My Inheritance

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Aug 30, 2021


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remains strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"My Inheritance" Chapter 2

Monday morning came way too soon. It was late when Kevin left his new found love. The house he inherited in the mountains. It has still not hit him that he had some money. He did not feel wealthy but he finally had two pennies to rub together. He was not willing to spend any at this point because he figured his Aunt and cousins were already finding loopholes to take what he had gotten and even try to make him pay the attorney's fees. It was a rainy Monday and as he traveled from the North side of Atlanta to Ponce de Leon to the showroom it began to rain. As he exited off of I 285 one of the wipers flew off the car. "Well it may not hurt if I go ahead and spend a little." Keith thought.

"Morning Misty." Keith said as she entered about ten minutes after him. "Morning Keith. Have you been in there yet ?" she asked. "No partner, I was waiting on you." Keith laughed. "You know you could have gone in there and looked around." Misty said. "I know I just figured that the moment of discovery should be shared. I guess we will find out if we can afford lunch or if we need to run from the debt collectors." Keith laughed. "Let's hope for the best and pray there are no surprises." Misty said.

The first order of business was to open the massive vault. Their Uncle had an old bank vault installed instead of a standard safe. "I will take one side and you take the other." Keith said. About fifteen minutes in and Misty turned to Keith. "You had better come here." Misty said. "I hope it's not a dead body." Keith said. "Not quite." Misty said. Misty had found a key and opened what looked like an old cupboard. The cupboard was filled to the brim with cash. "Fuck me." Keith whispered.

They were both startled when Gail stuck her head in the vault door. "I am guessing your Uncle did as he said he would." Gail said. " What was that ?" Misty asked. "He said that you two were getting the business and everything that belongs to it. That belongs to it." Gail said and smiled. "Should we inform the others ?" Keith asked. "Hell no. She said this belonged to the business and we inherited the business and all the assets." Misty said. "Hell, how much is in there ?" Keith said. "If he did not put any more in there since I last logged it there should be seven hundred and fifty thousand in cash." Gail said. "Fuck me." Keith whispered. "You have already said that once." Misty laughed.

Gail brought the accounts sheets to them. She first showed that the bills pay out would be just over one hundred thousand for that month but followed by the balance in that account as just over one and half million. "You said this account." Keith said. "There are four more." Gail said. "I know. Fuck me." Misty said and laughed. " Sorry honey. Not into incest." Keith laughed. The staff began to arrive and were very pleased to know that the only things that would change anytime soon were the holders of the LLC. They all got along great with both Keith and Misty. They were more afraid of Gail than of even their late Uncle.

By just after noon the two, with the help of Gail had contacted all the vendors and all the clients to assure them that it would be business as normal. They were pleased that only a couple of clients seemed to voice concerns. A second call from Gail to assure them everything would be the same and to inform them that their concerns would not get them a discount and all was well. The two went through the desk in their Uncle's office and found a few interesting things in a locked drawer. They also discussed how they wanted to expand the business. "Well I will just be damned." Misty said. "What cuz ?" Keith asked. "We had been discussing upgrading our internet sales and making it more user friendly and paying for advertising." Misty said. "Yeah we both gave our opinions." Keith said. "We thought Uncle Burton thought we were nuts. Here are all the figures on expanding inventory, paying for the site to be built and maintained and even a minimal estimate for a forty five percent increase in revenue." Misty said, handing Keith the file.

The two talked for almost another hour. They called Gail into the office. "Gail, can you get away at about two for an hour or so. I know it's late but we want to buy you lunch and pick your brain away from this madness." Misty said. "Sure as long as this is not my last meal." Gail said. "Oh far from it unless you decide it is." Keith said. "Oh and I meant to tell you if my Mother, brother or sister call wanting to speak to me you can just hang up." Misty said. " And hear your Mother scream, How dare an ethnic hang up on her ?" Gail said and laughed. "I am sorry about that." Misty said. "We are not our parents' keepers." Gail said and smiled. Gail seemed to be in her early sixties. She had gone to work for my Uncle straight out of high school. She was a very serious but also caring African American lady. Until the word ethnic was used by Gail, Keith had never really thought about her being Black. She was just Gail. Stay out of Gail's way.

Gail informed them about all the information they had gathered on the internet sales. "Your Uncle figured you would need at least five more employees." Gail said. "Can you find out who owns the warehouse next door because we will need more space." Keith said. "Easy. You do. Your Uncle owned the building we are in. The one beside it and two more down at the end of the industrial park. Well you two own them now." Gail said. Keith and Misty just turned and stared at each other. "We have a couple of things for you too." Keith said sliding an envelope across the table to Gail. Gail had tears in her eyes once she finished reading. "He left me a hundred thousand dollars." Gail said. "Well we hope that is one incentive. The other is that we have discussed it in detail and would like to offer you the job as operations manager. Keith and I want to focus on customer service, order delivery and the internet. We figured a double in salary may help." Misty said. "Who me ? I only have a highschool diploma." Gail said. "That's all I have but you have run this business for years even more so than our Uncle. No college degree could give us that." Keith said. "We will try it out." Gail said.

Two weeks later Misty and I had turned the large conference room in the back into two offices. Gail was now in our Uncle's office and we could concentrate on building the business, starting the internet sales division, and oh yes, fight off all the lawyers Nora Jean, Toby and Alana were throwing at us. That almost became a full time job. First Nora tried to have a paper from a doctor that claimed Uncle Burton was not of sound mind at the time of the will. Her claim was that because he was gay and he employed ethnics that his mind was not sound. After she explained her phrase "ethnics' ' to the judge he threw the case out and informed her that to have someone declared mentally incompetant they had to still be alive. He also scolded the attorney for even bringing that to his courtroom.

The day we launched our internet sales I was in court once again. Toby and Alana had been trying every trick they could to get ahold of financial records for the business. Our attorney had stopped them at every turn. Toby's evidence was a birthday card that he got from our Uncle when he was eight. He also produced six witnesses that were supposedly present when Uncle Burton told him that he was leaving him everything. I applaud our attorney. He asked each of the witnesses to describe our Uncle. They all pictured a short stumpy man with a receding hairline. Our Uncle was tall and slender and had a head of hair that would make some twenty year old men jealous. The last was the funniest to me and Misty. "So you were present when Mr. Lindsey promised to leave his entire estate to Tobius ?" he asked. "Yes sir." the man said. " Are you sure that is what he said ? Others have said that his heavy cajun accent was tricky to understand." the lawyer said. "It was tough at first but after a couple of drinks the accent was a lot easier to understand." the man said. The lawyer then produced a recording of our Uncle's voice. There was barely a southern accent much less a cajun one. The lawyer also produced affidavits from many of his friends stating that Burton never drank. Needless to say their case was thrown out.

It had been just over a year now and business was booming. We had just as many trucks unloading as we did loading out. Our showroom business had even increased by about thirty percent. Gail had even convinced Misty and I to start working shorter weeks. Misty hated Mondays and I hated Friday's so we each took long weekends. I was finally able to spend a little time at the property in the mountains. I had a new pickup due to Gail. I broke down on North Druid HIlls road one day on the way back from the lawyer. I had to call Gail and ask her to send someone to get me. She told the employee to take me to a dealership instead of the office and if I did not come back with a new vehicle they need not come back to work. Hince, I had a new Ford F150, crew cab four wheel drive pickup. Not very practical for Atlanta but I planned to spend more time in the mountains so it would be an asset. Plus it was four wheel drive in case it snowed.

The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the Friday I pulled up to the drive to find another pickup blocking the drive. I pulled to the side of the road and got out. As I approached the truck this very handsome young man stepped around to see who was approaching. "My , my, they have some handsome mountain men around here." I thought. "Can I help you ?" I asked. "You must be Toby." the man said and smiled. "I hope the hell not. I am Keith. I am the property owner." I said. "Oh there must be a mix up. A man named Toby ordered a survey of the property. It seems that he plans to sell off mountain lots." the young man said. "Oh he is. Are you supposed to survey out plots ?" I asked. "No sir just find and mark the boundaries," he said. "That is cool. Get it done and let Toby pay for it. If you will let me by I would appreciate you coming to the house to let me know you are done." I said. "Gladly, Keith was it ?" he said and smiled.

I would have been fuming by the time I made it to the house but I kept seeing the sexy man smile and was slightly enjoying the feeling of my cock leaking. I called the attorney and told him that I wanted him to throw everything at both Toby and Alana he could. Defimation of character, false oathes to the court and any other stupid thing he can throw at them. I did not care if it went to court but it would cost them both an ass load in legal fees. I told him once he had gotten a reply from each individual one I wanted them served with papers that I am considering using the codicil of the will take everything they own and then some. He just laughed and said he wondered when I was really going to fight back. He also said my Uncle would be proud of me. I was still calm and a bit relaxed when the doorbell rang.

"Come in. Would you like something to drink ? Sorry there is no alcohol. I have tea, lemonade and some other things I can not pronounce." I said. "Lemonade would be great if you don't mind." he said. "Have a seat." I said. I returned with the lemonade. "What about your co-worker in the truck ?" I asked. "He is on the phone with his girlfriend. It's Friday you know." he said, and laughed. "I also own the thirty acres down below in front of the house. How much would you charge me to clearly mark that also. I know about where it goes but hot sure exactly where." I said. "Thirty you say. Attached to this parcel ?" he asked. "Yes, it was purchased later than this." I said. As he shifted in the chair I could see his package move along with him. "If I can do this off the books I can do it for , lets say, five hundred." he said. "That would be great. When could you do it ?" I asked. "This was our last job and it's barely lunch. We have already done two corners so it will only take a couple of hours." he said. "If you are willing, I would be grateful if you could do it. Hold on." I said. I came back with six one hundred dollar bills. Here you go. Three for you and three for your helper. Or four for you and two for him. That is up to you." I said. "Thank You sir. I will be back in a couple of hours to let you know we are done." he said.

I went to the master bathroom and showered quickly. If it went any further I may have to improvise. After the shower I stood and looked in the mirror. I will be thirty years old in about six months. I stand about five foot eleven inches. I have dark auburn red hair and a light dusting of the same red hair on my chest. Well except around my boobs. I am not fit but not fat. I am a little on the chunky side I would say. I don't have a pot belly but my ass seems huge. My other problem was I had tits. The men in porn have rock hard pecs and some are even extended from their body. Well mine are extended alright but they are just as mushy and jiggly as my ass. I have seen many young girls and you can tell they are wearing sports bras and my thought is. "Hell I have more titties than you right now." I am also a virgin in my own mind. Yes I have had a blowjob. I have given two and I kissed a guy. That is the extent of my love life and all of that was in my senior year of highschool.

I dressed in a loose pair of shorts and a dark t-shirt to not draw attention to the titties. I never wore underwear because my three inch flaccid cock and semi low hanging balls did not present an issue but I always wore a t-shirt under polos or dress shirts so they would tame the titties. I guess they are not that bad but I have considered having liposuction on them. Hell, I can afford it now. I had just made it back to the living area when the doorbell rang again. Opening the door I saw the same sexy smile. "That was quick." I said. "It had not been long ago marked. We found the stakes and made sure they were correct and remarked them. I need to refund some money." he said. "Keep it. Would you care for more lemonade ?" I asked. "Not this time. I appreciate it but I need to get going. May I ask where you got the decorations for your house ? My wife would think she had died and went to heaven." he said. "WIFE" my mind screamed. "My cousin and I own the store that sells all this in Atlanta. Let me know if you are interested in anything and as an owner I will give you the employee discount. That is cost." I said. "Wow, thanks. You sure you don't want any money back ?" he asked. "Keep the rest under one condition. Do not tell Toby that you met me or anyone else here." I said. "Sure no problem. Have a great weekend and thanks." he said and turned and headed off the porch.

I moped all that weekend. It had been many years since I had gotten excited about any man. Yes I glanced but I was shy so I did not even dream. The dream of that sexy man sparked something in me that I had never felt. I only visited the property a couple of times over the next few months. When I would think about going I would just change my mind and concentrate on work and my legal battles with Toby and Alana. Gail was amazing at her new job and had our company running like a well oiled machine. We had decided to take a break of sorts. Misty was first to take a week off. Then it was Gail's turn. I decided to wait until my birthday weekend and then I was going to the mountains for a week.

Friday morning of my last day before my week off the secretary rang my phone. "Keith, your lawyer is on line five." she said. "Thank you." I said. "What the hell this time ?" I said as I answered the phone. "Good news I hope. Their attorneys have called and asked if we can meet in my office at three today." he said. "Gail is off today so I don't know if I can get away." I said. Misty had gotten wind of the meeting and was standing in the doorway. "He will be there." she shouted. I just shook my head no. "He will be there on time." she shouted. "Tell Misty I said thank you." he said. After hanging up the phone I looked up at Misty. "I do not want to go and face them and their lawyers." I said. "You will want to go to this one." Misty said. "How do you know ?" I asked. " I just know, not clear up and clear out. Enjoy your week in the mountains and don't forget your way back." she said.

I later learned that Alana's husband had called and asked if they needed to have the same meeting with her. She had told them no as long as they signed the same papers. I arrived at the lawyers office with a pit in my stomach because I did not want to face either of them. "Why couldn't the lawyers just handle this." I thought. Seated in the boardroom I brought my guard up when the two walked in with their lawyers. I was trying to prepare myself for all the condescending comments. "Alright fellows this is your show." my lawyer said.

"Our clients have drafted a contract. They agree to stop any and all other claims to the estate of Burton Franklin Lindsey if you agree to stop the process of the first addendum of the said will. They will relinquish all claims to moneys, properties or business listed in the will and will adhere to the last will and testament." one lawyer said. "So after all of this you want to hide and run. So this means no more claims against the estate ?" I said. "Yes it does." "What about the house and contents, no claim to that either ?" I said. "Wait what about the house nad contents ?" Toby spoke up. "Well as you know the contents were auctioned off and the house sold about four months ago. That money has been held in trust because certain parties stopped the will from being probated and closed." I said. "Wait what kind of money are we talking ?" Toby said. "The final tally after fees seems to show that all parties listed in the will to receive proceeds will receive a sum of just over three hundred and twenty thousand dollars a piece after all fees are paid. Toby looked shocked and then turned to his lawyer.

"Chill out Tobious If you agree to leave me, Misty and the business alone, I am all for fulfilling our Uncle's wishes." I said. "So this will not apply to that money then." Alana said. "Not as far as I am concerned.. You do have to get Misty and Nora Jean to sign it though. Here I will sign it now." I said reaching over and taking a pen. "Will one of you witness this for me ?" I said pushing it across the table to the other lawyers. They quickly looked it over and looked at the fees. "They seem to be in order." one said. "Give me a pen." Toby said Alana signed it next. "I heard you ended up paying the surveyor Alana. I guess your brother conned you into his plan." I said. "How did you know ?" Toby asked. "I gave the man directions. I was there when he showed up. Plus I had him survey the extra thirty acres Uncle Burton had already put in my name before he died while he was there." I said. "Thirty acres ? One hundred and twenty acres total ?" Toby said. "Yep." I said.

The papers were passed around and all were signed. I have one more order of business. These are restraining orders forbidding you to contact Mike Colvin, his properties and his business. They are duly signed by the judge. I will have your mother served at her residence." my attorney said. "Do I have to see that bitch when she signs these papers ?" I asked. "No, you will not need to be present," he said. "What about the money for the house and contents ?" Toby asked. "Once all signatures are on this paper I will file them with the courts. In seven days I can place a legal advertisement in the Atlanta Journal Constitution stating the will's probate will be finalized and anyone with any outstanding claims will need to contact my office by a certain date. Twenty four hours after the last ad runs, if there are no outside claims, I can issue the checks." my lawyer said. "Outside claims ?" Alana asked. "It ran for four weeks in the beginning. No one came forward then so I seriously doubt anyone will come forward now. It's just a legal step you have to take." my lawyer said. "Are we done here?" I asked. "As far as I am concerned we are unless you have anything else." my lawyer said. "Nothing here." they both said.

I stood and walked out of the office with a huge smile and not even a nod to my two cousins. I am headed to the mountains for a week so I need a quick stop at a liquor store and I will celebrate all week. Now it's time for me to turn this story back over to the author instead of me so that no one gets confused. Party time.

Next: Chapter 3

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