My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 22, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author.

This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 26

The weekend passed quickly. Tryas and Keith refused to put his parents out at the drop off at the airport. Keith went in to make sure they picked up their tickets for their return trip for the Christmas party. All four cried as they left to go through security so they could make their way to the gate. Keith held Tryas' hand as they headed for the office. Tryas still refused to drive due to after holiday traffic and still unsure of exactly where they were going. "Baby I do not think there is any doubt in your mind or mine that my parents love you to death." Tryas said. "They are super sweet and I love them too. I guess I was anxious for no reason." Keith said and smiled.

They arrived at the office to a whirlwind. Gail, Misty and Dawn were all in the conference room. "Thank goodness you are here." Misty said. "What happened ?" Keith asked. "You know that we had a black friday sale online. Two of the sales people even opened the store yesterday. The store sales were incredible but the online black friday sale was off the hook." Dawn said. "I did not think that many even knew about the online store." Tryas said. "Well I checked into facebook advertising.

It was simple so I set it up. I figured it would take a couple of months before it caught on. WRONG." Misty said. "We have sold out of a lot of items and even have backorder requests. Tramell online sales were tremendous too.." Dawn said. "Did we do a black friday sale too ?" Tryas asked. "No but quite a few of our vendors have incorporated our catalog on their websites. They had the sales but now need the products." Dawn said. "Can we fill all orders so far except the back order requests ?" Keith asked. "Yes, our inventories in both stores are set up through one main frame." Dawn said.

"Keith our standard daily internet sales were up over four hundred percent." Misty said. "Do we have a list of what we have sold out of and a list of requested backorders ?" Keith asked. "The first set of papers are orders and sales from this weekend. The second set is stock levels. I went ahead and entered the backorder requests. The last sheet is a stock level print out. The numbers in red reflect backorders. The last is by vendor. The one by vendor is our automatic order system. It reflects the items sold but we also have a safety stock number and that number reflects how many need to be ordered to fill backorders and restock the warehouses." Dawn said. "I love this girl." Gail said. Dawn's husband and Tryas' warehouse manager had joined the meeting.

"Our biggest issue still looms. Most everything we buy is from overseas. China, Thailand, the UK, Ireland, India and on and on. It usually takes a month to get the containers and then we have customs." Keith said. "The company I used to work for hired a company that would expedite items through customs. If it was a rush order we had it air freighted to either Savannah, Georgia or Charleston, South Carolina port. If they had arrival information they would have it moved to a customs holding area of their own. They would set up an appointment with customs. They could usually get it passed within two days after arrival. If they knew when it would arrive they would set up an appointment for two days after the arrival date." Dawn's husband said. "Air freight is a lot higher." Keith said. "We will still make profit even at that but if we can fill the orders and backorders then it will be worth it for future orders." Misty said.

Keith sat and started putting papers in stacks. "First we need someone to call this company and see if they are willing to take on a new vendor. The vendor will be Tramell Group. That way we can keep everything inline as far as the computer systems." Keith said. "Give me about ten minutes. I have worked with them for years and have quite a few friends there." Dawn's husband said. "Thank you. Give them whatever they need." Keith said. "They will probably need a credit card," he said. "Come see me in my office." Gail said. Keith kept a stack of papers and then passed stacks out to others. "Now the next thing we need to do is contact the vendors. First ask about stock, next ask about air freight. We will pay the freight up front if needed. The next is how soon they can expedite the orders. " Keith said. Dawn's husband had stepped out into the hall. He stuck his head back in. "They need your import license, tax numbers and a credit card. They will be glad to handle it." he said. "Keep them on the phone. I have all of that in my office." Gail said and stood and left the room.

The rest of the group stayed in the conference room discussing what they needed to do. Gail and Dawn's husband returned about five minutes later. That was easy and they are very cheap for what they do. Since we are in Atlanta they said they can do customs here too but it may take another week because of volume." Gail said. "Let's stick with the other two ports. The only thing we will have to work out is freight from the ports here. It looks like these will be full loads." Keith said. "I think I can handle that. We have a couple of independent drivers that pick up here. I am sure they will be happy to do a single day run for our orders. We will have to have full loads though." Tryas' warehouse manager said. "Alright everyone. You have our lists. See what we can find out about product and air freight. Let's all meet back here at around four and see where we stand." Keith said. Keith then turned to Tryas' warehouse manager. "You make sure everything is labeled properly in the warehouse so it will be no problem. Also see if you can round up one of those truckers and see if they are willing. Let's plan a lunch meeting with internet sales and showroom sales to see if we may need to increase an order before it is finalized. This is going to be a one shot deal for right now." Keith said.

By eight on Monday night they had most all their bases covered. There were a couple of United States vendors that would have their answers in the morning. Keith smiled as Tryas came in and collapsed in one of his office chairs. "Busy day ?" Keith asked. "I still have a stack of papers on my desk but my eyes are starting to cross. They will have to wait until tomorrow." Tryas said, not opening his eyes. "I am not sure what we have at the condo so let's just stop at a drive thru and pick up supper." Keith said. "I am too tired to eat." Tryas said and laughed.

Tuesday morning found the bag of food still on the counter and Tryas and Keith asleep on the couch still fully dressed. "Smile for me baby." Tryas said as Keith raised his head. "I am sorry." Keith said. "Sorry for what baby ?" Tryas said. "We had promised to have time daily and we had promised to make love every day." Keith said. "Baby, after yesterday I almost slept in the vehicle. We will be prepared next year." Tryas said. "Next year ?" Keith said. "You aren't having second thoughts are you ?" Tryas said. "No but I do not want to think about next year until I get this one done." Keith said, and smiled.

Keith had barely gotten in his office chair when Misty came in for the morning. "I think we did it cuz. It was insane but I think we did it." Misty said. "It looks like somebody had the strength to get some last night." Keith said. "I walked in the house and climbed in bed in my clothes. I told Danny if he got within ten feet of me I would cut it off." Misty laughed. "Then why are you so happy ?" Keith said. "We did it. We pulled together and averted a crisis. Uncle Burton would be so proud of us. " Misty said. "Yes he would. Tryas asked me about next year this morning. I told him that if I lived through this year then I would think about next year." Keith laughed. "I will be ready for a nice lunch. Hopefully all the loose ends will be tied up by then." Misty said. "Yeah we went through a drive thru last night. The bag is still on the counter. Neither of us had the strength to eat." Keith said. "Oh so I see why you are so gloomy. You must not have gotten plugged last night or this morning." Misty laughed. "Funny cuz but I will make up for it. " Keith said. "I will have Danny bring Clayton and Audrey tonight for a sleepover." Misty said. "I love you cuz and love your babies but no thanks. Not tonight." Keith laughed.

The US vendors called early with good news on their orders. The overseas orders were being processed and they were even able to add a couple of items. The shipments would fly out from all foreign ports on Friday. The expediting company had already set up appointments with customs for Tuesday and Wednesday of the next week. The website had changed to show available stock and that all orders would have to be placed before close of business on the tenth. Gail had contacted a temporary employment agency to hire extra help for holiday inventory and shipping.

"Trammel Group, this is Tryas, how can I help you ?" Tryas said. "Tramell Group. Now how did Sergeant Major Tramell rise through the ranks this fast ?" the man said. Tryas knew he recognized the voice but was not quite sure. He needed to hear a little more. "It's all according to who you know." Tryas said. "Not the grunt I know. It may be according to who you fuck with that huge dick.' the man said. "How the hell are you Gunny ?" Tryas said. Gunnery Sergeant Davis had served in Tryas' troop for over ten years. "Doing good. You know you are a hard man to track down." Davis said. " You know. Have dick will travel." Tryas laughed. "Sounds like you have done good for yourself, you son of a bitch." Davis said. " You finally get out ?" Tryas said. "The year after you. No fun having a spit roast without the master." Davis laughed.

The two men talked and Tryas learned that his old friend had taken his GI bill and went to school and become a counselor. "So you have them stretch out on a couch. You were always a slick bastard." Tryas laughed. " I do counseling at the VA hospitals and clinics. I have checked to see if you were registered at any. I have run across your name a couple of times but you were no longer current. I have a one year contract at the hospital in Atlanta that starts next week. Maybe I can get you in to work on your PTSD." Davis said. "I already have my cure. His name is Keith." Tryas said. "Damn boy, you hit the ground running don't you ?" Davis said. "No more running or chasing my friend unless it is chasing Keith around the house naked." Tryas said. "Hopefully I will get to meet him while I am in Atlanta." Davis said. "That will be great. It will be good to have you close by. You will have to come see our place in the mountains too." Tryas said. "My man has a sex cabin in the woods." Davis said. "Well a forty three hundred square foot cabin." Tryas said. "Fuck me." Davis said. "I thought you only did the fucking." Tryas said. "Figure of speech grunt." Davis laughed.

"I am sure that Keith would love to meet you. When are you getting to town and where are you staying ?" Tryas asked. "I am coming in late Sunday night and all my stuff will be there Monday. I rented a partially furnished loft not far from the hospital." Davis said. "Take down my cell number and keep this number too. Call me when you get to town and we can all meet for supper one night. Keith may even want to cook and you can come to the condo." Tryas said. "I will buddy plus you are going to have to point out where I can find some ass in Atlanta." Davis said. "I can't help you much there but I will do my best buddy." Tryas laughed.

Tryas walked in Keith's office just as he and Misty were finishing their little meeting. "He looks like the cat that swallowed the canary." Misty said. "I love you too cuz." Tryas said as he leaned over and kissed her on top of the head. "See I even get a kiss first." Misty said. "Yeah but yours is on the top of the head but mine is on the lips." Keith said. "Among other places." Tryas said. "Ew too much info. cuz." Misty said. Tryas told the two about the call from an old friend that he had just gotten. "Did you invite him to the Christmas party ?" Misty asked. "I did not even think about the party but he is moving here next week. I will talk to Keith about it." Tryas said. "If you want him to come, go ahead and invite him. No need in asking me." Keith laughed.

Keith and Tryas stopped to get a couple of items from the grocery store on the way home. Keith kept looking around to see if anyone was watching Tryas. Luckily this was Atlanta and everyone in the store acted as though they were the only ones in there. Tryas kept reaching down and squeezing an ass cheek or when Keith would bend over to get something off a lower shelf Tryas would push his crotch into Keith's ass. "You are going to get us thrown out." Keith said. "You think ? Anything to get you home and naked quicker." Tryas whispered.

Keith had to laugh as they entered the condo. He had a small bag of groceries in each hand and as soon as Tryas got the door opened he turned and began to grab at Keith's clothes. "I have my hands full." Keith laughed. "Don't worry baby. Soon enough you will have something else full." Tryas said. Keith was glad there was no one around to watch. As soon as the door closed Tryas pulled his pants down. He used the toe of his shoe to pull the heel of his other shoe so he could step out of it. Tryas was cupping and squeezing Keith's bare ass cheeks. Keith finally was able to step out of his pants since his shoes were off. As he stepped away towards the kitchen Tryas stood and looked. "Now where do you think you are going ?" Tryas said. "To put the groceries on the counter." Keith laughed. "I always wanted to fuck the grocery boy." Tryas said. Keith still had his shirt on as he put the bags on the counter. Tryas was quickly behind him reaching around to unbutton his shirt. "Damn buttons are hard to work from this angle." Tryas growled.

"Slow down big boy. There are certain things that have to happen if you know what I mean." Keith said. "Details, details." Tryas said and kissed the shoulder that he had exposed after unbuttoning Keith's shirt. "Yeah well it is a detail that will stop an Army grunt in his tracks." Keith said. Tryas sat at the counter and moaned and groaned as he watched Keith put on a pot of water to boil. A quick pasta dish and a salad. Keith was not sure if Tryas was still tired but he knew that the last two days had taken its toll on him. "Well I think that a shower would get you closer to what you are wanting a little quicker." Keith said. "By myself ?" Tryas said. "If you want a dual shower then you will have to wait and it may take longer to get where you are wanting to be." Keith laughed. "Oh baby you must have forgotten. This grunt can fuck and wash at the same time." Tryas laughed.

Keith had never told Tryas no but he was enjoying Tryas frustrations at having to wait. He finally gave up and showered. Tryas then took over supper preparation while Keith did everything necessary for their evening. Keith had to admit that he was not sure if he was hornier than Tryas. Their sex life had been quick, though satisfying, for over a week. "Now where were we ?" Keith said, as he walked back into the kitchen. "About to eat supper." Tryas said. "Oh is that a fact ?" Keith said. Tryas turned to try and give Keith a whipped puppy dog look but his eyes widened as he turned to see Keith cup both his breasts and squeeze them and pull them away from his body.

Keith would lean his head back and moan. "You know you are killing me don't you ?" Tryas said. Tryas put the last plate on the table and walked over and wrapped his arms around Keith. He put one arm around Keith and pulled him to his side. He leaned over to kiss Keith as he took one hand and pulled on one of the "boy titties" and slipped two fingers inside Keith's cleaned ass . "The pasta is getting cold." Keith said in a labored voice. "Oh it is, is it ?" Tryas said as he pulled Keith to his tiptoes with the two fingers inside him. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith as he wiggled the two fingers inside. "You're right, the pasta is getting cold." Tryas said as he released Keith and turned to walk to the table. Tryas grinned as he caught the flushed expression on Keith's face.

Supper was finished but Tryas could not wait for the dishes to be cleared. He grabbed Keith by the arm and pulled him up. He pushed the plates to one corner as he kissed Keith. He then turned Keith and pushed his upper body on the table. With one hand on his back he held Keith on the table. He got down on his knees behind Keith and then parted his ass cheeks. "Been too long, sweet thing. Time for the grunt to remind you who owns you." Tryas said before burying his face in between the buttery ass cheeks. Keith moaned about as loud as Tryas as he nibbled and chewed on the fleshy ass ring before shoving his tongue deep inside Keith.

Tryas ate like a starving man. He reached under the table and collected the ample pre cum that Keith was producing. After two fairly full palms of it on Keith's ass and one in his hand to coat his own cock he stood and placed his well lubed cock head at the entrance to Keith's ass. "Little grunt has wanted to tear this ass to pieces for over a week. Hold on for the ride baby." Tryas said as he made one swift push of his hips and landed balls deep inside Keith. Keith tried his best to crawl onto the table but Tryas held him by the hips impaled as far on his hard dick as possible. "There you go baby. Take this Army dick like a good little boy." Tryas growled. Tryas held still but reached over and put his arm under Keith's neck and pulled him up so he was standing. " Is this what you have been wanting baby ?" Tryas whispered. "For way too long." Keith whined.

Tryas turned Keith still impaled on his hard dick and slowly walked the two to the couch. With every step Keith whimpered and moaned. Tryas could feel the steady stream of pre cum landing on his leg as they walked. Tryas sat on the wider part of the couch pulling Keith down fully impaled on his cock as they went. Tryas lay back on the couch and pulled Keith's back down against his chest. He moved his hips slowly as he took both hands and fondled Keith's breasts. As he pinched and twisted Keith's nipples he could see Ketih's cock stretch and move. "Are you looking forward to seeing your gunny buddy ?" Keith whispered. "About that. Please do not get upset, baby. He was in my regimen for ten years. He may want to talk about some of our ...well.. conquests as he calls them." Tryas said. "That was before my time so don't worry about it." Keith said. "Baby I love you so." Tryas said and flexed his cock deep inside Keith.

"Do you have many memorable adventures with him ?" Keith whispered. "Oh there were many adventures but the one he talks about most is a private that got sent to our camp." Tryas said. "He must have been handsome." Keith said "Not really my type. He was nineteen and from a small farm community in South Dakota. He was shy and looked like he was maybe sixteen. Barely had any hear on him other than his head. I would say he weighed a buck twenty five soaking wet. Kind of like Kyle. Well Davis tripped over him. He flirted with that boy for a couple of weeks. He found out through the grapevine that he was a virgin. His family was very religious and he was afraid they would be able to tell if he had ever had sex. Well Davis got him drunk one night and brought him to our tent. Within an hour Davis had his fingers up the boys ass and his cock in his mouth. That night a true cock whore was born. By the time the night was over Davis had his cock in the boy's mouth and the kid was loving it. He promised the boy that by the end of the next night he would make him an expert at riding dick." Tryas said.

"How did that work out ?" Keith asked and wiggled his hips causing Tryas' cock to move around inside him. The boy was back the next night but fully sober. "Did he come back for more ?' Keith whispered. "Boy did he. We came in from the showers and he was laying on my bunk naked with his legs spread. He told us that Davis had promised him the fuck of his life and he was there to collect. That night after Davis fucked him and then he came over and sat down on my cock. He rode it like his life depended on it. Davis was hard again before I finished and pulled him over and devoured his cock. The poor boy could barely walk across the complex to his rack later. He had four loads in him. Swallowed one from each of us and took one up the ass from each of us." Tryas said. "And he was a virgin ?" Keith said. "Ass wise yes." Tryas said. "Did he ever come back ?" Keith asked. "Came back the next night but we found blood on the blanket so we told him he had to heal. The boy almost cried but he did suck me off and then sucked Davis off twice before he left. that night." Tryas said. Keith could feel Tryas' cock growing even harder inside him thinking about it.

"I am sure that he came back." Keith said. "He turned into a dick whore in one night. I heard a noise just before sun up. I looked over and the boy had snuck back in our tent and had climbed on Davis' dick and was riding hard. The boy loved it rough." Tryas said. "Rough ?" Keith asked. "Well there was no slapping around or anything but the harder you pounded his ass the better he loved it. He got to the point that if both of us were in the tent he wanted to be spit roasted. We had to make him calm down before we all got in trouble." Tryas said. "How long was he in your regimen ?" Keith asked as he moved his hips up and down on Tryas' cock. "I thought Davis was going to cry. A two star general came and stayed about four days. We saw the private come out of his tent a couple of times. Davis said that he fucked him out back one of those evenings and he knew someone else had been in there because the other guys cum made good lube. When the general left the private got papers the next day reassigning him as a personal assistant to the general. Last I heard he was still under the general's desk every day." Tryas said.

"Rough huh ? Show me." Keith said."I am not sure about that baby." Tryas said. "You promised you were going to tear my ass up. Time to collect that promise." Keith said. "Are you sure ?" Tryas asked. 'I can't do it by myself." Keith said. Tryas stood them up without removing his cock. He leaned Keith over and placed his hands on his knees. Tryas leaned over and took both hands and grabbed Keith's breast. He tightened his grip and then began to move in and out of Keith's ass. "That's rough ?" Keith said. Tryas released the breast and grabbed Keith's hips. He pulled back slowly and held Keith's hips tight as he slammed his cock into Keith. Keith felt new sensations he did not know existed.

Tryas began to pound into Keith's ass as fast as he could. Keith could barely breath because his whole body was vibrating. After about five minutes Tryas pushed them to the floor. He held his body up with one arm and put the other around Keith's waist. The sound of skin slapping skin was almost like a rapid fire machine gun. "Take that Army dick boy. Take it and love it." Tryas growled. Keith could not hold out any longer. "UUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH." Keith shouted as his cock began to spray his load on the floor. It was so rapid that it did not seem to come out as ropes or squirts but one long continuous stream. "FFFFFUUUUUCCCKKKK,,,,ttake that.....,,,, uggggghhh .... ....ffffuuucckiing. ...grrrruuunnntttt,, juuuuiiiiccceee... bbboooyyy.." Tryas growled as he slammed into Keith's ass as hard and fast as he could while his balls unloaded as he moved. "Are you alright baby." Tryas whispered as he lowered his body weight onto Keith and moved his hips from side to side. "Fucking perfect baby." Keith whispered between gasps.

Next: Chapter 27

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