My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on May 27, 2015


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading! Of course, if reading this is not allowed where you are because of your age or any reason, hit the back button. Also, remember to support Nifty!

Carter shook his head and woke up from his daydreams of sex back in school. His post orgasmic nap had made his hangover subside a little, but he still felt a bit droopy. The pics of Tys were still on his screen, and he went back to facebook to send him a message. He was nervous all of a sudden. He typed and backspaced over and over. Finally, he re-read what he had before pressing send:

"Hey Tyson, its Carter. Looks like we are roomates. Looking forward to it! Can't wait for College. Saw you're from __________, that's an awesome place. You been at the beach a lot this summer? Let's talk about what we are going to bring etc. Call me 2035577655 or email, or hit me back here. Look forward to meeting you"

The last edit Carter made was changing 'can't wait to meet you' to the more moderate 'look forward', even though he could absolutely not wait to meet Tyson, and probably would orgasm the first time he did. Carter briefly thought about hittin up Tyson on twitter and any other app he could find him on, but decided not to be too over eager. He waited an hour. Two. Realizing he was anxiously waiting to get a message back from Tyson. The day went by with no response. Eating supper with his parents, Carter was just waiting till he could check his phone again, which he had been doing five times a minute all afternoon. After dinner in his room, Carter kept looking for traces of Tyson online, googling different things to try to find more pictures or mentions of him. Including of course Tyson's name in different arrangements, the nicknames he'd discovered, even Tyson's friends' social media. Of course he tried adding "gay," "bi," "penis," "Boyfriend," etc to his searches and didn't find anything promising!

Disappointed that he had not heard back from his new obsession, Carter was watching Netflix in bed when his phone beeped for a message. It was a facebook chat, and it was from Tyson.

"Hey bro! Yeah can't wait to meet you and be roomates. Its gonna be awesome! Just saw your message. I am actually in Europe right now. I play basketball, and it's this sort of exchange program. I am going to play for our college too! We've been all over, in Sweden right now. Lots of hot ladies! We have tomorrow off so we've been partying a little bit!!!"

Carter immediately got a powerful erection and began to think what to type next. He didn't want to reply too quickly and seem like a stalker. But then his phone beeped again.

"FB is all jacked up on my phone over here, just kik me dude: ballerboyTys"

Carter hurriedly punched in Tyson's kik handle and felt his cock swell a bit when his profile popped up. There he was, outdoors somewhere, no shirt, just some funny neon shades. He was wearing some pink shorts that looked like chubbies or vineyard vines, and no obvious underwear. The shorts were riding way lower than you usually see a guy wear them. Even in the small profile pic Carter could make out some fine blond pubes, and of course his nice V and long, lean, toned, smooth, but soft-looking body was on full display. He had his arm around another shirtless guy, almost as hot as him, and both were holding Bud Lites and had wide smiles.

"Hey its Carter, I get your kik right?" he typed, his hands shaking now. Of course he got it right, but he didn't want Tyson to know he'd been looking at his pics and knew exactly what he looked like after viewing every pic that had ever been online of him!

"Sure did, what's up? Its real late here and I'm kinda drunk, but wanna chat for a bit" Tyson typed right back. A minute later a photo came through on kik. Carter opened it and there was Tyson and a bunch of other guys in what was obviously a double hotel room. They were all kind of lounged on the two beds. Tyson in the foreground was wearing just some mesh shorts, the others were shirtless or in tanks or bball jerseys, and a few looked like they just had on compression shorts below the belt. Another message came through. "See! Partyin. Tys' European tour 2014! Whatwhat!" For some reason the fact the photo was just taken and showed Tyson as he was at that moment made Carter's dick swell again.

Carter felt self-conscious for some reason. By any measurement he was a very good looking guy. Natural good looks, perfect body, always told he was hot, and complimented on his style. But for some reason he felt like an ugly duckling when looking at Tyson. He felt he should send a pic, but fretted about what to send. His profile was a pic from graduation, so Tys def knew what he looked like. He looked through some photos and chose one from a party earlier in the summer at a classmate's beach house. He looked really good in it. Pulling off the preppy new England summer style perfectly; right clothes, hair looking good, shades on, decent tan, body looking awesome coming right off the end of rowing season. He pressed send.

A minute later a message came back. "Haha, looks like that was fun." And then another minute later. "Heck yeah. Looks like we both like to party sometimes. Couple of good lookin horny young dudes, our room will be the sex palace!"

That last one really threw Carter. Tys had been drinking, but what did this all mean?! Presumably he meant they'd both be getting tons of chicks, but was there another meaning? Carter knew he had to stop obsessing or he'd drive himself crazy. It was still a month and a half till school started, he'd have time to talk more. The two chatted a little more before Tyson said he had to pass out. They had a long trip to their next stop the following day, and it was already after 4am there. Carter jerked a big load all over his tummy and then hit google again and learned about this basketball program Tyson was in Europe with. It was meant for outstanding high school players, most of whom would be playing high level college ball, but who were also standout students. Reading Tyson's profile it said he had been co- valedictorian of his class, and was involved in all kinds of independent study at a college and did all sorts of community service and other things. Just an outstanding guy. He also saw that the European tour was ending in a week or so, just after fourth of July. Of course within 20 minutes of looking at more pictures of Tyson, Carter was hard again and put his pillow between his legs and fucked it, slowly and strongly with his eyes closed and his mind making a montage of the hundreds of pictures he had seen. After a minute, he reached behind himself and pushed a finger into his sweaty hole, imagining that Tyson was pushing that massive dick he'd seen in the picture of the speedos into him. Carter came shortly after getting a second finger into his ass, blasting a load into his cupped hand so hard it gave him a headache.

Carter chatted once in a while with Tyson over the next week or so, but he didn't want to bother him too much when he was on his trip. Most of their talks were normal dude stuff, but Tyson kept dropping little innuendos and comments that might have meant something, or else was just Carter's wishful thinking. Like when he asked Carter if he had a girlfriend and Carter replied no, it was kind of hard at a boys boarding school, Tyson laughed and then said boarding school was probably like prison and you take it where you can find it. Just a joke sure, but it wasn't the only thing like that. Once Tyson was back in the states, they started texting and talking on the phone. Carter felt like he knew him really well already, was learning some of his friends and family's names, getting an idea of his activities etc. He obviously wasn't the only one who loved Tys and wanted to spend time with him. Every time they were on the phone he'd get like 6 missed calls from people. His twitter and fb got tons of stuff every day from people. He was one of those guys who had hundreds of followers, and like 2,500 friends on FB. Every guy and girl in his hometown seemed to know him and like him, and it wasn't just from his high school, but all kinds of people. The type of guy everybody knows. Carter was a bit jealous of him. He was always headed here or there, his days packed with all these friends, and working out with other friends, and beach, and parties etc. One drawback of boarding school is you end up with few friends around your house. Carter had some friends in the area, but most of his school friends were a fair ways away, even if they lived in the same state.

And Tyson seemed to keep teasing him! He'd drop little hints, or tell him about something. One day he said in a text: "man, I got the best blowjob ever yesterday afternoon." He wasn't the bragging type, just stating it. Carter racked his brain to try to remember if Tys had mentioned who he was hanging out with the day before, and found a text from the day before saying he had to run, that he and some buds were hanging out at a girls house at the beach. So who gave him this blowjob!? These kind of things tortured Carter. One day he was sitting at the lunch table with his folks when he got a text from Tyson. It was a photo, and when he opened it he almost spit out his sandwich. It was Tyson, on the back porch of a house, soaking wet with a hose running over some hook above his head, wearing just some underarmour spandex, smiling and giving a thumbs up. Then a text came through: "Damn Im hot! Ran 7 miles and then did sprints with a buddy. Its 104 and HUMID. Tryna keep cool! How you bro?" His body, now way more tanned than before, seems to ripple with muscle, but still had that soft look. No veins visible, and maybe even a tiny layer of baby fat. And all wet and shiny in the sun, he looked like a god. Cheeks bright red, his blond hair darker since wet, and a little longer now than in most of the pics Carter had seen. He raced through his lunch and ran upstairs to jerk off. Once he had cum, he texted Clayton.

He had barely seen Clayton since he graduated a year before him, but now needed him. They texted a couple times and Carter called him. Made small talk, asked about Clayton's first year of college, and said he really wanted to hang out to 'get some tips on college' etc. Clayton told him to come that afternoon, and he could spend the night if it got too late. Clayton didn't live too far away, but its New England, so it still took almost two hours, on small highways, 25 mph through one little township after another. It was a hot day, and Carter took his shirt off in the car so he wouldn't sweat it. Clayton seemed happy to see him, and they caught up a bit and he told Carter all about college, and some exploits with various girls that may or may not have been true. Clayton's mom was around, and she was asking all kinds of questions too, seeming surprised that Carter was going to college down south, and not staying in New England. She hit on a sore spot when she said she was surprised Carter's parents would let him go so far, when they both had gone to top schools up north. There had been a lot of pressure from his parents to do just that, and there was still some bad air in the house. Between his parents and his older brothers, their family had gone to most of the Ivy League and the best liberal arts colleges, whether for undergrad or professional degrees.

Clayton's mom left a short while later, making Carter promise to stay for dinner. Once she left, the small talk kinda tapered off. They both knew why Carter had come over. Without saying anything, Clayton got up and walked out the side door. His folks had converted the top level of an old stone garage into a nice apartment, and that's where Clayton was staying that summer. When they got up the stairs, Clayton pulled his shirt off, and casually pulled his shorts off after kicking his flip flops off. Carter, practiced after servicing him almost every day for two and a half years, dropped to his knees and took his stiffening penis in his mouth.

"Oh yeah, I needed that," Clayton sort of snarled under his breath. He pulled his dick out of Carter's mouth and flopped down on the low bed. Carter pulled his shirt off and took up position next to him, with his ass up next to Claytons face. He sucked his large veiny cock vigorously, keeping moans and four letter words coming out of Clayton's mouth. Clayton reached down and jiggled his big nuts, his sign that he wanted his balls worked, which Carter did. Clayton reached down a couple times and pushed Carter's head down onto his big meat, making his eyes water and his throat tighten around the cock. Clayton's dick seemed to have gotten even bigger than since he graduated, or at least fatter!

Clayton was loving the expert sucking his cock was getting, but also was a bit impatient for the main event. He thrust his hand into the back of Carter's shorts and his finger went right to his hole. Carter hadn't gotten fucked much since Clayton left school. He only let Parson do it once when he begged, and the other guys the previous school year had sort of been one offs, or very occasional. After Clayton left, Carter had tried grindr a few times at school. The school was in the middle of nowhere, so basically anyone within a mile or two was at the campus. They were very furtive and secretive communications, because no one wanted to be on there too long in case someone was watching the app or something. Basically, you knew 95% of the boys at the school were decent looking to hot. All preppy little WASPs. No psychos, no diseases, so really, if what you wanted was sex, most anyone would do. Discretion was the only rule. So when Carter would get on there, there would be just a couple exchanges. Like "Sup. Sup. You horny? Yeah. Wanna fuck? Yeah. You take it? Yeah. OK cool." Then they would just name a place and say 10 minutes. All the boys knew every hiding place on campus. There were lots of old buildings and disused parts of buildings, and not as much adult supervision as one would expect. If it was during the day, they could probably get into one of their houses, and if one was an upperclassman, he probably had a single room. Carter didn't do this much, but it was an outlet when Parson was acting funny, and was kind of exciting and dangerous too. He was sometimes surprised by who would show up. Big jock studs from famous families for example, the last guy you'd expect to be engaging in anal with another dude.

But the last time had been months previous, and because of his constant state of arousal the past weeks thinking about Tyson, he had become desperate to be royally fucked like a slut again. In his daydreams and masturbation fantasies, he almost always ended up being pinned down by Tyson and having what he believed and imagined was his gigantic cock steadily pushed up him till it hit bottom. By this time, Clayton was rather roughly finger fucking him, and it kinda hurt. Clayton kind of pushed him off his dick, and got up from the bed. With no word, he pulled Carter's shorts down and off, chuckled at the colorful briefs he was wearing, and yanked them off too. Clayton kneeled on the bed, pulled Carter's legs up, back, and wide, spit on his hole a couple times, smeared it around with his dickhead, and started to push it. It wasn't going to work, and Carter asked if he had any lube. Back at school he carried little tubes of moisturizer in his backpack and would squirt a little up his hole before he met up with Clayton each time, so Clayton had never had to bother with the lube angle before. And in those days, he got fucked so often, sometimes a few times in a day, that often a little spit would do the trick, or Clayton's last load if it was still in there!

Clayton made a little laugh and hopped up and over to the bathroom, reappearing with a big Costco bottle of conditioner. He slathered up his big angry-looking cock and got back in position. This time he was a bit more insistent, and was really putting pressure on the subject, forcing his fat cockmeat deeper between Carter's pert little cheeks. Carter let out a few groans when Clayton pushed too hard, he could really feel the dick travelling up him. Finally he felt Clayton's pubes hit his balls, and Clayton's big heavy nuts bang into his tailbone. Clayton didn't stand on ceremony, or give him any time to get used to it, but started immediately into a hard fast rhythm, pulling almost all the way out, and sending it back in deep with as much force as he could. Carter couldn't remember ever getting fucked like this, but it was driving him wild despite some discomfort. Clayton had his eyes closed and was grunting as he pile drove Carter's ass. Carter too had his eyes closed, imagining that Tyson was fucking him, only sweetly, giving him a little kiss when he pushed all the way in. But god he thought, if Tyson's cock was as big as it looked and he hoped it was, would he even be able to take it!?

Clayton continued to grunt and fuck as hard as he could. Carter was in ecstasy, but was a little sad and upset that it seemed Clayton was actually trying to hurt him. Clayton was sweating like crazy, dripping all over Carter's chest and face. Clayton stuck one, then two, then three fingers in Carter's mouth, making him suck them like a cock. At one point, during a particularly hard and violent series of thrusts, Clayton let a big loogey fall smack between Carter's nipples, and smeared it all over his chest, giving each nip a hard pinch before returning his concentration to stretching his ass. Carter could feel Clayton's big roundish dickhead actually stretching his ass tube. It must be in there deep he thought. It felt like it was reaching places he hadn't before. Carter had never been fucked by a bigger dick than Clayton's, and a fair amount of their fucking at school had been standing or over a chair or something, if they couldn't sneak into one of their rooms, so usually they were quickies, and not too deep.

Clayton picked up the pace, and Carter felt the last resistance his anal ring was offering disappear, and his hole seemed to open a foot wide. Clayton finally let out a little yelp and began to deposit his load deep in Carter's guts. Carter had never felt something so deep in his body before and as he felt the first hot jet of cum hit his intestine, he began to spew his sperm all over his stomach, and on Clayton too. He didn't remember in the past actually feeling each spurt of cum individually leave Claytons dick and fill his guts, but he did this time. After 10 or 12 powerful squirts each, Clayton began to drag his monster out of Carter's swollen ass. It seemed to take a long time, and Carter could feel each inch that big tangerine sized head pressed as it made its way out of his ass. Clayton's cock finally out, Carter looked at it. Shiny with conditioner, cum, and a lot of ass juice, it was still very hard, standing above horizontal, and looked menacing. Clayton stood in front of him and pushed his hips forward till the big smelly cockhead was in front of Carter's lips. He had never sucked his dick after sex before, but knowing he would do it for Tyson, he licked around the head a bit, and then took it in his mouth, giving it some good up and down the shaft action, and milking out some more cum that hadn't made the long journey up the lengthy penis. Clayton pulled his cock out and headed to the bathroom. Carter got up and sat down on a chair by the small desk in the room. The wood felt cold on his undercarriage, and he got momentarily worried when it felt like the inside of his asshole was spread across the chair. He stood up and reached back to feel his hole. It was definitely wide open and puffy, but he had always been tight, it would go back to normal.

Next: Chapter 3

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