My Hot Roommate

By Alex Wellens

Published on Jan 28, 2021


My Hot Roommate By Alex Wellens

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Chapter 1

It was move-in weekend my Freshman year at State. My parents helped me unload everything from my car, then we said our goodbyes so I could start unpacking. After an hour I had most of my stuff put away, and I was relaxing on my bed when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said loudly.

The door opened and I saw (whom I assumed to be) my new roommate peak around at me. He smiled and said, "Hey, man. I'm Sam. You Chris?"

For a second I just stared at him. He was so fucking hot. "Hey, yeah." I got off my bed and walked over to him. He was about 5'9", tanned, toned and cuuuuuute.

He had a bit of a pixy-face, brown hair that he combed, and pouty lips. I was secretly thinking of how lucky I was to have this guy for a roommate. I extended my hand and he grasped it firmly. "Nice to meet you, dude."

Sam let go and dropped his duffle bag on the floor near his bed. He took a quick look around before saying, "Not too big, is it?" We both laughed, and I got to admire the pearly whites Sam's big smile had. "Mind helping me bring up my stuff? I told my parents I could manage the move-in myself, but that was just so they didn't embarrass me haha!"

"Yeah, sure. No prob."

We spent the next twenty minutes bringing his stuff up to the room. I helped his put his stuff away, noticing there was a lot of athletic clothing. "You an athlete?" I asked him.

"Nah. I played baseball in middle school, but lost interest in high school. I work out every day, but nothing serious."

I believed he worked out every day. His arms were toned, his pecs were prominent, and his legs were sculpted perfectly. "Nice. I swam in high school, but I didn't want to compete in college. I still run a couple times a week to keep in shape." I was skinnier than Sam, fairer, and a little taller.

"Well, if you ever wanna workout with me, lemme know, dude." He offered. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

We spent the next couple of hours walking around campus, getting food, and learning more about each other. Sam was from a town about an hour from school, he had two brothers, he was majoring in engineering, and he was single. My being gay hadn't come up yet, but I decided to be honest when the topic would eventually arise.

By 9pm we made it back to our room, both exhausted. "Wanna grab a shower?" Sam asked.

I turned toward my bed as I blushed. "Sure," I responded. I pulled my towel out of a drawer and began stripping. I was down to my underwear and socks when I looked over and saw Sam standing there wearing only his black boxer-briefs. There was a sizable pouch in the front. I quickly pulled off my socks and grabbed the towel. "Okay, let's go." We walked down the hallway toward the bathroom. There were only a handful of guys when we entered. One guy was at the sink brushing his teeth, two were at the urinals, and another two were in the shower area. Sam and I made our way over to the showers around the corner. They were open, with about a dozen showerheads spaced around. I realized this wasn't going to be easy.

Suddenly, Sam leaned over and pulled off his underwear, throwing it and his towel on a nearby bench. I got a great look at his junk. His dick was soft and hung down a few inches, and his dark pubes were neatly trimmed. What impress me was his girth. Sam had a hog down there.

I walked over to the bench, willing myself not to get hard. I quickly pulled down my underwear and threw it near Sam's. When I turned around, I got a fantastic view of his ass. It was pert and had a dusting of hair. More importantly, I noticed his body was tan all over.

The whole time we showered I was fighting a boner. Watching my hot roommate soap himself up was almost more than I could take. I had to keep tearing my eyes away from his gorgeous body. Finally, we rinsed and toweled off. We hadn't brought clothes with us, so we just wrapped the towels around ourselves before making our way back to the room. When we got back Sam ripped off his towel and grabbed a pair of Nike shorts to wear for bed. I threw on a pair of runners.

"Much better," he said, sounding refreshed. "So, are you gay, dude?"

Sam asked it so nonchalantly, but I still felt my stomach drop. "Uh, yeah... guess I wasn't as subtle as I thought I was in the showers haha. Sorry, man." I blushed.

"Hey, it's no problem, man. I'm fine with gay guys, and I'm used to getting looks in the locker room." He winked at me and grabbed his crotch.

"Well, since it's out in the open, I gotta say that's a nice dick ya got there. I've seen a whole bunch, but not many like yours." We laughed.

"Thanks! He gets enough exercise for sure. So, how many guys have you been with?" Sam asked.

"Like, ten or twelve. Never really kept count. I had a couple boyfriends. Some were hookups, and a few were straight friends that wanted to nut haha!"

"I've gotten head from a friend of mine who's gay. He really knew what he was doing. I asked him to do it a a few times over the years." Sam was now laying on his bed with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

I was dumbfounded. This gorgeous straight guy was telling me he'd had sex with another guy, and it was no big deal.

"If you ever wanna blow me, just lemme know," he looked over at me with a smiled and winked.

Before I could fully think it through, I blurted out, "How 'bout now?" I stared wide-eyed at my roommate as I realized what I'd just said.

"Sure," Sam giggled (God, he was so fucking cute). He reached down and shoved his shorts to his knees.

I jumped out of my bed and knelt next to Sam's. His soft dick mere feet from my face. I reached over and grasped Sam's dick in my hand, eliciting a sigh from him. He looked me in the eye and nodded. That was all I needed to begin stroking his thick cock. I felt the blood rushing into the shaft, inflating his mushroom head and adding more girth to the rest. When he was hard I figured his cock was about seven inches long. About an inch longer than mine, but much thicker.

I leaned forward and engulfed as much of my roommate's big cock as I could. I heard him moan before he steadied his breathing. There were still three inches not yet in my mouth, so I slowly started swallowing more. Sam breathed in sharply through his teeth as his hands went to the back of my head.

"mmmm..." he moaned. "Yeah, that feels great, dude. Keep at it." His hands gently guided my head up and down.

I let Sam take control. My lips covered my teeth, and I stuck my tongue out as his thick cock slid in and out of my mouth. He was taking it slow, and he relaxed as I pleasured him. I looked up and saw his eyes closed and his mouth in a slack grin. He was really enjoying the sensation of his cock gliding in and out of my warm mouth.

Soon he started knocking on the back of my mouth into my throat. I relaxed my muscles and reminded myself to remain calm as his thick cock breached my throat. It felt uncomfortable at first, but then I started to get turned on, feeling Sam's cock resting in my throat. He kept it in there for a good 30 seconds before he gently pulled out. I immediately sucked in a breath and wiped all the spit from my mouth.

"Again," he groaned with his eyes closed.

I engulfed Sam's big cock back into my mouth and began swallowing. He whimpered again as I kept swallowing, using my throat muscles to massage his thick dick. Swallowing and gagging. Swallowing and trying not to breath. Concentrating on swallowing and not gasping and spitting all over him. I kept that up for as long as I could before I came up for air. I looked a mess with Sam's grip on my hair and a mixture of my spit and his precum all over my face.

"This is hot, man. Want it in the ass?" Sam asked, his eyebrow cocked.

Stroking Sam, I responded, "ummm... Maybe not now. I haven't been fucked in months, and you're kinda thick." I was disappointed in myself. I wanted nothing more than for this hot, hung, straight boy to fuck me. I figured I was having performance anxiety. I wanted to make a good impression on my roommate.

"No prob, but please finish me off here." He laughed as he wagged his hardon against my face.

Once again, I dove back onto my roommate's big, thick cock - taking it to the base. Except, this time I immediately pulled back up until his cock head was between my pouty lips - then I dove straight back down again. The sound of my throat taking Sam's cock was filling the room and turning us both on. He helped by lifting his pert ass off the bed and thrusting up as I came down. "scwelch - scwelch - scwelch..." Sam fucked my throat for over a minute before he was ready to drop his load.

He roared, "Aw man, fucking take it!" His hands pulled my head down, so my nose was buried in his pubes and my chin was resting on his balls. Sam's cock began pulsing in my throat as his cum blasted down my gullet. It went on for a while, and I was starting to lose my breath.

I pulled back so his cock head was in my mouth. It wasn't shooting anymore, but at least I was able to breath. My tongue slithered around his head, licking any last globs of cum. He tasted okay; it was just hot knowing it was my gorgeous roommate's.

After I thoroughly cleaned Sam's cock, I spit him out and sat up. "What'd ya think?" I smiled at him.

His bright smiled was calming as he said, "That was Grade A head, my dude. Best I've ever had. Would you wanna do it again every once in a while?"

"I think I could schedule you in," I winked.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Next: Chapter 2

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