My Fiancee Earl

By Joyce Devries

Published on Jan 18, 2002



A trip out with Earl and he Proposed!!!.

By Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure that a long time friend and I went on, he is fascinated with Bridal gowns and white lingerie and all things sweet and this is what happened on October evening. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was another really a fun time. The following is taken from my diary entry at the time.

Wednesday October 17th, 2001

I have had many exciting and wonderful and memorable trips out, but this one is one that I will never forget.

Earl and I have been emailing each other back and forth for a few years and have already had a couple of wonderful dates. He certainly loves the idea of Brides and white lingerie and clothing, as well as satin and lace Bridesmaid's. We have always talked about one day him coming to my town, taking me someplace while I was wearing a white Wedding dress and "getting married", having a "honeymoon" and the whole experience.

A recent trip to a city nearby had him contact me to see if I could join him for an evening, which I readily agreed!. We chatted back and forth via email and the evening was starting to take shape. I told him I had recently gotten a nurse's uniform and he asked if it was possible if we could have an early dinner. I then could model the nurse's uniform, and possibly my French Maid's uniform and finally a Bridesmaid dress all in the privacy of his hotel room. I told him as long as we had enough time that it would be possible and he told me that he would make the arrangements so that we would have enough time. I thought it would be fun if he came up with names for the characters that were going to be wearing the outfits, and he did. "Jolene", was going to be the French Maid, "Margaret" was going to be the nurse and "Stephanie" was going to be the Bridesmaid. The clothes were picked, the French maid and nurse were easy, but he chose a pink Southern Belle Bridesmaid dress that required a very large crinoline slip underneath, and that required some special packing. I also asked him what he wanted to see "me" in and I offered sexy or more conservative and he chose sexy for the dinner out.

When he told me sexy I knew exactly what I was going to be wearing, and that was a very short black skirt (barely covering my bottom), matching jacket, white blouse with white silk lapels, sheer black stockings and 3 1/2" black patent pumps. The suit I chose was a present from a former boyfriend that bought it for me, but has since disappeared and has never seen me wear it, so I thought it would be nice for another boyfriend to appreciate it. The plan was set that he was to pick me up at around 4:30pm and then we would go to a quiet place for dinner then back to his hotel afterwards and then I could model the different outfits and he could "meet" the different characters. As the date approached he mentioned that we would like to "snuggle" up with me in some silky lingerie at the end of the evening. I told him that I would definitely enjoy that and suggested that he supply the lingerie to enhance his enjoyment at the end of the evening. One email that he sent me had me intrigued he asked me, "what is your ring size?, if we are going to be married, we should be properly engaged first". I answered him but did not think anything of it, as I have had dates in the past that ask rhetorical questions and nothing happened, so I brushed it off.

So with the itinerary set, and the date approaching, I decided to take the entire day off from work of the big date to make sure I was nice and ready. I spent most of the day packing and taking a couple of showers to make sure my body was smooth and silky. I emptied out one of my Wedding dress bags to pack the clothes for the trip back to the hotel room. I pulled out each outfit and carefully inspected each one and grabbed a tote bag and started backing accessories, shoes, stockings etc. For the nurse's outfit I decided to make sure it was going to look sexy inside and out and decided on some very special accessories. I chose a very sexy and lacy merry widow with garters and sheer white stockings and of course white 4" heels. I decided that the first outfit that I was going to wear in the hotel room was to be "Jolene", the French maid, as I would not have to change out of my sheer black hose from my "sexy business look". Earl and I talked and he told me that he wanted to see the Bridesmaid as the last outfit, so with the Nurse's lingerie and such, everything was going to work out well. I went over everything 3 and 4 times and made sure it was going to be perfect, there was no room for an error, as everything had to be packed.

Earl called me the night before to firm up the details, we kept our conversation civil and made sure all of the plans were set. I could tell by the quiver in his voice that he was excited and I was as well, but we managed to plan the next day and the final details. He was going to try and get off work a little bit early and one final request was that I wore my "straight hair" rather than "curl hair". So the final arrangements were done and I was tingling as I went to bed Tuesday night getting ready for the next day.

Wednesday morning came and I was starting to get excited, once the house was clear one last quadruple check of the outfits, I had the bags right by the front door as well as my light spring coat. During the day I slowly started getting ready an around 1pm, work got in the way and I had to spend about an hour and a half on the phone, and before I knew it, it was 2:30pm!!. I quickly jumped into the shower and did the last of the cleaning I needed to do and made my way to my bedroom to slip into my lingerie. I grabbed my favorite lacy white bra and slipped it on, and then a pair of lacy and silky white tap pants. I then grabbed a brand new pair of sheer black pantyhose and carefully slipped them on, I used white satin gloves to make sure I did not put a run in them. The house was still warm and I did not bother with a robe and just slipped into my low 1 1/2 black pumps and made my way to the mirror to start putting on my makeup. I put on a "business" style of makeup, my eyeliner was not that heavy and I chose my new style of purple for my eyeshadow. I highlighted the edges of my eyes with a charcoal colour and then applied a health dose of mascara to highlight my eyelashes. I used my darker blush to highlight my cheeks, but made sure it was not that much, and hoped it would be perfect. I decided on not putting on my lipstick until he arrived so it would be perfect and not smudged.

I was still in my panties, pantyhose and bra when the phone rang, it was Earl, he told me he was just on the highway entering my town. I was floored!, not only was he going to be about on time, but I was still not dressed and had not even done my nails!. So we set a later time for him to pick me up and I started scrambling to make sure I could meet the time I told him to pick me up. I quickly grabbed my nail polish and sat down and did my nails. When they were done and dry, I grabbed my Obsession perfume and doused my body, from my ears to my ankles. I was just putting on my skirt when the phone rang again, it was Earl, and he was about 5 minutes away and I asked for a little more time. I then grabbed my white blouse and slipped it on, then the jacket and finally my 3 1/2" black patent heels. I went to the bathroom mirror and applied a healthy coat of my dark reddish lipstick, and as I smiled at myself, I knew it was Earl's favorite. I grabbed my purse and headed upstairs to the full length mirror to see if the look was right and nearly died. It looked perfect, the skirt was very short, the whole look was professional and the silky hose and 3 1/2" heels made it even more perfect. I was admiring myself and making sure the skirt was adjusted right when the doorbell rang, it was Earl!.

I quickly checked to be sure that my lips were alright and grabbed my purse and headed for the door. I opened it and there was Earl, looking as handsome as ever in a suit and tie. I invited him in and told him where the bags were that needed to be packed and he took them out immediately to the car. When he came back he smiled at me and told me that I looked gorgeous and as I grabbed my light spring coat and he helped me slip it on. He walked me to the car and opened the door for me and I slid in. As I sat down, I made no attempt to adjust my skirt as it rode almost to the edge of my panties, showing maximum leg. When Earl entered the car I opened my long coat to allow him the view my silky black stockinged legs. He drove to the area that his hotel was in and was exchanged pleasantries as he did. He did not make any advances towards me as he drove and it was comical as the place he had chosen he could not remember exactly where it was and we spent a little bit of time trying to find it. Eventually he found it, it was a bistro, a little restaurant off the entrance to a hotel.

We parked close and he came and opened my door for me, I slid out and was surprised by the wind, it was literally "howling". My hair flew around as we walked to the entrance to the bistro, I knew I would need to use the ladies room when I got in. As we got inside the front door I used my hands to try and make it presentable. I followed Earl into the restaurant, and we where greeted by a waiter that asked where we wanted to sit, and Earl told him, "someplace quiet". He found us a place and then offered to take my coat and helped me off with it and went to hang it up, but before he could leave, I needed to find the ladies room and asked where it was. He told me to wait for a minute and after coming back from hanging up my coat he told me to follow him. I left Earl at the table and followed him and we left the restaurant area and straight into a construction area!, he lead me to the ground floor ladies room and then walked in!. I thought "what the heck????", but followed him and in there was a guy working in the stalls!!. I quickly turned and left and he followed and told me, "right this way Miss I am terribly sorry" and tried to use the elevators, and he was told they were not working, that there was temporary washrooms upstairs, room 214 and 215. He turned to me and showed me the stairs and said, "I am really sorry for the inconvenience Miss, please use the washroom in the room upstairs." I walked up the stairs and could not help but notice the amount of dust that was everywhere.

I was looking around everywhere for this room 214 or 215 and kept on passing a Chinese woman that that on the phone screaming at someone. I found a room that had a piece of paper with "men" on it, but the rooms were not labeled right!, then I noticed on the floor a piece of paper that had "women" written on it. I had to go and did not care and picked up the piece of paper and put it on the door. The door was open and I went in, and quickly found the washroom. I locked the outer door of the washroom as well as the inner door, as I sat down to do my business. When I was done I made my way to the mirror and adjusted my fussy hair and touched up my lipstick. I then headed downstairs, back to the restaurant to a smiling Earl.

Earl and I got caught up and eventually the moment happened and I extended my hand and he held it for the first time during the day, we smiled back at each other and it was special. He told me that I had gotten dust from the construction on my black jacket and help me clean it off. Earl and I had a wonderful time catching up on things and the sun was coming in the window right beside us, made the mood so romantic. We ordered dinner, he ordered lamb and I ordered a Greek Salad and a glass of wine. Except for a couple of other people, we were the only ones in the restaurant and it was really nice and quiet.

Then he totally surprised me and got out of his seat and held my hand and dropped to one knee and asked me to Marry him!!!. He pulled out a lovely silver engagement ring and slid it on to my ring finger and it fit perfectly!. I was floored, but the ring looked so lovely and the setting was so perfect, I definitely said "yes!". Then the first kiss of the evening happened, and it was a passionate one, his tongue was in my mouth and I reciprocated, it was heaven. He sat back down and I had to giggle a little and told him to fix his lips as my lipstick was all over his lips. Dinner came and I was on "cloud nine", I kept on staring at the ring, not thinking that what happened actually did!. My smile stayed with me the whole dinner, and I could not believe what Earl had done, I was an "engaged" woman!, AGAIN!.

I barely remembered my dinner and munched away at it and could not stop staring at my finger. Earl was worried that it did not fit or something and I just smiled back at him and told him, "it is perfect". We held hands during dinner and exchanged pleasantries and I could not stop smiling. I tried a couple of times to play "footsie" with him and rub my silky stockinged legs up his pants, but the table was too wide. Eventually we were both done our dinner and I ordered one last glass of wine and we soaked up the atmosphere. The waiter was slow with bringing us the check and I could tell Earl was anxious to get going back to the hotel. I had to use the "ladies room", again and saw that the waiter was talking with some of his friends at the bar and told Earl that I would be right back. I had a big smile on my face as I grabbed my purse and headed for the washroom. I walked up to him and held out my finger and said, "I just got engaged!!". He smiled back and said, "congratulations Miss", I then asked if we could have the bill and then walked into the construction area and upstairs to the room that was designated as the "ladies room". I did my business and freshened up and checked to make sure my lipstick was perfect and headed back downstairs.

I met Earl who was just settling up the bill and the waiter was still there and he was leaving us, he said, "congratulations again on your engagement", we both thanked him and I started looking for my coat. It was hanging up in the back and Earl and I walked toward it, and he grabbed it and helped me slip it on. He then lead the way and, out into the howling wind we went. He opened the car door for me and I slid in, and the same as the last time, allowed my skirt to ride up to wherever it wanted to go and showed maximum leg. The ride to the hotel was short, and Earl's hand was all over my silky legs and enjoying them as he drove. At the hotel Earl grabbed the large garment bag and the tote bag from the trunk and I followed him into the hotel. Then for Earl, the unthinkable happened, he ran into some coworkers, they made a comment about the bag he was carrying, and he started to walk much faster. At first I did not know why, but then clued in real fast and slowed down my pace to put some distance between the two of us. At one point I was a little scared as he made the turn around one corner and then another and I thought I lost him, but thankfully I spotted him in the distance and walked that way.

We eventually made it into his room and after hanging up the clothes bag and dropping the tote bag, I joined him on the couch for a long and inviting kiss. He opened a bottle of delicious wine and poured us each a glass and we toasted our engagement, I also noticed on the bed was a Victoria Secret's box and 3 beautiful red roses. Then he gave me another long kiss, with our tongues intertwining, he was feeling up my legs and then finally my breasts, I had to reach down and find "the beast", that was straining against his pants. At that point he broke our kiss and said, "I think I want to see 'Jolene' now". I stood up, smiled at him and went towards the bathroom and opened the garment bag and pulled out the French Maid's uniform and the tote bag.

In the bathroom, I fixed up my severely smudged lips and then slipped out of the jacket skirt and blouse and into the French Maid's uniform. I also applied more Obsession perfume to my neck and wrists and finally slipped into a 4 3/4" pair of heels that I packed for the outfit. I put on the white satin apron for the outfit and looked myself over and then finally entered the room. I could tell by the look on Earl's face that he was pleased with the look and slowly made my way to him. I immediately went into character and curtsied in front of him and said, "what can I do for you sir?". He motioned for me to lean forward and gave me a long probing kiss and then broke it and asked me to sit on his lap. I did and he felt me up as we continued to kiss and he certainly was enjoying the black satin of the uniform and the frilly "sissy" panties I was wearing under the skirt. I kept using the words, "yes sir, no sir", and asked him at one point, "and what else can I do for you sir?", He said flatly, "undress me now". I took off his shirt, jacket and tie, then moved to my knees to undo his belt and pants. Once they were off, I was staring a large bulge in his underwear and started rubbing it. It was at that point that he asked me to stand and said, "I would like to see Margaret now, I have something that needs a nurse to look at". I smiled and stood up, curtsied him and then left for the bathroom.

I slipped out of the maid's uniform and my black pantyhose and grabbed my lacy white merry widow and slipped it on. Next were the stockings, sheer white and I slipped them on and did up the garters. Before I slipped on the nurse uniform I had to again fix up my smudged lips. I then put on the nurse's uniform and then into a pair of white 4" heels and went back into the room. Earl was still sitting there, bulge and all, and as I walked towards him he said, "nurse Margaret, I have a problem in my underwear, can you help?". I turned around and gave him a little fashion show and pulled up my dress so he could enjoy the garters and stockings, which he did. I turned back around and kneeled before him, then gently caressed the front of his underwear, he was hard. I then peeled back his underwear and there it was, "the beast", a solid 8" of thick manhood. I leaned over and kissed the large head, leaving a lipstick mark on it. Then after grabbing it and admiring what I had done, I started licking the head and the pre-cum that had formed. I put the head in my mouth and licked and could hear Earl groaning, he then put his hand on my shoulder to stop me and told me "I want to see Stephanie now".

I stood up and kissed Earl again and then headed for the bathroom. I grabbed the very large crinoline and the pink Southern Belle dress and went into the bathroom. As I was changing into the role of "Stephanie", I did notice some KY lubricant and some rubbing lotion on the bathroom counter, and wondered what it was for. I touched up my lips again and then slipped into the large crinoline and then slid the dress over my head and down. Then grabbed the matching pink satin 3" shoes and my elbow length white satin gloves and put them on. I adjusted my bra to the sides so it would not show and then went back in the room. Earl was certainly pleased and said, "nice to meet you Stephanie, you look love then this evening". After a long and probing kiss, I paraded around for him and he loved the satin material and could not get enough. At one point he turned me around and walked me to the edge of the bed and gently pushed at my back, which I knew was a signal to bend over and I did. He then flipped up my skirt and started thrusting his hard member against the crinoline and was groaning all the while. At one point I felt a hand go to my crotch area and gently whispered, "no", and he backed off. After enjoying the dress and crinolines for some time, he then said, "I want to see Jennifer now". I stood up from leaning over the bed and he handed me the Victoria Secrets box and told me, "please keep the satin gloves on?". I just smiled and walked into the bathroom with the box and could not wait to see the lingerie and what he had chosen.

I carefully got out of my dress and then slipped off the crinoline and before I changed out of my lingerie, decided to see what colour the lingerie was, as I may have kept on the Merry Widow and stockings. I opened the box and saw that it was black and at that point decided that I might as well change back into my silky black pantyhose. I got out of the merry widow and grabbed the lacy part of the black lingerie, which was a camisole and slipped it on. Then I grabbed the second part, which was a pair of long satin pants and slipped them on. I topped the outfit off with my 3 1/2" black patent heels and looked at myself in the mirror. Except for the fact my lipstick was a mess, the look really was not "me" and was glad that Earl had saved the receipt as it was still in the box.

I fixed my lips and touched up my blush and then opened the door to the room and noticed Earl had dimmed all of the lights. He was in bed and pulled the covers back for me and I slid in, heels and all. We immediately started kissing and he had his hands all over the silky lingerie, I then asked him to suck my breasts and he peeled back the camisole to expose very pert and ready nipples and he did. I reached down and could feel he was still hard and ready and then eventually slowly kissed my way down to "the beast". I started immediately to lick and suck it and used my satin covered hands to caress his balls while I did. He was groaning and really enjoying the feminine attention that I was giving him. At one point he tried to stop me and told me that there was lotion in the bathroom and could I get it. I quickly realized he wanted me to jerk him off and I said in a husky and sexy voice, "oh no dear, tonight the beast is mine!", and started to pump up and down with my lips even more. He then groaned, "but it has never happened before", I stopped and I was still pumping with my hands and asked, "what has never happened before?". He said, "to cum like this, it has always just been a part of foreplay". I knew I had my work cut out for me and I wanted his oral virginity!, so I worked even harder and tried a few tricks to increase his stimulation. One was to use a little bit of teeth, but he groaned at one point, "watch teeeeth", so I stopped.

He started to groan and groan in between my lips and I could feel the beast get harder, then softer at times. At one point Earl put his hand on the beast and started stroking it furiously, he asked me to rub his balls with my satin covered hands while he did. He started grunting louder and louder and then finally between his grunts he said, "now, now!". I opened my lips and started pumping and then he shot two little loads that I swallowed, then about ten seconds later he shot about 5 loads that I eagerly gobbled up. I kept him in my mouth until he started to go soft and as he popped out of my mouth, I licked him clean then looked up at him and said, "yummy". His head fell back on the pillow and I got up and had a sip of wine as he recovered.

I left him in the bed as I went to the bathroom to change back into my skirt, blouse and jacket. I did and then had to once again fix my lips as they were ruined. I gathered all of the things that I had brought and double and triple checked the room to ensure that I had not forgotten anything and then left and checked the garment bag. Earl was in the process of putting back on his suit and I went and gave him a little kiss and helped him clean up a bit. When the bags were packed and Earl was dressed, I relaxed on the couch and sipped on more wine while Earl was looking over some of my photo albums. I made sure that my legs were good and exposed and he certainly enjoyed them. It was about the time to go and Earl grabbed the bags, but not before adding the beautiful red roses to the bottom of the garment bag, and then we headed back out to the car.

This time, Earl asked me to right off the bat to stay a fair distance behind him as we walked to the car, and I totally understood and did that. Everything worked out well, and as I walked to the car to join him, I noticed the howling wind had not stopped. After packing the bags in the trunk, he opened my door and I slid in, and this time I actually had to adjust my skirt to expose maximum leg!, and opened my coat and used the mirror on the visor to adjust my hair.

We held hands all the way home and every once in a while he would let go and feel my silky covered legs. When we got close to my place, I noticed we had a few more minutes before I was expected home and asked if he wanted to go parking to, "enjoy my sexy legs". He said yes and I directed him to a mall near my house that I knew had a few dark corners in it. He parked and then we kissed a little, but he wanted my legs, so I sat back and slid my legs up on the dash for him to enjoy. I asked him to suck my toes and he took off one of my shoes and did it, and the feeling was incredible, but after a bit he slid my shoe back on and told me that it was not really "his thing", which I said that was fine. He continued to enjoy my legs and every once in while we would kiss. In the distance we saw car lights and the past once, then twice, then again, then finally in the distance, just pointed to us. Earl was worried it was the police, but I reminded him we were not doing anything lewd or illegal. He was uncomfortable, so we left the mall. On the way back to my house, I directed Earl to a side street and we parked and started kissing. Then the lights came back, and we figured it was a group of teenagers out to ruin someone's romantic fun, or to watch. We then decided it was time to end the wonderful evening that we had just had, and Earl started the car and took me home. I took one last look at my lips with my lighted compact and made sure they were perfect, as my spouse was probably sitting up waiting for me.

We kissed lightly in the driveway and he then went for the trunk and the garment bag and I searched my purse and found my keys to the house. He opened my door and handed me the garment bag and the tote bag and we ended the whole evening with a light kiss and we both agreed, "we could not wait for the actual Wedding day (night)". I heard the car back up as I walked across the driveway, trying not to fall in my heels on our gravel driveway.

I dumped everything downstairs and saw that the lights were still on upstairs and went and saw my spouse, who was sitting down and reading a book. She looked me over and smiled and asked me if I had a good time and I told her I certainly did and it was really nice getting out. She told me that "she was glad", and I asked her what she thought of my outfit and she told me, "well you would not catch me wearing a skirt that short ever!". I showed her that I was planning on having the skirt shortened more and she laughed and said, "it does not even cover your stocking tops!, and look at the run in your nylons". I looked down and dropped my skirt and said, "perhaps you are right". I still cannot figure out how that one got there, so much for a pair of $8 pantyhose!. For this evening I was staying in my own room and sleeping in lingerie and I asked her what she thought I should wear and she suggested one of the matching baby doll sets that we have. I smiled and thanked her and headed downstairs to my room to relax and unwind after a wonderful evening.

The evening you have read about was totally 100% reality, and was exactly what I enjoy when dating my dream date,

So here is the offer: This 37 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, ICQ: 26082876

Next: Chapter 4

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