My High School Years

By chris

Published on Sep 17, 2000


'My High School Years' Chapter 12

"This day sucks!"

"Dammit!" I screamed while smashing my fist against the top of my alarm clock. Just thinking that Christmas break was over and I have to go back to school today made me want to curl up and die. The only reason I have to drag my tiny little butt out of bed to go to school was to be with Adam. Adam, my blond god. The boy I love so much it hurts when I think about him.

Now don't take me wrong. The hurt I feel is a good hurt.

Although Adam and I was together everyday throughout the break, I still feel like I need to be with him more. I can't wait until we graduate and go off to college together. Then we can live together and everything. Oh yeah, we already have it planned out. We both plan to attend Ohio State. I have an uncle that lives in Columbus and has this huge house which has a guest house out by the pool. Uncle Mike has already told me we can live there while going to college.

"Justin get up!" My dad yelled up the steps. "You have to get ready for school! Adam is here waiting for you!" Adam is here already!! YES!!!

"I'm up!" I yelled back to my father. "Tell Adam to come on up to my room." I don't think I closed my mouth from saying the sentence and Adam came crashing through my bedroom door. He stood in the door way and just stared. He then closed the door, locked it and practically ran to my bed. Now, just waking up, you know I didn't have the chance to brush my teeth yet. So I have the morning breath thing going here. Adam didn't care. He ran straight over to me and almost shoved his tongue completely down my throat. God he tasted good! Then my thoughts went back to having a Scope moment and I tried to push Adam off me. He put his arms around my next and pulled me tighter against him, kissing me hard and deep. Of course I just melted in his arms.

After 5 minutes of thrashing our tongues around in each others mouths we finally came up for air. Adam stood there, his big baby blue eyes just sparkled as he stared at me. "Dude, like I probably have the nastiest breathe in town right now." I said matter of factly.

"Like I really care what your breathe is like." Adam replied. "I missed you so much. I barely slept last night, not being near you was driving me nuts! Damn, I want you so bad right now!!" Adam explained.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "Come on Justin." The weary voice of my mother said. "Get up and get ready before your father gets mad at you." You could her it in her voice. Something is wrong with my mom. The doctors have been running tests on her but there have been no conclusive answers yet. The coughing was constant, you could just tell my mom was in pain.

"Ok mom, I'm and, just getting clothes ready so I can get a shower." I replied as I pushed the covers off of my slender body to crawl out of my bed. Adam's eyes got huge when he caught a glimpse of my raging morning hard on. As I stood up out of bed Adam wrapped a cold hand around my throbbing cock and started stroking it slowly.

"I could eat you alive right now!" Adam said excitedly.

"I know, and I want you too. We just don't have time now. My dad has been getting really impatient with me lately. He is so worried about my moms health right now. I'm trying to keep myself out of his path. I'm sorry babe, but we can't right now." I explained.

"I understand." Adam said. "I'll try to behave and keep my hands to myself, for now." Adam said as he put his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him, softly kissing, showing me he understood the worry that I had with my mom right now.

After taking a shower and dressing for the day, I ran down the steps and went into the kitchen where Adam went when I went to take my shower. Adam and my father were both sitting at the table when I walked in. I stopped and looked at my dad. I could tell he was hurting. He looked like he has aged ten years in the last few weeks. The worrying was starting to get to him.

I walked over to the table and put my arm around my dads shoulder. He snapped out of his trance stated when I did this. He reached up and grabbed my hand. "Good mornings son." He said somberly. "Want me to get you some breakfast?"

Just then my mom made her way around the corner, coughing violently. Chocking out the words "Just sit there, I'll get him breakfast."

I turned to my mom and told her "Don't worry about me mom. Go lay down and take care of yourself, I'm not hungry anyway. And besides, you know Adam always eats most of my breakfast anyhow." I said with a chuckle. It brought a smile to my moms face and a chuckle out of my dad. I think that was the first either of them attempted to laugh at a little humor in the past week.

My mom made her way over to the counter and poured herself a cup of coffee as my dad stood up and walked over to kiss her good bye. "I'll be here around 1:30 to take you to the doctor." he said. "I'll see you when I get home from work, I Love You." He whispered to her, then walked out to the garage. Taking the cue from my dad I walked over, kissed my mom on the cheek, and Adam and I followed my father out to the garage for the ride to school.

The ride to school was quite. My dad just stared straight through the windshield, lost in thought. As we pulled up in front of the school my dad reached over and took my hand into his. "Justin, we might not be home from the doctors office for a while today. They are going to run more tests on your mom. So if you get hungry just make yourself something to eat." my dad explained.

"Don't worry about me dad, just take care of mom. I'll be ok." I told him, while looking into my his big green eyes, which looked like the tears were ready to over flow. My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of money. Handing me $40.00, he told me to order out something for everyone. I took the money and Adam and I made our way out of the car. After I shut the front door I stood there and just watched as my dad pulled away. There is more going on with my moms health than they are telling me, I just know it! I know they don't think I'm stupid. I guess they are just trying to protect me from something.

"Hello? Anybody in there?" Adam said as he knocked his knuckles on the side of my head like he was knocking on a door.

"Oh, sorry. I was just in deep thought." I explained.

"Yeah dude, I know." Adam said. "You ok babe?" He asked.

"I'm ok. Adam can I ask you something?" I said as we started walking toward the front door of the school.

"Of course dude! Always and at any time." Adam said.

"What do you think about this situation with my mom?"

"What do you mean babe?" Adam asked.

"Do you think my parents are telling me everything that is going on?"

"Why wouldn't they? Your parents look at you as a mature person. They always talk with you about everything. What makes you think they're not telling you everything?" He asked.

"Just a feeling." I said. "It hit me when we were getting out of the car. The look on my dads face. The way his eyes were all swelled up. I just think there is more to it." I replied.

As we started up the steps, Adam through his arm over my shoulder and told me, "Don't worry to much about it. Your dad and the doctors are taking good care of your mom. She's going to be fine."

Adam and I made our way up to the second floor and we headed down the long hall to our lockers. As we turned the corner at the end of the hall I looked ahead and right there standing in front of my locker was Jeremy. What's that asshole doing in front of my locker. Christ! This was all I needed today. Now, how do I handle this situation? Do I walk up and politely say excuse me? Or do I walk up to him and tell him to get his stupid ass out of my fucking way?

Well, Adam to the rescue as always! As we walked up to my locker the first thing that come out of Adam's mouth was, "What the fuck do you want?!"

Jeremy just stood there. I think he was actually speechless. "Hey guys." Jeremy said, looking down at the floor. "Yeah, that's right asshole! You should cower down. Sick bastered!" I thought to myself.

"What the hell do you want Jeremy!" Adam practically screamed at him.

"I was just wondering if you guys have seen Christian yet this morning?" Jeremy said in a low, quite voice. Obviously he was having a hard time with this, Adam talking to him like he was. Any other time Jeremy would have scooped Adam up like a rag doll and beat the crap out of him. Not today though. Why?

I spoke up and said, "No, we haven't yet. Can I ask why?"

Jeremy did something then I would never have expected. With those gorgeous hazel eyes of his he looked dead into my face with an expression on his face like he was telling me he was sorry. Sorry for beating the hell out of me and raping me in the locker room shower. And the bad thing with the whole situation was that his eyes looked like my dads did not more than ten minutes ago. He looked like he was ready to burst into tears. And it was getting to me. I was starting to feel bad for him.

"I was just wondering." He replied. And then he walked away, head slumped down toward the floor.

"What the hell was that all about?" Adam asked.

"I have no clue dude! I didn't even know that he and Christian spoke. Speaking of Christian, where is he?" I replied

"Who knows. He'll be late for his own funeral. Damn faggots!" Adam laughed. There are times I wonder if Adam is actually making a joke about it, or if he forgets that he is gay as well. I've came to the point that I don't say anything to him about it, just chuckle and go on. It's better that way.

Just as we finished hanging our coats in our lockers and shutting the door's, Christian came around the corner. Adam noticed him first, nudging me in the side to look over in the direction Christian was walking.

"Hey Adam, Justin." Christian said as he walked over to us.

Adam and I both said hello and I added, "Where the hell have you been? We haven't seen you since..... Well, the last day your were at my house." I asked.

"Just been hanging out at the mall allot lately. Ever since Brandon broke up with me I just don't feel like doing anything so I decided to just go to the mall one day. I've been going there about everyday since." Christian said.

When Christian made the comment about Brandon breaking up with him Adam and I both looked at each other. "Yeah, Brandon has been keeping busy too." I added.

"Oh, so you have talked to him?" Christian asked.

"Just briefly." I said. "Hey, why don't you stop by my house after school for a while? Been a few days. Stop over and visit for a bit, maybe talk for a bit." I asked.

"Well, I have plans to meet some friends at the mall arcade after school, but I guess I can for a few minutes." Christian said.

"K, see you at lunch?" I asked.

"Umm... yeah, I'll see you guys at lunch." And with that Christian was gone.

Adam, looking quite complexed at the moment, turned and said, "What was that all about?"

"What was what all about?" I asked.

"Wanting him to come over after school." Adam said, With a mischievous look in his eyes.

"NO, don't even go there dude! Nothing at all like that! Besides, we said that wasn't going to happen again. I just want to confront him on this thing with Brandon. I want to know why he lied to us." I explained. Adam gave me his 'Yes I understand puppy dog eyes' and we headed to our first class.

I now know what Bruce meant about people being snobs at this school. All morning long I had to deal with everyone telling me what mommy and daddy had bought them for Christmas. The one girl, Rebecca, had the nerve to say she didn't like the color of the Jeep Wrangler that mommy and daddy bought her for Christmas and that she made them take it back for a different color. Frickin' bitch! If my mom and dad bought me a new Jeep for Christmas the last thing I would be moaning about was the color. I'd drive the damn thing if it was pink with white polka dots. Who cares what color it is? Just the fact she got the damn thing should have made her happy. Snooty little rip! Thank God it's lunch time!

As I walked into the cafeteria I noticed that Adam was already over at our usual table so I made my way over to the vending machines for my daily does of junk food. After buying 2 cans of Pepsi, a bag of chips, and a pack of chocolate snack cakes I started making my way over to the table. As I made my way there I was scanning the cafeteria, as I usually do, wondering if most of these people act like this at home, when something caught my eye. At a table about 7 row's over from where Adam and I sit I saw Jeremy. Jeremy was looking my way and we made eye contact. He immediately cowered down at the table. But what I found interesting was who I saw sitting with him. Christian!!

Trying to look, walk, and be amazed with something you see just doesn't work. Let's just say it felt like I walked into a brick wall. "What the Fuck you doing asshole?" Was all I heard. As I looked up to see what mountain I had just ran into, I noticed it was Tim. The enormously huge individual of a football player that helped me with the Jeremy problem.

"Oh man! Shit! I'm so sorry Tim." I scampered.

"Being it's you, it's ok dude. Just watch where you're walking next time."

Tim said as he walked away. Whew! I thought I was in for an ass beating for sure. "You still having trouble with Jeremy?" Tim Asked.

" not at all." I replied as I was walking toward the table where Adam was.

"Just let me know if he fucks with you!" Tim yelled as I hurried to the table.

As I reached our table Adam finally took his attention from his food to notice that I made it for lunch. He looked up from the table and his smile was a sight. Those big blue eye's melted me like butter every time. He smiled his wide gorgeous smile, his teeth perfect, white as they could be. I hurried and sat down all the time glancing over at the table where Christian was sitting with Jeremy.

"What's eating you dude?" Adam questioned.

"Did you see who Christian is sitting with?" I replied quickly and quietly so no one would here me.

"Yeah, I saw. There a couple now, didn't you know?" Adam asked.

"No! I didn't know!" I said rather loudly as the heads turned our way. Sinking down low, from the embarrassment of raising my voice, I whispered to Adam, "How do you know that?"

"Brandi told me in history class. She watch them go into one of the maintenance closets together. Brandi said she was like listening to them. You know, putting her ear to the door." Adam said with a laugh. I had to chuckle to as well. Leave it to Brandi to know all about everyone!

"Wonder what's up with that?" I asked Adam.

"Like I always say dude, who know and who cares. I'm kinda having a hard time trying to stomach it."

"Why? Because of Jeremy and you?" I asked.

"HELL NO!" Adam practically screamed, again the heads turning our way. "No, it's because I thought Christian had a little more taste than that. I mean, after telling him what Jeremy did to you. This sucks! How will we all still be friends?"

"I have no idea Adam. I hope this doesn't change our friendship with Christian. This has me totally baffled as well."

Just as I finished that sentence I hear someone say, "What's got you totally baffled?" Oh man, it was Christians voice!

"Oh, ummm....nothing dude. It's just an assignment in one of my classes, no biggie." I was quick to respond. Now, as long as he didn't hear the first part of the sentence I'll be ok.

"Hey, you know if you need any help I'm here for ya dude." Christian said.

"So, what's knew with you?" Adam asked Christian.

"Nothing new here dude. Just the same old thing. Why do you asked?" Christian replied.

"No reason dude, just asking. So what's with you and Jeremy over there?" Adam responded.

"Oh, that's what I was coming over here for. Justin, you play the saxophone right?"

"Ummmm.....yeah, why?" I asked, hesitation in my response.

Jeremy have this thing we have to do for choir. We have to do this song for our semester grade. We have to put a band together and the song we want to do has a sax part in it. We have the rest of the people lined up, we just need a saxophone player."

"Dude, I would love too for you, you know that. But I'm not going to be near that asshole. Especially to help his crazy ass pass a project. Fuck that!" I said rather excitedly.

"No, sorry Christian. Not after what Jeremy did to Justin. Dude, I can't believe you had the nerve to even think of asking Justin that question. That's really wacked dude.!" Adam explained. I could tell that Adam was instantly pissed off, as was I. Adam, was right. How could Christian have even thought about asking me to be a part of something with Jeremy. Did he lose his frickin' mind?

Christian sank in his seat. Embarrassment was all over his face. Now I felt like the asshole. "Justin, I...I'm sorry. I should have never asked."

With that, Christian got up and left the table. And my heart felt like it fractured. Adam and I just hurt one of our best friends. I have to make his right.

After our wonderful lunch full of junk food and Pepsi, Adam and I headed to our next class. When we walked in I noticed Christian sitting at his desk, right in front of mine, with his head hung low. I walked by and went to put my hand on his shoulder, kind of an I'm sorry gesture, but when I did he pulled away. Adam seen this and just shook his head then, without actually saying it, lipped that he would get over it. Yeah, he might, but would I? I mean, I was a total shit to him at lunch. I know Jeremy is a complete looser, but I didn't have to be like that toward my friend.

As we sat in class and listened to our teacher babble on, I wrote a small note to Christian telling him that I needed to speak to him after school. I tapped him on his shoulder and got no response from him. He is pissed! So I just tossed the note over his shoulder and it landed on his book in front of him. Christian picked up the note, read it, then turned around and said, "Yeah, we do need to talk."

I'm glad Christian atleast said that we did need to talk. It helped my day go by a little smooth. You see, there is this girl in my ninth period Spanish class that is head over heels for me. I have to constantly deal with her drooling all over herself during class as she continually stares at me. Now don't get me wrong, she is very good looking. But, I am in love with Adam and no girl is going to change that. I try not to make eye contact with this girl, but she has this damn pathetic look that makes me giggle. Then when I giggle she just melts. Am I being a tease?

Finally, the bell! I got up from my desk and flew out of my Spanish class, leaving my little love struck admirer in my dust. I made my way to my locker for my coat and other junk and also to wait for Adam. Adam's last class was all the way on the other side of the school and on the basement level, so I was always the first at our lockers. As I was putting my coat on Christian and Jeremy came walking up. They both stopped in front of me, Jeremy with that stupid look on his face again.

"So, you want to talk, then talk Justin." Christian said.

I looked down at the floor then dead in Christian's eye's. "I want to talk to you in private Christian." was my response. And Christian didn't blink an eye either.

"No, if you want to talk to me you talk to me now! I know what Jeremy did to you. Jeremy knows what he did to you and he is sorry for it. Don't you ever try and pick and choose my friends!" Christian wailed at me!

What the hell is going through his head? He is actually getting in my face, and I don't like it one damn bit!

"First off, I'm not trying to pick your friends. Second, you need to back the fuck up!!" I yelled at Christian, my blood boiling in my veins. Yeah, I was some what wrong at lunch, but this is going to far.

"Yeah, I'll back the fuck up!" Christian said. And with that he took one step back and balled up his fist, and then sucker punched me right in the mouth.

After picking myself up and out of my locker I just charged at him. I jumped up on Christian and sent him falling to the floor. Jeremy was grabbing at me, telling us both to stop, when I heard Adam scream from the end of the hall. "GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OF HIM!" And the next thing I know Jeremy was falling over Christian and I as we were still rolling around on the floor.

Adam grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up off of Christian, giving Christian time to get up off the floor. Adam noticed I was bleeding from the mouth and he looked at Christian, "YOU FUCKING DO THIS CHRISTIAN!?!?" Adam screamed.

"Yeah asshole, I did it!" Christian replied. Just then we noticed a teacher coming down the hall and we all scattered. Adam and I ran down the stairs towards the Gym, Christian and Jeremy went off somewhere else. When we got to the gym level we ran into the boys locker room area.

"Justy! Are you ok babe? Damn, you're bleeding bad from your lip!" As Adam said this he was wetting some paper towels to wipe the blood off my face. "He got ya good babe. What the hell was going on?"

"I don't know. I was at my locker and Christian and Justin came up to me. I had passed that note to Christian telling him we needed to talk. I guess he took it the wrong way, he took lunch the wrong way. He got in my face, I told him to back off, then he fucking bunched me in the mouth. That's when I dove on him!" I babbled out as Adam tried to clean up my lip.

"Your eye is swelling up to babe, he got ya good." Adam said.

"Yeah, well he knows I was there to. I think I broke his nose when I dove at him. My head hit him when I dove at him." I replied.

"Leave it to you, the one that always uses his head!" Adam chuckled.

Adam doctored my lip up with some stuff from the locker room first aid kit and then we headed back up the stairs, checking to see if the halls were free of teachers, making our way up to his locker. We go to Adam's locker and he got his coat and stuff he needed for homework, then we made our way outside to go home. When we walked out the doors to the parking lot we saw Adam's mom sitting in her mini van waiting for us.

Adam and I ran over to the van and got in. As I sat down in the back seat and looked up front toward the rear view mirror, Adam's mom was looking back at me. "What the hell happened to you Justin?"

"Ah, it was nothing. Just had a disagreement with someone."

Nothing hell! It looks like you just got out of a boxing match!" She replied.

"I'll be ok Ms Crozier. By the way, my dad should be here anytime." I said.

"No, your dad won't be here. He called me and asked if I could pick you boys up. Your mom and dad were delayed at the hospital." she said with a hesitation. "Your dad asked me to just take you to our house until they get home."

What could have delayed them at the hospital? Mom must have had to go through more damn tests. I think the tests are starting to get the best of her. But if it will find out what is wrong, then I guess she will put up with them

After being at Adam's house for an hour and a half, the door bell rang. Adam went to the door and I heard him say, "Come on in Mr. Thompson." Hey, mom and dad are back! I got up from sitting on the floor where Adam and I were studying and went to see my dad.

"Justin, what happened to you? Are you ok?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I opened my mouth at the wrong time. Guess I should have kept it shut uhh." I replied.

"Yes, you should have. Looks like you learned your lesson. We'll talk about this later. Go grab your stuff so we can go to the house." Then my dad looked at Adam and said, "Is your mom here Adam, I need to talk to her."

"She's back in the kitchen, go on in." Adam told him.

With that I ran up to Adam's room, Adam on my heels, and grabbed my coat and the rest of my books. Adam came up to me, putting his arms around me, and said "Call me later?"

"Of course I will. You know that."

"I know, just wanted to double check." Adam snickered. Then he moved in to give me a kiss. But as soon as his soft lips touched mine it hurt like hell. "Ouch, Shit!" I yelped.

"I'm so sorry babe." Adam replied. Then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Adam grabbed me and hugged me tight. "I love you Justin Andrew Thompson!"

"And I love you Adam David Crozier. With all of my heart!" That's when my dad yelled up to tell me it was time to go.

Adam and I came back down the steps and Cindy, Adam's mom, was standing next to my dad. She looked as if she had been crying and when Adam asked if she was ok she played it off that she was chopping onions. Cindy walked over and gave me a hug as my dad and I walked out the door. What's up with that? She never does that.

My dad and I got out to the van and I noticed my mom wasn't there. I didn't think to ask where she was, just figured that dad dropped her off first. When we got to the house I ran in and yelled for my mom. There was no answer.

"I walked back into the kitchen and asked my dad, "Where's mom?

"Come on son," My dad said. Lets go in the living room, there's something I need to talk to you about."

Ok, there you go. Whew! It's been along time. Did you know that October 3rd it will be a year since I wrote the last chapter to this story. I promise, I won't be gone so long this time. So, stay tuned. Find out more of the lives of Justin and Adam. There is allot more to come. And I might even post the missing chapter, chapter ten part three. I have it, it's done. Just wanting to get this new chapter out incase you all thought I fell off the face of the Earth. Until the next post, C-ya! As always the e-mail is:

September 16, 2000

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