My Hero Series

By Mike .

Published on Oct 21, 2023


This is the second part of my story that describes a fantasy which came true.

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My Hero - Part 2

I spent the next week on cloud nine, the fantasy that I'd had for years had finally happened and I couldn't wait for Saturday to arrive when Adam had asked if I would like to help him with other jobs in his new house. I wondered what my reward would be this time, but even I couldn't have imagined how things would turn out.

Adam collected me and we drove to his place. As soon as we got in he pulled me into a hug and we kissed, then he gave me a playful smack saying he hoped I'd been good. This turned me on and he must have noticed the bulge growing in front my jeans.

"No time for that," he joked. "We've got work to do."

I helped Adam put up some shelves and assemble some flat-pack furniture. We were just clearing up when the door bell rang. Adam went to the door and I heard his and another voice, then he returned followed by a police officer in full uniform about the same age as Adam and just as good looking. He suited the uniform and I couldn't help but notice his well fitting trousers showing a nice arse and an inviting bulge at the front.

Adam made the introductions. "This is Chris, he works at the same station as me. Chris, this is my cousin Mike."

Chris offered his hand and we shook. "Oh yes, the cousin that likes to get spanked," he said with a grin.

I looked at Adam in disbelief. How did Chris know about that? Adam put a re-assuring arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, Chris in on our side and he's my best mate. I couldn't help but tell him about you and he was eager to meet you."

Chris stayed for a coffee which gave me the opportunity to check him over, the snug fitting trousers, shiny black boots, his handcuffs and, when he sat next to me on the sofa, his manly scent.

As he got up to leave Chris put a hand on my shoulder. "Nice to have met you Mike. How about you and Adam come round to my place later, I finish at 4, so any time after 6 would be fine.

I watched Chris leave, again noticing his very attractive arse and then looking through the window saw him getting into his patrol car and driving off. I had mixed feelings about his invitation; I was hoping to have some fun with Adam later.

Adam returned from seeing Chris off. "I think Chris liked you and I could see you were taken by him, so how about we go to his place later?"

I tried not to sound disappointed "I don't know, I was hoping to spend some more time with you."

"Hey, we've got all the time in the world," Adam replied. "Chris is a great guy and I somehow think you'll enjoy visiting him."

"OK then," I agreed, but I couldn't help thinking there was more to this than Adam was telling.

We finished off the work we were doing, cleaned up and just after 6 we drove to Chris's flat which was on the top floor of a modern block. Adam used the entry phone on the main door and we were buzzed in. Chris was waiting for us at his door. His flat took the whole of the top floor so was probably fairly large.

Chris had changed out of his uniform and was wearing t-shirt and fairly tight fitting jeans which again showed a nice arse and bulge. He led us into a sitting room, nicely furnished with two black soft leather sofas. Looking around the room I could see evidence of Chris's tastes, a nude main figure on a self and, on a shelf under a chrome and glass coffee table, a gay magazine with a fit guy dressed in full leather on the cover. We were offered drinks by Chris, they had beer and I had a coke.

After some social chat in which Chris was trying to find out more about me, he left the sofa where he was sitting and came to sit with me so I had Adam and Chris on either side of me. These two manly bodies along with their scent were turning me on and I was getting hard and just slightly embarrassed putting my hands in front of me.

"Don't worry about that Mike," Chris announced. "We're all friends here. I asked Adam to bring you here so we could have a chat about your interest."

"What interest is that? I asked.

"Your submissive side, the fact that you like being spanked and dominated; Adam has told me about everything including the handcuffs," Chris replied. "So, we wanted to know if you wanted to take this further, explore your interests, because if so, we can help you."

I didn't know what to say, this had come as a shock. I looked at Adam hoping for guidance.

"Don't worry," he said putting a reassuring arm around my shoulder. "No one's trying to force you into anything; we just want you to be yourself."

Chris placed a hand on my leg. "Just sit here for a few minutes and have a think. Adam and I want to show you something. We are going to my spare room down at the end of the corridor, when we call, come down and join us.

Adam and Chris left the room. I had no idea where this was leading, my mind was racing with all sorts of possibilities, but one thing I knew was that I would be safe with Adam and Chris seemed a nice guy too.

After what seemed an age, but was only about five minutes, I was bursting with curiosity, then I heard Adam call my name. I went to the room at the end of the corridor and opened the door. I was stunned at the sight that greeted me. Adam and Chris had changed into leather gear. They both wore tight leather jeans tucked into shiny black boots, an upper body leather harness and a black leather peaked cap with a chain across the front over the peak. From a wide black leather belt hung a pair of handcuffs.

I then began to take in the rest of the room. The window was covered by a blind leaving the room lit by a strong over head light. The only furniture in the room was a double door cupboard, a single bed with a black leather covered mattress and something that looked like a gym horse with a padded leather top and straps on each of the four legs. Another very noticeable thing about the room was the strong scent of leather.

"Do you like our little playroom?" Chris asked.

I didn't know what to say, this was all new to me and more than a bit of a shock. Adam stepped in front of me and again put a reassuring arm around my shoulders. "We wanted to show you this because we thought you'd be interested," he explained.

"I am, but why?" I asked.

"Mike, it's obvious that you're a true submissive. You said yourself that you'd had feelings and fantasies for years which you hadn't been able to explore. Well, now we're giving you the chance to be a real sub if that's what you really want." Adam said drawing me closer to his body. His manly scent mixed with the intoxicating smell of leather was driving me wild and what he was saying was beginning to make sense.

"What happens now then?" I asked.

Chris took over the explaining. "Adam and I are members of a sub/dom group, mainly police officers, but other likeminded men as well. If you want to be a real sub you need to be trained, properly trained, and I can do that for you."

"But why can't you train me Adam?" I asked.

"Look Mike," Adam explained. "I really want you to be my sub, I haven't had one for some time, mainly because of the house move and all the stuff that goes with it. But I can't train you, it wouldn't be right, I might be too soft on you with you being my cousin and it's traditional in our group that subs are trained and passed on. Chris is an expert trainer, firm but fair and he will do a good job for me, I know".

"So how about it? Chris asked. "No pressure and you can withdraw any time you think it's not for you."

I looked at Chris again. He looked magnificent in his leather gear. "Yes, I think I'd like to be properly trained, so what's next?" I asked.

"Just so you know what's involved, come over here." Chris invited and guided me over to the cupboard.

Adam opened the doors to display the array of equipment inside. On the inside of the doors hung leather floggers, leather paddles, straps and restraints. Hanging in the cupboard were items of leather clothing and more body harnesses. Lined up on the bottom of the cupboard was a row of shiny black boots.

Probably the thing I noticed most was the intoxicating aroma of leather. I was in for fun times!

Authors love feedback . To encourage me to write further parts, let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 3: My Hero 3

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