My Inches

By Dick Mann

Published on May 9, 2023


My inches 5

by Steven Dryer Email: (comments from readers welcomed)

My Inches 5

Hi, it's me Phil. You remember, the high-school boy with the sweet, innocent face, the small, thin, body, and the big, BIG, cock. The powerful cock that my principal Sam Barnes fell for. Talking about principal Barnes. I have just had a delicious day with him in his office. In just about 90 minutes he has made me so glad and has assumed his place as my cock sucker and sex slave. I have throated him and fucked his ass. The top session of it all was with no doubt when he licked my sweaty ass. Then he succumbed to me and gave me the access code on the school computer system key. I am hard thinking about the past 90 minutes. This very minute I am sitting in the fancy leather principal chair stark naked and have my enourmous dick deep in Barnes mouth. He didn't want to be throated so he gave me the system key and thought that licking my dick afterwards would save him. What a jerk to believe this shit. So now I am throating Barnes and I am now feeding him loads of fresh young teenage cum. Already they are two and Barnes is very busy taking it.

The look on Barnes face said it all. He was afraid of me and had come to realize that he was a bottom bitch to sixteen year old Phil Howard. After all -- who can handle things when they have ended in that kind of situation? Not even that fucking egocentric principal could and the others I wanted to take on could not handle things like that I thought. The very minute I shoved my large dick up Barnes ass I knew I was on the verge of taking all the guys I wanted to take on. Fucking Barnes was on the top of my sex slave list and to get to him I used that jerk Jones and bingo it was fucking piece of cake. I have achieved everything I wanted to when I decided to break in Barnes. From now on it would be just a pleasure. I knew it. And boy I sure as hell was over the moon this very minute at Friday afternoon in the principal's office. Barnes was on his knees and was this very minute throated bigtime. His mouth was stretched wide and he was taking it in very fast but he couldn't drink everything. We both knew it now that there was no way going back from this situation.

The very minute I fed Barnes the third load he knew he could not get the upper hand on this thing. He had been taken and would from now on have to take things on my terms. I saw it in his eyes that he was liking this more and more. Those that have been through this kind of brutal treatment know that in time the bitch will broke in and start to enjoy the scene although it's tough taking a large cock in mouth or ass. Barnes was probably going through the emotions. Everyone in this position had to. I wanted to make this scene a very brutal one and take him in fast. I would not leave this office until he knew that there was a new master in his life. I saw it on his face that he was coming to terms with things. I felt that Barnes was getting the hang of it on being throated. He could take the cum much better and was getting the picture much better. This was surely going the right way. I was getting used to this much better kind of principal treatment from Barnes.

I took my inches out of Barnes mouth. He took time to gain ground and was breathless. But he could much better take a cock than the first time. I was fast as a cat and spinned of the chair and kicked it away. I layed Barnes down and had him pinned down by the desk in no time. "Cock sucker damn you are getting good. You are much better student than principal. That's for sure! How about catching up some principal fuck from before. I want to fill you up again bitch" He had no words but got the picture very clearly. I looked down into his cum-stained face and said: "Get ready to take it bitch". He just put his legs on my shoulders and knew what was coming. I put my cock in fast and without lube. Things were coming in fine form on this afternoon with Barnes. I had broken this shithead in much faster than I ever thought possible. My cock went in and Barnes took it like a man and could handle it much better than before.

I went deep into his guts and took him. He was now my property and I felt very nice about things. At first he was very afraid but as the minutes past he got it more going. When I went past his prostate gland he became vulnerable and said: "Oh yeah oh Phil just take me, this is getting so good." I smiled into his face and said: "Oh bitch you're gonna get fucked real good don't worry about that!". I fucked him without mercy and pumped in and out fast and furious. I slapped his ass as I told him that he was my fuckin whore and I'll be wearing his ass as I see fit. Barnes was fit (no doubt about that) and his hole was squeezing very well around my shaft sucking me with every stroke. My big cock was long, hard and young. Barnes was clearly liking it this time and I had felt his weak point and I was sure as hell taking him on that point and fucking him very hard on that terms. It was sure hell of a nice development to have broken him in and having him enjoy being fucked. Barnes was now completely at my will, he was my cock toy to be played with -- his principal ass had been taken by me and was my property. I called to him: "Ready to be spermed bitch?? Ask to be filled up Barnes!!"

Barnes pleaded: "Oh Phil please fill me up, oh please this is beyond kinky. I want your cum". I was fucking rad at this point. Barnes was craving for my cum and wanted to be filled up -- was pleading me to take him. He was about to take my cum. Talking down to him, I told him that he's the meat my cock's been waiting for, was one of a kind. I couldn't take him on more enough and I got extra hard over this situation as I began pumping my teenage cum into his gut. As I filled Barnes up he went over it and was out of control on this moment. He said: "Oh yeah oh it's hot I like it now Phil". I grinned into his eyes: "Glad to hear that cum breath cause you're getting many loads this winter. From now on we will meet everyday at school and I will fill you up. After your takedown today I will sure as hell remind you of your bottom status. I thought to myself that this was enough for the day and took my dick out of his stretched ass. This had been wonderful day.

I let him go and called down to him: "Now lick my balls Barnes. I want you to take good care of them and lick them clean." Barnes went down fast on my balls and started to lick. Oh it was just wonderful. He did his best and was damn good at taking good care of my balls. He took his time and was excellent on it. I spewed load on his face in return. He was really cumstained. I loved watching this former tirant with my cum on his face. I laughed out loud as he realized what had happened. He sucked the most part of and swallowed. I grinned: "Hey fucking bitch, you sure as heck are full of my cum at this moment. I hope you can take so much teen cum down your body." I grinned at him and he was almost shy to me. I saw that he was now my underdog and I could say or do anything at all to him. He was no threat to me anymore. Barnes had been taken and would from now do anything sexually degrading as I thought possible to him. My life had taken a pleasurable turn and from now on life at school would be more easy.

I again sat at the leather chair and took time to look at the computer. When I sat down and made me comfortable Barnes came up and took my dick. He was clearly craving on my cock and took it without being told to. I looked down into that bitch principal grinning: "Damn you are a quick learner. I can see that from now on we will have pleasureable times together. Especially I think that you will be fed very much cum from now on." I just laughed and kept on doing what I had before as Barnes was engulfing my cock and taking it bigtime. I saw that on the inner system was a notebook the principal was having on some students that the other teachers saw and they commented together on. I clicked on my file and saw that he looked at me as a troublesome young boy that had to be dealt with and taken care of at once. I laughed out loud and looked down at my latest cock sucker that was busy pleasuring me and was damn eager on his mission. This cock sucker had lost the power over me and was now nothing but a cum bucket. He had fallen down on the dick of a student he regarded as a problem.

What a triumph I thought as I looked down on Barnes that was becoming more and more the perfect cock sucker. He was out of it -- craving on my cock and completely under the spell of it. He was totally gone in lust as he licked the dick like a lollipop. I couldn't resist and taunted him: "I am reading your file on me bitch. I fucking know who is being taken care of. You are now licking the dick of that troublesome boy and I think you fell off guard real bad bitch. In return I am filling your mouth of a troublesome guy's sperm. It will be my way of saying you failed controlling me but became my property on the way. I'm sure glad that this new kind of relationship has been marked on your body. Take it bitch. I'm cummming!!" I filled him up at the same moment I turned again to the computer and saw that he had also wrote on me these words in the system: "Phil Howard should be learned to discipline and take orders from the teachers. His report shows that he lacks control."

I became hysterical with laughter. This was poignant as the situation was. Now he himself was under my control and from now on he would do nothing to lecture me. Those days were certainly over. I had taken Barnes completely and nothing was left of him but being my bitch. I had him by the balls -- after all at this very moment he was being spermed by me and he licked my dick like a pro. Sure as hell his days as a dominant figure had ended. I wrote on the inner system: " I will handle mr. Howard from now on. He needs no lectures. He will from now on come to my office everyday at 1500 and stay there for as long time as necessary. I think it is best that I will take care of his needs and talk to him. I have come to know the boy very well and I think it is best if I keep guard on his situation and try to solve it the next weeks. Regards, Mr. Barnes." My mission was after all to get to the system to provide a strategy to be at his office everyday by "his" request. That was accomplished. But I will use it more and more from now on I thought.

Barnes was eagerly licking my crown at the same time as I sent this message to all my teachers. It was fucking rad. Barnes was like a small boy. He couldn't let go of my dick and was in love. Damn it will be nice having him licking me every day from now on. But this was good for now. I think this day of taking charge of Sam Barnes life is enough both for me and him. He will need some days now to melt this new turn of events. I took my dick out of his mouth but he just stared at it craving for it in lust. He stared up into my eyes pleading for more. I said to him: "Hey bitch this is good for the day but I will be coming next on Monday to take care of you more. Damn we will have pleasure ahead of us in your office. You will get more on Monday. Then it is on with the show." I grinned to his pitiful expression this moment. I then called out loud with determination: "Hey fag shit where are my boxers and baggy pants? I need them pronto. Go look for them NOW!! He went looking for them. I laughed out loud. He was like a puddy in my hands.

He fumbled looking for my clothes and after a while came with it. I took my baggy pants but he held onto the colorful boxers and looked at it very much. He sniffed it and was staring onto it. I smiled and dragged him on to my crotch: "If you want to sniff just go ahead and do it bitch". I was grinning over how things were after the day. Barnes was mine now and from now on this would be pleasure taking him on and dominating him. I took the boxers and put them on. Then I put on my t-shirt and baggy pants. Barnes was stunned and speechless at my feet staring up into my eye. He didn't know what to do. I had to leave because I was going to my next assignment in less than 30 minutes as planned before. I was packed and about to leave. I had to look down into the helpless face of Sam Barnes, my cock sucker. "From now on Barnes you are a piece of ass and a head to me - nothing more. I will from now on make you mine and this was wonderful beginning."

I said to him: "Hey Barnes go clean up the cum stains on the carpet and by the leather chair back there. You don't want the ladies that clean this office to find cum stains in the principal's office, or what?" I laughed out loud and was over the moon. Barnes face was just white. He just stared at my crotch and then in my face. I said in his eye with dominant look: "I have to go bitch but we will meet here at 1500 on Monday. Then we will keep on the fun. Then we can take this all over again in smaller doses. Just be prepared for my kind of lectures ahahaha hey right Barnes?" I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 18:25. I had been there for over two whole hours but it seemed a lot longer. I had to be at other place before 1900 so I thought this was good for the day. "OK I am heading away. We will see each other on Monday. This day was a beginning for us and your mine now. Don't forget it. By that words I took my back pack and headed off and smiled to Barnes as left his office.

I went to the sport hall of the school and wanted to get a good shower before what was next. I felt like the king of the world after the day going through the day in my mind under the streaming water in the hot and fresh shower. I got dressed, put on another boxers and put the dirty one in the back pack. The time was 18:35 and I had still enough time. The thing is I talked today in between sessions to one of my friends, Joe Wilson. We had been friends since I moved into his neighbourhood when I was seven. We instantly became friends. We have been very close all the nine years since then. Joe has an older brother and sister. His sister, Thelma, was 22 and had moved away and was at college in Texas. His brother, Michael, was 20 and has been ever since I remember lived for sports in all kinds, mostly football. He is now the star of the town's football team and is now the idol of every kid in town. He is also every girl's dream. His is very pleased with himself and is very arrogant and determined guy.

Most of you are probably thinking about why I am mentioning this now when I am getting dressed after a shower in the sport hall of the school I fucked Sam Barnes in this Friday afternoon? Well Joe had told me that afternoon that he and his parents were going to Texas for the weekend to meet Thelma and her boyfriend -- they are expecting their first child. Joe told one significant thing. Mike (a blonde football god) would stay at home while they are in Texas and would be home after football practice at 18:50. I talked around the subject to Joe. He has always been a talker and he told me most of it. I thought to myself that now was a perfect time to meet football god Mike Wilson alone and talk some sense into him. As the time came for walking from the school to Lane Road 24, where the Wilson house was, I finished getting dressed. I opened my drawer and took out things I would like to have with me. They would surely come in handy on a great tonight at the Wilson home. I thought to myself that tonight will be the perfect evening.

It was getting darker now at 18:45 when I started the short (ten minute) walk from school to Lane Road. On the way I thought about today and my victory over Sam Barnes and meanwhile thought about possible victories ahead. I had come to realize that I could get to conquer anyone I would want to become inferior to me. Mike Wilson had ever since I first met him nine years ago disliked that I was Joe's friend. He thought that a skinny and nerdy kid like me was not good enough friend to his dark hair handsome brother. He had always blamed me for Joe not entering sports because we were both movie fans and I had teached him to enjoy movies and indoor hobbies and he had no interest in sport what so ever. He thought he became nerd type because of my influence. It is understatement to say that Mike hated me. He was not pleased with me and Joe becoming friends and took on the same hobbies and stuff. Most often when we met he called me Twerp and Skinny. I absolutely hated it and had just about had enough of it.

At 18:55 I came to Lane Road. It was a very pleasant and good street. The one only perfect american families live by I thought -- families that share the american dream. It was a good neighbourhood. Suddenly I was at Lane Road 24. Lights were on inside and Mike Wilson's car was outside. He was at home and now I was about to put into action my plan for the evening. I got hard thinking about my strategy that I had thought about and made on just the last hour before I met Barnes and after I talked to Joe at school. He and his family headed to Texas at 1700 and were long gone by now. The Wilson family car was of course not at home so I had the house to myself. I did not know whether my plan would work but I thought to myself that Mike Wilson was just like any other guy although a sport stud and football god. Now was the time to make things happen. The time was ticking to 1900 and I made my last steps at the door and as I walked up the steps to the big and elegant family home I had come to about thousand times I knew that this visit was not a ordinary one. I got at the door and pressed the doorbell.

After a few seconds waiting Mike Wilson came to the door. He became very pissed when he noticed me at the door. I said before he could talk: "Hi Mike is Joe home?" He gave me that arrogant look and said: "Twerp! Joe is not at home. He and mom and dad went to Texas to visit Thelma and Don for the weekend. They will be at home on Monday. So don't waste your breath on meeting him on this weekend. Would you mind Twerp, I was just watching TV and would like to...." Before Mike could end his sentence I said with sad look: "Oh Mike that's too bad. I have to talk to someone right now and get some man advice on very important thing. I wanted to talk to Joe so I don't know what to do about it." Mike saw that I was very saddened and started to melt: "Wow Twerp are you just realizing now that you need a man's advice on things? It's about time. But I don't know any MAN that can help a complete case like you. You're the perfect nerd and have absolutely nothing manly about your character. Were you planning on talking about Joe on manly things? You two always talk about non manly things".

Mike just talked and talked full of his damn ego. I had got him started. I broke his talking by saying: "I just need some real man to talk to. I can't talk about my problem to anyone. This is a little private matter and I need someone with the skills to talk like a man". I knew I had got him by this, taking on how manly he was. I kept on: "I can see that I can't talk to anyone here with Joe not around." Mike then said: "Well if you need advice you can talk to me Twerp. I don't know nothing manly about your character. Where are you going to begin?" He laughed at me and then said: "OK you come on right in and talk to me about things. I am not Joe, all nerdy and innocent but you can talk to me Skinny if you need some guy advice." I then said: "OK maybe it's the best. I don't know if I can trust you but we can talk maybe. Can I come in Mike?" He answered: "Yeah you can if you want Twerp. I am alone at home and we can talk I think. But remember I am no Oprah. So if you need that kind of advice Phil back off please. I am not about to help some basket cases you know."

Mike invited me in. I had reached step number one and was inside the Wilson home. It was the very first time that Mike Wilson and I were alone together. This was pretty special. I never thought that I would ever get that close to him, at least not at the family home. I had often come there when he and Joe were at home. Now we were completely alone. Mike closed the door and told me to go into the living room in the TV lounge. I sat down and put my back pack on the couch. Mike sat in the oppisite couch: "OK Twerp what is bothering you? I really don't know if I can help you but shoot so we can get this over with. I want to get on watching TV and I would really like to get you out as soon as possible because I am about to call my girlfriend so I can check if she wants to come over. I don't want to waste my evening at you Skinny". I made the move. "OK Mike sorry to bother you but I had to get an advice on something I bought few weeks ago." Mike answered with attitude: "Damn Twerp do you need advice about what you buy!! OK what kind of a case you are."

"Well Mike I've been using something, and I was just wondering if you would think it's OK to use it. I have tried it on and don't know if it's really my kind of machine." Mike just stared at me and grinned to me: "OK Twerp what is it?" he asks still being Mr. I-am-a-fucking-sport-god! I make a move for my back pack and open it and take the pump out of it. "It's this thing Mike". He stared at it and saw after a few seconds what it was. "ahahahaha are you skinny nerdy shithead using cock pump to get your little thing up? Is that the whole problem? No wonder you wanted to talk to a case like my brother Joe about this. You are really on the bottom now Twerp using this shit to try to get your little stiffy around." He just laughed at my face. This was just what I expected from this arrogant asshole. He made a move at me laughing and called to me: "How is your little one handling this pumping shit. Are your weiner just off after you tried this shit on to make it big. No wonder you are called the laughing stock of this neighbourhood Twerp. You are one hell of a loser."

I had gotten enough and was about to take things in my own hand. "OK Mike maybe it's for the best to show you my problem right here since you are talking about this." Mike grinned and said: "OK Twerp be my guest and show me the little nerdy weiner. I have seen many small dicks in my life at gym and school. I am used to seeing small dicks. Yours is no wonder from them you know!". I spread my legs and made a move at my baggy pants and took them down and was on my boxers in the couch. Mike was with his arrogant style all over when I shoved my boxers down to reveal my eight inches cock that was not even fully hard. At the time Mike was talking and talking about little cocks: "Twerp you don't have to be shy showing me off your little one. Just get it over with and then you can go home and jerk your little one after I have seen it. Buth you know Twerp that I......" Mike Wilson stopped talking when he looked at my direction. He froze the very minute he looked at my crotch and stumbled on the words clearly shocked: "Tw... Phil what has happened. Is that your cock. Well I mean you are hung no I mean you're uhmm...."

For the first time of Mike Wilson's life he was clearly really stunned. He was speechless on the very minute and just stared at the dick of his brother's sixteen year old best friend. He was four years my senior and he thought while he watched that probably he didn't know whether he or me had the larger penis in the Wilson home this very minute. He lost his macho tempo and just stared at my crotch. For the first time of my life I felt that Mike Wilson had no defence against me. The big football god became stunned and lost his big set of words. Finally he looked up to my face very shaken and lost on this moment of seeing my inches face to face in the Wilson family living room: "Phil this can't be true. Is that your dick? I don't understand. Are you saying me that the pump made you big as this or what happened? Guide me on this please". Finally Mike stopped talking and got down to earth in the conversation. I felt the upper hand in this conversation now and things were just getting nasty for the football god here. He looked down and at my face in between and was really thinking about how this could be true.

I know that Mike thinks it is a full hard-on, even though it's not really straight or very stiff. He doesn't really want to look on this sixteen year old cock but has no control of how it goes. Straight macho guys are so funny the way they don't want to admit that they want to look at a cock. But my bulge is of that caliber that he just has to notice and come to terms of the size. He tries to regain his attitude but he can't really take his eyes of my pride and joy. So he checks me out again. I was getting bigger by the minute and Mike was getting to see that my size was not fully on. He is really stunned and has lost his drive watching my dick. He tries to look at my face but ends up looking again down. I broke the silence: "Yeah Mike I started using it few weeks ago and now it has ended in this. My dick is very big and it gets bigger when I get hard." Mike looked up with a look I haven't seen before and stammered: "Dooooo you geeet biggger than thaaat Phil?" The damn Twerp talk had finally ended. I had gotten to him as I clearly saw by his attitude and was about to take him on.

"Yeah Mike I get almost all the time bigger than that, most often at the mornings. Then it sometimes goes to 10-12 inches big." Mike looked to me in horror: "Whhaaat diiid you juuuust say Phil". I repeated. Mike was stunned and had clearly difficulty regaining himself as he knew that I was much bigger than him when I was hard. The very same minute he started to become very unstable and lost his big shit attitude real fast. Even as he watched my dick he saw it become bigger every second. He could not handle that he was staring at my crotch. I saw that this strategy would end up much faster than I thought before and that I was in for a happy night at the Wilson home. I saw that the defences of the high and mighty sport god were falling down real fast. I hadn't expected that he would become unstable so fast. He clearly saw that my dick was bigger than his and was about to lose control. As you know I get a big kick out of watching guys watch my huge cock grow. There was something very good about the feeling I had this very minute with stunned and staring Mike Wilson in front of me.

It's very obvious that Mike is turned on and can't take his eyes off my pride and joy. I then act stupid and say while smiling underneath: "Well Mike what can I do about this?" Mike looked me in the eye clearly shaken and lost for words. "Phil you can't do anything about this kind of cock. It's no turning back. Hooow long haaas thiiiss beeeen goiiiing ooon?" Big Mike is just falling apart and stammering just like a small boy watching this enourmous dick in front of him. "Well Mike this has been going on for six months really. I just wanted your opinion on it. Is it smaller than yours or how can you compare?" I look into his face and he just stammeres that he has a big cock and is proud of it. He barely can end the sentence. Then he said: "I just didn't know that you had on something like this. I think you should not use the pump any more. This is not good for your cock." He's pretty embarressed. He never thought that he would be talking about cock to Phil Howard on this Friday evening home alone. He was stunned.

He couldn't help but to look down again. He had a real hard time ignoring this cock in front of him. He is about to lose it and has lost his macho words and cover as a arrogant I-know-everything-better-than-you type. I was about to take things my way and make the next 10 hours a night to remember for football jock Mike Wilson. It's not anywhere near full size yet, but I know he thinks it has to be totally erect. After all, it's already biggest thing he's ever seen in the cock department on his whole life. He just stares at it with his mouth open and clearly on the verge of losing grip on things. And, I can see my size is making him tent out his own Levi's pants. I can feel the heat rising in this room. Mike has lost his vocabulary and just stares at a crotch to die for. I am now rock solid 9-10 inches and am almost all the way for my best friend's brother right here. I know that the situation is making arrogant Mike Wilson's balls go on fire, because I see his bulge stiffen up. He realizes now that things are getting out of hand and that he is losing control fast. Suddenly he covers his crotch with a pillow on the couch and tries to gain some kind of control.

"Mike why are you so quiet all of a sudden? Why are you covering your crotch?" I ask in amazement to act more stupid than I am. Mike Wilson is speechless and has lost much of his thick shell he covers himself with and has done for the past fifteen years. He's afraid at the moment to me and tries desperately to make his dick go down. He has no chance now -- he can't control things from now on in this situation. I can see why he has been crashed. He has thought that chicks, pussy and ladies ass did turn him on and take him off guard. Now he was sitting in his own home in front of the sixteen year old best friend of his younger brother, a guy he has hated for years and talked down to all the time, and is craving for his cock and staring at it. I have in 30 minutes teached him a lesson: a piece of male meat can take a man and make him succumb! He tried to talk but was lost. He knew that I had seen his stiff outline by his cock and that he was craving for it's size. Mike knew full to well that things was on the way of getting out of hand and couldn't have a weapon to handle it.

I was pleased with the progress. The clock was only 19:35 and in half an hour I had taken Mike Wilson on and made him speechless. Now was the time to take what I thought was mine on that Friday evening in the Wilson home. I'm liking just sitting there in the living room of the Wilson house oppisite a panicked and defenceless Mike Wilson. I pretend nothing happening while football god Mike Wilson is staring at my shaft, hooked, and trying to hide his own hard-on. Finally he gives in -- his hand goes under the pillow. He is jerking off under the pillow quite visibly. I have succeeded with my plan and now it is getting this shithead to go fully down! I think enough is enough and cut the crap. "Mike are you craving for my cock? I just have to wonder. You stare at my cock and have your hand on your cock under the pillow. Are you falling for my cock Mike?". Mike is stunned and loses his tempo and tries to defend himself. He looks up very afraid and tries to plead with me: "Phiiil I'm not a fag I like girls buuut your cock is just sooooo biiiig". He falls and admits he can't help it. His cover has fallen down and one piece of football god is defenceless right now.

I grinned to him when he falls and admitted it finally. I told him: "I see that you have fallen for my prick. It is quite obvious Mike that you like it. What can you do about that! I think you should pay respect to it!" Mike loses the act and takes the pillow and jerks off. It's enormous victory watching the twenty year old football god jerking off in front of me and looking at my cock at the same time. Now it was time to claim what was mine this Friday evening at the Wilson's. I was on the verge of claiming high and mighty Mike Wilson -- in a moment he would be mine and fall down to me like a small boy craving for the biggest dick he had ever seen. His macho act had gone and at the moment he didn't remind me at all of the arrogant guy I had seen in all the years I've known Joe. I was getting harder at the thought that soon I could control Mike Wilson completely. I saw that my victory was just about to become reality. "I would like if you could come a little closer Mike. I want to have you up close to my dick." Suddenly Mike got scared and fumbled on the other couch. He stood up and looked me down.

"Mike get down on your knees and pay respect to my cock. I think you should now. We are just the two of us here and I think you should take what you want." I said it with determination. The macho football god was about to go down. I saw that it was now only a matter of seconds. He's too horny by now to stop. A 10-inch monster-shaft stretching is about to break him completely. He licked his lips and was white as chalk in his face. Mike Wilson was tanned sport stud but at the moment his ego had gone away. All he could see now was a sixteen year old cock of Phil Howard, his brother's best friend. He seemed to have forgotten in one moment what had went on between them during the years. All he could see was a cock, the biggest one he had seen. He hadn't on his entire sport career seen a larger cock and he had seen many dudes nude in shower and was a guy that knew what cock was. I saw that moment that Mike was falling. His whole personality was gone and now he was just in his world. He could only see my cock. And I sure as hell was glad how things were turning.

At 19:45 Mike Wilson fell down on his knees in front of me. He was just staring. I took matters in my hand. Now I would claim control of Mike Wilson and make him mine this evening. "Mike have you called anyone since you came home from practice or made plans on tonight." Mike fumbled and said: "No I've got nothing on. I was just recently here and was watching sports. I was just about to order some food and hang out with my girl." He said these words completely staring at my cock up close. He was changed and his whole scene was different. I decided to push him: "Go ahead stud and order yourself a large cock down your mouth. I think you've earned to try something new. I will not say anyone about our evening and I think it's about time that our relationship changes. After all I have wanted to take you on for years. Now is the time to let you take a real cock and to try something new. I bet your arrogant shithead has never seen anything as big as this and why not let everything at ease and try it. After all it's so biiiig Mike. Go ahead and take that cock down your mouth."

Mike Wilson seemed to me like a zombie now. Nothing was left of his arrogant personality that had greeted me here almost an hour ago. I kept on taking him: "I've wanted to take you on since I was twelve and I saw you win your first big title. You was always like a god to me. But you always treated me like a shit and talked to me like some sort of fool. I think it's about time somebody teaches you that you are not the ruler of this world. But I am not leaving here until I have marked you and it's about time now. Take this cock -- let's order yourself a meal from me." I decided to move the cock in my hands. Mike followed it eagerly and was completely under it's spell. The clock was exactly 19:56 in the Wilson family living room when Mike Wilson gave in to my inches. On the very minute he made a move for my cock I took it away. He got the picture and looked into my eye pleading. He had always been a very aggressive type and was used to getting what he wanted from his parents and had bossed Joe around for years. Now it was time to let him know that all in this world are not for free. Sometimes you have to pay dearly.

I was determined to tease this arrogant sport stud and make him crave like he never had before. He was on the verge of losing it this very minute -- exactly an hour after he had let me in and I started this mission to take him on to being my suck slave. I said to him: "Beg for my cock you asshole. You ain't getting any until you show me that you want it real bad. Now you have to give me the words of wanting a cock." Mike Wilson gave in and was going nuts waiting after what he wanted: "I want your cock. I've never seen anything like it. This is the biggest one I've seen all my life. I want to try it!" He gave in and even pleaded. His mind was at the moment getting high watching little Phil's cock and wanted it regardless what went next. Probably he didn't see it through that this would lead to being a conquest. He probably thought this would on time not matter and didn't even matter that the cock belonged to Phil Howard, the skinny friend of his brother. He didn't even think it through. He was just in lust over this cock. He lost it and called: "I want this NOW and I am used to having what I want. So please give this to me Phil now".

I wasn't going to let this arrogant tanned asshole get it yet. So I said straight to his face: "Wilson do you want my cum also? You know that in the package is the whole treatment. It's not giving or taking one thing. Though you have a smaller cock than me nothing in this world is free shithead. You have to pay respect to me from now on and realize things are different." Mike pleaded: "I want your cock -- I've never seen anything like it." His eyes are really bulging, and he keeps licking his lips and swallowing fast. And he keeps jerking real fast. Mike Wilson was on his knees masturbating and craving for my dick. I sure do like this scene. In one hour I have taken that big sport stud I had thought I could never take on. I had only thought about it today since I heard he would be alone the whole weekend at his house. I then wanted so bad to make him mine and get another high and mighty suck slave to service me. He is craving. After all he knows things matters by size. He's sport stud and I'm just sixteen year old skinny boy. But I'm the one with the 10 inches. So he belongs to me. Life really is that simple. :)

Wilson went crazy in his lust over the inches. He jerks off bigtime just staring at my pole straight at his face by now. He leans in looks up to my eyes pleading. He's in lust and I can see in his eyes that he wants to take this cock real bad. I taunt him: "Hey Mikey do you want to order a big cock. Go ahead and plead again to me like the way before. I was enjoying this scene at the Wilson house. The arrogant son of a bitch was down on his knees waiting to be taken and pleading me to do it. It went even better than I could expect." He tries to grab it -- he's determined that shithead I thought to myself. "Hey not so fast sport stud. Look me in the eye and say please Phil give me a load." He repeated after me. He was gone and I smelled victory watching into the face of the guy that just before called me Twerp for the last time. I decided enough was enough. "OK Twerp get busy licking cock -- it's about time you take a cock and take on your new role in our relationship. I've waited for moment like this for years! Get to work sport smartass!". He didn't wait. He looked me in the eye. The tables had turned and now he was the Twerp. I was determined to take this asshole and make him mine tonight.

He took my cock eagerly and got busy sucking. This was a scene that amazed me. When I layed down plan for the evening I thought it would take at least two hours to get Mike Wilson down on his knees taking my cock. It took an hour -- would have been less if I hadn't messed with him and teased his arrogant ass off. Talking about ass. Soon he would be getting a large stick up his virgin ass. Damn I nearly got off thinking about what was ahead all weekend for me and Mike Wilson. Yeah you heard me right. I had told my mother and father today that I would be going away to Texas on a journey with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and Joe of course. They just agreed over the phone today just like that. After all what is a weekend? Nothing. This meant I got the whole weekend empty. I was determined to spend the weekend with a guy that had probably planned to keep in form by running after a stupid football and watch some TV at home and bang a girl he was seeing. That arrogant son of a bitch would be occupied all weekend long. I would see to that from now on.

Mike Wilson was busy taking my cock in his mouth. He licked it and was lost in his lust. He opened his eyes all of a sudden and looked me in the eye. He was just like a zombie. Glad that was exactly where I wanted him while's he's servicing me. He sucks hard. He sucks as hard as he can. When he manages to get my whole head, and a little more, into his mouth, he gets his lips down underneath the ridge. I have to say, it does darn good. He is on full speed taking the cock. I get down on him and reach for his cock. I twist his balls and churn them. Wilson screams in pain. I take his face up to mine. "Go strip asshole. I want to see you naked." He reaches up and starts to take his clothes off. He has just gotten home from practice when I took him before. Suddenly Mike Wilson is stark naked. I order him to go down and take my cock again. I see now his cock for the first time. He is really hard and is at 7-8 inches at it's best. That arrogant asshole is way smaller than me. No wonder he fell down like a flash. He assumes licking me.

Now I want to throat this sport stud. I ram my cock to his throat. I am determined to take his virgin throat. He immidiately starts to gag and choke. "Come on Mikey I want to go all the way down your throat. Come on be a man and take it. Don't be a pussy crying your heart out." Sport stud Mike Wilson was not handling to be throated. He was feeling pain like he never had felt it and was starting to sway under the pain he was feeling. He pleaded with me by his eyes to go soft on him. "Oh come on Twerpy Wilson take it like a man -- don't start to cry like a pussy. I thought you were tougher than that after all of your fucking years kicking some stupid football on some grass lawn." He had terror in his eyes now and was feeling the most pain of his life and it was Phil Howard that was teaching him a lesson or two of enslavement while being serviced. I decided to ram him real good. I took his head and fucked his face without mercy. He was being facefucked by a record speed. Mike Wilson was just going through the most torture of his life.

My cum broke free. Now it was the assignment of tough boy Mike Wilson to take my cum. I rammed him without mercy and fed him copious amounts of my fresh teenage cum. I held his head steady and pumped with all the power I had. He had a hard time taking this all. He was very busy swallowing my cream - gagging like hell. Damn it was pure ecstasy watching Mike Wilson taking my cock and cum down his throat. His face didn't remind me at the time of the sport stud of the town that was the high and mighty guy at the Wilson home. It sure was fun getting on him alone at his home and feeding him right here in the family's living room.

This was just a start of something new in his life and I sure as hell was about to spend my weekend teaching him to submit to Phil Howard. I looked him in the eye as I fed him. There was a strange look in Mikey's face on the time of pure defeat. He had always been the strong one and kept his wild look and his dominant figure. But now those days had been brought to an end. After all Mike Wilson was my underdog now. As simple as that. He looked to me pleading for mercy and was afraid as hell - he saw me now as a dominant figure that had him completely. Fear was all over his face.

Things were heating up at the Wilson's at Lane Road 24 and excellent weekend was ahead I thought as I continued to feed Mike Wilson fresh teenage cum. That blonde football god was mine now - ahead was the final stages of totally breaking him in and making him my sex slave. Pleasure was ahead. I was in for quite a ride. ;) be continued

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