My Hero Series

By Mike .

Published on Aug 19, 2023


This story describes a fantasy which came true. It is pure fiction and includes unprotected sex.

Remember... in the real world always play safe and use a condom.

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My Hero

Adam had been my hero since childhood. He was my cousin, just over ten years older than me, the son of my dad's eldest brother. Our families were close and Adam always played with me when our families got together.

I fondly remember many times when Adam took me to places. One was a fun fair where I wanted to go on a particular ride, but the attendant said I was too small. Adam assured him he would go on with me and hold me tight. I sat on the seat between his legs and he put his arms around me and held me close to him. I felt so safe and secure.

When I was about ten, he came to look after me when my parents went away together for the weekend. He had the spare room, but after I went to bed, I stayed awake and when I heard him go to bed, I sneaked into his room and into his bed. It felt so good being so close to his warm body and I remember enjoying his manly scent.

Something happened that weekend which stuck in my memory. We were playing around in the garden, Adam was teasing me and I was cheeky to him and ran down the garden. He soon caught me, slung me over his shoulder and carried me into the house. It was all a big joke and I was giggling, then he put me across his knee and jokingly very lightly smacked my bottom, it didn't hurt at all and just made me giggle more.

A few years later when I was twelve, Adam joined the local police force. I remember the first time I saw him in his uniform. He was on patrol in the area and called in. He looked wonderful and I wanted to know about all the equipment he was carrying, including his handcuffs which I asked him to put on me. He refused at first, but I finally persuaded him and he gently slipped them on and told me I was under arrest.

Looking back, this was possibly the first time I felt differently about Adam. I was maturing, beginning to have certain feelings and being manhandled by him caused a certain reaction which I hadn't experienced before... I got a stiffy!

From then on Adam featured in my fantasies, when I was jacking off I remembered the mock spanking when I was younger and being handcuffed by him and fantasised about being punished by my very own policeman.

I eventually realised that I was gay and whilst I began to notice guys at school and later college and had experiences with them, Adam still featured prominently in my fantasies. I didn't see him quite so much now, but when I did he was always his usual friendly self.

I had turned eighteen when, at a family gathering, Adam asked me if I would help him clear out the roof space of a small house he had just purchased and moved into. The previous owners had left loads of junk behind. I agreed, of course, and the following Saturday he picked me up.

We spent most of the day clearing out the junk, Adam up in the roof space passing stuff down to me. By the end of the day we were both fairly dirty, dusty and in need of a shower. Adam suggested he showered first and then, whilst I was showering he would phone for a takeaway. I hung around and finally Adam appeared from the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. It had been years since I'd seen this much of his body and it didn't disappoint. His six foot plus frame was still in good condition. I tried not to stare for too long and made my way to the bathroom for a shower along with a t-shirt and a pair of his tracksuit bottoms which he suggested I borrowed as my clothes were in a mess.

After I had dried off after my shower, I noticed the pile of his discarded dirty clothes dumped in the corner of the bathroom and on top a pair of his briefs. I couldn't resist, I picked up the briefs and held them to my face taking in Adam's manly scent, a mixture of sweat along with the muskiness of his cock and balls. I was in heaven; my hand went to my stiffening cock and began to work it.

"You enjoying that?" I was so distracted that I hadn't heard Adam come back up stairs and enter the bathroom.

He had obviously seen everything, me standing there naked with a pair of his briefs held to my face. I stuttered out a feeble explanation. "I... I... It's not what you think, I was just tidying up."

Adam grinned. "It's exactly what I think and it just confirms what I've suspected for some time, you're gay aren't you?"

What could I say? It was pointless denying it. "I suppose I am," I replied.

To my surprise Adam put an arm around my shoulders. "It's no big deal, why do you think I've been single all this time?"

"You're gay?" I spluttered unbelievingly.

Being gay was something never mentioned within the family and Adam was so masculine I never suspected, but now here he was confessing to me.

"It's been interesting watching you grow up. I've suspected for some time and the way you look at me sometimes just seemed to confirm it," Adam said gently, still with a reassuring arm around my shoulders. "You should have talked to me about it; you know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know, but I knew we couldn't do anything together. I was too young and you being a policeman would get into even worse trouble," I explained.

Adam tightened the arm around my shoulder. "But that's OK now, you are over eighteen and can make your own decisions and I have to confess that I'm a bit flattered that you fancy your older cousin," grinned Adam.

"I always have, well since I've know about sex. I remember when..." but I was interrupted by the door bell ringing.

"That will be the pizzas, let's eat," said Adam grabbing a bathrobe hanging on the door to cover up as he still had only a towel around his waist.

"Can we eat later?" I asked. I was just about to tell Adam the feelings I had hid for all these years.

"Sure," replied Adam. "I can reheat them later."

Adam went down stairs to collect and pay for the pizzas leaving me in the bathroom in a semi-daze.

Could I really tell him my secret fantasies? Adam returned to the bathroom and to my surprise took off the bathrobe leaving him with just the towel wrapped around his waist.

"Come with me," he instructed and guided me into the bedroom. We both sat on the bed; again Adam put a reassuring arm around my shoulders and pulled me towards him. Our lips met and we spent the next few minutes roughly kissing and letting our tongues explore reach others mouths.

When we broke apart Adam prompted, "Now, you were about to tell me something."

It was now or never. I took a deep breath and started. "You remember when I was a kid, about ten, you looked after me for the weekend when Mum and Dad were away.

"Sure, we had some good times," remembered Adam.

"Remember pretending to spank me?" I asked.

"Yeah, you were a cheeky little monkey sometimes," joked Adam. "Hey, I didn't hurt you did I?"

"'Course not, you were only teasing, but if you only knew how many times I've fantasised about it since, when I was jacking off," I confessed.

Adam was beginning to look a bit surprised. "There's more," I continued. "Remember when you joined the police? The first time I saw you in your new uniform, I asked you to handcuff me."

Adam smiled. "Yes, I wasn't too keen, but you insisted."

Time for another confession. "You didn't realise it at the time, but it gave me my very first hard-on and another fantasy."

Adam by now was beginning to look puzzled. "Why are you telling me all this," he asked.

This was my big chance. "Because I want you spank me now," I blurted out.

"Spank you! You know I'd never hurt you."

"I want it more than anything, I've thought about it for years. Please Adam... for me... please."

Adam stared me straight in the eyes. "Are you really sure?" he asked.

"Never so sure. Just do it Adam," I pleaded.

Adam sat and thought for a good minute. "OK if you're really sure, but you're a bit big to go over my knee now."

"No, I want it properly, I want you to use your policeman's belt and put me in handcuffs first," I asked, hoping I hadn't gone too far.

"I'm not sure," Adam replied. "Yes, I deal with some lads that I wish could be punished like that, but not my favourite cousin."

"PLEASE Adam, I've thought about it so much, think of it as a punishment for sniffing your briefs," I suggested.

Adam finally gave in. "OK, but it stays between us and I'll stop instantly if you ask."

I leapt to my feet. "Thanks Adam, let's go, you're in charge."

Adam opened his wardrobe. I could see his police uniform hanging inside. First he took out his handcuffs. "Face down on the bed," he ordered. When I was lying flat he expertly brought both of my arms behind me and handcuffed my wrists so they rested in the small of my back. I felt the excitement growing as he returned to the wardrobe and took his black wide leather belt from his uniform and folded it double.

So this was finally it. After years of thinking about it, my fantasy was about to come true. Adam rested his belt squarely across by bare buttocks, raised it up and left if fall with a light smack.

This wasn't what I had in mind. "Please Adam, I need it hard," I pleaded.

"OK, you asked for it," said Adam as he raised the belt higher and brought it down with more force.

I began to think that possibly Adam was somehow enjoying this. His strokes gradually got harder as did my cock trapped beneath me until I thought I would burst.

Adam eventually stopped. "I think that's enough," he said throwing down the belt and releasing me from the handcuffs. "You've got a lovely red bottom."

He then did something wonderful, he spat on his hand and rubbed it over my red hot bottom. It felt so good as the air hit the dampness and cooled my burning cheeks. At the same time eased his other hand under me and grabbed my rampant cock. This was enough to send me over the top and I came into his hand.

"No need to ask if you enjoyed that," Adam joked.

"It was wonderful, thanks. You're a bit of an expert," I observed.

Then I noticed that the towel that Adam was still wearing was seriously tented at the front, so he had enjoyed it as well! Still lying on the bed I grabbed the towel from his waist. His beautiful cock was about six inches from my face pointing directly at me. I leaned forward, kissed the head and then took it into my mouth. Before long I tasted his sweet precum.

"Can I ask you one more thing before we eat," I asked after releasing his cock.

"Sure, what's on your mind," he asked.

I looked him straight in the eyes and made the simple request... "Fuck me."

"Have you been fucked before?" Adam asked.

I decided to be truthful. "No, I want you to be the first, I trust you."

"You know it can be painful the first time?" Adam checked.

"Yes, but I know you'll be gentle," I replied.

Adam opened a drawer in the bedside cabinet and took out a tube of lube, squeezed some on his hand and told me to get into a kneeling position. He then lubed my hole, first inserting one finger, followed by two and then three. Suddenly he touched a spot that sent shock waves through my body.

"That's your prostate, a real exotic spot," he told me.

I was then aware of him lubing up his cock and he knelt behind me placing his cock directly against my hole and gently pushing. I felt the head go in and he pushed again. It was now becoming a little painful and I must have shown it as Adam stopped pushing.

"Are you OK? Do you want me to stop? he asked.

"No, carry on," I replied.

"OK, I'll be as gentle as I can, just try and breath though it," Adam told me.

My gorgeous cousin was true to his word. He gently pushed, there was a sharp stab of pain and he was fully in. The pain gradually subsided replaced with a satisfying sensation which I can't describe.

I was in heaven! He worked his cock in and out driving me wild.

Suddenly he stopped and withdrew his cock saying we should change position. Adam told me to turn over onto my back. He then knelt on the end of the bed, lifted my legs onto his shoulders and re-entered me, this time with no pain. He then did something wonderful by lifting my shoulders and head towards him and kissing my lips whilst slowly working his cock in and out. All this was beyond my wildest dreams.

Much later than planned we were eating our reheated pizzas followed by ice cream. We were just wearing briefs and I couldn't resist taking some ice cream on my finger and coating one of Adam's nipples and then licking it clean.

"Be careful," Adam warned. "You know what happens to naughty boys in this house!"

Yes, I did and I had the red bottom to prove it.

Adam asked me to stay the night. There was just the one bed, so as I snuggled up to him taking in this wonderful manly scent, I was taken back almost a decade to that weekend when he cared for me.

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Next: Chapter 2: My Hero 2

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