My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Jun 2, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves.

Enjoy reading!

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The two jumped in the shower together like they had a thousand times at school, and it seemed like old times. They took off in Clayton's car to cruise the small town, which was really just one commercial street down by the little town beach with its still-cold water in mid-July. Clayton thought they might see some people he knew, but they didn't, so they went to a store on the edge of town, bought some beer, and pulled into a house on the water owned by some people Clayton's family knew and was fine to hang out at. They had a few beers, and talked about some more things. It seemed friendlier than it had been, certainly a lot more relaxed than that vicious fuck Clayton had given him. Carter was having a good time with his old friend, even though a good bit of soreness was radiating up from his stretched out rectum. It felt that a damp spot was forming in his shorts, and his remaining anal nerves sensed a puddle of semen in his briefs. They finished 6 or 8 beers and headed back to Clayton's house. Dinner was ready and his parents were having a glass of wine, they poured a few more for the boys. They had a nice long dinner, lots of drinks, and talked about all kinds of things. Clayton's parents were more open and lively than were Carter's and it was fun to spend time with them as it had been on weekends from school. Carter eventually called his folks and said he'd had some drinks so would be spending the night.

Clayton's mom had made up a guest room, but Clayton announced Carter would stay up in the apartment with him, "just like back at school." Clayton's dad raised an eyebrow over his scotch, but that's not too unusual. College is well within the years its ok to share a bed. As soon as they got up to Clayton's room, his shorts came down and his half hard cock was rising from where it was nestled atop his big nuts.

"Come on dude, get your clothes off!" Clayton said, trying to be playful.

"Ugh, I don't know man," Carter replied, feeling a bit tired and a lot drunk. Clayton moved quickly over to where Carter was sitting on the edge of the bed and play tackled him, pushing his arms up over his head, pinning him, and putting his body weight on him. Carter started to struggle, and they both laughed a little, remembering all their little 'wrestling' matches back at school in one of their rooms. That was always their joke: that if anyone walked in on one of their midday sneaky sessions that they would say they were just wrestling. Not that anyone would have believed it with Clayton's big cock stuffed deep in one end of Carter or the other, but that was the plan. Clayton was trying to flip Carter over, and Carter abandoned his struggle and turned over with Clayton's force. Clayton stood up on his knees and rather roughly pulled Carter's shorts and briefs off. With his knees, he forced Carter's legs apart quickly, and Carter felt Clayton's chest on his back, and cock at his entrance simultaneously.

Clayton wasted no time, and oblivious to how sensitive Carter's hole was from his pounding earlier, he just began to push his large symmetrical and straight cock insistently into his friend's ass. As the first few inches broke through Carter's loose sphincter, he tensed up at the tenderness in his ass. Clayton did not slow his assault though, and lucky for Carter, his ass was still pretty greased and had most of Clayton's huge load still somewhere in its length. When Clayton's balls hit Carter's and he was all the way in, he paused for 20 seconds with all his weight on Carter's back. Carter was aware of a sensation he had never felt or noticed before. When he tensed his ass a little, he could feel the entire length and circumference of Clayton's cock with the lining of his ass. It was as if his butthole was left in the perfect shape of his mate's cock from his earlier fucking. As he was marveling in his head about how deep the big plump head felt inside him (near his lungs? Where would it be on his body? He figured Clayton was at least 8 maybe 9 inches long, so that would be well above his belly button. Hmmm. What would an xray or CAT scan of him look like now?) Carter felt the big sausage begin to withdraw. At the start Clayton always did this-liked to pull the full length out and shove it back in. Later when he was breathless and fucking hard and fast it was mostly short hard drives. Clayton pulled out until Carter could just feel his stretched-out ring muscle barely holding onto the giant apricot-shaped cockhead.

Clayton shoved his cock back in with enough speed and force to make Carter exhale hard into the mattress. As the rhythmic fucking continued, Carter began once again to have drunken half-dreams about Tyson. Would this happen in their dorm room? He couldn't imagine Tyson was actually gay, but might something happen? So many guys nowadays were open to 'bi' things, you just never knew. And such a good looking guy as Tys definitely had had male attention before. Had he ever done anything about it? Would Tyson be doing to him in their dorm room what Clayton was doing now? Clayton never changed his pace, just kept up the long slides out followed by a fast hard push deep back in. After some time, he hugged Carter hard around the neck, tensed up, let out a low moan, and pumped six or eight shots as deep as he could. Clayton laid on top of Carter for a minute or so, and then eased onto his side, bringing Carter with him. His cock still buried in Carter's hole, Clayton reached over and pulled the light comforter across them both, and they both passed out in a minute or two.

Carter woke up with a start, needing a shit bad. He hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. The stuffed chilis and steak they'd had, all the booze, and the punishment his ass had taken made it a hot, quick, and forceful crap. Feeling better, he looked out the door at Clayton, still asleep, and decided to use his toothbrush quickly. He was splashing his face at the sink when he got a sharp spank on his ass and turned around. Clayton was standing behind him. "Hey sexy." Clayton said as he reached for and grabbed Carter's cock. He pulled him by his peen closer to him and held Carter's soft dick alongside his own very hard one. Clayton's big prick was standing at full attention, the head looking an angry deep red. Clayton leaned forward and kissed Carter, something he hadn't done since the early days of their messing around.

Clayton rubbed Carter's smooth toned chest and six pack with his other hand, moving down below his navel and tugging out a few hairs from his light treasure trail. They both looked over at the big mirror that took most of the wall behind the toilet and sink. They really both were good looking guys. Clayton, taller, 6'2 it had said in the rowing roster, dark haired, worn in the classic preppy part. Very broad shouldered with muscles on his arms and pecs from rowing, looking too big for his otherwise lean build. Carter noticed he had gotten a little hair around his nips since he had seen him last, and had a darker and larger treasure trail than he did before. Clayton's toned stomach came down in a very prominent V and a dark little mustache above his pendulous cock. Carter checked himself out too. Very good looking he'd always been told. Shorter than the guy next to him, he always said 5'11, but 5'10 might be more like it. Sandy hair, worn a little shorter than Claytons. Nice sharp WASPy nose and chin, rosy cheeks and red thinnish lips. Nice long neck, nice toned bod, although softer and smoother than Clayton's without the visible veins etc from the more-intense college rowing workout programs he had been doing. Narrower shoulders and hips, but by no means scrawny. Yeah, all in all a hottie he thought to himself with a little smile. Tyson may be the hottest guy in the world, but no way he can say I'm ugly!

Their little mirror reverie apparently over, Clayton's hands went to Carter's shoulders, and he felt the familiar downward pressure. Falling to his knees on the hard tile, Carter took hold of the monster and choked it back into his throat. He really felt a big gag when the large head pushed down into his gullet, and eased off, keeping half in his mouth and giving it a vigorous sucking and licking. After a minute, Clayton pulled him up, turned him around, and Carter saw what he was supposed to do. Over the side of the big, deep, free standing tub were some towels and a plush bathmat. Clayton propelled him toward the side, and Carter leaned his waist over the soft towels. Clayton stepped over to the walk in shower for a second and retrieved the big bottle of conditioner which he messily squirted all over Carter's crack and asscheeks.

Clayton pulled Carter's ass higher, to dick level, putting Carter into an inverted V position, and making him stand on tip toe and put his hands in the bottom of the tub. Carter felt Clayton's feet alternately push his ankles, spreading his legs and felt the big warm prick sliding around in his sloppy conditioner- filled crack. After a short time, Clayton found his mark and speared forward, driving just about his entire length into Carter's well-used ass in one hard shove. Clayton was in a frenzy just about from the start. He was pounding Carter as hard as he could. Short pumps, long strokes, whatever. Just like he was trying to jackhammer his friend's ass apart. With one of his hands he was smearing some of the huge pile of conditioner he'd squirted on Carter's ass all over his cheeks and lower back, pausing only to give him pretty hard spanks. Carter wasn't very comfortable, with the hard jabs smacking his thighs into the edge of the tub, but the pain in his ass had gone away overnight, and now this frantic fuck was driving him wild with pleasure.

Clayton seemed like a man on a mission, determined to lose his morning wood and stretch out that ass as fast as possible. Amid Clayton's grunts, Carter's moans grew louder. Clayton gave him a particularly hard poke, straightening up his legs, and actually lifting Carter's body higher into the air with only his cock. He held him there for a couple seconds, and in addition to the incredible pressure on his ring and deep in his hole, Carter felt a little pop, and the sensation that Clayton's cock had lurched another inch or so into him. He didn't think he had ever felt it so deep before. As Clayton withdrew and pushed in again to reach the same spot, Carter felt his hole spasm, his nuts draw up into his body, and cum shooting out of his cock onto the tiles and side of the tub. Clayton grunted and said "oh shit, oh fuck" a few times in a row. His pace picked up to crazy fast and within 30 seconds, Carter felt the newly-re- familiar pleasure of high pressure cum shots hitting the membranes deep inside his ass. On the chafed nerve endings of his raw stretched hole, Clayton's early-morning sperm felt scalding.

Claytons deflating cock sort of fell out of Carter's pooched-out hole. "Goddam the best pussy ever!" Clayton said, making Carter feel a bit second class that his nice butt that had gotten many compliments from girls and women was considered a pussy now. Clayton had never called it that before.

Clayton gently pulled Carter up to his feet, making him take a stutter step since his legs were asleep from the pounding he took on the tub edge. On the floor next to Carter's feet was a decent size puddle of conditioner, cum, and ass juice. Clayton moved over and grabbed some toilet paper. They both noticed at the same time a small turd clinging to the side of his dick, just behind the head. "Oh shit, sorry dude," Carter said embarrassed. "I took a dump before, shoulda been all good." It had happened to them plenty of times before, and was not big deal, usually more of a joke. Carter had read about douching online, but came to the conclusion that it was silly, and where could he get a douche or hide one at school anyway. Plus, back then, most of his and Clayton's sex happened in a sports equipment room, basement of the history building, or student newspaper office anyway, how was he supposed to give himself an enema? He also felt that if you were going to fuck another dude in the ass, you had to accept that it was never going to be 100% sanitary. Clayton just chuckled and called him a nasty ass, then they both grabbed some toilet paper and cleaned up the mess on the floor.

Clayton sat on the toilet for a quick and noisy crap while Carter got in the shower. Clayton joined him, they cleaned up good, and went over to the house for breakfast. Carter lied and said he had a lot to do that day, and was shortly after in the car headed home. As soon as he got home, he went to his room, pulled up all the hottest pics he had of Tyson and wanked his dick furiously till he shot a huge load right on his T-shirt. He caught his breath and opened up Kik to see if he had any messages from Tyson. He didn't, but sent him one.

"Hey dude, how are you? What are you doing?" A couple minutes later he got one back.

"Heyyyy. Not much. Just wasted from my workouts this morning. Gotta do some shit for my mom then getting up with some buddies out at the beach. Partay tonight too! This chicks parents are out of town.

#summerlivin! What you up to?"

"Just got back from a friends house up the coast a bit. We didn't do much. Fucked around. Just hanging out. Not much going on," Carter replied.

"Haha, well if it was one of your buddies from boarding school, I bet you were fuckin around! Haha j/k bro."

That last message kind of blew Carter back. Here was Tyson making another gay joke, and not even very subtle. Hmmm. Well, only time would see, Carter thought. He'd be leaving for school in less than a month. His dad had made a big deal about driving him there. Apparently his dad's dad had driven him to college, and even though Carter wasn't going to a prestigious New England institution liked his dad had planned for him, he wanted to do this. It was stressing Carter out since his dad could be kind of difficult, and had been talking for months about how he was taking time off for this. Whenever Carter's mom asked his dad to do something around the house, he'd often answer with "I bill $575 an hour, I'm not going to __________!" rake leaves, or hang pictures, or whatever the request was. It would be fine. Carter actually had never really spent much time alone with his dad, and was kind of looking forward to it, but also sort of dreading it. A big part of why Carter wanted to go to another region for college was to get away from the alma maters and success of his parents, uncles, older brothers etc. At all those New England colleges would be at least several guys from his school. Same family ties, same cliques, same old. While Carter certainly wasn't going to start out college 'Out, Loud, and Proud', he did want to get somewhat away from the people he'd known his whole life.

Next: Chapter 4

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