My first club buddy

By Ben C.

Published on Feb 28, 2016



NOTE: Hello all. This is the very first sex story that I have ever written. Please bear with all the inadequacies. Really this is something I have never done before. Please send me any comments or advice that you have.

DISCLAIMER: This story contains descriptions of gay sex between consenting male adults. If you are under the legal age of consuming this writing, please stop reading now.

I have omitted the use of condoms/protections in the story, but please do practice safe sex in real life.

While the story is based on a mostly true personal experience, most details have been made up and this story is considered a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, or events, current or past, is purely coincidental.

Nick was one of the first friends I made when I moved to the city after graduating from college. I was completely star-struck when I saw him in a gay bar for the first time. Like me, he was also a young twenty-something Asian, but unlike me, he looked like a Japanese fashion magazine model. Spiky colored hair pointing out at all different angles. Big dark eyes, thick sexy eyebrows, and a radiant smile. He was a couple inches taller than my 5.8" too. And definitely skinnier. I could see because he was wearing a very tight t-shirt.

I on the other hand was just your standard issue Asian techie that wore jeans to everywhere. I totally had no idea what to do since I was new and young and inexperienced and shy, so I just kept staring at him from the side (probably with my jaws dropped and drools dripping). I guess my stare was a little too obvious because Nick obviously noticed me and he looked back at me. I was like oh no but then he came over to talk to me.

"Hi there. You don't look familiar. Are you new here?"

"Oh... yes... I just moved to the city." I was so nervous that I barely got my words out.

"Hey, me too. We should hang out together. My name is Nick, what's yours?"

And that was how our friendship started. Simple as that. But it was only because Nick had always been a sociable person and he made friends with everyone.

Since Nick and I were both new to the city and we had similar jobs and backgrounds, we became quick friends really fast. We went everywhere together, exploring the city, the gay scene, the nightclubs, etc.

Unfortunately, I also quickly discovered that Nick and I, we were both bottoms. So my dream of him and me would one day become a couple one day was immediately dashed. And while Nick didn't really say, he had a stronger preference for other non-Asian people.


Still, we were club buddies and we went clubbing all the time. And share tips and knowledge on cruising people and picking on guys. (More for him than me.) One night, we stayed out later than usual and both of us got quite drunk. When we finally got back to my place, Nick decided he would just stay over the night. We had crashed at each other's place many times before so this was nothing new or special.

The best thing about this though was, since I only had one bed, Nick and I just had to sleep together in my bed.


We both stripped down to our underwear and got into my bed. It was pretty cold that night so we cuddled up to each other to feel some body warmth. Nick turned me over and hugged me from behind, so we were basically spooning.

Nick usually fell asleep really fast so nothing sexual had ever happened between us before. So I wasn't expecting anything to happen this time either. I had long given up any last hope of us getting together. I even heard Nick began to snore lightly.

But just as I was about to drift into sleep, I felt Nick's hand slowly moving up and down my chest, lightly touching my skin. It felt so nice. I stayed still, letting him do whatever he want. He could touch me anywhere.

And then his fingers stopped at my nipples and began rubbing them, one and then the other. I let out a soft moan. I was just beginning to learn to enjoy how sensitive my nipples actually were.

"I'm sorry. Is it okay?" Nick whispered in my ear.

So he was awake already.

"It is okay, don't stop. I like it."

Nick played with my nipples a bit more and then suddenly gave them a harder twist.

"Oh yeah!" I felt my body getting warm and my dick getting hard.

Nick biting on my ear said, "I don't know why but I'm feeling real horny still. Do you think we can mess around for a bit tonight?"

"What do you mean by mess around? Like sex?"

"Yeah, if you want also."

OMG. "If I want." Of course I want. This had only been my fantasy since the very first sight I saw Nick.

"Of course. I have been hoping for this for a long time. You know I have always had a crush on you. You can do anything you want."

"Really? Anything?" Nick smiled. "You will let me fuck you too?"

Wait, what? That I was actually shocked for a moment. As I had said, we were both bottoms.

"Yes, of course you can fuck me. But when did you become a top?"

"Just now, when I'm with you."

His hands moved down my body and reached into my underwear briefs. One hand in the front groping my dick and balls, and the other in the back massaging my ass. My dick was getting really hard in his hand, and I felt him reached down and took off my underwear. And his too, because I immediately felt his dick now rubbing against my ass.

"Let me look at your dick." I turned around, lying down on my back.

And right there before my eyes was a gorgeous 6.5" thick dick that looked disproportionately big on his slender body. It felt so solidly filling when I held it in my hand. He also reached for my dick stroking it with one hand and cupping my balls with his other. Both of us clean shaved our pubes so the touch was real smooth and sensual.

We had never really looked at each other's body so closely like this before, lest about touching. If I wasn't horny before, I was definitely ready for sex now.

Nick grabbed my shoulders and flipped me over. Now I was facing down on my chest.

He began kissing my neck and then down the spine, while his hands were slowly spreading my ass cheeks apart and his dick flapping on my back.

"There's lube on the night-stand." I let Nick know.

I felt some lube poured around my ass hole, and then a finger spread it around and into my hole. I heard him lube up his own dick too, before he climbed on top of me and anchored his dick right at my hole.

Instead of just jamming it in like how I had experienced with some people before, Nick actually took it slow. He didn't rush to force his dick in and began banging blindly. He just let his dick rub against my hole slowly, inching its way in little by little. I was actually more eager to have him inside me sooner so I kept trying to open my hole wider and wider for him.

And I felt his dick head entered me. My ass clenched a little by reflex. He paused a bit for me to relax my muscles so he could enter further. Soon Nick began pushing his dick in and out and fucking me with a rhythm. I felt the full length of his dick sliding in and out of me, and it hit my prostate at the right spot every time. This had got to be the best fucking I had ever experienced yet.

My moaning got louder and louder as Nick picked up his pace, and that in turn made him fuck harder and harder. I felt his sweats dripping all over me. Suddenly he began making noises too and he gave me a few strong thrusts that were more forceful and went deeper than before.

"I'm cumming." I felt his body shaking and a his hot cum squirting inside me. He continued to pump my ass for a good 20-30 seconds more before he collapsed on my body.

"Oh God that is amazing." He said as he pulled back his dick. I immediately felt the void in my ass.

I caught my breath and said, "You know you are actually a very good top. That is the best fuck I have ever had."

Nick gave me a sly smile. "Maybe I should do it again then. I was only trying to step up since we know who is the bigger bottom between the two of us."


"So, how about you? How do you want to cum?"

Having him fuck me again would be my honest answer, but I was sure Nick was spent.

"Well, can you finger me while I jack off? But let me face you so I can see your pretty face and body and cum on it."

So we sat up facing each other. I opened my legs wide around Nick so he could get to my ass easily. Once again he lubed up my hole and his hand. First he put in one finger. Then another. And another. Feeling his three fingers moving and turning inside me almost felt better than a dick. He also started playing with my nipples with his other free hand, pinching and twisting them.

My dick had never get this hard before. I gripped it tightly and stroked it hard and fast. And when I finally came I let out my biggest load of ejaculation ever, hitting Nick right on his chest and some even on his face. Even Nick was amazed. He exclaimed, "Wow, that's a big load."

I was now officially exhausted.

Nick and I just lied back down to our bed and we both immediately passed out until the next morning.

Before Nick left, he asked to make sure, "We are still friends, right? What happened last night was not going to change us, right?"

Because we all knew sex between friends sometimes can make things awkward.

I was sure he just didn't want me to think that last night was anything other than just another casual encounter. It was a one-time convenient thing, no-strings attached, etc etc. I actually understood it very well, and I was more than fine with it. What I never expected to happen happened, that was all enough for me.

"Of course, we are friends. Nothing happened last night. We came home. We slept. We just both happened to have a wet dream at the same time. What happened?"

He laughed. And I laughed. And this was the end of the story.

Nick and I really continued to be good friends afterward. Except we also did get to "mess around" a few more times too, on different occasions, but those were stories for some other times.

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