My High School Years

By chris

Published on Feb 22, 1999


Now it's time to put chapter 2 of my story out for the critics. I have had a good response to chapter 1. I hope this one does as well. You can e-mail me at Thanks!

My High School Years

Chapter 2

It has been one week today that my life has changed forever. One week ago I was one of those so called straight boys. You know the ones. I was the type that had no use for faggots or homos or whatever . That's until I met Adam. One week ago today was the first day of the new school year, my first year of high school. I was terrified that first day. I had no use, toleration, or will to start school that day. Although I had been looking forward to it since I was in elementary school. But since I met Adam, everything has changed.

"Justin, are you awake? You need to start getting ready for school. Adam will be here soon. I'll have breakfast ready for you two." That's my mom. I love the woman to death, but she smoked too much dope in the 70's and now watches to many Leave It To Beaver reruns on Nick at Nite. "Yeah mom, I'm up. Just laying here thinking." More like procrastinating. I do that well. But she's right. I have to get my scrawny butt out of this bed and get ready for school.

As I get up and start getting dressed I hear the door bell ring. That has to be the love of my life. The one person who changed my whole life, my whole way of thinking, Adam! I ran to the closet and started grabbing at clothes. Ever since the day "dickhead" yelled at me about my clothes, I started dressing more preppy. Gave up on the real baggy look and switched to clothes that actually stayed up over my butt. I thought I would show my cute little ass off for the school. It was working too. I was getting all kinds of compliments from the girls and a lot of wandering eye's from the guys. I walked out of my closet and when I went to shut the door there he was, my very own angel, my very own Justin Timberlake look-a-like, Adam. He was hiding behind the door and when I walked out to close the door he grabbed me and laid the hardest liplock on me that he had yet.

"Good morning babe!" he said to me. His eye's sparkling with total and complete love for me, I leaned in and grabbed a quick kiss myself and said "goodmorning" as well. His eye brightened even wider when he received that kiss. It was like his day depended on it. It probably did. I know I depended on it! I started putting my pants on when he reached out and grabbed my crotch. He started fondling my cock and balls through my boxers. "Adam, we can't. We don't have time. And besides, my dad is still home. You know he might walk in the room at any time dude." "Yeah, I know. Was just getting a feel of what's in store for me after school." With that, he giggled that heart melting little giggle of his and sat down on the bed, his eye's completely fixed on me as I finished getting ready.

After getting dressed I went into the bathroom to do my thing and Adam ran down the steps to head for the kitchen. My mom had yelled up that breakfast was ready and Adam bolted out the door. I don't think anything, not even me, stands a chance with Adam when food is involved. It's funny, he can eat enough for three people and not gain a pound. And I can barley eat for myself. And no, I don't get fat thinking about food! I went down to the kitchen and Adam already had his plate full of french toast, eggs over medium, and that killer sausage my mom gets at the meat market. It's so damn good. Adam says it's so good because the guy that owns the place makes it with the stray cats and dogs in the neighborhood. Yeah, Right! But did you ever see that old seventies movie Motel Hell? Gets to me everytime he says it!

After watching Adam pig out and then our walk to school, we met up with Denise and Brandi near the parking lot entrance door. "Justin, I need to have a word with you!" Oh shit! What did I do, Denise looks pissed. This is the last thing I need on a Monday morning. "You remember when I asked you if we had met before and you told me No?" "Umm...yeah" I said, bowing my head ever so slightly. "You LIED to me!" "What do you mean I lied to you?" " You go to the same dance studio that I attend don't you?" Oh God, here we go. Mister smooth at work. "Yeah, as a matter of fact I do, and your point?" "Then why did you say you didn't know me?" "That's because I didn't know you. I knew of you, but we never met personally." Oh Christ Justin, that's petty bullshit!" "No, I don't think it is. You asked me if I was someone you knew. How was I to know if you knew me? And you also said that you thought we had met before. As far as I know we had not" Hehehe gotcha. " Ok, ok, you win. You didn't lie to me. But you could have told me you went to the same dance studio. I thought I knew who you were. I can't believe I'm standing here, arguing with only one of the youngest, most talented dancers in the state of Ohio!" NO! Why did she just say that!? Thats when Adam and Brandi lit up like light bulbs. That's when Adam said, "Damn dude, I knew you could dance, but goddamn! I had no idea that you were That good." "Yes, he is! Justin is the first teenager ever to win the championship title in the state. And he is the first, at the age of 15, to place 4th in the national titles!" After standing there, listening to Denise speak of me as some kind of freak god that she respected and admired, I said I had to start heading to class and turned around and left. Adam was right on my heels as we headed for first period. "Hey dude! Why didn't you tell me all that stuff?" "I don't know. I would have eventually, I just didn't think it was a big deal." "Not a big deal! My man is famous! That's a big deal to me!" With that he threw his arm around my shoulder and we went on to our first period class.

All I could think about all morning long was how many people Denise and Brandi were telling about my dancing. I really don't want the whole damn school to know about it. Guess I don't have to worry about them finding out anymore. If I am getting to know Brandi, she's already told half the school. And that half will tell the rest. I guess it's something I'll have to let the fine cafeteria food take my mind off of! As I'm walking down the hall, heading towards Adams locker where we meet to go to lunch, I noticed several of the girls whispering to each other as I walked by. Well, they know! So I just kept walking and turned the corner, About half way down the hall I see Adam leaning against his locker. I start walking faster and when I caught up to Adam I grabbed his arm and dragged him in to the restroom. "Dude, what's going on?" he says to me with a look of surprise. "Adam, they are all whispering! I walk past them in the hall and they are all whispering at me!" "Why would they be whispering?" "That damn Brandi has told the whole school about my dancing. I don't want anyone to know!" "So what if everyone knows! It's not a bad thing. You should be proud of it." "I am proud of it. But it's not the same as being the star football player, or the star baseball player." "I see. You're worried everyone's going to think you are a fag!" "No, That's not it!" Adam took a few glances under the stalls to make sure no one was in there and says, "Well guess what buddy? You are a fag! You are my fag. And I don't care what the other people think!" With that he pulled me close to him and kissed me gently "I love you for who you are, not what you have done or accomplished. Don't worry about what everyone else thinks. Just know that I love you more than life itself." "And I love you! More than you would possibly know." Adam hugged me tight and he said that we had better get out of there before someone did walk in and find out we were both fags. We laughed and headed for the cafeteria.

After having to deal with all the stares and whisper thoughout lunch, which Denise and Brandi apologized for ever saying anything to anyone, it was time to go to gym class. Walking down the hall to the locker room was the longest walk of my life. Although Adam was with me, it was still hard for me to go in to that locker room. What are these idiots going to say? Adam walked in first and I followed him straight to my gym locker. Everyone was acting normal! Cool! Everyone was talking, asking "what was up", "how I was doing", things like that. Hell, one dude asked me if I felt alright. He said I looked pale. Just as I was starting not to worry I hear "Hey, you got your tights in that locker sweet boy?" I turned around and there he was, "dickhead"! The one person I knew that could screw everything up was Jeremy. The whole locker room got quiet. Obviously they all knew, or most of them knew. I walked straight at Jeremy and said, "Yeah baby, I got a pair of tights in there. And they ought to fit you nice ass just fine!" With that the whole locker room burst out in laughter. Jeremy looked like he was going to explode. His face turned 8 shades of red. He was pissed. He walked closer to me and got right in my face. "Your faggot ass is mine you fucking punk! I'm going to beat the life out of you!" Then one of the football jocks pushed him back from me and said, "Why don't you mess with me? We are closer in size! Fuck with me asshole!" Jeremy didn't know what to say. He just stared at the jock dude, who I had never met, then at me. Jeremy backed up and said to me "You better watch you ass dude. I'll get you when you least expect it you little fuck!" Now what do I do? I'm no pussy, but damn, Jeremy is built much better than I am. In fact, he has a very HOT body. " If you want some of this, come get it now bitch!" Did I just call him a bitch? Guess I had to show my ass while I had this cornfed dude standing beside me.

After Jeremy finally walked out, I turned to this hulk looking creature next to me and thanked him. "Hey, not a problem little bro. I hate that asshole anyway. This will give me a good reason to knock his ass out at football practice! My name is Tim." "And mine is Justin, thanks again." "Yeah, I know your name. I here that you are some kind of famous person." "Nah, not famous. Just lucky I guess." " Well whatever you are, you're a brave little shit." With that he turned back to his locker and finished getting dressed for gym. Adam walked up to me and said, "I told you that dickhead was trouble! Now Jeremy will fuck with you until he finds someone new to mess with." As I started getting ready for gym class our gym teacher walked around the corner and yelled, "Thompson! I want to see you in my office when you finish getting dressed!" I answered back, "Yes sir, be there in just a minute." Oh man, now what?

After getting dressed I walk in to the coaches office. "Mr. Thompson please have a seat." he says to me. "Justin, what was the problem between you and Jeremy in the locker room?" "There was no problem sir." "Don't give me that, I heard you two yelling at each other in here. And Jeremy said that you had a problem with him." "HE WHAT? He's the one that has the problem. He started messing with me about being a faggot!" "Well, I don't care if your a faggot or the Pope! There will be no yelling of that nature in my locker room. You understand mister?" "Yes sir!" "And since you and Mr. Miller have a problem with each other, you will both report here after school to run 20 laps! Is that understood?" "Yes sir." "Now get your butt out with everyone else and warm up for class." I immediately flew out of his office and out to the gym. There was Adam, doing his lazy man jumping jacks as usual. "What he say dude?" "He heard us yelling in the locker room. I have to be here after school to run 20 laps." "What about Jeremy?' "He has to be here too." Adam looked real disappointed, "I'm going to come with you. I don't trust that asshole!" "Nah dude, I'll be alright. You go on home and get your chores done. That way by the time I get home we can have some play time!" With that Adam winked at me and we went on with our gym class.

The rest of the day went on without any problems. After the final bell rang, I headed for my locker. Adam was there already waiting for me. "Hey, you forget I have to go to the gym?" "No, I decided to go with you." "Adam. look, he's not going to do anything to me. And besides, the coach will be there too. Go on home and get your stuff done, I'll see you at my house." I leaned into my locker and whispered to Adam, "I love you!" "I love you too Justin. I'm just worried about what Jeremy might try to do." "Like I said, he won't bother me." Adam looked at me with his saddest of looks and said his goodbye's. I watched him as he walked down the hall toward the door. He really does love me! And I really love him too!

I made my way to the gym and walked in the door. Jeremy was walking into the locker room and the coach motioned for me to do the same. I walked in the locker room and there he was, standing in his underwear, staring at me when I came in. "Hey dude.' I said as I walked in. "Look, I want to apologize for this afternoon. I was out of line, actually we both were, but I would like to apologize to you for what I said and did." Jeremy looked at me for a long time then put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry too Justin. I think we got off to a bad start. I apologize too." We accepted one another's apologies and got ready to run our laps. After running for what seemed a half hour, the coach noticed that we were talking and getting along. He stopped us and said, "You guys go ahead and hit the showers. I'm leaving, turn the lights off in the locker room when your finished." Then the coach got up and left. Jeremy took off in a sprint to the locker room and I slowly walked. Now, get showered and head home to Adam!

As I walked in the locker room I heard the shower already running. Damn, Jeremy must be in a hurry! I went to my locker and got undressed. After striping out of my sweaty gym clothes I headed to the shower. As I walked in Jeremy stood there stark naked. Damn, he's frickin huge! I walked over to the shower across from his and turned the water on. As I was adjusting the water I felt someone grab me by the hair on the back of my head and pull me back and down. I looked up and it was Jeremy. "What the fuck you doing?" "Now you little faggot, you're going to show me how good you suck a dick!" "WHAT! You're fucking crazy dude!" And that's when I felt the stabbing in my eye. He sucker punched me dead in the eye. "Now faggot, you going to suck my cock, or should I go for the other eye?" "Dude, get the fuck off me! Go for the other eye, I don't care, just get the fuck out!" That's when he nailed me in the same eye and pulled my face right into his cock. He tried to get me to open my mouth but I wasn't about too. Under better circumstances I just might had sucked on his cock. But not like this.

"Well fuck you then!" he yelled at me. That's when he threw me down face first on the shower floor and got down on me holding me down. "If you're not going to suck my cock I guess I'll have to fuck your little faggot ass!" And that's when I felt his hand go into the crack of my ass with some kind of lube. He jammed a finger straight in my virgin hole as I was squirming around on the shower floor. I was yelling and he took a piece of cloth and tied it around my head to cover my mouth! Oh God! I can't believe this is about to happen. All I could think of was Adam wanting to come with me because he didn't trust this piece of shit. That's when I felt the first wave of pain shoot though my body. Jeremy had shoved about 3 inches of his cock in my ass and was slowly pushing more in. "I'm going to fuck you hard you little faggot!" And that's when he shoved all his cock deep in me. He had to be at least 7.5 inches long and fairly thick. Tears welled up in my eye's as he started thrusting his cock in and out of me hard. "Does your little bitch boy Adam do this to you faggot? I bet he does! But you are going to get a real good fucking now!" He kept slamming his cock in and out of me hard, the pain was to much for me and I blacked out.

I woke up on the shower floor and Jeremy was gone. I was in so much pain. My head and eye hurt bad and my ass hurt even worse. Omigod! I had just been raped! What do I do? I want to go home!. I pulled myself up off the floor and stood under the water. I tried to wash my skin off me. I felt so fucking dirty! I got out of the shower and went to my locker, I looked at my watch and it was 4:15pm. Damn, I have got to get home. I hurried and got dressed and ran full force out of the locker room, through the gym, and headed out the doors. I ran all the way home and never stopped. When I got to my house I ran straight to my room and shut the door. That's when I noticed my eye. It was fucking black and blue!! It was the worst black eye I had ever seen. And it was swelling shut fast too. I jumped on my bed and started crying.

I wailed like a baby for a half hour when there was a knock on my door. "Justin, you in there dude?" OH GOD! Adam! What was I going to tell him? "Yeah, I'm in here." Adam came in the door and I just laid there with my head facing the other way. "Hey babe! How did it go? Were you asleep?" "No. I was just laying here." "What's wrong babe? Have you been crying?" "NO, I haven't!" "I was just wondering, you sound like you have. Could I get a kiss from ya?" "I don't feel good Adam." "Hey, are you ok? Did I do something wrong?" You won't even look at me." There is no way I'm going to be able to hide this from Adam so I just as well show him now. I got up and slowly turned, and when I was facing Adam his jaw about hit the floor. "That son of a bitch! Did Jeremy do that to you?" "Yes, after the coach left and we were in getting a shower." "In getting a shower!?? What else did that fucker do?" "Nothing, he did nothing to me!" "C'mon Justin, I know Jeremy. Did he try anything with you in the shower?" "OK,OK! HE FUCKED ME ALRIGHT! THE MOTHER FUCKER FUCKED ME RIGHT ON THE SHOWER FLOOR! I WAS JUST FUCKING RAPED!!" Adam said no more, he just took my shaking body in his arms and hugged me tight, telling me it would be ok, that he would never let anyone hurt me again. And for the first time since the final bell rang, I felt almost like a human again.

He held me tight in his arms for a while and I noticed he was crying too. We sat there holding each other a while longer and he started to babble about something. "What did you say?" I asked him. "I said I should have told you the whole story about Jeremy." "What do you mean the whole story?" "Do you remember the first time we had sex and I told you that it was my second time. I told you that my first experience was bad but that having it with you was awesome?" "Yeah, I remember." "Well my first time was with Jeremy. He basically raped me too, but he never hit me. I'm so sorry Justin! I should have told you before any of this happened." "Hey. lover! This was no fault of yours whatsoever. You had no idea that he would do this to me. Please don't take this out on yourself." "I wanted to tell you! That's why I wanted to go to the gym. I did think he was capable of doing this again, and I wasn't there to help you!" I pulled him away from me so I could look in his eye's. "Adam, you are here now. I need you strong to help me get through this. This was not your fault. If it was anyone's fault it was mine. I let my guard down. I should have been able to stop him. He just caught me off guard. But what I need is for you just to be here. To hold me, and to love me, that's all. No apologies None are needed! "Justin, you know I love you with all my heart and soul! I will do everything in my power to help you through this." "I know you will Adam. I love you too!

Well folks, that's chapter 2. Hope I didn't freak too many people out. This chapter was written based on an experience in my life. It did not happen to me, but to a very close friend of mine in high school. He needed all the love and support that I, myself, and other friends could give to him. Let me know what you think of this chapter. You can again e-mail me at

February 22, 1999

Next: Chapter 3

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