My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Dec 13, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 32

The last day at the office had finally arrived. Everything was going so smoothly Tryas and Kwith had thought about leaving early but they decided to wait until the doors closed in case there was one last issue. The temporary employees had contacted all customers. The few that had missed delivery had been rerouted to the post office in their area for them to pick up on site and had gotten verification that the package was there waiting on pick up. There were about four freight deliveries that were still outstanding but they verified that shipment was there and the customer had been contacted and a delivery time and date was scheduled.

Keith took a deep breath as he locked the door. Tryas was driving the truck that they had purchased for Rufus. A mechanic had gone over the truck and fixed any issues. They had also had new brakes and new tires put on the truck. The new wood burning stove was safely wrapped on the back of the truck. Keith followed Tryas as they headed to the mountains. It was late when they arrived in the mountains. Tryas hid the truck because Rufus and Doris were coming for lunch on Christmas Eve before leaving to go spend Christmas with family. Keith had told them they were cooking steaks and they did not need to bring anything.

Keith had a long drive alone to think. He could have never dreamed that his life would be as good as it was. He was amazed that Tryas' parents had accepted him and seemed to love him almost as much as they did Tryas. He was also shocked that Rufus and Doris had so eagerly accepted them. Keith had relaxed som on spending money. He now had to work on Tryas. Tryas still grumbled when the utility bills came in. Grocery shopping was another big deal. Tryas did not want to buy anything unless it was on sale. He did not want Tryas to just let go and spend but he did want him to loosen up a little. " I have him alone until after the first of the year. I will sit down with our finances and show him we do not have to wait for a sale to buy. Just not go out and spend to be spending." Keith thought.

Keith smiled as he saw his Greek God of an Army man step out of the truck to open the gate. Tyras' hard muscled ass fit perfectly in the jeans he wore. Tryas smiled at Keith as he walked back to the truck. Keith licked his lips as he watched the tight jeans move the large package around as Tryas walked. Once at the house Tryas opened the door for Keith just as he put his vehicle in park. "I saw that." Tryas said. "Saw what ?" Keith said. "I saw you undressing me with your eyes when I was opening the gate." Tryas said. " Just sizing up one of my Christmas presents. I am not strong enough to pick the package up and shake it to guess what is inside it." Keith laughed.

The last of the cargo was inside and Tryas stripped at the door. "Sorry baby but I had to unwrap it myself." Tryas said and shook his hips causing his cock and balls to slap his legs as he twisted his hips. "That's alright baby as long as I get to keep it." Keith said. "Now there are rules with this gift. No putting it on the shelf or in the back of the closet." Tryas said. "Don't worry. I have years and years of plans for that present." Keith said. He then turned and spread his ass cheeks in front of Tryas. "GGGRRRR." Tryas growled loudly.

Christmas Eve came quickly. Both Tryas and Keith were nervous about their lunch with Rufus and Doris. The steaks were cooking, the alad in the refrigerator and the potatoes in the oven when Rufuas and Doris arrived. "Merry Christmas you two." Doris said, as she walked in and hugged and kissed each on the cheek. Rufus in turn hugged both men. "Are you two planning a big Christmas ?" Tryas asked. "Ready to watch all my money walk away. I may get one or two thank yous." Rufus said. "Why do you say that ?" Keith asked. " All my nieces and nephews want is money. I do very little shopping. Just go to the drive thru at the bank and get cash. I do get to shop for cards though." Doris said. "Do you have many nieces and nephews ?" Tryas asked. "Doris' family is a BIG family. Her brothers and sisters and their spouses get a gift. All the rest expect money. There are a couple of great nieces and nephews that are around Clayton's size. We do get a toy for them." Doris said. "Yeah and this might be the last year the others get money." Rufus said. "You have said that for the last five years." Doris laughed.

The meal was fantastic and Doris brought a homemade apple pie. Tryas had also grilled a pork tenderloin for his and Keith's Christmas meal and they all laughed as Rufus had to cut a piece to make sure it was cooked properly. They retired to the living room with their coffee and pie. "We were not sure what to get you for Christmas. You two seem to live simple in many ways even though you have the money to be extravagant. This is for you Keith." Doris said. Keith had tears in his eyes when he opened the box to find a handmade afghan. "Oh it's beautiful." Keith said. "I had to go to bed alone quite a few nights while she sat up and knitted on that." Rufus said. "It's perfect. I love it." Keith said as he got up and went and hugged both Doris and Rufus. "You hugged him and I am the one that made it." Doris laughed. "He claimed he suffered for it." Keith laughed. Tryas opened his nad a huge smile went across his face. Rufus had gotten him a full tackle box. "I hope you plan on helping me use this." Tryas said. "I went tot he barn and went through that old tackle box that Burton left. I decided the best thing to do was start from scratch." Rufus said. Tryas got o[ and hugged both for his gift. "She did not go shopping for that and you hugged her." Rufus laughed. "But she allowed you to go." Tryas said. "Good point." Rufus laughed.

Tryas excused himself and went out the back door. He pulled the truck around to the front of the house. "Alright you two. Your gifts are outside." Keith said. "You should not have gotten us anything." Doris said. "Too late." Keith said and smiled. As they stepped out on the porch both Doris and Rufus had confused looks on their faces. Tryas walked up and put his arm around Keith. "On the back of the truck is your gift, Doris." Keith said and handed her an envelope with the brochure of the wood burning stove. "It's beautiful but you should not have done this." Doris said with tears running down her cheeks. "The truck that it is in is your Christmas gift Rufus." Tryas said, handing him an envelope with the title and extra key. "Oh no I can't take that." Rufus said. "We paid more for the stove than the truck." Keith said. "How do you figure that ?" Rufus said. "That truck was one of our delivery trucks. Our CPA told us earlier this year that we needed new trucks for the tax deduction. We had already depreciated the two trucks we had out and they were costing us more than if we bought new ones. There is nothing mechanically wrong with either one but for tax reasons they were costing us money." Keith said.

"We can't let you do this. At least let us pay for half the truck. I am sure we have that much saved." Doris said. "Fifty dollars then." Keith said. "I need a real figure." Rufus said. "Fifty dollars. When a vehicle taxes itself out, the company policy is that any company employee can buy it for one hundred dollars." Keith said. "You apid more than one hundred dollars for that truck. It's looks like it is only three years old maybe." Rufus said. "Keith can show you the check he wrote for it. We did have new brakes and tires put on it but the company pays for that for tax reasons before it is sold." Tryas said. "We can't take that." Doris said. " You and Rufus both do so much for us around here and we are grateful. The truck has just over sixty thousand miles on it. If you have this truck then we know that you will be safe when you are doing things that require a truck. Keith wanted to buy you a new car but I tild him that Rufus bought you a new one a couple of years ago." Tryas said. "With the stove we will look for a contractor to put it in for you." Keith said. "I have that covered." Rufus said. "Just tell him to send us the bill then." Keith said. "We can handle that." Doris said.

"Oh wait. There is one more I almost forgot." Tryas said. He walked to the truck and opened the back passenger door. Tryas pulled the basket out and walked over and handed it to Doris. "In that basket there are gift certificates to restaurants and other shopping places." Keith said. Doris hugged Keith tight and began to cry. "That basket is more for you than her. With all of those gift cards hopefully you will have a ..... very lucky year." Tryas whispered and placed his hand on Rufus' shoulder. "So I get a truck and get lucky." Rufus laughed. "Oh and the truck is still under our comapny policy until the first of the year. You can change it anytime you want but it is legal and insured now." Keith said. Doris still had tears in her eyes as they left to head back to their own home. They had a couple of hours before it was time for them to leave to go to Doris' family Christmas gathering.

Keith and Tryas lounged around during the afternoon. They watched a couple of movies. Keith got up after the last movie to make sandwiches for supper. The sandwiches were made and a damp paper towel over them to keep them from drying out. Keith walked into the living room to see Tryas napping. He went to the master bathroom to prepare for his Christmas Eve plans. The plan was for each to pick one gift they had gotten for the other to open that night. The sun was starting to set when Keith came out of the bedroom. Tryas was stretching as he woke. In this case instead of morning wood he had sunset wood. Keith leaned over and licked the tip of Tryas' hard cock. Tryas in turn smiled and licked his fingers. As he pulled Keith up for a kiss he slid a single slick finger inside Keith's tight ass. "You should not have let me fall asleep." Tryas said as he moved the finger in and out of Keith's ass.

Tryas stood pulling Keith to his bare chest using the finger inside him. Keith had to laugh as he went to the kitchen to get the sandwiches with Tryas hot on his tail refusing to remove the finger. As Keith placed the plates in the table Tryas slid a second finger inside Keith. Tryas then took and moved Keith's plate closer to his. He turned the chair so that it was sideways to the table. He removed his fingers long enough to run to the couch and grab the lube bottle from under the cushion. "What are you up to ?" Keith said. Tryas looked down. "Oh just over nine inches at the moment." Tryas said. Tryas lubed his cock well and then applied more to his hand and rubbed it between Keith's ass cheeks.

Tryas took Keith by the hips and pulled him back. He bent Keith over slightly and leaned down to position his cock. Taking one hand he wiggled his hard cock util it had parted the tight ass ring enough to begin entering. Keith made a gurgling sound as the large head passed through the tight ring. Tryas slowly lowered Keith's body onto his cock. Tryas took one of the napkins and wiped the lube from his hands. Keith's body seemed to melt around the large cock. Tryas could feel Keith's body relax after Keith's ass ring bottomed out on the base of his dick. "You like this baby ?" Tryas whispered. "I love it." Keith whispered. Tryas took his hands and reached around and cupped and pulled on both Keith's nipples. He then wrapped his hands tighter around the breast tissue hoe could hold. Tryas and Keith noth jerked and moaned as they tried to eat their sandwiches. Keith wiggling on Tryas' hard dick made him moan causing his cock to flex and make Keith moan.

The sandwiches were finished as best they could. Keith stood to take the dirty plates to the kitchen. A slurping sound and a pop reang out as the large head came free from the tight ring. " Srr baby it is calling out for this Army grunt dick." Tryas said. Keith just laughed but as he rinsed the dishes in the sink he felt the slick cock push between his ass cheeks and move until Tryas' height caused him to come to his tiptoes as Tyras' cock went balls deep inside him. "After that sweet poussy begging this ARmy dick had to give in." Tryas whispered as he lightly nibbled on Keith's neck. "OH WOW.. Look baby." Keith said pointing out the window. Large flakes of snow had begun to fall. Tryas pulled his cock from Keith's ass causing another audible noise. "Sorry baby. Don't worry. Your little buddy here has a plan." Tryas said as he leaned over and kissed one of Keith's ass cheeks.

Keith watched as Tryas went into the utility room and came out with something similar to an exercise mat. Tryas went out the back door and Keith watched from teh window as Tryas built a fire in the fireplace on the outside patio. He then lay the mat out in front of the fireplace. He came back in and hurried over and turned Keith's head for a deep passionate kiss as he slid two fingers up Keith's ass. He turned Keith to face him without removing his fingers. He went to his knees and took Keith's leaking cock into his mouth. "MMMMM. Don't tell Doris but this beats that apple pie hands down." Tryas said before standing and heading for the bedroom. Moments later he came out with the larger bottle of lube and two towels. Keith just stood and smiled as he watched his lover hurry around the house. Tryas was back outside and placed a beach towel over the mat. He stood and looked towards the kitchen window. He wiggled his hips causing his cock and balls to sway. He looked up at the window and used a finger to signal Keith to come to him.

Keith walked out the back door and down the three steps. The chill in the air caused goose bumps and his nipples to harden. " My baby getting goosebumps just at the sight of me ?" Tryas said and winked. "Always baby." Keith smiled. Tryas met Keith at the edge of the mat. Tryas lay down on the mat on his back. He took one hand and held his hard cock straight up. The fire had begun to fade the goose bumps but the nipples stayed perked. "Here you go baby. This Army dick has no other plans than to please that sweet pussy." Tryas said.

Keith straddled Tyras and began to lower his body. Tryas once again wiggled his hard cock to make sure it was seated perfectly. Once it was well trapped in place Keith got on his knees but held his body so that only the tip was pressing against his ring. Keith took in a deep breath and used his body weight to force the large cock in balls deep in one swift motion. Tryas reflexes brought him to an upright position and he wrapped his arms around Keith's waist. The sudden friction from the hair on Tryas' belly sent Keith over the edge. Tryas smiled and flexed his cock as Keith vibrated and shot his first load into his belly and chest hair. "That's right. I like my baby horny and on edge." Tryas said as he leaned up and began to kiss Kieth as he tried to catch his breath.

Keith leaned back up, placing his hands on each side of Tryas. Tryas began to move his hips and watched the sparkle in Keith's eyes everytime his cock bottomed out lifting Keith just a little. Tryas bent his body towards Keith's and kissed him lightly before moving down and taking a hard nipple and as much flesh as he could in his mouth. Keith moaned and wiggled as Tryas sucked hard on the breast flesh while rubbing his tongue on the hard nipple. He had one hand on Keith's ass cheek and the other he used to knead the small fold of Keith's love handle.

Tryas released the first nipple and stretched to kiss Keith before moving down and taking the next one in his mouth and sucking even harder. He would suck hard and tease the nipple and then lightly chew on the tender flesh. Keith began to move up and down even further on Tryas' cock. When he would fully impale himself he would move his hips back and forth causing Tryas to maon. Keith could feel Tryas' cock flexing inside him and knew that Tryas' orgasm was building. Keith leaned back pulling his nipple free from Tryas' mouth. He leaned further back and placed his hands on the mat on each side of Tryas' legs. Tryas' moaned and smiled as Keith began to bounce up and down on his hard cock. Both breasts were an angry red but Tryas' eyes almost glazed over as they bounced right in front of him as Keith moved up and down on his cock. "Baby you have no idea how fucking sexy you are riding my Army dick." Tryas growled. Keith began to squeeze hsi ass ring around Tryas cock as he moved up and down. "AAAAhhh...... UUUUHHHHHHHHHH. FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCC." Tryas shouted as he moved his upper body up quickly and wrapped his arms around Keith.

Tryas' body jerked as he tried to push up into Keith's ass even further from this position. His cock flared and stretched as it tried to release inside Keith. The deep rumble that Tryas always made when he came. "UUUUHHHHHHHHH." Keith shouted and as Tryas felt the heat from Keith's semen hit his stomach his cock finally released its first shot deep inside Keith. Keith's body was still trembling and Tryas' cock still flexing and unloading inside Keith as Tryas lay back taking Keith with him. Tryas lay his hands on Keith's back while his body made its last couple of lunges up into Keith to make sure his seed was as deep as possible. Keith's body quivered with every flex of Tryas' cock. "Merry Christmas baby." Keith whispered. "Merry Christamas to you my love." Tryas said Tryas lay back trying to catch his breath with Keith still mounted on his cock. Keith lay his head just under Tryas' chin and the two watched as the snow fell and the cum flowed.

The two lay quietly for almost an hour.Tryas ran his hands over Keith's back and ass cheeks as Keith ran his hands up and down Tryas' sides. Tryas' large mushroom head was the only thing still trapped inside Keith. He would smile and squeeze an ass cheek every time Keith squeezed his ass ring around the head. The fire had begun to die down and Keith began getting chill bumps. "This snow is beautiful but we can watch it from inside." Tryas whispered. "Keith just moaned and snuggled deeper against Tryas' chest. " I have a special present I want my baby to open tonight." Tryas said. " Present ? Well I have one for you too." Keith said as he slowly pulled his hips up allowing the mushroom head to fall free.

The two groped and kissed as they showered. Tryas kept at least one finger inside Keith's ass making sure it stayed loosened for later on that night. Once both men were cleaned of all the cum and leakage they headed into the living room by the Christmas tree. There were only a handful of small gifts under the tree. They had agreed on no large gifts due to restricted time for shopping due to business and the fact that neither needed anything. They turned to watch the snow on the distant mountain peaks as Keith handed Tryas his gift. Tryas opened the box and pulled out a pair of see thru mesh shorts. "Dust rag ?" Tryas said. "No silly. Those are for my eyes only." Keith said. "What about Misty ?" Tryas winked. "Well I did promise her a picture of you modeling them." Keiht said and grinned. Tryas just rolled his eyes and moaned. Tryas smiled as he handed Keith his package. Keith had a funny look on his face as the wrapping paper came off and his gift was from the same company. Opening iot he found a see thru short, short robe. "Are you supposed to send Danny a picture of me modeling this ?" Keith laughed. "Now that's a thought." Tryas said and smiled. " A fleeting one I hope." Keith said as he leaned over to kiss Tryas.

An hour later Tryas had taken his teeth and untied the bow that held the robe closed around Keith's body. He had then lay Keith spread eagle on the bed and slowly entered him. Keth now lay glassy eyes as he had his arms and legs wrapped around Tyras. Tryas' was still shooting his second Christmas Eve load deep inside Keith as Keith had sprayed his third load between the two. Tryas broke the kiss and pulled back so he could look in Keith's eyes. We have how long to stay this way ?" Tryas whispered. "For the immediate future we have until next year." Keith whispered. "Well I better get busy then." Tryas said as his lips met Keith's and he began moving his still hard cock in and out of Keith's loosened and well lubed ass.

Next: Chapter 33

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