My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Mar 1, 2016


This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading!

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Carter and Burke cuddled and rolled in the grass still wet with their previous sex and lightly sweating more from the warm night. The two talked about how happy they were to have reconnected, and what a shame it was that it was with only a few days of summer left. Like best high school friends would, they made pledges and promises of keeping in touch, visiting, hanging out on breaks, etc, like you do. Burke did say drunkenly over and over that he would visit over his fall break if his parents would buy him a plane ticket.

Carter rolled over in his head whether or not to tell Burke about Tyson. He wanted to, because even though he had never met Tys, and he had only seen Burke yesterday after all these years, oddly, they were the only two he felt he could share anything with. Meanwhile, Burke was telling him about his boyfriend, whose house they were at. They had really only gotten together senior year, but Burke seemed to really like him. Despite Burke's parents' problems with him being open with his sexuality, they continuously said it was just a phase and he shouldn't categorize himself, they liked his boyfriend. And the boyfriend's parents obviously liked and trusted Burke as he was here housesitting their multi- million country palace for half the summer. Burke also told him about before he had gotten together with the boyfriend, about all the guys at the town high school who had regular encounters. Carter couldn't really believe it. Their middle school had seemed so homophobic. But attitudes were changing fast, and even in a well-heeled conservative town like theirs, the young people couldn't care less about who is bonking who or how to label it. Still Burke told him, it was pretty discreet, although everyone seemed to know it was going on. Carter couldn't believe some of the people Burke told him who were in the little club....most of them he knew from middle school or sports, but had prominent parents and seemed your typical preppy hetero New England future doctors and lawyers. Things change Carter laughed to himself.

Burke and his boyfriend had already decided before he went to Europe that their relationship probably would have to end. He was taking a gap year before college, taking some classes in Europe and then going to Africa for community service, and then around Asia on a gap year tour with all those British kids who do that. He was also probably going to college on the west coast afterwards, and the chances of them seeing much of eachother in the future seemed a bit unlikely. Still, Burke didn't start college until after Labor Day, so he planned a hot week or two with the boyfriend who was returning the next week ahead of his parents. Burke still said that despite them basically breaking up, he felt a little bad that he had so enthusiastically "cheated" on him with Carter. Carter felt a little sad for Burke, but also a pang of guilt, as if he had cheated on someone he had never met.

As the two lay on their sides, face to face, their stinky slippery skin touching, Carter shook his head from his thoughts and realized Burke had replaced his thumb with two or three fingers in his ass. Burke pushed hard on Carter's prostate earning a moan and some blood rushing to his dick. He gave Carter a kiss on the cheek, yanked his hand out of his ass, and gave a playful yet hard slap on Carter's shapely asscheek. Burke jumped up and walked off. Carter, a little confused, also remembered he better let his folks know he wasn't coming home. He found his shorts on the patio and got his phone out, texting his mom that Burke had made him have a couple beers, and he better not drive home. Carter lay back on the grass, and waited for the reply. Burke reappeared standing over him, two beers in each hand. He set three down, opened one, and chugged it. "Where are your keys Carter? We could shotgun these!" Carter motioned to his shorts and Burke fished out the car keys.

Standing back over Carter Burke looked down smiling and absentmindedly tugging on his pendulous soft dick. Without warning the big cock erupted onto Carter's chest, piss splattering all over. Burke started laughing out loud and aimed for Carter's face. "My phone you jerk!" Carter said, not entirely jokingly as he tossed it off in the grass.

"Open up!" Burke said devilishly. Carter kept his lips tight, and then figured what the hell. He'd try anything once or twice with Burke, nevermind Tys. Burke's thick stream hit Carter right in on his lower teeth and roof of his mouth. He coughed a little and tried to let the pee run out of his mouth, but finally gave up and swallowed some. Wasn't really his thing, but not as bad as he imagined, and it sure seemed to get Burke worked up. Before the last drops were done Burke jumped onto Carter, grinding on his piss-covered chest and tummy and furiously kissing him. Carter could feel Burke's cock against his, it instantly expanding to full size and hardness.

Burke wasted no time in grabbing Carter's ankles and pulling his legs up high and wide at the same time as Carter felt Burke's mighty weapon bouncing around in his asscrack. Carter felt the large organ pushing at his opening. The boys were both sweaty and slimy, but Carter still worried about that huge cock bending into him with no lube. The pressure increased, and Carter felt his ringpiece open and yield to the large head. Burke did not let up and Carter could feel the friction as the big cock traveled up him further.

For Carter, it felt initially like one of the impromptu and not necessarily one hundred percent consensual encounters with Clayton, but he felt none of the apprehension or anxiety as Burke rubbed his tummy and chest with one hand and alternately made out with him like a lover. Burke's dick however was making Carter writhe and spasm. The lubeless friction of the cock pummeling in and out of his ass was making Carter breathless. He could feel every inch of it every time on every thrust in and out of his ass sleeve. Burke, drunk and lustful, was erratically thrusting hard into Carter. The friction and discomfort yielded to pure zombie fucklust for Carter. His entire body felt like his asshole. He was tingling all over and his whole torso was convulsing with the radiating nerve messages emanating from his swollen and bruised prostate that was under continual assault. Burke always pre-cummed like a drinking fountain, and soon Carter's tunnel was slick with love juice. While the fat cock still stretched his tube on every push he didn't feel like his intestines were being dragged out each time Burke pulled his heavy dong almost all the way out before lancing it back in.

Carter, in his haze, was surprised when he felt himself cumming. There was no sharp moment like usual, it just happened. He had been in a dizzy state of near-orgasm for ten minutes, and there was no warning when he felt his balls retract. Carter's orgasm went on for what felt like an hour. No big cumshots, just the buzzing feeling of cumming, and a long steady ooze onto his navel. Burke slowed his pace a little from his exhaustion, but made up for it in power. He was sheeting sweat onto Carter, who had to wipe it from his eyes frequently. Carter could feel the long thick dick squeezing its way in. Even after 20 minutes or so, he could feel it stretching him every time, and it felt like it was finding new bends in his guts to straighten out. Even though Clayton was a bit longer, Burke's girth made it feel like it was the most cock he had ever had inside him. God, what would Tys' feel like? He could only imagine. Carter had recovered from his post-orgasmic stupor and was now feeling the sensations again and his dick re-hardened. He closed his eyes and tried to remember back to sophomore year geometry and tried to calculate the volume of cock that felt like it took up his entire insides.

Burke's alcohol-numbed penis was slowly making its way towards orgasm. He did not want to slow down and lose his bone, so he kept pummeling his friend's butt. Burke was tired, and wanted to finish. He began to squeeze his asshole, getting the residual feeling from Carter's cock in there. Carter for his part was getting a bit worn out. He had no idea how long they'd been at it, but it had to have been at least a half hour, probably more. He thought about asking Burke to take a break, but decided to lay back and enjoy. He felt bad when his mind wandered to Tys again. Would this be happening in their dorm every night!? He could only hope.

Without realizing it, his thoughts of Tys made Carter start furiously jerking his dick. To his own surprise, within a couple minutes, he felt the onset of an orgasm. Carter started working his ass hard, just like Clayton had often told him to do. Make Burke cum he thought to himself. Carter was using every trick he knew and every muscle he had to bring Burke off. Burke was breathing harder than ever and went back to a furious pace, slamming into Carter. With a little squeak and a bucking of his hips, Carter felt the sperm travel up his cock, and make a few little fountains. Burke groaned and pushed hard, Carter felt like the dick had travelled half a foot further up him. Burke arched his back, forcing his cock in to the max, Carter's asslips stretched around the thick root and giving Carter the feeling that he was being lifted up by Burke's dick. In sudden silence, Carter felt the big dickhead swell inside him and each shot of hot sperm as they were released with surprising pressure deep in his dark innards.

Despite being in fantastic shape, Burke was panting, his sweaty chest heaving over Carter. He bent down and started licking Carter furiously, slurping up Carter's two loads along with both their sweat and the remnants of his pee. Burke kept up gentle little thrusts with his dick, the slight deflated organ slopping around in Carter's colon like a plunger in a bowl of pudding. He really wanted to release his bladder, but didn't have much. After a minute of trying to get some flow, he finally felt the stream start and Carter take a deep breath. Carter shouldn't have been surprised given what he'd learned about Burke that night, but he still was startled by the feeling of hot liquid filling his body cavity. Burke finished and gave a few deep thrusts with his semi erect cock, making Carter feel his love tunnel gurgle with all its contents. Burke finally pulled his spent slimy dick out of Carter and plopped down next to him on his side in the grass. With one hand he tousled Carter's sweat- and piss-slicked hair, and with the other he rubbed Carter's chest and tummy and soft cock.

Carter's ass felt destroyed. There was a warm pleasant tingly feeling coming from it, but it also felt like it was open a mile. That had been a long hard fuck he thought to himself. Even with Clayton's violent poundings, they were usually over quickly. He turned a little on his side and reached down to feel it. It was a wet slippery mess. He pushed a couple fingers in, and it felt like they went in a couple inches before the touched the sides! Burke reached down and met Carter's hand on his hole, gently brushing it away. Burke slowly pushed three long fingers in, gently massaging the inside. Burke moved into the big spoon position and quickly his big soft floppy cock was glued in Carter's crack by their mutual human liquids.

"When did you get so weird you perv!?" Carter said jokingly.

"I've always been into dudes' piss, remember!?" Burke said with a laugh, giving Carter a reach-around and squeezing his nuts kind of tight. And then, Carter did remember. Back in middle school soccer, when the guys would horse around, there were often 'sword fights' and 'weewee tag' in the showers. And now that Carter thought about it, it was always Burke who started it. Crossing his stream with other guys at the trough, or peeing on a teammate in the showers, who would then have to 'tag' another by pissing on him in turn. It always ended with guys running around in the shower block, slipping or getting cornered, and all ending up basically in a pile, where of course some good grabbass would happen. And then there was soccer camp that one summer where Burke was always getting guys into pissing contests outside. How far, how long, etc. Which obvious to Carter now was just a way to get to see guys' dicks and watch them piss. Burke would always be the judge of the distance competition, marking the spot where the stream hit the ground with his hand, which usually got wet. Well Carter thought to himself, it wasn't really his thing, but happy to play along if it got Burke going. Burke was such an amazing guy, he'd do weirder stuff to make him happy. And one little fetish like that isn't a problem!

Burke was still diddling Carter's butt, now using his fingers to scoop out his slime and rub it on Carter's chest. Carter finally made motions to get up. He had to find his phone. "How bout those beers!?" he said. As Carter located his phone off in the grass, Burke found the car keys and expertly pierced holes in the bottom edge of two of the beers. As they popped the tabs and sucked down the contents, they two looked in eachothers' eyes. It didn't seem like a re-kindled friendship but rather one that had gone on forever. Carter's mom of course had texted like ten times, worried that he had a toothbrush, and that he would wake up in time to get home and get changed. Carter knew if he told his mom he had a suit with him that she would know it was planned, so he just said he was sorry he missed her texts, they were watching a movie, and that he loved her and would see her tomorrow.

Burke got some more beers and they shotgunned another one before opening two more to sip. Burke pulled out the hose and squirted off the lounge chair they had wrecked as best he could. And he hosed off Carter and himself, both jumping a bit at the cold water. They got in the pool and stood talking and drinking their beers, until of course they started fooling around trying to goose eachother and give underwater smacks to the nuts. They finally got out and got dried off. Going inside they collapsed on the big plush sofa in the family room and Burke flipped on the TV. They snuggled up under a heavy tartan blanket, Carter resting his head on Burke's lap, his not-quite-flaccid penis occasionally bobbing up to graze Carter's cheek and ear.

After Carter dozed off, Burke woke him up and they went upstairs to the guest room Burke had been using quickly falling into deep sleep, Carter the big spoon this time, Burke's cock safe in Carter's warm hand.

Burke's eye's flashed open and closed again when hit with the morning light. He had a headache, yes, to be expected, but it took him a full second to realize his ass was being invaded. Carter was holding one of his cheeks apart and working his rock-hard cock up Burke's still-slimy bunghole. Headache or not, Burke moaned long and started wiggling his ass back on his friend's insistent prick. Carter got a little rhythm going, working an inch in each time until he hit a blockade. Carter gave it a few more pokes, but he knew what it was: a big hard turd. "Oh shit... literally," he said, laughing at his own pun. Burke, whose chute was still tender and a bit numb didn't understand immediately what was happening, but knew instantly when Carter pulled out of him and the log tried to follow. "Just take a dump bro," Carter said, throwing the covers back. Carter got out of bed and Burke slowly followed, being careful there was no accident as his anal integrity wasn't 100 percent at the moment. Moving into the adjoining bathroom, he sat on the pot while Carter fiddled with the shower. Standing in front of Burke working his morning crap out, Carter chuckled. Burke looked up and saw a bit of his waste material on Carter's dick.

"Dude, I'm sorry," Burke said, his eyes leading Carter's to the substance on his dickhead.

"Haha really dude? You piss in my ass and mouth last night and now you're worried about a little brown stuff on my weiner?! Haha."

"Oh shit, I did?" Burke said softly, the smile running away from his face. Carter had no idea Burke had been that drunk.

"No worries bro. It was an, um, interesting experience," Carter said, faux-seriously. Burke's face lit back up and with a few more grunts and splashes, stood up from the toilet. The two got in the running shower, Burke first grabbing the hand showerhead and washing out his crack. They took turns soaping eachother up, and when it was Carter's turn, he got Burke's ass valley particularly sudsy. Running his cock up and down the crevice, he occasionally put pressure on the target, finally slipping in. With his soap-slick cock, he pushed in to the hilt, Burke pushing back with a groan of pleasure.

Carter grabbed Burke by the hips, plunging his cock quickly in and out of the surprisingly tight hole. Carter had already felt up his own twat, and it was anything but tight after the long hard rooting it received the night before. With one hand on Burkes back, he guided him down until Burke held onto the tub edge, giving Carter more leverage. Carter pounded away on Burke's fuck target hard and fast, losing his footing in the tub a couple times and falling into Burke, giving him a particularly hard penetration. Carter subconsciously was giving Burke a little friendly payback for the violent buggering the night before. Carter felt his morning wood tingling deep in Burke, and knew it wouldn't be long. The soap was making the tip of his penis hurt a little, but he didn't care. Burke was working his ass the way he does, squeezing Carter's dick on his pull out each time.

When Carter felt his nuts pulling up, he took hold of Burke's shoulders and gave him a last dozen thrusts as hard as he could. Burke's head smacked into the tile wall a couple times, but Carter was on autopilot. Carter pushed in deep one last time, and felt his cock swell. Burke felt Carter's cock go rigid and seemingly push up on his ass tube as five or six hot blasts of sperm hit his asswall in succession. Carter, breathing hard, hugged Burke from the back. His cock only slipped out as Burke stood up and turned to kiss him. They made out in the shower for a minute, until the spray started to get in their ears. Carter washed his cock a little as Burke splashed some water to wash out the soap and cum from his crack.

They got out and wrapped towels around themselves. Carter sank to his knees on the plush bathmat and took Burke's still-hard peen into his mouth, licking around the head and pee hole before taking the long straight shaft into his mouth then throat. Carter was going to give him a great BJ, if only because he didn't think he was ready for that big meat up his shitter again. Carter grabbed Burke's ass, letting his middle fingers travel inward until they met and probed slightly into the slippery gaped asshole. Carter noticed something out of the corner of his eye, looked closer, and then dropped the cock from his mouth and stood up.

"Fuck! What time is it!?" Carter cried plaintively, pointing at an old travel clock on a small shelf. The small hand was on the 9, and the big hand was almost to the 2. Carter had thought it was seven or eight, and now tore through his shorts on the bedroom floor looking for his phone and dripping all over the carpet. When he found his phone, it was of course dead. He grabbed Burke's phone off the night table and swiped it. Of course it was one that didn't show the time. "What's your phone code!?" he yelled into the bathroom.

"The year I was born!" Burke replied with a hint of amusement that made Carter more anxious and a bit perturbed. Carter thought for a second and punched in 1-9-9-8, forgetting when Burke's birthday was, it could have been 1997. The phone unlocked, and sure enough it was after nine. Carter raced into the bathroom and toweled off quickly. He grabbed his shirt and shorts and raced downstairs, calling apologies to Burke along the way. He held his clothes over his cock as he retrieved his suit and shirt and everything from the back seat of his car in the driveway. Running back into the house, he dressed as quickly as he could in the front hallway. Getting back to his car with his tie untied, he felt in his shorts pocket and did not feel any keys. He jogged around the side of the house in a small panic, and thankfully found the keys on a table by the pool, right where Burke had opened the beers. Carter's tires sprayed some gravel around as he took off for work.

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