My Future Son-in-law

By stayedhere

Published on Sep 24, 2024



Here is another entry to the series. Hope you all enjoy it. I think it's time to take it to a conclusion - what do you think? Thanks for all the nice feedback.

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/Mike J

My Future Son-in-Law -- Part 5

As Karen and I entered the breakfast room, the warm air whisked the last vestiges of sleep from my body. The sun cast long shadows through the floor-to-ceiling windows, illuminating endless views of turquoise sea and shining sand. A buffet laden with exotic fruits, pastries, and local specialties beckoned. My appetite was not for food but for something far more satiating. I cast a clandestine glance at Tom. He stood battle-ready in his white bathing trunks and a tank top. His smooth, muscular body, sculpted from countless hours at the gym, was a sight that sent my heart racing. I fought the urge to walk over and take him in my arms, to press him against the cool marble of the breakfast counter and ravish him right there in front of everyone. The fuck on the beach yesterday felt more like an entree, and I wanted the full meal today. But I restrained myself, as I had to maintain the charade of a married man. I took a seat next to Karen, who seemed distant and disengaged, her dark eyes dull.

Glancing at Chloe, who was engaged in animated conversation with some other honeymooners at a nearby table, I couldn't help but wonder if she too had sensed the tension between us. She was beautiful, just like her mother, but there was a hidden current beneath her outgoing demeanor.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked Karen.

I reached out to touch her hand. It felt cold and unresponsive. A pang of guilt shot through my chest as I withdrew.

"I did. How about you?" she replied, offering a small, tired smile.

"Like a baby," I lied. "I just can't get enough of this place."

She nodded but said nothing more, her gaze drifting toward the horizon. A moment of silence passed before I spoke again.

"Listen, I was thinking we could all go snorkeling today. What do you say, Tom?"

Tom looked surprised but quickly recovered.

"Uh, sure, that sounds great."

"Oh, I don't think I'm up for that", Chloe said. "I had a nightmare last night and didn't get much sleep."

"I understand," I said, trying to hide my desires. I needed to be alone with Tom, away from prying eyes.

Karen shifted in her seat, her eyes brightening.

"I'll go with you. It's been ages since I've been snorkeling."

Tom's gaze met mine, the corners of his lips turning up as he tried to hide his excitement. We just needed to get Karen out of the picture, but that was proving to be a challenge. I couldn't just outright refuse to let her come; she was my wife after all.

"Alright, sounds good," Tom said, as casually as he could manage. "We can even go together."

Chloe shot us a suspicious look, her brows furrowing. I knew she wanted us to spend time as a family, but I couldn't shake the thought of Tom in those bathing trunks, the way his wet body would feel against mine as we swam together.

"Karen, why don't you and Chloe go shopping today, instead?" I suggested. "It will be boring for Chloe alone, and I heard there's a great market in town with local artisans and crafts."

She looked at me, somewhat suspicious but nodded.

"Maybe we will."

Tom and I exchanged a quick glance, a silent communication passing between us. I could feel the tension mounting as our intentions became clear.

As we finished breakfast, Chloe approached us. "Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"

I followed her to the side of the room, my heart racing.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"I just wanted to make sure everything's okay," Chloe said, a faint edge to her voice. "You seem distant, and I know you've been stressed lately."

I took a deep breath, weighing my words carefully.

"Everything's fine, sweetheart," I replied, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm just enjoying the break."

She searched my face, her eyes filled with concern.

"And what about Mom? It seems like you two haven't spent much time together," Chloe said, her tone still tinged with suspicion.

"We will, I promise," I reassured her, forcing a smile. I couldn't let her know the truth about my feelings for Tom, not now. "Today is just about having fun, and it sounds like Tom and I have some snorkeling to do."

Chloe nodded, her gaze fixated on the window, where the azure waves crashed against the shore.

"Just be careful, okay? Don't get bitten or anything."

Chloe's voice cut through my thoughts. I turned to see her standing beside me, a pair of oversized sunglasses concealing her eyes. Her tone was standoffish, as though she was seeing me for the first time. If she only knew that I very much planned to get bitten, in more ways than one.

"I'll meet you at the docks in half an hour then", I said to Tom, our gaze lingering.

I returned to my seat, completing the ruse of the loving couple. Karen smiled at me; her face framed by the golden sunlight filtering through the open French doors.

"Philip, I want to talk to you about our marriage," she began, the words tumbling out as if she had been holding them in for months.

"Sure, darling, what's on your mind?"

She fiddled with her napkin, her fingers trembling slightly.

"I miss us, you know.", she said.

"We will have plenty of time", I said. "Tonight, we will have dinner alone."

She seemed pleased, and I went back to the villa to change into my bathing suit. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through me, the thrill of danger, the challenge of the forbidden. I put on a white linen shirt with the top buttons open and liked what I saw in the mirror. The salt-and-pepper hair, the sharp jawline, the hairy chest peeking through the unbuttoned shirt. I was ready. I was on a mission.

At the docks, I spotted Tom, still wearing his white swim shorts and the tank top he had been wearing at breakfast. The seconds turned to minutes as I walked toward him, our eyes locked and the air between us crackling with tension.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Absolutely," he replied with a nervous smile.

The boat was a gleaming blue speedboat, its polished deck almost blinding in the sunlight. A young skipper greeted us with a friendly smile and a handshake. His biceps bulged as we introduced ourselves, and his eyes lingered on Tom, who looked both nervous and excited. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. The boat, a sleek and speedy vessel, had everything we needed for a perfect day at sea - a cooler full of drinks, plush seating, and plenty of room to move around.

We set sail under a brilliant blue sky, leaving behind the resort and our spouses. The ocean breeze filled my lungs with a salty tang that I found exhilarating. I sat down next to Tom as the skipper navigated out of the harbor and into the open sea. Watching the shoreline recede, I imagined letting go of the life I built; letting it disappear into the vast expanse of the ocean. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my heart thumping in my chest, as I realized how much I wanted that freedom.

The tension between Tom and I was palpable. It was like an invisible thread pulled tautly, reaching out, ready to snap. I kept looking over at his muscular form, his lean body wet with sweat, and I couldn't quell the burning need that gnawed at me. Tom stiffened under my intent gaze.

"Fuck, Philip...what are we doing?" he croaked, his voice hoarse and raw.

I maintained my confident composure, feeling my pulse quicken in anticipation.

"I'm just looking at you", I said.

Tom swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. I watched as his pupils dilated under the hot sun, and his breath hitched as I reached out to touch his thigh.

"You're driving me crazy, Philip. I can't stop thinking about yesterday", Tom whispered.

My heart skipped a beat. I slid my hand over his knee, feeling the heat beneath my fingertips. I leaned in closer to Tom.

"I want you, Tom. You know I do", I whispered in his ear.

I traced a line with my fingers up his inner thigh. The boat rocked gently beneath us, mirroring the turmoil in my stomach. I glanced around, ensuring no one was watching us. The skipper had his back turned, seemingly engrossed in the navigating.

"We got all day", I said. "Let's enjoy the thrill of the moment."

Tom murmured his assent. My hand finally reached the crotch of his white swim trunks, feeling his excitement pressed firmly against the fabric. I glanced up at Tom to see him biting his lower lip, his eyes half-closed with pleasure. My fingers danced over his hardness, tracing the outline of his cock as I slowly rubbed him through the fabric.

"You are a big boy", I murmured. "I bet you've been wanting this for a long time".

Tom swallowed hard as I continued my slow and deliberate tease. I slid a finger under the waistband of his swim trunks and traced his cock head , feeling a drop of precum wet my finger. I wanted more, I wanted to taste him.

"Philip, please", Tom begged, his eyes pleading with me.

I grinned mischievously.

"We need to be careful", I cautioned, glancing around.

The skipper was still facing the other way, and the ocean extended in all directions. We were truly alone and free in this moment.

The boat started to slow down as we reached the reef where we would snorkel. The skipper knew exactly where to take us. He handed us snorkeling gear and pointed out the areas we should explore. Me and Tom went to the back to the boat. I removed my linen shirt and shorts, revealing my tight gray swim trunks. Tom's eyes widened as I dropped my clothes, his gaze drawn to the outline of my cock beneath the fabric. I felt a surge of desire, my body primed for what was to come. Tom finally pulled off his tank top, exposing his toned chest and abs that I longed to touch. He slipped on his snorkeling gear, his eyes avoiding mine as he wrestled to get the mask in place. I took a deep breath, before slipping over the side of the boat into the clear, welcoming water.

As I descended beneath the surface, the world around me transformed into a surreal kaleidoscope of color and light. The reef teemed with fish, each more vibrant than the last. Schools of neon orange and yellow fish darted around our legs, while turtles floated lazily amongst the coral. We stayed close to each other, our hands brushing against one another as we navigated the kaleidoscope of color below the surface. Tom's body was even more exquisite underwater, the sunlight glinting off his smooth skin, making him seem almost ethereal.

I could hardly contain my excitement as I watched him swim and dive around me, the water creating a curtain that hid our intentions from the world above. We explored the reef separately, admiring the vibrant corals and colorful fish. The ocean was like a blanket that wrapped around us, muffling our thoughts and fears, allowing us to live in the moment. I was aware of everything around us: the gentle lapping of waves against the boat, the rays of sun that penetrated the ocean's surface, and most of all, Tom's presence next to me. We swam towards each other, and our bodies collided like two waves, my hardness pressing against Tom's thigh.

Our masks were steamed up, so we pulled them off, gasping for air as we treaded water. I reached out and wiped the beads of water from his forehead, and then trailed my fingers down his cheek. He shuddered under my touch. I couldn't resist any longer; I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was raw, filled with an intense hunger of longing. I pulled him close, and Tom wrapped his legs around my waist, a low moan escaping from his lips. The ocean water around us swirled with the ripples of our movements as I explored his mouth with my tongue. Our bodies pressed together, the sensation of his cock hardening against me was exhilarating.

I felt Tom's hands run up my back, feeling the muscles of my shoulder blades flexing. His fingers delved into my hair, tugging gently at the strands. Every little action ignited a spark within me.

I felt the adrenaline coursing through my veins in a symphony of excitement and shame. My hands roamed over Tom's wet, warm chest. He leaned his head back, the chiseled lines of his jaw pronounced above the clear blue waters. I was overwhelmed by his beauty, this young man, married to my daughter no less, who had managed to completely ensnare my senses. The ocean water shimmered around us, the sunlight casting a faint golden hue over his wet skin.

I pulled him closer, my mouth finding his again, and let out a low growl as I tasted his lips and delved my tongue between them. Our breathing grew ragged as I pinned him against the side of the boat, the sleek surface cold against his heated flesh. I trailed kisses down his neck, lingering at the pulse point. Tom's hands were trembling as they squeezed my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

The skipper must have noticed our hard-ons as we climbed back on the boat, but decided to keep his focus on driving as he passed us towels to dry off. I thanked him and helped Tom out of the water. We lay side by side on the deck, drying off slowly in the sun. Tom's abs glistened with water droplets, and I couldn't help but trace them with my eyes, my mouth watering at the sight of his toned body. The white swim shorts were almost see-through, especially as they clung to his hard member. I leaned in closer to him.

"We need to get off this fucking boat. I want to taste you", I whispered.

I saw the visible shiver run down Tom's spine at my words, his body tensing as I continue to elaborate my dirty fantasies, softly into his ear. I could clearly see the outline of his throbbing cock in those wet shorts. As we lay there side by side, my mind was really in the gutter. Luckily, there was another stop on this snorkeling trip, an island with a secluded cove. With the heat of the sun and the tension between us, the sweat dripped from our bodies as we each reapplied our sunscreen. Our hands grazed one another, sending sparks flying through my veins.

We arrived at the island as the sun stood at its highest. The skipper dropped anchor and gave us a wave of his hand, indicating that we could swim to the cove. I watched as Tom gracefully dove into the water , his lean muscles slicing through the surface with ease. I followed right behind him, feeling the cool water envelop me. As the skipper waved us off, we swam into the inviting waters of the secluded cove, surrounded by towering cliffs that barricaded us from the rest of the world above. The sunlight penetrated the water's surface, illuminating a prismatic sheen that scattered in all directions. We reached the cove, a secluded area situated in a small bay and shrouded by lush vegetation. The boat was far enough away that we could be alone, but close enough to swim back if needed.

I led Tom by the hand towards the little beach, made of soft, golden sand. The sun had dried most of the water off us, but I could still make out the droplets on Tom's chest. I stared at his wet body, my gaze lingering on his smooth, toned abs.

"Philip," he said, softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "You can't keep looking at me like that."

My smiled deepened.

"Why not?" I said, taking a step towards him.

"You know why not," he said, his voice wavering.

I moved closer, my eyes locked on his.

"Tell me," I demanded.

Tom glanced around nervously, but we were alone in this secluded cove.

"Because...because I want you too much," he murmured, still trying to fight his urges.

I reached out, placing a hand on his chest. I could feel the quickening of his heartbeat under my palm. My gaze dropped southward, to the swollen head of Tom's dick that acutely pressed against the front of his wet swim trunks. My own trunks was also filling up as I stared at the prize before me. I placed my other hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in for another deep, telling kiss, caressing his lips as I simultaneously kneaded his ass, trying to bring our bodies closer together. I heard his sharp intake of breath as he succumbed to the moment, our mouths colliding aggressively.

Our cocks pressed together, the wet fabric of our swim shorts constricting our flesh and preventing us from merging completely. I groaned, needing to be inside him, to conquer him in a way that no one else could. I tried to pull away from him, but he held onto me tighter, arching his back in response to my efforts. I felt his chest rise and fall rapidly as he panted, hunger burning in his eyes.

"Please, please, fuck me," he whispered desperately, his voice filled with the purest of desire.

He was practically begging for it, the scent of his arousal filling the air between us. I felt like a predator about to claim his prey -- an exhilarating thrill that was only surpassed by the thought of how forbidden this act truly was. My gaze locked on Tom's. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes heavy-lidded and glassy, pupils blown with unbridled lust.

I took in the sight of him, my heart pounding in my chest as I marveled at how captivating he looked. I stepped closer, my gaze fixed on the bulge in his swim trunks. I could feel my own cock, pulsating with aching pleasure, trapped in the confines of my own bathing suit. I could hardly wait any longer, I had to have him, to possess him in a way that no one else could. With a savage growl, I grasped the elastic of Tom's swim shorts and yanked them down, revealing his cock, hard and glistening in the sunlight. I groaned as I admired the sheer beauty of his erection, his body trembling with anticipation. I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his cock, the feeling of him at my mercy making me even harder. I stroked him slowly, taking care to touch every ridge and vein. His cock was perfectly proportioned, its girth and length suited just right for my hand. I felt his balls tighten in my grasp as I squeezed them gently with my other hand.

"Please Philip," Tom moaned. "Fuck me already."

"Turn around, boy."

He obeyed and turned his backside to me. His legs quivered in anticipation as I grazed my fingers down his spine, feeling the taut muscles flex under my touch.

"Relax," I whispered, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder blade.

I trailed kisses down the length of his spine, feeling the tremors that ran through his body. As my mouth closed in on the top of his buttocks, Tom greedily pushed his ass back towards me, desperate for more. I didn't hesitate, my warm tongue tracing the cleft of his muscular backside, my lips nibbling gently, eliciting small whimpers of pleasure from him. I anxiously lurched at the feeling of Tom's ass cleft under my hands, my whole being craving to explore. My hands glided over his smooth, rounded globes, thumbs edging closer and closer to his entrance. Softly, I applied pressure as I caressed him in luxurious circles, my thumbs dipping into the valley that joined his two perfect cheeks. A low moan erupted from Tom's lips as I touched his puckered hole, shivering with excitement and anticipation.

"Oh God, you feel amazing," Tom blurted out, his head falling to the side, offering me a perfect view of his sexy neck.

I felt his ass cheeks tense beneath my fingers as I traced my tongue over the sensitive rim of his asshole. I began slowly, lovingly exploring his tight opening, my tongue swirling and licking around his puckered hole. I could feel the tension in his body rapidly give way to pleasure, his movements becoming more erratic as I took him deeper into his pleasure. I continued to work on him, pressing my tongue into his hole, savoring his salty taste. As I slowly tongue fucked him, I slipped a finger in, sliding it in and out in rhythm with my tongue. I heard Tom crying out as I added a second finger, stretching him out. His body writhed and undulated, pushing into my hand with each thrust. I continued to explore him with my lips, continuing down, licking his taint and around his balls. He was incredibly soft to the touch, hot to the taste, his body glistening with a sheen of sweat.

My rock-hard cock strained against my swim shorts. The confinement was unbearable, but I wanted to take my time. I teased him, flicking my tongue playfully against his testicles, before nuzzling and tickling them with my nose. Tom was a willing participant, eagerly arching his back and squirming beneath me. I gently massaged his perineum, rubbing circles with my thumb, before slowly easing one of my fingers back into his ass. His screams became louder and more desperate as I worked him, two fingers now buried deep inside his tight channel. I felt him tense, his cock twitching in anticipation.

The cove was secluded, hidden from the world above, and offered us the perfect cover for our illicit encounter. The sounds of our lovemaking melded with the gentle crashing of waves on nearby rocks, punctuated by the gasping of our breath as we lost ourselves in the pleasure of this forbidden union. I grabbed Tom's shoulders, pushing him down on the ground and spreading his legs apart. He eagerly complied, arching his back in a display of pure craving. His ass was mine to savor, wet and ready for my cock. I reached for my waistband, yanking my swim shorts down and revealing my own hardness to the sunlight. I stroked my shaft from root to tip, making sure that Tom saw every inch before I stepped closer to him.

As I positioned myself, my thighs pressed against Tom's ass cheeks. I could feel the warmth radiating not only from his entrance but also from his whole body. I was hard as steel, and my cock twitched with eagerness. My balls were heavy with a powerful need to fill him up, to mark him as mine. But I denied them this pleasure, for now. I traced the head of my dick around Tom's entrance. He quivered, expecting me to thrust in and end his sweet agony. But I had other plans. Desire hummed through every inch of my body, so I pressed my erection firmly against him to let him feel my girth and the burning need behind it, but I did not push inside him. Not yet. I wanted him to beg for it. To crave it with the same burning intensity that I did.

"Please Philip," Tom groaned, his voice filled with desperation.

My gaze slowly drifted back down to where my cock brushed tantalizingly against his entrance. I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. With a savage growl, I gripped my cock at the base and aimed it straight for his entrance. I thrust forward, sinking into the hot tightness of his channel. Tom's body tensed.

"God, you're big !" Tom gasped as I sank fully into him, filling him with my cock.

He moaned loudly, the sound echoing in the hidden cove. I pulled out slowly, listening to the wet, sexual sound of his ass caressing my length, then thrust back in, slamming home as deeply as I could, hearing a guttural groan escape from Tom's lips.

"Oh fuck, yes. Fuck me like that," Tom begged, pressing himself back against me and meeting my thrusts eagerly.

All the sexual tension that had grown through the day was now unleashed. He was mine, and I intended to take him roughly and with relish. I pulled back and thrust in again, feeling every inch of his body respond to the deep, brutal intrusion. I wrapped an arm around his waist, dragging him up onto his hands and knees as I took a firm grip of his shoulders with my other hand. I fucked him brutally, without restraint, each thrust getting deeper than the last. Tom, for his part, took my punishment without complaint, urging me on in wordless grunts.

His body was a vision of pure pleasure, slick with sweat and glistening in the light that filtered in through the entrance to the cove. With each savage thrust, I felt his body slide against mine, his backside slapping loudly against my thighs. I could feel him tightening around me, squeezing my cock as if trying to milk it. The sensation was exquisite, and I felt my balls draw up tight against my body, preparing for release.

"Do you want me to fill you up, Tom?" I asked in a low, husky voice.

"God, Philip..." he moaned.

I wanted to hear him scream my name, to know that I was the one giving him this pleasure. I angled myself differently, hoping to hit his most sensitive spot. From the way he tensed up, I knew I had succeeded. His screams filled the cave, drowning out the sound of the crashing waves from outside. I kept up my brutal pace, savoring every thrust into his tight entrance. I felt his channel spasm around me as I hit that magical spot inside him, and I knew that he was close. With a primal growl, I took a tight grip on his hips and rammed myself into him harder and faster.

"Do you want my cum, Tom?" I punctuated each word with a brutal thrust, hammering him without mercy.

"Yessss, God yes! Please, please give it to me," he all but wailed, his voice ragged and pleading.

I could feel my own orgasm building, burning in the base of my spine, searing along every nerve ending as if trying to consume me whole. I needed to release, I needed to fill him up. It was the only thing I could think of.

"I'm gonna come, Tom. I'm gonna goddamn fill you up!" I roared, my hands gripping tightly onto his waist, bruising him in my passion.

"Fill me up, daddy", he begged.

With a final thrust, I felt myself break open, my balls tightening and releasing a torrent of cum, deep inside Tom's warmth. My own scream of triumph echoed in the cave, mingling with Tom's moans as he felt the hot rush of my seed spilling into him.

As I collapsed on top of Tom, panting heavy from the exertion, I felt a sense of completion wash over me. I grabbed Tom's cock, which had been hard throughout our encounter, and began to stroke him furiously. It only took a few strokes before I felt his body shudder and tense up. With a loud cry, a spurt of cum shot out of his dick, landing on the sand in three strong jets, Tom's whole body shook as he came, cursing loudly and calling out my name. I continued to stroke him through his pulsing orgasm, letting him ride out the wave of pleasure that rolled through his body.

As his moans subsided, I slowly slid my cock out of his ass, my balls dragging across the damp sand with a squelching sound. I reached for my swim shorts, pulling them up as I glanced over at Tom, still lying there, panting and smiling. He was a sight to behold, covered in sweat and sand, with a satisfied smile on his face. I felt a surge of affection for him, despite the illicit nature of our affair. We spent a few moments lying there, basking in the afterglow of our passionate encounter. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, leaving me high on the thrill of our shared pleasure. But I knew that we couldn't stay here forever. We had to get back to the boat, and to Chloe and Karen, who were likely wondering what had taken us so long.

I helped Tom to his feet, and with my arm around his waist, we made our way toward the mouth of the cove. Our movements were labored, and our bodies ached from the intense lovemaking we had just shared. I looked at Tom, his hair matted to his face with sweat, and his lips swollen from my kisses. Despite our exhaustion, our eyes burned with a fire of lust and desire. As the skipper steered back towards the dock, Tom looked nervous.

"Chloe and your wife will know something is wrong," he whispered, his voice shaking. "They will suspect something."

"Don't worry, we'll handle it," I replied, giving him a reassuring smile.

We reached the dock, and I noticed Chloe's and Karen's suspicious gazes. I did my best to appear casual, as I helped Tom out of the boat.

"What took you so long?" Chloe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We, uh, went snorkeling around the cove," I replied, my voice artificially light. "There are so many interesting fish and sea creatures here!"

Chloe looked at me skeptically, and Karen gave me a look of concern,

"Are you alright? You missed lunch and I was worried."

"Yes, dear, I'm fine. Just got carried away by the beauty of the ocean," I said with a wink.

"We lost track of time."

As we reached the hotel, Karen and Chloe's suspicious gazes didn't abate, but they chose not to push the issue any further. I noticed Chloe's gaze lingering on Tom, and her brows furrowed as if she sensed something was off. Me and Karen went to our villa to freshen up, leaving Chloe and Tom to do the same. I took a long, hot shower, the water cascading down my tired muscles. I closed my eyes, recounting the day's events and replaying the sensual moments I had spent with Tom in my mind. Guilt began to surge through me. I was torn between my need for Tom and my loyalty to my family. Karen walked into the bathroom, interrupting my thoughts. She looked tired too; her hair disheveled and her makeup smudged. I could see the concern written all over her face as she looked me up and down, and I knew that she suspected something was up.

"You sure you're okay, Phil?" She asked, taking a step closer to me.

"Yeah, just need a moment to relax. It's been a long day."

"I don't think it was a good idea, surprising Chloe and Tom like this. I think we should leave them alone from now on", she said.

I nodded, agreeing with her assessment but feeling a deep sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I didn't want to leave them alone because I knew I couldn't resist Tom. I wanted him, and I was willing to do anything to be with him again, even if it meant hurting the people around me.

"Maybe you're right", I said, avoiding eye-contact as I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

Karen looked at my body , taking in the way the water droplets still clung to my chest hair.

"Your hair is getting grayer", she remarked. "But you still look handsome."

"That's what 47 years will do to you."

She walked closer to me and placed her hand on my chest. My heart beat faster under her touch. I knew that I would fuck her tonight. I needed to keep up this facade, at least for a little while longer. But the thought of keeping away from Tom for the rest of the vacation would be a hard promise to keep.

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