My First Black Lover

By J S

Published on May 5, 2000


Standard disclaimers apply: This is a story involving interracial, military, male2mail sex. If you are below the legal age in your state to view this material or if you offended by its nature, please leave now. This is a true story, but the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Paul was the man who taken my virginity and introduced me to the joys of male sex. (see First Black Lover) After just few weeks of being with this powerful black man, I was turning into a real lover of his cock. It was starting to become just about all I was thinking about. I was startled out of a sound sleep, by the sound of the door to our room being thrown open.

"I assume you have a reason for acting like an asshole", I said. Paul had just been promoted to Corporal and sometimes acted like a jerk towards his lower ranking roommate, namely me.

"The new commander wants every company to spend at least one week out in the field and we are leaving this Friday."

"What!" I shouted. I had never been to the field as I was currently assigned to a luxury unit as an administrative specialist. I was used to having weekends free. This was seriously going to screw up my plans of pouncing on Paul for a fun fuckfest at the local hotel.

"Get your ass down to supply and pick up your gear. I'll go tell everyone else on the floor."

Grumbling I went down the supply room and picked up a bunch of gear that I had no idea what to do with. I hadn't even touched most of this equipment since I graduated basic training.

** In the Field **

As we were pitching our pup tent, I commented to Paul, "At least I got you as a tent mate."

"That's because I was in charge of sleeping assignments." Paul laughed.

"Look, we've had a good time in the barracks and in the hotel, but that was behind a locked door. I don't want to get busted and kicked out of the Army because you're horny." I whispered.

"We'll see." And Paul turned and walked away.

The best was yet to come as we were told that this was to be a full training exercise. That meant placing concertina wire, (a form of barbed wire), cold meals and perimeter guards in foxholes that we had to dig. Nighttime guard duty means spending the night in a foxhole making sure that no one sneaks up on the camp. The points are scattered throughout the perimeter of the camp. Close to each other, but not close enough to actually see the next camouflaged foxhole.

** Later that Night **

It was in the middle of summer and it hadn't cooled down a lot since the sun went down. I was in a bad mood as I stood chest deep in a foxhole watching the clock hit midnight and waiting for nothing. Paul was moving around under his poncho/blanket. I assumed he was trying to settle down to sleep until his shift. It was completely dark and cloudy. No moon, no stars, no lights. Just black and hot. I felt fingers at the crotch of my uniform and jumped. They slowly started unbuttoning my fly and reaching inside my pants. I never wear underwear in the summer. It's just to hot.

"Paul, What the hell are doing? Now is not the time." I said softly. He didn't say a word as his fingers caressed my cock and brought it to full hardness. I was sweating up a storm, between the heat and knowing that we might be caught at any moment.

"If you don't make a sound or call attention to yourself, no one will ever know." He replied as he sat down between my spread legs. His back was to the wall and his head was near my stomach.

I groaned softly in my chest as I felt his lips slide down the head of my cock and latch onto my hard shaft. He started a very slow bobbing movement, never taking more than half my cock in his mouth at any one time. It took all of my will power not to shove the full length of my cock into his hot wet mouth..

"What's that?" "Who goes there?" I called quietly.

"Foxtrot." said the voice from the dark.

"Eagle." I replied giving the counter-sign.

It was the Floor Sergeant, James. He was one of those tall skinny types who are a lot stronger than they look. Like Paul he was a good-looking black man, not as muscular, but still not bad. He stopped about 15 feet away from the foxhole. Thankfully, he couldn't see inside. Paul had stopped sucking my cock, but was still keeping it in his mouth and moving his tongue around it in slick swirls. I was scared to death, but tried to keep a calm face.

"You doing O.K. in there?" the Sergeant asked.

Just then Paul licked the flat of his tongue across the slit of my cock. He knows this drives me crazy and he's just trying to test me. I gritted my teeth and tried to hold still as I answered. "Just fine, but bored out of my mind."

"Alright, but stay awake. I'll be checking the posts later to make sure someone in each foxhole is awake and on guard. Wake up Paul if you feel yourself starting to drop off."

He slunk off, presumably to check the next foxhole. Paul started to chuckle and the vibrations of his laughter sent waves up and down my throbbing shaft. I decided that I was sick of him frightening me to death, so I decided to get some of my own back.

"You like to play games? Fine by me." I whispered loudly. I grabbed the back of his head with both my hands and forced my badly needing cock deep down his throat and held it there for a moment. Then I started a deep hard thrusting of my cock down his throat. He gagged slightly, but I was too mad to let up.

I didn't even look down on him as I face fucked him. I didn't even want to see him. I just concentrated on punishing him for the scare he gave me. I could feel the waves of heat deep in his throat as I pumped long and hard into it.

I barely remembered to keep down the noise as I pulled his face hard into my swollen balls and shot blast after blast down his sucking throat. I pulled out of his throat and into his mouth to shoot the last blast. I then forced his face off my cock and it pulled free with a soft pop. I pulled back long enough to button up my fly and leaned against the cold dirt wall of the foxhole.

"Don't ever do that to me again." I hissed at Paul, who was still sitting in the dirt with a surprised look on his face. Normally he was the top dog, the dominate one. This was a complete change for him. He pulled me down and gave me deep-tongued kiss. He had saved my last shot of cum in his mouth and we shared it. I was beginning to loose my anger and was starting to feel regret for my actions. But he deserved it.

He took my hand and placed it on the crotch of his pants. I could feel the heat of his hard cock straining to be let out. I was surprised that he could feel so turned on after what just happened. It was still a dangerous situation, but I was starting to respond to that red hot cock of iron. I was remembering the many times I'd been a slave to it. Crying to have more of it deep inside of me. Paul gently pushed me away from his soft full lips.

"I won't do that again and I'm sorry. You're right it was stupid chance to take." He said softly in my ear.

"However, wait till it's time to go back to the tent. You owe me and I'm going to take it out on your ass, so don't even think about getting away." He growled deeply. "Wake me when you need relief." He said, as he slunk down to get some real sleep.

With a long soft sigh, I looked down at the face of the man I loved and went back to looking at the forest for an enemy that wasn't there. I glanced down at the face of my watch. 12:30 a.m. it mocked back at me. Five and half hours until Paul and I get rotated out of this foxhole and back to our tent, I thought. How am I going to wait that long?

** Morning O'Dark Hundred **

I awoke with the feel of a gentle tapping of Paul's foot hitting mine. "Wake up, sleepyhead. Our shift is over."

"Thank God, Let's go back to the tent so I can stretch out and get some real sleep."

We drug our tired bodies into the tent. I took off my boots and wiggled my toes as Paul snapped the tent shut. I took off my web gear, that's a military harness that you hang all of your equipment from and my shirt. Then settled down on top of my sleeping bag with a big sigh of contentment. I could hear Paul also removing some of his gear. He seemed to be taking a long time. I was just about at the point of telling him to settle down and stop making noise, when I opened my eyes.

Across the tent, there was Paul, leaning on his side completely naked except for his black military boots and his web gear. Damn, he looked good. His hot black muscular body was only accented by the military harness. The fact that he was still wearing his boots only made him see more naked. His hard, eight and half inch cock was already dripping pre-cum and he was a big grin on his face.

"So you ready to pay back what you owe me?" he asked.

As I looked into his deep brown laughing eyes, I knew that I was lost. I would do anything he wanted of me and more. I loved him so very much just then.

"Yes, take what you want back." I said. Paul knew what a sensual creature I am. So he slid over to me and started to rub his hands up and down my chest and sides. I opened my mouth to kiss him, but he ignored me.

"O.K. I thought, I'm going to be punished." As he started to suck my hardened nipples through my t-shirt, I knew I was in for a rough time. He was going to make me beg for it. I raised my arms and he slid my shirt up off my chest, but left it over my face with my arms over my head.

"Stay put and don't move." I couldn't see him any more and was wondering what he was doing. I felt his large hands slide down my pant legs, never touching my now hard cock. He took one leg in his hands and slid my sock off. I nearly jumped out of my skin when he stuck my toes in his mouth and started to gently suck them. He pulled his mouth off my toes and licked the bottom of my foot. I am very ticklish so I started to giggle softly. After all we were still in a thin walled tent in the middle of our unit. He then lifted my other leg and repeated the process with the other foot. I felt his hands on the buckle of my pants. He loosened my belt and slowly slid my pants off. My cock was hard, dripping and aching for the touch of him. No such luck. Instead he decided to run his hands up my sides and lightly tickle me with his fingers and he sucked my pecs and nipples.

As the shirt was still over my face and binding my arms over my head there wasn't a whole lot I could do, but squirm around and try not to laugh out loud. I felt him shift around and put his body on top of mine. The weight of his body was smashing our hard cocks together. The pre-cum he was dripping was creating a moist, hot, slick area between us. I could feel the rough weave of the military harness and the cold metal brass clasps on my chest. As he ground his prick against mine, I strained against the t-shirt material. I wanted to put my arms around him.

Paul had other ideas. I felt him place one of his hands across my wrists, forcing them back down on the sleeping bag and felt the weight of his body lift off of mine.

"Raise your legs." I heard him say, his voice husky with lust. "I've been rubbing my cock and keeping it up for you all night long. I've a big load in these balls and it's all going in your ass."

I raised my legs and spread them as wide as I could without knocking over the tent pole. I thought that perhaps he might finger me to get me looser for him, like he usually did. WRONG! I felt the wide tip of his cock on the crack of my ass. Paul found my welcoming hole and without any hesitation he shoved his heated cock all the way up my ass with one hard slow push. He didn't stop until his balls were completely against my ass.

Just when I thought he couldn't get and deeper in me, he released my arms and pinched my nipples. This caused me to jump and had the effect of shoving in even more of his cock into my ass. I let out a low moan and started to pant when he very slowly started to pull out of my ass one inch at a time. Every ridge, vein, bump and twitch was like electricity in my ass. I was sweating up a storm. I now knew how he planned to punish me. I wasn't being allowed full access to his cock. He was fucking me as slow as he could, knowing that there was no way I could fuck back against him to make him go harder and faster. He pulled his cock almost all the way out of my ass, only the head was left in.

I tightened down hard in fear that he would pull all the way out and not fuck me. He would leave me heated up with nowhere to go. When the head of his cock popped free I almost cried with frustration.

"Please." I begged.

"Please, what?" Paul asked.

"Please fuck me hard." I said.

"Please fuck me hard, what?" he growled.

I had never before been in such need of a cock and I was feeling humiliated by my weakness.

"Please fuck me hard, Sir."

"Not Sir." He said as he moved the tip of his cock up and down the crack of my ass. "From now on when I'm fucking you, you'll call me, Master." "Yes or No?" he asked with his cock still sliding around my ass. Tears formed in my eyes and I started to cry with my humiliation and need.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Master." I said softly, my humiliation complete.

Again I heard that soft chuckle and the cock that I so addicted to slid into me again. I clenched my ass down hard for fear it would be taken away from me. Paul started to really fuck my ass then. All the slow gentleness was gone. I was being raped in my ass just like I raped his mouth a few hours earlier. Paul had never touched my cock and suddenly my balls pulled up tight and felt hot cum spray out and land on my chest. Paul grabbed me hips hard and deep into me as he blasted shot after shot of his seed deep inside of my clenching ass.

He pulled out of me, gently lowered my legs and pulled my t-shirt down off of my face and freeing my arms. He kissed my tears away from my cheeks and my eyes and then stopped to give a long lingering kiss on my lips. He moved over to his side of the tent after giving my ass a soft caress and went to sleep.

I watched him for a short while and wondered just how much our relationship had changed. What was I going to do? More importantly, what did I want to do?

More later...

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