My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Feb 23, 2016


Sorry for another long hiatus, and thank you to those who wrote to me and encouraged new chapters. Hope to hear from you all!

This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading!

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Carter lost himself in work as the afternoon ground on. He was kicking himself now for being lackadaisical for most of the summer. Now that he understood what he was doing, and its importance to the overall litigation, he felt some ownership and really wanted to finish his part in the few days he had left. The partner who hired him was taking him to lunch with a few associates and paralegals on Thursday, his last day. Carter thought about all he had left to do in getting ready for college and got a little panicked that after a pretty lazy summer, this was going to bea really busy week.

Carter realized it was already five o'clock and texted his mom that he might be late. His phone rang a minute later and it was his mom, sounding a bit dejected. She had apparently gone to the farmer's market and driven to the commercial fishing docks in the next town to get stuff for a special dinner. Carter felt a little tear form, and assured his mom he would be home fairly soon. He hadn't realized that this would be the last dinner with his folks, apparently his dad would be in New York the rest of the week, and one of his brothers was coming for the weekend. He then remembered Burke! He had already been on his phone too much, one of the secretaries gave him the stink eye, so he decided to do a little more work, then sneak off to the mens room to text or call Burke. But right as he found where he had left off and began entering notes on documents into the huge spreadsheet he had been compiling all summer, his phone buzzed with a message. Carter discreetly unlocked his phone next to the keyboard with his pinky and tapped the message icon. His screen was instantly filled with a large fat penis, hard or almost hard, resting on a beer can in the sun. Burke's! In his haste to hide the picture, Carter spilled his water bottle all over some files, and certainly got his cubicle neighbors' attention with that!

Carter dabbed up as much water as he could with napkins from the collection accumulated over the summer in his desk drawer, and got up to head to the bathroom to try to dry his sleeve a little. He called Burke still panicked but also kind of laughing. "Dude! Not cool. I think all the secretaries here saw your fat pecker!" "Did they like it!?" Burke replied also laughing. "I bet they did, but its for me not those fat bitches," Carter said, looking at himself in the mirror and practicing his grin.

Carter told him about the dinner his mom had planned, but said he'd try to get out right after. Burke said he'd be back at the house he was sitting, and said he'd text the address so Carter could actually find it out in the dark countryside. Carter got off the phone as soon as he could, and gathered up some paper towels to take back to his desk, waiting for the stupid automatic dispenser to decide each time he could have another. In his race to get back to his desk, Carter didn't even realize that his cock was hard and tenting out his suit pants. As he opened the glass doors by the elevator to head in, a young associate who was walking towards him dropped his eyes and definitely saw the outline of his aching cock trapped against his thigh.

Carter raced through what he had planned to get done that day, and was pleased when he was done by around 5:30 instead of 7 like he had estimated. He walked fast to his car, and drove quickly home, the rush hour traffic in town long since done on such a nice August day. His mom was happy to see him, and even his dad was home, having a gin and tonic on the patio outside the kitchen, where Carter's mom had set up the table very nicely with a huge bouquet from the farmers market.

Carter's dad was in a good mood and poured a deep gin and tonic for him when he walked out to say hello. Carter's mom had gotten some big lobsters from the shop on the dock, along with a mess of clams. Two big pots were boiling on the large fancy barbeque and some various summer squash were sliced and oiled and seasoned, ready to grill. Carter's mom finished the last few things in the kitchen and came out with a couple bottles of wine in the stone coolers, made herself a drink, and sat down with Carter and his dad. They started talking and having a good time, Carter's dad in an ever better mood after a few more drinks. It wasn't until the last shadow disappeared that they realized how long they'd been talking, and Carter's mom got things cooking. Dinner was delicious, along with a big summer greens salad. Carter felt the two gin and tonics get to his head, and was trying to just sip on his wine even as his folks were seemingly encouraging him to drink up. He hadn't told them he planned on going out, and felt bad that it seemed he didn't want to have a good time with them.

Dinner went on long enough that Carter was feeling better, and managed to not have too much wine while not seeming a party pooper to his folks. Carter helped clean up as the conversation kept on. He did manage to slip away for a minute to grab a suit, shirt, tie, socks and undies and get them in his car. His dad had already gotten the scotch out when Carter re-appeared in the kitchen changed into shorts and a T with flip flops. He told them he was heading out to see Burke. His dad didn't seem to mind, but his mom seemed a little dejected that he didn't want to stay and talk into the night. Feeling a little bit bad, Carter slunk out to his car. Once he popped the address Burke gave him into the GPS, he realized the place was not far at all, just out of town on his side. He had just not been paying attention when Burke drove him from the coffee place and it seemed a long way. He texted Burke and was pulling up the long driveway a few minutes later.

Burke was waiting for him on the big front porch, beer in hand and another for Carter. Carter noticed immediately in the dark that Burke was wearing a soccer uniform. Not the one from the team they had played on together in middle school, but from the high school team he'd starred on the past four years. The white shorts glowed in the dark and hugged Burke's perfect ass. They were so short it looked as if you should be able to see the bottom of his buttcheeks. As Carter climbed the stairs he noticed the shorts were bulged out in the crotch as well and his own cock twitched in his shorts. He had a big smile and immediately pulled Carter into a hug which quickly turned into him digging his hands into the back of Carter's shorts, and kneading his narrow buns. Carter gasped quietly when Burke wrenched his buttcheeks apart and he felt cool air rush across his quivering hole, followed by Burke's finger which put some pressure on his opening. Burke had definitely had quite a bit to drink, he'd probably been having beers since he sent that photo of his cock on a can. But he was definitely horny as hell too.

The two started furiously making out on the porch, Burke sucking Carter's tongue hard into his beery mouth. Carter could feel Burke's large hard meat grinding into his through the silky soccer shorts. Carter felt Burke's hands release his cheeks and yank out of his shorts right as Burke sank to his knees, hauling Carter's shorts and boxers to his ankles. Carter's hard leaking prick slapped up on his shirt, and Burke quickly caught it in his mouth and took it all the way to the root. Maybe being a bit too enthusiastic on account of being drunk, Burke coughed and gagged a bit as the cockhead surged through his throat opening. After a minute of vigorous deepthroating, Burke released the cock from his wet, drool-covered lips and said "damn bro, I've been thinking about you all damn day. I am so glad we met up. I'm so bummed we haven't been doing this for years. You're perfect." A tear came to Carter's eye, and he saw a tear rolling down Burke's cheek too.

Apparently not one to get lost in sentiment, Burke took Carter's cock again to the hilt, sucked it hard for a second, and then tightening his lips to the max, slowly pulled off the entire length until Carter's cockhead popped out of his mouth with a loud sucking and slurping sound. With his hands on Carter's hips, Burke rotated him around and then a palm on his back bent Carter over. He attacked Carter's ass with loud noises and a darting tongue. Carter was a bit self-conscious, not having taken a shower since early that morning, but sighed and moaned aloud as Burke's tongue entered his still-tender cave. Carter bucked a little as Burke locked his mouth over his twat and vacuumed it as hard as he could. Damn! Burke was a horny fucker when drunk apparently.

Burke finally stood and Carter grabbed his meat through the shorts, finding it hard and confined in a jockpouch, with his nuts crushed around the hard pole. Carter stepped back and looked at Burke. What a stud. In perfect shape, perfect bod, gorgeous face and smile. The silky soccer shorts felt cool in Carter's hand and he actually got goosebumps when he ran his hands over Burke's taut buns feeling the jock strap under his fingers. Burke suddenly dragged his tongue up Carter's neck and over his cheek before pulling him in for a wet sloppy kiss, finally releasing Carter's tongue and saying "let's go around back bro."

The two chugged their beers and walked off the porch and around the side on the grass to the big stone pool deck. Burke flopped down on one of the big upholstered chaise loungers, pulling Carter on top of him. They began making out again and Carter managed to slide off Burke's slinky jersey top and his own shirt. Their two hard dicks ground eachother as they made out, Carter's encased in his dampening briefs and Burke's imprisoned in the unforgiving jockpouch. Carter worked his tongue down Burke's flawless and toned chest, concentrating on each large nipple, with their surroundings of a few dark hairs. Carter worked his tongue back and forth in the six pack, and made Burke jump when he nibbled on one of his abs. At this point the musky pheromone-soaked scent of Burke's genitals hit Carter's nose. He inhaled deeply and started to nibble and lick the hard loaf of cock through the smooth nylon. Burke was drunkenly moaning as Carter slid the shorts down his lean, toned soccer legs and then shucked his own shorts and undies.

"I need you in me bro!" Burke rasped in a low tone. "Hell yeah! You are so fuckin sexy bro" Carter replied quickly as Burke pulled his knees up to his chest.

Carter examined the gorgeous hole in front of him and let a nice big loogey fall onto it. As he worked his spit in with a finger, he felt Burke's ring muscle grab his digit and seemingly pull it in. Burke's tunnel was amazingly supple and juicy. Carter wondered if his horny buddy had squirted some suntan lotion or lube up there before he arrived?! Carter's seven incher was achingly hard and leaking from the tip. He got onto the lounger on his knees, put his head to his friend's quivering opening and pushed it halfway in. Burke let out a long low moan and worked his ass on Carter's cock as he growled "Fuck the shit out of me Carter."

Carter launched into his mate's ass hard, bottoming out deep and swiftly, and getting another animal like growl from Burke. The bottom of Burke's jockpouch where the straps divide was rubbing the top of Carter's cock on each thrust. As Carter got into a fast and powerful rhythm, Burke's hand went to free his large stiff cock from its sideways and painful-looking position in his jock. Burke's cock was deep red from all the blood and seemed to swell a bit every time Carter pushed in hard and felt his cockhead batter Burke's prominent lump of a prostate. But after a few minutes, Burke's long fat dick began to noticeably deflate, leaving Carter a bit self-conscious. When he had fucked Burke before he was as hard as a nail the whole time, what was he doing wrong? "Everything ok Burke?" he asked, slowing down his anal assault a bit. "Fantastic man! You feel so good," Burke replied.

Carter continued to pummel his buddy's cavern, lifting and spreading Burke's legs in different positions to change the pressure points in his chute. A little while later, both were breathing hard and were covered in sweat from the warm muggy air. Carter's sweat was dripping on Burke from his face and chest. Out of nowhere, Burke let out a kind of cackle and immediately Carter felt the warm stream on his tummy, chest, and even under his chin. Burke was pissing all over himself! Carter didn't know quite what to make of it and stopped his thrusting to look down. Burke had his big floppy wang in his hand and it was shooting out an enormous stream of pee. He pointed it up at Carter, covering his stomach again, then aimed it at his own chest, and higher until he caught the stream in his mouth. Carter could tell if he was turned on or just freaked out. His newly re-discovered friend, drunk or not, was a piss freak!

Carter automatically began a slow fuck into his friend while the penis below him kept up its stream for a surprisingly long time. Carter thought it seemed like five minutes, but was probably closer to a minute. Both were soaked in Burke's piss, and Carter still couldn't believe Burke had drunk a fair bit of it. Gross! "Damn dude, that was crazy!" Carter finally said once the massive flow stopped. "Didn't know you were into that you perv! Now I have to piss!" "Go for it dude! Piss inside me!" Burke said. "What?" Carter replied, not quite processing the whole thing. Did he want him to piss in his ass? The very thought of it was a bit off putting, but at the same time Carter's dick twitched deep in his friend's fuck tube. Carter tried to piss for a second, but it wouldn't work right away with his boner. He closed his eyes and concentrated a thought he felt a few drops come out. He pushed harder, and finally felt some valve in his bladder give way and a rush. He felt the slow increase, and oddly could feel the warm liquid gathering around his dickhead deep in Burke's rectum. Burke's ass was squeezing and twitching and his head was thrashing around as he moaned and cursed loudly. Carter began slowly moving his dick in and out, feeling it push into the hot reservoir of pee he had made inside his friend. Carter opened his eyes and saw Burke's prick harder than it ever had been, standing almost straight up. As he felt the flow subsiding, Burke's asshole began to spasm and his long cock erupted like a cum geyser, the first rope getting Carter right on the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck me fuck me fuck me," Burke cried. Carter began to slamfuck him, feeling the pressure as he pushed into the hot liquid. He could feel his own urine being forced out of Burke's twat with each thrust, running down his balls. Burke's ass was still spasming, and amazingly, even after 20 or more seconds, his cock was still producing small drops of cum every time he ass squeezed another small orgasm out. Carter couldn't see straight and his hard thrusts were on autopilot. He grabbed onto Burke's thighs for dear life, and slammed into him a last half dozen times as he felt his nuts pull up and a different thicker liquid shoot out of his cock and mingle with the sloppy stew in Burke's bumhole. Carter stared into Burke's eyes as he shot his load in him, looking down only when he notice one last long stream of semen leak out of Burke's still-engorged bullcock.

"Holy shit that was awesome!" Burke said as Carter slid out of him releasing more of the sex porridge up his chute. Burke kind of rolled off the lounger quickly, and as he stood, a stream came out from between his cheeks. "Got a little carried away!" Burke said looking at the soaked and smelly lounge chair. "Oh well!"

Burke got them a couple beers from the fridge below the bar next to the pool and motioned Carter over onto the grass. They set the beers down and embraced, hand running over eachothers' slimy skin as they made out, the taste of piss still very much evident in Burke's mouth. Carter ran a hand down Burke's back and nestled it between his cheeks where his fingers probed the open leaking pit between them. Burke wiggled his ass and pushed back on the fingers making a silly girly giggle. He turned around and guided Carter's hand back to his gaping twat. Carter worked two then three fingers up the loose hole feeling the gooey contents. He was just rubbing the opening gently when Burke sneezed loudly and most of a pint of pee, juice, and cum covered Carter's hand. "You nasty ass!" he playfully shouted at Burke. Burke bent forward and grabbed Carter's still mostly hard dick and tried to pull it into him. Carter slid in easily, but despite his soft thrusting, and Burke's best efforts to squeeze some life into it with his ass muscles, it wasn't going to happen.

The two opened their beers and lay down next to one another on the grass. Cuddling, fondling, looking at the stars, and talking.

Love to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 15

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