My Future Son-in-law

By stayedhere

Published on Sep 20, 2024



Here is the next installment in the story of Philip and Tom. Hope you all enjoy it - let know what you think, and if the honeymoon should be somewhat extended. Always fun to see what you guys think. Happy reading, and don't forget to support Nifty at

/Mike J

My Future Son-in-law -- Part 4

As Karen and I entered the Costa Rican resort, my heart pounded in my chest. I had orchestrated this whole vacation as a ruse, to have access to Tom. Tom - my son-in law with his lithe body; the same man who had been the fodder for my wicked fantasies for months now. I knew I must hide my lustful nature, carefully tucked beneath my chiseled jawline and salt-and-pepper hair. As we walked towards the villa we had booked, Chloe spotted us first, bursting out in delight.

"Daddy! Mommy!" she cried. "What are you doing here?"

She rushed towards us, her laughter echoing through the balmy air.

"We wanted to surprise you", Karen said.

Tom stood back, a tense expression on his face. I could sense the awkwardness in the air, even beneath the tropical sun. His eyes betrayed him, they flickered towards me, as if he had more on his mind. I thought about the last time we had met, the rehearsal dinner, the pool, the cabana... My heart raced still, my mouth dry, as the memory washed over me.

"I-it's great to see you, Mr. and Mrs. S," Tom stammered, forcing a smile.

"Please, call us Philip and Karen," Karen said.

"Have you had a good honeymoon so far?" I asked.

"Oh absolutely," Chloe replied, "Tom and I have been having the time of our lives. There's just something about this place that feels like..."

"Paradise?" Tom finished.

I felt a lump form in my throat and swallowed hard. I knew I must tread lightly, or risk ruining everything. I decided to change the topic, steering the conversation towards Chloe and Tom's plans for the rest of the vacation.

"What's on the agenda for the rest of the week?" I inquired, trying to act like a normal, concerned father.

"We've planned a bunch of activities. Snorkeling, jungle treks, and even an open-air spa day," Chloe replied, a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"That sounds wonderful," Karen said, giving me an understanding look.

"But today it will just the beach. Why don't you join us later", Chloe said.

"Sound great", Karen said. "We will just unpack a little first."

I nodded and followed her into the villa, leaving Chloe and Tom to continue their day on the beach. The villa was a beautiful retreat, hidden amongst the lush greenery of the resort. A spiral staircase led to a master bedroom. I gestured for Karen to go up first. She did, her curiosity piqued. The bedroom was spacious and airy, with large windows that opened up to a view of the ocean.

"Wow, this is amazing," Karen exclaimed, taking in the breathtaking sight.

"Yes, it is." I agreed, my gaze lingering on Karen's figure.

I couldn't help but to compare her to Tom: her tall, lithe frame, his lean body. Her softness was no longer attractive. I yearned for hard edges, the acute angle of Tom's erect cock. My heart skipped a beat, as I forced myself to focus on something else, anything else. I could feel the tension in the room, she was oblivious of the fact that our first vacation as a family in years had a hidden motive, an animal instinct that could not be contained. I took a deep breath, trying to regain composure.

"Let's change and go to the beach", I said. "The kids are waiting for us."

I tried to keep my thoughts from lingering on Tom. I buried my feelings as best as I could, suppressing the electric energy that surged every time I thought of our encounter in the cabana. Karen and I changed into our swimming attire in silence. The tension in the air was palpable. I was aware of the risk I was taking by joining Tom and Chloe on their honeymoon, but the thought of not taking this opportunity weighed heavy on me. I took one last look at myself in the mirrorI was met with my reflection, a middle-aged man with sharp features, my hair now peppered with grey. My lean body, which I kept in shape at the gym, belied the guilt that gnawed at me. I could not help but wonder if Tom saw me as a predator, or as a man who could not resist the forbidden temptation. I turned away from the mirror, resolved to keep my desires in check, if only for the sake of my family.

Downstairs, I found Karen waiting for me. She looked radiant in her swimsuit, a red one-piece that hugged her curves in all the right places. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for bringing her on this trip, knowing that my heart was elsewhere. We made our way to the beach, where Chloe and Tom were already soaking up the sun.

The sun had begun its slow descent, casting a warm, golden hue over the ribbon of golden sand. The beach was filled with the laughter and chatter of tourists, their voices mingling with the gentle lapping of waves against the shore. Palm trees swayed lazily, their fronds shimmering in the fading sunlight.

We navigated our way through the sea of sun-worshippers, Chloe and Tom ahead. Karen's eyes sparkled with excitement; her hand draped possessively around my bicep. I steeled myself, pasting a smile on my face, as we approached our daughter and her new husband.

"Hey guys, we're here!" Karen's cheery voice pierced the air.

Chloe and Tom looked up. Tom's eyes lingered on mine for a brief moment before he averted his gaze. I felt a flicker of something - regret? Shame? I couldn't quite place it, but I knew I had to keep my growing emotions buried deep within me. Me and Karen sat down in sun chairs next to them . I stretched out, feeling the sun's warm embrace, a stark contrast to the coldness I felt within.

Tom and Chloe had brought a cooler with drinks, and as Karen helped herself to a soda, I discretely watched Tom, observing his every move. I noticed how his toned chest glistened with sweat, his nipples hardening in the cool breeze. His trunks hugged his thighs, revealing his smooth, hairless legs, a contrast to my own chiseled, hairy physique. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help it. I had to know how he felt in my hands again, how he would react to my touch. I was like an addict, craving a fix that I knew would only bring more chaos and turmoil into my already complicated life.

For now, I remained in my chair, the thrill of being so close to Tom making my heart race. Karen and Chloe began a lively discussion about wedding details, their laughter punctuated by the crashing of waves on the sand. Tom was drinking beer, and I took one myself, delicately sipping as I continued to observe him. The sun was now low in the sky, casting long shadows across the beach. Karen's hand slid casually onto my thigh, and I felt my heart quicken at her advance. But my thoughts were still with, who seemed sullen and distant.

"Let's go for a swim", he said to Chloe , interrupting their conversation.

"Sure, that sounds great," she replied, her eyes bright with excitement.

They rose from their chairs and headed towards the water, leaving me and Karen alone on the sand. I watched as the waves lapped at Tom's toned calves, the water glistening in the fading sunlight like a million tiny diamonds. My gaze lingered on the curve of his buttocks, envisioning the soft, warm skin beneath his swim trunks. I could still recall the way his lithe form had moved beneath me, the way he had surrendered to my dominance. A wave of lust coursed through me, and I felt Karen's grip on my thigh tighten in response. We exchanged a look, our glances heavy with unspoken desire. But this was not the time nor place for such passions. I blinked, refocusing my attention on the scene unfolding before us.

Chloe and Tom stood waist-deep in the crystal-clear ocean, the waves caressing their sun-drenched bodies, their laughter ringing out for all to hear. My heart ached with envy and longing, my body betraying me as I admired the sight of their union. Karen drew closer to me, clearly unsettled by my distraction, her fingers tracing sensitive lines on my arm. I forced a smile, pretending everything was normal.

"Why don't we join them," I suggested, standing up and offering a hand to Karen.

She took it gratefully, and together we walked towards the ocean, leaving our chairs behind on the sand. The cool water lapped at our feet, slowly creeping up to our thighs as we waded deeper. I watched as Chloe and Tom swam further out, disappearing behind a wave before resurfacing a few moments later.

With a glance at Karen, I allowed myself to dive beneath the surface, drowning out their laughter with the sound of my own heartbeat in my ears. It was a calming sensation, but it could not last. When I emerged, the cool water causing goosebumps to form on my arms and chest, Tom and Chloe were no longer in sight. A stab of worry entered my heart, but I pushed it aside; they were both capable swimmers and the water in this secluded, private beach was relatively calm.

The four of us continued to swim for the next hour, the sun dipping lower in the sky, casting long shadows on the beach. We decided to have separate dinners. Me and Karen had a light meal on the balcony of the villa, talking about the trip and about family. My mind drifted off to thoughts of Tom and the secret desires that whispered between us, but I pushed them away, focusing on maintaining a pleasant conversation with Karen. I knew I couldn't allow myself to be distracted by those thoughts, not now, when keeping up pretenses was more important than ever.

After dinner, Karen felt the jet lag setting in and decided to head to bed early, her eyes drooping with exhaustion. I tried to hide my relief, knowing that this would give me a chance to spend some time alone with Tom.

As the moon rose high in the sky, casting silvery beams onto the golden sand, I poured myself a glass of whiskey and stepped out onto the balcony. The beach was quiet now, the tourists having dispersed, leaving behind only the gentle sound of waves crashing onto the shore. I spotted a lonely figure standing in the distance, silhouetted by the moonlight. It was Tom, his toned form barely visible against the sand. I felt a familiar tightening in my chest, both out of need and a tinge of guilt. I couldn't resist the temptation any longer - I had to see him.

I made my way down to the beach, the sand cool against my feet, and approached Tom cautiously. He seemed lost in thought, staring out at the ocean, the waves crashing at his feet. The moonlight was dappling across his white shirt. I held back, observing him from a distance, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Tom," I called out, stepping closer. He didn't turn towards me, but I felt his tense muscles underneath my eyes. I approached him hesitantly, my fingers twisting nervously.

"I need to talk to you," I said.

Tom finally turned to face me, his expression dark and brooding,

"About what? What is it this time?"

My heart raced as I took a step closer to him, feeling the cool ocean breeze brush my hair and caress my skin. I could smell the saltwater, mingled with the scent of his cologne. His face was a mask of anger.

"You ruined everything, Philip," Tom said, his voice barely above a growl.

I took a step back, taken aback by the raw emotion in his voice.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Tom," I replied, my voice trembling.

"You're lying," he snapped, his anger palpable. "You know exactly what you did. You knew it would destroy me."

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but Tom's words hit me like a punch in the gut.

"I'm sorry, Tom," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for this to happen."

He stared at me for a moment, his eyes narrowing.

"You did. This is all your fault."

I moved closer, but he pushed me away. Perversely, his resentment only made me even more turned on.

"I can't believe I let you into my life, Philip," he continued, his voice heavy with disgust. "I can barely touch Chloe."

I took another step towards him, my heart beating furiously in my chest.

"Are you thinking of me instead?" I asked, teasingly.

"Stop it! This is fucking disgusting."

His words stunned me, but they also excited me. I felt myself growing hard, my cock straining against my pants.

"Don't be stupid, Tom", I said.

"You can't have me, Philip. Not again. I can't do this to Chloe."

He turned to start walking away. But I wouldn't take no for an answer. I was far to long gone now. I grabbed his arm. He tried to get away, but my grip was tight.

"I know you want me, Tom," I whispered, my voice low and husky. "I can see it in your eyes."

"Let go."

"Stop the fucking pretense, Tom. Let me have you."

Before he could respond, I took the initiative, my hands gripping his shoulders, pulling him towards me. I could feel his resistance, the tension in his muscles as he tried to pull away. But I was determined, my lips crashing into his, my tongue demanding entry. Tom's lips wouldn't part as he wriggled in my grasp, but I was determined. I grabbed his neck and forced my tongue in, and I deepened the kiss, my tongue exploring the warm cavern of his mouth. His hands came up to my chest, pushing against me, but I didn't relent, my grip on him tightening.

I trailed kisses down his neck, tasting the saltwater that lingered on his skin. I could feel the heat radiating off of him, and my desire grew even stronger. My hands moved to his shirt, unbuttoning the first few buttons with a fumbling urgency. As I unbuttoned his shirt, my fingers brushed against the smooth, warm skin of his chest. My lips found his once more, my tongue delving deeper into his mouth. He resisted for a moment longer before giving in, his hands moving to tangle in my hair. The kiss grew more passionate as I continued to unbutton Tom's shirt, revealing the toned, smooth expanse of his chest. My fingers traced lines across his skin, feeling the warmth and the thudding of his heartbeat. I pushed his shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the ground, as I explored his body with my hands. My lips never left his, my tongue continuing to explore every corner of his mouth.

Tom's resistance slowly faded as he wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I could feel the hardness of his cock straining against his pants, and I knew he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. Without breaking our kiss, I fumbled with his pants, freeing his stiff erection. It was just as I remembered, long and thick, the head a delicious shade of pink. The velvety smooth skin was hot to the touch and the thrill of holding his manhood my hands sent an electric jolt straight to my groin. I had to bite down on my lip to stop myself from moaning.

As I began to stroke him slowly, teasingly, Tom spread his legs slightly, allowing me better access. He whimpered into our kiss, arching his back slightly as I moved my hand up and down his entire length. The tension were starting to build in his muscles, as he trembled underneath my touch. My own arousal was making my cock throb painfully inside my pants. It was crazy, jerking him off right there on the beach, but I couldn't stop.

I slipped one hand behind him, cupping his bare ass cheeks, running a finger up and down his crack. Breaking the kiss, I trailed my lips down his jawline to his neck, nipping at the sensitive spot where his neck met his shoulder.

"Do you want daddy's cock?" I asked, my voice dripping with desire.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shadows of some palm trees, which at least gave some privacy. He followed me like an automaton. I pushed him onto the sand and pinned him down with my body weight. Tom let out a gasp but didn't resist. I could see the hunger in his eyes as I trailed my lips down his chest, tracing patterns on his skin with my tongue.

"Please, Tom," I murmured, my voice dripping with lust. "Let me make you feel good."

He nodded, unable to speak, as my lips found his nipples, sucking and biting on them until they turned hard and sensitive. He writhed underneath me, repeating my name over and over I moved with my mouth and tongue lower down his body. I could feel the muscular ridges of his abdomen flex as I grazed my teeth along them, leaving a trail of goosebumps in my wake. Tom's cock twitched in my hand as I gripped it tight, running my fingers up and down its length. I brought it to my lips, teasingly kissing and licking the head. I tasted the saltiness of his precum and gave it some slow licks up and down his shaft, before engulfing it with my mouth.

He groaned as I sucked on him, my tongue swirling around his cock before taking him deeper. I could feel him tense underneath me, feel the way he dug his fingers into the sand as I took him deeper still. His legs wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer as I slowly brought him to the brink of pleasure.

"Fuck, Philip," he groaned, his voice hoarse with pleasure. "Don't stop."

I didn't plan to stop, not until I had milked every pleasure from his body that I could extract. I squeezed his tight balls gently, feeling them twitching in my hand as I sucked on his cock, bringing him to the very edge of ecstasy. They were hairless and heavy in my hand. His whole body was now shaking, his chest flushed, and his cock pulsating and throbbing against the confines of my mouth. I controlled the pace, keeping him on the brink. It was a thrill watching this young stud, eyes closed, completely surrendering to his pleasure.

"Oh, fuck, Tom!" I groaned into his crotch, reveling in the taste of his pre-cum mixing leaking onto my tongue.

I released his cock from my mouth, resting my forehead against his belly as I caught my breath, my mouth still hovering inches away from the huge erection that bobbed next to me, glistening with evidence of my oral onslaught.

"You're mine, Tom," I panted, my voice heavy with lust as I looked up at him.

My fingers drifted to his balls and rolled them around gently, squeezing them as I took his dick back into my mouth and started again, sucking and sliding my lips up and down his pulsing shaft. I reached down to undo my belt, pushed my pants and boxers down and finally free my own aching cock. I was rock hard, painfully so, and I was desperate to claim him. Without a word, I lifted his hips off the sand and positioned myself between his legs. I could feel his smooth skin rub against my thighs, a stark contrast to the coarseness of the sand beneath me. I spit in my hand to get at least a little lube. I held his gaze as I reached down and positioned my cock against his entrance.

"Fuck me, Philip," he whispered.

Slowly, slowly, I pushed myself inside him, watching the desire in his eyes deepen, his lips part in silent pleasure. My hands gripped his ass cheeks tighter, my fingers digging into his flesh as I savored the exquisite sensation of being inside him once more. Finally, I bottomed out, feeling my pubes pressing up against him. I held steady for a brief moment, enjoying the sensation of him still twitching around me. His mouth opened as he started to breathe heavily, and I could feel his legs tremble. I reveled in the sight of him, pinned beneath me, impaled on my cock. I slid out slowly, savoring the sensation of him sheathing me, and pushing back in. I started with long, slow strokes, feeling him stretch around me to accommodate my size.

My eyes traced the lines of his body, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. His skin glistened with sweat, and I could see the way his muscles rippled beneath the surface. His chest was a smooth expanse of tanned skin, the muscles defined and firm, a contrast to my own hairy chest. I could see the indentation of his nipples, hard with arousal, and I leaned down to suck on them, teasing them with my teeth. Tom moaned beneath me, his fingers digging into my shoulders as I continued to thrust into him.

"Oh, daddy", he yelped, surrendering to my touch.

His legs wrapped around my waist, urging me on. I increased the pace, thrusting deeper and harder, my hips slapping against his ass, feeling every inch of his hot, slick asshole clench around my throbbing shaft. Tom gasped, tossing his head from side to side, eyes closed. With every thrust, the moonlight bathed our entire bodies, illuminating the sweat that ran down his chest, dripping onto the sand below us.

"You are such a cock slut, aren't you?" I growled, gripping his hips and pulling him even closer to me.

Tom nodded frantically, unable to speak as I pounded into him, filling him completely with my aching cock. He was so tight and warm that I could hardly control myself, the urge to come already building inside of me.

"That's right," I hissed, my voice dripping with lust. "You're mine, Tom. Say it."

"I'm yours, Philip," Tom moaned, his voice strained with pleasure.

I leaned over him, my lips devouring his neck as I continued to pound into him.

"You love it, don't you?" I asked, my voice low and menacing.

"Yes... fucking yes," Tom breathed, his body writhing beneath me.

"Take it. Take it good." I growled aggressively, driving my cock deeper into him, hitting his prostate at just the right spot.

Tom let out a whimper of pleasure and I could tell he was losing control. I zoomed in on the hunger in his eyes and the way his body shuddered involuntarily with each thrust. I could feel the tide of orgasm approaching and wanted to lose myself in him one more time.

"Yeah, baby," I heard myself say, the voice coming from deep within me, dominating my thoughts and my actions.

I looked down at Tom's face as I hungrily licked and kissed my way across his lips, down his chin, and across his neck. His hands clenched tightly at my back, tugging me closer as I traced my tongue across his nipples.

"You taste so fucking good, Tom," I growled, my voice thick with desire as I pinched and twisted his nipples roughly.

"Oh God, Philip!"

"Let go for me, Tom", I urged, feeling his body stiffen as he edged closer to release.

"Yes... Yes... yes!" Tom screamed, the sound escaping his lungs like an animalistic yowl as he unleashed his climax all over our bodies.

Bright white spurts of warm cum splattered against my chest and stomach, painting a sticky picture of our illicit encounter. I could feel the pulse of his release around me, his inner walls gripping my shaft in a tight, wet embrace.

I groaned, my hips stuttering as the pleasure overwhelmed me. I could feel myself on the cusp, my cock swelling with ecstasy. With a final thrust, I buried myself balls deep inside Tom, my cock pulsing in time with my pounding heartbeat, filling him with wave after wave of blistering hot semen. I collapsed onto Tom, pinning him beneath me as I tried to catch my breath.

We lay there for a moment, the waves crashing in the background as we both attempted to regain control of our breathing. I traced my fingers slowly over the lines of Tom's body, using my fingertips to trace his muscles, feeling the warmth of his skin under my touch. His eyes opened slowly, our gazes locking, and he smiled weakly.

"I didn't think you could make me feel like this," Tom muttered.

The words hung heavy in the air between us, and I knew he spoke the truth. He was different with me, no longer the shy, unsure man that he was with Chloe. With me, he was confident and unapologetically sexual, embodying every desire that burned within me. I smiled down at him, my lips brushing against his gently.

"I can't get enough of you, Tom," I said.

He looked up at me, his expression softening. Our eyes locked, and I could see the sincerity in his gaze. I leaned down to kiss him again, deep and passionate, my heart swelling with emotion.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, as we broke apart. "I never meant for it to happen like this."

"I don't know what to do," he said finally. "I love Chloe, but I can't deny that I want you too."

"I know," I said softly, brushing a stray hair away from his face. "And it's okay to feel that way. Sometimes you can have the cake and eat it too."

The words hung between us, unspoken, but heavy with meaning. I knew what he wanted, and deep down, I wanted the same thing.

"I don't know..." Tom hesitated.

"You can't deny it anymore", I said. "Tomorrow you and I will go snorkeling. Chloe hates that, so we will have the entire day for ourselves, ok?"

He seemed to like me taking charge like this. I could feel his muscles relax slightly under my hands, and he nodded, agreeing to my plan.

"I suppose I would like that," he murmured.

As we walked back to where we had left our towels and clothes, Tom was silent. His demeanor had changed from angry and conflicted to distant and contemplative. I knew he was still struggling with what had happened on the beach, but I also knew that I had planted a seed in his mind that would inevitably grow into something more.

Next: Chapter 5

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