My High School Years

By chris

Published on Mar 18, 1999


Hello again! I would like to thank everyone that has been sending e-mail to me. The compliments I have been getting about this story have been GREAT!! I'm so glad you guys enjoy my writing. Like I have stated before, this is the first story I have ever written. You guys are the ones giving me the inspiration to keep this up. I would personally like to thank Comicality!! After reading through his entire website, he was the biggest influence on my deciding to sit down and write this story. Dude, if you are reading this, THANK YOU!!!! You guys can visit his site at Please visit his site and read through all his stories. This dude is a talent! I just want to say Thank You again to all of you. Now, on with Chapter 5!!!

My High School Years Chapter 5 Over coming the pain.

It has been almost 2 weeks since the dance studio incident between myself, Adam, and Brandon. Since then Adam has stopped all communication with me. He won't even look at me in class. My mom questions me why Adam doesn't come over for breakfast in the mornings anymore. What am I to tell here? Should I lie to her and tell here that he has to be at school earlier for whatever god-for-saken reason I come up with? Or should I tell her that her gay son fucked up his gay romance with Adam? I think the lie would work better for me at this point in my life.

I miss Adam so much! I have tried everything to get him to look at me let alone talk to me. If he would just talk to me we could work this out. But he has told Denise and Brandi that he has no use for me at this time and I should stay away from him. Denise has been bugging the crap out of me to find out what happened between Adam and I. All Adam has told them is that I fucked him over good. I'm sure she will be getting on my last never here real soon. I have to be at the dance studio in an hour for practice, and she will start it all over again. Then there is the Brandon problem. Ever since that day in the dressing room, especially after I bitched him out after Adam ran out, Brandon has been keeping his distance again. He's back to his shy, stuttering, little nervous self again. He sure as hell wasn't nervous in the dressing room!

As I grabbed my back pack and started down the steps the door bell rang. I jumped down the last few steps and opened the door. There at the front door stood Adam's mom! I went into nervous convulsions instantly. "Hi Justin!" She said to me with a big bright smile. "Umm...hi Ms.Crozier. What can I do for you?" "Your mother called and asked me to stop by this evening. Is she home?" "Yes ma'am she is. Would you like to come in and sit down?" Yes Justin, That would be great." I opened the door all the way and Adam's mom walked in. I led her into the living room and all the while I was thinking "what the hell is she doing here?" Ms. Crozier sat down on the couch and I went out to the kitchen to let my mom know that she was here. I said my good-byes to my mom and headed for the front door. Adam's mom stopped me on the way out. "Justin, come here a minute, please?" I slowly walked into the room where she was seated and I was starring straight at the floor. "Justin, what's happened between you and Adam? You two are such CLOSE friends. All he does is lay around the house, completely depressed, like he's in shock. He will not say one word to me about it, but I know it has something to do with you two." "Umm....I really don't want to get into it right now, but you are right! It does have something to do with us. And I'm sure that when Adam is ready, he will tell you. I do have to go. I have to be at practice soon." "Ok Justin, you becareful out there." Thanks Ms Crozier, I will." "And Justin, call me Cindy!" "Ok Ms...I mean Cindy."

Out the door I went! I grabbed my bike and headed for the studio. I went down the street and around the corner. I rode slowly down the first 2 streets to see if Adam might be out in the yard. Just to get a look at him would make my night. As I came up to Adam's street I started stretching my neck to see if I could see him out front. And he was! He was raking some of the leaves up from his yard and I came to an instant stop in the middle of the intersection. I stood there for about 10 minutes when he just happened to turn my way. I gave a half hearted little wave and he gave me the look of death. You know that old saying if looks could kill? Well if they could, I would have just been buried 3 times over. I could tell he got pissed. I just dropped my head, like a puppy getting scolded, and headed on to the studio.

After riding the 3 mile's to the studio, crying about 2.5 of those mile's, I walked in to find Brandon already dressed and warming up and Denise was standing talking to Mr. Davis. I walked on into the boys dressing room ignoring the both of them when they said "hello" as I went by. I went in and started getting ready and Brandon came walking in. "Dude, do you mind? I'm changing here!" "Iiiiiii'm sorry JuJuJustin. Iiiiii was jujujust getting ssssomethththing." "It's ok dude. I'm sorry if I snapped at you. Do me a favor Brandon, stop that little nervous stuttering crap. I know you can talk to me without being that way. You have before!" "Ummmm.....ok." It took Brandon everything he could to get that tiny little phrase out without stuttering through it. This kid must really think I'm an asshole. But hell, I mean, it's kinda his fault that Adam split up with me isn't it? No? I guess you're right. I should have been stronger and put a stop to it as soon as Brandon started the flirting. He didn't know about Adam. Hell, he was going out on a limb with me. He had no idea about me. Dammit! I am attracted to Brandon, BIG TIME! But my first and true love is Adam. I want him back so bad!

As I finished getting dressed I walked around the corner of lockers and Brandon was just putting his street clothes back on. "Where you going dude?" "I'm ooout of here Jujujustin. I can't do this!" "Can't do what dude?" "Dddance in this ccccompppetition. I'm sorry about yyyou and yyyour fffriend. Iiii ddidn't know." "Hey, Brandon, it's not your fault. You didn't know about us. Hell, you were being pretty damn brave with me. If you would have tried that 2 months ago I would have beat your ass dude. Adam is the first guy I have been with. I love him so much and I miss him so much. Adam is the world to me. Look, I like you Brandon. And to be truly honest with you, I'm very attracted to you. But I have Adam, well, I had Adam. I'm going to do everything I can to get him back. I don't hate you, don't even think that." Brandon just sort of collapsed on to the bench in front of the lockers. He started to cry slightly. I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. He moved closer and rested his head down on my shoulder. "Justin, there is one mmmore ppproblem." "What's that?" I said to him. "I'm falling in love with you!" Oh shit, not this! "Brandon, there is nothing wrong with falling in love with someone. There will be many people in your life you fall for." "Yeah, but this is making me so sick to my stomach." "I know, it does that to me too. Now you know what I'm feeling for Adam. Hey, why don't you go on home. Come back in Tuesday night for practice. There won't be any on Saturday. Denise has asked me to go to Homecoming with her, so I doubt either of us will be up for practice Saturday. Take some time and just think things over. Believe me, you need the time away from here." "Ok Justin, thanks." "Now, see, it wasn't that hard to stop the stuttering was it. Just relax and be yourself!" "Thanks again Justin!"

After all said, Brandon grabbed his gym bag and headed out the dressing room. I followed him out and he walked straight out of the building. Denise walked over to me and said, "Where's he going?" "I told him to go on home. He's not feeling real well." "Bullshit!" "What do you mean by that Denise?" "I mean what I said Justin! That's bullshit!" "I still don't get your point?" Denise grabbed me by the arm and led me over to one of the dance mats on the other side of the room. "Sit down!" she said to me with that firm, women know it all tone. "Why?" "Would you just sit down!" I looked at her eye's and I knew that the time had come where she wasn't going to let me get away from her without talking. And I had this feeling she wanted to know everything. "Now Justin, you are going to tell me what the hell is going on! You are not getting off with this either. You and Adam are best friends. You both have been acting like total asshole's for the past 2 weeks and it's got to stop. You two act like you're having a lover's spat. Are you?" "WHAT?" "I want to know. Are you and Adam a couple?" "No! What the hell ever gave you that impression?" " Oh, I can tell. And the way you two give each other the goo-goo eye's all the time doesn't help matters either." "What do you mean by that? We don't do that!" "Oh the hell you don't! I can see it in your eye's right now Justin. You are totally and completely in love with Adam."

I just sat there, eye's starring at the mat. I didn't know what to say to her. Denise put a finger under my chin and lifted my head up so I was looking into her eye's. "Look Justin, Brandi and I are more than friends, we are ummm...we are lovers. We are gay." I looked at Denise wide eyed and all I could say was, "So it's true?" "What's true?" she asked. "There as been a rumor going around about you and Brandi. People say you two are lesbians. I didn't want to believe it." "Well believe it! And I know you and Adam are gay!" "So, it show's that bad?" I asked her. "No, I don't think other people would be able to pick up on it. I just think it's something they call gay-dar. You know, a gay radar!" We both laughed hard and I proceeded to tell her everything. I told her about mine and Adam's first sexual experience with each other. I told her about the dressing room incident which has led to what's going on now. Hell, I told her about the rape by Jeremy too. She was none to impressed with that. "I knew there was more to that asshole." "What do you mean Denise?" " Last year Jeremy was going around the whole school telling everyone that Adam was a fag, that Adam tried to do stuff to Jeremy one night. Adam and Jeremy used to be best friends. They were always together. Where ever one was, the other one was there. I always knew there was more to this. I knew Adam would never do anything like that to Jeremy. For one, Jeremy would have beat the shit out of Adam. Adam is so small. I knew it! I even told Brandi that there had to be more!" "You mean Adam and Jeremy were best friends?" "Yes! What part of that didn't you understand? Poor Adam! All the shit he has had to go through with people the last year." I looked into her eyes and said, "I'm starting to understand him now. I wondered why people whispered stuff when he walked by. I wondered why he acted around you and Brandi the way he did at first. He is always acting weird around people. This all makes sense to me. Someone has got to do something about this Jeremy before he does something to someone else." "Yeah, but what? Who will believe us? He is like one of the most popular guy's in school. He is the first person to make starting quarterback in his sophomore year of high school at our school. And to top it off, his dad is on the police force. No one will ever believe us. You have any idea's Justin?" "Not yet. But I will come up with something!"

Denise and I sat and talked for about an hour longer and then we decided it was time to go. She said she would see me in school tomorrow and that she hoped everything would work out between Adam and myself. She did tell me that Brandi has asked Adam to the Homecoming dance. Tomorrow night is definitely going to be an interesting night! I finally found my way home and as I walked into the house my dad yelled for me to come into the family room. "Yeah dad?" "Sit down Justy, your mom and I need to speak to you." OH GOD NO!! Did Adam's mom tell them everything?? "Justin, your mom and I have to go away for the weekend." WHEW! "I have a business trip I have to take to Seattle for the weekend and I can take your mother with me." "Cool!! When will you be back?" "Late Sunday night." "Well, you don't have to worry about me. I'll be ok and I promise not to burn the house down while you're gone dad." "You won't be here either Justin." "Umm...excuse me?" "You are going to stay the weekend with Adam and his mom." "WHAT!! No way! I want to stay here!!" "Justin, your mother and I think it would be best if you stayed with Cindy for the weekend. Besides, whatever is going on between you and Adam has got to come to a stop. What better way to be able to get your friendship back on track?" Yeah, right dad! Why don't you just give me a knife right now. Let me slit my wrists and get it over with! "Dad!, I'd much rather stay here. I won't screw up! I promise!!" "Justin, the matter is settled. You will be staying over at the Croziers and that's that!"

Oh God! What did I do to deserve this life? Is this some sort of punishment? Is there really something called reincarnation and I was a screw up in my previous life? I just stood there looking at my dad as he laid the ground rules down for the weekend. I was allowed to come into the house. But the only people he wanted in here was Adam or his mother, no one else. Why couldn't they just send me to my grandparents and let me rot to death with boredom there all weekend? This sucks!! Adam won't even look at me! How the hell does anyone think we are going to be able to spend the whole weekend together? As my dad went on talking I just turned and went up the steps to my room. I slammed the door shut hard and cranked my stereo up full blast. I was pissed, nervous, and scared at the same time. I just couldn't deal with this. If none of this would have happened between Adam and I, this would have been our dream weekend. God the pain hurts so bad! My heart feels like it's going to explode. I want so much for Adam to forgive me. I don't even think forgiveness is an option. But I have to make the first attempt. I have too! I know, I'll try and call him again! I walked over and picked up the phone and dialed his number. Mark, Adam's mom's boyfriend, answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Mark, is Adam home?" "Hi Justin! How you been boy? Haven't seen you for a while. Yeah, he's here. Let me get him." Mark laid the receiver down next to the phone and I could here him yell at Adam. "Adam! Get the phone. It's Justin!!" "TELL HIM I'M BUSY" "You get the phone and you tell him! This crap has got to come to a stop! Now get the damn phone!!" Oh thanks Mark, now he's really going to be pissed! "I got it Mark!" Adam screamed into the phone. Mark hung the phone up and there was a dead silence. "Adam?" I said into the phone. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" "Umm....I was just calling to see if it was ok about this weekend?" "WHAT DOES IT MATTER? I HAD NO SAY IN IT! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE WHILE YOU ARE HERE!!" Click! He just hung up on me! Jesus, he is really starting to annoy me about all this. Yeah, I screwed up, but damn! Like I've said, it's been almost 2 weeks and this shit with him acting like the worlds biggest baby has got to stop. Fuck this and fuck him! I'm not going to let him ruin my weekend. If he don't want to have anything to do with me, FINE!! I will go on with my life. I don't need this shit anymore. Hell, Brandon is so much in love with me, I could always be with him! But, could I love him as much as Adam?

Well, school went ok on Friday. Adam actually came over to speak to me. He wanted to remind me to "leave him the fuck alone" while at his house this weekend. And for the first time since we got into this situation I got nasty back to him. When he told me that I just looked at him and told him to "get the fuck out of my face"! I told you, I'm sick of the dumb stuff. If he's going to treat me like dirt I'm going to give it back. I think it shocked him. You could tell by the expression on his face that he wasn't expecting me to yell back. You don't know how bad I wanted to pull him close to me and kiss him all over! It was hard to resist and even harder to get the will power to yell at him. But it was something I had to do. I just can't stand there and let him walk all over me.

I made it home from school to find my parents were already gone. My dad left me a note about the do's and don'ts over the weekend. Plus he left me an envelope full of money. I asked if I could get a limo for the Homecoming dance and they ok'd it. I just can't believe they are trusting me with all this money! I went up to my room and started to pack for my lovely weekend adventure I was about to take. I had most of my stuff packed the night before. I just wanted to make sure I had extra batteries for my Sony CD Player and enough CD's that I could just get lost in the music if Adam started his shit with me. I double checked to make sure I had everything for tonight then headed over to Adam's house. When I got there Adam's mom was sitting on there front porch. She looked really nervous for some reason and when I walked up on the porch she got up from the chair she was in. "Hi Justin! You all ready for tonight?" "Hi Cindy, yes I'm ready. I have everything I need I hope." "Well if you forgot anything I think you could get it from Adam. Now I want to tell you something. I never had the chance to get the spare room ready for you so you will have to stay in Adam's room with him. His bed is big enough for the both of you. You don't have a problem with that do you?" "Ummm....I guess not. How does Adam feel about it?" "Justin, I don't care right now how Adam feels about anything. The way he has been acting lately, I'm about ready to send him to his fathers. Maybe that would straighten him up. Would you please tell me what happened between the two of you? Maybe I can make some sense out of all this then."

I sat down in the chair next to her and spilled my guts. I hated to see the poor woman worry about this situation anymore. I told her everything that happened at the dance studio, and everything that has happened since. I even told her about my finally getting nasty with him today, although I didn't tell her what I said. You don't know how much better I felt after I told her all of this. I mean, I'm no nark, but dammit, I'm sick of the crap too. We sat there and talked for about 45 minute's then she told me she had to finish dinner. I went ahead and made my way upstairs to Adam's room. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I slowly opened the door and there he was, laying on his bed starring up at the ceiling. "May I come in?" I asked him. "Yeah, whatever. You can hang your stuff in the closet if you need too. Then just stay the hell out of my way!" "Look Adam! I'm not into this arrangement either. I would rather have stayed at home. It was your mom who insisted that I stay here. I could have perfectly stayed at my house. If you don't want me here, I'll leave. I have a key to the house! I can even call my grandparents. I don't give a shit anymore. YOU just stay the fuck out of MY way and leave ME alone. I've had it with your petty bullshit anyway. You won't even sit down and talk with me long enough so I can try to explain things to you. I don't care anymore!"

Adam just laid on his bed starring at the ceiling. There was a knock on the door and then his mom came in. "Ok you two, enough! I'm not going to put up with the yelling and screaming at each other all weekend. Is that clear?!" Adam and I just sat there in silence then he said to his mom, "Then why did you have to have him here?" Cindy walked over to the bed, grabbed Adam by the arm, and dragged him out of his room into hers. I could hear her yelling but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. I looked at my watch and realized that I needed to start getting ready, the limo would be here in an hour. I got undressed and was standing there in my boxer briefs when Adam walked back in. He stopped and starred at my body a second, well that still grabs his attention, then he went and laid back on his bed. He didn't say a word to me. Even though I had my back turned to him, I could tell he was watching me get dressed. I was starting to get excited too. God what it would feel like for us to make love again. I just know it would be so intense!

I had finished getting dressed and Adam had got up and started getting ready too. I asked if he would like to ride with Denise and I to the dance. He never even said a word back, so I grabbed my suit jacket and walked down stairs to wait for the limo. After about 10 minutes the limo showed up and I was off to the dance. We stopped to get Denise and had to do the picture thing with here mom. Denise looked absolutely beautiful too. She asked if I had invited Adam and Brandi to ride with us. I told her I asked Adam and that he would not give me an answer. The limo ride to the dance was ok. I'm not really to impressed with a limo, I just thought it would be cool. Guess everyone else thought it would be too! You should have seen the line of limo's parked at the school. We got out of the car and went into the gym. We found a table and sat down. I noticed that the D.J. that was going to play the music looked familiar. Oh God! It's my uncle Sean! Kewl!! My uncle is a D.J. at a local radio station. I know we will be getting some good music. I told Denise who the D.J. was and I excused myself for a minute to go talk to him. My uncle is not really that much older than me. He is 21 years old and is absolutely gorgeous. He has more women than he knows what to do with. I walked up to him and he noticed me instantly. "HEY!! It's my favorite nephew!!" "Sean, I'm your only nephew." "Like I said dude, you're my favorite! So, what's up little man?" "Nothing, just here for the dance." "You bring a date?" "Yeah, would you like to meet her?" "Of course I would. I have to see what kind of taste my nephew has!"

I walked over to the table and Brandi and Adam had already showed up. God he looked good all dressed up! I asked Denise if she would like to meet Sean and we excused ourselves from the table. We walked back up to were Sean was and his mouth dropped immediately. "Damn boy! Leave it to you to find the prettiest girl in the school!" Denise kind of turned red, but she shot back to my uncle, "Well, now I know where Justin gets the good looks from!" I blushed immediately. So did Sean. I really don't think he expected that. My uncle Sean is the one that got me so interested in dancing and music. He lived with us for a time when I was younger, we were always together. Sean asked if I would be showing off on the dance floor tonight. I told him that I would not and he looked and said, "If I get the right music going, you'll be out there shaking your little ass off!" You know, he's right! We walked back over to the table and sat down. Denise and I noticed that Brandi and Adam were laughing and stuff when we were walking over. As soon as we sat down, Adam went back to his pissed off look. The girls sat there and chatted away, I would chime in now and then, but I wasn't into talking. Every once in a while I would catch Adam looking at me. I know this is tearing him up. It sure is ripping my heart out.

Uncle Sean started playing some decent music so I asked Denise if she would like to dance. She said yes and we headed for the dance floor. I returned to the table for a second to put my suit jacket on the back of the chair. I went back on the floor and we started dancing. I started out with you everyday white boy dance. You know the type, where you basiclly stand in one spot and hardly move your body! Then the song 'Baby One More Time' by Britney Spears, started playing and I went into show off mode. I started getting into the music and had everyone looking at me. I don't know if they were in shock that I really did know how to dance or what. Denise and I was having a great time. We had allot of them just standing there watching us as we worked the floor. That's when I heard, "EVERYBODY.......ROCK YOUR BODY", and that was it! I ripped my shirt off and just started dancing my ass off. Damn near everyone stopped dancing and just watched Denise and I. There I was on the dance floor, in front of almost the whole school, no shirt on, dancing like a fool. My uncle was right, I would be showing off if he had anything to do with it. Sean played the song "Touch It" by Monifah, and I was working my ass all over the place. Even the guys were starring at me trying to figure out how I moved my hips the way I did. I even caught Adam with a big smile on his face starring at me.

We danced like that for a while and then my uncle's voice came across the speakers, "Ok, now we're going to slow it down for a while. I don't want me nephew throwing his hip's out!" Everyone laughed some and Denise and I headed back to our seats. Damn I was sweaty too! I grabbed my shirt and excused myself from the table. I headed for the restroom so I could wash the sweat off a little. I walked in and I about passed out when I saw Brandon standing at the sink. "Hey Justin!" "Hi Brandon, what you doing here dude?" "I came with a friend of mine. She asked me if I would come with her tonight." "Kewl! You having a good time?" "Yeah, we sat there watching you and Denise dancing. I wish I could dance like that!" "Dude you can. I've watched you at the studio." "Yeah, but I'm not as good as you." "Well, you need to stop thinking like that. You're good." "Well, see ya around. I better get back to the table." "Ok Brandon, bring your date over to the table and say hello...." I stopped in mid-sentence when I realized what I just did. I invited him over to the table where Adam would be sitting at. God I need to keep my big mouth shut! Hey, why should I worry? I'm aloud to have friends. The only problem with this friend his that my boyfriend thinks I'm doing him!

I finished washing off, put my shirt back on, and went back to the table. Everyone was laughing and joking when I sat down. Hell, Adam even smiled at me when I sat down. We all started having a good time, Adam opening up to me some. He was actually speaking to me without telling me to fuck off or stay out of his life. That's when our song came on. We both got real quiet. I could see tears starting to well up in Adam's eyes as the song went on. Suddenly he got up from the table and ran out of the gym. Brandi said she would go see what was wrong but I stopped her. I told her I knew what was wrong and I would go check on Adam. I went out the door and I could see Adam sitting on the guard rail across the parking lot. I walked up behind him and I heard him say, "Justin, just go back inside, I'm ok." "No, Adam! You're not ok, and I'm not going back inside." I jumped over the rail and sat down next to him. I could tell he had been crying and was extremely upset. We sat there real quiet for a while and then he just started to sing the song to me. He started getting me all misty eyed too. Tears were running down both of our faces and he was having trouble with the words. I threw my arm over his shoulder and when I did he melted into me. He laid his head on my chest and started crying like a baby. We sat that way for about 15 minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned and saw Denise standing there. Adam sat up real quick, I looked at him and told him that she knows. He kind of gave this funny little grin as I got up to talk to Denise. "Justin, why don't you guys take Brandi and I home. You two need to be alone to talk, work things out." Adam stood up and said to Denise, "No, we can stay for a while. I don't want to ruin anyone's night." "Adam, you won't ruin our night. If you and Justin were to get back together tonight it would make our night. You two need to be alone. You guy's have to work this out and I think the time is right."

Denise, Adam, and myself stood there talking for a few more minutes when all of the sudden Brandon and his date walked up. "Hello everyone!" Brandon said. I caught a glimps of the expression on Adam's face, he looked like he was ready to kill! "Hi Brandon." Denise said. "Come on Brandon, how about you walking me back inside?" Denise grabbed Brandon by his free arm and with his date in tow, she hurried them back into the building. Adam was none to thrilled at seeing Brandon. "What the hell is he doing here?" "I guess he was invited." I said matter of factly. "That girl he was with looks familiar, like someone form this school." "Yeah, but it just seems funny he had to track you down!" "Adam, he didn't track me down. He's here on a date, that's all. I wish you would listen to me when I say that all I want out of life is you. You think I'm sleeping with him and I'm not." "Well what the hell was going on that day in the locker room?" he said quite firmly. "Hey, you walked in on a bad moment. I don't know what would have happened. I'll be honest with you! Yeah, I was standing there hard as a rock, but he had been teasing me when he was changing. He walked out of the dressing room and I started changing, I felt a tap on my shoulder and there stood Brandon, butt ass naked with a hard on. Adam I'm not sure what would have happened if you hadn't walked in. He had me horny as hell. I want to be honest with you even more, I am attracted to Brandon. Brandon is very cute. But Brandon is not who I want. I know this now. Adam I want you, you are the only one in my life and I love you so much. The best thing that ever happened to me is you." "So what you are telling me Justin, is that if I had not walked in on you and this dude, you would have fucked him?" "No, that's not exactly what I'm saying! I'm saying I don't know what would have happened." "Why don't you just face it dude! You would have fucked him and you know it!!" With that said, Adam jumped over the guard rail and walked away. He just started heading toward his house leaving Brandi for me to deal with. I stood there watching him as he disappeared into the darkness. My heart told me to run after him, but my gut told me to leave him alone. To let him walk and think about things for a while.

After getting the girls home the limo driver pulled up in front of Adam's house. He asked if I would like to go anywhere else since I had almost 2 hours of time left. I told him no thanks and to keep the extra and add it to the tip. He smiled and thanked me as I got out of the car. I walked into the house and Adam's mom asked me how things went. I told her I had a good time and was tired. She told me Adam got home about 30 minute's ago and was up in his room. I went up to the room and slowly opened the door. There laid Adam on his bed, completely frickin naked and hard as a rock. I instantly got hard seeing his angelic frame and walked over to him. I sat down next to him on the bed and asked if he was ok. "Yeah, I'm ok. I was just laying here thinking." "About what?" I asked. "Oh, what it would have been like to walk in and catch you fucking Brandon." "WHAT??" I yelled. "You heard me! I was laying here thinking what it would have been like to see you fucking Brandon." I know my whole body turned a bright shade of red. I was so pissed off I couldn't speak. I just walked over and grabbed the bag with the rest of my clothes, grabbed my CD player and started out of his room. "Where you going?" he asked. "I'm going home. Maybe Brandon will come over and you can come and watch the two of us fuck!" I walked out of his room slamming the door hard. I walked down the steps and out the front door, slamming it hard too, and went home.

When I got to my house I could here the phone ringing. I knew who it was, it was Adam's mom wanting me to come back there. I walked in and just let it ring. The answering machine picked it up and went through it's leave you message at the tone crap. The voice was not who I though it would be. It was Adam. "Justin, I know you're there dude! Look, I'm sorry. I have been dragging this thing on for two long. I know you won't do anything to hurt me. I have been a total asshole. I love you Justin. Please pick up the phone..." I just stood there. I was so fucking pissed off, I didn't want to speak to anyone, then I heard him hang the phone up. I just can't believe he was actually thinking what it would have been like for me to fuck Brandon. But then again, I have wondered what it would be like to fuck Brandon. Just then the phone rang again, "Justin, please answer the phone, you have me worried dude! I'm sorry, I've been pushing you away and now I think that I'm losing you. I don't want to lose you Justin. I love you!! I walked over to the phone and picked it up, "Hey buddy!" the voice on the other end said. "Why don't you come back over and we'll talk again?" "No Adam, I'm done talking! I've had it with this shit! I'm not coming back over and I'm not talking anymore. I can't fucking believe you just did that earlier!" "I know, it was stupid and childish. You need to come back over here before my mom finds out you went home." "Is that the only reason you called me? So you don't get into trouble with your mommy? Well fuck you Adam!" "Justin, I'm on my way over, I'll be there in a few!" "Yeah, what fucking ever!"

I hung the phone up on him and went up to my room. I threw my clothes on the bed, got out of my suit and put on a pair of sweats. I went back down to the kitchen and grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge. I walked back to the family room and turned the T.V. on. Kewl, South Park is on! I sat down and started watching my four favorite cartoon characters cuss and bitch at each other. My favorite of the 4 is Kenny. Poor Kenny, the dude always ends up getting killed and finds away to come back to life to get killed again. The episode I'm watching is the one where they have a substitute teacher, who is a lesbian, and Cartman's mom tells him that if you want to be a lesbian you have to learn how to lick carpet. So naturally the 4 boys kneel down and start licking the carpet. Too funny! Just then the door bell rings. I look at the clock and it's 11:30 pm, so the only person it could be was Adam. I went to the door and answered it. It was Brandon! "Brandon, what brings you by so late?" "I was on my way home from taking my date home and I thought I would stop by. I saw the light on and figured what the hell." "Well, come on in. I'm just watching a South Park rerun." "Kewl, I like South Park." We both sat down on the couch and started watching the T.V.. Kenny just got killed by the substitute teacher when the door bell rang again. "Oh Shit!" "What?" Brandon asked. "That's Adam, I almost forgot, he said he was on his way over to talk. Dude! You have to hide. Run up the top of the steps to my room., first door on the right, and wait there!" Ok Justin, let me know when he's gone."

Brandon got up from the couch and ran upstairs. I walked over and looked to see who it was and it was Adam. I opened the door some and asked him what he wanted. "I told you I was coming over so we can talk this out." "Adam, I'm tired of talking about this. I have nothing left to say. Why don't you come back over tomorrow and we'll talk more then." I could tell by the look on his face that his heart just fell to his feet "Justin, I love you! I never meant for this to drag out like it has. I made you out to be something your not. I wish you would forgive me." "Look, I'm tired and I want to go to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow Adam, I promise." "Dude, what do I tell my mom?? She's going to want to know why you are not at the house!" "Well, I guess you should tell her the truth, god knows you tell her everything else." "Justin that's not fair! But, I guess you are right. I 'll see you later". Adam pulled the door shut and left. God, he had some explaining to do to his mom. She's going to be totally pissed when she finds out I left and came home. Hell, I wasn't going to take his abuse anymore. So he'll just have to deal with it. I know I will hear it from her too.

I went over to the steps and yelled up to Brandon that the coast was clear. I waited a minute but never got a response so I yelled again. Still no response. I walked up the steps and opened the door to my room. There was Brandon laying on my bed sound asleep. He was past out too! I tried to wake him but all he did was groan and roll over. I went back downstairs and turned all the lights out. I went to the phone and called Brandon's house. His mom answered the phone and I told her who I was and explained to her what was up. I told her Brandon stopped by after the dance and that he fell asleep. I asked her if it was ok for him just to stay here since he was already asleep. She said it was ok, that she knew who I was, and thanked me for being polite enough to call so she didn't worry. We said our good-byes and I headed up to go to bed. When I went in my room I stripped to my boxer briefs and turned the light down low. I turned my stereo on with the volume low and walked over to the bed. "Brandon! Brandon wake up a minute!" "Hmm...ummm...what? Oh, dude, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep on your bed." "Don't worry about it. I called your house. Your mom said it was cool for you to stay here. You just have to get up a minute to get under the covers." "Oh, ok." Brandon stood up and I pulled the covers down. Glad I have a full size bed. I would have hated to be kicked out of my own bed for the night. He started getting undressed and he stripped down to the skimpiest pair of underwear I had seen. They looked like, they were, he had on a g-string! Damn! I watched as he knelt over to take his pants off. The string on them ran right between the crack of his gorgeous butt.

I laid down and pulled the covers over me then Brandon laid down and covered himself too. He fell back to sleep in no time and I reached over and turned the light out. Brandon curled up on his side with his butt facing me, just barley touching my leg. I settled back down into my bed and when I did he moved closer to me, pushing his plump young ass cheeks hard against my legs. God they feel so soft. I instantly got hard by the feel of his butt cheeks against my leg. I moved away from him a little and he would cuddle right back up to me. I finally just said forget about it to myself and I started drifting out. I'm not sure how long I had been to sleep, but I woke up to find myself on my side, my arm wrapped around Brandon, and he was grinding my already hard cock between the crack of his ass. I acted like I was stretching in my sleep and I rolled over on my back. When I did, Brandon rolled over on his side facing me, throwing his arm over me, which was resting on my throbbing cock. OH GOD, I can't let this happen. But there was no stopping it. I wanted it to happen. Just then Brandon took hold of my cock, wrapping his hand around it, and slowly started jerking me off. I moaned as he started moving his hand up and down my shaft. He slowly started moving down in the bed until he was under the covers, and I could feel his breath hitting the head of my cock. Brandon took my cock into his mouth and I arched my back up off the bed, whimpering as he took my cock all the way in his hot mouth. He started moving up and down on my cock slowly, gradually picking up the pace. I started thrusting my hips up into his face faster as he tightened the suction up on my cock. This went on for a few more minutes when he came up from under the covers and straddled me. He sat his nice ass right down on my wet cock and was grinding my cock between the cheeks of his ass. He lowered his head down and pressed his smooth pink lips to mine. I took Brandon's tongue into my mouth, and he took mine in his. We ran our tongues around each others mouth in a fury. I reached down and grabbed both of his butt cheeks, rubbing and kneading the round soft globes.

Brandon whispered in my ear that he wanted to try me inside of him. "Justin, I want to try this. I have never done anything like this before." "Brandon, we don't have too, I shouldn't be." When I said that he just grinded his ass harder on my cock, letting me know there was no turning back now. I tried reaching into my night stand to get the vaseline out I had in there but I could not reach it. Brandon noticed my struggle and rolled off me. I rolled over and got the jar from the drawer, Brandon got up on all fours in front of me, and I positioned myself behind him. I took a big glob of the vaseline and slicked up his tight asshole with some of it. The rest of it I used to lube my cock up with. I positioned the head of my cock up against his tight boy hole and slowly started pushing the head in. Brandon threw his head back and groaned load as the head enter him. I stopped there allowing him to except me. His tight sphincter gripping hard at the head of my cock, Brandon started pushing back on me so that more of my cock would go in him. He moaned even louder this time and I stopped trying to push in him. God he's so tight! Incredibly tight! We stayed that way for a few minutes then I slowly pushed more of me into him. I pushed gently into his hole until I had my entire cock deep in him. My balls were resting on the soft globes of his ass. I grabbed him by the waist and slowly started pumping my cock in and out of him. I barley moved it out then would push it back in. He was starting to get into it too. Brandon was starting to push back onto my cock when I pushed in, then pull away when I would pull out. I started picking the rhythm up faster and faster. He whimpered loudly each time I thrusted my cock deep back in him. I was holding on to his waist for dear life as I pounded and pounded in and out of him. Brandon pulled my cock out of him and laid down on his back and threw his legs up and opened them wide. I moved in between them and shoved my cock back deep in him. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his upper body and started driving into him hard. He wrapped his legs around my ass and held on for the ride. He kept telling me to "Fuck Him Good" as my fairly thick cock was drilling into his hot teen ass. Our lips met each others and we started kissing each other fiercely as I fucked him as hard as I could. God, he felt so damn good. His hot tight insides gripping my cock, his ass muscles masturbating me as I drove in and out of him. Our sweaty bodies were one with each other and we were totally lost in each other too. I had no thoughts of Adam. I was totally and completely focused on Brandon. As I was drilling even faster into him, Brandon reach back and started playing with my cum filled nuts. I could feel it building more and more each time they smacked against his smooth little ass. He started jerking himself as I fucked him harder yet. He was begging me to cum in him, telling me to fuck him even harder. Yelling that he loved me and this is what he had wanted for so long! That's when I exploded. I started pumping him full of my teen boy nectar. I shot and shot load after load of cum deep in him and he was grinding my cock in him for what he was worth. All of the sudden he arched his ass high off the bed any damn near screamed as he shot his boy juice all over the place. He shot himself in the face and all over his chest and stomach, the whole time wildly fucking my cock.

We both started coming down off the intense orgasm that we just shared with each other. I pulled myself out of him and laid down next to him, facing each other. We started kissing each other softly, our tongues teasing each other ever so slightly. We threw an arm around each other and pulled ourselves close together. Brandon looked up into my eye's and spoke softly, "Thank you Justin! Thank you for sharing yourself with me. I know I'll never be able to have you like this again. I'm just so thankful you gave me this one experience!" He was right. He probably would never be able to have me again like this. But something was telling me to stay with him. Something was telling me Brandon was the one. But something deeper within my heart was telling me I just betrayed Adam. And I did. The love I feel for Adam is much stronger and more defined than my love for Brandon. I wouldn't even call what I feel for Brandon love, although I do in some sort of way love him, I would called it lust more than anything else. I wanted this, and I had to have it. I don't know what to do now! I love Adam so much, yet there is a feeling strong for Brandon too. What will I tell Adam? How will he take it? Should I even tell him? What the hell do I do now? It did seem like he was pushing me into it, didn't it? I mean, damn! Look what he said to me earlier. That's all he kept bringing up tonight, what it would be like for him to see me fuck Brandon. Well now I can tell him what it was like, it was good, No, it was great!

Brandon fell back to sleep quickly and I laid there the rest of the night thinking about Adam. It's been a short 2 months since we have met and Adam and I have already been through hell with each other, this would definitely make it worse for a while. God I feel like a slut! Morning came and Brandon started stirring around in bed. He looked over at me and whispered "Good Morning". I said good morning to him and he cuddle up close against me. "Justin?" "Yeah Brandon?" "How do you feel about last night?" "What do you mean dude?" "How do you feel about what we did?" "Ummm....I'm not really sure." "You didn't like doing it with me?" "It's not that Brandon. I...I..I still have Adam." "Oh, I see. What do you think Adam will do if he finds out?" "I think he'll kick both of our asses." "You think so?" "I don't know Brandon. I want you to know this, I don't regret it. This was something I wanted too. If it was something I didn't want it would have never happened. I do have feelings for you, but they're not the same as the one's I have for Adam." "I know Justin, I know. I just had to have this one night, that's all. It was totally awesome and I wish there could be more. I understand the love you have for Adam. It's the same love I feel for you!" Oh man, I didn't need that. "Brandon, I do love you. I want you to understand that. But my love for Adam is so strong that I just can't put it to words, none can describe it.

We laid there and held each other a while longer. Brandon decided it was time for him to get going so we got up and got dressed. We went down to the kitchen and I wanted to make him some breakfast. He said no and grabbed an apple off the table and I gave him a can of Pepsi out of the fridge. I walked him to the door and he put his arms around my waist and kissed me hard. "I love you Justin, always remember that I'll be here for you if you need me." "Thanks Brandon, I love you to dude." I kissed him on the forehead and he walked out the door. I walked back out to the kitchen and sat down for my morning can of Pepsi when someone started pounding the fuck out of my front door. I ran out to get the door and it was Adam. I opened the door and said "Hi". Adam walked in and said, "Sorry if I beat the piss out of your door, I figured you would still be sleeping. Dude, my mom is so pissed. She has been on my ass since 7:00 this morning." "I woke up early, having trouble sleeping. I just have to much on my mind." "I can tell you have stuff on your mind dude. Since when did you start walking around the house in just a bathrobe?" "Just threw it on to come down to get a soda." "What you got on underneath that thing? Anything?" I just kind of blushed and started to go back out to the kitchen. Adam grabbed my arm and spun me around. He threw his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "Look, will you forgive me? I know I've been a complete shit lately. I need to get over this fear of people just fucking me around. I know you wouldn't do that. Justin, I love you so much. I have hurt so bad not being with you. I want you back! And I will do anything in the world to get you back!" Adam leaned in to kiss me and at first I started to resist. Oh God how do I tell him?? I have too! But kissing him again was making me melt like butter but even faster. He reached up under my rope and started playing with my cock. he was getting it so hard that I could have shot right there. I pulled away from him and stood there and looked into his eye's. I can't do this! I have to tell him! "Dude, I know we've had it bad lately, but what's wrong? I will try my hardest not to act like that again. Justin I love you so damn much! I need you so bad!" I looked long and hard into those beautiful baby blues of his. I was trying to find the right words to say but I couldn't. I know I need to say something! Adam kissed me on the lips again and I pulled away again. "Dammit Justin, what's up??" I stood there for a second longer, looking at him and said, "Adam, we need to talk!!"

Ok, there you go! WHEW, that was a long one! I hope you guys enjoyed it. This chapter took me a little longer because I have been battling the flu. So I hope the flu bug didn't take anything out of this chapter. I hope this one breaks what I call the Star Trek Curse. Any of you Trekkies out there would know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who don't, The Star Trek Curse is where the odd number Star Trek movies always sucked and the even numbered movies were always the best. That's how this story has been going so far. Although the odd numbers haven't totally sucked, they were not has good as the even numbered chapters. Well, you guys be the judge of it and let me know. As always I can be reached at

March 15, 1999

Next: Chapter 6

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