My Future Son-in-law

By stayedhere

Published on Sep 16, 2024


Hey guys!

Thanks for the nice feedback for the first chapter. I hope you enjoy this new part. Please tell me what you think. Dont forget to support Nifty - they are doing a great job!

/Mike J

My Future Son-in-law - Part 2

I glanced out the window and watched the first snowfall of the season blanket the suburban landscape. There was something soothing about its gentle assault, erasing the harsh lines of the world. I turned my gaze back to the kitchen, where Karen was bustling about, the scent of freshly baked bread permeating the air. Her brown eyes met mine and she offered a warm smile, but I could tell something was weighing on her mind. Our marriage had become stale, lacking any semblance of passion. I tried to convince myself that it was just a phase, that the spark would eventually return. Yet the thought of Tom lingered in my mind, his toned body and submissive demeanor a far cry from the clinical routine of my life.

I had never meant for that weekend encounter to happen, but I couldn’t deny the thrill it had brought me. Karen had come up to me. Her hands rested on my chest and my thoughts were torn back to the present. She looked up at me, her gaze expectant, but I couldn't bring myself to reciprocate her advances.

"I'm too tired", I said. "I need a shower."

I retreated to the bathroom, where the hot water cascaded down my body. I surrendered to the sensation, and allowed my mind to wander back to the weekend with Tom. My cock hardened as I remembered the taste of his lips, the feeling of him submitting to my every whim. I gripped my shaft and began to stroke, my mind racing with dirty thoughts. In my fantasy, I could almost hear his stifled moans and pleas, the desperation in his voice driving me closer to the edge. I shouldn't think about him. He was my daughter's fiancéfor g odsakes. But the image of Tom's muscular form beneath me, his body writhing in pleasure, was seared into my mind. I closed my eyes and pictured the moment the two of us became intimate. The scent of his arousal mingled with the mustiness of the old guest room, and the sound of his gasps echoed off the walls.

My grip tightened on my cock, the tension building as I imagined what it would be like to take him again. Those full lips wrapped around my shaft, his tongue swirling around the head, teasing me. I wanted to fuck that mouth, to feel it stretch around me as I pounded into it. I wanted to hear him gag, to see tears streaming down his face as I held his head in place, forcing him to take every inch. The thought of it sent a jolt of pleasure through me, and I felt my orgasm approaching. In my fantasy, I pulled out of his mouth and flipped him onto his hands and knees. That tight little ass was mine for the taking, and I was going to claim it. I took some more soap to lube up my cock as I was stroking it, warm water cascading over my body . I could feel my balls tightening, ready to explode. I wanted to fuck him raw, no condom, no barriers. I wanted to feel him, really feel him, every inch of him. I wanted to mark him, make him mine.

I closed my eyes and imagined it as I furiously stroke myself,  leaning against the damp tiles. I was so close now.  My hand moved faster, my breath coming in ragged gasps. I could feel the pressure building, my body tensing as I neared the edge. And then, with a grunt, I went over. My cock pulsed, releasing streams of hot cum into the shower, the water washing it away almost instantly. I leaned against the wall, panting, my heart pounding in my chest. The release was temporary, but it was something. It was all I had. I braced myself against the cool tiles, my body convulsing as I spilled my load into the steaming water. The relief was immense, but it was short-lived. As the last vestiges of my orgasm faded, I was left with a hollow emptiness.  It was a familiar feeling, one that had become all too common in recent months. I turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. I caught my reflection in the mirror and barely recognized the man staring back at me. The lines around my eyes seemed deeper, the silver in my hair more pronounced. I looked away, unable to meet my own gaze.

Back in the bedroom, Karen was sitting on the bed, her legs crossed, a look of concern etched on her face. She looked up as I entered, her eyes flicking to the towel around my waist.

"Philip, we need to talk," she said, her voice soft but firm. I knew that tone all too well. It was the one she used when she was trying to approach a delicate subject, a conversation she'd been mulling over for some time.

I sighed, running a hand through my still-damp hair.

"Not now, Karen. I'm not in the mood."

I started to walk past her, but she reached out and grabbed my arm, her fingers digging into my skin.

"Philip, stop," she said, her voice rising slightly. "This can't wait. We haven't made love in forever" she finished, her voice trailing off.

I could see the effort it took her to say those words, to acknowledge the elephant in the room. I sighed, sitting down on the bed beside her. I couldn't avoid this conversation forever, much as I might want to.

"We haven't been intimate in months, Philip. It's like you're not even attracted to me anymore."

Her voice was steady, but I could hear the hurt underlying her words. I looked down at the floor, unable to meet her gaze. How could I explain to her that it wasn't her, that it was something inside me that had shifted, a desire that had been awakened and refused to be sated by our vanilla marriage?

"I'm sorry, Karen," I said. "I will try to do better:" 

The shrill ring of the Karen's phone, still in the kitchen saved me. It echoed through the house, and we both jumped at the sudden intrusion.

"I should get that," she said, walking towards the door. 

I nodded, grateful for the interruption. As she left the room, I let out a sigh, my mind racing. I heard Karen's voice drift down the hallway, her tone surprised.

"Chloe? Is that you, sweetheart?"

I got dressed, and walked towards the sound of her voice. As I entered the kitchen, I saw Karen holding the phone, her eyes excited.

"I will put you on speaker, Chloe", she said. "Your dad is here now too."

She pressed a button and Chloe's voice filled the room, bubbling with excitement.

"Hi Dad! Guess what? Tom and I have set a date! We're getting married in two months!" 

My heart stuttered in my chest, the news hitting him like a physical blow. I looked at Karen, her face alight with joy, and felt a pang of guilt. She had no idea about the twisted web I had woven. I took a deep breath, trying to mask the turmoil within him.

"That's wonderful, Chloe," he managed to say, his voice steady despite the storm raging inside him. "We're thrilled for you both."

As Chloe hung up, Karen beamed at me, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Isn't this wonderful, Philip? Our little girl is getting married!"

I forced a smile, nodding in agreement.

The next few days, I became increasingly obsessed, my thoughts consumed by Tom. I found myself daydreaming about him during meetings, my mind wandering to that weekend. I could almost feel his body pressed against mine, hear his soft moans as I took him. The memory of his cock in my mouth, the taste of him, the way he writhed beneath me, it all played on a loop in my mind. I needed to see him again, to touch him, to claim him once more. But I knew it was wrong. He was my daughter's fiancé, and I was playing with fire. Yet, I couldn't resist the pull, the magnetism that drew me to him. I found myself driving past his real estate office, hoping to catch a glimpse of him, my heart pounding each time I saw his car in the lot. One day, as I was cruising by, I noticed a sign taped to the window: "Open House - This Saturday, 1-4 PM." My heart skipped a beat. This was my chance. I couldn't pass it up. I knew I was playing a dangerous game, but I couldn't help myself. I had to see him again.

The day of the open house dawned bright and clear, the sun casting a golden glow over the city. I had woken early, his mind already consumed by thoughts of Tom. I had spent the week torturing himself with the decision to go, knowing it was wrong, knowing it could destroy everything. But my urge was too strong. As I drove towards the address, I took in the changing landscape of the city. The towering skyscrapers gave way to quaint, converted warehouses, their red brick facades and large windows a testament to the area's industrial past. I found a parking spot a block away and walked towards the open house, my heart pounding in my chest. I could see Tom through the large windows, his back to the street as he spoke to a potential buyer. I hesitated, my hand hovering over the door handle. I could still turn back, could still walk away. But the sight of Tom, his muscular form accentuated by the fitted suit he wore, was enough to push me forward. I took a deep breath and stepped into the open house. I scanned the room, but Tom was nowhere to be seen. My heart sank, but then I saw him heading towards a group of potential buyers on the other side of the loft. I made my way around the room, avoiding eye contact with anyone else, keeping my focus on the target.

As I walked, I couldn't help but admire the space itself. The open concept layout was beautiful, with high ceilings and exposed ductwork adding to its industrial aesthetic. I watched as Tom expertly fielded questions from the group, his voice smooth and assured.  I approached him, my heart pounding in my chest like a jackhammer. The buzzer of the open house rang, signaling the end of the hour, and the potential buyers began to filter out. I waited patiently for the last one to leave, unable to tear my eyes away from Tom. As the door closed behind the final couple, he finally noticed me, a look of surprise crossing his features.

"Philip? What are you doing here?"

My gaze remained locked on his as I slowly walked towards him. My mind was consumed, an all-encompassing hunger surfacing, raw and primal.

"I just wanted to see you," I murmured. "I heard the news about you and Chloe"

Tom stared at me for a moment, his eyes flickering with a mix of confusion and apprehension. Then, his expression hardened into one of anger.

"What the fuck do you want?" he spat.

I shrugged nonchalantly, my gaze never wavering from his. Tom was dressed in chinos and a crisp white shirt , the top buttons undone to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of his smooth chest.

"I came to see you," I repeated. "To see how you're doing."

He snorted derisively, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, right."

My gaze dropped to his lips, remembering the taste of him, the feeling of his body shuddering with pleasure beneath me.The tension etched on his face was new and exhilarating: a mixture of shock, fear, and... was it desire?

"You should leave", he said gruffly, his eyes dancing with emotion.

He stepped back, seeking distance. I took a step closer, bridging the gap between us.

"No", I said, my voice low and dangerous. "I won't leave"

"I'm about to marry your daughter, Philip."

Tom's voice was a low growl as he said this.

"I know," I replied, my voice equally low. "But it doesn't change the fact that I want you."

I took another step closer, our bodies almost touching.

"Philip, we can't do this."

"Please, baby. I can't stop thinking about you." I whispered, my voice dripping with a need that echoed in my bones.

Tom's eyes widened at my confession, and he took another step back, his back colliding with the wall. His chest rose and fell rapidly with each ragged breath, his eyes darting around the room as if looking for an escape route. I followed him without hesitation, closing the distance between us until our bodies were pressed together.

"Philip I can't," he stammered, biting down on his lower lip in a feeble attempt to silence himself.

My hand reached up, my fingers tracing his jawline, feeling the stubble there. I moved closer, my body pinning him against the wall.

"I need you to stop thinking," I growled, my lips brushing against the shell of his ear. "I need you to feel."

My hand moved from his jawline to his chest, my fingers splayed wide as I felt the rhythm of his heartbeat. It was frantic, erratic, a drumbeat of need that mirrored my own. I could feel the heat radiating off of Tom's skin, the tremors wracking his body. My hands moved to his belt buckle, my fingers fumbling with the clasp as I tried to pull him closer. My mouth found his, our lips crashing together with a hunger that was almost painful. I tried to invade his mouth with my tongue , tasting the lingering hint of coffee on his breath. He moaned into me, a low, guttural sound that sent a shiver down my spine. I could feel his hands pushing against my chest, but I didn't let up, my body pinning him against the wall. I needed this, needed him, and I was going to take what I wanted.

With one hand, I reached down and started to work on his belt. He tried to stop my hands, but I was persistant, opening the fly of his chinos and slipping my hand inside, feeling his hard cock straining against his briefs. I wrapped my fingers around him, feeling his heat. He let out a strangled gasp, his hips bucking forward involuntarily, pushing his cock further into my grasp.

"Stop," he managed to choke out, but I could hear the want in his voice.

I moved my hand up and down slowly, eliciting a groan from him. My other hand moved to his behind, slid inside the chinos to squeeze his ass cheeks. I pulled him towards me, letting him feel the hardness in my own pants. I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against his ear.

"Stop fighting it," I demanded. "Let me have you, Tom."

"Not here, Philip. Anyone could see us", Tom whispered.

I looked around the room, realizing that he was right. While the open-concept layout of the apartment allowed me to see the entire space from where we were standing, it also meant that anyone entering the apartment would have a clear view of us.

"Follow me", I said, taking Tom's hand.

I lead him towards a hallway on the far side of the room. We walked past a bathroom and a bedroom, both empty, until we reached a small den. The den was dimly lit, with only a single lamp casting a warm glow over a large leather couch that sat in the middle of the room. It was a sanctuary of shadows, the single lamp casting elongated, dancing silhouettes on the walls. The large leather couch dominated the room, its dark, worn surface inviting yet intimidating. I could hear the distant hum of the city, a stark contrast to the quiet intimacy of the room.

Tom stood before me, soon to be my son-in-law, his eyes fixed on me. I could see the bulge in his pants, a testament to his arousal, despite his protests. I smirked, knowing he was mine for the taking.

"Take off your clothes," I commanded, my voice low and dominant.

Tom hesitated, his eyes darting to the door.

"Philip, we can't. Not here."

"I said, strip. Now."

My hands moved to his buttons, popping them open one by one, revealing the smooth chest beneath. He trembled under my touch, as I pushed the shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. I took a moment to appreciate him, my eyes roaming over his defined pecs, the light trail of hair leading down to his abs, and the bulge straining against his chinos. He was fucking gorgeous, and he was mine.

I could see the apprehension in his eyes, but it was overshadowed by the hunger. He wanted this, wanted me, just as much as I wanted him. I started to unbutton my own shirt, my eyes never leaving his. I watched as his gaze followed my hands, his tongue darting out to wet his lips as I revealed more of my chest. I slid the shirt over my shoulders, revealing my hairy chest, the salt and pepper hairs glinting in the dim light. My pecs were defined, a testament to the hours I spent at the gym, and my abs were still visible, though not as ripped as they once were. I could see Tom's gaze lingering on my chest, his eyes widening as he took in the sight. I smirked, knowing the effect I had on him.

"I want to see you naked, Tom. All of you."

My voice was a low growl, my eyes locked onto his. I reached out, my hands moving to his belt, unbuckling it with expert ease. I could see the tremors wracking his body, his breath coming in ragged gasps as I popped open the button of his chinos, sliding the zipper down slowly, reveling the black briefs beneath. I slid the chinos down, and he obiediently stepped out of them, standing before me in nothing but his briefs. I could see the outline of his cock, straining against the fabric, the head already leaking pre-cum. I reached out, my thumb rubbing against the damp spot, feeling the heat of him through the thin material. He let out a low moan, his hips bucking forward, seeking more friction.

Gathering my composure, I took off the rest of my clothes, standing before him in nothing but my boxers. Strands of hair trailed down my torso, leading to the thick bush nestled below my navel. I glanced down at my cock, swollen and heavy in my underwear, and felt a surge of pride and desire. Tom's gaze followed me, his eyes completely transfixed by the sight of me. I could see him swallow hard, his throat working as he tried to control his breathing. I motioned for him to step closer, my eyes never leaving him. He obeyed, moving towards me until his body was inches away from mine. I could feel the heat radiating off of him, his body tensing in anticipation. I reached out and grazed my fingers down his chest, lingering on the muscles that rippled beneath my touch. He whimpered, leaning into the touch, his hips grinding against me, seeking more friction. I could feel the hardness of his cock pressing into my own, the heat of him seeping through the thin material, making my own need reach new heights.

"I need you, baby," I muttered, my voice low and rough. "I need to feel you, to be inside you."

"We can't do this, Philip. Not here," Tom protested weakly, even as he arched his back, pressing himself closer to me, unable to resist my touch.

"Shh," I whispered in his ear, my hand tracing a path down his chest, finally reaching the bulge in his briefs. "Let me take care of you, baby. You want it, I know you do."

I moved my hands to his ass, tracing the waistline of his briefs, feeling the firmness of his muscles under my fingertips. I tugged at his briefs again, pulling them down and letting his cock spring free. It was long and thick, with velvety smooth skin and a shiny bead of precum glistening at the tip. I could see Tom's chest heaving, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, feeling the heat of him pulsing in my grip. I could feel his eyes on me, watching as I slowly stroked him, my fist moving up and down his length, spreading the precum around, making him slick. He let out a low yelp, his hips bucking forward, fucking my hand as I worked him.

"Fuck, Philip," he gasped, his hands gripping my shoulders, his nails digging into my skin. "That feels so good."

I smirked, loving the sound of my name on his lips, and increased my pace, my hand moving faster and harder. I could feel his cock throbbing in my grip, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he inched closer to the edge. I wanted to taste him, to feel him in my mouth, to make him fall apart completely.

I lowered myself to my knees, my eyes never leaving his. I could see the surprise in his eyes, his mouth opening slightly as he watched me. I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock, swirling my tongue around it, tasting the salty sweetness of his precum. His hips bucked forward, pushing more of his length into my mouth. I took it, relishing the feel of him, the heat of him, the power I held over him. I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, pumping in tandem with my mouth, taking him deeper with each thrust.Tom's fingers tangled in my hair, pulling me closer, his hips moving in sync with my rhythm. I could feel his cock swelling in my mouth, his breathing becoming more ragged, his moans louder.

"Fuck, Philip," he panted, his grip on my hair tightening. "I'm gonna come."

I pulled back, looking up at him, his cock glistening with my saliva.

"Not yet, baby. Not until I say so."

I stood up, my body pressing against his, causing him to stumble back onto the leather couch.

His eyes widened in surprise, but I didn't give him time to react. I grabbed his wrists, pinning them above his head, my grip tight and unyielding. He struggled, trying to break free, but I held on, my eyes locked onto his.

"Stay still," I growled, my voice low and dangerous. "You're mine now, understand?"

He nodded, his breath coming in short, shallow gasps, his eyes filled with a mix of fear and desire. I could see the pulse at his neck throbbing, his body tensing as he tried to control his breathing.

"You like it when I'm in charge, don't you, baby?" I whispered, my voice low and rough.

He whimpered, his hips bucking forward, seeking friction. I could see the hunger in his eyes, the need, and it made me want to devour him. I leaned in, my lips capturing his in a searing kiss, my tongue invading his mouth, tasting every inch of him. He moaned into me, his body writhing beneath mine, his cock throbbing against my stomach. I could feel the heat of him, the need, and it spurred me on.

I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down his neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. I could feel his pulse racing, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. I looked up at him, our eyes locking, and I knew he was mine. I released his wrists, my hands moving to his thighs, pushing them apart roughly. He let out a surprised whimper, his body tensing as I settled between his legs, my hands gripping his ass, pulling him closer to the edge of the couch.

"Philip, what are you doing?" he panted, his eyes wide.

"Shut up, Tom," I growled, my voice low and commanding.

My hands moved to his inner thighs, pushing them further apart. I could see the fear in his eyes, but I could also see the hunger that matched my own.

"You're mine now. You've always been mine."

Tom whimpered, his body tensing as I leaned in, my lips brushing against his ear. I could feel his pulse racing as I spoke, my voice rough and low.

"You want this, baby. You've always wanted this."

I moved my hands up his thighs, feeling the heat of him beneath my fingertips. I could feel the tremors wracking his body, his breath coming in short, sharp gasps. I wrapped my fingers around his cock, feeling the velvety softness of his skin, the heat of him pulsing in my grip. I caressed his shaft steadily, my eyes never leaving his. I could see the pleasure in his eyes, the way they glazed every time I circled the head of his cock with my thumb. I could feel his body tensing against me, his hips bucking in time to my rhythm. The air in the den was thick with desire and lust. I could feel my own arousal surging, my cock swelling against my boxers.

The anticipation, the buildup was killing me. I wanted to be inside him, to feel him around me, molding around me. I needed it. I moved my hand up and down his cock, twisting my wrist in a figure eight motion, relishing in the low whimpers that escaped his lips. I looked into his eyes, the green orbs glazed with pleasure, and saw the submissiveness that I craved. I leaned in, my lips ghosting against his, teasing him, before claiming his mouth in a bruising kiss. His body was now pliant, surrendering to my demand. I slipped my tongue past his lips, tasting the sweetness of him, feeling his chest rise and fall rhythmically with each breath. His hands tightened on my shoulders, pulling me closer, and I reveled in the connection. My hand continued its slow, agonizing ride up his cock, his moans growing louder as I drew nearer the head, rubbing my thumb over the shiny pearl of pre-come that was now dripping from him.

I leaned back, smearing it over my lips before sticking my finger into his mouth, forcing him to lick and taste the evidence of his own arousal. Tom's cock twitched in response, swelling even further under my loving touch. I gripped him firmly, eliciting another strangled sob from deep within his throat, before starting to pump him harder, faster. Tom's breathing hitched and became shallow, his head lolling back and forth in ecstasy. He was putty in my hands, completely at my mercy, and the feeling was intoxicating. I could feel my control slipping, the beast inside of me wanting to take control, possess him in every way possible. But I held back, savoring this moment, relishing the power that I wielded over him. I leaned back down to whisper in his ear.

"Are you ready for me, Tom?"

Tom whimpered, a pleading sound escaping his lips as he nodded. He was so far gone, he would do anything I asked at this point. And I had every intention of taking full advantage of that. I lifted his legs up, placing them over my shoulders, and used my free hand to spread his ass cheeks apart. His puckered hole was exposed, and I couldnt resist the temptation. I leaned forward and licked it, swirling my tongue over his entrance, tasting the tangy sweetness of him. At the sensation of my tongue on his entrance, Tom's body jolted upwards, a guttural scream escaping his lips. I smirked and increased the pressure, delving my tongue inside of him, tasting the musky warmth of his inner walls. I grumbled, my arousal surging as I explored him, feeling his body trembling under my mouth.

My free hand moved to Tom's cock, wrapping around it tightly as I resumed my previous pace. His breaths came in short, sharp gasps as I pumped him furiously, keeping time with my tongue's movements. His fingers clenched on the couch, his arms straining as his body arched towards me, desperate for more. I could feel the tension coiling in him, his body thrumming with need.

I pulled back, my lips damp from his entrance, a satisfied smile on my face as I took in the sight of him: legs spread wide, body trembling, cock swollen and red from my hands. He looked helpless, vulnerable, and completely mine.

"Please, Philip," he begged, his voice husky and raw.

I knew he was ready and wouldn't protest any more. I took out the bottle of lube I had brought with me and slicked up my fingers. Without further ado, I pushed one finger inside of him. Tom moaned, his body tensing up for a moment before relaxing. I slowly moved my finger in and out of him, getting him used to the sensation. After a few minutes, I added another finger, scissoring them slightly to stretch him open. I felt Tom's body relax as he became accustomed to the sensation. His moans grew louder, his hips rising to meet my fingers, seeking more. I could see the flush of pleasure spreading across his face, his eyes closed, lost in the moment. I removed my finger. I realized he was in my control now. I could do what I wanted with him. I could not deny that the power was intoxicating. I slowly lined up the head of my cock with his entrance. I watched as his eyes widened, his fingers gripping the edges of the couch, his chest heaving with anticipation.

"Are you sure, Tom?" I asked, my voice low and gruff, giving him a final chance to back out. But I already knew he wouldn't take it.

"Yes, fuck yes," he whimpered, his hips bucking, urging me to enter him.

I gave into the temptation, sliding in smoothly, his body welcoming me in. I clenched my teeth, trying to hold back the onslaught of pleasure. He was so tight, warm, and perfect. I paused once I was fully sheathed within him, giving him a moment to adjust to the intrusion.

"More," he demanded, his voice raw and desperate. "More, please."

I complied, pulling out slightly before slamming back into him. Tom cried out; the pleasure written all over his face. I started up a steady rhythm, thrusting into him with measured, slow strokes before building up to a punishing pace. With each thrust, I felt him clench around me, his body trying to draw me deeper. The feeling of him gripping my cock was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was like a vice, hot and wet and perfect. I could feel my orgasm building up from the base of my spine, my balls tightening, my hips stuttering.

"Fuck, Tom, you feel so good." I grunted, every muscle in my body tense. I leaned forward, pinning his wrists to the couch with one hand as the other continued to stroke his cock. Tom whimpered beneath me, his head thrashing from side to side.

"Philip, oh god, please, don't stop." Tom gasped beneath me, his body arching and writhing with each powerful thrust I unleashed upon him.

I could feel the heat radiating off of his sweat-drenched body, his muscular form gripping me tightly as I drove myself deeper into him, completely consumed by the raw aggression and passion surging through my veins. He was mine, all mine. Not Chloe's anymore. With a sudden, primal surge of need, I decided it was time to get rough. I leaned forward, my body hovering over his, our chests pressed together. I could feel the beat of his heart, feel his quick, shallow breaths against my lips. I captured his mouth in a rough, demanding kiss, our tongues clashing hungrily as I wrestled control from him.

He struggled, wriggling beneath me, but I held him down with my weight, refusing to let him escape. My hand reached down, gripping his cock tightly, squeezing hard as I continued to kiss him. He cried out, a combination of pain and pleasure, but I didn't let up. My other hand slipped between us, moving to his ass. I gripped him firmly, pulling him closer as I increased the pace of my strokes.

I could hear the sound of skin slapping against skin, his moans growing louder with each thrust. My mouth moved down his jawline, nipping and biting, sucking on the sensitive skin. Tom writhed beneath me, his fingers gripping the couch as he tried to hold on.

"Philip, I-I can't," he stammered, trying to catch his breath.

"You can and you will," I growled, my voice low and dangerous.

I increased my pace, slamming into him harder, my hips pistoning with a primal urgency. My fingers dug into his hips, the flesh giving beneath my grip as I took him roughly, our bodies smacking together in a wet, desperate rhythm. Tom cried out as I rubbed my thumb over his swollen head, spreading the pre-come around. I could feel his cock jumping in my grip, his balls drawing up tight against his body.

He was close, so fucking close. I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock, squeezing firmly to slow down his release as I continued to slam into him, relentless and unyielding. I could feel his body trembling beneath me, sweat pouring down his chest and stomach as I took him harder and deeper than I ever had before.

"Tom, look at me," I demanded, my voice low and commanding.

His eyes opened, the green orbs gazing up at me.

"Cum for me, baby", I whispered. "Cum all over my hand."

I could feel his ass clenching around my cock as my words sent a wave of pleasure through him. I increased the pressure on his throbbing head and he groaned loudly, trembling beneath me. His whole body went taut, his mouth falling open in a silent scream as he felt his orgasm rip through him. Hot streams of cum spurted from his cock, covering my fingers in white sticky fluid. I didn't let up, keeping up the relentless stroking until I had milked every last drop from him. He collapsed back onto the couch, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. I slowed my pace, my cock still buried deep inside him, my hips continuing to roll in slow, lazy circles. I could feel my own orgasm building up inside of me, the pressure coiling in my balls as they tightened up.

"Philip," Tom whispered, his voice husky and raw. "I-I can't take anymore."

But I wasn't done with him yet. I leaned down, my lips brushing against his ear.

"Yes, you can," I growled, my voice low and commanding. "You can take all of me."

And with that, I gave into the pleasure, my orgasm ripping through me as I came deep inside of him.

I felt my cock swell, my balls tightening as rope after rope of cum filled him up. I groaned, my body trembling as I emptied myself into him. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. I could feel every pulse, every throb of my cock as I filled him up with my seed.

I collapsed on top of Tom, our chests heaving as we both tried to catch our breaths. My cock was still nestled deep inside of him, the warmth of him enveloped around me. His breathing was still shallow and fast. I could not help but smirk at the absolute state of bliss and satisfaction written all over his face. He was a mess, his hair disheveled, his face flushed, his lips swollen from my kisses. I could feel my cock starting to soften, the loss of fullness making me groan quietly. I knew that I needed to pull out soon, but I held back for a moment longer, savoring the feeling of being inside of him. When I finally pulled out, a rush of warmth filled me as I realized I had filled him up with my seed. I slid out of him, and Tom whimpered, his body still trembling from the aftershocks of his orgasm. I rolled off him, lying on my back next to him on the couch, completely satisfied. My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, my skin slicked with a thin sheen of sweat. I turned to look at Tom, taking in the sight of him. He was lying on the couch, one arm thrown across his forehead, with a satisfied smile playing at the corners of his lips. I could see the faint remnants of his orgasm on his stomach and chest, glistening in the dim light. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction wash over me, knowing that I had been the one to bring him to such a state of pleasure.

I leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, tasting myself on him. I smiled against his lips, reveling in the way his breathing hitched at the contact, before pulling back and standing up. My legs felt like jelly, my body still reeling from the intense orgasm that had just wracked through me. My chest was heaving, my skin flushed with a sheen of sweat. I felt alive, invigorated, and completely sated. Tom sat up slowly, wincing slightly as he moved, his body still sensitive from our encounter.

"I guess we really made a mess here", I said, looking at the cum-stained couch.

Tom looked at me shyly, his cheeks flushed.

"I-I guess we did", he stuttered, averting his gaze.

We both stood up, and I couldn't help but admire him, a true specimen of young masculinity. A surge of desire wash over me again. But I pushed it aside, knowing that we needed to clean up and get dressed before anyone found us like this. I grabbed some tissues from a nearby box and handed them to Tom, who took them gratefully and started cleaning himself up. I did the same, wiping away any evidence of our encounter from the couch and myself. Once we were both cleaned up, we started putting our clothes back on in silence. The air in the den was thick with tension. I could feel Tom's eyes on me as I buttoned up my shirt, his gaze heavy and filled with unspoken emotions.

We were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing, a harsh intrusion to the post-coital silence that had descended upon us.

"Crap, that must be Chloe," Tom muttered, his voice low and panicked. He started towards the door, but I caught his wrist, my grip firm and unyielding.

"Don't," I growled, my voice low and dangerous. "You can't tell her what just happened."

"I-I won't," Tom stammered, rubbing a hand over his face.

He hesitated for a moment before opening the front door. It was Chloe, wearing a calm smile on her beautiful, outgoing face. She seemed to glow amidst the open house's sterile, contemporary decor. tom let out a breath of relief as he greeted her with a polite nod.

"Chloe, hi," he said, his voice soft. He stepped aside to allow her entry, stealing one last glance at me before vanishing behind her.

I exhaled slowly, letting my shoulders droop, the weight of our actions pressing down upon me. I would have to compose myself, get it together and act as though nothing had happened. The thought made my head spin.

Entering the living area, I could see Tom speaking to my daughter. She was laughing at something he had said, her eyes alight with joy. It created a pang in my chest to realize that I couldn't enjoy their happy relationship anymore without remembering my own actions. I wondered what she would think of me now if she knew. I couldn't help but feel a surge of guilt and regret wash over me, tainting the memory of our passionate encounter. It was wrong, I knew that, but I couldn't bring myself to regret what had happened between us. Not entirely. I approached the living room where Tom and Chloe were chatting. Chloe looked up at me.

"Hi dad. Tom said you came to surprise us. What is it?" she said.

I couldn't help but feel my heart clench at her words, the memory of what had just transpired between Tom and me still fresh in my mind.

"Just wanted to drop by and congratulate you both on your upcoming nuptials," I said smoothly, hoping that the smile I plastered on my face seemed genuine.

I moved closer to them, trying my best to maintain a casual demeanor, as if nothing was amiss. Chloe beamed at me; her excitement palpable.

"Thank you, dad! That means so much to us."

It was sick, to be jealous of your own daughter 's happiness, but I couldn't help it. The thought of Tom's strong, sculpted body wrapped around mine, the musky taste of him still lingering on my lips, was too much to bear. I forced a smile, trying my best to hide the possessive urge that I was feeling.

"Well, you both deserve everything you have," I replied, my voice even and normal. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to attend to."

Chloe smiled warmly at me once more, before I went to leave. My heart felt heavy as I walked towards my parked car. It was the most mind-blowing sex I had ever had , hands down. And it wasn't just because of the taboo of it all, but because Tom had been so willing, so eager, so desperate for it. It was confusing, being torn between guilt and craving. I knew I couldn't have him again, not without breaking his heart and damaging my relationship with my daughter. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, reliving every moment in my head.

Next: Chapter 3

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