My Gay Lil Friend

By Michael

Published on Sep 24, 2017



It was the third week of July, To hot for most to want to go camping. I like the heat and so does my friend Steve, We had made this trip an annual thing for 3 years running. This year was gonna be a little different though, Steve was bringing his younger bro Mikey and a friend of his, Joey. They had both just graduated from highschool and Steve's mom thought it would be good for the boys to spent some time with men. Steve and I were 4 years older, but we seemed 10 years thier elders. We all knew Mikey was gay and his little pal was most likely as well. Steve and I figured some time in the woods doing manly shit might snap them out of it. They were 18 now time to leave childish shit behind..right?.

Friday afternoon I loaded my SUV with all the camping gear I had and headed to Steve's to load up the guys. I backed into the driveway and popped the hatch, assuming there would be more things to pack. Steve came out carrying a few sleeping bags and fishing poles.

" Hey Trent, got all your shit ready to go?" Steve asked.

" Sure do bro, can't wait to get in the woods. I even stopped and filled the cooler with beer" I replied

" Right on man, I grabbed a bottle of whiskey on my way home from work" Steve said.

" Your lil bro and his girlfriend still coming?" I asked

" Yeah they'll be right out, probably fixing thier hair or some shit" Steve added.

The two boys came from the back yard, backpacks in tow. Sharing a set of ear buds, They jumped in the back seat. I guess it's been a year or so since I last saw Mikey, My last memory and boy in front of me did'nt match up. Mikey has grown up quite a bit, He was still a lil guy maybe 5'4" 125lbs or so, but had put on some muscle weight..for sure. Joey had'nt grown up at all though, Still a skinny little girly boy even smaller than his buddy. Steve and I finished loading, while the girls giggled in the back seat.

" Trent you want me to drive?" Steve asked me.

" Sure dude, I fuckin hate driving" I replied. Looking to the back seat " Hey Mikey would you grab me a beer from the red cooler".

I have always noticed the way MIkey looked at me, Completely different from the look he gives his bro. I guess it just seemed a bit more intent or more interested. I know I'm a good looking dude, 5'10" 165lb muscled build and never had a tough time finding chicks. It was'nt till the moment Mikey handed me a beer that I made the connection. He looks at me the same way most chicks do. This little queer probably wants to suck my cock, or something. Ha

" Hey Mikey, Any college plans this fall?" I asked him

" Yeah Trent.. I plan to go" He replied in a smart assed tone and the girls were giggling again.

" How about you Joey?" I asked Joe.

" I'm actually attending the same school you go to in the fall, Trent" He answered.

" No was that so fuckin tough..A direct question and a direct answer" I said glaring at Mikey. " Everything seems funny to these two.. huh Steve" I stated.

" Laugh it up now fellas, next 4 days your asses are mine" I said not thinking how that may have gone across.

Joey snicker and said under his breath " have at it".

Steve and I made plans for the next few days. "When we get there I'll take the Joey and go catch dinner and you two can set up camp" I offered. Steve thought that was good idea, plus I am the better fisherman. An hour later we arrived at the site. I popped the hatch and pulled out some shorts and fishing gear. I figured there was'nt anyone around, So I changed right where I stood. I stripped done to my sandles I fumbled around with my shorts for a few. I suspected I had an audience and figured a little show was'nt going to hurt anyone. I turned my head to see if my suspicions were correct and there they were digging through thier packs, but not ever seeming to find what they're searching for. I pulled my shorts up and threw on my fishing vest, Turned to the boys.

" Joey your with me, You got five minutes and we're off" I stated

" Yes Sir, Five minutes Sir" Joey said laughing.

I loaded up a few cold ones, grabbed my rod and walked in the direction of the river. I figured we a couple hours of daylight left, 30 mins there and back left about an hour to fish and cool off.

" Joey..let's go" I yelled. about 100 yards down the path Joey had managed to catch up to me.

I was surprised how quiet the entire 30 min. walk was, No giggling, no smart assed comments. I'm certain he was too busy checking me out to come up with any clever quips. I did'nt mind being admired by a lil gayboy, I guess maybe I kind of liked it.

"Joe it's fuckin hot I'm gonna take a quick swim want to join me?" I asked.

" Nah dude..I'm good..have at it" He replied

I'm sure he was hoping I'd get naked and on some level I wanted him to check me out. I worked pretty hard to look this good, I slid of my sandles, dropped my shorts and stepped out of them. I did'nt have to look I could feel Joe's stare. I kept my backside toward him as I walk into the river, The water had just passed my sweaty man parts when I turned to see if he was coming in. There he was eyes locked on the water line. I raised my arms in the air giving a full view of my physique " Water feels fuckin great dude..come on don't need to get naked, take a quick dip" I yelled. There he was rumaging through his pack again. I gave up trying to coax Joey and went on with my swim. I was thoroughly cooled off and headed for shore, I knew the lil gay boy would be waiting for a chance to sneek a peek at my cock, Just as my package emerged from the water I covered it up with my hands. You got leave something to the imagination..right?. With my back to Joe I pulled my shorts back up.

" Ready for some fishing gay boy?". I said sharply

" What.. I'm not gay..what the fuck makes you think that" Joey spit out nervously.

" Whatever dude.. I see you check me out every chance you get...Damn even face is up here fag" I replied.

As Joe's eyes came up to meet mine I needed to adjust my junk and back down his eyes went, I called him on it. He was busted!

" It's ok bro.. be whatever you want to be.. Just don't think your fooling anyone..So you ready for some fishing gay boy?" I said.

" Yeah let's do it..Thanks for being cool Trent" He reluctantly replied.

We caught what we needed for dinner quicker than I could have thought possible, Six brookies in 10 mins. I handed Joey my vest and asked If he would carry it back for me, I knew he had to say yes. I watched as He stuffed it in his backpack and we were off. We got back to camp with time to spare, The guys had it all setup and a small grilling fire going already. Joe and Mikey immediately rekindled thier friendship and wondered off. I handed Steve the fish, I may be the better fisherman, but he is definately the better cook.

" Hey Steve.. I can't help but notice there's only one tent set up..or am I mistaken?" I asked

" Nah Bro.. you got it right..I know your particular bout where your tent goes.. I figured You and Joey could throw it together when ya got back" He said.

" know me better than I know myself..I"ll have young Joe help me after dinner". I responded.

I was however going to find my spot before the sun went down and there it was 40 feet uphill from Steve's. A Gem of a spot, nice and flat and no rocks. I dragged my gear to it to stake my claim and went back for some chow. Steve could grill trout like nobody's business, I was really looking forward to it.

" Right on Steve-o, awesome as's a cold one bro" I stated.

I noticed how quiet both boys have been since we got back from the river. I'm sure Joey had informed Mikey about our little talk. I did recognize the scheming look Mikey had going on and wondered what the fuck he was up to. Mikey had a history of stirring shit up, so to speak.

" You guys better get your tent situated..It's gonna be dark in 10 mins." Mikey said in my direction.

He was right, much easier to do now than later. I headed up the hill to my perfect spot, I heard a familiar scamper behind me. I turned to see Joey lugging his bag up the same hill. I figured out the scheme pretty quick, Mikey planned to put his lil gay friend in my tent tonight.

" Mikey said he wanted to tent with his bro, I hope this is cool?..I mean now that you know and all?" Joey asked.

I got to be honest after his last statement I did get a visual of this little gay boy sucking me off before bed tonight. I'm not gay or anything, but a blowjob would be fuckin awesome.

" It's fine with do need to help set this thing up though" I said.

" Thanks bro for being so cool about the whole gay thing..I truly appreciate your positive attitude.. I would also really appreciate you not spreading it around town went we get back" He asked.

" Your faggot secret is safe with me" I said laughing a bit.

We got tent staked off just in time, Darkness was upon us. Joey was inside rolling out the bags.

" I'm gonna head down to camp for a lil whiskey and beer chaser, You still a little young for booze but come have a beer?" I asked my little gay friend.

" Nah..I'm gonna hang out and do a lil reading..Thanks for the offer though" said Joey.

" Suit yourself.. I'll be back soon, Don't wait up for me" I shot Joe a wink while I turned to head to camp.

Being honest again I was having the same thoughts I had earlier, I also was wondering how different a dude's mouth would feel. My growing cock was clearly responding to my thoughts. I stepped out of the darkness to the light of a campfire, Steve was sitting on a stump.

" Sup dude..little hot out tonight for a fire..don't ya think?" I asked him.

" There's just something bout fire and booze..they go hand and hand" Steve said as He handed me a bottle of jack daniels.

I took a fairly big swig and sent half a can of beer down behind it " Thanks man I fuckin needed that" I said.

" You cool with the sleeping arrangements bro?" asked Steve.

" Yeah man.. Why would'nt I be?" I said in a questioning tone.

" Well me in a tent with my gay brother is one thing..You in a tent with his queer little friend is quite another" Steve said in a full roll of laughter.

I was already feeling the effect of "jack" so it just came out " Who knows maybe I can get some head..ha..ha..ha, Hell I already got him to admit he was a fag"

" Yeah right..that gay boy is gonna choke on your big cock..It takes chicks years of practice to get a dick like your's down" Steve said still rolling.

I noticed a dim light coming from Steve's tent, I knew immediately it was from a phone. I figured Mikey was relaying the entire conversation to my queer tent mate. Steve and I hung out till he could'nt drink any more.

" Dude I gotta fuckin pass out, I'm fucked up" Steve spit out slurring.

" Alright man I'll see ya in the morning..sleep well" I said.

I watched with great joy as Steve crawled to his tent and some how managed to actually get inside. I figured I'd finish my beer and do the same, Not quite as drunk as my buddy, I stumbled back up the small hill.

" awake dude?...Joey" I whispered.

Hell he must be out, I unzipped the door stepped out of my short and found a sleeping bag to lay on. It was fucking hot tonight and sleeping nude was a great fuckin idea. I heard Joey get up and zip the door back up and more importantly get a nice view of my naked backside. I spread my legs and gave him a peek at some sweaty nuts. He still had'nt layed back down I lifted my head up.

" What the fuck are you doing bro...back to bed gay boy" I'm sure Joey figured I was pretty fuckin drunk.

Joey eventually did lay back down " Hey Trent you awake...trent" He said.

I responded with a "grunt" and reached down to free my growing cock from under sweaty body. I slide it out between my legs. I was having some wild thoughts which caused my dick come to full mast. I really did need a blowjob, I know this little queer would love my big cock. I should just roll over and give him an eyeful, So I did. I flipped over and my cock was staring at cocksucker laying next to me. If it could have spoken it would surely asked if he would give him a little suck. I thought what the fuck is this faggot waiting for, I had my eyes closed, fingers locked behind my head and my big dick was dancing for this lil queer. What the fuck about this situation does'nt say " go ahead and suck it boy". I could'nt take it any more.

" jesus fuckin christ, you gonna suck my cock or not..faggot?.. put the fuckin phone down and get on it gay boy" I said probably louder than I should have.

Joey finally reached for my throbbing cock " Holy shit dude, your frickin huge" Joey stated

" Yup..9 inches of cock that is'nt going to suck itself" I said as I heard the zipper again, I was'nt to surprised to see Mikey stick his head in.

" Damn dude, you are fucking gigantic.. That's a porn cock if i've ever seen one" Mikey said.

" Why don't you get in here and help your faggoty firend tend to it" I said as I propped my head up on a pillow.

Joe and Mike dropped done to get a closer look, Joe would give it a few strokes and pass it to Mikey giving it few more.

I was getting annoyed " If your not planning on sucking cock, Get the fuck out of this tent" nobody budged. " Ok now that we have that established, get to it"

Joey was first to open wide and lower his head over my dick. I was a bit surprised how much he got down, Over half my cock was gone. This kid could be a natural born cocksucker. Joey was bobbing and weaving like a pro and it felt fuckin awesome, Mikey was waiting patiently for his turn.

" Now don't be a cock whore.. you must learn to share cock with your fag friends" I said looking at Mikey's waiting mouth.

Joey was very reluctant to get off, So I pulled him off by his hair. There you go Bro, Your turn. Mikey was'nt able to take as much, but he did get down a respectful 4 inches or so. The difference between these two queers was plenty clear at this point. Mikey was definately gay, but Joey was born to suck big cock. Mikey gave it up willingly to Joe's gaped mouth. Joey could be the best cock smoker I've ever come across. I mean seriously this gay boy could suck. After 3 or 4 more downward motions I could feel my cock pop into his throat. I had to look, he had managed to get it all down without a single gag. I hated having to do it, but it was Mikey's turn again. I guess Mikey's mouth had become the place I waited for Joe's throat. I knew I was getting close and could'nt cum in MIkey's mouth, Let's be real Joey had definately earned my hot load.

" Thanks Mikey, but I'm pretty sure Joe wants my load more than you do..I mean judging by the performance" I told Mikey.

Mikey must have agreed, He handed me off to the pro. Joey had me in throat first shot this time, This fag just gets better and better I thought.

" Here it comes ready for my man juice?" I grabbed young Joe's head and forced him to my nuts and fired my first blast in to his gullet.

I figured a proper cocksucker would want a taste, I removed my hands and up he came looking for the next shot. Joe nursed the head and stroked my fat shaft. I delivered 3 more hot spurts to his eager mouth and this lil fag gulped down every lil bit.

" That was the best head I've ever fucking had..I guess it's true what they say about faggots.. clearly not your first session, Joey?." I said laying back in disbelief.

" Nah dude, your's was my first" Joey said.

" alright Mikey back to your tent before Steve notices your gone.. As for you..That was the first time you sucked dick?" I said laughing

" Yes Sir.. I hope I did ok?" Joey said nervously.

" You did better than ok, deepthroat and swallowed every bit of my big load. Wake me up early tomorrow and you can get some more practice time in.. Night gay boy" were the last words I spoke that night.

I hope you enjoyed.

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