My Freshman College Roommate

By Mark Tholtow

Published on Feb 14, 2020


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Chapter 7 - While Ray Was at Work

I woke up a few hours later feeling both better and worse. My hangover was mostly gone but had been replaced with an equally sick feeling of dread. I woke up feeling like my encounter with Ray had been a dream. A super horny dream, granted, but not quite real. I couldn't believe I'd just slid off the toilet while jacking off and sucked his cock. Holy shit.

I was so hard. The taste of his cum was still in my nose and mouth and remembering the feeling of his cock when it started to pulse as I held his balls was making me drip onto the sheets. I grabbed my dick and started pumping it in long, tight strokes and quickly came again all over my hand and my flat fuzzy belly. I licked the sticky wet cream off my hand. My own cum was no longer good enough. I wanted it straight from the tap.

As soon as I'd cum, the feeling of dread returned. What will Ray do? Will he hate me? Punch me in the face? Tell everyone? Oh, god, my life could be over. I curled up in a ball and laid in bed for what felt like hours imagining the worst.

Eventually I bored myself worrying. I had to distract myself. I pulled on a pair of tighty whities and a black Pearl Jam T-shirt and walked upstairs. I suddenly wanted to suck Eddie Vedder's cock too. WTF. I was surprised no one was there except Kyle who was sprawled out on the couch watching baseball. He had one leg stretched out on the seat cushions and one leg up on the back. One arm was back behind his head and the other hand slid under the waistband of his wrinkled boxers. His pit hair was so thick - it was like black troll dolls were hiding under his arms.

I stood next to the couch and tried not to look at the clear view I had of Kyle's fat purple cockhead and loose right nut at the edge of the leg hole. "Jesus, would you put some shorts on?" I thought to myself. Why is there a dick everywhere I look today? I wanted to climb over the arm of the couch and lick the end of that plump, soft cock and make it get hard in my mouth. I immediately popped a boner and quickly turned around and headed into the kitchen before he noticed.

"You want a beer?" I asked. "I need a little hair of the dog."

"Sure" he said. "Get one from the Keg in the shower though - we need to finish it off." He paused a moment and then added, "So did you get some last night? I saw you making out with Kristin. Why didn't she stay?"

Kristin. Holy shit. I barely remember making out with her. I remember taking off her bra and getting my hand in her panties. God, those tits are perfect. My cock got even harder. What happened? I was more wasted than I thought last night.

"She went downstairs with you. You asked to borrow my bong and took off with her" Kyle said.

"Well that might explain why I woke up naked from the waist down. I'm pretty sure I passed out on her though. I think I'd remember getting my dick wet - especially with her. I hope she forgives me. I was so baked. It's really your fault I didn't get laid, fucker" I said half-smiling as I brought out the beer. I'd forgotten about my boner. Fuck.

"Dude. You fucking horn dog. Just talking about her gave you wood. You definitely did not get any last night. That's what we, in the sports field, call a missed opportunity" Kyle said.

"No shit. I wonder if I'll get another shot at it?" I said now feeling bummed but also relieved that I had another reason for the tent in my underwear.

"Is Ray still sleeping?" Kyle asked.

"No, he had to work at 10:00."

"Wow, that's brutal. He was feeling no pain last night. He went to bed alone too though." Kyle said. "That boy needs to get laid. He could have had literally any girl at the party last night. They were practically throwing their panties at him."

"Like Tom Jones?" I said.

"Tom who?" Kyle asked.

"You know, the British - never mind. Ray's got too much catholic guilt." I said.

"Well blow jobs aren't a sin, are they? That's what my junior high girlfriend said anyway. They'd have lined up to give him head too." He said.

"You got blown in junior high?" I asked but it was more of a jealous statement.

"Every goddamned day, bro! My very first girlfriend, Maggie. She loved sucking my dick. Haven't really had as good a one since actually. I'd enjoy the half-assed ones now a lot more if it wasn't for her. She set the bar so fucking high."

"Did she eventually give it up for you?" I asked, now throbbing at the movie in my head of someone sucking Kyle's junior high boner.

"Nope. I was a total dick. I broke up with her because she wouldn't fuck me. I'd just turned 14 for Christ's sakes and getting the best head of my life. So stupid. I'd been jacking off since I was ten though. I was impatient. I got laid in about four days after we broke up. An older girl. It was hot - I'm not complaining; I was pretty fucking proud of myself. But when you're used to getting head every day, I was a little bummed to go back to my hand for my regular relief; you know what I mean?"

Kyle had gotten hard reliving the loss of his virginity. I had to keep my eyes on the game. The players big cup-covered crotches were not helping. Everywhere I looked was a reminder of the fact that I'd just sucked a cock. Listening to Kyle talk about his fourteen-year-old self having sex was making my dick drip. I was also pretty sure that my newly acquired blow job skills would not be up to Maggie's standards, but I still wanted to try.

"Yeah, I hit puberty early too - fifth grade. I had to wait longer. My first blow job was at 15 - almost 16. Also, a catholic girl so no pussy for another two years."

"Bet you made up for lost time though" Kyle said with a gleam in his eye as he slid his hand further down into his boxers and jokingly poked his boner through the fly and aimed it at me.

It was all I could do not to climb over the arm of the couch and stick it in my mouth. I probably would have if I hadn't already cum twice. I needed to get a grip - figuratively.

The dread took over again. What if Ray tells Kyle? Kyle will tell everyone. I might as well just go down on him right now - he's about to find out anyway. My life is over. My great summer is completely fucked. I might have to transfer. Why won't my boner go down? The precum spot was now the size of a silver dollar.

"Jesus - did you cum in your shorts or do you just leak like a fucking garden hose?"

I looked down pretending I hadn't noticed. "Oh, yeah -I precum a lot - it's great for lube but it's embarrassing. If I get horny in class or the library or something and get boned up, I'm guaranteed to have a wet spot. It sucks. I either look like a perv or like I don't know how to take a piss."

"You are a perv." Kyle said.

He had no idea.

"I think I'll go take care of this." I said, grabbing my boner through my briefs and hoping Kyle would tell me to just stay here and join him.

Instead he said, "You sure you don't want to sit here and shoot another load across the table?"

"It's your turn." I said smiling. I wanted badly to Jack off with Kyle and see what happened but didn't want to seem too eager and literally didn't trust myself not to drop to my knees again and suck his big dick with my nose in his troll doll bush.

"Go wack off then, perv - but bring another beer down with you. We need to finish that keg so we can use the shower again." Kyle said.

"You can use mine for now if you want to." I said, hoping he'd come down naked later and walk past my door.

"Ok. Thanks. Enjoy yourself."

I grabbed two more taps from the keg and brought one to Kyle as I headed downstairs.

Because I'm a perv now I decided to wait a few minutes and then go see if he was jacking off too. He seemed pretty horny. I turned on some music loud enough to cover the sounds of me coming back up the stairs. After about five minutes I slowly worked my way up. There was a spot at the top of the stairs where I could see Kyle on the couch from the chest down. Sure enough, he had already pulled his boxers off and was slowly stroking his cock. I watched as his arm motions got faster and faster. It looked like he was going to cum and then he stopped and played with his balls. Apparently, Kyle was a master edger.

Then, mid-stroke, he got up and started walking toward the hall. Fuck! I quickly stepped back down several steps and pretended to be walking back upstairs.

Kyle jumped when he saw me. "Fuck! Jesus - you scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry, I finished my beer and needed another one already." I said as I stared down at his huge cock just bouncing around. "Looks like you decided to take care of business too."

"Yeah, well, I was already boned up." He smiled. "But I decided I needed a hit." He hesitated a second and then added, "You need one too?"

Truthfully, I couldn't have cared less, but if it meant getting to watch him jack off, then fuck yeah, I wanted as many hits as it takes him to squirt his load.

"Sure. Why not." I said casually but I kept leaking precum and you could now see the outline of my cock head as it strained against my briefs.

"You gonna shoot on the table, perv?"

"Jesus, let it go, dude"

I pulled off my briefs and sat down while Kyle went to grab his stash.

"Comfortable?" Kyle asked when he came back. His cock was a little less hard now but still bobbing around as he carried his paraphernalia. He seemed a little shocked and annoyed to see me naked and hard, casually twisting my palm around the head of my dick. It was making an audible squishing sound. He'd already caught me like this watching porn and seemed cool. I wondered why this was different.

"Um, yeah. You're naked." I said. "I thought it'd be more comfortable." He did not look comfortable. He looked a little disgusted actually, like he'd just nearly stepped in dog shit.

"What?" I said. "I didn't plan on stopping just to take a hit, did you? You're around naked guys all the time."

"Not lubed up and rock hard, Marky Mark." He replied.

"You never jerked off with buddies?" I asked.

"No" he said, quickly and emphatically. "Well...once with my older brother and his best friend - but that was when they showed me how after I caught them when I was ten. They did it all the time, though." He paused. "It's cool, I guess. Whatever." He didn't seem that cool.

"I've done it a few times. Boy Scouts. The locker room. It's no big deal. Kinda fun to talk about what's hot with other guys. Compare notes. I've never done it without porn though" I lied. "We might have to switch this baseball off." I laughed.

This was more awkward than I'd anticipated. I needed to Bro this up a bit. "Did I tell you about Kristin's tits, man? Holy shit, dude, they are amazing. She should be in Penthouse."

"Nice!" Kyle said, more enthusiastically, while packing a bowl. "You at least get a finger in?"

"Yeah, but that's about the last thing I remember." I said as I channel surfed for something hot while Kyle stoked up the lighter - one of those cool new butane lighters that look like a little mini blow torch. There was nothing remotely sexy on TV on a Sunday afternoon. I just flipped it back to the game and watched some more baseball players adjust themselves.

The first hit made my head buzz and made me much more relaxed. I leaned back, closed my eyes and stroked a little, not paying any attention to Kyle. Then I glanced over at him. He was holding his breath and stroking, he paused for a second and exhaled, then resumed his rhythm.

After a couple more hits I was wasted. Kyle seemed unfazed. His tolerance is high - pun intended. Now it was my turn to be too baked to stop staring. I couldn't take my eyes off that huge cock. His thick bush fanned out wide across his crotch and his big hairy balls slowly bounced up and down with each stroke.

"Your dick is so big." I said.

"I guess." Kyle said.

"What do you mean you guess?" I said. "C'mon, you have a porn star dick. Was it always big?"

"Ok, yeah, I had a pretty big dick even before puberty, but at about 12, it got to about the size it is now. No shit. Picture 12-year-old me with this boner. Everyone noticed it back then. Every time I changed at the pool I got stared at. I was cocky about it. It's why I wanted to get laid so bad."

"I can't believe that junior high girl could blow you." I said.

"Yeah, I had no idea how good I had it." He said. "Maggie had no gag reflex at all."

"This is gonna sound weird, but can I grab it? I wanna see what it feels like to have a cock that big." I said in the most complimentary yet casual way I could.

"You wanna feel what it's like to have a porn star dick?" He asked all cocky and laughing. "I guess. Go ahead." And he took his hands away and put them behind his head.

OMG. He is so hot. I reached over and grabbed it- a little like it was a science project and we were in lab. I held it tight and pumped it up and down a few times. It was all I could do not to put it in my mouth. Fortunately, he doesn't precum at all or I'd have given in right then.

"Wow" I said.

I cupped his ball sac with my other hand and felt the weight of them rise and fall with each stroke.

Kyle groaned and grabbed for his pipe and lighter and took another hit, clearly enjoying the sensation of smoking while being stroked. He took a deep hit, leaned back and closed his eyes. I just kept stroking him as he exhaled. He was clearly lost in the pleasure. He started lifting his ass off the couch and fucking my fist. His balls tightened up. I shifted on the couch and straddled his legs. While his eye were still closed, I lined up my cock with his, grabbed them both and starting pumping them together.

Kyle exhaled and coughed. Kyle never coughed. He was a professional. He immediately opened his eyes and looked like a deer in the headlights. "What's this?" He asked like a father who'd just found a scratch on his car.

"What? I wanted to stroke too - my cock is so hard it hurts, man. I hate doing it left-handed and you seemed close to cumming. Want me to stop?" I asked. That was the lamest rationalization ever, but Kyle was baked so apparently bought it.

"Not a fan of the left hand either." He said, shaking his head and then took another hit. He leaned back again with his eyes closed. "That actually feels pretty cool. My brother and his buddy used to jack like this. I guess this is why." He said without opening his eyes and he spread his legs a little wider. I just stared down at our cocks together. Mine was actually fatter than his. It looked so hot. My boner was leaking all over, making both our cocks wet and slippery.

"Damn." He said. "You make enough lube for both of us." I just kept stroking.

Without any warning, he arched his back and let loose with the biggest cum shot I'd ever seen in real life. He really could be a porn star. It rivaled Peter North. I started cumming the second I saw his jizz hit his face. I shot three times across his chest. Pretty good for my third time in five hours. I thought he'd freak but was apparently too stoned. My last two shots dribbled down my hand and mixed with the last of his load.

"I need another beer. Fire up another hit, man." I said, hopping off the couch, trying to be really casual. I grabbed my briefs and tossed them on his chest as a cum rag. He looked confused for a second and then started cleaning himself up. I grabbed his beer glass and headed to the keg.

Damn - that was super fucking hot. My boner was still dripping cum all the way down the hall. When I got to the bathroom, I slurped up our joint cum off my hand like I was licking the last of the frosting off a spoon. In the span of half a day, I'd tasted both roommate's jizz. My dick would not go down.

I came back out and Kyle was surprisingly still naked. I'd assumed he'd have freaked out a little and at least put his boxers back on. Good thing he was high. We just hung out naked on the couch watching the rest of the game. Naked and relaxed.

Chapter 8 - Ray's Back

I'd almost forgotten about the dread when I heard Ray's car pull into the driveway. I got a knot in my stomach having no idea what would happen next. He came in to find Kyle and me still on the couch, now in our underwear and tee shirts again and still watching baseball - just a different game.

"Hey, Bud." Said Kyle. I smiled and held out a beer.

"Hey guys. So, we're back at it?" Ray said, in pretend parental disapproval at our day drinking.

"Never stopped." Kyle said, not looking away from the game.

"I'm barely recovered from last night." Ray said.

"Chug it!" Kyle said. "You have catching up to do."

Ray grabbed the beer from my hand and guzzled it down. So far so good. He'd made eye contact. He didn't seem pissed.

"Happy?" Ray said, looking at Kyle after he'd gulped some down.

"Gettin' there, Bud." Kyle replied. "Wanna hit?"

"Nah, I'm good for a while." Ray said. Ray never smoked weed but somehow always managed to decline it as if he'd just had his tenth hit with Bob Marley and couldn't possibly take another one. Kyle looked at me and smiled and handed me the pipe. Damn. I did not need any more. Keeping up with Kyle is exhausting. I feel like I need rehab.

"I'm good too." I said.

Ray sat in the fake leather recliner and started to undress, complaining about how hot it was. He pulled off his work boots and stripped down to his tighty whities and a wife beater leaving his work clothes in a pile at his feet. Another good sign - he didn't feel uncomfortable around me in his underwear.

We hung out for a while, ordered Dominos, and watched First Blood on cable for at least the third time that month.

"I'm falling asleep guys." Kyle said as he grabbed his stash. "I'm headed to bed" and he walked back to his room.

"Sounds good." I said. "I'm partied out. See you guys tomorrow." The dread was almost gone. Ray was acting completely normal. It was as if nothing had happened. I headed down to my room, took a piss, brushed my teeth and crawled into bed very relieved.

Then I heard footsteps down the stairs. Ray came and stood in my door in a towel and said, "You ok if I take another shower?"

"Yeah, of course. Go for it. Long-ass day, man." I said looking at the bulge under his towel through my half open eyes in the dark. He turned and left for my bathroom pulling off the towel as he did so I could see his beautiful fuzzy ass cheeks as he walked away. Was that on purpose? He left the door open and I heard him take a loud leak aimed right at the center of the bowl. I pictured his cock with a stream of golden piss and got hard again picturing him shaking it off. What is wrong with me?

A few minutes later I heard the shower shut off and then after another couple of minutes, quiet footsteps on my bedroom carpet. I opened my eyes to see Ray standing at the side of my bed holding his towel on. His cock was bigger than before and aimed over to his left hip underneath the tight fabric.

"Ray?" I said sort of sleepily with barely open eyes. "What's up, man?"

He let the towel drop to the floor and I watched as his already plump cock slowly sprung up to full mast. He took a step toward me. I looked up at his face trying to get a read. He looked scared - like a little kid. I reached out and took hold of his hard cock. I pulled myself up on my elbow and wrapped my lips around the head.

Fuck, he tasted like heaven - like youth - like manhood - so clean and sweet. He moaned and sunk to his knees on the edge of the mattress. I couldn't believe what was happening. This morning I was drunk - drunk with lust and urgency and fear. Now I was relaxed and able to savor the experience.

"Come up here." I said as I rolled onto my back and motioned for him to climb up on the bed.

Silently, he did what I suggested. He climbed up and straddled my chest with his cock just inches from my face. I felt his balls on my furry chest and his hairy inner thighs across my hard nipples.

"Grab the headboard and go for it." I said as I reached through his legs with one hand and slid my fingers up his fuzzy blonde crack until I reached his ass cleavage with my middle finger and pulled him toward me. I stuck out my tongue and he slid his cock into my open mouth and slowly started to fuck my face. It was so hot watching his bushy blonde pubes come at me and then back away. Back and forth. I held him in my mouth so I could savor the smell of his bush mashed up against my face. I took him easily this time all the way to the base and felt him leak his sweet prejizz onto my tongue. I licked across his balls a couple of times and started sucking hard. It felt so amazing and natural. I looked up and watched his beautiful chest writhing back and forth as his biceps flexed with each pump forward as he held onto the headboard. His loose balls were hitting my chin with each stroke until they'd pulled up tight against his cock and I could no longer feel them. He must be getting close, I thought.

Then he stopped and pulled his boner out of my mouth. I felt empty and lonely and craned my neck to reach his dick. But he was backing up - and sliding downward. His left arm pit was in my face and I instinctively raised up to smell him and feel his curly blonde pit hair on my nose and lips. I stuck my tongue out and tasted his brand-new sweat at the same time I felt his boner drag down the center of my abs until I could feel our cocks together.

"Oh, fuck yeah." Ray whispered and started grinding his cock against mine. He held himself up in a push-up position and humped into my groin with his. I'd never felt anything so hot and primal. He looked me in the eyes for the first time. I opened my mouth a little and he lowered his mouth onto mine. His stubble was course and rough against my cheeks. It made me feel like cumming. We started making out like crazy - tongues intertwined - aggressively slobbering everywhere with our mouths wide open.

Then he shocked me - even more. He slid down further and took my slippery, wet cock in his mouth. "Oh my god, you taste so good." He mumbled with my dick head still in his mouth. He licked up the underside and engulfed my head and swirled his tongue around the ridge. Then he started bobbing up and down on it. His garbled voice said, "It's so soft. And so hard." Exactly what I'd thought just hours before.

"Fuck yeah." I said. "Precum tastes awesome and I have a lot of it for you...teeth, buddy." We both started laughing at the memory of the morning that felt like so long ago now. He kept going and was much smoother. He had reached down and was jacking his cock as he sucked me. Then he climbed back up and started grinding our cocks together again - all slippery and wet. He slid down and stuck his boner under my balls and I moved my legs together tightly around it so he could fuck my thighs.

"Ugggh - that's gonna make me cum." He said, as if to himself, and he pulled out and slid his cock back and forth against mine again. That was getting me close now. I wrapped my legs around his thighs and pulled his legs apart with my heels. Then I reached down to grab his perfectly fuzzy ass and slide my middle fingers from each hand down his sweaty crack until I felt his hole. His ass was clenching and so muscular, but the light blond fuzz made it soft as well. A few more thrusts and he let out a low, guttural grunt like he'd just been sacked on the field and started shooting his load between us.

That triggered my orgasm and I shot my fourth load of the day, mixing my jizz with his. I slid down underneath him until my mouth reached his dick again and sucked his sloppy head into my mouth. His cock was covered in our cum and I had all over my mouth and face. I was sucking the last drops out of him until he raised his ass up and pulled out.

"I can't take anymore." He said as he collapsed on top of me. We laid there and said nothing for what felt like a long time.

"I'm so glad you're not pissed about this morning." I said, not sure why that was first thing out of my mouth.

"I was thinking about that all day at work." Ray said. "I didn't know what I'd do when I got home but I didn't think it would be this."

I wasn't sure exactly what he meant. I'm not sure he knew either.

"Definitely not pissed." Ray said smiling, and then after another long pause, "We cannot tell Kyle."

"Definitely not." I said

Next: Chapter 6

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