My High School Years

By chris

Published on Mar 21, 1999


Hi everyone! Here we go again with another installment of My High School Years. This will be the last chapter I write for about 2 to 3 weeks because I'm going on spring break vacation to Cancun Mexico and I don't plan on doing a damn thing but party and look at the guys. Just look you say? I might even chase a few around! Well here it goes guy's. I am taking my lap top computer with me, so I will be able to check e-mail. I will try to answer some of it while I'm gone, but don't hold your breath! LOL!! I am on vacation mind you! As always you can send any fan mail or hate mail too Take Care everyone!!!!

My High School Years Chapter 6 'Starting Over'

Adam walk in front of me as we headed out to the kitchen. I asked him if he would like a Pepsi and I went to the fridge to get him one. I came back over to the table and we both sat down. "You know something Justin?" "What Adam?" "I must be the luckiest guy in school!" "Dude, why do you say that?" "Because I found you!!" Oh god! He wasn't going to think that way after I tell him what I want to say to him. "Justin, before you say anything, I just want you to know again that I am truly sorry. And I do love you so very much!" "And I love you too Adam. But I really do have something to tell you."

Adam sat there and looked at me sort of puzzled and finally said "shoot". "Adam, do you think that we might have moved to fast with our relationship?" "No! I have never thought that. Why do you ask dude?" "Well, we have been together for almost 2 months and we have been putting each other through hell. We have been fighting for almost 2 weeks and I'm quite sick of it dude!" "I know Justin, so am I." "Wait Adam, I'm not finished." He again looked at me hard, letting me know that he was wondering where this conversation was about to go. "Go ahead buddy, I'm sorry." "It's cool. Look, I've been thinking about this so hard. We went to fast! Now don't get me wrong, I do love you so much. But I think we need to slow down and start over. Take this one day at a time. Adam, I love you so much it hurt's, and I also know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but....." "But what dude? I want to spend mine with you!" Adam said quickly. "Know you don't! You think you do, but you don't know that Adam!" "Yes I do!! I know what I want, and I want you!" "Oh God, listen to the both of us dude. We are only 15 years old, and within 2 months we are capable of deciding that we want to spend the rest of our lives with each other? That's just not possible dude!" "What's up with you Justin? What are you trying to tell me?"

I sat there for a minute, starring into his eye's. Those beautiful sky blue eye's of his drove me absolutely frickin' crazy. I wanted to grab him and make love to him right on my mom's kitchen floor! But I couldn't. I was totally full of guilt. I was guilty of cheating on my blonde haired angel and I couldn't take it anymore. In just the small amount of time between Brandon leaving and Adam showing up, I had a wall of guilt build up in me as high as the Sears Tower in Chicago. And I was getting pissed off at myself with every minute that past. I could feel the rage I had for myself building in my heart and it wanted to explode! I have to tell him about Brandon, I have too. But, something inside of me says not too. "What I'm trying to say is that....that I think we need to start over." "What the hell do you mean by that? How can we start over?" "You know, slow down a bit. This is new to both of us. You are the first guy I have been with and it's hard at times." Adam looked even more confused now, and I was confusing myself more and more. I'm blowing it here people! FAST!

"Look Justin, if you have something to say, say it." Adam sat there shaking hard. Oh shit! Does he already know?? I bet he seen Brandon leaving the house. That's it! He had to have. There wasn't enough time for me to walk out and get a soda before he tried to knock my door down! "Adam, I'm having a real hard time here with what I want to say, but I think you know." "Dude! How would I know what you want to say to me?" "Because you saw him leave the house. That's why you pounded on the door so hard." "I didn't see anyone leave the house!" "You had to Adam. You had to see Brandon leaving, there wasn't time for me to walk out to the fridge when you started beating on the door!" Adam sat there with his head lowered towards the floor. He knew exactly what I was trying to say to him and I knew he had seen Brandon leaving the house. He looked back up to me and said, "Yeah, I seen him leaving, but you are allowed to have friends dude." "Adam, c'mon! You know that Brandon would be the first person you would NOT want me to have as a friend." "No, really! I thought about it all night. I can't pick and choose your friends Justin. Just like I wouldn't want you to pick and choose mine." He does have a point there!

We sat there in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, which felt like 2 or 3 hours, and I finally got the nerve to say it. "Adam, I fucked Brandon last night!" Adam sat up in the chair real fast and looked deep in my eye's. What was he looking for? Did he think I was trying to bullshit him about this? After a minute or so he slumped back against the chair letting his tiny frame sag down to where his butt was hardly on the seat. He looked up at me and asked, "How?" "What do you mean how? I did it." "I mean WHY?" That was a question I still haven't really answered myself. Was it because I wanted too? Or because I needed too? Or was I just trying to get back at Adam for being such a dick? "Adam I don't know why, it just happened!" I was fighting real hard to keep the tears from flowing. I wanted to cry so damn bad but I wasn't going to let my guard down. I'm a man dammit! I need to stop acting like such a pussy about this. "Adam, I can't answer that question myself. Up until last night I said I wouldn't do it, that I wouldn't cheat on you. Then when I got home from the dance and you started your shit about what it would be like for you to catch me fucking Brandon, I guess I lost the reality of what or who I wanted." "So, what you are saying is that it's my fault?" "No! That's not what I'm saying at all. It's not your fault! Well, dammit, yes, some of it is your fault!" "How in the hell could it be mine?"

I could tell he was starting to get pissed. Was I wrong to think that some of this situation was his fault? After all, he didn't pull my pants off me! "Look, I don't want to even go there Adam. Dude, it happened, I enjoyed it at the time, and I'm so damn sorry now that it happened!" "You're sorry! In the same sentence you say you enjoyed it but yet you are sorry it happened? Dude, you are fucked up!" "Wait a minute Adam, I know I'm fucked up right now, that's what I tried to say earlier. We need to slow down." "No, you want to break it off with me so you can have Brandon!" Adam stood up from the chair and walked toward the patio door. I walked up behind him and put an arm on his shoulder. "Adam, please believe me when I say this, I love you. We just need to slow down this relationship, it is moving to fast. We don't even sit around and talk anymore. All we do is get each other off all the time and that's not all I want in this relationship." "Then what the hell do you want? You want me to ok you going and fucking Brandon too?" "Hell no! I just want to be us. Two 15 year old boys who are suppose to be enjoying their lives and their friendships. We can still make love to each other, but I want to do more! And I don't want anyone else but you!"

There, I told him. I know there had to be a better way to tell him about this. Hell, I'm so confused that I don't even think anything I said made any sense. Although somehow Adam understood. He stood there, starring out the patio door at the pool in our back yard and said, "I'm sorry too!" "You have nothing to be sorry about Adam." "Yes I do, I have allot to be so rry about. I didn't trust you in the first place when you were being true to me. If I would have stopped acting like a baby and would've talked to you when you tried, maybe this would not have happened. Just tell me one thing Justin, was this planned between you two?" "Oh God no Adam! I know what I said when I got pissed off and left your house last night. But you have to believe me, this was not planed at all." "I was just wondering, that's all." Adam whispered. "Brandon showed up right after I hung the phone up on you when you said you were coming over and......." Just then the phone started to ring. I walked over and picked it up to answer. "Hello?" "Justin? This is Cindy. Is Adam there with you?" "Yes he is" "Well I want you two boy's back over here immediately. We have to have a talk. Let me talk to Adam." "Ok Cindy, we'll be there in a few minutes. I have to grab a shower." "No, you can take a shower here. I want you guys back here in 10 minutes!" "Umm...ok, here's Adam." I handed the phone to Adam and I ran up to my room to get dressed. As soon as I walked in the room on the floored laid the vaseline jar from last night. I grabbed it up off the floor and put it back in my night stand before Adam came up the steps.

I was standing in my room when Adam came walking in. "Dude, your mom sounds pissed!" "Yeah, she is." "I'm sorry if I got you in trouble for my coming home last night." "Don't worry about it, she'll get over it." Yeah, she might, but my parents are going to be pissed off." "Nah, my mom won't even say a word to them." Adam walked over to my bedroom window and starred out back at the pool again. As I continued getting dressed he asked without looking at me, "Hey, you ever have sex in that pool yet?" "What? Why would you want to know that?" "I'm just curious." "Yeah, I had sex in the pool, with my last girlfriend. It happened about 2 weeks before school started. I'm surprised I didn't get her pregnant. We did it just about everyday all summer. Then she broke up with me about 3 hours after doing it that day in the pool." "Did you like it?" "What her breaking up with me?" "No dumbass, having sex in the pool." "Nah, not really. It's not the same." Adam giggled his little giggle and turned and looked at me and said, "I could just imagine you having to tell your parents that you got a girl pregnant. Your mom would shit bricks for a year!" "No, my dad would shit bricks. My mom would cut my dick off dude!" We both laughed and walked out of my room and headed back over to Adam's house.

The walk back over to Adam's house was kinda quiet. We didn't say much to each other all the way there. When we got to his house his mom was sitting on her chair on the porch. "You two boy's come sit down on the swing, we need to have a chat" she said to the both of us. We sat down and proceeded to listen to Adam's mom give us her lecture. She got on the both of us for the way we have been acting and she told us to get over it and go on. She jumped my ass for leaving and going home and then she ripped into Adam some more. Cindy told me to go ahead and go get a shower, that she wanted to speak to Adam, so I excused myself and went upstairs to take a quickie. I got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, brushed my teeth, put on the moo juice (deodorant), and went into Adam's room. You think I forgot to shave?? No I didn't! I'm proud to say I don't have to shave yet! Well, back to the story. I went into Adam's room and he must have still been down talking to his mom. I went over turned the T.V. on and hooked up the Nintendo 64. I sat down on the floor and started playing South Park. This game is quite stupid, but I like it anyhow. I guess it's because it's one of my favorite T.V. shows. Nothing tops my favorite show, Star Trek The Next Generation. I wish they would bring Wil Wheaton back as Wesley Crusher for the next movie. I always did think he was cute! I know, I know, another damn trekkie freak that can't concentrate on what he's doing! I'll shut up about Star Trek now!!

As I was sitting there on the floor playing the game Adam walked in. "What she say?" "She said we aren't allowed to leave the house the rest of the day. She wants us to stick around here so we can all go out later." "That's cool with me. You want to play too?" "No, I'll just watch. I'm really not into anything right now." I paused the game and turned around to Adam. "You want to talk some more?" I said to him. "No, I think there was enough said earlier." "Adam, you sure? Is there anything else you want to talk about?" "Yeah, I'm sure." Adam just looked at me with his little puppy dog eye's and went and laid on his bed. He was being real fidgety and I finally asked him, "Ok, what is it? I can tell you have something to say." He rolled over on his stomach facing me and leaned on his elbow's. "No, I don't have anything to say, but I do have a couple more questions." I paused the game again and turned my full attention to him. "Ok, anything dude!" "Ummm.....would you ever do anything with that dude again?" "Brandon? No! I told you that you are the only one I want. I also explained that to Brandon, he understands." "You mean he didn't get pissed?" "No, why would he?" "Well, you guys, ummmm......, well you know, you guys, fucked and stuff, didn't he get pissed when you told him that you still want me?" "No, he really didn't. I think he was disappointed, but he told me he completely understood. He told me that he was so in love with me that it hurt his stomach bad. I told him that he then knew how much I'm in love with you Adam." "Ok, next question. What are you going to do about this dance competition?" "What do you mean by that Adam?" "Are you going to dance in it?" "I'm not sure. I think I will tell Denise and Brandon to find a new partner." "Why Justin?" "Well with everything going on right now, I don't think I should be in it." "Oh, you mean with Brandon?" "Well, yeah. I don't want you to think we are doing stuff behind

your back." "Hey, dancing is the world to you. Don't you ever give something like that up just for me!" "But I don't want anymore trouble." "Hey babe, I trust you! I know you might not think I do, but I really do. I also forgive you for what went on last night. I still feel completely at fault about the whole damn mess anyhow."

I jumped up off the floor and laid down beside Adam on his bed. He looked over at me and I starred straight into those gorgeous baby blues. "Adam, you're right. I don't think you'll trust me. And I deserve that. You know as well as I do that anytime we get into a fight or something that you'll think I'm out screwing the town." "No, I really won't think that Justin, honest. I know you have learned something over the last 2 weeks, and I have learned it too. We have learned that we need to trust each other." "Hey, what the hell, I trusted you the whole time!" Punching him in the arm and laughing when I said it. "Oh, you lie, you know you was wondering stuff." "Nope, not me. I knew you wouldn't go for anyone else." "So tell me then, what makes you think that?" "It's because I'm so damn irresistible!!" Adam laughed hard and reached back for one of his pillow's. He hit me upside the head with it and yelled, "Shut up butt pirate!!" I yelled, "Blow me ass reamer!!" And we went into a full pillow fight. We were laughing and yelling at each other so loud that his mom came bursting into the room yelling at us to stop! She thought we were in a real fight with each other from all the noise she heard down stairs. When she learned we were just pillow fighting, she grabbed both of the pillows, hit us both with them, then we chased her out of the room.

We walked back in Adam's room and I went back to playing South Park and he sat next to me on the floor. It was kinda funny. He sat at a distance at first, then slowly moved closer and closer until he was damn near sitting on my lap. It was cute. We sat that way for close to an hour and my neck started to get stiff. I got up and stretched out face down on the floor and continued playing the game. "What's wrong?" Adam asked. "My neck and back were starting to hurt. I just needed to stretch out." Adam got up and went over to shut his bedroom door. He came back over and straddled me and sat down on my butt. "Dude, what's up?" "I'm going to rub your back. Is that ok with you?" "Yeah dude, it's cool." Adam placed his hands on my back and I shook so hard I almost threw him off of me. "Damn Justin, I'm just going to rub your back. It's not like I'm going to rape you or....." Then Adam got real quiet. I tried to half turn to look back at him and said, "What's wrong?" "Oh man, I'm sorry! I didn't meant to say that." "Hey, don't worry about it, it was a mistake. I knew what you were trying to say." He just kinda grinned and placed his hands back on my back. Even though I still had my shirt on, I could feel his gentle finger's messaging my back muscle's. Damn it felt good. I stretched up so I could take my shirt off, then laid down on the floor with my arms crossed under my head. Adam worked his hands up and down my back, over my shoulders, and rubbed around my neck too. "Where did you learn how to do this?" "Why? You don't like it?" "I love it! God, don't stop! It feels so damn good." "My mom taught me how to do it. She used to have to do it to my aunt before she died. When my mom wasn't around, or too busy, I would do it for her." "Oh, sorry to hear about your aunt. What was wrong with her?" "She had some sort of muscle disease. I can't remember the name of it and the word was too long for me to say anyway." "Man, I'm sorry dude. That really sucks!" "Thanks! She was only 31 when she died."

I didn't say anymore about the subject of Adam's aunt. He just continued to rub at my back and shoulders. After a while he said to me, "Get up and take your pants off." "Damn boy! You don't waste no time do you?" "Just take your damn pants off you sex addict! I'm just going to rub your legs out." "Hmmm......Sure you don't want to rub something else?" Adam giggled his cute little giggle again and got up off my butt. His rubbing my back felt so good that I didn't notice until I got up off the floor that my cock was rock hard. "Well, somebody is happy!" Adam said with a giggle. I unbuttoned my pants and as the fell to the floor, my cock stood straight up to the moon. "Damn! You are hard!" Adam said as he motioned me to lay back on the floor. I laid face down again and he got down at my feet and started rubbing each leg, one at a time. He worked on my left leg first, rubbing and kneading the muscle's in them all the way up to almost my butt then he would stop and work his way back down He did this to both legs for about 15 to 20 minutes and then when he worked his way back up my right leg, he grabbed a hold of my right ass cheek and started rubbing and kneading it. I though I had died and gone to heaven. He knew exactly what muscles to hit to make me feel so good.

I just laid there on the floor, my mind clear of any thoughts other than Adam rubbing my leg's and ass. Suddenly I felt him smack me on the back of the head and ask me if I was awake. "Yeah, I'm awake. I was just day dreaming. What you want?" "I want you to roll over. I want to rub the front of your legs." He needed to say no more! As soon as he got up off of me I rolled over on my back. I was still rock hard and Adam started to giggle a little. "What dude?" "You kinda have a mess there on your stomach." I reached down and stuck my fingers into a small amount of pre-cum I had leaked out when I was laying on my front. I looked over were I had been laying and you could see a small wet spot on the floor. "Let me get that off you." Adam said. He reached over to a dresser, pulled a small hand towel out, and started to wipe the pre-cum off of me. I thought I was going to shoot a load when he picked up my cock to wipe it off and to wipe the skin under it. "That feel good?" he asked. "Yeah, it did. You want to rub it?" I said with a chuckle. "No, I have to finish your legs." Adam said rather firmly. I think he was a man on a mission. And his mission was to make me feel GREAT!! Which he was doing very well. This is almost better than sex............NOT!

Adam again started at my feet and then worked his way up the front of my legs. First the right leg, then the left. He would make his way all the way up over my thigh and gently brush against my nuts with his hand then work his way back down. Adam leaned over me to work on my right leg and I could see that his cock was rock hard and tenting the front of the lose fitting pants he had on. "Looks like someone else other than me is getting happy!" Adam just looked at me and giggled. What did I do to deserve him? I know if it was he who cheated on me, there's no way in hell I would be rubbing his body right now. Or would I? I do love him so much. I just laid back and folded my arms under my head to prop me up so I could watch what Adam was doing. He made his way back up my leg, rubbing the muscles firmly, then with one finger he started circling it around my cock and nut's without ever touching them. I was going crazy and he could tell. My whole body was tense and I had even started wiggling around on the floor. Adam started to lower his head toward my cock. I could feel his warm breath against the head of it. I was ready to explode already. I knew as soon as he touched me I would shoot all over. He started to open his mouth wide to take my cock in when there was a loud knock on the door. Dammit!!

"Adam!" "Yeah mom?" "Come unlock this door." I scrambled across the room and got myself on the other side of his bed, trying desperately to get my pants back on. Adam opened the door and his mom walked in to the room. "What are you two doing. We haven't heard a peep out of you guy's for hours. Justin, why are you laying over there on the floor?" Cindy walked around the bed to find me laying there 3 quarters of the way naked with my cock still halfway hard. "Opp's, sorry Justin. I should have known better than to intrude." WOW! She's apologizing! My mom would either be beating the shit out of me, or screaming for my dad to do it. Damn! Then Adam spoke up, "Mom, we weren't doing anything. I was just giving him a rub down. He got excited that's all." God what a cheesy response. But he was telling the truth, kind of. "Well you guy's need to tell me to hold on or something before you open the door. I really don't want to walk in on this again. Now, I want you both to get ready to go out. Mark is taking us all out for dinner." "Ok mom, we'll be ready in a bit." "Alright boy's, don't screw around. Mark want's to leave soon. Oh yeah, nice tan line Justin!" Adam burst out into laughter when his mom said that. I don't know if it was because she said it or from the look I had on my face. I know my chin hit the floor! Cindy laughed as she closed the door behind her and Adam was rolling on his bed laughing. I got up off the floor, finished getting my pants up and buttoned, and I dove on top of Adam on the bed. "So you think this is funny?!?!" "Hey dude, my mom said no screwing around!"

We wrestled around on the bed for a few more minute's and then I straddled myself over his waist, sitting my butt down on his cock, and look deep in his eye's. "Adam?" "Yeah buddy?" "I've missed you!" "I've missed you too Justin." "I'm so very sorry for what has happened. I really do hope you will forgive me and trust me. I love you more than life itself and nothing or nobody will ever come in between us again." "And I love you more Justin! I do forgive you, and to be honest, it will be hard to trust you at first, but we will get through it together. I will not let anything or anybody come between us again. I promise to try not to go off the deep end when you are with your friends. It's just so hard cause you're so damn beautiful. I guess I have it in my mind that everyone wants you Justin." "Well let them want me if that's the case. Because you are the only one that will have me!" I leaned down to Adam and pushed my lips against his beautiful pink lips. This was our first kiss in almost two weeks. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I slipped mine in his, and we worked them around each others mouth in what had to be our most passionate kiss yet. We laid there kissing each other for almost 10 minutes when there was a knock on the door. It was Adam's mom telling us to hurry up. We got up off the bed and I finished getting dressed. I combed my hair back into some what of a presentable fashion and Adam swiped my comb from me and did his hair. We both put our shoes on and headed for the door. When we reached the door Adam stopped and turn to me and said, "I'm glad your back in my life Justin, I need you with me. I love you!" He leaned in, gave me a quick kiss on the lip's, then grabbed my hand as we walked out the door and down the steps. He held my hand tightly as we walked down the steps, past his mom and Mark, and out to the car so the whole world could see us. We didn't care, we were in love. And we were not going to let anyone, or anything get in the way of our love!

Hey, no cliffhanger this time! I thought I would give you guys a break. I thought I would give you a break on the sex too. I really don't want this story to be about 2 horny teenaged boys banging each other all the time. Oh don't worry, there will be plenty more sex. But I think I'm going to moderate it a bit. I would much rather see this be a love story than just another screw fest like most of the stories out there. You guy's and gal's let me know what you think. And yes I would like to say hello to my female readers! I didn't realize there would be so many ladies reading this until I started getting a few e-mail's about not mentioning the female readers. Thank you ladies!! I will be back in town on the 26th of March. I'm not sure if I will work on any of chapter 7 while I'm on vacation or not. But like I said, I will have my lap top with me so I can check e-mail. So please send any happy mail or bomb threats to

Next: Chapter 7

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