My First Mistake

By James Freemantle

Published on Dec 29, 2011


I was horny all night thinking about what had happened to me this week. I would jerk off with the image of Carl's cock entering my mouth. After I dropped my load I would become ashamed of my actions. In one hour I would be horny again and jerk off a new load. Then the shame would return. I made up my mind that I would not play around with Carl again. I would just jerk off at home from now on.

Carl and I hardly talked for the whole week. He wanted to get to the jerk off stuff but I steered clear of it. He was getting annoyed with me. We seemed to be drifting apart. I got to where I wouldn't call him and he wouldn't call me.

Carl and I did not get together the next two weeks. Carl acted normal when we talked by phone. On the third week he started trying to persuade me to "spend some time with him." I knew what that meant. He wanted me to jerk him off again. Carl said, "We can have some fun together again. Can't we?"

Carl was a horn dog and his balls were full and ready to deliver and his hormones were guiding him toward me. His testosterone was causing him to search out a receptacle for his sperm. I was the easiest prey for his offering. I was not ready to admit to Carl that I wanted to play his games. I did not want to be his gay tool.

I met Carl today after breakfast and we rode our bikes all around town. Carl was getting anxious and wanted to ride toward the park. I refused and told him I was never going there again. Then he wanted to go back to his house and I wouldn't go there either. Carl's quest was relentless and he talked me into going toward a wooded area between our housed. I did not feel a threat in going there. I just under estimated what Carl's teenage hormones were doing to him.

We parked our bikes and walked down near a stream. We sat down on a large rock and Carl started his persuasion. I think he thought that I would cave into him sooner or later and he was relentless. I held my ground and kept saying "I'm not doing that again." After an hour, Carl's mood changed. He was sulky and wasn't talking to me. We walked back to our bikes and Carl said, "See you later asshole." He rode away.

I rode around feeling like shit. My teenage hormones were telling me to give in but the fear of my reputation caused me not to. I went back to my house. Part of me wanted to call him. I knew that meant I would submit to whatever he wanted. I knew I would end up with his dick in my mouth. I couldn't go through that again. What he wanted was a large step for me to take. But I didn't want to give up on our friendship. I undressed and got on my bed. I thought about his large erection and his dangling balls. I could imagine that I let his dick slip past my lips. Tears formed in my eyes as I realized I was actually thinking of giving in to Carl. I started to feel sick, yet excited at the same time, on the thought of sucking another dick. A few times I wanted to call Carl but I never gave in. My fear held me in place with the thought that I was losing my best friend.

My hands went to my cock and I could almost taste the cum my mouth from the park. I was starting to rationalize that I already had done it once so what would it hurt to do it again. I kept beating my meat for ten minutes before I felt the warm feeling in my balls. I stroked until I finished shooting my load. I must have blasted at least six hard spurts onto my abs. I could feel the tingling in my balls. I wanted to suck off Carl. I thought, "This is great. I can't believe I'm turning into a queer." I said to myself, "I going to do it." Then I thought that to save face I would have Carl talk me into it. I would have to pretend I didn't want to do it.

I thought I have to let him start the blow job action. I was embarrassed as I thought about what I had planned. I rode my bike to Carl's house and I pushed his door bell. He came to the door and said, "What do you want?" He was still pissed at me. I said, "Never mind, I'll see you later." I started to leave but Carl followed me. He said, "I'm sorry I've been such an ass but I've had a shitty couple of weeks." I stopped and looked at my best friend, "I said, Yea you have been and ass. But I guess I missed being with you." I wished he would just grab me, force me to my knees and make me suck his dick but I knew it would not happen like that.

Carl said, "You want to come in and play Xbox with an asshole." I laughed, "You want me to do what with your asshole?" Carl grabbed me by the arm and almost dragged me into the house. We played Xbox in his room for over an hour. My balls felt like they were being stretched. I had knots in my stomach. I wanted to do what he wanted but I didn't know how to bring it up. Carl was cautious with me. He stayed clear of the subject that I wanted him to pursue.

We quit the game and Carl said, "Have you ever looked at porn?" I said, "No have you?" He said, "Don't tell anyone and I'll show you what I found on the computer. I bet I've jerked off a thousand times the last two weeks since I found this site on my computer." He typed an address on his computer. He made a couple of clicks on his computer and a video of a young girl sucking off a guy with a really large cock started. He said, "I found this site. Isn't it great?"

My cock was hard. I knew our relationship was about to reach a new level. I was ready. Carl started pulling his cock through his pants. He was boned up just like me. He said, "I don't want to freak you out again but can we jerk off like we used to? I won't do anything crazy." I laughed, "Don't tell me you've got some kind of morals now." He said, "I just don't want you to break on me again."

It didn't take long before we both had our rods out stroking to the video. He said, "They have all kinds of videos on this site. Straight and." His voice got quite and he said, "They have some gay videos too." I looked at him, "Have you watched the gay stuff?" His face turned red and said, "Maybe." I said, "You aren't turning queer on me? Are you going to the fence and suck off a high school guy?" He said, "No asshole, that's for my best friend." I laughed at him. He said, "Why are you laughing at me?" I told him it was the first time I had notice him being embarrassed about sex. He said, "I'm been so horny I would give up one of my nuts to have you jerk me off again. I miss our time together. Shit we have been jerking off together for a couple of years. Then you disappeared on me."

I said, "OK." He looked at me kind of funny, "What does OK mean? You're going to do it again?" I said, "OK if you are willing to give up one of you balls to get jerked off. I'll do it." We both undressed. I had never been this hard. Carl was ready. His dick was pointing toward the ceiling.

I said, "OK, go get the knife. You had better get a real sharp one." He said, "Why do you want a knife." I said, "If I'm going to cut off one of your balls it should be sharp. Left or Right?" I could see his balls pull up toward his stomach as he said, "That was a figure of speech, fag." I smiled and said, "Don't call me a fag yet." I squatted between his legs. I started stroking his fuck tube.

He said, "You have missed jerking me for the last two weeks so you owe me. I would have talked you into it twice a day so you owe me 28 cums." I said, "What makes you think you could have talked me into jerking you off 28 times." He said, "Well you are between my legs. You are stroking my rod. You are perving over my bone." I said, "Touché." I stroked his rod and I pointed his dick at my face. I was ready for him to empty his nuts.

It was quick. My face was in the line of fire. The first blasts hit my nose and eyes. Carl watched in horror as one of his shots went into my open mouth. I pretended to be pissed off as Carl started apologizing. I put on a hell of a show. I ran into his bathroom and I pretended to spit his offering out into the commode. I swallowed.

I came back into the bedroom with his cum still on my face. I sat down next to him and I started to jerk off. When I started to blow, I caught my cum in my hand. Carl was watching me with big eyes. This is the first time I jerked off like this. I was putting on a show. While he watched, I brought my cum filled hand to my nose and I sniffed. I said, "It smells different than yours." Then I stuck out my tongue, "I wonder if it tastes different than yours." I licked.

Next: Chapter 4

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