My First Mistake

By James Freemantle

Published on Dec 31, 2011


I knew James would hide out on me. He has always stayed away from me when he got embarrassed. I called him and I persuaded him to come to my house. I could tell he was ashamed about the glory hole when he came in. I had a plan and I wanted him to talk about how he sucked off the guy. I asked him, "How did it feel to have a cock in your mouth. Will you do it again?" It was easy to get him to jerk me off now. He even let me shoot on him.

I liked to be jerked off but I kept thinking James at the hole. I wanted to feel his mouth. I wanted to have my best friend suck me off. I kept trying to think of a way to get him to do it. He was comfortable now with me shooting off on his face. I know some has entered his mouth. I begged my best friend to kiss the end of dick. I wanted to feel my cock in his mouth one time. He kept resisting.

Today after James jerked me off he was in a trance as he watched my cock. I moved it toward his lips. I said, "Just for a second. I will pull it right out." He was like a deer in headlights, "Just for a minute." He let my cock slip inside. I told him it was the greatest feeling in the world. I wanted him to give in to my requests. He always did. He always was willing to follow me. I continued begging James for the rest of the week. I could tell he was accepting his position with me. I was the alpha dog in our pack.

I guess I pushed too hard because James became quite and would not come over for a while. I talked to him daily but we stayed apart. I jerked off all the time with the memory of my cock in his mouth. It was about this time I found porn sites on my computer. I found one gay site where a guy who looked like James was sucking off another dude. I called James and I begged him to come over.

I was excited when he was back in my house. I had a new discovery to show him: porn. I told him that I had started jerking off to a site on my computer." I put up a video of a young girl sucking off a guy with a really large cock. We ended up jerking off. I told him he owed me a bunch of hand jobs since he had been scarce on me. He started laughing, "I owe you hand jobs. How many?" I told him he hadn't been her for two weeks so he owed me 28. He laughed. He thought this was funny, "What makes you think I would have jerked you off 28 times?" He jerked me off and I shot in his face. He was different today. He didn't close his mouth but let my cum drip from his nose into his mouth. He then jerked off and ate his cum in front of me.

Our friendship seemed to get back to normal. We jerked off all the time or should I say James jerked me off. I kept trying to get James to suck me but I was unsure how to get him to do it. On Friday, James was away with his mother, I was bored so I rode to the park. I was walking near the ball field when I spotted "the guy". He recognized me and started talking, "Hi I'm Phil. You are the guy from the fence aren't you? Do you know who was behind the fence the other day?" I asked him why he wanted to know. He said, "I know it wasn't the queer that normally did it. So I hoped you knew." All my senses left me when I said I knew who did it. I told him about James. I said, "Shit, please don't tell anyone I promised to keep it secret." He asked, "Think he will do it again?" I said, "I have been trying to talk him in to it since he did it to you but he won't do it."

He said, "You think you can bring him here tomorrow and introduce him to me. I'll be cool and not give away the secret." My dick was hard when I got James to go with me to the park. I almost shot in my pants when I sawPhil walking at us. I said, "That's the guy you sucked off." He stopped and talked to us about the blow job. He bragged that it was the best blow job he'd ever had. I tried to talk to James about the guy but he zoned out on me. We went back to my house and we jerked off again. This was the best ever. I got close to his face after I slimed him. My cock was close to his face and he licked my cock. He grabbed me around my ass and he hugged me. My junk was in his face. I got physical with him and I tried to get him to take me in his mouth. He was pissed again and he stormed out.

I sat down disgusted. I had messed up my best chance. I called Phil and I told him how I screwed up and that James left mad. He said, "I'll call you later I see him riding his bike near me." It was an hour later when Phil called me, "He did it." I said, "No way." He laughed, "He was at the park when I confronted him. I told him I knew he was the one." He said, "I took him to my motel room and I had him get naked. We were both naked with him kneeling in front of me. I knew he was afraid so I pushed my dick in his mouth." He was talking fast, "I fed him my cum twice. He is a good kid so don't screw him up."

I watched out my window. My prayers were answered when James rode up to my house. He hugged me when I opened the door. He looked at me and said, "We're still friends? I'm sorry." I told him that it was OK. I also told him I was I'm so horny that I couldn't stand it. I He just nodded at me. I watched his face as I removed my pants. He could see my hard-on in my and jockeys. I put my hands on his shoulder and he kneeled down. I removed my jockeys and my erection popped up in front of his face. I moved close to his face. He grabbed my cock and pulled it down toward his face. He stroked me a few times. I was commanding, "Just put it in your mouth."

He leaned in toward me and opened his mouth. I knew I would have to meet him half way. He was nervous as my cock touched his mouth. I knew he was confused. Even though he had sucked off Phil three times, it was different when he took my cock. I was his best friend. He clamped his lips around the head of my dick. My legs were shaking as I stood there frozen in time. He started nursing on the end of my dick. He put suction on my fuck tube and I knew he tasted my pre-cum. The feeling was unbelievable. He didn't move and neither did I. It looked strange like we were attached by my dick. I was afraid to move forward as I didn't want to scare him. He kept suckling the first inch of my dick.

I was ready to stand there forever. I shifted a little and James took another inch in his mouth. I had to keep telling myself to be cool as the sensation of my shaft in his mouth made me ready to shoot. I move again and my dick slipped almost all the way out of his mouth. I froze. I could feel his lips at the ridge of my dick head. He didn't freak and his eyes were locked onto my face. He looked at me waiting for me to tell him everything was still OK. I smiled at him and I slowly moved the first inch in his mouth. He didn't react so I pushed another inch into his mouth.

His eyes got wider but he made no action to stop me so I pushed in again. He now had half my cock inside his warm mouth. It felt just like I hoped it would. I looked down at him and I asked, "Are you OK?" He watched me and kind of shook his head without letting my cock escape his tight grip. I moved further into his mouth. I managed to get my whole shaft into his mouth. He didn't gag or react.

I told James, "Shit this is incredible as I started backing away from the insertion. I became excited and I pushed back inside when I felt his lips. I grabbed the back of James's head and I started slow fucking motions. In and out slow at first. Then I got faster and faster. I was face fucking my best friend. My motions were faster and faster as I was on a quest to feed him my load. I felt my balls tighten and I knew I was close. I stopped and I said, "I going to cum. Is it alright?" James moved forward until his nose was in my pubes. He had made the decision and I lost all control and quickly blasted a forceful discharge into his mouth. James looked up at me when I was finished and moved away from my cock. His mouth was open and I could see my cum on his tongue. He looked up at me quizzically and I smiled down at him. He looked relieved and he swallowed.

I grabbed his head an I smashed him into my body. I felt my cock touch his face. He nuzzled me back. I said, "We are even you erased the 28 hand jobs. You don't owe me anything." He stood up and smiled at me. He said, "Oh no you don't I still plan to get you off twenty seven more times." I watched his face and I said, "With your hands?" He said, "If you won't think I'm too weird I would rather suck." I leaned over and I hugged James, my bestfriend, on top of his head.

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