My Friend Jake Stays the Night

By moc.kooltuo@selatSRJ

Published on Dec 7, 2024



My Friend Jake Stays the Night

All characters are over 18.

It was the summer before uni, and I had for the first time the house to myself. My parents had taken my brother to tour Europe, while I worked at one of the coffee shops along the beachfront.

As any responsible 18 year old, I decided the first night to invite some friends over, though the only one who could make it was Jake. Jake was a swimmer, and would be out in the water most days. He had curly brown hair, a cheeky grin that girls loved, and a toned six pack from incessant exercise. He was the perfect package, bar one thing.

I waved him in, 'Hi short stuff'

Jake scowled at me, raising his entire 5'7 self, and shoving past me, his bag clinking as he pushed past me and made his way to my room. I grabbed some glasses and followed behind him, as he pulled out a bottle of rum and some mixers, grinning ear to ear. 'we're finishing this tonight. I haven't had a proper gaming session for ages'

I poured us two heavy measures as he turned on the playstation, loading up Tekken. Jake was getting more and more angry as he kept on losing.

'That tackles bullshit,' he complained, 'how am I meant to counter that's - '

'That tackles bullshit - nah, get good scrub' I laughed. This comment earned me a shove, spilling most of my drink as we both laughed.

After a few hours and more drinks we were both pissed, and decided to head to bed. I took my bed and Jake took the sofa in my room. I did my best not to stare as he took off his shirt and jeans, standing there in just his boxers. He must have caught me looking as he laughed, did a little flex for me and dove under the blanket I had laid out for him.

It took me a while to fall asleep, after seeing one of my hot friends strip Infront of me I was a hard as a rock, but thought better than to take care of it. There's nothing more distracting to sleep than just lying there, hard - not able to touch it. I lay there for what must have been half an hour, the kind of awkward stillness when you're trying not to disturb anyone.

A small shifting in the corner of my eye got my attention. I turned my head slowly to the sofa and I could see jake there, slowly sitting up, looking at my direction.

He whispered to me, 'Stephen?'

I don't know why, but I just lay there quiet. After a minute or two he lay down, and it was then I noticed an obvious bulge under the covers. I heard a faint snap, as his hand moved down to his crotch. 'he must have taken off his boxers' I thought. The idea of my best friend hard and naked not 10ft from me was getting me so hard, I could feel my dick leaking. I quietly took one hand and grabbed my dick, slowly rubbing the head and tightening and loosening my grip, so as to not make a noise. Jake at this point had no such restraint, I saw the blanket move rapidly as he jerked off with all the subtlety of a jack hammer, the sheets moving with him. After a minute he grunted, looked towards me, and moved the sheet out of his way. I almost came there, his, watching his taut body, one hand fisting his cock, the other he had on his chest. The speed his hand was going, I was surprised he had lasted this long, but then I heard his breathing quicken and a faint moan, as his body tensed up. Watching that I couldn't hold it any more, and came hard into my boxers. It took all my will not to moan, I couldn't let him know I had seen.

Once Jake had caught his breath, he reached into his bag and wiped his hands on a spare t-shirt in there. One more snap if his boxers going back on and be was snoring quietly within minutes. Eventually I fell asleep as well, a bit of guilt of watching my friend jerk off, but remembering it as one of the hottest moment I had experienced yet.

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