondering, "what in the hell did i stumble into now?"

The bouncer spoke to me, "ID please! There is a 5 dollar cover chrage."

"Ok! No problem."

I paid the menacing bouncer dressed in leather. I figure I have a drink and contunied my ride. I went up to the bar. I ordered me a Bud Ice. I was sipping on my beer, watching leathermen walking by.

I finished my bottle of beer when a gentlemen in his 40's walked up to me. The gentlemen was wearing a black leather vest with his black leathe pants and boots. He was fit for a a forty year old. The dim lighting shine off his bald head. He was sporting a nice brown goatee.

"What bring you here tonight?", I was asked.

"Nothing really. It is my birthday. I jump on my motorcycle and went for a ride. I figure I stop in and have a beer."

He put his right hand out,which I shook as he introduced himself as Robert. I was amazed by his grip.

"You look like you are out of your element a little bit. Here you are dressed in blue jeans, grey t-shirt with your white nikes."

"Sorry, I didn't know there was a dress code. "

"It is ok. I am the owner of the bar. It is always nice to see a new face. Would you like another drink since it is your birthday?"

"Sure, why not? I should be fine riding after having a couple of beers."

"Great! But first, let get you dressed proper. Follow me to my office."

I followed Robert to his office like a child being led by his mother. Robert offered me a seat as he walked over to the closet. We talked about everything as I sat down on his black leather couch. Robert walked into his closet. He grabbed a couple of leather items.

"Michael, I have a couple of questions to asked of you."

"Go ahead, Robert."

"Ever heard of bdsm?"

"I dont think so."

"Well, it is bondage, discipline and sadomashostic. BDSM for short. Bondage can involved tied a person. You know what discipline is, of course. Sadomashostic deal with pain. Have you ever done any of this?"

"Well,I used to dress in my leather jacket and put my ski mask with my spike collar on. I would pleasure myself til I would cum."

Robert smiled as I explained to him my feelings when I did this. My face was red with embrassment. I also felt like I did something bad,but i felt relieved, due to me telling someone of my transgressions.

"Don't feel guilty,Michael. Jacking off, as they called it, is perfect normal for a young boy as yourself. How would you like to feel that feeling again?"

"I would love to feel that again. I actually felt comfortable dressed like that. I would do anything to be dressed like that again."

"Ok,Michael. You have followed every command I tell you. You will addressed me as Sir. Do you accept these terms?"

"Yes, Sir. I accepted your terms."

"Good. Strip,boy!"

"Yes, Sir."

I started with my shirt. I pulled my shirt,revealing my somewhat built body. I took off my shoes and proceeded to unbuckled my pants. I dropped my pants from my waist to the floor. I took my undewear off as well. I stood naked before Sir,shivering and embarrassed.

"Nice body, boy. No hair on your body. Either you shaved or puberty hasn't caught up with you."

Sir grabbed my croutch. He whispered in my ear, " Tonight I own you. I am going to make sure you have a birthday you can't forget." . . Sir picked a leather chastity device. The leather device was 3 ring with a leather strip in the middle. The big o ring went around the base of my cock and balls. He pulled my tiny cock through the last two rings. My cock tried to get hard but the pain from the rings restricted my cock from getting hard.

" They can the device the Gates of Hell. This little device prevents you from getting hard lik a good little boy."

Sir picked up a pair of black leather pants. Sir handed me them. I slowly shaking as I pulled the pants over my hairless legs. I felt the pleasure and warmth the pants give as I button the pants. There was a zipper that went from my waist to my ass.

Sir placed a pair of black leather biker boots in front of me. I slowly step into each boot. Each boot went up to mid shin and covered the bottom pant legs of the pants. Sir pulled the strap on each boot tight,forming a tight seal around my legs.

" So far,boy, you are looking more delicious and a proper slave."

Sir handed me a leather top that was long sleeve. I pulled the top over my head. I slowly pulled the top down,letting the top engulfed my torso. I can tell I was getting a stir in my cock,but no avail of getting hard. I felt more and more complete with each piece of leather.

"Hold out your hands,boy."

I raised my arms to show Sir my hands. Sir picked up a leather glove and slowly pulled it over my right hand. The leather felt good around my fingers. Sir placed a leather cuff around my right wrist. He pulled the strap tight. Sir repeat the process with my left hand and wrist.

"Two more pieces to go."

Sir rubbed my hair. My hair atyle, at the time, was a 1 1/2 fade. He looked me in my dark brown eye and ask me this question.

" Do you really wanted to get the true effect of being a leather slave? If you do, you will let me shave your head bald."

"Yes,Sir. Please let shave my head for the full experience. I am yours to mold."

"Very good,boy. You are learning. Begging to be mold and owned is a way I know you are serious about this experience."

Sir pulled a wooden chair.

"Sit,boy. Time to experience your head being shaved by a Dom."

Sir placed a white towel around my leathery shoulders. Sir picked up an electric clipper. Sir methodically slowly shaved my head strip by strip.

Sir put the shaving cream in a warm cup. Sir stirred around the creme to get a nice lather. Sir proceeded to lather my head in warm shaving creme. Sir picked up a straight razor. Slowly the razor went over my scalp, causing me in pleasure. The feeling of the cool air hitting my blad head was unbelievable.

Sir finished shaving my head. My head was bald as his,minus the goatee. My face didn't needed shaving due to no hair growing yet. Sir took the towel off me. Sir placed a mirror in front of me,causing me to see a shaved boy, as he put it.

"Now you look like a proper slave. Get on your knees, boy."

I obey Sir. I kneel on his lovely black shaggy rug. Sir picked up a leather hood. He held the hood in front of me.

"Have you ever service a man before,boy?"

"No,Sir. I never have,Sir. "

"Well,boy. Time for your first lesson."

Sir unzipped his pants. His 8 inch hard penis poked out between the zipper. Sir placed the leather hood's mouth hole over his cock.

"Boy, time to started paying for your lessons. Suck my cock as I put this leather hood on you "

I slowly opened my mouth,taking Sir's hard cock in my waiting,wet mouth. I held my head still as Sir pulled the leather hood over my bald head. I suck on his cock as he pulled the strings tight,forming a tight seal around my head. Sir moaned in pleasure as I used my tongue to trace his cock to his cockhead.

Sir fucked my leather face as I suck harder. His cock driving in and out of my mouth was driving me mad. I greedily more suck his cock as a whore. I never knew this side of me. It felt right and so good in my mind.

I brought up to think male and female together was right, not male on male or even female on female. Suck Sir's cock shattered that myth instantly. I felt I was right where I needed to be at that moment.

I suck harder and deeper,letting my gag reflex relaxed. Sir's cock slowly went into my throat as he cum. I greedily swallowed his cum. I licked Sir's cock clean before he pull his cock out of my mouth.

"Not bad for your first time,boy. Time for your final piece and then we will go to a part of club where only members are allowed."

I smiled under my hood. Sir fitted a 3 inch leather collar with an o ring around my neck. Sir placed a lock through the clasp in the back of my new accessory.

"Oh by the way, you are not allowed to speak unless spoken to,boy. Remember,every response will ended in 'Yes Sir'."

Sir clasped the leash to my ring and tugged the leash to have me follow behind him. We went throught his office door,then through a black wooden door.

I was surprised on what I saw in this large room. I saw gimps in the 3 stocks. There was 3 crosses with leather boys bounded to the cross. There was a big stage in the middle of the room. There was two posts in the middle of the stage. A couple of x racks were empty. The room look like it held at 60 people.

I was taking in everything in awe as Sir led me to the stage. Sir ordered me to stand between the two posts. I obey as Sir cuffed me to each post by my wrist over my head. Sir cuffed my ankles to each post,spreading me out.

Sir walked in front of me, smiling like a cat ate the canary. Sir kissed my leather forehead before making an announcement to the room.

" Attention, everyone. Today is this boy's burthday. I would like to inducing him into our leather club. Today is a first for him. Let's take a vote. For all those who said yes."

The whole room erupted into a yes. Sir smiled and said, "It looks like the yes has won. Time for your last part of your initiation. ."

Sir picked up a ballgag harness. Sir slowly place the ball between my awaiting lips. I opened my mouth up,letting the ball filled my mouth. I moaned in pleasure as Sir tighten the harness around my head.

"Lucky for you, I don't have to cleaned you out before the final part. Just relaxed and enjoyed the ride."

What Sir meant was before I left the house, I gave myself an enema. It was one of the ways I made sure I didn't put any unnecessary weight on during my hockey off-season.

Sir slowly pulled the zipper from the front to the back. My leathery caged cock fell out as my asshole was exposed. Sir put a latex glove on his right hand. Sir lubed his index and middle fingers. He slowly penterate my asshole with his index finger first.

I moaned in pleasure as I slowly relax for Sir's finger fucking. The crowd watched as Sir slowly insert his middle finger, causing his two fingers to loosen me up for what is next.

After 20 minutes, Sir felt I was loosened enough. Sir lubed his cock well. He squeezed the tube of lube into my loose ass. The lube prepared me for what was next.

Sir slowly penterate my asshole with his 8 inch hard cock. I slowly moan in pleasure as Sir's cock filled my ass. Sir was smilin as he heard my muffled moan.

" I picked the right boy. That is right, let Daddy fuck his boy. Just relax and enjoy as I take your anal virginity. "

Sir slowly fucked me at first, working me up. In the process of Sir fucking me, I started to ride his cock more. I moaned into the gag, garbling more,Sir as my virginity vanished.

I rode him hard. At this point in my life, I never slept with a girl. I want to wait for the right one. That thinking went out the window. I crave Sir to fuck me harder and deeper as he fucked me. I cant believed how good this feeling was. I want him more and more.

Sir eventually came in my ass as I shoot my cum out of my caged cock. My cum was caught in a bowl. I moan in escatsy as we both came. Sir removed the harness from my head as he pulled out of my ass. My asshole was whopping and leaking cum. A Dom handed Sir a 2 inch wide anal plug to plug my ass. I felt the plug filled me as Sir pulled my zipper back over my cage and asshole.

Sir kissed me before he picked up the bowl. He tipped the bowl of cum slowly into my mouth. I swallowed every drop on my cum. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belong.

"Let's give a hand to my newest slave,michael. Boy, you are a part of an exclusive club. You will be here on Saturdays for now on to serve me and whoever I said to serve."

"Yes,Sir. I am yours to serve."

The rest of the night, we mingled to the dawn. Everyone left but Sir,his bartender and me.

"Boy, you mentioned that you have a week left in the house you staying in."

"Yes,Sir. My parents moved with my brothers. I was told I could stay there til the end of the month. It gives me a week to find somewhere to live."

" I extend the offer for you to stay with me. I can train you as my slave and lover. Would you like that,boy?"

"Yes,Sir. I would love that."

Sir and I embraced as he kissed me. Sir wrote his address down and ordered me to put my stuff in storage. He gave me an order to show up by Friday. When I show up, I should be wearing nothing but the leather hood,kneeling at his doorstep by 5 pm Friday.

I said, "Yes,Sir."

Sir order me to wear this outfit home since the outfit will be a part of my wardrobe now. He removed the collar as he explained on Friday, he will fitted me with a new collar.

I picked up my clothes and placed them in my saddlebag. I placed my helmet over my leathery head. I slowly pulled the visor. I started my motorcycle and left with Sir waving bye to me.

I got home. I walked into the house and sat on my bed on my room. I finally take everything in,causing me to be full of joy and happiness. I fell asleep in my outfit til later in the day, smiling and dreaming what was next.


For the next two years, I lived with Robert. I learned a lot from him about my bdsm side. I still had my vanilla side of life. Sir allowed that for me. His explanation to me was Society wasn't ready for our type of relationship and understood family was important to me.

One day in 1999, I came home to Sir laying on the couch. I tried to wake him up,but no avail. He passed in his sleep due to a heart attack. I cried for 2 hours before I called his brother and for an ambulance.

At his funeral, his brother walked up to me with a letter. His brother knew about our relationship. He told me he accepted his brother being gay a long time ago. His brother was glad I was in Sir's life. Sir talked about me a lot.

His brother sold Sir's house and bar after he made sure I had a new place to live. Sir left me 25,000 dollars to start over. I was allowed to keep my leather wardrobe.

When I walked out for my last time out of Sir's house, I shed a final tear, remembering my first night with Sir and the memories we had together.

Next: Chapter 2

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