By Ript Jock

Published on Jul 19, 2024


Hey guys, here's the third chapter in the series about 23-year-old Grady's relationship with Tyler, a 19-year-old hustler. Last time, we saw Tyler reappear after six weeks of silence when he turned up unconscious and hypothermic on Grady's doorstep. Grady took him in and took care of him, and the two reconnected... literally of course. Tyler left with a promise that from then on, he'd stop by once a week.

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For five weeks Tyler had been coming over just as he'd promised. I never had any warning when he'd show up; the kid didn't have a phone. Usually it would be on a Wednesday or a Thursday, any time between dinner and midnight, but there was really no telling. One time Rob and I had been out for the evening and the minute we got home he was knocking at the door. I guess he'd come over while we were gone and was hanging around waiting for us to get back.

His visits were incredible, pure romantic fantasy... if your fantasy happens to involve a gorgeous, muscled up teenager who sleeps on park benches and fucks guys for money. We'd start with a shower and I'd throw his clothes in the wash and then we'd head straight to bed. He was never all that grungy; he showered every day at the gym. But Houston was a sweaty, skanky town full of sweaty, skanky people, and who knew where he'd just come from?

Twice he'd stayed all night with me and it was fucking wonderful. The other times he just got dressed and wandered off in the dark when we were done. I'd asked if I could give him a ride somewhere or call him an Uber but he always told me no. Maybe he just liked to be self-sufficient. Or maybe he didn't want me knowing where he went off to.

Rob thought I was out of my head, dating a street hustler. Straight guys just don't get it.

Tyler was a rescue dog. He desperately wanted to be loved, and when we were together he was the most caring, loving guy on earth. But the minute he felt like he was being boxed in, or being pushed or pulled into something, his survival instincts would kick in and he'd either push back or just bail. I had to be careful about what I said to him if I wanted him to keep on showing up. I had to make sure he felt safe.

We handled it mostly by not talking much. We lived in the moment, no past history and no future, dealing only with life as it happened -- part real and part fantasy. He gave me the perfect boyfriend and I gave him a stable, normal home, a couple hours a week. It wasn't quite as easy as it sounds but the rewards were off the chart.

And now I was facing the biggest challenge yet. Next week was Christmas. Rob was going off to Pennsylvania to spend it with his folks, and I had to stick around and work. I wanted more than anything to have Tyler come over on Christmas Eve, but that meant he'd have to agree to it in advance.

"I don't wanna bust in on your holiday plans," he told me, obviously making an excuse.

"You won't be. I don't have any. If you don't come I'll just be here all by myself." I looked him straight in the eye. "I'd really love it if you were here with me. I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas. Please?"

He looked away shyly, stared down at his boots and nodded his head. "Okay."

Wow. I never knew I could make a street hustler blush.

Each day since then I'd been pretty much obsessing over how to give him the best holiday possible. I picked up a couple more decorations for the house, shopped around for snacks, even plotted out Christmas dinner in case I could get him to stay over. Truth was, I had no idea whether he'd actually show. Naturally I hadn't heard so much as a word from him. When the night came I was a wreck, hoping my ass off he'd come but preparing all the same to end up spending it alone.

I was sitting on the sofa watching TV at a quarter past nine, thinking about the bottle of white wine I had chilling in the fridge and staring at the plate of sugary Christmas cookies on the coffee table in front of me. And then all of a sudden there was a sharp rap at the door, and I jumped up so fast I practically tripped over myself.

I opened the door and there he was, freshly showered and shaved, with a brand new haircut and crisp clean clothes right out of the laundry. He wore the same black jeans and cowboy boots as always, and that white denim jacket with the sleeves torn off he'd had on the first night we met, hanging open to show off his glorious bare torso. And something new, too... around his neck was a studded leather dog collar. Not the fetishy kind you'd get at a leather boutique but the kind you'd buy at a pet shop for an actual dog.

"I got it for myself as a Christmas present," he told me. "You like it?"

"I love it," I said, and wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could.

He pulled off his boots and we settled in on the sofa together to watch Christmas movies, sipping wine and chomping on cookies. Tyler's jacket and my shirt were off by the first commercial break. His arm draped over my shoulders and I snuggled in close. He felt so fucking good. And when those pale blue-gray eyes sneaked over and met mine... damn!

"I haven't seen this one in so long," he said. "Not since I was a kid."

I knew what he was telling me. He hadn't seen it in three years, not since the last Christmas he spent at home, six months before his parents kicked him out.

I nodded my head. "It's a good one. I could watch it again every year."

He gave me a squeeze, then reached over and rubbed my package. I grinned and tugged at his belt. We shed our pants and stretched out together in our briefs. I played the big spoon, both arms wrapped around him cuddling those incredible muscles, our legs comfortably entangled, my stiff cock pressed to his crack, sandwiched between his beautiful cheeks.

That's just how we stayed, cuddling and scarfing down cookies, sipping wine and watching the movie. I swear my heart was pounding so hard he must've felt every beat of it on his shoulder blades. He never said a word, but every once in a while he'd stretch a bit and let out a low, deeply satisfied "Mmmmmm." The first movie ended and the next one started, and we still lay there together, utterly content.

About half past midnight, when the little bell tinkled and Clarence got his wings, I shut off the TV. We rolled off the sofa and I took Tyler's hand and led him into the bedroom.

For a moment we just stood next to the bed, gazing at each other. Tyler slid his briefs off and I peeled down mine, and we closed the distance and snaked our arms around each other and pressed our bodies together, chest to chest, nipple to nipple, abs to abs, hard cock to hard cock. My cheek was flush against his; our shared body heat felt so fucking good. We held each other longingly, our hands slowly wandering over each other's shoulders and backs and all the way down the spine to our ass cheeks.

Next thing I knew we were horizontal on the mattress, wrapped up in each other making out like we were starving for it. This was what I loved best, the fun part that was sadly missing from nearly every other "fun" hookup I'd ever had. We frolicked together, playfully grabbing and stroking each other everywhere as our tongues teased and prodded and wrestled, with no particular urgency to move on to the next step but just having a damn good romp for as long as we wanted. It was special as all hell to have a guy I could do that with, who enjoyed it every bit as much as I did.

We were both bare ass naked of course, except that Tyler was still wearing his dog collar. For whatever reason, that made him all the more exciting to me. I pulled on it with my teeth and growled at him, yipped and licked him like a pup, and he giggled and wrapped those strong arms around me and squeezed me even harder, both of us rock hard and leaking.

We'd worked each other up to the point where fucking couldn't possibly wait much longer. All at once he rolled over, dug into the nightstand and pulled out a condom and the bottle of lube. Turned back to me and pressed a hand to my chest, held me down on the mattress and rolled the rubber onto my cock. Then that sweet kid got up on all fours and showed me his ass, hung his tongue out and panted at me for Christ's sake.

I moved in behind him and rubbed his back, scratched his neck and behind his ears where his fresh cut hair bristled against my palm. "Good boy," I purred, "good dog," lubing myself and slipping two slick fingers up his chute, and he answered me with eager little whimpers that made my balls ache.

I slid my hand along his abs to his crotch and curled my fingers around his shaft as I pressed my cock head to his hole. He hummed "Mmmmmm" as I pushed it in, coaxing me on until I was buried in him completely. I held it in a moment, fondling his chest with one hand as I stroked his shaft with the other, and began pumping him nice and easy.

Tyler was the vocal type; I always knew what he was feeling. When he gave me his cock he'd grunt from deep in his gut with every thrust. When he took mine he'd yelp and whimper and moan each time I slid in. I loved that about him. It got me so goddamn aroused to hear the noises he made, and to know they were all for me... but between them, and his beautiful body, and everything else about the guy, it was sure a challenge to keep from blowing my load.

I fucked him slow and steady, building us both up bit by bit. One hand stayed on his package stroking his cock, tickling and fondling his balls. The other roamed free to rub his back or squeeze his shoulders or grab a handful of his hair, and every once in a while reach around his torso to play with his nipples. He rewarded every move I made with squirms and twitches and shudders. I rewarded him back by changing up my tempo, shoving in strong and fast for just one stroke or holding it in unbearably long and dragging out at a snail's pace. Anyone can take a pounding; it's the unexpected stuff that hits you hardest.

Most of all I loved the feeling that we were connected, not just two assholes each trying to get off but truly doing it together. I felt how his cock swelled and throbbed in my hand as I fucked him, heard his breath catch in his throat, saw how his muscles rippled, his skin reddened with excitement and glistened with sweat. I knew he was feeling me too, not just my meat driving deep into him but the way our bodies meshed, the way we moved in perfect rhythm and the way we yearned for each other.

Tyler's yelps were bleeding one into the next, until they became one long wail that rose and fell with my pumping. I knew by now he was very close, on the brink. Nothing was hotter to me than seeing him cum. I stroked his cock harder and faster, plunged into him with deep powerful thrusts that rocked his entire body. He began to quiver all over; his muscles clenched up tight and he bucked and spouted hot cream all over the sheets. I kept jacking and jacking him leaning into his back, holding on for the ride as he spurted again and again, emptying his balls onto my bed.

His hole was still spasming on my shaft even after he was drained. He rocked and pitched as his body strained to squeeze out the last of his seed. It was more than I could bear; I cut loose and blasted my load, felt a rush of immense pleasure course through my whole body as I unleashed and let myself blow. I filled the condom and left my cock swimming in its own seed, with both my arms wrapped tight around my dog boy.

We collapsed onto the mattress together and began making out wildly, rolling in his cream. I smeared it all over him, licked it off my fingers and off his skin giggling like a fiend. We kissed once more long and deep, snuggled up together and in minutes fell asleep in each other's arms. I don't think I'd ever felt so fucking satisfied in my life.

Morning came early but we got up late.

I opened my eyes to find him still peacefully sleeping beside me; God, what a heartwarming sight. As I lay there watching him, his eyes slowly opened as if he could feel me staring. Thin slivers at first, then half open and bleary, finally wide awake and greeting me with a smile.

"Merry Christmas," I said.

"Mehh... Chrrshh..." Tyler wasn't too functional first thing in the morning, even when it came at ten thirty.

I gave him a kiss; he was still mostly comatose but managed to get his lips working. For a moment all I wanted to do was lie there gazing at him but remembered I had an agenda. "I got you something," I said quickly, leaned over the side of the bed and groped around underneath.

I pulled out a small box and handed it over, gift wrapped with a ribbon and bow. He sat up in bed and just stared at it for a minute.

"Open it," I coaxed him.

Tyler tore off the wrapping, opened the box, looked at what was inside and then at me. It was a burner phone.

"It's prepaid for a year," I told him. "I wanted you to have it in case of an emergency. If you ever get in trouble, you can call me and I'll come get you. My number's already programmed in. And... you can text me too if you want, to let me know when you're coming over, just to make sure I'm here so you don't waste a trip."

He looked back at the phone and then at me again, still processing, figuring out if this was a good thing or bad. I knew it might be an issue.

"Don't worry, it'll be completely under your control. I won't call you or text you, unless you tell me you want me to."

He still hadn't said a word. And now he was beginning to look sad.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't get you anything. I didn't know you were gonna..."

"No, you did get me something. You're here with me. You don't know how special that is. I've always dreamed about spending Christmas Eve with a guy I really care about..."

He perked up at "really care about..."

"...and go to bed together, and wake up together on Christmas morning. This is the best gift you could ever give me. It's the best Christmas I ever had."

He smiled, but looked down and away. The kid was blushing again. "Me too."

He took the dog collar off his neck and put it around mine.

I swear my heart skipped three fucking beats. I wrapped my arms around him and we hugged for a good long time. "So... do you like the phone?" I asked.

"I love it. Do you like the collar?"

I didn't hesitate for a second, I just dove beneath the covers and started sucking his cock.

To me there was nothing better than sucking a guy I really liked, letting him just lie back and enjoy it as I worked his meat. It was such an easy way to show a guy I wanted to make him feel good, and I'd put in the work to give him a good time. And the payoff at the end, showing him how eagerly I swallowed his seed, was its own reward.

I gripped Tyler's balls, massaged them and rolled them around in my hand, pulled on them gently to stretch the skin of his shaft as my lips and tongue glided up and down, smooth and wet. I took his cock in all the way to the back of my mouth, pushed it in a little bit deeper on each gulp until I was taking it down my throat and my lips were ringing the base, nestled in his pubes. The scent of his morning sweat after last night's fuck was heady and sour, made my cock stiffen and ache.

Tyler pushed back the covers so he could watch as I sucked him. I glanced up, caught his eye and grinned with his cock in my mouth. He rubbed my head to show me how much he appreciated my work, ran his fingers through my hair and caressed my face and my neck. I was in absolute heaven, with that gorgeous young stud's cock in my throat and his hands gently stroking me. I would've gladly kept sucking him all day long.

But I could taste his salty precum on my tongue, leaking more and more freely. I heard the way his breaths were coming sharp and quick. Knowing I could make him cum was like a drug to me; I had to push him, get him closer, make him as aroused as I possibly could and then pull his trigger at my pleasure. I worked him harder and faster, plumbing my throat with his cock, tugging on his ball sack to stave off his climax until I was sure he'd reached his limit.

He responded so fucking easily. He began squirming and wriggling, and making helpless sounds like a lost little kid. His skin felt hot against my hand; everywhere I touched him he'd jump and twitch. His cock head felt like it was swollen to double its normal size. I rubbed his abs with the flat of my palm, released his balls and slid my fingers underneath to press on his hole, ducked down deep on his cock one last time.

Tyler's whole body jolted as his cock exploded and he spurted the first shot of his milk down my throat. He thrashed and jerked as he kept on spurting, one slug after another, each drenching my mouth with hot thick seed that I'd swear was enough to fill a shot glass. I swallowed and swallowed as happy as could be; he grabbed my hair with both hands and held me down on his meat, and I just kept sucking and swallowing and lapping until he ran dry. When he stopped creaming I left his cock in my mouth, milking out the last drops as he softened, licking and massaging his shaft.

"Fuck..." he gasped, and pulled me off his cock, pulled me up even with him and kissed me. We shared the taste of his cum; he licked it greedily off my tongue and I was happy to give it to him. At long last we settled down and lay side by side, breathing hard and deep like we'd just been through a heavy workout.

He looked me over. "You're stiff as a flagpole. I should take care of you."

"Brother, I'm too damn tired."



"Can I jerk you off in the shower?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

He sure didn't disappoint me; minutes later he was holding me close from behind with one arm tight across my chest and the other hand gripping my meat as I hosed down the tile wall. Fuck, I loved shooting my load while he held me firm like that, my muscles quaking, straining against his beefy arms. I poured out all I had for him and we finished washing and toweled each other off, doting over each other's bodies.

"Jesus, you're in such beautiful shape." I couldn't help telling him yet again.

He smiled. "You're in good shape yourself, all lean and toned... you must be a runner."

"I hit the Memorial Park trail three or four times a week."

"Thought so. When we were at football practice I used to watch the cross country guys heading out on their run in a big group. I loved the way they moved, like a herd of gazelles. I bet you were one of those, weren't ya?"

It was the first time he'd ever talked about his past personal life, or asked me about mine. I took it as a very good sign.

"Yeah, I guess I was."

"I always thought about hiding behind a bush or something and springing out when they came by, snagging a gazelle and dragging him back behind the bushes and fucking his brains out."

Suddenly I was short of breath. "Umm... I'm usually at Memorial Park on Mondays and Wednesdays after work, and... there's plenty of bushes..."

He laughed, grabbed my waist and pulled me in, mashing his hips against mine. Our cocks were hanging limp but they both felt good and meaty.

Tyler kissed me; the guy just loved to make out, and I sure couldn't complain. But it was past noon already, and I still had a plan to put in action. I heard somewhere that guys have only two emotions, hungry and horny. I'd already swallowed his load. It was time I started working on the other angle.

I broke off the kiss and stroked the back of his neck. "So... I got a bunch of stuff to make myself a Christmas dinner, it's way more food than I can eat by myself. I thought I'd eat kinda early so I should get it going soon. If you need to take off that's cool, but... could you stay and help me out? I have a bunch of stuff we can snack on while we're cooking, and like I said there's plenty, but if you have someplace to be..."

He smiled. "Gym's closed today. I can stick for a while."

There was no sense spoiling each other's view by putting our clothes on, but since we'd be working with knives and forks and hot stoves, we decided to slip into our briefs. I brought out some cheese and crackers, salsa and chips and guacamole, and we munched away as we pulled all the ingredients of our dinner out of the fridge and the cupboards. I had a four-pound half turkey breast, instant stuffing and mashed potatoes that came in boxes, gravy in a jar, cranberry sauce in a can, and a three-bean salad from the supermarket deli.

It was pretty damn obvious that neither of us had ever done anything so ambitious in the kitchen before, but how hard could it be? The turkey went in the oven, and for the rest of it we just had to read the labels. A couple beers ended up making things a little more complicated than I'd counted on but it was great fun, and it all smelled good, even if it didn't end up looking quite like the picture.

When everything was done cooking and the turkey was carved we piled two plates high with food, slopped gravy over whatever might need it, and carried it out to the living room. I opened a bottle of wine and we snuggled in next to each other on the sofa.

"There's probably a bowl game on if you wanna watch," I offered.

"I'd rather just have Christmas between you and me, if that's okay."

I nearly melted on the spot. "That's perfect."

We gorged ourselves. I loved watching Tyler shovel in the food; it was probably the best meal he'd had in months. When we'd polished off second helpings of everything we took the dishes to the kitchen, I brought out ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert, and we cuddled on the sofa in our underwear. The last twenty hours had gone better than I ever could've asked for... but Tyler was starting to get fidgety and restless.

I tried shifting to a better position for him and stroking his head to calm him down but I knew it was a matter of time. He took a breath like he was waking up from a nap, turned and looked me in the eye.

"I should probably get going."

"Okay, if you need to."

From there things happened too fast. He was dressed before I knew it. I walked him to the door and gave him a hug goodbye... and on a sudden impulse I took off the dog collar and started to put it around his neck.

"No," he protested, "that's yours. It's my gift to you."

"I know. I want you to wear it, and remember whose it is. And I want you to bring it back to me."

He nodded solemnly as I buckled it on. "I will."

Tyler was on his way out to wherever the fuck he goes, but halfway through the doorway he stopped and lingered for a moment, turned and looked at me.

"What?" I asked him.

"Would it... be okay if I stayed another night?"

Jesus, what a wet dream the kid was. I grabbed his arm and yanked him back inside, slammed the door shut behind him and dragged him into the bedroom.

Next: Chapter 4

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