My Inches

By Dick Mann

Published on Jun 2, 2023


My inches 6 by Steven Dryer e-mail: (comments from readers welcomed)

My Inches 6

Hi, it's me Phil. You remember, the high-school boy with the sweet, innocent face, the small, thin body, and the big, BIG, cock. The powerful cock that is my weapon to conquer high and mighty guys and making them my property. Talking about a property. Over an hour ago I started my mission to take on the high and mighty football god Mike Wilson -- the guy I always wanted to take on but thought that I could never get to control. Well that has certainly changed alright. I came to Lane Road 24, the Wilson home, earlier tonight and put on my act for that arrogant asshole Mike. After he saw my cock he fell down and became my property. In just over 60 minutes I have started my mission to make Mike Wilson my sex slave. Right now I am looking into the frightened face of Mike as I am feeding him a good teenage cum. It sure is pleasant watching this bully of the neighbourhood being taken down. And it sure is me that is taking Mike Wilson down right here and making him a cum bucket. It sure was time to make this happen and now things are just getting going.

I am going through one of happiest moments in my life as I am taking Mike Wilson on and making him my sex slave. He is gagging wildly and looking very bad. I am smiling in his face. "Well Wilson your days as the egocentric domineering guy of this house has ended. I am taking you. Get prepared for your new life as my sucky boy. You have always been arrogant and bossy guy that has been treated like a god but now I am about to take your life and make you a bottom guy in my life." I reach for my back pack and take out my cell phone. I pick it and take a phone pictures of Mike Wilson on my cock at this moment -- not exactly the brightest moment of his life. His eyes loses the last part of any control they have as I picture him drinking cum. "Well Wilson now you have been taken pretty good. Now I have photos of you in this position and I have sent eight pictures to my personal photo web. They are kept there and I can use them as I like from now on. So you can forget that you can save yourself from this position."

I smile into the face of Mike Wilson. His face has no control. He is scared and his days as a control freak have reached an end. I went over the edge and shot the last load and had my satisfaction reach the high point: "Take it Wilson. Take my cock. You have been throated -- your throat is good and slick. Got to nut again. I like this new arrangement. This is just getting started." I filled him up and reached the point that his face was feeling the enourmous point of no breath and losing grip. I took my dick out of his mouth to let him breath. His whole facial appearance was poor and he had lost any control he might have had. He gained a little ground as I put my cock back into his mouth and arranged his head to fit as I put my feets up on his shoulders. I took his head in foot scissors and looked into the terrored face of football god Mike Wilson. "Aren't you thirsty Mike? I think you are. It must be after a meal of that caliber and size. I think you have earned to get a drink. It's pretty obvious that you need a drink."

I smiled into the face of Mike Wilson as I peed in his mouth. His eyes got a sense of new life as I urinated in the mouth of the football stud. He hadn't expected getting this kind of treatment. In his wildest dreams or should I say nightmares he did never thought that he would be ending up drinking another guys pee in his life. But that got to be his assignment on this friday evening in the living room of his own home. His face was full of fear and without any control as I let go and filled his mouth of a hot and dominating stream of my piss. I let him have it straight down his mouth and told into his face while being serviced: "Take this down your throat. It sure is time to get you down and take my orders and getting to know how I will control you from now on. All my life you have been the strong one and the one that everyone fears of. Now you have reached a new point and this weekend will be an interesting way of letting you know that there is a life out there that you can't control." I finished of and completed to fill him up. His face had an expression of no kind of live and he was lost on this moment of defeat.

I must tell you significant thing about Lane Road 24. It is a large house and very well built. The basement of the house is the most inner circle of the world of Mike Wilson. In there is his large bedroom and powerful workout room. Only twice in all the years I have known the Wilson's have I went into the basement and looked at the fort of Mike Wilson. Both times I peeked there when I was there on visit to Joe and when Mike was not around. But now things had changed and I was about to make the world of Mike Wilson down in the basement my world. His fort was about to become my fort of course and the scene of the takeover of Mike Wilson had of course to be at the basement. No place was more fitting and now was the time to put into action the takeover of the basement and this weekend would be end up in the way that what Mike Wilson had achieved and controlled was about to become mine. Mike Wilson had been taken in that sense and his world in the basement at Lane Road 24 was getting in another direction. Things had changed and of course nothing would be the same for this former arrogant shithead.

I spinned Mike over and flipped him down on the floor. I took his face in my direction and talked to him: "Well now you have reached another point in your life -- your new level in our relationship. You have to service me well Mikey. From now on when we will meet I will take you and shove my cock up your ass or make you blow me. When I will come to visits at this house I will make you service me. Won't that be nice to let you blow me in the basement the same minute as Joe is here waiting for me. Then on we can have quality time down in the basement until I will meet your brother. I think that will be very good filling you up the way I like before I come to Joe. Then maybe I can get things going the way they fit. I will like fucking you down there and then come up to meet Joe. From this moment on you will service me in the way I will like. The pictures of you blowing me will be between you and me for as long as I like but if you don't take things my way I will publish them in the way I think best and to those that you will not like looking at them."

Mike Wilson was getting to know that everything in his life had changed and his life depended on me now. I was the ruler of his life from now on and could destroy him by just letting that pictures go out to those I mentioned. He just stared in my face still realizing that he had lost any control he might ever had. I kept on: "I decided earlier today to try to take you on. I saw my opportunity open up just like that when I heard of the trip to Texas. I am not dumb -- what happened before was a way to make you mine. Now you have to take what I decide. That shit I did before was all an act to get you down. But now I have pics of you sucking a guy. What would happen to you if they ever got out Wilson? The persons to get them if that happened will be the juniors on your football team, your brother Joe, your enemies at school that you bullied and live in this neighbourhood and last but certainly not least I would send them to your competitor on the team, Will Johnson. He is a year younger than you and fighting to take your position. Wouldn't you like to end up as the pussy of Johnson or maybe the young guy that is coming up to the quality field, Ross Anderson?"

Mike was lost at the moment. He just stared at my face. I had him pinned down to the floor of the living room in his house. I kept on teasing him: "What would seventeen year old young jock Anderson think about you if he had the photos of you, three years his senior, and the guy that has bullied him inside team, licking a cock and obviously drinking young teenage cum? Do you think that he would keep them to just himself Wilson? No he would take you on and over throw you from your throne just like that. You would end up as the pussy of the team. Everyone on that team fears you but if you slip you will end up as the bitch of them all. You would end up being multi-fucked in the locker room and would be taken over. Your career as a dominant figure within the team would end and your middle name would be Team Pussy -- ahahahahahaha what a future for you man. They would all be glad to fill you up. I know for sure that you have enough of enemies that want to get a hold of you and make you the underdog. You have no real friends in that team. Everyone take your orders because you have built a king image within the team."

I saw that he was seeing very well that his choices was not pleasant. He had fallen and I was the one that had taken him over. The options for him were not enjoyable. He saw just like that in a flash that he would end up as Team Pussy of the whole football team if they got the pictures. Everyone feared him -- if those pics went out he would be the entertainment fill up of all the guys. Being Ross Anderson's pussy was not enjoyable thing to look to. Anderson was a rising star and he knew that if he took him he would be finished. Anderson would fuck him raw if this went out and take over as the king of the team. This photos would destroy. I saw what Wilson was thinking these seconds. He had no choice. Being a Team Pussy was not a option for him. He knew that he now was the property of Phil Howard. Wilson did not know what was in the package for him as he would assume his title as my property. He knew that out of all the bad options facing him servicing the ten inches that broke him yonight would be the best and the least destroying for him. Wilson saw that in a flash that being my underdog was best of all bad choices.

I liked this scene. I had this football god by the balls now. The time was running on this friday night and I wanted to take this guy and make his ass mine once and for all. "Mike get up here and lick my cock -- if you don't get busy licking very soon I will send the first pic right now via mobile message to Ross. I have got all the numbers in my phone. I got all the numbers this afternoon from Joe. He was very helpful getting for me the phone book list of your team. I told him I was working on an assignment of football and he got it for me from Ross himself at school. So you really have no position. Your days as a arrogant dominant asshole are over. Come up here and take this cock and lick my crown for me. I want to have that tongue working very well." Mike just stared and tried to get to terms about things as I took control of him mentally. He acted quick as I grabbed for my phone and got the tongue working as he got up and took my cock back in his mouth. "Yeah that's more like it Twerp. I like you in this position -- taking my cock assuming your position as my cock sucker. We will have so much connection from now on after I have taken you fully on".

But now I wanted action. I got up and took hold of Wilson. Now it was time to take his clothes and find his keys and his mobile phone. I wanted to take both things and make sure that after I got him down he would be closed off. I wanted to have him there all the weekend. I was about to make his ass my joy hole this weekend. He sure would be fucked up after that weekend. I found both things and put them in my back pack. I got harder when I finally got hold of Mike's key set with his MW written in gold on it. To reach a hold of his keys was a very big victory. I got Wilson's arm and got grip of that football stud as I put my back pack on my back. Then I started to drag Mike Wilson down from the living room floor and onto the door to the basement that was next to the kitchen entrance. It was not long way from the living room. He saw what was going to happen and nothing good was ahead and tried to get off me on the way as he knew that his way was onto the basement and I had got his keys. I had him now but the main mission was to close him down there. After that I would get to break him totally in.

Mike got very scared and lost it. He screamed: "I'm not letting you take me this way. No way am I getting this kind of treatment. I am an important guy and deserve more respect. You can't be serious about this Phil. Let me go and let's keep this a secret. Please let me keep my dignity. I want my keys back and maybe we can forget this and order some pizza and have fun and talk men to men. I'm sorry for being hard on you and can understand your anger". I laughed out loud when big Mike Wilson tried to save himself from getting fucked bigtime and trying to get some kind of control in this situation. "Your not going to get yourself out of this so easily Mike. I want to take you over and make you mine completely. We can order pizza alright but that is not going to happen tonight. The only thing you will eat tonight will be my cum and I will make you take it both in your ass and mouth in large doses. After I've taken over your basement and get you to handle your new life as my sex slave we can have fun in many ways. It sure will be nice going to your basement from now on whenever I like and take you with Joe upstairs not knowing I'm here".

He just froze as I talked down to him. He panicked and tried to get out of this situation knowing that I was about to break him in. He tried to broke loose and get off my grip: "Oh no asshole you are not going anywhere. You are about to go down in the basement. You will not decide anything more on this. You are mine Mike." I held him tight as I reached the stairs down. Ahead was a pleasurable time down in his fort. I took the keys and locked the door up to the main floor with Mike Wilson under me fighting and trying to get loose in his panicked state of mind. Mike was fighting very hard and was trying to take me over in his fight for the rest of his dignity. He knew that if I got him down the stairs he would be taken and very hard I might add. He lost the fight to take over the keys and get loose and he got scared as the door closed and the dark took over. There was just the light in his room downstairs and some shed of it got up the staircase. He fumbled on the situation and I carried him down fast and got down very quick with him lost in his state of mind as he knew that the fight was about to be totally lost. He didn't know where I had the keys and was lost as I got him down there.

I got over him and sat down on his stomach with my dick pointing straight in full glory at almost eleven inches (he stared at it like the cock lover as he is) and said to him. "Well Wilson you're down now. You sure tried to get away. I hid the keys where you can't find them now. You can choose to take it the good way or the hard way. I reached for his balls and took them in my hand and made clear to him who was the boss now. There is an old saying that when you get someone by their balls you get that person's attention. Whether it is a small boy or a high and mighty guy does not matter at all. I certainly got all the attention in the mind and soul of Mike Wilson when I took his balls and he just stared at me screaming and was really scared at this moment of the beginning of his takedown. He felt all the pain in the world probably as his balls could tell him at the moment. "Don't hurt me. I deserve better than this. Please just let me go and we'll try to get this good. Ooooh don't do this. It hurts bigtime. Don't you do this or else..." I responded as cold as I could be: "Or else what asshole, who's gonna save you now? We are two here and will be the whole weekend. You're defenceless -- face it please shithead".

He was lost as he knew that nothing could save him from losing his cherry this evening at his own basement -- his fort in the world. I kept on making this moment mine: "I've wanted to come down to this basement for years now and get your attention and wanted to have you as a friend just like Joe. You always hated me being his friend and always talked to me like a fool and made little of me. It hurt and I haven't forgotten it one bit. In the recent months the anger at you have risen in new direction. I've wanted to take you down in some ways. Past weeks I've wanted to make you take my orders and get to be afraid of me. I've wanted to dominate you bigtime -- get to show you how it is being an underdog. It sure is about time now. Now I want to make you mine -- get to be taken all the way on my cock and take it in all the ways I can imagine for you. The time has come for you to take on your new role in our relationship. From now on I have keys to this basement. You can expect to see me a lot from now on and can be sure that I will want to get you to service me well regularly. I think it's about time now that our relationship improves and I get my space in your basement.

I shoved my cock down his throat in one movement and without any mercy. He was scared and gagged like hell on this moment in his basement. His takeover was ahead and I wanted him to show who was in control now. "Take it you pig and accept your role now. I want to have you and you can't change it. Now we will go into your exercise room and do things my way." I took my cock out of his mouth and stood up, then took hold of him and dragged him into his exercise room. It sure was nice being here with high and mighty Mike Wilson scared as hell on the floor about to be taken. But first I wanted something else to happen: "Well here is a measurement tape. I want to measure the length of your cock. I can see that you are a little hard. I want to get your cock numbers Wilson and compare us. It's a good step now into the night that is now ahead -- the start of a new day and new beginning in your life." I took it in my hands -- it was on a table in his exercise room. "Do you measure your abs with this asshole? Well guess what now it will measure your cock for me. I want to see how big your weiner is. It sure will be good to have this thing measured once and for all -- don't you think so Mike? ahahahaha"

I took his cock in my hand as he was laying on the floor like a rag getting grip after being throated with a force -- he sure was afraid and knew that the numbers would not help him in this situation. He had seen in the living room hours earlier that he was way smaller than me -- after all he had fallen in the first place for my large cock and taken it down his throat already a couple of times. "Let's see how much smaller than me you are Wilson" I got busy measuring. The numbers were clear after few seconds. I had Mike Wilson's cock in my hand and teached that asshole that he had lost all control over it. His cock did not reach seven inches. He was almost there but did not go over the top of seven. I knew now that I was at least four inches larger than this asshole and was about to let him know and of course admit it to me loud and clear that he was the small guy in the cock department in the Wilson home this evening and would be from now on and would respect my cock in every way from now on. "Well you are almost seven and I am at eleven. You are four inches smaller Mike. How can you handle that tough guy? ahaha".

The look on the face of high and mighty Mike Wilson said it all. He was afraid as hell as I had hold of his cock and twisted it on the moment of the numbers being read up. He screamed at that moment: "Don't hurt my cock. Ooooww it hurts wicked bad. Please Phil don't do this to me -- I'm not used to such a treatment. I want to hold my dignity." He started to cry on this moment. I decided to push this former high and mighty brother of my best friend and started to take him on in his fancy exercise room. "Admit how much smaller you are than me. I want you to take it like a man how small you are and tell me how we are measured. Do it now bitch. I want you to do this quickly. If you don't do this quick I will take your crotch and get to my back pack for my shaving gear and shave off all your pubic hair before I fuck you tonight. It will be rad shaving you football god -- will be good for your team's shower sessions." He fell crying: "OK I give Phil -- you are four inches bigger than me. I admit that you are much more hung than I am. You are much more of a man than I am. Please don't shave me Phil.". He cried -- I smiled. He was mine -- now it was his ass that was left.

I bent him down and took his legs on my shoulder fast and furiously on this Friday night in his exercise room in the basement at Lane Road 24. His cherry was about to be taken by the skinny and well hung Phil Howard. I shouted with grin on my face: "Accept your fate Wilson -- you are about to be taken in the best way possible. Get ready -- cause here I come inside you." No lube was needed for this victorious moment in my life as I took Mike Wilson and made him mine. I wanted him screaming and anguish at the time of his falldown. It was 23:05 on a Friday evening at Lane Road 24 when I took Mike Wilson on a journey to being Phil Howard's sex slave. In four hours I've played with him -- from taking his mighty ego and crashing it completely to this big moment in my life and his as well. It was a new beginning for both of us. It was a beginning of a endless sex and fun for me for 48 hours in this house and forever more. But now in his basement late Friday evening came the real beginning. I shoved my large cock with all the power I had inside Mike Wilson's ass. His face went red when the brute force hit up the ass of this former arrogant controller of many lifes. His days as a bully had ended.

Mike Wilson screamed and cried at the moment I took his cherry. Eleven inch of cock stretched him wide. There was no arrogance left in the body of Mike Wilson at this moment. From now on he was mine. He knew it and I sure as hell knew it and was about to take advantage of this football stud's body all weekend long. I was determined to take him so fast that the rest of the weekend would just be a pleasure. When I had broken him in he would want me to take him this hard. But that needed at least few hours and I wasn't going to stop until he had been taken all the way. But now he just screamed -- no control was left in his body. Now he was totally under my control. He was very afraid at this moment - his face was full of terror and he pleaded as best as he could: "Phil please don't do this to me. I am begging you to stop. I will do everything for you if you stop now please. I can't handle this -- you're hurting me. Can't you hear me Phil. I'm sorry for calling you twerp and skinny all the years and how I've behaved to you. Please forgive me and stop this. Phil, ppppleeasse." I grinned to his face on this moment as he pleaded. I loved hearing Mike Wilson pleading me to stop fucking him.

Mike kept on pleading as I continued fucking him fast and furious: "Phil if you stop I will try to get you another guy on my team and you can have him. Phil please stop -- plllleeeeasse I beg you all the way. It hurts, hurts real bad..... please let me have my dignity. I can't handle being a bottom. Pppppleeaasse....." High and mighty Mike Wilson was crying as I went in and out of his ass on record speed. I decided to speed it up more into Wilson's ass -- he quickly lost the weak bossy tempo left in his voice and broke down as his voice got more weaker in the attempt to get out of this situation. He pleaded all the way with all the promises in the world for me as I went faster deep inside his ass. He even promised me that he would suck me whenever I wanted but keep his ass away -- he even promised to suck my cock in the school men's room if I wanted to (that was a good idea which I was determined to make him do soooon oh yeah baby ). My large cock got extra hard "Oh come on and take it Twerp. I don't want anyone else now. I want you. I've wanted you for years. Now I've got you completely and I will let you have it this way all weekend. That's for sure."

I kept on taking Wilson on this victorious moment for me: "Maybe I will want another one of your team to take my cock but if that happens I would want you two together in this basement servicing me. Then you could lick my ass and I would fuck him like I am doing to you right now. It sure would be nice taking either Ross Anderson or Will Johnson and making them mine and then make the one you like better fuck your ass wildly as I would meanwhile let you suck me off. Fucking rad Wilson. I would sure like another sex slave in your team adding to you of course. What a fun that would be -- sure would be cooool -- thanks for the tip Wilson ahahahaha". Mike froze and just couldn't utter another word at the moment. He knew he was fucked and I sure as hell knew it as I pumped in him mercilessly. Mike Wilson's ass was very stiff and hard to take wildly just like the one of Principal Sam Barnes. But as the minutes went by it would improve. After this weekend this bitch will be real wide and with practice he would take it as well as Barnes did after our fuck today. But Wilson would get all the time in the world to take it because I would be at Lane Road 24 until at least sunday evening.

I looked into the face of Mike Wilson. He was lost on this moment of losing his cherry and looking pale as white staring up as he tried in some way to handle the fact that his brother's best friend, skinny Phil Howard, had taken him over and fucked his ass. That was a situation he knew he couldn't flip over. He was my property -- both of us knew that when a guy has taken a load he is a property. That was the same in Mike Wilson's case as any others. I wasn't letting him go away -- not now, never really. He had stopped trying to get out of this situation and was accepting things. He knew now that this fight was totally lost and that he couldn't do anything to get out of this -- and I sure as hell knew it too. Now I had taken Mike Wilson on and he was mine in all the sense he could. Ahead was now the very final stages of taking things on course to letting him enjoy it and craving for this to happen. That was just around the corner. When I had achieved that we would have fun. I knew that sooner, rather than later, that would happen. I sure looked forward to it. Having Mike Wilson pleading me to fuck him and sucking me without being forced to was about to become reality and I got extra hard thinking about it.

I had taken this arrogant sport stud and now I was about to fill him with my fresh teenage cum up his bowels. He was just staring like a zombie and we both knew what was ahead. "Wilson soon I am going to fill you up. I think you need a large load up your ass. Damn, you sure are a stiff ass man, well we have enough time to stretch you wide. I will take you upon your offer on sucking me in the school man's room. Sure would be nice getting to fuck you in the school. Enough possibilities Mike for you in the coming hours, days, weeks and months. We will enjoy ourselves from now on. When I have fucked you well into the night I will teach how to take this kind of a large cock up your mouth and ass and have fun while doing it. Then we will head into your bedroom and get comfortable and you can suck my cock for as long as you want. I have always wanted to sleep in your large bed and take you while I was there. This is the night and we will have fun. When you have gotten the hang of how to take a cock of this size I will let you get close to my ass -- I like boys like you to lick my ass to end this kind of performance with. You're perfect for the role". I laughed into his face talking to him.

My cum broke loose and now Mike Wilson got busy taking it into his stiff arrogant ass. I howled like a cat when he got busy taking me and got an extra power on this moment I took his cherry. Mike opened his mouth on this moment and screamed: "NNNNNNNNNNNoooooooo!!!!!!!" He cried and had absolutely no dignity left on the moment of his first defeat. I was glad that I was the one that took Mike Wilson down and made him take it. My cock was extra hard and long on this very important victory in my life. Taking Principal Sam Barnes was a major win for me but watching Mike Wilson's face while I took him was the biggest win in my life. I never thought I could have the force to own him but now it had happened. In the nine years I've known him I thought that no one could have enough strength to end Mike Wilson's arrogance and egocentric character. He had always been the superior guy in this neighbourhood and been carried around by everyone around him. No one dared to challenge him and take him on -- he was so macho and controlling character. But I had tonight ended his arrogance. I was proud of myself as I looked down into the terrored face of one hell of a beaten Mike Wilson -- crying like a girl getting filled up with my cum.

I'm sure a lot of guys in this town would like to be me at this moment. Mike Wilson was just staring into the wall of his fancy exercise room and couldn't do anything now. His face was filled with cum stains and tears. His days as the boss of the neighbourhood had ended -- nothing would ever be the same. Now he was the bitch of sixteen year old Phil Howard -- had been taken by him in the way that neither of us could ever forget. From now on he would be my entertainment -- both of us knew that this a beginning for him. He would never forget that one skinny Phil Howard made him do this. I had won over the sport stud of the town and owned him. I just went over it in my mind as I towered Mike Wilson in his exercise room -- pumping in and out of his ass with a force. His ass was stretching by my dick. I just couldn't think of the situation in this case enough. This victory would open up many exciting future victories. When Wilson would fully be taken over he would be my personal sex slave and be fucked whenever I wanted to. Getting him to take it upstairs at Joe's room would be the next challenge. I was victorious this moment and the beast in me had taken over at this moment. Who can blame me? 

Wilson's ass was mine - he had been taken in the way he never thought possible. And it was me that took him down from his throne. I was the new king in the neighbourhood in the heart and soul of Wilson -- I bet I am. He will never forget this kind of sex. The best of it was that this was just a fuck number one for him. We had all the saturday and sunday to get on with it -- because we had the house to ourselves until monday. Mike knew that now he was a goner. He took the cum. I noticed that he wasn't fighting anymore. He just took it and was like a zombie. I saw that I was breaking him in sooner. The brute force had been so much and my verbal takeover on him had been that powerful that he had almost given up. I wanted to take this scene on a new level. I took my cock out of his ass and bent down on my knees in front of him. "That was excellent Twerp -- it was a beauuuuuutiful beginning. Now I want you up and licking my cock for me. This is the cock that took you down. Never forget it Mike." He stared. Then he gave in to the inches. He came up and licked the cock and took extra good care of my crown. I loved this scene. On midnight a new day had started and a new life had developed in Mike Wilson's sex life.

I was so excited on this biggest victory of my life that I shot my load sooner than I wanted. I filled Wilson's mouth. He took my cum beautifully. Now I wanted to complete this takeover. Just like I had done to Barnes hours earlier I spinned around and sat on the face of Mike Wilson. I had his mouth on my ass crack and decided to turn high and mighty Mike Wilson into an asslicker -- what a fate for this asshole I thought to myself grinning in this fort of his on this victorious moment: "Well Wilson I want some real good tongue work now. Lick my ass for me. I want some real nice work from you. I have heard that you are the best tongue kisser in the town. Now I want you to tongue my ass and be nice to it. You sure have all night to do this again if you want. We have the whole weekend to do this as often as I like it to happen Twerp." I laughed histerically on this beautiful moment in my life. I felt Mike Wilson's myth as a powerful football god and egocentric asshole fall down completely as I was on his face and waiting for him to lick my ass. This was probably the complete destruction job for him -- the last thing on earth he thought he would ever do. I have taken his life and completely destroyed his character.

Mike Wilson gave in to my wishes in the early hours of this best saturday of my life as he got busy licking my ass. I was still coming to terms with this victory. I just enjoyed this and felt a new feeling awaken inside me as Mike licked my ass scared of what would be next. I had broken in Mike Wilson and now there was no way going back for us. Now he was my personal sex slave and would do anything as degrading as possible I would want him to do. I had now the full power of his basement at this moment and had taken full control of his life. The Mike Wilson that I have known for nine years has gone and will never ever come back. I took him on to be mine in every sense of the word. In nine years Mike Wilson has been in my opinion a football god and arrogant asshole that has no respect for anything around him -- he has just been bossy type that everyone hate but most of us cannot take on. Well I have a weapon to take this kind of assholes down. Now has high and mighty Mike Wilson been added into my collection of sex slaves and sucky boys. Now he was just my fuck toy. I have in a bolt of lightning won the victory I thought impossible until today. From now on I will fuck this asshole when I want to.

I liked this licking. But enough for that later. I stood up and looked down on the rest of Mike Wilson. He was scared and feared me. He was still licking his lips and that was my ass juice that he was having a feast on. "Did you like my ass Mike? You better. You will get more later this night in your bedroom." I sat down on his exercise board he used to run on in this fancy room. I had gotten a great idea and was about to make it a reality. "Mike come up to me on this exercise board. I want to fuck you on your board. Come sit on my cock." He stared but was to afraid to say no. I got in the gear as I took Mike Wilson up and he sat on my cock. He screamed when he received the cock up his ass full speed: "What a victory Wilson -- now I will fuck your lights out on your board here. Get reeeeaaaady! I pumped with all the force I had into the ass of Mike Wilson on this victorious moment. He was being fucked with a speed on his running board. I had him where I wanted and just had him sitting on my large cock being stretched in two parts literally. He just rocked by my movement as I fucked him bigtime. I was over the moon with things.

Then it came what I had waited for all evening. Mike opened his mouth in his sexual ecstacy on the moment being fucked and took it the way every sensible person in sexual lust would do: "aaaawwww what a feeling oh yeah I ummmmmhhhh ohhhhhhh yeeeeesssss" He had been taken and now I had gotten another conquest that wanted to be taken. I had won over Mike Wilson formally and now things would be pure joy: "I'm glad you like it Mike -- this is a start of our sexual relationship. From now on we will do this very regularly. Prove to me that you are mine this very minute and want to be taken like this and in any other way possible." I heard hesitation in the voice of sexually aroused Mike Wilson and then it came: "Oh yeah I like it -- I never thought I could but I have felt a spot go soft I never have thought possible." I was glad but I wanted more and took his face and twisted his face sideways: "I'm glad but the real question is: who's bitch are you Wilson? I want you to admit that you are mine completely." It came almost instantly: "I'm yours Phil. I want more of this." I smiled my vicious smile on this moment of taking Mike Wilson to sexual joy. I had gotten myself a new hole to control.

I had taken the high and mighty Mike Wilson and now it was onto his bedroom. I wanted to take his bedroom and make it mine. I stood up and reached under Mike's arms and took him to his bedroom. Now was the formal end of this takeover. I wanted to take him in this bedroom. It was the final mental victory I needed. I put Wilson on the floor and pinned him down and in an instant I put my cock up his well fucked ass. I had reached all I wanted to do and Wilson was melting in my hands. I had gotten a new sex slave and I was about to take him as I pleased the rest of the weekend. I fucked Wilson on the floor of his large bedroom for minutes. He took it and I knew that he was mine completely. I could do whatever I wanted to him. As I filled his ass I looked into his face. A new Mike Wilson was on the scene. The old one disappeared as he saw my inches. He fell for them and since I have taken him on a journey he thought impossible. Now it was just a joy ahead. I got up on his bed and he followed. "Mike lick my cock -- take the inches and respect them." He did what he was told and licked the cock for many minutes.

As we went to sleep after a rocking day in the life of Mike Wilson I felt his tongue reach under the crown and lick it very well. He was in love with cock that conquered him. I had gotten myself a new sex slave -- I had taken the football god of the town and bent him down on my cock. A pleasure was ahead as Mike Wilson fell asleep on my cock in the early morning of the saturday that would formally crown him as my property. I wanted to fuck him in Joe's bedroom and make him take things he never would have thought about until this moment I had taken him and made him mine. I had taken this high and mighty guy at Lane Road 24 -- the guy I thought I never could take -- the brother of my best friend and football god and taken him over. Pleasure was ahead in every sense of the word as the biggest day of my life reached an end.

What a day - ahead was a weekend full of endless sex with Mike Wilson. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. ;) be continued

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