My High School Years

By chris

Published on Apr 11, 1999


I know you all have been waiting patiently for this chapter. I apologize for the delay. This one was a bitch! I hope you all like the new fornat. I've tried some of the suggestion I got after chapter 7. I didn't realize how long I made the paragraphs in 7. I hope the new format is better for all of you. PEACE!

My High School Years Chapter 8 'Justin's Struggle'

Up on the movie screen there was this big alien ship attacking the Enterprise-E. In my mind were the words attacking my brain that my father spoke earlier tonight, "We're moving to Seattle, Washington!", and that one sentence from my father was all I had been dwelling on all night. When the four of us took our seats in the theater, Brandon made sure that he sat between Adam and Christian. Somehow he figured out that something was wrong and he knew he had better get Christian on the opposite side, away from Adam and I. Neither Adam nor myself said anything to him about what was going on. We had not yet told Brandon the situation. Yet he picked up that I was really upset about something. Damn! Did I show my emotions that bad?

I had been fidgety throughout the whole movie. I did calm down slightly when Adam reached over and took my hand in his. He held on to my hand tight through the rest of the movie, and when the lights in the theater went on we both had a hard time letting go of each other. It felt as though if we held on to each other we would never be separated. But reality set in when the lights came on. And the depression hit hard too.

The movie was over and I couldn't even tell you what happened in half the movie. All I kept thinking about was the day that I would have to say goodbye to Adam. I could see it plain in my mind. I could feel the last time we would make love. The last time he pressed his soft pink lips against mine. And I could here the two of us telling each other goodbye, then the both of us just break down and start crying like total babies. It is definitely a day I do not want to have to live through. It's going to be so hard!

Adam's mom was waiting for the four of us when we came out of the theater. We all piled into her van and headed back to Adam's house. He had asked his mom earlier if we could all spend the night together at their house. Of course she was ok with it and Brandon and Christian had brought there things for our first sleep over. When we arrived back at Adam's house we all got out of the van and headed into the house. Cindy pulled me aside and asked me to join her in the kitchen. "Justin, is there something bothering you?" "Ummm, not really." "You have been very quiet all night and that's not like you."

I really didn't want to get into a conversation with her right now about what was going on. I just wanted to go upstairs and spend time with my friends. I think that was what I needed most. "I'm ok Cindy, thanks for asking. I was just kind of disappointed with the new Star Trek movie, that's all." She just looked at me and I could tell that she thought I was so full of shit. She knew something was wrong, but she also knew I wasn't going to tell her about it yet either. Cindy handed me 3 cans of Coke and a can of Pepsi and I headed up to the room. She said that she would have us some pizza ready in a while. I smiled at her and went on up to Adam's room. Have you guessed who was going to get the Pepsi??

I walked into Adam's room and Adam had already made his way for the Nintendo. He was sitting there playing Zelda 64 and Christian and Brandon were sitting next to each other on the bed. Rather close too I might add. I walked in and handed them all a can of Coke and went and sat down next to Adam. "Hey buddy! What my mom want?" I just sat there for a few seconds and said, "She was just wondering if I was having any problems. Does it show that much on me when I have a problem?" Adam looked at me and said, "Yes, it does." Great! Maybe I just need to get a sandwich board and walk around Tallmadge Circle with "This boy is a problem child" wrote on the front of it. Nah, I'd rather walk around the Circle naked!!!

I sat there for a while watching Adam play Nintendo. Brandon and Christian were having a good time about something. They kept laughing and giggling at each other. I wonder if Brandon is going to make a move on Christian? I hope he knows what he's doing if he tries it. God knows he wasn't worried about me. I leaned over toward Adam and whispered to him, "So what do you think? You think Brandon and Christian are hitting it off?" Adam looked over at me and just started laughing. he was laughing so hard that he fell backwards and was holding his stomach so it wouldn't hurt. I started laughing hard too and Christian and Brandon were just starring at us like we were retards or something. Christian kept asking "What's so funny?", and Brandon was bright red. Brandon knew what I whispered to Adam, he had too! Why else would he have turned so red?

We started to calm down when Cindy came in with a HUGE pizza. She looked at Adam and I over on the floor, curled up laughing out of control, and smiled as she sat the pizza down on a tray she brought with her. "You guys seem to be having a good time." she said. Christian looked over at us and said, "They just started laughing like that. No one said or did anything." We just busted out laughing even harder after seeing the serious look Christian had on his face. "Don't worry about those two Christian. Justin's mother and myself are convinced the both belong in a mental hospital, that's all that wrong with them." Christian looked at Cindy and his jaw dropped wide open. He had this look on his face like he was in a house full of fucking crazy people. Cindy smiled back at him and turned and left the room.

By this time Brandon was laughing too and Christian just sat there and looked at us. Finally Christian got up off the bed and literally dove down on top of Adam and myself. We all three wrestled around on the floor for a while. As you can imagine, I got myself a couple of feels of Christians ass. The three of us rolled around on the floor a few more minutes and Christian ended up laying on top of me and his body was between my legs, his crotch pushed against mine. I could feel that he had an enormous cock in the jeans, and it was still soft. I wonder how big it was when he got hard!?

Christian pushed against my crotch hard with his and he pinned me down to the floor, holding my arms down with his. "Now, you guys going to tell me what's so funny? Or are you guys just retards like mom said?" We were still laughing hard and all I could think to do was wrap my legs up and around Christians back and start acting like he was fucking me. Adam and Brandon were laughing so hard they were crying. I looked up at Christian and said, "You know you have to marry me now don't you?" Christian just laid on top of me and started laughing himself. I could feel his cock was starting to get hard and he pushed harder against me. He must have been able to tell that I could feel him getting hard. He got up off of me fast, smacked me in the head, told me I was a tweeb, and went for the pizza.

Finally we three stooges calmed down on the laughing and went to get some pizza too. Adam and I grabbed a few slices of pizza and went and sat back down on the floor together. Brandon sat down over on the floor by the stereo, and Christian sat on the bed. After all of the laughing and horseplay that had been going on, I was feeling like myself again. The idea of having to move was pushed to the back of my mind and I was having a great time. I did notice when Christian would look at me he would start to blush. Adam must have caught it too. When Adam and I had finished our pizza he grabbed me by the arm and asked me to help him take the stuff down to the kitchen.

We gathered everything up in the room and headed for the kitchen. When we got down stairs Mark and Cindy were sitting on the floor next to a raging inferno in the fireplace. They were drinking what appeared to be wine. God, that looks so romantic. I could picture Adam and myself sitting in front of that fire. Soaking in the heat from the flames, the love we share for one another. We walked into the kitchen and cleaned up our mess from the pizza. When we were finished Adam grabbed my hand and led me out the back door to the porch. We stood there for a few minutes starring at the stars. It was a clear and cold December night. And the two of us idiots are standing out here on the porch with no coat on.

Adam put his arm around my waist and just kind of spun me towards him. I grabbed him and pulled him close to me. He just looked into my eyes as if he found the brightest star he had ever seen. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. Adam leaned in a pushed those beautiful soft pink lips against mine. God he tasted so damn good. I have been wasting for this all night. We stood there and kissed for what seemed like and eternity. Adam pulled away from me and looked at me again and said, "Dude, I want you so bad it hurts!" "I know, I want you to Adam" With that said Adam pulled me by my hand down the steps and headed for the garage. "Where we going?" I said to him. "Ever done it in the back seat of a car?" he asked me. "NO!" I said back. "Well here's your chance!" Adam got the garage door opener out of Marks car and opened the garage door. We walked in and Adam hit the button for the door to close.

"Adam, we can't do this now. What about Christian and Brandon?" "So what about them? Knowing Brandon, he's probably already in Christians pants!" Hehehehe, Adam was probably right. I should know! Adam grabbed me and leaned me up against his moms car. He started kissing me hard. God my little teen god his so horny tonight! And I'm not complaining one bit. Adam started pulling my shirt off of me and was licking at my nipples as he worked his way down the front of me. He was fighting with the button for my pants and he ended up ripping it off my pants. He pulled my pants straight down to the floor, then my boxers, and immediately took my cock into his mouth. He started sucking on my cock in a fury. I've never felt him suck me like this before. This was great!!!

Adam stopped working on me long enough to take his shoes and clothes off. I could see his whole body shiver from the cold December air. He went back down and started working on my cock again. I grabbed Adam's head and started thrusting my cock in and out of his mouth. I stood there and faced fucked him a few more minutes when Adam stood up and said, "I want you to FUCK me!" "What? Fuck you?" "Yeah, FUCK me! Don't make love to me, just FUCK me!" WOW! We have never just FUCKED before. We always take our time and make LOVE to each other. Adam walked around to the back of his mom's van and I followed. He opened up the hatch on the back of the van, pulled out a blanket that was in the back of it, and laid it down over the latch and bumper.

Adam went back over to his pants and got out a small tube of KY Jelly. He opened it and squeezed some in to his hand then handed me the tube. He took and worked his hand up and down the length of my cock getting it all nice and lubed up. He the got up in the van on all fours and pushed his ass out of the van at me. Adam pulled his ass cheeks apart and I squirted some of the lube on his sweet ass. I took my finger and worked the lube around his hole. I squirted more lube on him and started working my finger into his hot boy pussy. Adam moaned as I worked my finger in and out of him. I slipped a second finger in and he went wild. He was humping my fingers as I shoved them in. Adam turn his head back to look at me ad said, "FUCK me dude!"

I positioned myself behind Adam and rested the head of my cock at his hole. He moaned loudly as I started pushing the head of my cock into him. I started to stop when he moaned like that put he pushed back on my cock until I was almost all the way in him. His ass muscles were gripping my cock tighter that they ever had. It was damn near enough to make me cum right then. "Now, you going to FUCK me lover?" Adam asked. "Yeah I'm going to fuck you, like you never have been before!" I said to him. I grabbed hold of Adam's waist and started moving my cock in and out of his ass. I was almost pulling my cock all the way out then I would shove it back into him as deep as I could go. I was almost shoving my nuts into him I was plowing his butt so hard. Adam was moaning and whimpering the hole time, begging me to fuck him even harder.

Not letting my cock come out of him, Adam moved down out of the van so he had his feet on the ground and he leaned back into the van. This gave me better penetration and I started fucking him for what I was worth. We both had sweat poring of our bodies even though it was only like 28 degrees outside. Adam lifted one of his legs up onto the bumper as I grabbed hold of his waist tighter and drove myself into him harder and faster. I could feel him gripping his ass muscles around my cock harder than he ever had too. "Oh, yeah Justin! Um hmph yeah, give it to me, FUCK ME HARD!" Adam was yelling at me. I reached down and around him and grabbed his cock. He was leaking pre-cum all over the place. I started jacking on his cock faster the more I could feel the cum build in my balls.

I was starting to moan loudly too and Adam said to me, "Are you ready to cum lover?" "Yeah" I said back to him. Adam pulled my cock out of his ass, got out of the van, and kneeled down in front of me. He took my cock in his one hand, and his in the other. He moved his mouth right up to the head of my cock and started jacking me off fast. I couldn't take it anymore and my cock erupted, squirting my cum all over his face and in his mouth. Adam started to work his tongue around the head of my cock as he jacked his own cock off. He started moaning louder and it sounded like he stopped breathing when all of the sudden he was squirting his hot cum on my leg.

Adam stood up, and with my cum all over his face, he kissed me hard on the lips. "That was great Justin! God I love you so much!" "Dude, that was wild! Totally intense!" I said too him. Adam walked over to a work bench and grabbed a clean shop towel from a stack of towels laying there, He wiped his face off and the grabbed two more towels. He walked over and knelt down to wipe my leg off. Then with the other towel he wiped my cock off. He stood back up and we kissed some more. Adam looked at me and said we had better get back up stairs before Christian and Brandon wondered what happened to us. I agreed and we both put our clothes back on. I took my comb out of my pocket and straightened my hair up. It was a little wet from sweating, so was Adam's. His hair was a mess, and trying to comb it out wasn't helping much either. I did notice when he close the hatch on the back of the van that the windows were fogged up slightly. Hehehehe!

We walked back into the house and Adam went to the half bathroom down the hall from there kitchen. I went to there fridge and grabbed four more soda's and waited for Adam. Adam came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his head. He went in and wet his hair down so he could have and excuse why we took so long. We walked back through the foyer and to the stairs. It looked like Mark and Cindy were asleep on the living room floor, so we quietly headed back up stairs. When we got to Adam's room the door to Adam's room was closed. I whispered to him, "didn't we leave the door open when we left?'' He whispered back, "Yeah, it was. Wonder what's going on in there? Want to find out?" I looked at him sort of sheepishly and said, "Yeah!". Adam flung the door open to his room, the lights were off and there was a commotion on the other side of the bed. Adam turned the lights on and Brandon was standing there in his underwear.

"H--H--Hi guys!" Brandon stuttered out. "We were just g--g--going to go to s--s--sleep." "Yeah, why are you standing there in you underwear with half a hardon?" I thought to myself. "Cool, we were just downstairs cleaning up the pizza mess. I decided to go in and wash my hair real quick. Sorry if it took so long. Didn't mean to make you guys bored." "What the hell do you mean it's cool! Brandon was getting ready to do it with Christian!" I thought to myself. Oh God, am I jealous? Adam shut the light back out and pulled me down the hall to his moms sewing room. "You thinking what I'm thinking dude?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said rather quickly and kind of sarcastically. "Damn! Now I see why you did it with Brandon. He's fucking hot! Looks like he has a nice ass!" Adam said. "WHAT! What the hell do you mean by that?" "It was just an observation Justin." "Well I think it was one you should have kept to yourself dude." Adam looked at me for a second then said to me. "You're fucking jealous aren't you?" "You think I'm worried that you might want to go after Brandon? Hell no! I just didn't see any reason for you to tell me what you thought about Brandon, that's all."

"That's not what I mean Justin. You are jealous because Brandon was about to do something with Christian!" I looked at Adam for a minute and said, "Why would I be jealous of what goes on between them. We need to stop all this before it turns out ugly Adam. I told you, I have no feelings for Brandon anymore. It was a one time thing." "Ok, it's just funny to see you get so worked up over it." Adam shot back. "Adam! I'm not worked up over it! But if you keep going on about it I will make myself that way if you want!" Adam stuck a finger up to my mouth and to hush, then kissed me. "I'm sorry lover!" he said to me at the same time reaching back and squeezing one of my butt cheeks. But Adam is right. I'm jealous as hell!

We went back into Adam's room and Christian and Brandon were both sitting on top of their sleeping bag. I noticed that they had opened one of the bags completely and laid it on the floor, and then opened the other so they could lay under it together us a cover for them. They both were sitting there in there underwear. When Adam and I walked in Christian got up off the floor and went to turn the T.V. on. He asked Adam if it was ok to put one of his old Frankenstein movies on in the VCR. Adam could just nod his head yes. Christian had on this tight pair of bikini underwear that only covered half of his gorgeous ass. We were both in awe. And when Christian turned around he had the biggest bulge in the front of his underwear. You could see the outline of his cock in them and it had to be at least six inches long. And it was soft!!

Adam and I probably looked like a cartoon character. You know the ones that the jaws literally hit the floor when they see something that surprises them. I bet we did look like a couple of retards! And to top it off, Christian just had to stand there and stretch himself backwards so that his cock showed even more through his underwear. Adam and I both had to pinch each other to come back to reality. We walked over to the bed and I started to get undressed. It was 2:30am, I just fucked my boyfriends brains out, I'm tired, and the emotional stress was just too much today. I just wish there was a point in my life that I didn't have to struggle with my emotions so damn much. Adam stripped down to his underwear and the hole time he was getting undressed I notice that Brandon never took his eye's off Adam.

Not that I think I would ever have any problem with Adam fooling around with Brandon, I could trust Adam. Brandon is the one I have to worry about. Why do I have so many struggles in my life now. I have the greatest love I could ever ask for in Adam. But yet I still do have this lust for Brandon. No, it's a cross between lust and love. I do feel love for Brandon. And now there is the Christian factor! Am I beginning to feel lust for him too? I am begining to have those funny little feelings inside about him. Maybe it would be better if I do move to Seattle. Maybe I could stop having all these lustful feeling towards these guys. Nah, I guess it's only human to have these feelings. I know I want Adam. And I know I don't want to go to Seattle and have to leave him behind.

Adam and I both propped pillows up against the head board of his bed and laid down to watch the movie. Brandon and Christian were both sitting next to each other on the floor. We all got to talking to each instead of watching the movie. Brandon and Christian kept teasing each other, telling one another that they had little dicks. Well, I know from experience that Brandon's isn't that big. Been there done that! But from the bulge we seen earlier in Christian's undies, there's no way he has a little dick. The conversation would go from girls to sex and back to dick sizes. Finally Christian said to Brandon. "If you think you have such a big dick, prove it!" Brandon just sat there and blushed, he didn't know what to say. Adam and I kind of sat up on the bed more and Adam said, "Yeah mouth, if you think your dick is so big, prove it!"

Brandon looked at me and I just kind of shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't going to tell him to prove it. I didn't need to give Adam any fuel for a fire. Brandon looked back at Adam and Christian and said, "Ok, I'll prove it. But you guys have to prove it too!" Adam and Christian both kind of mumbled something and sat back down in there respectful places. That's when I chimed in. "Now, look at the two pussies backing out of a challenge. What's wrong guy's? You afraid the 14 year old is going to have a bigger cock?" Christian looked up at me and said, "Pussy? Well then you fucking prove it Justin. I don't have to prove anything." With that I stood up on Adam's bed and dropped my boxers to my ankles. They all sat there with there mouths hung wide open. Not because I had the biggest cock in the room. I didn't, Adam's is bigger than mine. They were all shocked that I had the balls to do it.

"Now, you want to measure it hard or soft?" I asked them. Without another word said Brandon stood up and took his underwear off too. And he made sure he turned around to show me that hot little ass of his too. Then Adam stood up beside me on the bed and dropped his boxers too. I don't think Christian really knew what he got himself into when he told Brandon to prove it. But he finally got up off the floor and dropped his underwear to the floor too. MY GOD!! We all decided we didn't even need to go get a ruler. Christian won, pants down! Hehehehe!! His cock had to be at least seven inches long and four to five inches around soft. "Good God! How big does that fucker get when it's hard?" I asked Christian. Christian stood there and he was bright red. "it gets pretty big dude!" He said kind of embarrassed. Adam looked up at Christian and said, "What do you use it on, a horse?"

I don't think Brandon knew what to do. He just stood there with this whacked out look on his face. I think it kind of scared him to look at the size of Christian cock. Either that or he was trying to figure out what it would feel like to be fucked by that thing. I know I couldn't take it. We all stood in our track starring at Christians cock. Wondering if all the boys from Texas were hung like that. Thank God we're not moving to Texas!! Adam and I sat back down on the bed and never even bothered putting our underwear back on. Christian sat back down on the floor and Brandon just stood still. I threw my boxers at him and hit him in the face snapping him out of his trance.

"What's wrong dude? Haven't you ever seen someone else's cock before?" I asked Brandon. Brandon just looked at me a gave me this evil little smirk and sat down on the floor again. We all started talking again and Brandon just sat there real quiet. Adam looked over at Brandon and said, "Dude, what's eating you?" I leaned over and whispered into Adam's ear, "It's not what's eating him, it's what he want's to eat!" We both busted out laughing again and Christian started laughing too. Obviously he heard what I said and thought it was funny. "Now what you guys laughing about?" Brandon asked. We all just laughed harder. I could tell he was getting pissed off so I started to calm down. "Dude, I thought you heard what I said . I whispered to Adam that it's not what's eating you, it's what you want to eat!" We all started laughing again and Brandon just sat there.

Obviously he wasn't in the mood to joke about this. He just sat there real quiet for a bit, then looked over at Adam and I and said, "Yeah, so what would be wrong with that?" As soon as he said that someone could have dropped a straight pin in that room and the noise from it hitting the table would have broke your ear drum. The room got quiet real fast! We all just looked at Brandon in disbelief. I couldn't believe that he just sat there, right in front of someone he just met, and said he wouldn't mind sucking his cock. Well, I guess that's not exactly what he said. But it's sure the hell what he meant! I looked over at Christian and he was bright red. He was blushing so bad I thought that if another drop of blood ran to his head it would explode.

"What the hell you guys looking at me like I'm crazy for?" Brandon inquired from all of us. "Hell Justin, you were wondering how big it gets when it's hard. I'd like to see it too!" Oh God, I know Christian is going to freak out now. I bet he figures he's in a room full of fags and he is going to get up and run from the house any second. "Oh fuck it!" Christian yelled out. "Damn, if it means that much to you guys to see my cock hard, I'll get it hard! Adam, you got any magazines?" Adam looked at me then back at Christian, "No dude, I don't have any. But if my mom and Mark are sleeping, I can sneak a porno out of there room." Christian told Adam to go see if he could get one, so Adam got a pair of sweat shorts out of a drawer, put them on, and headed out the door.

Adam came back a few minutes later waving a video tape out in front of him, closed his door, and headed for the VCR. Adam put the movie in and turned it on. Ah man, there was that damn cheesy porn music. Why can't anyone make a porno without this stupid ass music. We all sat there watching the porno for a while. We all kept checking to see if Christian was getting hard yet. He wasn't. He must be to embarrassed. I on the other hand was rock hard and so was Adam. So I again took the liberty of showing my cock off again. I got up off the bed and walked over to the table next to Christian and grabbed my can of Pepsi. Christian starred at my cock the whole time. So did Adam and Brandon! Then Adam got up and grabbed his can of Coke off the same table. Damn Adam has a beautiful cock! I wanted to grab it and just start sucking on it right there.

Well, I think that might have started getting Christian hard. He stood up to get his can of pop of the table and his cock was getting longer and fatter. I spoke up and said, "The movie starting to work?" He looked and said back, "No, this movie isn't doing a damn thing." Christian was standing with his cock almost face level to Brandon. Brandon looked up and said, "I know what could help!" And with that Brandon reached out and grabbed Christians cock and started stroking it. Christian started to pull away at first but then he stopped. He just stood there letting Brandon stroke his growing cock. Adam and I were speechless. We both thought for sure that when Brandon grabbed Christian's cock he would knock Brandon out! But he didn't. He just stood there. Brandon kept stroking Christian's cock and he was fully hard. "Jesus Christ!" Adam blurted out. And I had to agree. Christians cock had to be 10 to 11 inches long. But it didn't get much fatter than it was soft. "Damn dude! You're 15? I asked. "Nope, I'm 16. turned 16 a month ago." Adam looked back up at Christian's face and asked, "What the fuck they feed you guys in Texas?"

Christian sat back down next to Brandon then laid back on the sleeping bag. Brandon wrapped his hand back around Christians cock and started to stroke him again. Adam looked over me and down at them and said, "You guys want to be alone?" They both looked up, Brandon with a smile from ear to ear, and Christian saying, "What, now that my cock got hard you guys don't want to see it? Or you guys don't get into this?" Adam kind of straightened up and said, "Get into what?" "Get into fooling around!" Christian giggled at him. "Christian?" Brandon asked, "Are you gay?" "Ummm....I guess you could say that. Although I still do girls now and then. But I have been with some guys back home. So I guess you would say I'm bi." WHEW!!! No more hiding the secret from him.

We all started talking again and Brandon finally let go of Christians cock. Adam and I finally came out and told Christian that he and I were boyfriends. We even went over the Brandon saga from a month back. "So, it looks like I found the right group of friends! I wondered about you two in school today." OH SHIT! Does it show? Adam and I looked at each other with this frightened look. "Christian started to laugh this time, "It was just a feeling! Hehehehe! Don't take it that everyone in the school knows. Hehehehehe!" We all laughed it of and Adam put his arm around me and moved closer to me. Man did it feel good to be able to show the love that Adam and I felt for each other in front of someone else. But I think it bothered Brandon a bit. Brandon asked Adam if it was ok to go get another can of soda. He asked if I would come along, so we both put our pants on and headed for the kitchen.

We made our way past the living room where Mark and Cindy were sleeping and into the kitchen. I grabbed everyone a new can of soda and Brandon grabbed me by my shoulder. "Justin, can I talk to you?" "Yeah dude, anytime!" Brandon asked if there was some where private we could talk so I led him back upstairs and into Cindy's sewing room. I went back to Adam's room and gave him and Christian there sodas then went back to the sewing room. Brandon was standing there giving me his brown puppy dog eye's. "Hey what's wrong Brandon?" "Justin, I have a problem. I'm falling for Christian!" Brandon started to sob slightly. I pulled him close to me an put and arm around his shoulder. "Why is that a problem? He's a nice dude. He's cute, funny, seems to be intelligent, warm, and he's nice." "Yeah, I know Justin. But he's not you!" "Hey! Haven't we talked about this before? Brandon, I'm just not an option for you. I have Adam, I love Adam. Now don't even start to think I don't like you. Believe me, I do. I still have strong feelings for you. But it just wasn't meant to be dude!"

I'm not sure what effect my words had on Brandon. I'm not sure how they would have effected me if I was in his shoes. But he can't miss out on this opportunity with Christian. Hell, I think Christian has opened the proverbial door for a relationship with Brandon. Now Brandon just needs to shut the door on me and walk through the door with Christian. "Justin, I know how much you love Adam, and I know how much he loves you. I just feel like I will never find anyone that would love me the way you would love me." A tear fell from Brandon's eye and began to roll down the gorgeous little cheek that belonged to his face. "Dude, open your eye's! Christian has the hots for you. I can tell! You never know, his love for you could be greater than anyone would ever possibly be able to give you."

Brandon stood there and looked at me for a few minutes, not saying a word. Adam walked into the room to see what was up. "What you guys doing? I feel weird sitting in my room with a guy that has a 10 inch hard on happening!" "God, he's still hard?" I asked. "Yeah, all we have been doing is talking about Brandon." I looked back at Brandon and said, "You see dude! He must have some kind of feelings for you!" I looked at Adam and he was looking at me with his retard look and I told him I would explain it later. He said whatever and went back to his room. "Justin?" Brandon asked. "Yeah dude?" "Could I ask one last favor of you?" Sure buddy, anything" I told him. "Could I have a kiss, say our last kiss?" I stood there for a second thinking. What would Adam say? Would he get pissed? Or would he be glad that this might finally be over?

I thought about it a minute longer and said, "Sure dude, why not!" Brandon moved closer to me and I leaned down and our lips met for one last kiss. What I thought was going to be our last kiss turned out to be one of the longest, hottest kisses I've ever had. Brandon pulled me so close to him, he held me tight in his arms trying not to let me go. We worked our tongues around in our mouths with more passion than we did the night we made love. I reached down and took one of his nice smooth ass cheeks in my hand and squeezed it hard, making Brandon moan as I did so. Realizing I was starting to get hard, I pulled away from Brandon. For some reason I felt like I was on cloud nine. I wanted more! But I had to stop. I will not ruin what time Adam and I have left together. Brandon looked up into my eyes and said, "I wish we could spend one more night together like we did at your house. That would make my world Justin." I had to agree with him. Brandon was definitely great in bed! "Dude, I would like that too. But I can't let that happen, and I won't let it happen. So let's get back in that room." Brandon started walking first. He turned back around and said, "I love you Justin, I always will." I smiled at him, kissed my finger and placed it up to his lips. Then we headed back to Adam's room.

Walking back into Adam's bedroom I immediately took my place back on the bed. Brandon went and sat down right next to Christian. I looked over at the clock and it was 3:45am. I got back up off the bed and took my pants off again. Thank God I didn't go into full hard on in the sewing room. I would have had one hell of a time explaining that. I looked at everyone in the room and said, "Look guys, I'm tired as hell, it's been a long drawn out day for me. So don't mind me if I lay here and fall asleep." Adam move over next to me and said, "I'm tired too." Everyone agreed about getting some sleep. Adam and I climbed under the covers of his bed and Brandon and Christian got under the sleeping bag on the floor.

We all said our good nights and I reached over and turned out the light next to the bed. Adam cuddled up next to me and gave me a kiss goodnight. God, I could handle this every night. The two of us in bed, cuddled up to one another. It would be awesome! Adam threw his arm around me and wrapped a leg over me, pushing his hot cock into my side. I laid there just listening to the room. Brandon whispered good night to Christian, and Christian the same to Brandon. Adam's breathing became slow and I could tell he was almost out. I rolled over on my side and pushed my ass up against his cock. He humped against my butt a few times and put his arm back around me, holding me tight.

I laid there for what seemed like forever and thought about my day. I had woke up earlier that day knowing that I would be with Adam for a very long time. Now I'm going to bed knowing that it will all end in a few short months. I had these thoughts of us just packing up some stuff and taking off. Running away somewhere that know would be able to find us. But I know we could never do that, we could never ever hurt our parents like that. I was also thinking about Brandon. The poor kid is in love with me so bad. I hope our little chat helped thing between he and I and not made him that much more infatuated with me. I probably should have never agreed to that kiss. And I know I should have never grabbed his butt either!

As I was laying there thinking, finally starting to doze off, I start to hear these muffled little moans coming up from the floor. I slowed my breathing down to make it sound like I was asleep and the moans started to get a little louder. I peered over the side of the bed, and with the help of the street lights, I could see a head bobbing up and down. I looked up to see who was on the receiving end of this obvious blow job and it was Christian. Brandon must have finally decided that he needed to go on with his life and went for it. I felt a little strange laying there listening to this. It made me fantasize about when Brandon went down on my cock. He sucked on me like he was an expert at it. I know Christian is definitely enjoying himself right now.

I slowly rolled myself over in the bed and was able to wake Adam up without making any noise. I put a finger up to his mouth so he would know to be quiet and to just listen, He heard it to and was having a hard time trying to hold a giggle back. He finally composed himself and I turned back on my side and Adam cuddled up against me tight, pushing his already growing cock between my butt cheeks. I know they had to have heard the two of us up on the bed, moving around and stuff. But Brandon was going to town on Christians cock. When we heard him gag when he must have tried to take it all we both started to giggle as quiet as we could. that's when I heard Christian say, "You two enjoying the show?" We just busted out in laughter when he said that. "I can't believe you guys!" Brandon yelled up from the floor.

Adam and I apologized for laughing and listening in. But what the hell did they expect? Soon the room got quiet again and you could hear Brandon working Christians cock again with his mouth. Adam, being the little devil he can be, made a real loud gagging sound like he was choking and I immediately busted out laughing again. Brandon reached up and hit me in the chest. We apologized again and said we would leave them alone. And we did this time. Adam and I laid there and had to endure Brandon sucking off his new love. I guess they really need to do this with us in the same room. Adam whispered in my ear that we should go lay in his moms sewing room on the day bed. So we both got up, put our pants on and left the two new love birds to themselves.

Closing the door behind us we made our way down to the hall to the sewing room. On our way Mark came out from the bathroom and asked what we were doing. "Um...Christian is snoring to loud, neither of us could sleep through it so we were going to lay on moms day bed in the sewing room." Adam explained to him. Mark kind of chuckled, waved his hand to us to go on and went to his room. More than likely he figured we were sneaking off to do OUR thing. And he was right! Adam and I made love two more times that night. We couldn't get enough of each other. I think we are both struggling with the fact that I will be moving in a few months and we need to make the most of it while we can. Although my parents gave me some of the worse news of my life earlier, all in all, this was a good day. As long as Adam is involved, everyday will be a good day for me!

Ok, I finally finished it! I hope you guys forgive me for taking so long on this chapter. Chapter 8 was definitely a hard one to write. I went through 9 rewrites on this chapter before I finally finished it. I do hope you enjoy it. As always you can reach me at And on a personal note, I want to just say that my dear friend Comicality is going through some sort of major experience in his life. He has decided to give up on writing his stories for the time being while he tries to get through his situation. Com, if you read this, you know how to get in touch with me. If you ever need someone to talk too, get a hold of me! Love to you dude!! Remember, there is always a special place for you in my heart. Take care dear friend!! Chris

April 10, 1999

Next: Chapter 9

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