My God My Roommate

By Midw Stud

Published on Dec 11, 2015


Sorry for the long hiatus, and thank you to those who wrote to me and encouraged new chapters. I've just been busy, started a new job in summer that has been more and more demanding. Hope to hear from you all!

This series of stories is fiction, although inspired by real people, places, events, etc. I have been working on them on and off for a long time, but decided to start posting them because I recently saw the inspiration for Tys for the first time in a long time. Please also look at my series of (almost completely) non-fiction stories of my own experiences, And, as always, please get in touch, love for readers to give me feedback and tell me about themselves. Enjoy reading!

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The day dragged by slowly for Carter. Even though he was a very smart guy, Carter hadn't been sure all summer what he was actually supposed to be doing. Now, all the documents he was supposed to be summarizing for his boss started to make sense and how his work fit into the whole litigation process. And now it was his last few days! Oh well. Carter had at least learned enough to know that he didn't want to go to law school. Another disappointment for his dad! Oh well, at least he wouldn't find out for four to six years.

Carter texted Tys as much as he could during the day, whenever it seemed like no one was around his cubicle. They had put him in the center of a large interior room, along with the clerical staff, so he could keep the box after box of documents sorted and filed properly with their help. But it was like being in a fishbowl, with other cubicles all around him, and the room surrounded by lawyers' glassed-in offices, any one of whom could be watching him. Carter and Tys talked about all kinds of things. Finalizing who was bringing what, they talked about sex, including each of their latest encounters. When Tys was describing fucking Creighton in the gym storage room, Carter got a painfully hard boner, that he embarrassingly looked up and saw a secretary looking at over the divider. Carter also texted with Burke through the day, and that text string got pretty sexual pretty quick! They both talked about how good it was to catch up after several years, and how hot the night before had been. Burke's shift that night was cancelled due to a private event at the country club that was using an outside catering company, so he wanted Carter to hang out.

Tys meanwhile had been at home all afternoon. His mom wanted him to clear out his room some more, and help her with some other things. Tys' huge amount of sports gear, uniforms, surfboards, paddles, etc took up not only his room, but a whole closet, and most of a guest room. Tys did not want to do this all now, but reluctantly agreed when his mom predicted that on his short visits home in the future, he would want to do it even less. Once he surveyed all his belongings, Tys had to agree that a lot needed to go. Their 140 year old house just did not have the kind of storage room new houses have. Tys thought briefly about asking his dad to get a shed for the yard he could put everything in, but figured he may as well go through it. His mom was right too. Basketball spanned both semesters at college, and Thanksgiving and Christmas were smack in the middle of the season. He might not get home at all depending on their travel schedule. And if they made NCAAs, that took up Spring Break.

In talking with his mom, Tys also found out that pretty much all of his time until he left for college had already been planned by his parents. He should have known. No occasion in the South can be marked with anything less than a full week of events. Every lunch and dinner was already set, and pretty much all of his last weekend in town. Tys started to think he would barely have time to see Ev, never mind anybody else. That night some close family friends whose son was also leaving for college were coming to dinner, the next day was lunch with his mom's closest friends who had known him his whole life, lunch the next day with some of the other executives at his dad's company, the next day some old teachers who were friends with his mom, Aunts the next day, dinner every night with relatives, or family friends, or neighbors. And his parents were throwing him a big party that next weekend out at his uncle's house on the water out of town. It was going to be busy!

Tys started pulling stuff out of closets and boxes. There was so much! Just the old clothes, sports gear, and uniforms could fill a room. Tys had been on so many teams over the years and it looked like it was all here. Just between basketball and lacrosse, there were dozens of jerseys, shorts, socks. As he got deeper, Tys started to find things he had totally forgotten about. Cleats and shin pads from middle school soccer. Pads from middle school football. Jocks and cups, one cup from junior lacrosse that made Tys chuckle because now it wouldn't hold one of his testicles. Roller blades, a street hockey stick. Several football helmets, at least four lacrosse sticks. Tys was quickly overwhelmed. His first inclination was just to stuff it all into Hefty bags to go to Goodwill. But as he looked at more of the stuff, some of it started to make him sentimental. He decided all the socks could go. There were probably at least 100 team socks, undersocks, old athletic socks, etc. All the old jocks and worn out compression shorts and helmets and pads could go too. He would never play football again, and the pads barely fit him when he was 13. He might throw a lax ball for fun, but wouldn't need his helmets.

After a few hours, Tys had big piles around his room and the guest room. He was a little reticent to throw away a lot of the uniforms, especially from teams that had done really well or he remembered for some reason. He decided to keep all his basketball jerseys and his high school lacrosse jerseys. But then all the shorts. Dozens of pairs. Tys' dick stirred in his briefs as he thought of one of his favorite sensations: being in a locker room before a game or practice, and the shiver of pleasure he would get pulling on basketball or lax shorts over his jock. Feeling the silky fabric slide up his long legs, tickle his prick, and settle in between his cheeks. Those mesh lacrosse shorts often had a rough inseam that would tickle his anus when he hiked them up. Horny now, Tys thought about jerking a nice load out while he finished sorting all the junk, but thought better, and went to his room to grab his phone and call Everett. Not five minutes later Tys heard the stairs creaking as Ev climbed to the second floor. Tys' mom was out doing some errands and getting the things for dinner, and so Tys had stripped down to just his briefs as he cleaned out the rooms. Tys usually was shirtless when at home, but did have a little modesty in front of his parents. Ev came into the guest room where most of the piles were and gave Tys a hug. They had both been a bit emotional recently as Tys' departure grew closer. Tys leaned down and gave Ev a romantic type kiss. Ev's hand dropped down to Tys' basket.

Tys' cock was gaining steam and he kept his arms around Ev, kneading his pert little cheeks and holding him tight. Ev's eye's caught something in one of the piles, and he broke away to pick up an old dirty- looking jockstrap. "Haha, I remember this one!" Ev said, holding up the strap, an ordinary generic type with a pouch for a cup and Tys' last name written in Sharpie on the front and back of the waistband. "Freshman year lacrosse. I always watched you in it. It could barely hold your cock, it was always falling out!"

"Haha yeah bro. That thing couldn't hold this python in!" Tys joked back.

"I'll take care of the python" Ev said with a smile as he sunk to his knees in front of Tys. "But you have to put it on!"

Tys chuckled and lowered his bright green briefs and stepped out of them. The strap was tiny looking, and Tys could barely get his feet through the straps. When he got it pulled up it was a joke....the jock had been too small when he was 14, now it looked like a G-string. Both of his huge balls stuck out the sides, as did about half of his semi-hard penis. Ev laughed too, and quickly moved the pouch aside and began sucking on Tys' hardening meat. Tys was immediately steel-hard and his precum fountain was churning out the slippery liquid that Ev greedily slurped and swallowed. After a minute or two Tys was feeling a bit weak in the knees and eased Everett off his huge shiny dick and theatrically flopped backwards onto his bed. Ev crawled up between the long slim legs with just a dusting of light blond hairs. He always had trouble fitting Tys' meat all the way down from this position, but he worked and bobbed and pushed until his nose was in Tys' sparse pubes, like he knew he liked.

Ev moved back to working the large angled head as Tys moaned and twisted on the bed. Ev came off the prick and moved the jockpouch so it was on one side and Tys' jumbo egg-sized nuts were out the other. He licked the fat full nads vigorously, making Tys moan louder. Taking one of the huge testicles in his mouth at a time, he gave them 360 sucking and licking. Jerking the fat slippery prick, Ev started to work down underneath the sac, his tongue following the ridge of skin that went in the exact middle of Tys' body from his dick over his scrotum and to his hole. Tys moaned as Ev's tongue slipped back and forth over his taint, Ev's head pushing into the mattress trying to get lower. Ev didn't usually rim Tys, but had before and really wanted to now. He grabbed the hard tendons behind Tys' knees and lifted his legs up. He rocked Tys back so his hole was pointing upward a bit and Tys' whole torso was scrunched up, his abs and six pack all indistinguishable.

Everett took a second and admired the sight in front of him. Tys' big balls in their smooth loose sack were hanging unevenly over his spit-slick mound of a taint. Below, disappearing into the shadow was his smooth narrow crack, in the middle of which, highlighted on his pale ass skin, was his hole. Ev had studied it before, and it was beautiful. Tys' asshole was pinkish red and wider than his crack, seeming to creep up onto his cheeks from the V-slit valley. The ring muscle was prominent and hard looking, and had a surprisingly large diameter compared to other guys Ev had seen who also had visible sphincter muscles. It was there, taught, under the smooth colored skin. Ev laughed to himself that Tys could easily take a monster cock with that wide ring...most guys had one the size of a lifesaver candy and Tys' was like a donut hole. But nothing would probably ever go up there Ev thought. In the circle made by his ring piece, was wrinkled and pleated skin going to a center where of course his butthole was, but not visible. Just the wrinkled skin of a virgin honey hole, all closed up.

Ev reached his chin down onto the mattress and stuffed his tongue in Tys' crack almost back at his tail bone. Keeping as much pressure as he could, Ev dragged his tongue up between Tys' melons, over his hole, where it pushed in a bit, and up over his taint, ballbag, around the jock straps and pouch, and up the length of the underside of his cock till he reached the tip, sucked it as hard as he could, and worked his tongue around in the skin. Tys moaned low and loud. Ev went back to his hole and really started sucking on his and violently working it with his tongue. After a few minutes, the tight entrance to Tys' most private spot began to loosen and open, and Ev's tongue pushed and punched its way in. By this point he way sort of holding Tys' ass up with his chest, he mouth attached to his boyfriend's asshole like a remora. He finally pulled off for a second and looked at Tys' anus. Covered in saliva, and open almost an inch and winking. Ev couldn't push the thought out of his mind as to how wonderful it would be to sink his painfully hard dick right in that holy cave.

Everett felt bold and reached his hands to the now-red bunghole. He put his pointer fingers together around the hole and pushed in a little before spreading them apart. He could feel the tension of the ring muscle as the delicious orifice opened up further and let him peer into its black depths. Holding Tys' hole open Ev dove back in. He felt like his nose and chin were inside his friend's ass, but of course that wasn't the case. Ev's long tongue (he could always touch his own nose with it) plumbed new depths of Tys' stinkhole. Tys was moaning and Ev eventually let his fingers release Tys' sphincter. Ev reached around Tys' thigh and found his steel-stiff cock, totally slimy with pre.

Tys shifted up the bed suddenly, his ass dropping back down. He caught Ev in a loving yet wild-eyed stare. "Oh man bro. I need you bad," was all Tys said. He was up in a second, leaving Ev kind of half off the bed on his chest. Tys grabbed Ev by the waist and hoisted him up the bed, almost throwing him. In a flash he was on top of Ev, his knees shoving Ev's legs apart. He sat up on his knees, straddling Ev, and, holding Ev's cheeks apart, let a large glob of spit fall on Ev's pussy opening. Ev felt Ty's hand on his shoulder blades, and the wet sticky head of his cock slide down his asscrack, looking for its target. When Tys' cock found its mark, he pushed in hard, harder than he usually did. For the first time in a long time, Ev felt some pain as Tys insistently pushed into him. Tys was overcome with lust, and so was Everett. Both were sweating and breathing heavily, and within a few seconds with one or two thrusts, Ev felt the large cockhead in the depth of his ass that told him it was all in. Tys bit him lightly on the bottom of his neck as he hauled his cock out of his ass and immediately shoved it back in hard and fast, almost taking Ev's breath away.

Tys in a frenzy long-dicked Ev while holding his arms around him in almost a full nelson. He slammed his large leaky prick in and out of his boyfriend about twenty times before going rigid, depositing ten huge squirts of his teen cream a foot up his buddy's ass, and collapsing in a sweaty heap on Ev's back. Ev had already soaked the bedspread with his own nut.

The two lay like that for five minutes without speaking, Tys' half-deflated log still deep in Ev. Finally Ev spoke. "Whoa brother, that was crazy." Tys rolled off of him and Ev flipped over with a broad smile matching Tys'. "I love you man, I'm going to miss you so much."

"I am too Ev," Tys said after a minute. "It's going to be so strange not seeing you all the time."

They lay there for a while longer in silence. Tys finally getting up and pulling the tiny jock down off himself, untangling his cock and balls from the garment. It was soaked with cum and juice, and Tys threw it towards the wasted basket, it landed on the edge. Ev hopped up and found his shorts that had come off at some point, grabbed the jock, and with a big smile, rolled it up and stuck it in his shorts pocket.

They got cleaned up in case Tys' mom came home, and Ev helped Tys sort and pack up all the stuff laying around the upstairs. Tys' mom had said to separate anything that kids from the neighborhood might want so they could leave it on the curb for a few days and see if anyone wanted it. It was a diverse neighborhood and two predominantly black schools within a couple blocks, so a lot of the basketball gear, balls, shoes, jerseys might find an appreciative recipient. Tys texted his mom to see if it was ok for Ev to stay for dinner, and of course it was, but Tys told him he'd have to go put on something other than the tank top he had on, which smelled of sweat and cum.

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Next: Chapter 14

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