My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Nov 1, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 20

Tryas sat at the table as Keith brought their breakfast plated to the table. Keith had gotten his morning protein injection and Tryas blew his stress deep inside Keith in the shower earlier. "This looks wonderful." Tryas said. "I have to keep my lover nourished. He will need all the calories." Keith laughed. "What do you have planned this morning ?" Keith asked. "Not really sure I did want to take the mower and cut around the lake really quick. The grass will probably start dying pretty soon and I want it to be ready so spring will not be so bad." Tryas said. "No plans with Rufus ?" Keith said. "I thought about it but I did not want to upset any of your plans." Tryas said.

"Why don't you take the tractor up to his house with that blade thing on it and fix his driveway. He has been good to us and I can tell that it does him good to feel wanted and needed. Have him come and supervise you cutting around the lake." Keith said. "But...." Tryas said. "I know baby you don't need a supervisor but it will make him feel needed and helpful. Ask his wife if she doesn't mind to start me a list of who we should invite for the Christmas party. Ask her to list possible caterers, florists and whoever else we may need. I want her to feel like she is a part of us too if she wants. She was such a sweet lady when we went to eat." Keith said. "How can I get in touch with the yard guy ?" Tryas asked. "I have his number, why ?" Keith asked. "I want to buy a load of split wood for them." Tryas said. "Already handled." Keith said. "What do you mean ?" Tryas said. "I emailed him the other day and told him that I wanted him to fill our wood shed and I wanted a full trailer load delivered to Rufus." Keith said. "How do you have time and energy to take care of all of us ?" Tryas said. "The same way you have time to take care of me." Keith said and smiled.

Keith's plans were to go through more closets. There were a lot of his uncle's things that they could donate. He stood in the door and waved as Tryas came across the yard on the tractor with the scrape blade behind the tractor. Tryas was fully dressed but the sight of the big Army man on the tractor made Keith smile as he felt a drop of precum land on his foot. Upstairs he began pulling things out of the closets. He had the clothes out on beds and other items. He moved a large box and found another door behind that one. "Damn uncle Burton or was this Archie's doing." There was a large attic area and it was full. One side was nothing but Christmas decorations but the other side was full of tools, small appliances and many other things still in the boxes. Keith began pulling out things that he knew they would never use. That one bedroom was filling fast. Keith pulled out a tall box and leaned it against the door frame. "Interesting." Keith said as he sat on the floor and read the instructions on the box.

Tryas had finished the driveway and was pulling back in the driveway. Keith took a sheet and covered the box. He then put it behind a taller box. Tryas came through the front door. "Keith ?" he called out. "Up here." Keith called out. Tryas stepped in the door. "What the hell ?" Tryas said. "OH, just wait baby. Come look at this." Keith said. "Holy crap." Tryas said. "I know. I wanted to clear these closets out and decide what we could donate. The other bedroom has twelve unopened blankets. We only have five bedrooms and they all have new blankets in them." Keith said. "What are you going to do with all of this ?" Tryas said. "Most of these tools can go out to your barn. The rest I want you to go through first and see what your parents may be able to use and then I thought about getting Rufus and his wife down here and let them pick what they want. Then we hire a moving company to carry the rest to a donation center." Keith said. " A moving company ? Tryas asked. "Baby I still have three more bedroom closets to go through and they are all walk in closets too." Keith said.

"Baby I need to ask a favor." Tryas said. "Why would you need a favor ?" Keith asked. "Rufus is planning to go to Mineral Bluff to some hardware store. I don't trust his truck. I kind of told him I would take him over there because I needed a few things too. Plus I can load whatever he needs and unload it. I spoke before asking you . I am sorry." Tryas said. "As long as you do me a favor too." Keith said. "Anything for you baby." Tryas said. "Take the small grocery list on the counter and stop somewhere and pick up the few things on it." Keith said. "Gladly my sexy red. You know I love you." Tryas said. "I love you too and from now on just come in and say. I am headed somewhere or I am taking Rufus somewhere. As long as you are coming back to me there is no need to ask permission." Keith said. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith. "I will be back as quick as I can." Tryas said. "No, you be careful and you get back when you get back. Oh check your beer before you go too. You may want to add that to the list." Keith said.

Keith was relieved that Tryas was leaving for a couple of hours. He went out to the gazebo in the backyard. He took the hose and rinsed the gazebo down after spraying bleach on it. He tested the Christmas lights that went around the inside of the gazebo. He then began to prepare for his surprise for Tryas. It took a while to get everything set just right. At least he hoped it was. It would be easy to adjust if not. "I should wait for his birthday for this but I just can't." Keith said and smiled. Back in the house he had one last closet to go through. More blankets and a couple dozen sheet sets later he had everything out that needed removing. He then took clothes to one room, appliances to another, towels, sheets and blankets to one and then miscellaneous in the last. "Now to get rid of it all." Keith said, as he went back in and took a set of sheets for each bed, a blanket for each including ones for the condo. There were eight comforter sets and he picked out four to keep. There were probably fifty towels that had never been used. He pulled matching one for each bathroom and some for the condo. He still had about twenty to give away. "Damn uncle Burton, were you planning for armageddon or something ?" Keith said, looking at the piles.

Tryas felt guilty because he had not mentioned the extra stops planned. He had retrieved a couple of papers from his laptop case and one of their stops was with the shed builder. Keith and Rufus went over all the specifics to get the building started. Tryas wrote a check for half the cost. "I have a lady named Dawn that will call you about the colors. She said that you do not have the appropriate ones so they will be delivered in time to paint it. If this man or Dawn contact you about any changes or wanting updates then I want you to do as they say." Tryas said. They did get things that Rufus needed from the hardware store and Tryas grabbed a couple of shelf braces that he could use somewhere.

"I hope you know how much I appreciate you taking charge of this for me. I hope it can be completed before Christmas." Tryas said. "Do not worry about that. I will make sure it happens. Keith is going to be so happy." Rufus said. "I ordered the larger one because I want a huge shower in there." Tryas said. Rufus just chuckled. "You sound more and more like Burton every day." Rufus said. "How is that ?" Tryas said. "When they were building the house the contractor had all the studs up. Burton went in to see how they were coming. The walk in shower was little. He called the contractor in and asked what that space was. He told him it was the shower. Burton told him that it had to be larger. The contractor said that would not be easy. Burton informed him that his money had not been easy to make either but he was writing the checks. He did not care if the shower held twenty people but it better hold four. The man asked him if he planned on having four in the shower. Burton told him that it was none of his business but it would only be two. The man told him that making it big enough for two would be easier. Burton told him I said four. If you only use your shower to wash your nasty ass then you have a very boring marriage. I use my shower for other things and I want plenty of damn room when I am getting me some." Rufus said and laughed. " I would have liked him." Tryas said. "He would have loved you but remember one thing. You got his pride and joy. Keith was both he and Archie's hearts." Rufus said.

Keith was surprised when the doorbell rang. He put on his warm up pants and t-shirt before answering the door. "Well hey Doris. Come on in." Keith said. Doris is Rufus' wife. "Can I get you a cup of coffee or some tea ?" Keith asked. "I didn't plan to keep you long. I have that list Tryas asked about earlier." Doris said. "You are not interrupting anything. I have been busy up stairs and I just brewed a fresh pot of coffee. I planned to relax on the porch and enjoy it. I wish you would join me." Keith said. Doris sat smiling looking out over the mountains as Keith walked out with the coffee. "I have always just loved this view." Doris said. "I love it too. I would not care what building was behind it as long as I had a porch right here." Keith said. "This was one of your Uncle's arguments. Burton wanted the master bedroom on this side and the porch on the woods side. Archie was not having it." Doris said and laughed.

"I want to do something with the side of the mountain here. I want to get rid of the scrub grass and plant something that is low maintenance but is still pretty. "I did have to agree with Burton on the hill. He and Archie both wanted similar. Archie wanted all dwarf blooming bushes. Burton wanted mostly evergreens with the blooming bushes and different colored leaf bushed strategically placed. My sister's son even came out and did a few drawings for them. He has a landscaping company." Doris said. "Can you do me a favor ?" Keith asked. "Sure son if I can." Doris said. "Can you contact your nephew and see if he is still interested ?" Keith said. "Sure he probably still has the drawings. Burton lost interest when Archie got sick." Doris said. "Well this is a two part favor. I don't need to see the drawings. I trust your judgement. I will pay you to oversee him doing this side of the mountain if he is interested. You pick the plants and the placement an no cheap plants. The cost is not an issue." Keith said.

"I hope you don't mind Tryas borrowing Rufus when we are here." Keith said. "Mind ? I look forward to it. Rufus loves it and he has taken to Tryas. He has you too but Rufus likes those big tractors like Tryas. He is such a sweet boy for being in the Army too. The days he borrows Rufus are a joy. Rufus is always in a great mood and a girl finally gets to watch her soap operas in peace. Do you know how hard it is to enjoy a soap opera with someone in the recliner moaning, groaning or snoring ?" Doris said and laughed. "I don't think he enjoys them either." Keith laughed. "I know he doesn't God love him. He thinks it makes me happy. Next year will be fifty five years for us." Doris said. "Wow, that is a long time." Keith said. "Hasn't always been easy but Rufus never looked anywhere else but his own home." Doris said.

"I know that my uncles thought the world of both of you." Keith said. "We did them too. It was a little sketchy in the beginning. Rufus is an old mountain bred and born man. He was not that happy when he found out a gay couple bought this place. After their second trip up here Rufus came in and announced. They ain't gay. I told him that they definitely were. He said they can't be. They don't act like it. I asked him how a gay couple was suppose to act. He had watched too many television shows. From that day on if anybody mentions someone being gay he answers by saying. So what. I have gay frineds that are better ones than any of you folk." Doris said and laughed. "What do they say to him then ?" Keith asked. "Nothing. They know better. They know that old man has said his peace and would not listen anyway." Doris laughed.

Tryas and Rufus had stopped and talked to the contractor. He explained what he wanted and gave him Rufus and Dawn's phone numbers. "I am giving Rufus draw checks for you so you will not have to wait until I am around to get paid." Tryas said. The two were headed back. Tryas stopped at the grocery store and called Keith once inside. "Doris needs a head of lettuce while you are there. Bring Rufus with you. She and I are having coffee on the porch." Keith said. "Love you too." Keith said as he hung up the phone. "Never forget that phrase. Even if you are mad at him make sure you tell him you love him when you hang up the phone or before you close your eyes at night. You aren't promised to live to say it again." Doris said. "You are a very wise lady." Keith said.

Tryas and Rufuas arrived about a half hour later. Doris tried to pay for the lettuce but Tryas assured her that having Rufus as his GPS was worth more than a head of lettuce. "Since you two are here I need to show you something." Keith said. He had the three follow him up the stairs. "Good heavens." Doris said. "Everything you see out in these rooms we are getting rid of. You go through and get anything you want because what is left we will find a donation place to take it." Keith said. "Lord son, you can't give all of this away." Doris said. Keith had her follow him around and showed her all the stuff that he had kept. "There is even more downstairs. This stuff will be given away whether you take it or not." Keith said. "My church does an Appalachian people's rescue. They give to the needy mountain people. They take any type donations and run a small food store to give away." Doris said. "They can have all of this under one condition." Tryas said. "We can give you a tax write off paper." Doris said. "The condition is that you take anything that you want first. If not, we will give it to someone else." Keith said.

Rufus and Doris had put some things in the corner for themselves. "Do you know how much these sheet sets cost and you have all these beds." Doris said. "Each bedroom has new sheets on the beds, a set of new spare ones washed in the drawer and a set still in the pack. Take all you want." Keith said. Rufus on the other hand had Tryas in the room with the tools. He had made two piles. One to go to the barn and where there were matching spares there was a set to go home with him. "Doris, do you know how many families the center helps ?" Tryas asked. "There are around thirty families last count I got." she said. "Tell the center when you all carry this to them that we are going to provide a full Thanksgiving dinner for all the families. Well not cooked but I will need a list of supplies. I figure a ham, turkey and baking hen for each house. Eggs, flour, shortening, meal. sugar, some frozen or canned vegetables and a list of the children so we can make sure we have candy too." Tryas said. "That is too much." Doris said. "If we are going to be part of the neighborhood it's time we contributed." Tryas said. "What he said." Keith said and smiled.

Doris and Rufus had left with huge smiles on their faces. Doris could not wait to get home to start making phone calls. "I just realized we are not giving ourselves much time." Tryas said. "Baby that is why we have Gail and two purchasing departments." Keith said and smiled as he began to pull Tryas shirt off. "I went ahead and picked up some fried chicken. I got Rufus and Doris a box too. Well Rufus said that Doris loved gizzards so we got those for her." Tryas said. "I hope you sent them all with them." Keith laughed.

The days were starting to get shorter but luckily the day had been hot once more and the evening was not too cool. "I need to run up and turn the lights off in the barn and put the few things I bought up there. You want to ride with me ?" Tryas said, as he pushed back from the table. "You go ahead and I will clear this stuff off and then we will be ready to relax. Well play and then relax." Keith said. "Sounds good to me. Thank you for not being upset about taking Rufus today." Tryas said. "I will never be upset about that. Besides I got the hill landscaping taken care of while you were gone. Doris is going to handle that with her nephew." Keith said. "Well my love you have had a very productive day. I feel like a slacker." Tryas said. Keith walked over to pick up his plate. He reached down and ran his fingers over Tryas dick. "No baby you were just resting up for this evening." Keith said and leaned over and kissed Tryas. "I will be back in five minutes." Tryas said. "Take your time and do what you need to because when you get back you are all mine." Keith said. "Thirty minutes then." Tryas said and headed to the door naked.

Tryas returned to the house. He did not see nor hear Keith. He looked to the kitchen island. He found another note and a bottle of lube. "Meet me in the gazebo grunt." the note read. Tryas quickly went into the master bedroom and took a two minute Army shower. As he started out the backdoor he could feel his cock beginning to pulse. "Yes little buddy it looks like it is your turn." Tryas whispered. As he started across the yard he smiled as the gazebo came into sight. "My, my now what do we have here ?" Tryas said. "You like ?" Mike said. "I will let you know in a couple of hours." Tryas said as he slowly walked around Keith. In one of the closets he found a swinging chair in a box. It was one of those made of rope. This one had cloth wrapped around each rope. The seat and the back were adjustable. You could use it like a chair or you could lay the back of it back and just have your feet dangling as you swung. You could also adjust the seat area to raise your legs.

Keith lay on his back Laying across his stomach were arm, hand and foot straps. You could tell they were not made for the swinging chair but the supports for the chair were chain and they would easily clip into the chain. Keith had tried to judge the height of the swing for Tryas waist. As Tryas walked all the way around Keith he had stopped and gave Keith what would be called and upside down kiss. "And what are these ?" Tryas said as he lifted one of the straps. "They were in a bag taped to the box. It had never been opened." Keith said. "Looks like the uncles had a kinky side too." Tryas said. Tryas took one of the foot straps and walked around to the end of the swing. He bent down to put a strap on one of Keith's feet. "My God I know I will love this." Tryas said. The rope loops were wide and there was a cushion that fit in it. Keith had left the cushion out. As he sat in the chair with the back just over half way back he positioned himself for best access. Tryas looked up to see Keith's ass cheeks spread wide and the rosebud centered in one of the rope openings fully exposed.

Tryas reached up and took the other foot strap. He had both ankles strapped and began lifting Keith's legs one at a time. "Is this comfortable, baby ?" Tryas said as he clipped each strap into the chain holding Keith's legs up and spread. "Lift my left leg another link or so." Keith said. "Better ?" Tryas said. "Just right." Keith said. Tryas got on his knees and pulled the swing towards him as he licked the pink rosebud. Keith began to moan and grabbed the chains that held the top of the seat and held on. Tryas pushed his tongue inside Keith and began to move the swing instead of his head to move his tongue in and out. Keith wiggled his hips but with his legs spread wide there was not much he could do.

Tryas took the bottle of lube and began to lube his cock well. After a good ten minutes of eating dessert Tryas stood . He rubbed his hard cock up and down around the fully exposed rosebud. "I like the way the uncles think." Tryas growled. Tryas leaned over and kissed Keith. His hard cock slid up between the two and was pulsing against Keith's hard cock. Tryas licked and pulled on the breasts as he worked his way back down. " These ropes look uncomfortable, baby. Are you sure about this ?" Tryas asked. "Surprisingly it is really comfortable." Keith said. "Well I have someone that is aching to get comfortable." Tryas said.

Tryas stood and had to slightly bend his knees to reach his target. "I tried to judge the height. I can get up and we can raise it." Keith said. "Next time baby. I am quite sure this will get a lot of use. Just like that massage table. I wonder what other surprises the uncles may have left." Tryas said. Tryas pushed the swing back just a little so that he could judge the distance to make sure he would go balls deep. His eyes got wide as he slowly moved the swing back and he watched his large cock head spread the tight ass ring and make a wet sound as it disappeared inside the wide stretched ass. Tryas held the swing still once he was fully seated. He smiled and watched as Keith stretched and moaned. His eyes were glazed and seemed to roll back in his head.

Once Keith had adjusted to the large invasion Tryas began to move the swing slowly. The only part of Tryas body that was moving was his arms. Each time he pushed the swing a little further away and then slowly pulled it back. He then began to push it away slightly and release it and let Keith's body weight and the momentum of the swing push Keith's body back down on his hard dick balls deep. Tryas got the momentum up on the swing to the point he took his hands off the chains The momentum of the swing would pull Keith completely off his hard dick and then slam back down on it taking him balls deep. Tryas had to calm his building orgasm as he watched his cock come free of the stretched skin trying to hold onto his cock. A light popping sound was made every time the large head came free of the gaping hole and a wet sound as it entered back in just as easily. "Fuck baby this is so hot. I don't know how long I can last." Tryas growled.

Standing with his hands by his side letting the swing do the work was more than Tryas could take. It was too hot and the angles on his cock were too intense. Keith began to wiggle and moan. Tryas watched the bouncing cock as it began to strain. Seeing his lover splayed out under him as he swung on his cock sent him over the edge. Tryas quickly leaned forward and placed his hands on Keith's shoulders. He leaned over to kiss Keith but could only hold his mouth open over Keith's open mouth. "GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR." Tryas growled in that deep baritone voice and he tried to keep his balance as his hips bucked and he began to fill Keith. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH." Keith shouted as his ccok began to unload against Tryas belly and pubes. "Damn baby. This thing will tear that sweet pussy up. That was so fucking hot." Tryas whispered in Keith's ear as his hips twitched and his cock flexed deep inside Keith. "That was amazing. Just wait until I turn over and these boy titties, as you call them, hang under the swing." Keith whispered. "GGGrrrr." Tryas growled as he flexed his cock again and bounced the swing causing Keith body to move off partially and back on his still flexing cock..

Next: Chapter 21

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