My Future Son-in-law

By stayedhere

Published on Sep 13, 2024


Hey guys! Hope you all enjoy this new attempt. Feedback is always appreciated as I'm still thinking about how this story will develop.

Dont forget to support Nifty - they are doing a great job!

/Mike J

My Future Son-in-Law

"Chloe will bring her new fiancé along this weekend", Karen said over breakfast, as she scanned the morning headlines. "The one she's working with at the real estate office."

Her voice gently hummed through the heavy stillness of our sizable marble kitchen. Karen, being an accomplished medical doctor, was always ready for another long day at the hospital. She wore an immaculate suit that emanated poise and pride, but at this moment, her focus was on our daughter's new romance. Chloe was in her early twenties and had recently graduated from a and began her career as a real estate agent. Her radiant energy and vivacious personality served her well in this arena.

"Ah, Tom! I've heard quite a bit about him," I replied, swiveling my chair away from the towering floor-to-ceiling windows, which displayed the sprawling garden like a living painting. "It will be nice to finally meet him."

"They seem to make a great team", Karen said. "Chloe said that they've closed several deals together already. Tom deserves some appreciation for that."

A confident smile painted her lips. She took a sip of her black coffee, her eyes lingering on the sprawling garden. All I could offer was a noncommittal nod. Our marriage , despite her success and our glowing daughter, had been in a state of dormancy for quite some time. But this thought slipped away as rapidly as it came. My mind unconsciously drifted to the last few discreet encounters I had with men. She hadn't suspected a thing, blinded by her busy work schedule. I couldn't shake off the intrigue of being with a man - fully experiencing their hard muscles and passionate emotions. However, these desires were stowed away as securely as my tailored suits in the wardrobe.

Chloe and Tom arrived that Friday evening, bringing with them an aura of youthful, untamed energy. Their laughter echoed through the halls of our imposing brick estate, dispelling the silence that had lingered. In the grand foyer, Chloe hugged Karen tightly, and Tom offered an awkward handshake to me, his gaze avoiding mine. I found myself drawn to him; there was an undercurrent of tension simmering beneath his polished demeanor. The way Tom looked at Chloe revealed a tenderness that had its own allure, but there was another layer I sensed as from under a veil.

During dinner that first night, we sat around our aged mahogany table, enveloped by the dimly lit room. We discussed Chloe's and Tom's career plans as real estate agents, laughing at the various clients they'd encountered so far. Chloe's vivid enthusiasm was captivating, while Tom was more subdued, occasionally adding a dry commentary that caused the entire table to erupt in amusement.

As the evening wore on, a soft candlelight illuminated the room, casting an intimate glow upon our faces. Tom, seated across from me, looked dashing in a crisp polo shirt, its buttons straining against the contours of his sculpted chest. His smooth skin and chiseled features hinted at an understated masculinity, a contradiction to his shy demeanor. His eyes, a striking shade of hazel, flickered towards mine every now and then, causing a sudden heat to surge through my veins. But I quickly composed myself, feigning a fatherly interest in his career. I asked question after question, each one allowing me to bask in the sultry warmth of Tom's smooth voice as he responded. The night grew later, the candle wax melting into little pools of molten gold on the table. Chloe's laughter rang through the room as she recounted several amusing tales from their time together at work, but it seemed like I was transfixed by Tom's subtle gestures and the grace of his hands as they moved when he spoke.

The next morning, the muffled sounds of Chloe and Tom down in the kitchen roused me from my sleep. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, Chloe's favorite, wafted upstairs, inviting me down to start my day. I descended the creaky steps, finding myself in the grand foyer. The sunlight spilled in through the open French doors, lighting up an array of photographs displaying our family over the years. Chloe was central in most of the photos. It was holidays, birthdays, and graduations. She looked so happy and innocent.

As I entered the kitchen, Chloe and Tom were engrossed in the morning paper, squinting over their steaming coffee mugs. Dressed comfortably, Tom wore a snug white tee and a pair of loose sweatpants that hinted at his fit body underneath.

"Good morning, both", I greeted them casually. My voice carried a hint of clipped politeness as I attempted to mask the strange allure I felt towards Tom.

"Morning, Mr. Harris!" Tom responded. His voice, smooth and soft, possessed a trace of nervousness. It was evident that he hadn't entirely become accustomed to mornings with his soon-to-be in-laws.

I reached for a cup from the cupboard, the porcelain clattering together noisily, distracting us all momentarily. As I poured the rich coffee into my mug, I noticed Chloe's and Tom's heads leaning intimately together as they continued to examine the newspaper.

"Find anything interesting?" I asked nonchalantly, joining them at the heavy oak table, our fingers tracing the smooth surfaces of our mugs.

"Not much," replied Tom, tapping the page idly. "Only the same old politics. It's not exactly a riveting read."

I chuckled faintly while Chloe scanned the entertainment section, marking an event on the society pages as something she wanted to share with her mother later on.

"You seem in good shape. Do you work out?" I casually asked Tom, a playful, yet provocative glint in my gaze.

Tom's eyes met mine, widening briefly, as he self-consciously brushed his hand against the flat plane of his stomach.

"Y-yes, I hit the gym a few times a week," he stammered, maintaining an air of modesty.

"I can tell", I said.

Chloe lifted her gaze from the newspaper, smiling warmly at her fiancé.

"He does work hard at the gym. It's like his second home"

I nodded, acknowledging his dedication. From there, our conversation transitioned to lighter topics - Chloe's upcoming birthday plans, a possible family vacation, and the latest movies playing at the nearby cinema complex.

The rest of the day we spent walking in the nearby forest preserve. I observed Tom as he led the way, commenting on the various trees and birds. His passion was clear for nature, and I wondered if there were any other hidden depths to him. Karen, who had been busy preparing for her next day at the hospital, had opted to stay at home.

"You are clearly not born in the City", I said to Tom , expressing my genuine interest in his background.

"No, I'm from a small town, to be exact."

"Do you miss it?" Chloe probed.

"Sometimes," he replied thoughtfully. "I can miss nature. You are very lucky, Mr Harris."

Tom's words hung in the air as we walked behind Chloe along the woodland trail. His gaze was averted. I considered this modest young man, with his well-built frame, and my thoughts wandered back to the fleeting glimpse of attraction I had observed when he first arrived. Was it my imagination running wild, or was there something more to it? The weekend was still young, leaving me plenty of time to find out. Tom looked intrigued by the vast woodland that surrounded our home, and the three of us continued along the beaten path, the sun filtering through the emerald canopy above. I gently pointed out various rare flowers that only grew in these parts. It was a beautiful, crisp day in the early fall. The trees still had a lot of green left, but the shades of red, orange, and yellow were emerging, creating a colorful panorama around us. A soft breeze rustled through the leaves with a gentle whisper. I deliberately kept a mild distance from Tom and Chloe as they navigated the unfamiliar woodland terrain as we headed back to the house.

Chloe excused herself and said she needed to freshen up a little before dinner. Tom and I remained in the kitchen, the warm scent of coffee still lingering in the air. As she ascended the grand staircase, I asked Tom if he wanted a drink to prepare himself for dinner.

"Um, sure. If you don't mind," Tom responded cautiously.

I walked to the liquor cabinet, my eyes lingering on Tom's sculpted back and firm ass as he stood near the sink washing his hands. I picked out a bottle of Scotch, handed it to him and instructed him to pour a couple drinks. We returned to the kitchen, exchanging a moment of eye contact before clinking our glasses together and taking a sip. As we stood there, facing each other, the tension between us was palpable, suffocating even. But he was Chloe's boyfriend. I shouldn't cross that line, even if my cock was starting to stir.

"This was a really nice Scotch", Tom said.

"Glad you appreciate it", I replied.

At that moment Karen came into the kitchen, her eyes scanning the room. Her deep gaze first met mine, then drifted towards Tom. Karen seemed to immediately sense the easy camaraderie between us, a slight frown tugging at the corner of her lips.

"I see my husband is already entertaining you."

"Mr. Harris has been kind enough to pour us a round", Tom said smoothly, trying to combat the tension that had just been on display.

Karen's eyes narrowed, an intense curiosity lighting up her features.

"How delightful, Tom", she said, her words barely veiling how taken aback she was upon seeing the Scotch. "I don't suppose I can persuade you two to save me a drink?"

Reluctantly, I broke my gaze with Tom and grabbed another glass from the cupboard. My heart thudded heavily against my chest as Karen poured herself a generous serving of the amber liquid. Tom excused himself soon after that, saying he needed to change for dinner. I watched him ascend the grand staircase, feeling a strange mix of jealousy, fascination, and guilt. I wasn't jealous of Chloe; she was my daughter after all, and I wanted nothing but happiness for her. It was Tom who had me feeling uneasy, the pattern of subtle interactions, coupled with the growing physical attraction I felt towards him.

"He is a nice boy", Karen said casually, her clear blue eyes resting on me.

I realized I had been silent for too long and forced an uneasy smile to my lips.

"Yes, quite", I assented, turning away from Karen.

A feeling of guilt had spread through my veins like an invasive vine, yet I found myself longing for more.

Dinner seemed to pass without any more uncomfortable moments, mainly because Chloe never allowed awkward silences to linger. She chattered animatedly throughout the meal, recounting her own woodland discoveries. With every giggle and every smile, Chloe seemed to grow younger, embodying the free-spirited young woman she was. Despite my growing attraction to Tom, I couldn't help but be proud of my daughter. Occasionally, I found Tom stealing glances of me, but quickly averted his eyes whenever our gaze locked. The evening wound down and we all retired to our respective rooms, leaving me alone with my troubling thoughts. I tossed and turned in bed, struggling to find peace and quiet in the large marital bedroom, feeling the weight of my secret desires taking a harsh toll on my emotional state.

Sleep eluded me as I lay next to Karen. After a while, I gave up, put on my robe and went downstairs. To my surprise, I saw that the light was on in the living room and that Tom sat in the couch there, looking out the window with a glass of whiskey in his hand. He turned around when he heard my footsteps, and I could see the exhausted look on his face. Without saying a word, I sat down in the couch next to him and poured myself a drink, too. It wasn't long before Tom's tense posture relaxed a little, his shoulders dropping and his eyes softening.

"Can't sleep?" I asked, trying to keep my voice casual, despite the desire growing stronger by the minute.

Tom replied with a low laugh.

"It seems I'm not the only one," he confessed, running his fingers through his tousled hair. His eyes reflected a mix of vulnerability and relief, making my heart ache in a strange way.

"You look exhausted," I observed, noting the slight circles under his eyes.

Tom looked down at himself, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. He was wearing a simple white V-neck undershirt and a pair of gray sweatpants, both molding to his toned physique in all the right places.

"Well, I guess I should head back upstairs," Tom murmured, breaking eye contact.

"Wait," I said impulsively, placing my hand on his arm. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Tom hesitated, his eyes flickering between my hand on his arm and my face. He finally met my gaze, uncertainty etched into his handsome features.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Tom murmured, his voice wavering slightly. "It's kind of late..."

"Come on, just a little bit," I urged.

I squeezed his arm gently, feeling the tension coursing through his muscles. He tried to resist me, but I did not let go of his arm.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I think you know, Tom" I replied in a low voice.

I shifted closer to him, our thighs brushing against each other as I leaned in to whisper softly in his ear.

"Let me show you,"

The raw desire I held simmered in my voice. I cupped his jaw in my hand, gently raising his face towards mine. His eyes fluttered shut, his breath hitching in anticipation. My mouth hovered tantalizingly close to his, so close I could feel the soft warmth of his breath mingling with my own. In a sudden, swift movement, I closed the distance between us and kissed him. A hungry, fervent kiss. I claimed his mouth with a relish that made my heart race and my senses reel. Tom tasted like whiskey and longing, his lips soft yet demanding, parting eagerly in response to my hungry kiss. But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, Tom pulled away, his hazel eyes wide with fear and hesitation.

"Philip, I can't," he stammered, his voice barely audible. "This is wrong."

I stared at him for a moment, my chest heaving with the force of my labored breaths. The room seemed to spin around me, my thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and desire. I just couldn't take no as an answer. I reached out to touch his crotch, feeling that the kiss had excited him too . My fingers made contact with the hardness that was tenting his pants.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom breathed.

I traced my thumb over the outline of his cock. With my other hand, I gently traced the contours of his face, and then I leaned in towards him once more, hungry for another kiss.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Tom murmured, even as he acquiesced to my advances.

He parted his lips to allow me to explore the warm cavern of his mouth; I felt his tongue flick out, brushing against my lower lip. The sensation sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a fire deep in my core. I couldn't help myself, I needed more of him.

"Don't worry", I said. "They are all asleep." I murmured, as I pressed my lips against his neck, letting out a moan from deep within my chest.

I could feel his pulse quickening, his blood heating up. Tom was at war with himself, struggling between his conscience and what he truly desired. His breath came in short gasps, a soft whimper escaping his lips as my hands explored the unyielding muscles underneath his shirt. My fingertips danced over the contours of his abdomen, tracing the definition of his lower abs. They were firm and toned, the muscles rippling softly under my touch. A faint shiver ran through him, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. I let my hand drift lower, gently grazing the waistband of his sweatpants.

"Philip, you've got to stop..." Tom murmured against my mouth, even as his hips bucked and pressed against my hand.

I let out a low growl as I stroked his length through the fabric of his pants. I could feel the heat emanating from him, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. I knew I should lay off, but the taste of him, the scent of his arousal was like a drug, addictive and consuming. I wanted more. My cock was throbbing in my pyjama pants, a painful ache that needed to be relieved. Tom was still resisting me, his eyes filled with fear and guilt. But I could see the desire burning in his gaze, a desire that mirrored my own.

"Relax," I murmured against his ear. "Just let go."

I nipped at his earlobe, feeling him shiver under my touch.

"Philip... Fuck, Philip," Tom breathed.

My name sounded like a prayer on his lips as I continued to stroke and tease him through his sweatpants. I could feel him growing harder under my touch, his length pressing against the fabric as his breath hitched with every stroke.

"Let's go somewhere more private", I whispered.

I didn't wait for his response, instead taking his hand in mine and leading him up the grand staircase. I could feel his pulse racing, his thumb tracing absent-minded patterns against the back of my hand. We snuck down the hallway, making our way to the large guest bedroom. I closed the door behind us, turning to face Tom. My chest heaved with every labored breath, my cock straining against my pants painfully. The anticipation was killing me, my thoughts clouded with dirty images of what I wanted to do to Tom. The soft glow of the moon cast dancing shadows across the plush carpet beneath our feet. The room was shrouded in a hushed silence, the air thick with anticipation. I could feel Tom's nervous energy pulsating beside me, his breath coming in short, ragged puffs. I turned to face him, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum, echoing the primal hunger that consumed me. His eyes, wide and wary, flicked between mine, searching for a hint of uncertainty, a sign that this was all a mistake.

But I held his gaze steady, my resolve unwavering. I reached out, grasping the hem of his shirt, and slowly began to lift it up, revealing more of his taut abdomen with each inch I raised. Tom's breath hitched, his abs contracting as my knuckles grazed his skin. I could see the goosebumps prickling his flesh, the evidence of his arousal evident in the tenting of his sweatpants.

"Philip, we shouldn't..." he started, his voice barely above a whisper, but I silenced him with a finger pressed against his lips.

I wanted none of his protests, none of his reservations. I wanted only his body, his pleasure, and his surrender. I pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside, and took a moment to appreciate the sight before me. Tom's chest was a masterpiece, sculpted with lean muscles that rippled under his smooth, tanned skin. His nipples were small, pink, and hard, begging to be sucked and bitten. A thin trail of dark hair led down from his navel, disappearing into the waistband of his sweatpants, which I was eager to remove. But one thing at a time.

I stepped closer to Tom, my hands roaming over his smooth chest, feeling the firm muscles beneath my fingertips. I leaned in, capturing one of his nipples in my mouth, swirling my tongue around it before biting down gently. Tom gasped, his hands flying to my hair, gripping tight as a soft moan escaped his lips. I could feel his heart pounding against my chest, his breath coming in short, ragged puffs as I moved to the other nipple, giving it the same attention.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom groaned, his head falling back, exposing the long, lean column of his throat. "This is crazy... What about Chloe?" Tom continued, his voice laced with fear and guilt.

I could see the war raging inside him, the battle between his desire and his loyalty to my daughter. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me, my eyes burning into his.

"She's asleep, and she won't hear a thing," I growled, my voice dripping with confidence. "Now, shut the fuck up and let me make you feel good."

Tom's eyes widened, but he nodded, his lips pressed tightly together. I could see the fear slowly ebbing away, replaced by a raw, primal hunger that mirrored my own. I took a step back, my eyes never leaving his, and reached for the belt of my robe. I untied it with deliberate slowness, letting the fabric fall open to reveal my bare chest. Tom's eyes dropped to my torso, his gaze tracing the lines of my muscles, the dusting of dark hair that covered my pecs and trailed down to my abs. I could see the hunger in his eyes, the way his tongue darted out to wet his lips as he took in the sight of me.

"I want you to suck my cock, Tom," I said, my voice low and commanding. I watched as his eyes snapped back up to meet mine, surprise and desire warring in their depths.

"What?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You heard me," I growled, stepping closer to him, my cock throbbing painfully against the fabric of my pajama pants. "Get on your knees and suck my cock."

Tom hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking between mine, searching for any sign of uncertainty. But all he'd find was raw, primal hunger. With a shaky breath, Tom sank to his knees, his eyes never leaving mine. My cock throbbed in anticipation, aching to be released from the confines of my pajama pants. I reached down, grasping the waistband, and pulled them down in one swift motion, my stiff cock springing free, bobbing heavily in front of Tom's face. His eyes widened, and I could see the hunger in his gaze as he took in the sight of my length.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom breathed.

"And you're going to take every inch of it," I growled.

I threaded my fingers through his hair and guided his head towards my crotch. Tom resisted for a moment, his eyes flicking up to meet mine, a hint of fear still lingering in their depths.

"Philip, I've never... done this before," Tom admitted, his voice barely audible.

"Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" I said, my grip on his hair tightening. "Now, open your mouth and let me fuck it."

Tom hesitantly obeyed, opening his mouth just enough for the tip of my cock to slip inside. I could feel the warmth of his breath, the softness of his tongue as it tentatively touched the sensitive head of my cock. I pushed further, my cock slipping deeper into his mouth, until I felt the back of his throat. Tom gagged, his eyes watering, but I held him firmly in place, my grip on his hair unyielding.

"Relax your throat, Tom," I commanded, my voice low and husky. "Take it like a good boy."

Tom took a deep breath through his nose, his body relaxing slightly. I began to move, slowly at first, fucking his mouth with shallow thrusts. The sensation was indescribable, the warmth and wetness of his mouth enveloping my cock, the softness of his tongue as it tentatively explored my length. I could feel the ridge of his teeth, the roughness of his palate, every texture and sensation amplifying the pleasure coursing through my veins. Tom's mouth was tight, his inexperience evident in the way he struggled to relax his throat, but I didn't care. I wanted to use him, to claim him, to make him mine. I wanted to feel every inch of my cock sliding in and out of his mouth, to watch as he struggled to take me, to see the tears streaming down his cheeks as he gagged on my length. I pushed deeper, my cock hitting the back of his throat, and Tom gagged, his eyes watering.

Finally, I relented and pulled out of his mouth , allowing him to catch his breath. His chest heaved as he gasped for air, drool and saliva dripping down his chin, his eyes glistening with tears. I wiped the wetness from his face with my thumb, then brought it to my mouth, sucking his spit off my skin.

"Taste yourself, Tom," I growled, my voice thick with arousal. "Taste how much you love sucking my cock."

Tom's eyes widened, but he didn't protest, instead, he tentatively licked his lips, tasting the remnants of his own saliva mixed with my precum. His gaze never left mine, the hunger in his eyes burning brighter.

"That's a good boy," I praised, my voice thick with desire. "Now, stand up and take off your sweatpants. I want to see all of you."

Tom rose to his feet, his hands trembling as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants. He pushed them down, revealing his long, thick cock, already hard and leaking. My mouth watered at the sight, my own cock throbbing in anticipation.

"Fuck, Tom," I growled, my eyes roaming over his body. "You are perfect." I growled, my eyes devouring every inch of Tom's naked body.

His cock stood proud and erect, the tip glistening with precum. I reached out, wrapping my hand around his length, feeling the heat and hardness of him. Tom let out a low moan, his hips bucking slightly as I began to stroke him, my grip tight and purposeful.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom cursed. "That feels so good."

I could see the muscles in his neck straining, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. I wanted to lick and bite every inch of him, to mark him as mine. I leaned in, my tongue tracing a path up his throat, tasting the saltiness of his skin. Tom let out a guttural moan, his hands grasping my shoulders, his nails digging into my flesh.

"Get up on the bed", I demanded, stepping back and allowing him room to move.

Tom hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking between mine, searching for any hint of uncertainty. But all he would find was raw, primal hunger. I wanted him, and I was going to have him, right here, right now. Tom climbed onto the bed, his movements slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving mine. I followed him onto the bed, my body pressing against his, my hands roaming over his smooth skin, feeling the firm muscles beneath my fingertips. My fingers trailed down the midsection of his body, over the ridges of his abs, until they reached the base of his cock. I wrapped my hand around his length, feeling the heat and hardness of him, the way his pulse throbbed against my palm.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom cursed, his voice thick with desire. "That feels so good."

"I'm going to make it even better", I said with a wicked smirk.

My hand let go of his cock, and started a journey south , trailing down his inner thigh, feeling the coarse hair under my fingertips. Tom's breath hitched as my fingers brushed against his balls, gently cupping them, feeling their weight and warmth. I could see his cock twitching, hungry for more attention. I gave it a gentle squeeze, making Tom moan softly.

"Fuck, Philip," he panted, his hips bucking slightly.

My fingers started to circle his hole , feeling the puckered flesh, the way it tightened and relaxed with each touch. Tom's breath hitched, his body tensing as I pushed one finger inside him, feeling the tight heat of his ass.

"No, Philip," he groaned, "what the hell are you doing?"

Tom's voice was a mix of surprise and pleasure, his body tensing as I pushed my finger deeper, curling it upwards to find that sweet spot. I could feel the resistance in his body, the way his muscles clutched at my finger, trying to keep me out. But I was having none of it. I wanted in, and I wanted in bad.

"Let me in. You know you want it," I growled.

I increased the pressure on his prostate, making Tom's eyes roll back in his head. His hips bucked, as I was driving my finger deeper into his ass. I could feel the heat, the tightness, the way his body gripped me, trying to pull me in further.

"Fuck, Philip, that feels... oh god," Tom groaned, his hands clawing at the sheets beneath him, his body writhing with pleasure. "This is so wrong."

"Shut up", I snarled, adding another finger, stretching him wider. "You're loving every second of this, and you know it."

Tom's body tensed as I scissored my fingers, stretching him further. I could see the conflict in his eyes, the war between his desire and his morality. But I didn't care.

"Now, roll over onto your hands and knees. I want to see that tight little ass of yours."

He did as he was told, turning onto his hands and knees, his ass thrusting into the air. I took a moment to appreciate the sight before me, his firm, round cheeks, the way they clenched and unclenched with each breath he took. I reached out, running my hand over the smooth skin, feeling the heat and firmness of him. Tom let out a soft moan, his body relaxing into my touch.

I could see the tension leaving his muscles, his ass softening as he yielded to my caress. I leaned down, my breath hot on his skin as I spoke.

"Your ass is fucking gorgeous, Tom. I can't wait to sink my cock into it."

"God, Philip..."

I reached into the drawer of the bedside table, retrieving a bottle of lube and a condom. I could see Tom's eyes flicking between the items and my face, uncertainty and fear warring in his gaze. But I didn't give him time to think, to overanalyze. I popped the cap off the lube, squirting a generous amount onto my fingers. I tossed the bottle aside, my lubed-up fingers finding his ass hole once more. I circled it, teasing him, feeling him relax and open up to me. But I wasn't going to be gentle, not this time. I wanted to claim him, to fuck him hard and make him remember this night for the rest of his life. I added more lube, coating my fingers generously. Then, without warning, I plunged two fingers into his ass, feeling the tight ring of muscle give way, allowing me entrance.

"Fuck!" Tom yelped, his body tensing as he tried to adjust to the sudden intrusion.

I could feel his muscles clenching around my fingers, trying to push them out, but I wasn't having it. I wanted in, and I wanted in now. I withdrew my fingers, leaving Tom gasping and bereft, and grabbed the condom from the bedside table. I tore it open with my teeth, my eyes never leaving Tom's ass, and rolled it onto my throbbing cock. I coated myself generously with lube, my heart pounding in my chest as I positioned myself behind him. I grasped his hips, my fingers digging into his flesh, and lined myself up with his hole. Tom tensed, his body going rigid as he anticipated my entry.

"Relax, Tom," I growled, my voice low and commanding. "You can take it."

And with that, I pushed forward, feeling the head of my cock breach his tight ring of muscle. Tom let out a guttural moan, his body tensing as he tried to adjust to my size. I could feel his muscles clenching around me, fighting to push me out, but I wasn't having it. I gripped his hips tighter, my fingers digging into his flesh, and pushed forward, burying myself balls-deep in his tight little ass.

"Fuck, Philip!" Tom cried out, his body shuddering as I bottomed out inside him. "You're so fucking big!"

I could feel his muscles pulsing around me, his body struggling to accommodate my thickness. I gave him a moment to adjust, my breath hot on his back as I spoke.

"You're taking it like a good boy, Tom. Now, let's see if you can handle this."

Before he could respond, I pulled back, my cock sliding out of his ass until only the tip remained. Then, with a grunt, I slammed back into him, burying myself to the hilt. Tom's cry echoed through the room, a mix of pain and pleasure that sent a jolt of satisfaction through me. I could feel his body trembling, his muscles clenching around my cock as he tried to adapt to my punishing rhythm.

I reached around, grasping his cock in my hand, feeling the heat and hardness of him. I began to stroke him in time with my thrusts, my grip tight and purposeful.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom groaned, his body tensing as I hit that sweet spot inside him. "That feels so fucking good."

"I know it does, you little slut," I growled, my voice thick with desire. "You love taking my cock, don't you?"

Tom hesitated for a moment, his body tensing as he struggled with his own desires.

But I wasn't about to let him back out now. I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me, my eyes burning into his.

"Don't fucking tell me you don't want this, Tom," I growled.

Tom's lips parted, a soft moan escaping as I began to move inside him again, my cock sliding in and out of his tight ass in a slow, steady rhythm. I could feel his body relaxing, his muscles unclenching as he gave himself over to the pleasure. I released my grip on his chin, my hand moving to his shoulder, holding him in place as I increased the pace of my thrusts.

"Fuck, Philip," Tom groaned, his head falling forward, his hair hanging in sweaty curls around his face. "You're fucking me so good."

"Damn right I am," I growled, my nails digging into his shoulder, marking him as mine. "You're my little fuck toy, aren't you? Here to take my cock whenever I want."

Tom's only response was a guttural moan, his body arching into mine, seeking more of my punishing thrusts. I could feel his ass clenching around me, his body hungry for release, but I wasn't ready to let him come yet. I wanted to draw this out, to make him beg for it. I released my grip on his shoulder, my hand moving to his throat, wrapping around it possessively. I could feel his pulse throbbing against my palm, his breath coming in short, ragged puffs as I continued to pound into him. I wanted to consume him, to own him, to make him mine in every way imaginable.

"Touch yourself, Tom," I commanded, my voice harsh and growly. "Make yourself come while I fuck you."

Tom hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking up to meet mine, uncertainty and embarrassment written all over his face. But I didn't give a fuck. I wanted to see him writhe in pleasure, to watch as he brought himself to the edge and back again. And I wanted to do it while I was buried deep inside of him.

"Do it," I growled, my voice low and commanding.

Tom hesitated for a moment longer before his hand moved between his thighs, his fingers finding his rock-hard cock. I could feel him tense as he began to stroke himself, matching the rhythm of my thrusts. I tightened my grip around his throat, feeling his pulse race under my fingertips as I fucked him harder and deeper.

"Oh fuck, Philip," Tom moaned, his voice strained as he struggled to maintain his composure.

The sight of my cock being buried in Chloe's boyfriend's ass was turning me on beyond belief. I could feel the tightness of his ass gripping on to my length, trying to pull me in deeper. His fingers moved faster and faster, his face contorted in pleasure as he approached his peak.

I tightened my grip around his throat, choking him slightly, and his eyes met mine, wide and filled with desire.

"You're close, aren't you?" I growled, increasing my pace.

Tom nodded, unable to speak, his fingers a blur as they moved up and down his cock.

"Good boy," I growled, my gaze fixated on his hand, the way it moved with an almost mechanical precision.

I could feel my own orgasm building, the pressure in my balls growing tighter with each thrust, but I wasn't ready for it to be over yet. I wanted to see Tom come undone, to feel him tighten around my cock as he reached his peak.

"Fuck, Tom," I growled, my voice low and guttural. "Come for me."

With one final stroke, Tom's body tensed, his eyes squeezing shut as he cried out my name, his cock jerking in his hand. I could feel him pulsing around me, his cum painting the sheets beneath us as he shook with the intensity of his orgasm. I couldn't hold back any longer, the sight of his body trembling in pleasure, the feeling of him clenching around me was too much to handle.

With a grunt, I pulled out of him, my cock glistening with lube and his ass juices. I pulled off the condom and started stroking myself.

"Turn around", I ordered.

Tom did what I asked, his body twisting from his hands and knees to facing me on the bed. His cock was still moist with his cum and he was still breathing hard -- his chest heaving up and down. The sight of him like that, spent and exhausted and beautiful made my blood boil with desire. I couldn't resist the urge any longer. I gripped my cock tightly in my hand, stroking it in long, hard strokes as I aimed my tip at Tom's heaving chest. My breath caught in my throat as I felt my orgasm building, the pressure in my balls growing tighter and tighter. With a final thrust, I came, my hot cum spurting from the tip of my cock, painting Tom's muscled chest with long, thick ropes of it. I could feel my legs shaking, my body trembling as I emptied myself onto him, claiming him as mine.

Tom looked up at me, his eyes wide. He reached up, his fingers brushing against the sticky mess on his chest, before lifting them to his lips, tasting me. A small smile lit up his face, the sight of him enjoying the taste of my cum sending another wave of desire coursing through me.

My hand found his, our fingers intertwining as I pulled him towards me. We kissed, our tongues dancing together, spreading the taste of my cum between us. I pushed him back onto the bed, his body falling back gracefully, a smear of my cum still on his stomach. I stared down at him, my heart racing as I took in the sight of him, spent and laid bare before me. The enormity of what I had done, hit me like a ton of bricks. I had betrayed my family, my wife, and my daughter, but it felt so fucking good. I swallowed hard, fighting back the guilt that threatened to overwhelm me. My cock twitched, still half-hard and covered in Tom's and my cum. I couldn't let myself regret this. Not now, not when the pleasure was still coursing through my veins.

I leaned down, my lips finding Tom's once more, my tongue probing his mouth, searching for the taste of me. But he seemed anxious now , his breathing quickening, his body tensing. I pulled back, my gaze roaming over his flushed face, the beads of sweat on his forehead, the flush color creeping up his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked, the concern lacing my voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tom stammered, swallowing hard. "It's just. We shouldn't have..."

Tom's voice tapered off as he looked up at me, guilt and shame etched in his features.

"Hey, don't worry about it," I reassured him, as I traced a finger down his chest, marveling at the way his muscles tensed under my touch. "It's our little secret, Tom" I added.

He nodded slowly, his anxiety slowly dissipating as I continued to caress him.

I glanced over at the clock on the bedside table, the glowing red numbers reading 3:04 AM. We really needed to get some rest before the morning came. I climbed off the bed, my muscles protesting at the movement. I looked back at Tom, who was still lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

"Tom," I said softly, "Let's get some sleep," I said, my voice still low and soothing.

Tom nodded and swung his legs off the bed, standing up carefully. I handed him his sweatpants, and he pulled them on, not meeting my gaze.

"I hope we can keep this a secret, Tom," I said, my voice thick with intensity. "It's important to both of us."

I knew I had crossed a line, but the desire that burned between us was too strong to ignore. The way Tom submitted to my authority, his tracks of helplessness protected by his awkward manners, made the thrill worth it.

"Yes, of course, Philip," Tom murmured, still looking down.

I watched him for a moment, taking in his tousled hair, flushed cheeks, and the way he avoided my gaze. I knew I should feel guilty for what I had done, but there was a small part of me that couldn't regret the pleasure we had shared. I shook my head, dismissing the thoughts, and walked towards the door.

"Get some rest, Tom," I said, before stepping out and closing the door behind me.

The hallway was dark and quiet, the soft glow of the nightlight casting long shadows on the walls.

I stood outside the bedroom door, listening to the sounds of my wife's breathing, her body curled up in the embrace of sleep. I closed the door quietly, careful not to disturb my wife. The darkness of the room swallowed me up, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew I shouldn't be here, in my marital bed, after what I had done. But the exhaustion of the day and the tension that had built up inside of me was too much to resist. I let out a deep sigh, burying my face into the pillow and allowing the waves of relief to wash over me. I had successfully kept my secret, but the guilt still lingered like a shadow in the back of my mind.

The mood at breakfast the next morning was weird, to say the least. Chloe was unusually quiet, her eyes evading my gaze whenever they met. Tom, meanwhile, was focused intently on his scrambled eggs, hardly saying a word. I pretended not to notice the tension, busying myself with pouring the coffee and cutting the toast.

As we ate, my mind raced, trying to figure out if either of them suspected what had happened the night before. I watched as Chloe picked at her food, pushing the scrambled eggs around on her plate with her fork and nibbling at a corner of the toast. She seemed lost in thought, her eyes glazed over as if she was a million miles away. Tom, on the other hand, was focused on his food, his gaze fixed on his plate. He too seemed distant and lost in thought.

I wondered if they could sense the guilt eating away at me. I tried to brush off the feeling and asked casually about their plans for the day. Chloe mentioned that she and Tom had some open houses to visit, and Karen mentioned that she had a surgery to perform. I busied myself with the dishes, eager for some moment of solitude.

Once alone in my study, I allowed myself to replay the events of the previous night. I thought about Tom's body, his soft whimpers, and my growing fascination with him. It was the most intense sexual experience of my life , and I couldn't help but crave more. I had crossed a line, but the pleasure and excitement that coursed through me was a powerful drug. I found myself replaying the encounter in my mind, again and again, unable to shake the memories. But I knew that I couldn't let it happen again. It was a one-time thing, a mistake, a moment of weakness. I had to push it to the back of my mind and move on. My thoughts were interrupted by Karen knocking on the door. She wanted me to know that Chloe and Tom were about to leave for the city.

When I came out into the hall, Chloe and Tom were already at the door, ready to go. They both looked up as I approached, their faces still carrying the same strange tension from breakfast. I tried to smile, but it felt forced and unnatural.

Chloe gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, her lips cold against my skin. Tom nodded, his gaze flicking away from mine. I could feel a knot of guilt forming in my stomach, heavy and leaden.

"Have a good day," I said weakly as they stepped out onto the porch.

"You too," Chloe called back over her shoulder, a hint of unease in her voice.

Watching my daughter and her fiancé leave, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in my stomach. What had transpired between Tom and me, I couldn't explain, but it had shaken me to my core. As I gazed out into the garden, the sun now rising against the horizon, I couldn't shake the sight of Tom beneath me. Every muscle straining with effort, eyes glazing over with pleasure as I thrust into him. I had to keep it like that, just a memory.

Next: Chapter 2

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