My High School Years

By chris

Published on Mar 29, 1999


Hi boys and girls!! Ready for Chapter 7???? I have the feeling this chapter is going to suck! I really didn't want to come home from Mexico! I had toooooooo much fun!! And yes, I did chase some guys around. Well, actually I got chased a good bit :) Oh well, life in paradise just wasn't meant to be. Back to the cold tundra called Akron, Ohio (God I can't believe I actually admit from being from this hell hole) and life, as normal as it isn't for me, at school and work. If you don't know how to reach me, send all hate mail or fan mail too

My High School Years Chapter 7 'Fear of Separation'

"OH MY GOD, I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!" I kept screaming that same phrase to myself the whole time Adam drove to the dance studio. Adam's mom took him after school the other day to get his temporary permit and this was the first time Cindy has let him drive. I can't believe she just gave him the key's and told him to drive. You would think she would take him to an abandoned parking lot and let him practice or something. Damn, this woman has bigger balls than I do! Just the same, I can't believe I got into the frickin car!!! Between Adam being all over the road and his mom screaming at him, I have not figured out what was worse! After bringing the car to a screeching halt in front of the dance studio, Adam turned to look at me and said, "Here we are buddy! How did you like that driving? Hey! How come you are so pale? Are you sick?" And all I could think to myself was "HELL YES I'M SICK YOU IDIOT!" Instead I just looked up at him and said, "No, I'm ok. Just worried that Denise and Brandon are going to yell at me for being late again." "Dude, don't worry about them. Just tell them you were out driving with the love of your life, the sparkle in your eye, your angelic god, your..." "Ok, already! Let's go dude!" Adam's mom started laughing when I cut Adam off during his boasting. She obviously knew he scared the crap out of me on the way here. She looked kind of pale herself.

Adam and I finally got out of the car and made our way into the dance studio. When we walked in there stood Denise, arm's folded, tapping her foot and looking at her watch. "Hi Denise!" Adam yelled. "Sorry were late. My mom let me drive over here and I kind of took my time." "Yeah, he was trying to make it a slow death for us all." I blurted out as I passed by Denise and headed for the boys dressing area. Adam followed me into the dressing area and Brandon was there still getting changed. "Hey guys, what's up?" he said with a wide smile. It has been over a month since Adam and I have gotten back together and he has totally surprised me. I thought for sure after I told him about what went on between Brandon and I that he would kill Brandon the first chance he got. He never said a word to him. We have all become good friends and hang out together all the time. Well, most of the time. Adam and I need our quality time, if you know what I mean! "Hey dude, what's up?" Adam said and I repeated. "Denise was worried you were running late again Justin. She started bitching about it when I walked in the door." "Oh well, I guess I should have set the time ahead a half hour. I don't have time to get done what I need to right after school" Adam looked up at me with those beautiful blue eye's and a shit eating grin. He was the reason I was late. My horny little teen god. He just couldn't wait until after dance practice. As soon as we walked in his room after school Adam was all over me, and as always, it was sooooooooo awesome!!!

I'm glad Adam talked me into going ahead with this dance competition. I was going to give it all up. After everything we had went through I didn't want to give him any reason to think I was still "involved" with Brandon. I'm not! Still, even after the first 2 practices I came to, and the long talks I had had with Brandon, I still had a funny feeling about the whole thing. Adam spent the night at my house one night and we worked it all out. I told him that it felt wrong for me to be in the competition with Brandon. He just told me to shut up about it. He told me I worried to damn much and that if it would make me feel any better he would start going to practice with me. And he was right! It did make me feel better. Well, at first it didn't. I was afraid that Adam would tear Brandon up. Hell, you should have seen the look on Brandon's face when Adam walked in with me. It was way to funny! But life does go on, and Adam and I are making the most of it. He really likes coming with me. We have even had him up dancing with us. Adam is actually a very good dancer. He was just faking it the first day we met. He was acting like he never danced before in his life. He faked not being able to dance just to get close to me that day and it worked!

Adam has been a big help to us at practice too. Denise and I disagree about everything and Brandon just goes with whatever sounds good. Denise and I were arguing over what songs we were going to dance too. Adam sort of stepped in and decided what the music would be. He chose Ray of Light by Madonna, Touch It by Monifah, Believe by Cher, Motown Philly by Boyz2men, and of course Everybody by the Backstreet Boys. We all agreed to the music finally and who was going to dance to what song. The rules were a 3 member dance team but, we could break it down to 2 people on some of the songs. We all decided that all 3 would dance to Ray of Light, Touch it, and Everybody. Only Denise and I would dance to Believe. And Brandon and I would dance together on Motown Philly. Adam even helped in the choreography too. This was a state dance competition so we had to keep it fairly clean. But we did make it to were Brandon and I got to work our butts allot. Especially on Touch it. And of course Brandon's and my shirt's would come off on Everybody, which would be our last song. The dance we came up with for Everybody was great! We even did a lip sync to the song. If we were going to win this competition it was going to be with this song. Everyone was happy with the way it turned out. We were just having the most trouble on what Denise and I was going to do with Believe.

After about 2 hours of going through the 4 songs we did have our dance moves set for and trying to work out what we were going to do with Believe, we all decide it was getting late and that it was time to go. Mr. Davis had already left and told me to make sure I locked up when we left. Denise and Brandon went into the dressing areas and changed there clothes, Adam walked through the building with me to check door's and turn off the light's. "Hey buddy, you were great tonight!" "Really? I thought I was having trouble on Motown Philly. I just don't know if it's a good song for Brandon and I to dance too." "Oh, dude! You guy's move together great on that song. You were fine. You just need to relax, stop worrying so damn much!" Adam grabbed me by the waist and stopped me. I turned around and looked at him. He pulled me close to him and held me tight against him. God he feels so good. The warmth of his body, the smell of his shampoo, the gentleness of his touch. I wanted him and I wanted him now!

"Night guys!" Brandon and Denise yelled down the hallway. "Hey, you 2 becarefull on your way home. Brandon, you got a ride?" "Yeah, my mom's out front waiting on me. Movie tomorrow night guys?" Adam, I could tell, was getting frustrated with the chit chat so he yelled "YES! One of us will call you after school dude!" There was a moment of silence from both Brandon and Denise then Brandon stuttered out, "Ookkkay, tttalk ttooo yyyou tttomorrow." We both started laughing our butts off and you could hear Denise laughing too. Brandon must have figured out we wanted to be alone and went into his nervous state because he interrupted. I still think it's so cute the way he gets all nervous and up set. It's funny. Adam grabbed the keys from me and ran up to lock the front door. I followed him up the hall and made my way back out to the dance floor area heading toward the dressing area. Adam came running into the dance floor area and tackled me on one of the big mats on the floor. "You're not getting away from me that easy!" he said as he straddled over me, glaring into my eye's. Adam leaned down to me and pushed his soft pink lips against mine. Every kiss shared between us has always been better than the first. The passion that we have for each other is second to none. And the love we feel toward each other cannot be measured. Every time Adam touched me I melted like hot butter, and right now was no exception. He started pushing his tongue into my waiting mouth, and mine into his. Adam worked his body in between my legs and we laid there on the mat kissing and grinding each other in the throws of our passion. I reached up and started pulling Adam's shirt off of him, exposing his beautifully developed chest and stomach. Adam might have a small frame, but damn is it proportioned well! I started running my hands up and down his bare back, messaging the muscles each time. Adam pulled my shirt up as far has he could and was rubbing my chest, my stomach, playing with my nipples, pinching and teasing them. I reach down and unbuttoned his pants and slowly slid the down over his nice plump little ass. I reached back around him and grabbed both of the beautiful globes that were his butt cheeks and started squeezing them gently. I pulled Adam down tight against me, his hard cock grinding into me. He felt so damn hard! I could feel his cock throbbing against my body, wanting to be released of it pressure.

Adam got up off of me and grabbed a hold of my shorts at the waist and pulled them down to my ankles. He reached down and pulled my shoes off then finished taking my shorts the rest of the way off. After taking his pants and shoes off too, he laid back down on the mat, his face between my legs, and went straight for my nuts. He started licking each one slowly, taking his time to make sure he tasted every bit of skin on my sac. He would take one, then both into his mouth and suck on them hard, knowing he was driving me absolutely crazy. And another thing that was driving me crazy was the fact that this was the first time we were having sex somewhere other than one of our bedrooms. We were alone! No one to worry about! None of the usual stuff like trying to keep are moans and groans quiet so no one would hear us. It was just Adam and myself in the building, no one else, and that was making me even hotter! Adam started licking his way up the shaft of my cock SLOWLY. My body withering around wildly under him as he opened wide and took all of me into his mouth. I could feel his nose resting in my small batch of pubic hair, and his golden blonde hair just touching my stomach, tickling me slightly as he started moving up and down on my cock. Adam began sucking my cock franticly, moving up and down faster and faster. I could feel the orgasm start to build up in side of me and I knew that it wasn't going to be long before I filled my teen lovers mouth full of my boy juice. But I didn't want that, not yet. I wanted to taste him, and most of all I wanted him inside of me. I wanted Adam to make love to me right here on this mat. I needed him too! I reached down and pulled at Adam's arms, lifting him up, letting him know I wanted to taste him. He got up off the mat and straddled my chest so his cock was starring me right in the face. I stuck my tongue out and licked the head of it, Adam's body shivering at the touch of my tongue. I opened my mouth and he leaned up and guided his cock into my mouth. Damn he tastes sooooo good. I could taste the sweetness of his precum when his cock entered my mouth. Adam started groaning softly as he began a slow grinding of his cock into my mouth. He started picking up the rhythm when I reached around and grabbed hold of his beautiful ass, pulling him deeper into my mouth. Suddenly Adam pulled his cock out of my ass and moved back down between my legs. He lifted my legs up high and wide so he had total access to my ass. He moved his head down toward my butt and started licking my tight hole. I could feel his tongue moving all around it, pushing on it as he tried to enter me with his tongue. Adam moved a finger up to my hole and started rubbing it, then pushing the finger deep in me. I arched up of the mat as he started working his finger in and out of me, faster and faster. I moaned loud when he pushed a second finger in me. Adam was getting me ready for him. He wanted to make love to me as badly as I wanted him too. Adam pulled his fingers out of me and reached over for his pants. He pulled out what looked like a small tube of lube and opened it up. I could feel the coolness of the lube when he applied it to my hole. Adam applied the lube to his cock, coating it good so it would be nice and lubed to enter me. Adam positioned himself back between my legs, leaning forward, positioning the head of his cock at my tight hole. He began to push the head of it into me as I lifted my ass up higher to accept him better. I could feel his big cock stretching my sphincter open wide as he slowly pushed deeper into me. Adam had about half his cock in me when he repositioned himself, wrapping my legs around his shoulders, then began pushing the rest of himself in me until his cock was buried completely in me. He leaned forward and began kissing me, holding himself still until I was comfortable with his thick 7" cock in me. I started to move my ass up and down letting him know that I was ready and he began to slowly pull himself in and out of me. I wrapped my arms up around him and pulled him down closer to me as we kept working our tongues around in each others mouth, and Adam slowly making love to me. God I can't describe the feeling I had at that moment. Just the two of us, all alone, making love to one another, no worries, no cares, just us! Adam started to pick the rhythm up slightly, but he didn't go wild. He just kept slowly pulling in and out of me and it was great. We were actually taking our time with each other, not trying to bust a nut quickly so we wouldn't get caught. We were actually experiencing the act of making love! Adam kept grinding his cock in and out of me slowly and the whole time he was making love to me we never broke that kiss. I felt like I died and went to heaven. We were so much in love with each other and I really didn't know just how much we were until this moment. Adam was making love to me and I didn't want it to end, but I knew it was going to come to a climax soon. Having him pulled down on me, his tight stomach grinding against my hard swollen cock, was bring me to the verge of a lethal orgasm. My body was getting more tense each time his stomach moved across my cock. I knew if I reached down and touch it I would explode. Adam was picking the rhythm up even more, moans and groans getting louder, his breathing was getting faster and harder. He was about to unleash his boy nectar deep in me and we still haven't broke the kiss. Suddenly Adam's whole body went tense and he started thrusting into me harder, still holding on to that kiss. I reached in between our bodies and started jacking my cock off. I was right, as soon as I touched it I began shooting gobs of boy cum all over the both of us, Adam still thrusting deep in and out of me. Then Adam shoved hard into me one last time and he exploded. I could feel his cock contracting inside of me as he squirt load after load of his cum deep in me. And the whole time we were both in ecstasy we held on to that kiss. Adam slumped down on top of me completely and we just kept on kissing each other. We laid there for about 5 minutes before he finally pulled out of me and laid beside me, breaking that beautiful kiss we shared with each other all that time.

We both laid on the mat, side by side on our backs, just starring up at the ceiling. We laid there and held each others hand, not saying a word to the other. There was no reason for us to speak, we both knew what the other felt. Love, we felt the love we had for each other. Adam rolled over on his side and just laid there and starred at me. He finally spoke and said, "Dude, you were awesome! This is awesome! We are awesome! Finally, no fears of getting caught by your parents or my mom walking in on us! Justin, this was totally fucking awesome. God I love you so much. We have to do this again. We have to find our own private place where no one will bother us, where we can just be together and we won't have to worry about anyone or anything!" I started to speak my agreement but Adam place a finger over my mouth "Shhhh....just lay there. I know what you are going to say. Just lay there and let me soak you in.' Adam leaned over and kissed me then laid back down on his back starring at the ceiling again. We laid there for about 10 more minutes when there was a loud banging on the front door. I got up off the mat fast and pulled my shorts on, slid my feet into my shoes, and ran for the door while Adam grabbed his clothes and went in a full sprint for the dressing area. I got to the door and it was my dad! SHIT! Where are the keys? "Justin, what are you doing? Do you know what time it is?" "I was just getting ready to call you dad. I was practicing and lost track of time." "Well it's 10:30 and you have school in the morning. Now let me in." "Ok, let me go get the keys." I took off and went to get the keys from Adam. So much for no one bothering us! I can't believe it's that late. Denise and Brandon left at 8:45, damn! I got the keys from Adam and went to unlock the door for my dad. I could tell he was pissed. I have never ever stayed at this place this late and I know I'm going to get hell for it. "Justin, why didn't you call you mother or myself and tell us you were going to be this late. We have been worried to death over you!" "I'm sorry dad, I just lost track of time." "Well, you had better not let this happen again. If it does, there will be no competition! Is that understood?" "Yes sir, I understand." "Now go get ready to go home. Isn't Adam with you?" "Yes." "Well tell him to come on, his mother is worried too."

The ride home was a real quiet ride. Adam and I both knew my dad was pissed and I guess both figured we better not start goofing around and end up pissing him off more. My dad pulled up and stopped in front of Adam's house and Adam started getting out of the car. "See ya in the morning buddy." Adam said kind of gloomily. "Ok dude, in the morning." "Good night Mr. Thompson, thanks for the ride." "Ok Adam, tell your mom hello for us." With that Adam slid the door shut to the van and ran up to his house. During the short drive back to our house my dad didn't say a word. I don't know what was worse, his silence, or a good ass chewing which I thought I was going to get. He pulled the van into the garage and we both got out and went into the house. I could tell there was something my dad wanted to say to me, but what was it? I've never seen him act like that before. All he said to me when we got in the house was to hurry and get ready for bed. That there was something he and my mother wanted to discuss with me tomorrow evening. Hmmm....I wonder what that could be? Oh well, no sense worrying about that all night. I went to the fridge, grabbed a Pepsi and went up to my room. I waited in my room for about 15 minutes and grabbed the phone and dialed Adam's pager number. I left a voice mail on his pager telling him good night and that I loved him. I also told him not to worry that my dad never said another word to me. I guzzled down the Pepsi and laid down and turned the light out. I started to think about what Adam and I just did. I now truly know that I am to be with Adam the rest of my life, or as long as he wants me. I'm in love with him so damn much! God, I better stop thinking of him, I'm laying here getting hard as a rock!

I feel like I woke up a whole different person this morning. I feel so.....alive! Adam and I both had this bright glow this morning. Today started out totally weird. Adam came over to my house as usual this morning. And he snuck up behind me in my room as always. It was just totally different. There was this over powering feeling of love between us that neither of us could explain. Even my mom noticed something was going on. Well, she had too. Adam usually sat down at the breakfast table and made a pig out of himself. Today he just sat there looking at me so hard the it seemed like his life depended on it. I was looking at him the same way. My mom asked us both if there was something wrong, or if we were up to no good. I don't think either one of us answered. And what was even stranger, Adam held my hand all the way to school. We never even realized we were holding hands until Brandi came up behind us about a block away from the school and asked us if we were crazy or stoned. And standing out at the steps where Denise, Brandi, Adam, and myself met every morning was weird too. I know the girls were talking to us, but I have no clue about what they were saying. Adam and I just stood there starring at each other. Damn love is great!!!

We made our way to our first period algebra class and took our usual seats. Asshole came hobbling in on his crutches and I had this little mischievous streak run through me. As Jeremy hobbled past us back to his desk, I grabbed a hold of his left crutch, as he was bringing it forward to put his weight on it, and pulled it out from under him. Jeremy went crashing face first to the floor and the whole class broke out laughing. Denise grabbed the crutch from me and threw it down onto Jeremy and said, "That's what you get you fucking faggot!" Jeremy got up with this OH SHIT expression on his face. It was the kind of look that made me realize that he was getting very worried about his popularity days around this school. He knew I told someone about his raping me. And he's right! I told the biggest self proclaimed bitch in our high school, Denise. Jeremy's going to regret he ever met Justin Thompson! As good as I felt today, Jeremy and the whole world could kiss my ass because I wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of Adam or myself. The time as come where I need to start getting back at the dickhead and today was just the start. Adam looked over at me with his devilish little grin. I knew he had something to say so I just said, "What?" "Dude, I can't believe you just did that to him! You know he's going to kick your ass when he gets off those crutches." I leaned over closer to Adam, starring Jeremy down the whole time, and I said it loud enough for the whole damn class to hear it. "Fuck him! He won't be in this school long enough to kick my ass. And besides, you see what he got for the black eye. Just think what would happen if the WHOLE DAMN SCHOOL KNEW THE REAL STORY!" Adam sat back in his desk and looked at me like I had just completely whacked out on him. "Justin, what we talked about that night, do you have a plan on how to get back at Jeremy?" Denise said. "No, not really. But I'm tired of looking at that piece of shit. And I'm also tired of people talking about Adam behind his back. They're going to find out the real truth to all this even if I have to out myself to do it." I got up from my desk and walked back to Jeremy's desk. I leaned down and got right in his face. "Look here you piece of shit. I know what you did to Adam, not to mention what you did to me. Your days are numbered you sick fuck. Everyone is going to know about the great Jeremy Miller and your sick ass won't be able to walk the halls of this school anymore!" "Mr. Thompson! Is there a problem?" Mrs. Teeter screamed from the front of the room. "No ma'am, I don't have a problem." "Then I suggest you return to your seat immediately." Before walking back to my seat I turned and looked at Jeremy again and said, "But your ass has a problem!" Then went and took my seat. "Dude, I don't know what you said to him back there, but you know we are both going to die." Adam said with a small hint of fear in his voice. "Nah, he's not going to do nothing. I've got him to whacked out now." Denise started to laugh slightly and Adam just leaned back in his chair. And the whole time I just wondered to myself if I knew what the hell I was doing. No, I didn't!

About half way through Algebra the door to the room opened and in walked the second cutest boy I had ever seen in my life. He stood about 5' 10" and I guess weighed in at about 140 to 150lbs tops. He had deep brown hair that kind of swooped down over his forehead and the biggest hazel green eye's a human being could have. He walked over to Mrs. Teeter's desk and she took what I guessed to be his schedule and transfer papers from him. God what a weird day to start at a new school, it being Friday. But, this has been a totally weird day anyhow. Mrs. Teeter stood up from her desk and started her rambling. "Class, please welcome Christian Michael Anderson. He just moved here from Dallas, Texas." The class all kind of murmured a hello to him and went back to work on the assignment. Mrs. Teeter instructed Christian to sit down at the desk in front of Brandi. She gave him an Algebra book and told him just to sit and relax for today and she would get him into the class work on Monday." Christian walked over and sat down in front of Brandi and as he went to sit down Brandi reached up, grabbed his gorgeous ass, and told him he had a nice butt. I definitely had to agree with here on that! Christian sat down, turned 5 shades of red, and turned around to tell Brandi thank you, stopping to make eye contact with me. Adam immediately caught his eye contact and reached over and punched me in the arm. "Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" I asked. "Pop you eye balls back in your head dude. They are about to hit the floor and roll away." Adam said to me rather firmly. Damn, I was just looking.

Christian ended up in 2 more of my class and Adam and I had already started talking to him. He seemed like a really cool dude and Adam invited him to sit with us at lunch. Adam and I met at the lockers as always and we walked to the cafeteria for another fine nutritious lunch made available be the Tallmadge school board. We went throw the food line then sat down at our normal table. Not long after Christian came over and sat down with us. We all sat there eating and talking about Christians move to the great state of Ohio. He hated the move so far. He said the best time of the whole thing was when Brandi grabbed his butt in front of the whole class. "What is it with that girl anyway? " Christian asked. "Brandi is whacked dude!" Adam said laughing. I giggled at that and said, "Nah, she isn't. That's just her way of welcoming the good looking guys to the school. I got it a few months ago when I started here." "You new here too Justin?" "I'm new to the school, not to the area. I'll have to explain it to you some day." Christian looked at us both and said, "So, is this Brandi seeing anyone?" Adam went into a choking cough shooting his chocolate milk through his nose. I just kind of turned and giggled a minute. "What's so funny?" Christian asked. "Dude, Brandi is like totally untouchable." Adam said to him. Just then Denise and Brandi walked up to the table and sat down. Well, that ended the talk about who Brandi was dating real fast. "Hey Christian, Justin and I are going to see the new Star Trek movie Insurrection tonight. Would you like to go with us?" "Yeah dude, come on and go with us. Another friend of ours is going and we could make it a foursome!" Just then Adam stomped on my foot under the table and started giggling. Christian had to think we were the most whacked out people he had ever met. "Kewl, yeah I'd like to go." I can't believe I just asked him to go with us and we'd make it a foursome. It wasn't met to be taken the way Adam took it. But it was pretty funny.

The rest of the school day went fairly well. Adam found out where Christian lives, which isn't to far from us. He moved into the old Taylor house not to far from where Bruce and I built our little club house in the woods when we were kids. As soon as the bell rang Adam and I took off in full sprint to go to my house to get some of our "quality time" in before my parents got there. We ran up the front walk and onto the porch and I went to put the key in the door when my dad pulled the door open. "Hi guys!" He said to us with a big grin on his face. "Hi dad." "Hi Mr.Thompson." Adam added in. "Dad, what brings you home so early?" "I took half the day off today. I wanted to get a few things done around the house. Why? Am I not allowed to be here?" "Oh, I was just wondering. You need any help with anything?" "No, you boys go ahead and do whatever you were going to do. I'm going to finish up and call it a day soon." Adam and I walked into the house and headed to the fridge to get a Pepsi. "Let's go over to my house. Mark is the only one home and he'll be asleep on the couch." "Ok, Let's go!" So we headed back out the door and told my dad we were going to Adam's house. "Justin I want you back here by 5:00. I'm taking you and you mom out for dinner so we can have that little talk we discussed last night." "Ok, I'll be here by 5:00 dad." With that we took off running to Adam's house. We got there and no one was home. Mark's car and Cindy's car were both gone so we had a little while to ourselves.

Adam rolled over and looked at his clock. "Dude, it's 4:50 you better get your ass home." I got up out of the bed and started putting my clothes on. "Wait a minute!" Adam said as he sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled me close to him. He stuck his tongue out and worked it around the head of my now semi hard cock, licking the last little cum droplet off the head of it. I bent down and started to kiss him when he pulled me away and said, "Dude you better get going. You start kissing me like that and you will end up being late." "Why is that?" I asked. "Cause I'll have you back in my bed that's why!" Adam sat there grinning from ear to ear as I finished getting dressed. He got up from the bed and took my hands into his. "Call me when you get home. I'll call Brandon and Christian and tell them we'll be going to the 10:00 movie." Ok, cool! I'll call you as soon as we get back from dinner." Adam pulled me close to him and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. I pulled him closer and damn near shoved my tongue down his throat. I didn't want to leave him. I wanted to stay here in his arm's where I knew I was meant to be. But he pulled me away and told me to get my butt home. So I gave him my patented puppy dog look and headed out the door.

My mom got home from work and we all got into her Trans-Am and went out for dinner. Dad decided he was going to take us up to the Brown Derby Road House for dinner. Dad parked the car and we all got out and went in. There was this real cute guy seating people. He had to be about 20 years old and had a really nice swimmers build. Definitely HOT!! We sat down at the table and a waitress came and took our drink orders. I immediately went for the bucket of peanuts they have on each table and started shelling them. Mom and dad started talking about how there day went and stuff. Dad was telling my mom about things he had done to the house today. He was telling her it would help the value of it when they sold it. I didn't think anything of the conversation. I was to busy with the peanuts to worry about it. The waitress came back to the table and took our dinner order then disappeared back to the kitchen again. A few minutes later she came back with this HUGE bowl of salad and a basket full of the Road Houses famous rolls and honey butter. I started to pig out on the salad and rolls when my dad started talking to me. "Justin, I have some exciting news to tell you." "Yeah, what's that dad?" I said with my mouth half full of food. "I got another promotion at work this week. I have been promoted to plant manager." "Hey dad, that's great!!! When do you take over?" "I start as plant manager on February 1st. That give's us enough time to find a new house." "Find a new house? What's wrong with the house we live in now?" I asked. My mom and dad both looked at each other and grinned back and forth and my mom said to me, "Because the house we live in now is not close enough to Seattle!" I instantly dropped my salad fork and looked at both of my parents. "Seattle!" I said rather loud. "Yes, Seattle. Your dad has been transferred to Seattle, Washington as plant manager of the airline division." "So we have to move?" I asked stupidly. Of coarse we have to move dummy. "Yes Justin, we have to move. We are all going out to Seattle the week after Christmas to look for a new house. Isn't this just exciting?" my mother said with such excitement in her voice. "No it's not exciting! I don't want to move out to Seattle. Mom, Dad, I just had to go through making new friends. I don't want to leave here!" "Hey Justy, we know it's going to be hard for you. It's going to be hard for us. We are going to have to leave our friends, your grandparents, everyone and everything dear to us. We hate to have to sell the house. We bought that house when we first got married. You were born in that house. That's going to be the hardest part of leaving for us. That old house had meant so much to your mother and I over the years." I sat there stunned and in disbelief. "I don't care about that damn house" I thought to myself. I only care about Adam!

After picking through my food the during dinner, we all got in the car for the quiet ride back home. I was mad as hell and I didn't won't to speak. My parents kept asking me all kinds of questions and I would just answer them with a quick yes or no. Dad said he would take Adam and I and drop us off at the mall to see the movie tonight. I told him that there were 2 other guys going and Adam's mom was going to take us all. Dad pulled the car in the drive and parked it in the garage. After my mom got out of the car I flew into the house, up to my room and slammed the door shut. I backed my duffel bag with clothes for tonight and tomorrow and headed down the steps to go to Adam's house for the night. My parents asked me to come into the family room to talk some more and I just walked out of the house and slammed the door. Hmmm....I slammed 2 door's in 5 minutes, I'm definitely going to here about this tomorrow. I got on my bike and road over to Adam's house. He was standing on his front porch talking to Mark, his mom's boyfriend, when I rose up their drive. "Hey buddy! What's up? Why the gloomy face?" Adam asked rather concerned. I told him to come on and we headed up to his room. I walked in his room, dropped my bag on the floor, and sat down on his bed. I just sat there with my head lowered to the floor and Adam sat next to me on his bed, putting his arm around me. "What's wrong Justin?" he asked me. I just sat there and stayed real quiet. "Come on dude. You know you can tell me what's wrong. I'm always here for you to talk to." "Yeah, you are. But I won't fucking be much longer!" Adam kind of sat back and looked at me like he went into shock. "Dude! Did I do something wrong?" "I'm sorry Adam, I'm not mad at you or anything. I'm just upset over what my parents wanted to talk about." "Well tell me then. It can't really be all that bad." "Oh yes it can!" I said to him rather quickly. I turned on the bed to face Adam and I had a tear running down my face. Adam wiped the tear of and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

I sat there and looked at Adam for a long time. I just sat there and soaked in his beautiful looks. How was I going to tell my teen god that I was going to be leaving him? After all the crap we have been through, and how we are now so much in love with each other. How do I tell him? I reached out and took both of Adam's hands in to mine and just held them tight. He leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips. God I'm going to miss that the most. The feel of his soft lips pushed against mine. He looked at me with those damn gorgeous baby blue eyes and I knew I just had to come right out and tell him. "Adam, my dad got a promotion at work. He has been promoted to plant manager." "Well what the hells wrong with that dude? You should be happy for him." "I am happy for him. It's just, just that....." "It's just what dude?" "My dad was promoted to plant manager of his companies airline division." I paused for a few seconds. "In Seattle, Washington. Adam, I have to move to Washington state!" Adam just sat here and starred at me, then the floor, then back at me. "When do you have to move?" he asked with a tone in his voice that sounded so sad it about put me in tears as soon as I heard it. "He starts as plant manager there on February 1st. We are going out to Seattle the week after Christmas to look for a new house. Adam, I don't want to leave you!" Adam pulled me close to him and wrapped both of his arms around me. "I don't want you to go either Justin. What will I do with out you?" "I don't know. God why does this have to be happening to us?" We both just laid back on his bed and held each other close. There had to be a way out of this for both of us. Dammit, I don't won't to leave Adam. What was I going to do?

There you go! I left you with 2 cliffhangers this time!! How is there 2 cliffhanger? Well, you all know the obvious one. But, what about Christian? What's going to become of this character? I'll let you guys ponder that one for a while. I hope this chapter holds up to the rest. I want to send a personal thanks out to the fine people at Nifty for posting my stories on their web page. You guys all need to go to and check out some of the great stories they have posted there. They post all the stories on their sight for us up and coming authors for free. The stories are also free to the public. I did see an area where they accept donations to help keep the site going. Everyone might think about making a donation to these people for the fine work they are doing on there website. Thanks a bunch Nifty!! Also I would like to thank the guys at Boys Too Men for the free space on their web page too. They are going to post all of the chapters on their site, updating it each week, then archiving each chapter. Their site is at Thanks Again to all of you out there too! Love to all!! Chris

Next: Chapter 8

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