My Fiancee Earl

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 18, 2002



A first date after my now fiancee asked me to Marry him.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure that was fun and exciting, it was the first date that my fiancee and I were able to have after the date when he asked me to Marry him. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, and was just another one. The following is taken from my diary entry at the time.

Wednesday December 5th, 2001

My fiancee called me a week ago to see if I was available to get together while he was in town for a business visit. Even though correspondence was spotty we managed to arrange to get together on a Wednesday evening. One of the first things I asked of my new husband to be was what he wanted to see his fiancee wearing. At first he mentioned that he wanted to see me in a special blouse that I wore on our second date, it was a silky blue blouse with lace on the top and requires a strapless bra to be worn. At first he wanted me to wear a short leather skirt, but in the next email be sent me, he wanted me to be in a long velvet skirt with possibly a silky slip underneath, and I emailed him back and told him that I could definitely comply and judging by his response, he was excited!.

We talked back and forth and all we really knew was that we had only a little time, he was going to pick me up by 6pm and I told him that I needed to be home no sooner than 9pm. He asked me to pick a quiet and romantic restaurant and one that was economic, and I had the perfect place in mind and it was only about 5 minutes away from my house.

So the big day arrived, and I was getting nervous, not about meeting my fiancee Michael, but the fact we had house renovations going on and the fact they may not be gone in time for Michael to pick me up. To add to the mix, we had no bathtub due to the renovations, so I took the afternoon off work and managed to use a little wash tub to do my legs and make them smooth and clean, I managed, but it was fun trying!.

The workmen finally left around 4:45pm and I got as ready as I could without getting dressed or makeup and at that time, and finally started to get ready. Michael called around 5pm to say that he was on the way and I asked him for a little extra time and to pick me up around 6:15pm, and he told me that would not be a problem.

I had already picked out my wardrobe for the day and had it laid out ready to go. The look was going to be a little too formal for a Wednesday evening out, but I decided to stick with it as all we were really going to do was have dinner at a place that I knew was going to be empty and a quiet romantic walk. My fiancee asked me not to wear a girdle for our date, but unfortunately I had to for my hips and padding. I decided to wear a pair of silky white panties on the outside to allow my fiancee clear access to my rubber vagina, and the hard clit that it has.

I started with my makeup and decided that my eyeliner was going to be a little heavier than normal business wear, but not as heavy as a formal evening out. My eyeshadow was purple and was applied to both the upper and lower lids, I thought it looked great. My blush was applied a little darker than normal business, but again, not as dark as a formal night out. I decided to wait for just before he was going to arrive to apply my lipstick, it was one that he totally enjoyed and was a dark reddish pink lipstick. After my makeup, I fussed with my hair and applied a couple of hair clips that my spouse showed me how to put in my hair and eventually I got it to a point I thought it looked great. After my hair was set I doused my body in my fiancee's favorite perfume and that was Obsession.

I grabbed the lingerie for the evening and started putting it on, first was the strapless bra, and once that was in place I put on the girdle with the garters attached and slid it into place. I carefully put on the latex vagina and carefully "tucked" myself into place and made sure everything was tight to give my fiancee a look and feel of a real vagina. I then slid on the pair of silky white panties and fitted them into place, and felt my hard clit just beneath them and knew my fiancee would like it as well. Next were the stockings, sheer and black and would be a perfect fit for the evening.

I checked the clock and saw that I had lots of time before my fiancee arrived and decided to do my nails in a colour that matched my lipstick. Once they were dry I grabbed my favorite blue silk blouse and started to get dressed. Once the blouse was on, I tucked it into my girdle and then slipped on the long velvet skirt, it was a few inches below my knees, not my kind of length, but my fiancee requested it and I wore it for him. I zipped up the skirt and grabbed a black silk slip and slid it up underneath, it was not necessary, but again, my fiancee wanted it, so I obliged him. Once I was dressed I looked myself over in the mirror and was pleased, I looked exactly as my fiancee has described he wanted me to be. I double checked my hair and then finished off my look with pearl drop earrings, a gold ankle on my right leg and 3 1/2" black patent heels. The last thing I put on was my engagement ring, and admired it as I slid it on, and thought about the actual Wedding day and what it was going to be like.

I checked my purse and the time and saw that I certainly had timed it right and as I checked over my purse I grabbed the pair of silk gloves that I used to put on my stockings and stuffed them into my purse. The last thing I did before a final check at the mirror was to apply my fiancee's favorite lipstick to make my lips perfect and then made my way to the front hall to get my light spring jacket. As I was doing that the doorbell rang and it was my fiancee coming to pick me up for the evening. I opened the door and he immediately complimented me on how I looked and smelt and loved what I had done with my hair (thanks Sharon), I then grabbed my coat and he help me slip it on and then escorted me out to the car. He opened my door and I slid in and as he requested, pulled my long skirt up to expose my legs and slip. We talked a little on the way to the restaurant, but what he really wanted was to caress and enjoy my silky legs and I did not stop him.

We got to the restaurant, and he came and opened my door and helped me out and we walked in hand and hand. He took the lead and asked for a quiet table, well, the place was pretty much empty, so that was not a problem. Like a gentleman he helped me off with my coat and pulled out my chair as we got comfortable for dinner. The waitress came to take our order and I had an iced tea and a garden salad and just smiled at my fiancee as he ordered. We held hands as much as we could and talked about a number of things including the Wedding and which dress he would want to see me in, which is one that I was originally married in. Dinner came and we continued to talk, and me teasing him by licking my lips and such, and every once in a while he would tease me back and put a hand under the table and tell me how hard he was. Except for us, a group of men were sitting and talking and we pretty much had the place to ourselves, it was very romantic and quiet. After dinner I excused myself and went to the ladies room to touch up and use the facilities. The washroom was not that feminine and quite frankly disgusting. After fixing my lipstick I headed back to the table to join my fiancee and he was in the process of getting the attention of the waitress to settle our tab.

When that was done, he helped me off with my coat and helped me on with my coat and we left the restaurant hand in hand. He escorted me to the passenger side and opened the door and before I slid in, our first kiss of the night happened and it was a long one with our tongues dancing together. After we broke our kiss, I slid in and again, hiked my skirt up and exposed the silky slip for him to enjoy. After he got in the car, we exchanged another kiss and this time his hands explored my legs all the way to my crotch and for the first time in the evening he explored the silky white panties I wore for him. He stared at me in the eyes and said, "where to now my love?", I asked if he wanted a stroll by the lake on such a wonderful evening, and he did. As we drove to the lake, his one hand could not help but explore my silky legs, garters and silky covered latex vagina. We parked close to the lake and he came to open my door, I did one last check of my lipstick before he actually opened the door.

The night air for December was really, really mild, except for a light breeze off the lake, I really did not need a jacket, but wore one anyway. He took my hand and lead me to the end of the pier towards the lighthouse at the end of it and we really had nothing to say, except staring back and one another. We passed some people out for strolls and people walking their dogs, and of course I was the only woman in heels and a skirt!. I could hear the gentle swishing of the waves and it was definitely a romantic stroll.

We got to the end of the pier and behind the lighthouse, my fiancee took me in his arms and passionately started kissing me, his tongue was almost down my throat as we made out. All the while he was caressing my velvet covered backside and feeling my breasts through the satin blouse. We paused a few times for pictures to savor the moment (which is a reminder to this girl, that if you make out heavy with a guy, make sure to check your lipstick before pictures are taken!!!). Needless to say the pictures turned out, but my lipstick job was a total mess, I looked like a clown in them.

Our kissing continued and it was very passionate and we would pause from time to time, and then, my fiancee grabbed my right hand and put it down to his crotch, and lone behold he had undone his fly and the "beast" was in my hand. We continued to kiss while looking around, but we were alone, and I stroked the beast that was HUGE and I used my thumb to spread the pre-cum all over the huge head. As I got more and more excited I felt I needed to at least pay the "beast" a visit with my lips and after breaking off one of our kisses I looked around and saw we were completely alone. I leaned over and gently started to lick and suck on the large head of the "beast", enjoying the pre-cum that had formed. Eventually I opened my lips wide and slowly started pumping up and down, but for only short periods of time as I feared someone was going to come walking around the lighthouse and we would be caught.

Eventually it was getting too much for my fiancee and he stopped me and asked if I knew a place that was perhaps appropriate for me to "tame the beast" that was not too far away and I told him I did. I smiled widely at him and in a sexy voice said, "you mean someplace I can have my dessert?", he smiled back and said, "yes, your dessert". He then walked me back to the car, holding my hand the whole time and we kissed deeply again as he opened the car door for me. As I slid in I hiked my skirt up all the way to my silky covered latex vagina and as my fiancee drove me to a park nearby he took advantage of the opportunity and felt it up and enjoyed the stockings and garters. The park was only about 5 minutes away and before I knew it we were there, as soon as the engine was turned off, we were making out heavily, his hands were all over my breasts and latex vagina.

I searched for the "beast" and found him, he was straining against his pants and in a flash my fiancee had them down and the beast was in full view, and looking very tasty. My fiancee looked at me and smiled and grabbed it and said, "come get your dessert my love". I leaned over and licked up the pre-cum that had formed and then licked up and down the shaft and he certainly was very big and very strong. As I massaged his balls I opened as wide as I could and started to slowly start to lick up and down, flicking my tongue over the head as much as I could. I thought I was doing well, as my lips and everything was stretched as far as it could go, but again my fiancee gently mentioned, "teeth" as he groaned. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement, but my fiancee said, "here let me help" and grabbed the beast and started to very quickly pump up and down. I went and opened my purse and found one of the satin gloves and slipped it on. As my fiancee pumped away I gently caressed his balls with his favorite fabric, satin and in my sexiest voice started talking to him about all things satin and silky and could tell he was getting hotter and hotter.

Eventually he was panting and moaned out, "now Jennifer, now". I quickly leaned over and opened as wide as I could and please my lips over the head of the "beast" and started pumping as well. I could hear him groaning louder and louder and then finally exploded in my mouth and I swallowed all he had to offer. For the moment has was spent and I sat up, and just as I did, he was still pumping, and groaned, "darling there is more", it was too late and he wiped himself up clean. He asked if I enjoyed my "dessert" and I told him that I certainly did and it was delicious. He did his pants back up and we started to drive home, it was a short evening, but an enjoyable one. As we drove home, he continued to caress my latex vagina and legs and was commenting on how he enjoyed my lips sucking on the "beast".

Before we got too close to my home, he pulled off to the side of the road and we exchanged and long and passionate "goodbye kiss". As he kissed me he explored my crotch more and enjoyed the silky fabric of the blouse, and then unfortunately, the evening had to come to an end. We pulled into the driveway and he gave me one last kiss goodbye and I got out of the car and headed into the house, hearing my fiancee pulling out of the driveway. When I got into the house I looked in the mirror and saw that my lipstick was smeared all over the place and sure was glad that I did go and see my spouse first!!!.

One of the lessons this girl has learned, is to know the size of your man, especially if you love giving oral. So, we will see what the future holds, I have asked my fiancee for the circumference of the "beast", not only at the head but the shaft when he is fully aroused. I certainly want to please my husband to be on our Wedding night, rather than to hurt him!!!. As they always say, "practice makes perfect", and no matter what it takes, I will "practice".

So here is the offer:

First and foremost I am not a prostitute and none of my stories are about money for sex. This 36 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

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