My Freshman College Roommate

By Mark Tholtow

Published on Jan 23, 2020


Chapters 5 and 6.

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Chapter 5: My New Housemates

I know what you're thinking, that Hot-Dog-turned-fuck-session must have opened the floodgates of hot roommate action for the rest of the year. Unfortunately, it didn't.

Eric freaked out a little after that. I think he felt some guilt and shame over how far he'd let it get. Pretty fucking far as it turns out, no pun intended. I decided to wait for him to initiate the next round and he didn't. I thought he'd at least suggest a quid pro quo, which I wasn't up for. I'm guessing he thought that was awkward to ask for - even for him. I completely expected him to jokingly say something like, "so when do I get your ass now." But he was apparently smart enough to know that would have gone past the line I was up for crossing at that point.

After a couple of weeks, we settled into a comfortable routine of jacking off around each other again - either at night when we went to bed, or in the morning, or both. We shared any newly acquired porn mags and joked around about stroking in the shower or somewhere new on campus. It was good - way better than I'd ever hoped for when I got to college - but there was something about what happened that kept us from getting closer as friends and prevented us from getting that close to any other hot sexual encounters.

By end of the year, he had decided to room with a friend from his major and I decided to live with two other friends in a house off campus.

Those friends and I took over the lease of some graduating seniors so could move in right after the dorms closed. I was super excited to get to stay in my college town instead of going home. By this point my girlfriend and I had broken up and I thought it would be awesome to have a summer party house without the stress of classes.

My two new roommates were both jocks that had lived in our dorm. Ray was a quarterback. Not the starter but still good. He was solid and muscular but smaller than most of the team at 5'-10" like me and 185 lbs. He had blue eyes, curly blonde hair and a mustache and goatee. He was also hairy. He had deep dimples and a mischievous grin that made you want to be around him and make him laugh. I hadn't encountered many hairy blonde guys that were that handsome so spent a lot of time looking at him. He was movie star handsome. I was a little self-conscious about it.

Ray was obsessed with sports. He lived it 24/7 when he wasn't partying. We'd met playing volleyball freshman year. He was captain of our club team. We played twice a week and partied a lot together after practice.

In the house, he'd often lie on the living room floor in his gym shorts or briefs with two or three newspaper sports sections spread out across the floor intently checking stats and reading game recaps. It was baseball season when we moved in together and he played softball in a summer league sponsored by our go-to bar.

One more thing: he had the perfect bubble butt - beefy and round and lightly fuzzy. I knew that from the freshmen dorm showers, but he was not shy about being naked at the house either, always walking to the bathroom and back without a thing on. He treated the entire house like a locker room. I'd never felt his ass obviously but for some reason I wanted to - not because I wanted him exactly - it was more like I wanted to be him. I wanted to see if it felt the way it looked - like you could bounce quarters off of it - right into a beer glass.

My other roommate was Kyle - also on the football team but in a more traditional capacity. He wasn't a lineman - not that big. He was a wing back, or a tail back, or a running back - some kind of back. I didn't watch football so didn't really care. He was big and fun and a little on the dense side. I don't want to stereotype the dumb jock, but when the jockstrap fits...

He had short, straight dark brown hair and light blue eyes - a striking combination. He had a prominent nose - the kind with a bump in the middle, and high cheekbones. He looked a little like a more athletic version of the comedian Josh Wolf only bigger if that helps you picture him. He was at least 6'-2" and probably weighed 210 with broad shoulders, well developed pecs, and big biceps. The non-stereotypic thing about him was that he was a stoner. He wake and baked all summer and blasted what had already become old-school heavy metal music - Guns & Roses, Ratt, AC/DC, Dokken. Not even Metallica. Old-school.

Kyle wore the loose grandpa boxer shorts that had come back in style for Gen-X boys and pretty much lived in those and a metal band concert jersey all the time. It was hard to tell his sleepwear from his daily wardrobe. The only difference was the addition of basketball shorts when outside. The boxers left his long flaccid dick swinging all over and frequently accidentally flopping out of the fly. He had constant low hangers too that you could always see through the leg of his boxers. He was completely smooth except for his pits and pubes, a little hair at the bottom of his calves, and a solid dark treasure trail that just went from his navel downstairs.

Kyle was goofy. He was constantly misunderstanding something because he D'd his way through high school and simply didn't know a lot of stuff I took for granted. Like he thought the Ottoman Empire was built by furniture makers. Idiotic. Clearly a football scholarship opportunity.

Ever since I'd licked up Eric's precum off our hands, I'd been eating both my precum and cum load as a regular part of my jerk off routine. I loved both the taste and the feel of both in my mouth. Saved on Kleenex too. I'd been fantasizing about tasting someone else's again. I really wanted to know if everyone's was the same.

Kyle had rigged our neighbor's cable box so we could tap into it and watching the softcore porn on Cinemax was a frequent pastime when the three of us were home. About a month into the summer Kyle caught me late one night sitting on the edge of the couch with my tighty whities tucked down under my nuts as I pumped my prick hard and fast to one of the movies. He'd gotten up to take a piss. He'd been standing there for a while before he coughed and lit his glass pipe for a late-night buzz. He scared the shit out of me, and I froze and stopped pumping.

"At ease, soldier" he said as he exhaled a cloud of pot smoke at me. "I was gonna let you cum but then decided that was kinda assholish. Carry on. I'm going back to bed."

"Ok. Feel free to join me. This movie's hot" I said in a secret effort to replicate the causally free masturbation vibe I had with Eric.

"Nah, you seem to have things handled there by yourself, Marky Mark." He didn't move though.

I tried a different approach. "Can I have a hit. It always makes the pleasure last a little longer. Y'know what I mean?"

"I do, man! Let me help extend your orgasm, man. At your service" he said smiling and crossed in front of me and sat next to me at the other end of the couch.

I sat back and let my boner rest against my fuzzy belly, a string of precum dripping off the end. I wanted to squeeze it out and bring it to my mouth so badly but didn't want to freak Kyle out. Still, I grabbed my boner at the base and casually smacked it against my stomach absentmindedly and alternated between looking at him and the naked people on the screen.

Kyle packed another bowl, handed it to me and then watched the movie while I let go of my cock and took a hit. I'm not much of a weed smoker, but when in Rome - or in this case, when the Romans interrupt your wank, I'll join in.

I exhaled and looked over at Kyle catching him staring at my boner. He was baked and his reaction time was slow. He just kept staring. His boxers were tented, and a little wet spot had formed near the fly.

"You sure you don't want to join me?" I asked nodding down at his bulge.

"Actually dude, I just fucking knocked one out. That's why I had to get up to take a piss" he said, laughing. "I can't believe this movie's got me going again already. Although I am a virile stud" he said, smiling and raising his arm up to flex his bicep in a Schwarzenegger muscle pose while simultaneously grabbing his hardon through his boxers.

I'd never seen his dick hard but given its length soft, I was not surprised by its apparent girth in his shorts. "Please take it out" I thought to myself. I really wanted to know if it looked like I'd been picturing it. Did I just say I'd been picturing it? WTF. I was curious. Everyone's curious.

Kyle cashed the bowl and tapped it out in the ashtray on the coffee table. Only stoners still had ashtrays on their coffee tables. "Well I'd love to stay and see how this ends but I'm pretty sure the pizza delivery guy cums on her face pretty soon. You enjoy yourself Marky Mark. I gotta be up early" he said.

He stood up holding his lighter and pipe in one hand and his zip lock baggie in the other, and as he did, his stiff cock poked through the fly of his boxers. "Fuck" I thought to myself. It's so fucking big. Kyle was oblivious and walked around me with that beautiful boner bobbing up and down with every step until he was behind me and down the hall.

As soon as I heard the door shut, I grabbed my cock and shot my load straight at the TV screen leaving a long rope of jizz across the coffee table. I wanted to just leave it there. That's fucking pervy. I did. I recovered for a couple of minutes, pulled the front of my briefs back up, shut off the TV and headed down to my room in the basement and crawled into bed.

The next morning, I came upstairs to see Ray sitting on the couch watching a golf tournament and eating what was undoubtedly his third bowl of Wheaties on the coffee table right on top of my dried cum. "Hey Bud" he said. "How's it hangin'? You wanna play a round today?"

He meant golf but I heard, "do you want to play around today" and felt my cock stir.

"Sure - I've got nothing going on. Was just gonna sit around beating off today until somebody had a better plan. City Course?" I asked. He giggled. He had a high-pitched giggle when anyone made a sex joke. For as hot as he was and as much attention as he got from girls, he was a good catholic farm boy. He seemed innocent and sheltered. Kyle was sure he was still a Virgin.

"Sure, that's cheaper than Silver Lake course. I'll go get dressed" Ray said as he got up with his cereal bowl and headed to the kitchen.

Kyle strolled in with his stash and took Ray's spot on the couch. As soon as he sat down, he noticed the white line across the table. "Tell me that's not what I fucking think it is, you giant fucking pervert."

"What?" I said. "Must be milk. Ray's a slob."

Chapter 6: The Morning After

Sometime in mid-July we had a big house party on a Saturday night. Ray and Kyle had the two bedrooms upstairs and shared a bathroom up there. I had a bedroom in the basement. It was a finished basement with a separate bathroom across a family room that we didn't really use, so even though it wasn't connected, it was essentially mine. Other than during parties no one else used it.

It had been a good party. A lot of hot girls in not very much clothing since it was July. The group of friends that were still in town for the summer had become a sort of club. We partied together a lot, went to Ray's softball games, crashed at each other's houses. It was fun to be free and on our own but not really have adult responsibilities.

I woke up around 9:00 AM feeling still drunk, a little high, and very horny. I was always extra horny when I was a little hungover and hadn't jerked off since Thursday morning - a long time for me. I had morning wood and needed to take a piss badly. I was sleeping in just my tee shirt from last night. No underwear. What the hell? I'd clearly passed out while getting ready for bed.

I got up - a little dizzy - and walked across the family room to my bathroom, kind of surprised that no one was passed out there. I tried to piss but was really hard and couldn't aim far enough down to hit the bowl. I decided to sit down and Jack off. I was going to enjoy a relaxing wank thinking about the hotties at the party and then go back to sleep.

I pulled my tee shirt up over my head and behind my neck, sat on the can, spread my legs wide and started stroking. I hadn't jacked off on the toilet in a long time. It was kind of nostalgic. I pulled off my shirt, so I was completely naked. I was getting into a good rhythm leaning back against the seat when I suddenly heard a knock at the door. It startled me and I jolted upright.

"Yeah?" I said. "It's occupied" not sure if it was someone from the party who'd slept over."

Ray's voice said, "Can I use your shower, dude? I gotta go to work."

"What's wrong with your shower?" I asked, confused.

"The Keg's still in our shower" he said. Of course - how could I have forgotten.

"Damn. That's brutal that you have to work. Are you hungover?" I asked. "I'm still wasted. Can you come back in a bit? I'm sorta jerking off right now." I never would have admitted that to him if I hadn't still been high and groggy. I immediately regretted it, but it made my dick drip a little more too.

Ray giggled at my JO reference and clearly thinking I was kidding, turned the knob and walked in. He froze mid-sentence when he saw me leaning forward with my hand in my crotch. He was wide-eyed and giggled again. I was embarrassed. "Dude, I'm not kidding. I had morning wood that wouldn't go down enough to piss so figured, what the hell, right?" At that point I just sat back up exposing my hard-on.

Ray giggled again and said, "Well, I can't wait, I gotta be there at 10:00" and just stood there with his eyes glued to my junk. I sat there watching him watch me and I suddenly wanted him to see me do it. Precum oozed out of my cock head and ran down the underside of my boner and hung from my sac. He was standing in nothing but shiny gold running shorts with a towel slung over his shoulder. His chest was perfect - cut pecs with a dusting of short blonde hair, dime-sized nipples, and a blonde trail dividing his six-pack abs.

"Ok, well go for it I guess" I said, and I spread my legs wide so he could squeeze in front of me to get to the tub.

"Thanks" he said stripping off his shorts and sliding by me to get to the shower. Following the universal Bro code, he turned his junk away from me since it was inches from my face which meant his plump, fuzzy, round ass cheeks were literally right in front of me. Luckily, he couldn't see me squeeze my rod and give it a couple of long strokes with his back to me.

He got in the tub and pulled the curtain back. It was a solid curtain so he couldn't see me feverishly pounding my cock. I figured I'd quick finish myself off and head back to bed before he got out, but the thought of his perfect naked body right next to me made me want it to last, plus we'd started talking about the Party - who was there, who was hot, who was hammered.

I'd gotten comfortable, leaning back again, spreading my legs, pumping straight up into the air while I played with my balls. I had both hands on my crotch going at it when suddenly the shower went off and Ray pulled the curtain back all in one move.

"You're still going at it?" He said as he grabbed his towel and started drying off.

"Yeah, sorry. I thought I'd squirt my load and be back in bed, but you're too speedy" I said.

Ray was drying his hair so I could stare at his limp cock and loose, wet ball sac swinging back and forth while his head was under the towel and he couldn't see me.

I self-consciously leaned forward again, hiding my junk a little. I could feel my wet cockhead against my stomach. I was beyond horny. I was conscious of the weight of my ball sac, hanging above the bowl, waiting to be emptied.

It would be embarrassing getting up with a raging boner, so I just sat there waiting for him to leave. Once Ray was dry enough, he stepped out of the tub facing me so basically had his dick inches from my face, ignoring the bro code this time. He stepped the other leg out and was naked right in front of me.

I still don't know what exactly compelled me to make this next move but knowing he would be in that position for only a couple of seconds, I slid off the toilet seat and onto my knees. I pushed my face against his plump, clean cock. I wanted to taste it so badly. I wanted his precum and his cum in my mouth. I opened up and stuck my tongue under the head of his cock. He dropped his towel. I wrapped my lips around his beautiful cock head and instinctively started sucking and swirling my tongue around the ridge of his head. It was so soft and velvety - so much softer than I'd expected.

I could feel his cock grow in mouth. I suddenly realized I could grab his ass. I'd wanted to feel it and now was my chance. I reached around and grabbed as much of those fuzzy globes as I could. I pulled him into me and sucked harder with his entire dick in my mouth and my nose in his bush. I could feel him dripping in my mouth and almost shot my load without touching myself.

Ray was apparently too stunned to speak but now whisper-yelled, "what the fuck, dude!? What the FUCK??!"

But he didn't stop me.

His arms were up in the air like he was afraid to touch anything. I looked up at his biceps and his beautiful, fuzzy blonde pits and said nothing. I slid my fingers into his crack and felt his light fur and followed the round muscles around until I was cradling the underside of those bubble cheeks. The weight of them were like holding a pair of big breasts from underneath. But his ass was more firm and solid although not as hard as I'd imagined.

"Teeth" he said under his breath as his dick reached rock hard status and his ass clenched a little. I quickly adjusted my mouth. I remember saying the same thing when my high school girlfriend first sucked my cock. "Yes. Like that" he said. He started moaning more and finally put one hand on my head. I loved that he was touching me.

I took my right hand off his ass and gave my cock a couple of strokes before reaching back up and grabbing his scrotum. His was like mine when he was horny - all fat and tight up against his body. I held it and gave it a tug away from his body. He groaned and pushed his dick further into my mouth.

His dick was about 6" - a good size for my first time. I tried to take more and more. I gagged a few times and just said "you're big." I knew he wasn't huge. Not nearly as big as Kyle's cock but I wanted him to cum and figured that would help. I opened as wide as I could and let his cock slowly slide back into my throat. I wanted my nose in his pubes again now that he was fully hard. I wanted to smell his clean jock body. I closed my mouth tight around his shaft and pulled up, milking the precum out as I did, until just the head was still in and then sucked hard.

That did the trick. He grabbed my head with both hands and bucked into my face. I felt his ass cheeks clench hard and then it happened. I felt his cock get extra hard and his balls pulled up further. It was so hard - and started twitching. Then I felt the pulsing. His first couple of shots went to the back of my throat and I started coughing, then quickly went back to sucking just the head so I could taste it. He shot four more ropes into my mouth and he pulled out and leaned against the wall, his slick boner still oozing some drops of jizz.

I sat back on my heels. I'm not sure why but I stuck out my tongue and finally looked up at him and showed him his load. I didn't want to swallow it because I wanted to keep tasting it. Finally, I swallowed. Ray reached down and put his shorts back on grabbed his towel and just said, "thanks" and walked out. As he turned back to close the door he watched as I sat on my heels jacking off. I grunted and came so hard, squirting a huge load against the wall he'd been leaning against. I licked the cum off my hand, walked back to my room and fell back into bed. What the fuck did I just do? I wasn't sure, but I already wanted to do it again.

Next: Chapter 5: My Freshman College Roommate 7 8

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