My Inches

By Dick Mann

Published on Aug 25, 2023


My Inches 8 by Steven Dryer e-mail: (comments from readers welcomed)

My Inches 8

Hi, it's me Phil. You remember, the high-school boy with the sweet, innocent face, the small, thin body, and the big, BIG, cock - my big and powerful cock that is used to taking high and mighty guys and changing them into a submissive cocksuckers. Talking about guys of that caliber. Almost 24 hours ago I took down high and mighty Mike Wilson and made him my absolute property -- I marked him as my conquest and bitch. I have fucked his ass and taken him under my control. Making this control freaked bully my throat and hole was a dream that I have had for years. Getting him to take it in just these hours at his own home is something I can't describe. Right now as I look down on the body of Will Johnson I think not only about Mike Wilson but of him as well. In less than 24 hours football stars Will Johnson and Mike Wilson have fallen down for me and I have taken them as mine. They are, very simple. I have marked them. Their ass is mine.

Under me is one of the town's star football players, Will Johnson. 40 minutes ago he came to Lane Road 24 after having gotten text message in his cell phone that Mike wanted to meet him here at his home. Mike is totally under my will (I can be funny sometimes hehe) and now I wanted Will as well to add the fun that is about to reach new heights. After I took over the life of arrogant Mike Wilson I had full access to everything at his home. Right now I am the boss at Lane Road 24, this big and dominating house that the Wilson's have and where Mike has always been the guy that rules the scene. For years my buddy, Joe Wilson, has been dominated by his older bro, Mike, and taken his orders in and out although hating it from the bottom of his heart. He does not have what it takes to make a turning point in that thing so I found the need to do it. And now Mike is totally mine, I have taken his throat and ass and there is no going back.

Many thoughts are going through my head as I look down at Will Johnson as I fuck his ass without any mercy. I am loving dominating this football stud that is now down under my control and has reached down into the league of Mike Wilson. Probably all of his life has Will wanted to follow in Mike's footsteps and taking things the same way he has. I have heard for the last years many stories of how Will has wanted Mike's respect and he has tried many things to please him. The last two years Will has built himself up as a football player and tried to reach Mike's top peak form in the sport and competed him on the top spot of the team. He has wanted to be acknowledged as a good player by Mike and wanted his admiration. Mike is the type that wants all the attention and don't want to compliment another guy, at least not someone in the type he is competing on. But now Will has reached in Mike's footsteps and got into his league. Now he has achieved that, but I don't think the way he wanted or dreamed of.

Soon Will and Mike will be teamed once more, now as pleasing me beyond words and imagination here at Lane Road 24, the home of Mike Wilson that for the last 24 hours has been turned into a place that I control all the way. They will be teamed up taking my orders and getting to know how they will be teamed up by me from now on when I want to. I have fucked the arrogance completely out of Mike Wilson and Will Johnson was taken so fast that he was swept down under my control. What a fall, what a dream come true for just about 24 hours. What kind of victory. All of this will mark me as the new boss of this neighbourhood, the guy that sets the tone and makes the orders on things. Mike Wilson is just my pussy and what I want I will tell him and he must follow my orders. I have taken over his position as the guy that has the control on things and in the next days and weeks I will take over all of his powers and make him a servant of my powers. This is a new world for a lot of people and having Mike under me changes everything bigtime.

I had many thoughts in my mind. But at this moment I smiled into the face of Will Johnson. He had fallen fast, even faster than I had thought. I knew I had swept completely the floor under his feets the second he saw my cock but the victory was easy and very good for me, but not nearly as sweet as the one that became a fact last night down in the basement. In hours I had taken over Mike Wilson's basement, his life, his ass and all of his powers. All of it was mine. I was now a force that would not be turned over. I had the king of the neighbourhood and the school principal as my objects. From now on I was the king that ruled the neighbourhood and in fact I was the one that controlled the school. My powers was so big now that both of this powerful and controlling guys was under my rule from now on. After what has happened the last days I would be the one that would set the tone on how things would be there from now on. The feeling with having Mike's basement as my territory from now on excited me. I would install my rule there very fast and in a commanding way. Mike was down and I had seen today that he had accepted it. What else could he do?

But on to Will, oh poor Will. I even felt sorry for the guy that thought he was coming over here to this fucking house getting the praise from Mike that he had wanted for years. He had been taken for a fool. The only thing he got was getting under in here at this house and this minute was it the role of my conquest, a guy three years his junior. He was so clueless when he came that he didn't even have the chance to escape. His fall came brutally soon, it was the perfect takeover. Now he had things even in a more ironic way, a cock down his throat and way up his tight ass. Talking about that thing. After having fucked Will Johnson's ass for some time I felt him stretching in a way. He was so tight, my god I loved stretching him wide open. What a takeover and what a pleasure for me. He was all the way down and now it was onto breaking him into submissive thing in my hands, just like his idol, the one and only Mike Wilson had been turned into by me the 24 hours before the time that we were both living up now here in the living room at Lane Road 24. This was a takeover with such a brutal hardness I was over the moon. I wanted this and Will was in no position stopping it.

Who would have thought that this peaceful home of the Wilson's and the most inner circle of Mike Wilson's world, his mind and soul, would have been the scene of this takeover of the star players of the football team? I was in dreamland in my joy with having Will Johnson all the way now. He wasn't going anywhere way soon. I was starting on what I had planned for him, he would be one of my bitches, a changed guy and my eternal conquest when he would leave Lane Road 24. Will was in dreamland. I didn't know what went through this star player's brain as he got pounded way up the ass by my large and excellent cock that had penetrated Mike Wilson earlier that weekend and made him my bitch. Will was following his path very fast and learning a very new meaning of the word takeover and soon I would get two sucky boys servicing me at the same time, the guys that shared the football dream and now my cock way up their ass and throats. From now on I own them and I will control much of their lives. I wanted to make it happen in Joe's room rather than the basement, either way both places will be used.

I decided to take my cock out of Will's stretched ass and layed down next to him. My cock was springing way up at full mast in this joy moment. I was about to get more fuck but I wanted another reality for both of us. I wanted to let Will fucking Johnson, the star player, feel pain with a meaning of it all the way, oh yeah way up his almighty ass that was now my property as well as his trained sporty body. I reached for his limp body and got a hold of it as I saw a reaction in the guy that hadn't still gotten to know what owertowering figure had struck him down to a conquest all the way. I was just getting started. I turned him over and put him on my chest and on top of me. Then I found his ass crack and got ready for letting him feel a whole new meaning of ass stretching. His face was on mine as I got ready to push my cock up his ass so that I could fuck him beyond words. Then it happened and my cock pushed up into his ass. Then I raised his head and used my hands holding him as he got fucked up the ass on my body. Will was somewhere between lala-dreamland and this brutal reality I was making him feel this very minute as I started again to fuck him again, this time with brutality all the way.

I pushed my cock in and out of Will Johnson's ass on record speed. This star player was rocked on and off the cock, fuck fest all the way, up and down with such a force he couldn't utter a word. He was under the impact of the pills but somewhere in this face I saw life, I saw fear and resignation of thinking. Somewhere in the beginning of this all I saw how this experience, brutality all the way, was getting on this guy that had in less than an hour been taken all the way. Finally there came some sense of life as I saw in his face a true fear and finally a stinging scream as he had the power to let his falling show through him. This was such a brutal pain he was feeling up the ass that it was beyond any words. Even under some influence of pills he found through it all to tell how his mind was feeling under it all being taken by a dude way younger than him. It was in all humiliation, defeat and takeover beyond words. I needed this to happen, I had to show Will that he had been taken on the path of slavery, sexual and mental slavery by me. Suddenly I saw Will looking me in the eye with a sense of being afraid and trying to beg me to stop this and he said weakly and very low with the last strains of power: "No!!!".

I kept on, smiling in the face of the beaten nineteen year old and the fucking became more brutal. I saw that now was the time for talking: "Damn you are a good fuck Johnson, this is excellent!!! Oh yeah, take it all the way up, I am rocking you on to a new world, I am taking you to a new life, I am taking you to a new reality. Take it... my cock owns your fucking ass all the way. Remember!! Wasn't you called cuntbreaker back in my age when you got the girl you wanted, Susie Moore, the girl that was the beauty queen of your class? Since, you have been in the position to choose what chick you want to fuck and break in under your cock. Well now I am your assbreaker boy, wooohooo power, sweet glorious power. I am the one, I am the fucking one that took you on to this world, remember asshole, that I am the owner of your life now. Remember!!!! I am taking you, soon you will be all the way down for me and getting a royal treatment in fucking as I will take your fucking ass when I want. This is something you'll get veryyy regularly from now on. Oh this is fucking great. You're a great fuck, you know that?"

Will Johnson was rocked up and down and was swinging on my cock like a ragdoll that was controlled all the way. I was feeling really great and I saw that Will was like a zombie under this brutal treatment. I had his hands in mine to keep him up, if I would let him go he would have flipped over. He was in another world but something in his eyes said me that underneath he knew what was going on. He was in no position fighting it. He was under my powers and I was way past taking him on, he was mine, simple thing at this point. Things were changed, he was taking my power over him all in some kind of e-world trance. Suddenly I noticed Will's bracelet on his wrist. On it was a football sign or something like it and in metal sticked to it the name Will. Something in me told me to grab it and take it, making it mine, like it's owner that was now being pounded way up the ass by my awesome cock. I broke of contact to Will's right hand, where the bracelet was and in one fast move took it off the wrist and I slipped onto mine. This went fast, suddenly I saw in the poor guy's face some response to losing his elegant bracelet. I saw in his face a look of resignation, defeat was written in this guy's face as I smirked up into his losing face.

Now I had this nice bracelet on my wrist. Suddenly I noticed why Will had given me this look of defeat after looking into my face after I took his bracelet. He had seen in his dozed off world that around my neck was Mike Wilson's necklace that I had taken from Mike earlier today in the shower. I was grinning into Mike's submissive face hours earlier when I grabbed his most known marking point, his neat and elegant necklace that he had gotten for a birthday present from his parents when he became 10 years old, ten years earlier. I took it with a bang, I grabbed it and grinned into his face as I was fucking his ass in the wildest and wettest fuck I have had for all my life. Having it was big thing. I wanted it, I wanted it really bad to show my absolute power that was towering around this house by then. It was a gold necklace marked with MW, his signs all over. Will must have seen it through his tortured mind and realized probably what was going on. I was into some kind of collecting mind this day and I wanted to let these guys know that from now on I was the boss, from dusk till dawn in their lives they belonged to me.

It must have been a very horrific shocking discovery for one hell of a beaten Will Johnson to see that I was wearing Mike's necklace. In a bolt of lightning he must have realized what had happened at this house, as he knew somewhere deep in his world that Mike Wilson would never have given anyone access to that marking point in his life, his pride and one of his ruling points. Suddenly he looked to his right side where the boxers I was wearing was. There he saw another shocking sight. I assume at least that Will must have clearly seen the MW mark inside the elastic band in the boxers -- which all of Mike Wilson's clothing had on. Before he came to this house I had taken one of Mike's shorts, t-shirts and boxers and put them on downstairs. I was marked well enough to show that I had taken Mike's empire over and made it completely mine. I wanted Will to realize this nice and slow. It was all planned well enough to go to that direction, which would be good for what was planned here later today. In a flash Will must have seen that what happened to Mike would clearly be very close to what he was going through.

Suddenly Will Johnson must have realized that I had lured him into a trap. It would have been me that had wanted him to come over, not Mike at all. Underneath his presence I sensed that he was seeing things through with a terrored mind as he knew that if I was the ruler now of Mike as well as him that smelled very bad news as I was now the one that controlled this house and what would be going on from now on. Fear was all over Will's face as I pounded into his ass still smiling my brightest smile. Still I felt as Will was in a zombie world but I saw by his head moving that he was doing what I had wanted him to: gathering the pieces and realizing that Mike Wilson had been as well fucked and turned over as he was. Will knew that Mike would never have accessed me into his clothes and at least never allowed me to wear his expensive silk boxers and of course the necklace, one of the holiest signs of dominance in his life. This was all a symbols of the fact that Mike's empire here at home had been taken down and he was as under my control as Will was. This was all dawning on him probably at this moment.

While this went on I started to shoot my cum up Will Johnson's ass as he was rocked up and down on my cock like a cheap hooker. The brutality of this takeover was very big. I think this was the fuck that marked me as the type Mike Wilson had been, the brutal one that did anything to let anyone have it to submit under his leadership. But my brutality was to mark even the strongest guys as my sex slaves, it was brutal beyond words and it was the way I wanted to have it. The fact I was a very good cum factory did help me in getting guys down and submit even faster. Well, I certainly had enough of cum for this big moment in my life as this well known football player in the town was marked as my bitch, just as Mike Wilson had been before. For once in his life he had gotten into Mike's world and his footsteps. But this was not the joyful thing that he was hoping for when he came over here. Instead he was turned over and made a bitch of a 16 year old guy. I felt sorry for the guy in the bottom of my head but he had to be taken. I knew that I had to get someone over here to blackmail Mike in it more. With this I would install my powers faster and having another one it would kick Mike in even more than before.

I choose Will because I knew of their history within the team. Mike hated anyone that came to near him. Will was never thinking of getting Mike's position but they were fighting within the team. Will surely must have wanted all these years to get the king title within the team that Mike had gotten. Will had probably never been invited over here so he was clueless in coming and never would have thought that mighty Mike had fallen himself flat down under the leadership of the 16 year old best friend of his younger brother. Even though he was doubting when he saw me there earlier and not Mike himself he never even thought of the possibility that Mike had fallen and been taken to sexual slavery by another guy, at least he never would have imagined that I was the guy that controlled at Lane Road 24 at that moment and had taken everything that was closest to Mike's empire. I had everything; Mike's phone, his basement, his life and many more. I was the king, very simple thing. That was the magic of it all, no one would ever think that Mike had become a bitch.

I opened my mouth to this poor guy that was now being filled with my cum and stretched beyond words: "Damn you sure were a easy catch for me Will. I never thought it would be so joyfully easy to turn you into a bitch. You belong to me now, very simple. I own you now. From now on you will do things my way. Now we start this thing you know." I finished off and let him go off my cock and put him down. I sensed he was somewhere away but aware on the scene in some way underneath. I wanted to do what had be done before more time passed. I looked down on Will Johnson. I got down and checked his ass. It was wider than before and I put my finger into his ass to let him have it and to see how well he was stretched. I found him to be wide, so that I succeeded to stretch him well for what I had planned for him from now on. Then I reached over and took my back pack and reached into it looking for my shaving gear. There it was and now was the time to shave poor Will Johnson, just like "high and mighty sport stud" Mike Wilson sooner that day. I wanted them both well shaved for what was ahead. I liked this very well.

I took my shaving foam out and smeared it on Will's crotch. He had blonde pubes, very blonde indeed, it was kind of funny to see this crotch up close. I saw that Will was a littler smaller in the cock department than the former king Wilson was and probably that was the reason that he didn't have it in him to challenge him. Well from now on they were equals in this house under my control. Mike Wilson's ruling egoism had been defeated and he was as much installed as my bitch as poor Will here, so what would be happening would be hitting him down on the same bottom level that Johnson was on now on the moment his crotch would be shaved. They would both be losing their blonde pubes, a clear and shattering sign of how their world was under my control. This fall would take them both down, but the fall was much bigger for Mike that now had no power and rule in this position. He would be a very small guy without his powers, I had seen that for the last 20 hours that had passed since I made my move against his ego and completely crashed and taken his body over for my pleasure. This would one hell of a pleasure.

I had smeared the foam well on this poor guy's crotch. I reached for the razor. I smiled down at this lifeless body that had a feeling of no life but I sensed that underneath was a life and guy thinking somewhere in his lala dreamland how he could have ended in this position. I let him have it: "Well tough guy. Ready for a little hair trimming? I think you're up for my leadership and guidance on things. What you want now is getting this -- hey get ready sucker hehe". Then I made my move and started shaving the pubic hair of one hell of a beaten Will Johnson. I saw trembling moves on the legs of the guy that showed me some resisting in this body of a guy that was somewhere lost on this horrific moment in his life. Will was now losing one of his very big things on manhood for a very big way. I think nobody can describe the feeling one guy has as he is taking as big thing of a manhood as the pubic hairs of a grown boy away from him. I had this guy that was three years my senior under my rule and I was taking this away from him. I found it enjoying because in me is of course no sign of a feeling sorry in this business. What has to be done must be done, it's simple -- you know it, right?

This was a big thing for me. Ever since I remember has Will Johnson been a very strong guy, nowhere as near an control freak as Mike Wilson but a guy that has wanted things his way. I never knew very much of him, but he knew me in a way because my younger sister knew her younger brother, Seth, that is five years younger than Will. He lives in the street next to mine. I have never gotten very close to him and saw him from time to time, mostly at school. At least he knew me when he came over here. Well, Will fucking Johnson has not been big in my life up until now. But now from this day forward that certainly has changed as he is now one of my bitches and expecting to get routined fucking plan from me from now on. What has happened here for the last 100 minutes will change Will's life dramatically from now on. Teaming the football studs together will be so fucking rad, I've wanted something like that for years and this is the day -- this is the day that installs them as my personal fuck and suck buddies and deep down Will must be pleased to see Mike fucking Wilson brought down from his high and mighty throne to be fucked in front of him.

As I am shaving Will Johnson's crotch memories from our past come up in my mind. They are few and some years back I never would have thought that he would have ended as my property and that I would be down on him be shaving his pubes, and at Lane Road 24 of all places. Well having this place as mine opens things up, don't they? Not just the asses of football shitheads Willy and Mikey. Well getting in this position is so big event that you have to take things all the way. Shaving a guys like that installs all the powers and their losing of this piece of manhood's biggest thing is a great falling, perhaps the biggest one of them all, adding to getting fucked way up their asses. Having the great ones (as they were called on the team) Wilson and Johnson as my objects that takes whatever I want them to and getting pounded on a regular bases makes things fucking pure sweet for me from now on as I will make them pay dearly for keeping their falldown a secret. They have to please me well from now on. Well now things have changed and from this weekend on my powers in this neighbourhood will be well beyond words as I will take over all the powers they have had and make them mine.

That changes now from this point. After this weekend I will take over all of their powers and they have to call me master from now on. What a fucking fate for a guys like that with a attitude. Well after today they will be like a butter in my hands in sun. Melting away, oh fucking yeah. Well, it's getting close to afternoon as I complete the task of shaving one gone down football player Will Johnson. His falldown sure is a fact and what has happened here is one of my elegant victories, one of the best and certainly not the last one. I sense Will to be somewhere still out of it now as he is now dozing in another world. Within an hour they will both be awake at some point and I will wake them both up at 18:00 at latest, as this night will be dynamic. I decide to let Will have some sleep to cover him up for the evening. I take him to the hallway next to the Wilson's rooms, the ones of Joe and his parents. Behind the door is Mike and soon I will take them to my fuckworld, a new sport for them I am 110% sure of they will both ace in completely. Sport idiots like that must ace in everything I think as I laugh my ass of looking at Will's submitted face as I head off and let them sleep off for the moment.

I went down to the basement, that now was totally mine and under my control. The thought alone made me stronger than everything and it was mind pleasing for me to know that I had achieved in what I had wanted for all these years. All that I had wanted to achieve up to this point had happened and it was on to more triumphs in this house tonight and at the rest of this weekend. I wanted to take some time alone down there for this big evening in my life as I would take Mike and Will on to their next step under my control as I would team them up to take my cock and I wanted Will to humiliate Mike of course. After it my hold of Wilson and Johnson would be dynamic. I felt victorious at this moment down there. I went around the basement and decided to use the time until 18:00 when I would wake my bitches to look around and have the time to look at my new empire that was down there, the place where the inner power of Mike Wilson was. Now all of this was mine and from now on I would use my power here very well and remind poor arrogant shithead Mike that his ass and throat were mine. I wanted a lot of sex and dominance there with Mike under my control. It would be easy to come here without Joe seeing me through the door in there and I would be here very regularly.

Now I was in Mike Wilson's bedroom. I went through his personal things, seeing what of it I wanted to take with me when I would leave and what would be worth marking also other than his well known necklace that now was on me. I looked over his cups and medals, that was enough of in the basement, I would surely like to take something of it with me. I felt fucking rad as I went over his clothes and saw once and for all how well clothed he was. He only wore the best marked clothing and had expensive clothes. It would be nice taking some of it when I would like to. I was naked down there and I felt victorious looking over all of Mike's personal stuff in my nude down there. This was so much pure and excellent great victory, and it was ironic that only three people in the world had any idea of Mike Wilson's falling that had taken place here. I had decided that I did not want Joe in on this because I wanted Mike for myself. He was my bitch and what he would be going through under my control was my thing. I was not going to share that powers with Joe or any other for that matter. This was my bitch and what would happen to him was my decision.

I knew that if Joe had something to rule over his bro's fallen life as a bully that would end up as other way, because they lived under the same roof. I saw now that I couldn't let that happen. Oh no, not by a long shot. Mike was my conquest, I owned him -- not Joe. Simple as that. What had started as something of a personal revenge for Joe had ended as my ultimate personal victory. Joe didn't deserve fucking his bro, I thought. This was my bitch and what he would get was from me and no one other. Maybe I would allow Will to mark him in some way, but what was clear now and would be made clear to anyone that tried to enter Mike's shattered mind was that this piece of hunk was my bitch. If he would get fucked by another dude that was my decision. Will was another thing. I would probably turn him over when I would have had enough of him. Maybe it would be a nice act to make him a team pussy, I don't care really. Mike was the one that I played to get in here and I succeeded with my plan. No one would ever take him over from under my rule. Mike was my joy hole and from now on I would install him as my object that I would fuck as often as I could.

I thought about many things while I was down there. I was in a position most guys in this town would pay all their money and things to be in. Mike had in his life gotten many enemies. He had bullied a number of guys and been the wild one that wanted a total submission around him. He was treated as boss and the guy that controlled everything, in this neighbourhood, at school and in the football society in this town. Now I was the one that controlled his empire, that was very simple. Being in that position excited me and I would use him well from now on to mark me as the new king around here. Having Mike Wilson under me made me the one that made the orders around here. I went through most of the stuff that was down there. I went through Mike's closet and large wooden drawer. I found many exciting things and I felt very enourmous power welling up in my veins meanwhile. I found some stuff that I clearly wanted and I took it. Very simple thing. What Mike Wilson had down there was mine now. What of it I would want I just took with me and put in my back pack. This was in a way my stuff. Mike Wilson was mine, you know! What he had was mine as well as his sporty body.

I decided to take a shower and put all of the clothes that I had worn previously down there. Along I had Mike Wilson's and Will Johnson's clothing before they got fucked. I wanted them as nude this weekend as the day they were born. From now on I wanted them stark naked when they were within my presence. My bitches most be nude, very simple. They are inferior to me and must be nude. I will take some of Mike's boxers with me upstairs and when they are not getting fucked and throated I will be in them. Nothing of what they had worn before their takeover would then be upstairs later on and I hid the clothes well down here. They must realize that they are under my control. They will not fit into Joe's clothes I think so they will learn the lesson of that I own them. I had looked over most of Mike's stuff and found something interesting and something that I didn't know that "high and mighty" Mike had. When I went through his drawer I found porno mags, including gay porno movie, and some stuff that interested me. I began to realize after looking over what he has down there that maybe he isn't as manly as he is. I wonder because I found Mary Poppins and Titanic on DVD in his DVD collection. Wilson is probably a fucking drama queen under his fucking sham bully type hehe.

I decided enough was enough and I had to get moving as the clock began to click into 18:00. A great shower was what I needed and then it would be on with the show, I'm in for a dynamic evening here full of sex and complete takeover. I got into Mike's workout room and there I found my power arise as I felt my control over all of that was down here. I entered the bathroom and I remembered in my mind what had happened here hours earlier when I fucked Mike Wilson in that big and powerful shower down there. I went deep into his ass and what happened was a wild and wet sex that both of us will never forget. I felt great in there. What has been going on here in this house for the past 24 hours is the biggest thing in my life. There is no question about it. I wanted to get a good shower while thinking about tonight. I got in and put the water on. It was great getting a great shower again today. It reminded me of the one that I took exactly 24 hours ago at school after I fucked Principal Sam Barnes. I felt the same as now, as the king of the world. The water felt great and I relived all of my power all over again.

It was a quicky shower because now was the time. I get myself a towel as I went out of the shower. I looked into the mirror as I dried off. Then I looked into the mirror and smiled. Then I said to myself: "I am the man. I have the control. I am the one that is now going upstairs claiming again what is mine. On with the show." I grinned as I talked to myself reminding me of the position I was in. I had absolute control over Mike Wilson's home, his basement and everything closest. It was time to go up there again and fuck my bitch again. I got ready to head upstairs. I took the boxers in Mike's room and went up. When I was upstairs I noticed Will still laying on the floor in the hallway to the Wilson's bedrooms. I took my keys (hey it really is MW keyset but now it's mine you remember) that I had kept in a drawer in the Wilson's living room. Now was the time to open up Joe's room and open the evening and night as well - it would be a evening full of sex and fun for me and two fallen down football stud wannabees. I went in the hallway and put the key in the lock and opened the door and opened it just enough so that it was not entirely closed and let it to that at this point.

I got down on Will. He was still out of it. But now was the time to wake him up. I decided to so exactly that by banging him once more. I got down on him and put my cock in his ass with a force. I found a big response and now I saw that he was more with me than before. I got in action and pounded that ass. After awhile of wonderful fucking I saw his eyes open. I moved up and was towering his face grinning. "Hey fucky glad that you are up. We have had so much fun for the last hours. I hope enjoy this as much as I have. This is just getting started." Finally I heard him speak: "Don't do this. What has happened? Why all of this. Why doing this to me? I'm lost. You're hurting me so bad. Don't humiliate me like that. What is going on." There was defeat in this face and a very stinging look of terror. This guy was afraid and was not realizing what had hit him straight down. Then he said the thing I waited for because I knew that somewhere in his head before he had matched what had been going on in here: "The necklace, Mike. Is Mike.... is Mike in here? Where is he?". There was a lot of fear in Will's face and he had all the questions in the world. I smiled and said to him with a very arrogant grinning look: "Mikey boy, he is here all right. I have taken that asshole to a new world, just as you...."

As I kept up fucking him I moved my leg and kicked open the door to Joe Wilson's bedroom. Just as I did that Will's face turned from looking up to my face and looked to his left to face what was inside that room. On the floor in the bedroom was Mike Wilson under a blanket. He had not woken up yet, but I saw that he was in the some position as he had been as I had left him earlier to take on Will Johnson. I have probably never seen as afraid guy as the one that was under me getting pounded way up his ass. He just stared into the room and saw Mike in there and just froze as he saw within his reach that had happened to him had also happened to Mike. They had both fallen under my leadership, a very brutal leadership for a guys that have for years been used to building a world of their own. That has collapsed now in a bolt of lightning. Poor Will just frozen uttered the words that told what he must have felt. "Oh my God!!". Then he looked back into my grinning face and realized what I had planned. He was as afraid as anyone can be as he realizes that his world is down and under another one's ruling. I just kept smiling into that face of terror.

Then I looked into the room and screamed with a force: "Wake up Sleeping Beauty, we have company for us here." Nothing happened. I kept on: "Oh come on fuck face wake up, I want you to wake up. I think you have sleeped enough for me. Wilson, rise and shine, it's time to wake up." I sensed a moving under that blanket. Suddenly I saw that Mike had woken up and he turned his head. The time had come and I stood up and took Will into the room and closed the door. Mike saw soon that Will was in the room and I heard him utter the words that must have been screaming underneath him: "Oh my god don't let this happen. Oh no this isn't happening". Mike froze and Will did as well as they looked into each other's eyes and they soon discovered what had happened to each other that weekend and things were just getting started. No words was needed for them to understand the meaning of what had happened and would happen. Will knew that Mike had fallen and Mike knew that Will was in the same downfall as himself. They were frozen. But now it was the time to let drop the bombshell to them. "Hey guys we're gonna have a great fun. Look at your crotches, I've made both of you ready for what's ahead."

I saw terror in this guys face as their hands went down where they felt their crotches. In the bolt of lightning on the same second Will Johnson and Mike Wilson screamed with all their power at this weak point in their lives as they still were under some pills effects. But this moment was so big and utterly shattering for both of them that even the strongest dose of the strongest pills in the world wouldn't have put them down or eased the pain they felt mentally feeling that they both had been shaven on the same day, by the same guy and getting the same downfall treatment. This was downfall for a guys of that caliber. They just screamed and with a sad looks as they felt what had happened. They were so shocked and utterly shattered I hadn't seen a downfall more pleasant and as crashing as this ones. Now it was my time to take control of things: "You both needed this. You are mine, I have proven my powers and taken what was mine. The shaving is a standard thing. >From now on you will be under my control, taking my orders and my way of things is the one and the right way. Get it losers? Now both of you are equals, Mike you are no king now, I have ended that for you and Will you will not gain ground on that downfall. Get it?"

They still screamed and I saw tears in Will Johnson's face as he tried to understand things in his state of mind. Mike was just staring coldly down on his crotch still trying somehow and by some shred of mind in his head to realize that his crotch had been shaved by a 16 year old guy. This was so much humiliation and downfall for him that he didn't know what to do. The only thing that poor Mike Wilson, former bully of this neighbourhood and now my nr. 1 cocksucker was: "No oh no, I can't believe it. My god. My crotch...". Then he started to cry as well. This was breaking point in his life. Will cried but now he stared on what he saw. Mike Wilson was a broken guy under my control and there was no control left in him and he knew as well as me that his days as the boss in this house had come to an end. He knew that they were both under my leadership and control. Mike was just as toasted as he was. Mike was now just a crying submissive guy. Will stared at Mike's character being shattered. He had never seen Mike so totally defenceless. Ever since he had first met him as a kid way back Mike was the guy that had the control and pushed things around and built an image of control and taking care of everything. He saw that was now a history. Mike was a crashed character and his ruling officially over.

Both guys were still coming to terms deep down of what had happened. I thought that this was enough and told loud and clear: "It's on with the show fuckers. I want to be pleased now beyond words. Come over here and take this big cock and worship it. I want to be pleased -- by you both at the same time. Take your fate and assume your duties. It's time to let things keep on going. You both know what you have to do." This was both harsh and shattering, just the way it had to be. All they could do was look in each other's faces. They just thought without words and looking at each other. No words were needed now. Probably entering both of their fuckfaces head were the thought of how they could have ended in this losing position, being taken down by Joe's skinny and nerdy best friend. The thought alone was crashing but the feeling of it was a fact was enough to make them scream. They were calmer. I saw that they weren't taking things as it is. "Come on fuckbrains on with the show. I want pleasure now. I want you to suck my cock and take it together. If that don't happens then I will send pics of you both under my cock's control out from my phone. Do you want that assholes".

They stared now at me and I saw terror, fear and submissive without words. They saw that they had to take things as they were. "Come to me fuckbrains and take this cock -- accept your fate under my control. RIGHT NOW! I want this NOW -- COME TO MEEEE!". They got this loud and clear and they got over to me. Right now I stood in Joe Wilson's bedroom. Will and Mike were on their knees at my cocklevel. They looked into each other's eyes. Mike was as white as a ghost and Will just stared at his mentor in football getting into this position. They couldn't utter a word. They told what went through their heads by just looking into each other's eyes. This was a big moment and I got the biggest hard on for years watching it. What a ground breaking moment in all of our lives. But action, oh yeah baby I wanted action. When I talked both of them looked up to my awesome crotch. I ran my hand down on the cock and worked on it. "That's right guys, my cock's hard again. This is the cock that took you both down, never forget it fuckbrains. It's been fuckin' getting hard for YEARS!! Now, WHY don't you two spare you out of mindful thinking of what has happened to your bodies and take on your roles.... pay some RESPECT... to my cock".

They were both sooooo wiped out, and Mike couldn't have it in him to get going. Will bit his lip and I laughed at Mike's face that was full of frustration. I told Will: "Now Will show Mike that you are stronger. Take the leadership into your hands. Fucking Wilson is just a fuckin' loser now. Show him who's tougher." I smiled and saw that he knew that in taking it he could get the upper hand of Mike. Take the cock Johnson. Take the lead into your hands, control freak Wilson hasn't got what it takes. Now it's your turn to show me your the one that makes things happen and show poor Mikey how things are done. I saw that Will got it in his head what he had to do -- this was his chance to hit Mike down. He took the chance and gave in as I knew that this was the right bait in this case. Will was shivering as he looked at my throbbing royal cock in all it's glory and as big as it can get. "Yeah good that you got your senses. Aw... look at those nuts, huh, Willy, you getting hungry again?" He couldn't talk, they were both breathing hard... fucking dominated by my thick cock... "Come on Johnson, down on my left nut. You, Wilson, down on my right." I knew that I had them now. There was the start of the greatest evening of them all.

Will gave in sooner and therefore took the lead, he was such a little fag, and leaned in to kiss my nutsac. He took on Mike on that same moment as Will was now the leader in this thing. Mike saw it too late and lost the control on it. This was a great moment. At this point Will was the one that was thinking and he got on it sooner and from that point on I knew that Will was the one that would control in between the two pleasing me. Mike was lost as he saw that he had lost all control now and he gave in as well, but too late. This was his loss, big loss indeed. It wasn't like anything Mike hadn't seen before... as he followed in Will's footsteps the way I had teached him before...

Then in a few seconds I heard a little sigh, and felt Mike's head next to Will's... both of their tongues out, cleaning my balls and licking it beyond words, lapping around and under it... Once in awhile their tongues touched each other and I thought I might pass right out feeling the control I had over these guys. "Aw hell YEAH, faggots, FRENCH-kiss my nuts!! GET my spermload churnin'!!!" I grabbed their hair and jerked Will up on my shaft, then grabbed Mike too, the same way. I moved their heads up and down like yo-yo's, cleaning my leaking cock, or sometimes just held them there and made them hold their tongues out, and ran the thick shaft along them.

I reached out and took their mouths more on. I moved Mike more up, to work on the head of the cock. Will was licking underneath the beautiful crown, while Mike worked over the head, then Will moved up to lick in the piss-slit a little, and Mike licked under the ridge. And then, the way their tongues were working, and their mouths were moving around, over their New Master's rock-hard meat... fallen bitches Will Johnson and Mike Wilson ended up in the position of them all as they ended up sharing their very first kiss... over the head of my cock!! I liked this turn of events, although not planned but a big one as I got them in a position that would soften them on more. I knew this could happen and wanted it. It wasn't like I guess they meant it to happen, but they were both on the crown of my cock... and their tongues kind of slid around, into each others mouths... with my cock between them.

On this groundbreaking moments with stunned Will and Mike staring into each other faces ending the kiss I took the moment and got them ice cold down from the last of their free minds: "Wow that one was one hell of a french kiss... is this teached in football classes? What a kiss for a high and mighty guys, is this something you're used to hehehehe? That hit them down completely. I want you to duel on my cock for the leadership. The one that wins it will get to fuck the loser and take him on here in this room and lead him in taking my cock. Up for it losers? If either of you don't dare then the one with the power has the other one, you know!!!!"

I was pleased beyond words and poor guys looked first into their eyes and then up to me as I made it clear that one of them would get pounded in here by the other one. This would be the duel of them all. I looked forward to it. This will be a dynamic evening.... for me and my bitches. be continued

If you have comments, opinions on storyline and ideas and views on this whole thing please send me them in a e-mail at

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